We received benefits today. Adjusted payments.

A one-time benefit for women registered in medical institutions in Moscow before 20 weeks of pregnancy - 600 received

One-time benefit - 14.500 (I don’t remember what it’s called. On the second one we received) regional payment. received

One-time (federal) compensation payment(hereinafter referred to as CV) for reimbursement of expenses in connection with the birth (adoption) of a child - 13.742 received

Additional one-time benefit in connection with the birth of a child for young families (ten times the amount living wage) - 106.320 rubles for the third child in 2014 received

Maternal capital - 429.408

Monthly benefit for a child up to 1.5 years old - 5.153.24 received

Monthly benefit for a child under 18 years of age - 1000 for everyone. For a child from 1.5 to 3 years old - 2000 . received

Monthly CF for reimbursement of expenses due to the rising cost of living for large families with 3 or more children under 16 years of age (students of general education institutions under 18 years of age) regardless of their average per capita income - 600 rub. per child received

Monthly CF payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for certain categories of citizens for children under 3 years of age - 675 rub. for each child received

Monthly CV for reimbursement of expenses for living quarters and utilities - 522 rub. per family. received

Monthly CV for using the telephone - 230 rub. per family. received

Free two meals a day for students from large families 44 rubles. per day for children under 3 years of age from large families with 3 or more children

Free provision, in accordance with established standards, of a school uniform or a replacement set of children's clothing for attending classes, as well as sports uniforms for the entire period of study in a comprehensive school for children from large families under 16 years of age and over 16 years of age - students of secondary schools - 5,000 rubles. once a year

Free travel on city passenger transport: children - students from large families + one parent

Free medicine for children from large families under 6 years of age

Benefits for paying for housing and utilities: 30% discount on the established fee for using utilities for large families with 3 or more children under the age of 16, as well as students of educational schools over 16 years of age

Free provision of newborns with sets of baby linen for all families

Dairy cuisine - up to 7 years.

Preemptive right to receive garden plots, free use of bathhouses

Families raising three or more children are entitled to various benefits and allowances as families with many children. For example, for the third and subsequent children born no earlier than January 1, 2013, an additional monthly benefit is paid up to 3 years of age. The amount of the benefit corresponds to the regional subsistence minimum per child (according to the latest data, its amount is 9,477 rubles).

In the small town of Drezna near Moscow lives the family of Nikolai and Tatyana Saltykov, who have 17 children and six grandchildren. Russia has always relied on such large families to survive, to grow in talent. A correspondent for the Orekhovo-Zuyevo news agency met with parents with many children and found out what their family is based on, what is important in raising children, and who helps them.

Tatiana - keeper of the hearth

Mother's Day, which is celebrated on November 30, is Tatyana Sergeevna's holiday. “I can’t imagine living in a small family. Children are a gift from God that cannot be abandoned or killed in the womb. So the Lord has given us generously,” says mother of many children Tatyana Saltykova.

Attentive, respectful, hard-working, sincere - mother-in-law Klavdiya Stepanovna immediately noticed this when her daughter-in-law first appeared in the house.

“All these years I couldn’t be happier with her. She became my daughter. When Kolya returned from the army, we bought him new clothes, honorably. He started going for walks, and one day he asked me: “Mom, can I bring one girl to visit us?” Of course, I allowed it, and that’s how Tanya appeared in our house. I remember it was autumn. We drank tea, the next day she volunteered to help chop cabbage. And in the winter we had a wedding,” says Nikolai Nikolaevich’s mother.

According to her, Nikolai and Tatyana “found each other,” they both love their children and dedicated their lives to them. “But, unfortunately, not everyone can give themselves to children. I don’t understand those who live only for themselves, for the sake of their pleasures; in old age, such people are left alone with their troubles, illnesses and problems, there will be no one to even give water to,” notes the grandmother.

“My Tatiana is a diamond, the purest soul, a beauty, an amazing worker, a good housewife. Over all these years, we parted with her only for the time when she went to give birth. “I can’t live without her,” admits Nikolai Nikolaevich.

He always calls home at lunchtime and asks if mom was resting? But the children say no. “I tell Tanya - well, take a magazine, lie down, read or fall asleep. No, she's always at work and bustling around the house. And now, if I had the opportunity to choose from the most beautiful women, I would choose my Tatiana without hesitation. She is the keeper of our family hearth,” says Tatyana Sergeevna’s husband.

Seventeen - and all of them

On the 30th wedding anniversary of their parents, the Saltykov children wrote a long letter to the newspaper and signed: Maxim, Marina, Sergey, Ekaterina, Olga, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Stepan, Anna, Philip, Polina, Daria, Timofey, Nikolay, Arseny, Ilya, Yana.

“There were so many disputes and conversations around when we had children one after another. Basically, people said: “You gave birth yourself, raise them yourself in such a difficult time.” It was also frankly boorish - they say, create poverty. But we didn’t pay attention to this, although Tatyana was worried, of course,” says the head of the family.

There are so many professions in the family: two medical workers and one bank worker, assistant electric locomotive driver, electrician, engineers and others.

“But what’s more important is that all men know how to work with their hands - that’s the kind of house they built themselves! And girls are economical,” notes mother of many children.

Idol of children

Nikolai Saltykov is used to approaching life with optimism. He himself is a calm, balanced and fair person, so the children look, as they say, into their father’s mouth. Whatever they say, they do it, and not at all out of fear that they will take the belt in their hands. It happens that he will spank “for the sake of order” - and that’s all.

My father never lectures - he says there is no need. It’s better to show one example or tell an instructive story, and then, please, draw your own conclusions, decide for yourself what to do in this or that case.

Nikolai Nikolaevich himself listens to experienced people, and always first consults with colleagues at work or acquaintances in order to make a decision. Children try to do the same, because for them the father is an idol, a role model, an exemplary owner who makes everything work out.

“My father often helps us with advice in different life situations. It teaches you to treat any work conscientiously, to be calm and reasonable. When the house was built, everyone worked, everyone contributed what they could. My father got the most, but we were happy and not whining, even if we didn’t have enough money for the next purchase of building materials. Of course, we had to save money, but we don’t regret it - now we’re doing well,” says son Sergei.

Family nest

When Nikolai Nikolaevich comes home from work, the younger ones meet him in the spacious hall. That's how they do it. He will say something to someone, throw someone up to the ceiling, pat someone down, and each child has his own ritual.

The head of the family arranged everything in the house according to his mind, his strong master's hand is felt everywhere. It was difficult when they were building. Nikolai Nikolaevich was so tired that sometimes he fell asleep mid-sentence. But now everyone is together in one big, cozy and warm house. Nikolai Nikolaevich created it with his own hands and now he and his wife rejoice, watching their children start their own families and “fly out of the nest.”

The house is the pride of Nikolai Nikolaevich. Everything here is done with love and intelligence. He has one regret - there is not enough land. Only six acres. What is this for such a crowd? After all, in the Saltykovs’ house, one might say, five large families live together. According to the law, three children can get six acres, but they have 17.

It’s enough to imagine a bath day when so many people are washing in the bathroom and shower. And washing - two machines can barely cope. Therefore, a small bathhouse was built on the site.

You can’t do without a garden either. You need to grow your own vegetables, fruits and flowers. Everyone loves beauty, especially the eldest Marina, she takes care of the flower beds. A children's playground is also necessary in a family with many children. The children's playground was built in the best place, and there was also room for a rest area for a large family.

Love and work will grind everything

Parents with many children believe that the most important thing in raising the younger generation is to instill love and respect for elders, as well as hard work.

“My mother gave birth to me late, I was the only one. After she got sick, she paid off the factory and only worked part-time as a cleaner. We lived very poorly, in a twelve-meter room. Then I joined the army, and throughout my life my mother was my main adviser, replacing my brothers and sisters, and sometimes my friends. If there is a concept of a mama's son, then that's what I am. And I’m not at all ashamed of it,” shares Nikolai Nikolaevich.

“I served in Germany, she is crying here, grieving, and I am there. Not from hazing, there was none. Just from separation from a loved one. After school, at the age of 17, I visited the military registration and enlistment office and asked for the opportunity to get a license and help my mother,” he recalls.

Also, the child must be taught to work, and the rest will follow by itself. You must devote all your strength and energy to your chosen cause.

“And this is love for our family, for our small homeland - the Moscow region, which we are proud of,” adds the head of the family.

In the Saltykovs' house one can feel love and affection, attention and kindness, this is enough for everyone without exception. Children do not feel deprived of life's blessings. They always had and still have everything they needed.

The father teaches the elders to help the younger ones. Kids are drawn to the hobbies of their elders. The family loves music and often gathers and sings in the evenings. Those who wanted to did so graduated from music school. Mom passes on culinary secrets, housekeeping experience and much more to her daughters, which a housewife cannot do without.

“So what if my children and I saw the sea for the first time just last year. Well, we saw it. And how much joy there was. Just great! Nikolai and I do not regret at all that we dedicated our lives to children. They see that we love each other. We are happy,” shares Tatyana Sergeevna.

Parental glory

The Order of Parental Glory is the only state award that is awarded in two copies - to the mother and father. Tatyana and Nikolai Saltykov received it. Almost the entire Saltykov family visited the Kremlin.

“All this is only thanks to parental work, their feat in raising each of us,” say the younger Saltykovs.

After all, what courage, patience, what strength and conviction is needed to give up oneself and give all one’s free time to children! Stay awake at night, wash mountains of diapers, sit by the cribs, patiently explain what is good and what is bad. Tell stories, check your temperature more than once a night, and still remain in working order.

“Our parents taught us to be hardworking and kind. We chose professions that were important and useful to society; we had no time to get carried away bad habits Thanks to our parents, we chose the right life priorities. We try to follow their example in everything. Perhaps some of us will repeat this difficult parental feat,” the children say.

The family of the eldest son of the Saltykovs, Maxim, has already welcomed a third baby.

Vera Kuzminykh

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Recently, the number of families with three or more children has increased significantly.

This phenomenon is largely explained by the fact that due to the demographic crisis and the necessary stimulation of the population, significant material support was introduced for such families.

In the article we will consider which family is considered to have many children in 2019.

The concept of a large family often differs in different regions of the Russian Federation. Subjects themselves determine what the criteria are large family, setting:

  • minimum number of children to obtain status;
  • a set of supporting measures.

Many regions of the Russian Federation adhere to the rule: large families - at least three children in a family. If a subject that adheres to a traditional way of life has a dense population, families with more than three children are considered large.

For example, in Ingushetia, a family receives the status of a large family if there are more than five children.

The demographic crisis plays a big role. In some regions, the “child threshold” has decreased: in Mordovia, Tyva, and Mari El, until 2012, families had large families with four or more children. But since 2018, the number has dropped to at least three.

Until what time a family is considered to have many children, the law does not explain. From the perspective of society, a family will have many children, even if there are adult children in it. But assistance from the budget will go to families with minor children.

Many people wonder whether a family with many children is considered if the eldest child is 18 years old. If the family has full-time students of secondary or higher educational level, parents have the opportunity to apply for the establishment of large families until the children turn 23 years old.

In other regions (Jewish Autonomous Okrug, Oryol Region), a family can have many children, where the child has reached 18 years of age, but is called up for military service in the army.

Each region independently prescribes the requirements for determining large families.

  • each family member must have Russian citizenship;
  • the family lives in the region where it plans to receive benefits;
  • the number of children provided for by law;
  • children always live with their parents (or with their father or mother if their parents are divorced);
  • children do not temporarily live in the family, as they study at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution, and also serve in the army.

If temporarily residing children are married (students or soldiers), they are not counted towards recognition as a large family.

Let's find out whether a family with many children is considered if the children are from different fathers.

When obtaining a large family, all children and teenagers from previous marriages are taken into account, who are raised together with the others (if the children remained after a divorce with their mother or stepfather and half-brothers and sisters).

Children counted:

  • wards;
  • adopted;
  • reception rooms;
  • if children are from different marriages: stepdaughters, stepsons (if a man marries a woman with two children, he becomes a father not only to his own child, but also to his wife’s children).

For a number of benefits, the status of a stepdaughter is sufficient (if you need to receive free meals at school), but, for example, in order to receive a plot of land, large families must have officially adopted children.

In 2019, in order to recognize the status of having many children, the following children cannot be counted:

  • in respect of which the parents were deprived of parental rights or limited in them;
  • guardianship of whom was granted by persons who are not parents;
  • who are brought up in closed boarding schools and orphanages;
  • emancipated persons who entered into marriage before reaching the age of majority (who acquired full legal capacity “early”);
  • who were separated between parents due to divorce (with father or mother after divorce proceedings there are fewer children living than what is necessary to recognize a family with many children);
  • whose adoption decision has been cancelled;
  • dead.

Large families are established in the social protection bodies of the Russian Federation. A special certificate is issued.

The following documents must be provided:

  • parents' passports, marriage certificate;
  • children's birth certificates, passports;
  • certificate of composition of the applicant’s family;
  • a certificate from an educational institution or military registration and enlistment office (if children are over 18 years old);
  • court decision on adoption, agreement on guardianship or placement in a foster family;
  • statement.

The application is submitted by the mother or father. Organs “establish” having many children for a year.

Every year, the same package of documents is provided to confirm, “extend” status or supplement data: information on a newborn child is submitted, and other certificates are provided.

The status of having many children is terminated if:

  • the ward turns 18 years old;
  • children are transferred to a boarding school or orphanage for care;
  • parents are limited in their rights or deprived of their rights;
  • adoption is cancelled;
  • children are sent to an educational colony based on a court verdict;
  • children acquire full legal capacity as a result of emancipation or marriage;
  • a student or conscript soldier gets married;
  • The registration period for having many children expires (one year).

Authorities issue a certificate for a year. Employees explain the meaning of the certificate for the family and its validity period.

Typically, such a certificate is enough to receive and use a number of benefits for a large family: to pay for utilities, receive free meals at school, get service at a clinic without waiting in line, and so on.

Help for large families comes from several sources. The support system is complex and extensive; many people have no idea and are often confused about what benefits they are entitled to receive.

Sources of financing:

  • federal;
  • local;
  • regional legislative authorities.

Large families can apply for money, various benefits, and in-kind assistance with medicines, food, and household items.

In Russia, the following benefits are provided for large families:

  • some medications are provided free of charge with a doctor's prescription (if the child is not older than 6 years);
  • free travel to public transport within the city limits for one child and one adult;
  • free school meals are provided;
  • children from large families are provided with the necessary textbooks, if available at school;
  • large families receive partial compensation for paying for utility services: for the provision of water, electricity, and so on;
  • labor benefits: additional paid day off, additional two-week vacation;
  • pension: early retirement, for example;
  • tax benefits.

Each region provides additional measures. More complete information should be obtained from the social security authorities at your place of residence.

  • child care allowance;
  • compensation that offsets family expenses due to rising housing prices;
  • family expenses associated with the rising cost of necessary and irreplaceable food products are compensated;
  • the purchase of items necessary for the child is compensated;
  • paid landline phone;
  • Part of the cost of utility bills is reimbursed;
  • parents have the right to receive an additional day off if they were signed on the basis of an employment contract.

Land is also provided to large families. But the location where the site will be located may be remote or in an unsuitable area. And they will not be able to sell the land, since the principle of “social rent” applies.

  • all family members must have Russian citizenship (at least 5 years);
  • the family must have registration in the same living space or in the same house;
  • you must be on the list of those who need housing;
  • The family should not own land or housing; it is allowed to have an apartment whose area is below the standard for one resident.

The status of having many children gives the right:

  • do not pay for kindergarten services;
  • receive a 50% discount for schoolchildren and full-time students on public transport within the city;
  • send children to sports clubs for free;
  • receive compensation for part of the cost of lunches for students or free meals;
  • receive one-year free parking if there are three or more children in the family;
  • do not pay the car tax, registration fee for business activities;
  • receive discounted tickets to the Bolshoi Theater;
  • free access to public baths;
  • receive a garden participant first priority;
  • receive an additional payment pension payment for mothers who have given birth to more than 10 children;
  • receive free medications for minor children.

Cash payments in Moscow

Most of them were doubled compared to last year:

Pay How many times per year is paid Number of children in the family Payment amount in rubles
Compensation for the cost of goods for children Monthly more than five 1800
Compensation for expenses associated with an increase in the cost of living Monthly 3-4 1200
5 or more 1500
Additional payment for mothers who are retired Monthly 10 or more 20 000
For Family Day Every year 10 or more 20 000
Payments by September 1 Every year 10 or more 30 000
Compensation for expenses associated with paying utility bills Monthly 3-4 1044
5 or more 2088
Reimbursement for telephone expenses Monthly 3 or more 250

So a large family means how many children? There is no clear definition of a large family in the legislation.

It is accepted that a family should have three or more children. But in some regions different rules apply.

Another common question is: up to what age is a family considered to have many children? Benefits are paid until children turn 18 or until the eldest child completes full-time education at an educational institution.

Video: Which families are considered large

In Moscow, a family with three or more children (including adopted children, as well as stepchildren and stepchildren) is considered to be large. These families are registered with district administrations, where they are issued special certificates, after which they receive the right to address social assistance. In the first half of 2009 alone, there were 5.6 thousand more large families in Moscow than in 2008, and now there are 53.6 thousand large families in Moscow.

This situation is due to the fact that Moscow has created the most comfortable conditions for large families. In addition to federal benefits for families with three or more children, the capital has additional programs and opportunities.

In 2008, the Moscow Government actually changed the status of large families. Previously, parents received benefits until the eldest child turned 16 years old, after which all payments ended. Today a family is considered to have many children as long as until the youngest child reaches his 16th birthday, and if studying at school - then until the age of 18.

Clause 1 of Article 2 of the Moscow City Law dated November 23, 2005 No. 60 “On social support families with children in Moscow"


Where to contact

Required documents

City payments

Monthly child benefit1

Assigned to families of Muscovites whose average per capita income on the date of application does not exceed 8 thousand rubles, for children under the age of 16 years (students in educational institutions- until graduation, but not more than until the age of 18).
Appointed from the month of birth of the child, if the application followed no later than 6 months from the month of his birth. When applying for benefits after the specified period, it is assigned and paid for the entire elapsed time, but no more than 6 months before the month in which the application was submitted

for children of single mothers (single fathers) - 1250 rubles;
for children in other families - 500 rubles.
per child

a certificate from the place of work or another document confirming the income of each family member (for non-workers - a work book or other document about the last place of work (study, service);
a certificate from the civil registry office on the basis for entering information about the child’s father (for single mothers) or the child’s mother (for single fathers) into the birth certificate;
certificate from a general education institution (for children over 16 years old)

Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for children under 3 years of age2

600 rub. per child

children's birth certificates;
certificate from the housing authority confirming that the child is registered at the place of residence together with the parent

Monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the increase in the cost of living for children under the age of 16 (students in educational institutions implementing general education programs - until graduation, but not more than 18 years of age)

550 rub. per child

children's birth certificates;
a certificate from the housing authority confirming that the child is registered at the place of residence together with the parent;

Monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses for housing and communal services3

400 rub. per family

children's birth certificates;
a certificate from the housing authority confirming that the child is registered at the place of residence together with the parent;
certificate from an educational institution implementing general education programs (for children over 16 years old)

Monthly compensation payment for using the telephone

50% installed
family tariff

children's birth certificates;
a certificate from the housing authority confirming that the child is registered at the place of residence together with the parent;
certificate from an educational institution implementing general education programs (for children over 16 years old)

Annual compensation payment for the purchase of a set of children's clothing for attending classes during the period of study at an educational institution implementing general education programs

5000 rub. per child

children's birth certificates;
a certificate from the housing authority confirming that the child is registered at the place of residence together with the parent;
certificate from an educational institution implementing general education programs (for children over 16 years old)

Benefits and in-kind assistance4

free provision of newborns with sets of baby clothes

to all families - in maternity hospitals

free supply with prescriptions from doctors of medical institutions for dairy products baby food(including adapted milk formulas)

children under 3 years old (up to 15 years old - if they suffer from chronic diseases, the list of which is approved by the Moscow Government)

free software medicines according to prescriptions from doctors of medical institutions*

children under 18 years old

free travel in city passenger transport (except for taxis and minibuses) - implemented on the basis of SCM*

one of the parents in a large family

children under 16 (studying in educational institutions - until graduation, but not more than until they reach 18) years old

free travel on suburban railway transport - implemented on the basis of SCM

discounted travel on city passenger transport (except taxis and minibuses)

free entry to museums, exhibition halls, cultural and recreational parks, and the zoo operated by the Moscow Government

children under 7 years old

free visits to the zoo, payment at reduced prices for visits to museums, cultural and recreation parks, exhibitions and cultural and educational events in the specified cultural institutions run by the Moscow Government, and once a month - free visits to museums

children from 7 to 18 years old

free visits to the zoo, payment at reduced prices for visits to museums, cultural and recreation parks, exhibitions and cultural and educational events in the specified cultural institutions run by the Moscow Government

persons over 18 years of age studying full-time - during the period of study

admission of children to state preschool educational institutions of the city of Moscow in the first place

to all large families

exemption from payment for the maintenance of children in state preschool educational institutions*

free two meals a day

students of educational institutions implementing general education programs - during the period of study

provision of free textbooks

provision of preferential or free hot meals in accordance with legal acts of the city of Moscow

full-time students in state educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education - during the training period

recreational activities during the summer holidays and in year-round sanatorium camps

children from 7 to 16 years old

reduced tuition fees at art schools

children under 18 years old

30% discount on utility bills*

to all large families
large families recognized as needing improved housing conditions before March 1, 20055

exemption of children living together from fees for the removal and disposal of solid household waste and payment of 50% by other family members living together

priority right to the provision of residential premises from the housing stock of the city of Moscow

determination of the redemption value of residential premises from the housing stock of the city of Moscow when concluding a purchase and sale agreement minus 30 sq. m of the total area of ​​this residential premises

in order of priority to large families recognized as needing improved housing conditions before January 1, 2000 and purchasing residential premises from the city within the framework of city housing programs under a purchase and sale agreement

benefit in the form of writing off the cost of 18 sq. m of living space from the unpaid debt at birth (adoption) in the family of each child during the period of validity of the purchase and sale agreement with installment payment

priority right to receive garden plots

to all large families

free use of sauna services

* From 01/01/2008, it is due to large families until they reach youngest child 16 years old (students in an educational institution implementing general education programs are 18 years old).
1 Provided by Moscow City Law No. 67 dated November 3, 2004 “On monthly child benefits.”
2 Cash payments provided for in clauses 2–5 are assigned from the month of birth of the 3rd child (or from the month of marriage of parents with children from previous marriages, if there are three children in the family), if they were applied for no later than 6 months from the month of his birth. When applying after the specified period, compensation is assigned and paid for the entire elapsed time, but no more than 6 months before the month in which the application was submitted.
3 Cash payments provided for in clauses 4–6 are awarded to a large family until the youngest child reaches 16 years of age (for students in an educational institution implementing general education programs - up to 18 years of age).
4 Provided for by Moscow City Law No. 60 of November 23, 2005 “On social support for families with children in the city of Moscow.”
5 Large families that registered their housing after March 1, 2005, in accordance with federal and city legislation, do not have a priority right to improve their living conditions and are provided with residential premises under a social tenancy agreement in the order of priority based on the time of registration. Fringe benefits for the provision of such families are determined annually in the Program for the provision of residential premises.

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families,” in each region the authorities themselves decide which families with how many children should be classified as large families.

In most constituent entities of the Russian Federation, families with three or more children under the age of 18 are recognized as having large families. There are exceptions. For example, in the Republic of Mari El, families with four or more children are considered large families, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory - with five or more children.

If in a large family one of the children has already reached the age of 18 and is studying full-time at a higher educational institution of any type, then until they reach the age of 23, such a family, as a rule, is also considered to have many children. In some regions, a family loses its status as a large family immediately after the eldest child reaches adulthood, regardless of whether he went to get an education or not.

When registering as part of a large family, the following are not taken into account:

  • children in respect of whom a parent has been deprived of parental rights;
  • children transferred to orphanages and boarding schools for full state support.

What benefits can a large family claim in Russia?

The rules for providing benefits and benefits to large families may change, but no radical changes have been observed in recent years. Benefits for large families are still provided on the basis of a law adopted in 1992.

What is the right for large families at the Federal level?

In accordance with Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 “On measures for social support of large families,” large families (all family members) in all constituent entities of Russia are entitled to:

  • a discount of at least 30 percent for payment for housing and communal services: heating, water, sewerage, gas and electricity;
  • fuel compensation for home heating if a large family lives in a house without central heating;
  • free prescription medications for children under six years of age;
  • free travel on public transport (tram, trolleybus, and city bus);
  • free travel on suburban and intra-district buses for schoolchildren;
  • the right to priority admission to kindergartens;
  • free breakfasts and lunches for schoolchildren;
  • free school uniform or a replacement set of children's clothing for attending school;
  • free sports uniform for the entire period of children’s schooling;
  • free admission to museums, cultural and recreational parks, and exhibitions one day a month;
  • assistance to those wishing to organize peasant (farm) enterprises, small enterprises and other commercial structures: allocation of land plots for these purposes, as well as provision of benefits for collecting land tax and rent in the form of full or partial exemption from tax for a certain period, or lowering tax rates ;
  • material assistance or interest-free loans to reimburse expenses for the development of a peasant (farm) economy; full or partial exemption from paying registration fees for entrepreneurs;
  • ensuring priority allocation of garden plots for large families;
  • provision of preferential loans, subsidies, interest-free loans for the purchase building materials and housing construction.

What privileges can large families have in the regions?

Depending on the region, large families, in addition to federal ones, receive the following regional benefits:

  • free land plots;
  • additional monthly allowance for the third child and subsequent children until they reach the age of three. The amount of the benefit corresponds to the regional subsistence minimum per child;
  • benefits for payment of transport tax;
  • early pension for a mother with many children (retirement at 50 years old, instead of 55);
  • ​employment of parents with many children at work with a flexible schedule;
  • training and retraining of parents taking into account the needs of the regional economy.

Keep in mind that benefits are provided to a family for one calendar year. Over the course of a year, family income may change, children grow and their ages change. Therefore, at the end of each calendar year, the family submits documents for annual re-registration, as well as to receive a certificate confirming the right to benefits.

What cash payments are provided for large families (data for 2019)?

Type of benefitWho getsSize
Monthly for the child.At the birth of the second and subsequent children.5153 rubles.
Families with 3–4 children under 16 years of age (or up to 18 years of age if the child is studying in an educational institution).600 rubles for each child.
Compensation payment to reimburse expenses due to the rising cost of living.With 5 or more children under 16 years of age (or up to 18 years of age if the child is studying in an educational institution).750 rubles for each child.
Compensation payment for the purchase of children's products.Large families with 5 or more minor children.900 rubles for the whole family.
Monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in food costs.For children under 3 years old.675 rubles.
Monthly compensation payment to reimburse the costs of paying for housing and utilities for large families.Large families with 3–4 children.
Large families with 5 or more children.
522 rubles.
1044 rubles.
Monthly compensation payment for telephone use for large families.Large families until the youngest child reaches the age of 16 (18) years.230 rubles.
Monthly compensation payment to families with 10 or more children.Paid for each child until he reaches the age of 16 (for full-time students - up to 23 years).750 rubles.
Compensation payment to mothers who gave birth to 10 or more children and receive a pension.Women who have given birth to 10 or more children, for the duration of their pension.10,000 rubles.
Annual payments (benefits) for large families.Families with 10 children (or more) International Day families. Families with 10 children (or more) for Knowledge Day.10,000 rub. per family. 15,000 rubles per family.
Awarding parents with a medal or Order of Parental Glory and a lump sum payment.Family with 7 children or more.100,000 rubles.

Who will pay for everything and who will ask for benefits?

Expenses for the implementation of rights and benefits provided to large families and their members are made at the expense of the federal budget and the budgets of the constituent entities Russian Federation.

The procedure and conditions for reimbursement of these expenses are approved, respectively, by the Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the manner established by law. Financing of additional measures to support large families established by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out from the budgets of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other sources not prohibited by law.

So, what needs to be done to put your rights into practice? To obtain a certificate for a large family and a certificate of entitlement to benefits, parents must contact the authorities social protection population at the place of residence.

The average per capita income of a large family is determined in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 2000 No. 152 “On the procedure for recording income and calculating the average per capita income of low-income families and low-income citizens living alone to provide them with state social assistance.”

If the average per capita income does not exceed 100% of the subsistence minimum, a large family is issued a certificate of entitlement to benefits.

The provision of benefits for housing and utilities to a large family is carried out by organizations and enterprises that provide housing and communal services to the population, on the basis of a written application from one of the parents of a large family, a certificate of a large family and a certificate confirming the family’s right to receive benefits.

A large family provides these same documents to receive benefits in kindergarten, school, transport and in all cases described in the Federal Law.