The Maslenitsa holiday is a whole 7 days before the start of Lent; farewell to winter is associated with it. After all, from now on, winter begins to slowly leave, and spring solemnly and decorously takes its place. This is all accompanied by folk festivities and eating pancakes, and people give gifts to each other.

What to give for Maslenitsa?

Pancakes on this day with different fillings: with caviar, jam, and mushrooms. To ensure that the memory of this holiday remains until next year, give a souvenir - a refrigerator magnet with a pancake theme. Most often on sale you can find pancakes with caviar in the shape of a magnet.

On this day, many give each other dishes: these are wooden spoons, crystal vases, straw plates for bread, and silver glasses and saucers. The dishes are intended for traditional dishes that are used to break the fast before strict fasting.

During the week, tasty treats are also considered an original gift. At this time, at fairs there are a dime a dozen gingerbread cookies, rolls, meringue swans, and candy castles. Why not gifts? You can bake something yourself that is not just tasty, but also original, and go on a visit with such a generous gift, rest assured that you will be greeted there with a bang!

However, the most interesting gifts these days are considered to be the details of carnival clothing: colorful hats decorated with beads and feathers, cloaks, yarn for long boots, and masks. One cannot do without caps, ears, noses, mustaches - attributes of Russian buffoons, and pipes, as well as any other costumes that are worn not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world during the carnival. If for sewing such original suit no time - no problem. You can get by with any carnival souvenirs. For example, funny puppets will fit perfectly into your home interior; masks made of porcelain or papier-mâché will decorate the wall and shelf of a closet.

Dolls dressed in Pierrot and Harlequin costumes will harmoniously occupy a place in a free wall opening or decorate a computer table. It will be interesting for children to play around with a shameful trumpet and a kaleidoscope. For ladies, you can give a small handbag made of beads, jewelry boxes made of velvet, and a powder compact made of gemstones. Such things will help add a carnival mood to everyday life, which means they will serve as an excellent gift for Maslenitsa.

Felt boots that can be hung on front door. A doll-amulet is suitable for a gift just these days, as well as: figurines made of threads, porcelain salt shakers in the shape of sheep, a heating pad in the shape of a nesting doll, bouquets of sweets - all this can be made with your own hands, such a gift will be doubly pleasant to receive.

These days, you can give or receive icons, a teapot warmer in the shape of a doll, a beautiful shawl, a candlestick, a linen tablecloth, a towel, and an oven mitt. The list can go on for a long time; when choosing a gift, be guided by your preferences, and, of course, the theme of the holiday.


This is the day of meeting, so they always burn an effigy and give each other a straw doll.


Day of flirting. Dress-up fun starts on Tuesday. The best gift is a masquerade doll.


On Wednesday they treat each other with tasty treats, because the day is called gourmet.


The middle of the celebration - give what you want.


On this day, the mother-in-law treats her son-in-law with pancakes, so, by the way, there will be a magnet for the refrigerator. The son-in-law, in turn, came with souvenirs. The gifts were simply a token of attention.


On Saturday, sisters-in-law go to each other's houses for treats. For example, a beautiful shawl would be relevant. Here the imagination is limitless. It was believed that girls know each other, and therefore are aware of hobbies and preferences, so they know what to give.

Forgiveness Sunday

On the last day of a fun and riotous holiday, the time has come to forgive each other past grievances and give each other gifts. Their topics may not be related to religion; they may also be of a secular nature. Eg, jewelry, and these are medallions with names, and metal hearts with a photograph, tiny figures in the form of a Zodiac sign.

A good reconciliation gift would be bracelets made of silver or gold, or a stone under the sign of the Zodiac. If the one with whom you have just made peace goes on a sea voyage, a figurine of a dolphin, a key of happiness, an anchor will be relevant. On this day it will be important to give notebooks, cups, flasks. We've been visiting each other all week, but now it's time to think about it and give something vital.

At the end of Maslenitsa, they traditionally burn an effigy symbolizing winter; on this day it is customary to light a large and bright fire. It is worth giving candlesticks in order to burn everything that is left from winter snowstorms and prepare for spring. Those who love plants on this day can safely give pots of flowers, vases for bulbs for pasturing plants that appear in the spring.

Folk festivities, fun rides, songs, dances, fun, delicious pancakes and the ritual burning of an effigy of Maslenitsa - this is how a real traditional Slavic carnival lasts a whole week.

When is Maslenitsa? id="d432688e">


The holiday goes back centuries. Among the Eastern Slavs, Maslenaya Week marked the boundary of the transition from winter to spring and the beginning of field work, and church calendar was called Cheese Week and preceded Lent.

The Church was never able to eradicate the Slavic rituals that accompanied folk celebrations in Rus', so the mixture of pagan and Christian customs gave Maslenitsa such a unique flavor. They spend the winter every year in different time because of Lent, which is tied to the great Christian holiday of Easter.

In 2018, Maslenitsa week will be celebrated on February 12, and will end on February 18 with Forgiveness Sunday.

Who should we congratulate on Maslenitsa? id="20f25a93">


All relatives, friends, neighbors, acquaintances and not so people are congratulated on Maslenitsa. During this week, they receive guests, arrange lavish feasts with pancakes and other hearty dishes, actively walk on the street, dress up, go to performances, and on the last day of the week they burn an elegant straw effigy - a symbol of Winter.

These days, people wish each other happiness, prosperity, prosperity, joy, and reinforce good intentions with a symbolic and useful gift.

Gifts for women for Maslenitsa id="429357ef">


On the Saturday evening of Maslenitsa week, which is popularly called “sister-in-law’s get-togethers,” daughters-in-law invite their husband’s sister over for pancakes, and the women traditionally exchange gifts. On Friday evening, the son-in-law receives his beloved mother-in-law, and also not empty-handed. But on other days you can give your mother, sister, and grandmother:

  • Dishes of all shapes, sizes and colors, from Zhostovo trays to ceramic frying pans, baking dishes, butter dishes, caviar dishes and other kitchen paraphernalia;

  • A pancake maker that will be in demand not only during Maslenitsa week, but will also provide the family with delicious pancakes for the whole year.

  • Useful things in everyday life, for example, towels (bath and kitchen), fluffy rugs for the bathroom, oven mitts, hot pads, tablecloth;

  • A traditional painted scarf or a more modern version of the accessory, shawl, silk scarf;

  • An elegant vase or indoor plant in a pot;

  • A stonefly doll, brownie, horseshoe or other talismans symbolizing care for loved ones and good wishes.

But the most nice present– made with your own hands. For such an occasion, you can make a funny hot water bottle for a teapot in the form of a doll, owl, dog, cat or other animal. Interesting option– a bright wreath on a door or wall in the shape of a sun. It can be made from any available materials, from straw to cocktail straws.

They even sell entire kits for creating different amulets, so you can make them yourself and not have to bother finding the necessary components. If there is no opportunity or desire to make it by hand, heating pads, amulets and any other souvenirs can be purchased from handicraft masters.

Gifts for men on Maslenitsa id="3da91f01">


You can give your dad, grandfather, brother, friend:

  • utensils made of wood (painted spoons, mugs, glasses, decanter) or silver, as a tribute to the traditions of ancestors and a practical souvenir in one bottle;

  • a creative tea strainer, a stylized teapot and cup or an elegant set, and even a real Russian samovar for a connoisseur of antiquity;

  • A funny present for your desktop – an eco-friendly man with grassy hair. Ceramic figurines will delight you with fresh greenery and lift your spirits, and they can also be painted.

According to ancient beliefs, before spring they burned the remains of winter candles to get rid of old problems, so an appropriate gift for Maslenitsa would be a candlestick, a candelabra or a new spring candle, for example, an aromatic one (with citrus notes - for vigor, with lavender - for calmness and tranquility ).

Gifts for children: boys and girls for Maslenitsa id="5449ee12">


First of all, children are given sweets at Maslenitsa, but not foreign ones. chocolate eggs, and traditional Russians - lollipops, marshmallows, Bird's Milk candies and peanut bars.

Your child will also be pleased to receive a cheerful “Sunny” sofa pillow or a cozy bedside night light in the form of a toy. You can choose a handbag as an individual gift for a girl, and a bright backpack for a boy.

And the most exciting and educational gift in the spring theme is the “Young Botanist” set or similar options that allow you to independently grow plants from seeds to full greenery.

If you didn’t have time to pick up a gift before going on a visit, a cheerful refrigerator magnet, a large chocolate bar and a good mood will always help out!

Maslenitsa is the last one winter holiday. Saying goodbye to the already boring winter, humanity is preparing to welcome spring. Accordingly, the mood during Maslenitsa week is already becoming spring-like. It is customary these days to visit people, give gifts, and burn an effigy. But what is usually customary to give for Maslenitsa? The website editors will help you solve the problem of choosing gifts for Maslenitsa.

Previously, in Rus' it was customary to give household utensils on this holiday, mainly dishes for Maslenitsa dishes; they gave wooden, silver and even straw dishes. A little later, crystal dishes began to be given as gifts for Maslenitsa.

The donated dishes were intended mainly for Maslenitsa treats - pancakes, pies, caviar and sweets. Why not maintain traditions these days and give a set of wooden dishes decorated with bright paintings? The gift is quite original and useful.

If you can give dishes at Maslenitsa, then why can’t the holiday treats themselves be a gift? For example, these could be homemade cookies, funny figures made from marzipan or meringue, candy figures, gingerbread cookies and pies, in general, any traditional Maslenitsa dishes, prepared with love and packaged in a box tied with a red ribbon, according to the ancient tradition , can become ideal gift for Maslenitsa.

What else is connected with Maslenitsa? Fun and joy, festivities. Let's try to choose a gift based on this. Usually people dress up for such holidays. So, that means it could be a great gift. carnival costume Maslenitsa characters, various decorations, holiday accessories.

Although, it is not necessary to give a suit, because not everyone likes to dress up and attend events. mass celebrations in such suits. Well, in this case, a figurine of heroes of Maslenitsa week is quite suitable for a gift; these could be harlequins, buffoons, etc. Porcelain figurines – original gift for Maslenitsa.

What else can you give for Maslenitsa? As we already know, on the last day of Maslenitsa it is customary to burn an effigy of Maslenitsa, or, as it is otherwise called, a Maslenitsa doll, an effigy of Madder. And if so, then you can give such a doll for burning. You can either make a Maslenitsa scarecrow with your own hands or buy one ready-made in a store.
But no matter what gift option you prefer for yourself, do not forget that the most best gift– one that is chosen with love and care. Give to your loved ones positive emotions and great mood!
Happy holidays and happy spring!

Maslenitsa - traditional holiday, revered by the peoples of many Slavic countries since ancient times. She draws the line between winter and spring. In Western Europe, the analogue of this holiday is called Carnival.

Maslenitsa is celebrated for a week (sometimes three weeks) before Lent. In 2019 Maslenitsa week— 7 days from March 4 to March 10. IN holidays It is customary to organize various entertainment events, rejoice at the imminent arrival of warmth, and give each other gifts.

The celebration of Maslenitsa is still relevant today, when interest in everything primordial, folk, and traditional has been revived. Moreover, this festive occasion can be used for the benefit of your business. For example, congratulating clients and business partners on Maslenitsa with delicious souvenirs.

What to give for Maslenitsa? The answer to this question is simple - absolutely any edible souvenirs fit perfectly into this holiday. Non-standard advertising studio and Advertising goodies ADSWETS have prepared a large assortment of delicious gifts.

The main Maslenitsa treats are, of course, caramel or chocolate pancakes. The most appropriate branded souvenir for Maslenitsa will be anything that can decorate and complement them. For example, jam, jam or honey.

Pancake lollipops and chocolate for Maslenitsa

Caramel and chocolate “pancakes” and “pancakes” are large round caramels and chocolates with a printed image of a pancake and an inscription in red caviar.

Honey with a logo for Maslenitsa

One of the most relevant souvenirs for Maslenitsa - honey. L Ugovoy, buckwheat, fireweed, linden, acacia and other types of traditional delicacies can be packaged in beautiful jars decorated with your company’s branding.

Jam in jars with a logo for Maslenitsa

Basic flavors of jam for pancakes: apricot, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, black currant, wild berries, cherry, strawberry. Additional flavors: cloudberry, pine cone, walnut, mint, watermelon, feijoa, rose, rose hip, tangerine, tarragon, sea buckthorn, dandelion, linden blossom, hawthorn, apples of paradise, wild pear, prune, cherry plum, grapes, dogwood, wild thorn , viburnum, and many others. Non-standard combinations: orange-ginger, kiwi-grapefruit, pear-cinnamon-almond, cherry with chocolate, raspberry with natural mint, apricot-walnut, etc.

Basic delicious berries with sugar for Maslenitsa: apricot, lingonberry, cherry, blackberry, wild strawberry, viburnum, strawberry, cranberry, red and black currant, raspberry, sea buckthorn, blueberry, chokeberry, wild berry (raspberry, black currant, lingonberry, blackberry) .

Gift set for Maslenitsa “For pancakes”

We have prepared especially for Maslenitsa Gift Baskets, which can consist of jam and honey in jars with your company’s logo, as well as sets of jam, honey and condensed milk in packages with your logo. Whatever set you choose, be sure that your clients, colleagues or business partners and will not remain standing in the far corner of the closet.

Chocolate figurines of non-standard shapes

Figured chocolate is a favorite treat, suitable as a gift for any holiday. Chocolate dumplings, crackers, bread and other shapes will organically complement the gift set for Maslenitsa.

Cockerels on a stick for Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is a national holiday, and therefore lollipops, familiar to everyone from childhood, are suitable for congratulating clients and colleagues on this occasion. A historical delicacy in the form of caramel cockerels of various sizes and colors will delight everyone.

Tea with herbs for Meslenitsa

Gingerbread and cookies for Maslenitsa

The breadth of the Russian soul will be revealed by the traditional Russian gingerbread, Tula or Pokrovsky. Delicious, round like the sun, and beautiful. You can also choose crumbly gingerbread cookies or unusual fortune cookies as a Maslenitsa gift.

Vika Di

Maslenitsa is a traditional Slavic holiday, farewell to winter, celebrated in February or March. For example, in 2018, the week of folk festivities will take place from February 12 to 18, and Maslenitsa itself falls on Sunday, the 18th.

Maslenitsa week usually divided into two periods: narrow and wide Maslenitsa. Wide Maslenitsa The last days of the week are considered: Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Jan 31, 2018 at 2:51 PST

What can you make with your own hands for Maslenitsa?

There are the most various options crafts that can be easily done at home. Previously, on Maslenitsa they made small dolls in a scarf and a colorful dress; they personified solstice.

It is very easy to make such a charming doll yourself. You can involve children in production.

For production you will need:

  • scraps of fabric (two white for the head and hands,
  • two different colors for the dress and a red one for the headscarf),
  • a piece of padding polyester or cotton wool,
  • thick thread (preferably red).

For the head, a piece of padding polyester is wrapped in a white flap so that the ends of the flap hang freely. The “head” is wrapped with thread, all folds are carefully pulled back, and a scarf will cover them. Hands are made from a second white piece of fabric according to the same principle as the head: padding polyester or cotton wool is wrapped in a “sausage” in fabric and secured with a thread to the head so that hands are formed. After that no need to break the thread– you will need it to attach the skirt.

The colorful pieces are wrapped in a skirt around the doll’s body and also secured with threads. The red flap is tied on the head with a scarf. You can even use sponge for decoration. The doll is ready!

The main symbol of Maslenitsa is considered to be an effigy of winter, which, according to the old custom, is burned, signaling the arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Usually for this holiday they make little dolls, personifying winter. They are made from a variety of materials: floss threads, corn cobs, various fabrics and fillers.

But handmade gifts for Maslenitsa can be made not only from fabric and thread. Very interesting and beautiful gift you can bake it. For example, a sun made from salt dough. This vi d dough is not suitable for human consumption, but great for sculpting.

To prepare the salt dough we take:

  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 250 ml water.

The process of preparing salted dough sunshine:

  1. Mix flour and salt, then add water a little at a time.
  2. Mix all ingredients into a dense mass.
  3. Make a little pancake from the dough bigger size, what the sun will be (leave a little dough for the spout, eyes and other elements that you want to add).
  4. Draw a sun template on a piece of paper, cut it out and place it on the pancake. Using a stack, kitchen or stationery knife cut out the sun along the contour.
  5. From the remaining dough we make any small parts: eyes, nose, bows, etc.
  6. We bake the workpiece in the oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Since every housewife has an oven with its own character, carefully monitor the process so that the workpiece only browns, but does not burn!
  7. After cooling, the workpiece can be painted with ordinary paints in the desired color. In the case of the sun it will be yellow or orange.

Puff pastry sun

Salt dough can be used for figurines, making entire sculptural compositions.

Maslenitsa souvenirs for school: what crafts can be made for the Maslenitsa holidays?

Most often, paper is used as a material - it is used to make appliques, crafts using the quilling technique or postcards.

The Maslenitsa theme offers a wide range of themes for crafts: the sun, pancakes, the departure of winter - the arrival of spring and many other similar ones

From an ordinary CD and paper you can make a very cute sun craft! To make this craft, you will need: an unnecessary CD, yellow and orange colored paper, scissors, glue.

Paper is cut into small strips, which are folded into a loop, the ends of the strip are glued together. Glue loops are attached along the edges of the disk in two rows, so that the yellow ones are located closer to the center of the disk than the orange ones. A circle of yellow paper is glued to the center and a face is drawn on it. The sun is ready.

Crafts made from colored plasticine are also suitable as a DIY souvenir for Maslenitsa. Using the same CD As a basis, you can sculpt a beautiful spring-themed panel, decorating it with plasticine flowers and leaves.

Interesting and unusual spring craft obtained from ears of wheat, if you can get a handful of ears.

You need to cut out two circles from ordinary cardboard - one larger than the other. On the larger circle, draw a circle with the diameter of the small circle. Wheat ears are glued to the cardboard, one to one, placing them tightly together in a circle. After this, a smaller circle is glued on top, so as to cover the “legs” of the spikelets. Above the craft can be decorated as desired.

However, the most important decoration of any home for Maslenitsa remains, of course, pancakes.

You can also make crafts from them: build a house or a well out of pancakes (instead of water in such a well, you can use a bowl of sour cream or jam), dress dolls in pancake clothes, cut out figures or wrap them in the form of a doll.

Maslenitsa- one of the few remaining Slavic holidays that have come down to modern times from ancient times.

2 February 2018, 16:50