As you know, the Mohawk hairstyle is considered the most popular among punks. This haircut was borrowed from the Indians and is considered a symbol of freedom, as well as the fight against stereotypes imposed by society.

It is customary to distinguish 3 main types of Mohawk:

  1. American, 2 fingers wide;
  2. Siberian, 4 fingers wide;
  3. Gothic, rather wide (in this case, the hair is shaved only at the temples).

Mohawk shaving method

There are 2 ways to shave a mohawk. The first of these implies the following: the hair is collected in a bun and tied with an elastic band at the very top of the rock. All remaining strands on the sides hair easy shave very easily and quickly with the movement of the hand.

The second way is that the hair is first combed in one direction and one side is shaved. Further, all the same is done with the other side of the head.

There are quite a few ways to put a mohawk. The choice of this or that method is determined based on the type of mohawk, type and length of hair, own capabilities (this means the presence of a hair dryer, financial opportunities for the constant purchase of persistent hairspray).

The most reliable and effective way considered to be the "delivery" of the Iroquois with the help of a bouffant of hair. This method will allow you to keep the mohawk in the right position for several days. In addition, it is worth noting that this way of styling the mohawk will make the hairstyle solid, without unnecessary, unnecessary spaces (this is very important in the classic mohawk).

In order to put a mohawk in this way, you need to take a strand of hair with one hand and pull it up, with the other hand comb this “piece” from the very roots to the tips. The bouffant should not be done furiously, but more or less measuredly, trying to make sure that the hair can get tangled with each other and get, so to speak, a “riser”. It cannot be overlooked that the correct execution a bouffant strand of hair should itself “stand” even without the use of varnish.

After the bouffant is done, you should move on to “strengthening” the hairstyle with varnish. Varnish should also be applied from the roots to the ends of the hair, and the roots should be strengthened in a large way. After that, the combed strand of hair is distributed by hand, thus making part of the mohawk from it. Continuing to further make “risers” from the strands and fastening them together with a slight entanglement among themselves, it is possible to achieve a high-quality and correctly set mohawk.

The second way is pretty simple. It implies the following: a strand is also pulled out with one hand, which is then abundantly sprayed with varnish and dried with a hairdryer. The main advantage of this method is that it is more “gentle” (here the hair is not as badly damaged as in the first styling method). Well, the main drawback can be called a very short “life” of a hairstyle made in this way: at best, only a couple of hours.

And hello again, some unknown nobody =) Once I happened to meet with such a problem - irokeZ) In general, they invited me to some kind of gathering of punks, everything in them traditional style, definitely look ... Well, however, these are all formalities. The main attribute is the Iroquois. I have never had to do anything like this with my hair before. Conducting cruel experiments, I was probably left without half my hair, but I achieved the result. It wouldn't have been so bad. If only I had done everything right. Therefore, sparing the hair of the rest of the population, I decided to write something like an instruction. Let's call it "How to put a mohawk, or I do not feel sorry for the growths from the head, called hair." I note: if your hair is long, this greatly complicates the task. So my instruction is for everyone, because her hair is very long. Let's start with the fact that you need to decide on its type: either a mohawk, shaped like a stripe on a skunk on its back, or a hedgehog, forgive me punk hairstyle experts. To make the animal names easy to understand, here's what I mean: 1. I won't call these mohawks skunk stripes, just let it be #1 (very cute, isn't it? P.S. sorry for stealing the picture)

2. And I won’t call this wonderful something a hedgehog, let it be number 2 (PS I apologize for stealing the picture). Probably, this mohawk is called studded.

Well, have you decided? So let's get started.

1) If you chose No. 1, you need to shave your temples and cut your hair so that somewhere in the middle there is a strip 1/4 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball your hair (it will just be better in shape and location on the line of one of the named fur animals). In case #2, I officially authorize doing nothing for the time being. Ready? If you still haven't changed your mind, let's move on.

2) We take a Comb with a comb and thin small rubber bands. Now we make ponytails with such intensity as your mohawk will be. When there are some first-grader tails sticking out of your head, proceed to the following:

3) Wet the hair with protein, whipped with sugar, and give time to dry it all a little.

4) now you can remove the elastic bands and wrap the resulting icicles with threads (I'm talking about hair). We make a pile on each of the strands. but not along the entire length and not strong, but only closer to the feed.

5) spray the hair roots very strongly with varnish and dry it with a hair dryer, only on a strong setting.

6) carefully cut the strings

7) Now we take each strand, with one hand we pull it out to the top, with the other we fix it with hairspray, which should be super strong fixation

And now, I hope your mohawk is firmly and strongly fixed and nothing but a terrible downpour will ruin it. Spectacular punks often tint their hair. Nowadays, there is such an ingenious invention - colored hairspray. He washes off. There is blue, red, green, yellow, orange .. In short, which one do you need, if you need at all. And, by the way, it must be applied later, after 15 minutes, at least after all of the above has been done. I know that I didn’t help you in any way) Therefore, you don’t need to thank you) But still it works)

Which is a strip of hair in the middle of the head, laid up, in the form of a cockscomb. If you decide to emphasize your individuality with a mohawk, then first decide whether you will do it with or without a haircut of the temporal part. It is better to do a Mohawk haircut at a hairdresser, because at home you can only shave your hair “under the machine” neatly and beautifully. And yet - the hair for the Mohawk must be perfectly even, so any waves and curls must first be leveled with an iron.

The process of creating a mohawk

  • If you do not want to cut your hair from the temples, then they need to be perfectly combed back and secured with varnish to create the effect of clean temples. If the hair is long, then the strands from the temples need to be combed and fastened to the back of the head with invisible hairpins so that they hold the hair.
  • Mohawk hairstyle is diverse and depends on what kind of result you need. The Iroquois can be soft, feminine, or belligerent. But in all cases, you will need super-strong hairspray, hair dryer, comb and hair brush. If you have Thin hair, then use the gel, if the hair is brittle and dry - wax.
  • Wash your hair, tilt your head down, divide the area under the mohawk into strands. Apply gel or wax to each strand, stretch the hair with your fingers and form the desired shape, then dry it a little with a hairdryer. So strand by strand. When the entire Mohawk area is exposed, it needs to be dried well with a hair dryer. Dry on a slow speed so that the wind does not inflate the shape of the hairstyle. After that, fix the hairstyle well with varnish. This method is used for short and medium hair.
  • If you want to make a Mohawk on long hair, then you will need a comb and a massage hair brush, because after separation, each strand must first be combed at the roots with a brush, then shaped, and then dried with a hairdryer. A final blow-dry and good fixing with varnish is essential in all cases. A mohawk will last several hours on combed hair, but bouffanting is very bad for the health of the hair, so think before spoiling your hair with a bouffant.
  • For a spiked mohawk, the hair also needs to be divided into strands. Treat each strand with gel, pulling at the end of the spike. Then dry with a hair dryer and fix with varnish.
  • Iroquois can be dyed any color. For this, special temporary paints are sold that allow you to brightly transform your appearance, becoming Malvina with blue hair or a Mermaid with green ones. They do not harm the hair, perfectly change their color, and at the same time they are simply removed from the hair during washing.

Iroquois is cool and beautiful. But if you have no experience in hairdressing, and you rarely make yourself a variety of hairstyles, then so that your head does not become the subject of ridicule, we still recommend contacting a specialist. And then you will flaunt in all its glory!

Do you want to challenge society with your appearance? Do you want to show others the full power of the energy that has accumulated in you? Do you want to arrange something out of the ordinary? Then it's time to make yourself a mohawk! Right now, without finding unnecessary excuses, without leaving your home. Right now you will learn how to make a mohawk at home.


Of course, this is quite strange if you still don’t know what it is in our time ... But just in case, you need to clarify that the mohawk is a hairstyle that is popular among the goths and punks of the first wave. Strands of hair along the entire head (from the forehead to the back of the head) rise up and are fixed in the form of a kind of comb.

Great diversity among the Iroquois

How to make a mohawk hairstyle, we will explain to you a little later, but for now you should be warned that they are also different. Short, long, in the form of "thorns", hanging on the forehead or "looking up". Despite this, you do not need special skills in order to put a mohawk on your own. Although you may need eyes in the back of your head. But if there are none, then we will solve the problem differently.

  • If you choose the classic mohawk, then you need to shave off all the hair. Leave only one strip along the entire head, about the distance between your eyes.
  • Do you want “spikes of freedom” on your head (if you don’t understand what it’s about, then remember what the Statue of Liberty looks like, by the way, this is where the name of this Mohawk comes from)? Do everything in the same way as you would do in the case of the classic mohawk, but leave the strip a little wider.
  • Do you need a form of dethovk, which was invented by the keyboardist of the band "Specimen" (Specimen)? Shave your head in the same way as in the classic mohawk.
  • To create a dreadlock you need long hair and dreadlocks on it.
  • Crosshovk. This mohawk is most often worn by women and girls. Shave everything, leaving only the space from ear to ear.

We shave the mohawk

Of course, if you just want to experiment first, you can try not to shave off your hair, but do not forget that this kind of wearing a mohawk should be extremely temporary.

After you have decided on the look of your Mohawk, try to visualize your future hairstyle. Take the section of hair that will be part of the mohawk and lift it up. Perhaps this length of the mohawk will not suit you, and you will want to cut off the extra hair. Next, decide on the width of your future mohawk. The minimum width should be the same as the distance between your eyebrows. You can make the mohawk wider, but do not forget that what more hair, the more difficult it is to fix the comb (the same problem can await you with too thin mohawk).

In order not to shave off the desired part of the hair, you should delimit it, divide it into sides that need to be shaved or left. To do this, wet your hair and dry it with a towel. Then they will become more obedient. For an ordinary mohawk, the hair must be divided into three groups with two partings on the sides of the future mohawk. Shave off the areas from the ears to the mohawk. And in case you want to see "thorns of freedom" on your head, you need to stock up on hair ties. Make ponytails from the hair that will be spiked on your head in the future, and bravely shave off the rest.

Now that you have completely got rid of excess hair, dry the rest. Now we will put the mohawk.

For short hair

How to make yourself a mohawk if your hair is not long? You are lucky if you have short haircut. How to make a short mohawk is much easier to explain than in the long hair method. Although you also have to sweat. There is a mass different ways. And here is the first one...

How to make a mohawk using only soap

Yes, regular soap. This method is quite lengthy, but it may be just right for you. You want clean hair. But not wet. Take your hands, rinse under water and lather strongly. When enough soap has accumulated on your hands, simply "wipe" your hands on your hair. Now let your hair dry. If the hair, in your opinion, does not hold its shape well, then do the trick with hands, soap and hair again. You can do this procedure as much as you like. When the durability of your hair suits you, give the mohawk the desired shape and, after letting the styling dry, fix it with hairspray.

mohawk on sugar

If you feel sorry for soap or only eggs and sugar are left in the house, then you can try this method. In this paragraph, you will learn how to make a short mohawk using an egg (chicken) and sugar.

First, backcomb your hair with a fine-toothed comb. Lifting each strand of hair up, move the comb from top to bottom, creating a bouffant on the hair. Fix the resulting comb by moistening the hair with protein whipped with sugar. Let your hair dry. We advise you to fix the hair roots with varnish (and indeed the entire mohawk), you can also dry your hair with a hairdryer. It is not recommended to use a powerful mode for drying, otherwise your comb will "fall".

For long hair

How to make a Mohawk for long hair?

It will be more difficult for you, but "beauty" has always required sacrifice.

To create a mohawk on long hair, apply styling foam (mousse) along the entire length. After that, you will also need to bouffant your hair, each time fixing it with varnish. When the entire comb is combed and varnished, you need to carefully comb it up so that the mohawk is even and sharp, and the hair does not stick out from different sides, otherwise you will look like an old cheap washcloth. When everything is ready, we advise you to fix the mohawk with varnish again, because there is not much varnish in the mohawk. After that, you need to "iron" the mohawk with a special hair iron. The length of the iron must match the length of your hair, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. Of course, if the hairstyle option up to this point suited you perfectly, then you may not iron it, but then who knows how soon your Mohawk will sadly “hang your nose” ... You can “warm up” your hair with a hairdryer, we advise you to avoid a powerful mode.

For better fixing your peculiar hairstyle, you can use more cosmetics for hair that helps to fix them, whether it be various mousses, sprays and much more. The main thing is, if you decide to leave the mohawk hairstyle for a long time on your head (and more specifically, live with it), then at the moment when you decide on the type of mohawk and its length, remember:

  • Iroquois will have to put you every day. The longer it is, the more time and effort it will take you.
  • If you make a mohawk that is too wide or too thin, then you are unlikely to be able to put it up and strengthen it properly.
  • Let's be realistic, you won't put it on every day (especially if you decide on a long Mohawk), because the cases are different ... And this means that you should not forget that you should look good even without the Mohawk.

That's all. Good luck and a lot of polish with a very strong hold!

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 65 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Are you ready to turn your own hair into a edgy, vibrant piece of art? This article will focus on creating the classic mohawk, spikes down the center of the head, and other variations of similar hairstyles. Start with step 1 to put up your mohawk and give your friends or loved ones a terrible experience!


    Choose an option. Iroquois and typical hairstyles have a wide variety of options, so before you cut anything, or increase anything, you need to understand what kind of look you want to end up with. You can tilt the mohawk or place it on one side of the head, or you can make liberty spikes (so called because they look like the spikes on the head of the Statue of Liberty). When it comes down to it, the choice is limited.

    • Classic Iroquois. Most commonly used. It is necessary to shave off all the hair, leaving only a strip between the eyebrows along the entire head.
    • Spikes of freedom. Shave in the same way as in the previous step, but make the strip of hair a little wider.
    • Dethovk. Invented by the keyboardist of the band Specimen. Shave just like a classic.
    • Dreadhovk. Your hair must be quite long for this. You must have dreadlocks, or you can braid them with what is left of your hair. Of course, you can do it in the salon, but it will be quite expensive and not punk. Instead, try braiding your dreadlocks naturally (although this will cost a lot).
    • Crosshovk. Usually not very wide, except in England. Shave everything except for the area from ear to ear. Basically, it's for girls.
  1. Visualize your mohawk. Once you've decided where you want to place your mohawk, how thick and how long it will be, it's worth experimenting a bit to see how much hair you'll need for it. Just take some hair and pull it out to see what it looks like, or you can try the mohawk without shaving anything for now. You need to decide how much hair to shave and how much to keep. There is one rule for this - leave the hairline about as wide as the distance between your eyebrows. Of course, you can make it thicker, but be careful - too thick or too thin a mohawk may not be stable enough.

    Designate the location of your Iroquois. Wet your hair in the shower and dry it with a towel to make it more manageable. Part your hair on both sides to determine where it will be. This will indicate the lines that need to be shaved. If you want spikes that are not in a row and want to shave the rest of your hair, then tie off the spike hair and shave everything else around it.

    Shave off any unwanted hair. Use a hair clipper to cut your non-mohawk hair to the desired length. You can shave it off for a hardcore look or keep it longer. If you're doing complex spikes, you may need a beard trimmer and a razor for a closer shave. Use two mirrors to see the back of the head. It's tricky, so be very patient and careful.

    The washing up. Wash all instruments.

    Drying. You don't need moisture because it weighs down the hair and holds it together.

    Take the part of the hair that you want to make the mohawk from, if you are shaping the mohawk, take the first part of it (usually, it should not be wider than you can grab with one hand), but it is better if you pull it out with a comb or brush. A brush is better because it will keep all the hair horizontal and it will hold tighter in the mohawk or spikes.

    Hold it straight up, but don't pull too hard.

    Comb it! Using a wide-toothed comb, comb your hair from root to tip. Your hair should stand up on its own, even without hairspray. Remember, insert the comb into the hair right next to the scalp and then pull it out completely before repeating.

    Apply hairspray along the entire length, starting from the roots. You can also apply hair gel. Apply generously gel or varnish so that the base is hard. You can use your free hand to evenly spread the top and bottom, especially if you are using a strong hold spray.

    Dry all strands (while they are still in place) for 20-30 seconds or until dry to the touch. The better you dry it, the more likely it will stand upright. It may be a little sticky, but it will stay in place if you dry it properly.

    Repeat for each spike. If you dry your mohawk, make sure you dry it evenly. After everything is dry, comb the mohawk a bit to make it look neater and more connected. After combing, apply another layer of varnish.

  2. Color your hair if you wish. You can make your mohawk or spikes unique by painting them. The possibilities are endless.

    • When you do spikes on the back or sides, or put the mohawk on the back, then try to put it higher than you would like, because it will still fall when you move, especially if you did not use varnish.
    • Ask someone to help you, especially with shaving. It's pretty hard to shave everything neatly if you use a mirror to see the back of your head.
    • Once you've done this, be careful not to overdo it! There is a certain amount of gel that can be applied to the hair to keep the mohawk from falling under the pressure of the weight.
    • Take extra care of your hair. Mohawks and spikes make hair coarse, so use a conditioner and mild shampoo for fine and color-treated hair. Trim split ends as needed and don't wear a mohawk every day.
    • Shave against hair growth. That will be much easier.
    • Many people simplify styling their mohawk by laying their head sideways on a flat surface, blow-drying, and applying hairspray in that horizontal position.
    • Mohawk can be made from hair of any length, but if you want a tall one, then you should wait until the hair grows back. Intensive styling of the mohawk can severely damage the hair and stop its growth, so it is most likely that you will not be able to put a short mohawk and then try to grow it out.
    • Experiment! You don't have to make spikes or mohawk only, try spikes only in the front or only in the back. Try to create a new style, which will be more "original" and "punk" than styling hair the way everyone does.
    • If you're not ready for a mohawk, try a fake mohawk.
    • Use a flat iron before and after applying products. This will make your hair smoother and help hold it together.


    • The longer your mohawk gets, the more maintenance it will require and it will be unforgivable to neglect it.
    • If you put the Mohawk on for a long time, and then washed your hair, get ready for the fact that you will lose a lot of hair. There is nothing strange in this, it is just hair that usually falls out, sticks to your rest of the hair and stays on your head until you wash it.