Talk shows can be found on the broadcast schedule of most channels on Russian television. There is a program of this format on the air of the Russia 1 channel. The “Live Broadcast” program, hosted by Boris Korchevnikov, allows viewers to learn about the problems that arose in the lives of the heroes who came on the air of the show. This program, aired on one of the central channels, talks about problems in Russian society. Episodes of this show discuss events that have happened recently. In addition, the heroes of the program are ordinary people in whose lives tragedies have occurred or who have witnessed stories about which it is simply impossible to remain silent.
Situations that arose in the lives of people invited to the program are discussed by the guests of the talk show, as well as by the audience present in the hall.
The program touches on topics that are not discussed in news broadcasts, but nevertheless deserve attention. Everyone will be able to observe the discussion of topics relevant to Russian society while watching episodes of this program.

“Live” is a program that talks about incredible events that happened in the lives of ordinary citizens of our country. In addition, the episodes of this show discuss the situations in which the program's heroes find themselves. Spicy and actual problems are discussed in each episode of the program. Famous people are invited to discuss the situation and find a way out of it into the studio of this program. The audience in the studio also has the opportunity to take part in the discussion.

Filming this show is quite a serious process. Several teams of editors are working on this project and are constantly in the studio where the filming of this program is taking place. In addition, 30 producers are involved in the process of creating the program. This program is a real factory that produces non-fictional stories, the acquaintance with which will not leave any person indifferent. One of the tasks of the directors of this talk show is to check the readiness of the stories. In addition, during the filming of this television project, they practice the speed of their own reaction.

The singer and her husband attended a confrontation “He threatened me, insulted my late father, shouted it in my mother’s face... Phil shouted that he would kill me and my bastard son,” says Nargiz. “I’m very sorry for this…. I love you very much. This is not the end of ours that I would like to see... You trusted under [...]

The singer and her husband attended a confrontation

“He threatened me, insulted my late father, shouted it in my mother’s face... Phil shouted that he would kill me and my bastard son,” says Nargiz.

“I’m very sorry for this…. I love you very much. This is not the end of ours that I would like to see... You entrusted your children and your mother to my care,” Phillip Basano justified himself.

A live teleconference between New York and Moscow took place on June 27 in the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program. “The Voice” star Nargiz Zakirova was in Moscow, and her husband, singer Philip Bazano, was on a video call with her from New York. The couple lived in America for almost 20 years. They have a common daughter, 16-year-old Leila (the singer also has two children from previous marriages). In 2013, Nargiz reached the finals of the show “The Voice” and captivated the Russian public. They began offering her tours and contracts. The woman invited her husband to stay in America and take care of the family, while she went to work. Zakirova regularly transferred money to her husband. But lately his demands have been increasing; Phil, according to Nargiz, turned her life into hell, constantly asking for money to pay debts: the singer even had to borrow from her producer Maxim Fadeev and send her to America.

Musicians from the Nargiz group came to the studio and said that the singer had been very depressed by this situation lately and that it was difficult for her to work. Philip’s friend, musician Oleg Khovrin, who has known Nargiz’s husband since 1993, said that Philip has always been a great guy: “He is in despair, depressed. And I have already regretted many times what I started... I can’t explain his actions...” The musician began to start quarrels, threaten Nargiz and her relatives, threatened to give a divorce only if Nargiz paid him 40 thousand dollars so that he would pay the expenses of home repairs and other household needs, debts.

Maxim Fadeev’s lawyers are helping Nargiz with the divorce procedure, and they say that the man could end up behind bars if he threatens Nargiz.

Nargiz herself is against this development of events: “I will never agree to this. Our daughter stayed with him. She told me that she understands: my father is wrong at this moment, and before he was often wrong. But still, he is my father, so I stay with him.”

Nargiz’s loved ones told the host of the “Live Broadcast” program, Boris Korchevnikov, that the singer recently flew to America for several days and met with her husband. But he came to the meeting drunk and insulted her relatives.

Singer Nargiz Zakirova and her husband Phil Balzano became the heroes of the “Live Broadcast” program on the “Russia” channel. The artist and her husband voiced their claims against each other.

Nargiz Zakirova told why she decided to divorce her husband. The singer Nargiz’s husband expressed his version of the situation.

Nargiz Zakirova lived with her husband, musician of Italian origin, Philippe Basano, for 20 years. They have a common daughter, 16-year-old Leila (the singer also has two children from previous marriages).

The couple was building family life in America, until three years ago Nargiz captivated the Russian public by participating in the show “The Voice”. That's how it began new life: concerts, recordings of songs in Russia.

The husband and daughter remained to live overseas.

And recently it became known that Nargiz was divorcing her husband. The artist’s husband demands a large sum of money from her and sends her threats.

After deafening fame fell on Nagriz in Russia, she began to earn good money here, and problems began in the family.

My husband stayed at home in the USA with the children; he did not work anywhere. The singer supported the whole family. She herself suggested that her beloved engage in creativity and raise heirs. Then the husband hinted that he got into debt.

Philip himself said that he got into debt due to the construction of a recording studio, which he and his wife had long dreamed of.

She refused to find the finances, which angered him, because there was an agreement that it was Nagriz who brought the money into the house.

During a teleconference organized at the show, the spouses in a state of conflict were able to express all their complaints to each other.

“You went to Moscow and entrusted all our children under my care. Why are you portraying me as a monster now?” said Philip.

The singer’s husband admitted that there were problems in the family, and he took all of them upon himself.

Experts in the studio Live broadcast" suggested that the reason aggressive behavior Phil’s jealousy towards Nagriz could have been because his wife lived and worked in another country, far from him.

“In response to this, a person can fall into deep depression. And to get out of it, he can try some drugs,” the expert said.

“We have no right to interfere in your situation at all. But, believe me, everything can be restored if there is love. No request can be left unattended.

You are a unique woman, amazingly talented. Try to get over yourself,” said actress Elena Proklova.

Maxim Fadeev’s lawyers are helping Nargiz with the divorce procedure, and they say that the man could end up behind bars if Nargiz threatens him.

Nargiz herself is against this development of events: “I will never agree to this. Our daughter stayed with him. She told me that she understands: my father is wrong at this moment, and before he was often wrong. But still, he is my father, so I stay with him.”

Words of repentance from Philip were also heard in the studio. It is clear that a man does not want to lose his wife.

“I don’t believe in his repentance. He lies all the time and has lied before. I won't forgive him. I want to part ways on good terms,” said Nargiz.

It happened that her husband threatened to shoot everyone with a pistol if something did not go the way he would like. During one of the quarrels with the singer, he began to attack 20-year-old Auel, Zakirova’s son from a previous marriage.

In the studio of the “Live Broadcast” program, Nargiz’s friends voiced information that the singer recently flew to America for several days and met with her husband. But he came to the meeting drunk and insulted her relatives.

In addition, the studio suggested that the man was taking tranquilizers.

While musician Oleg Khovrin, who has known Nargiz’s husband since 1993, said that Philip has always been a great guy: “He is in despair, depressed. And I have already regretted many times what I started... I can’t explain his actions...”

Singer Nargiz Zakirova is forced to hide from her husband. Philip Balzano, the husband of Nargiz Zakirova, the man with whom Nargiz lived for 20 years, threatens her. He threatens with violence and demands a huge amount of money. Nargiz left her children in America and was forced to hide in Russia. What happened between the spouses? Today is a face to face meeting of these two people who once seemed to be so happy.
Nargiz Zakirova is a singer of Uzbek origin living in the USA. After the release of the show “The Voice Season 2” on September 27, 2013, Nargiz Zakirova literally woke up famous. She was predicted to win the competition and was compared with another Uzbek rock singer, Sevara Nazarkhan. Nargiz Zakirova took second place in the show “The Voice Season 2”, losing to the Belarusian singer Sergei Volchkov.

About the transfer: These problems have not yet been written about in either print or electronic media. But they exist! These are real problems of ordinary people who find themselves in difficult life situations. This applies to everyone! "Live" is a chronicle of our lives.

Genre: Talk show, information and analytical program
Year of issue: 2016
Released: Russia, Russia 1
Leading: Boris Korchevnikov