Child benefits in Chita are paid mainly to maintain a stable standard of living for foster families, large families and low-income families. As in some other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, maternity capital is paid in the Chita region.

Federal child benefits in Chita

Federal benefits are paid to families living throughout Russia and do not in any way affect the possibility of receiving regional payments.

Name of the benefit Sum
Maternity benefit Officially employed -100% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months (or in the amount1 minimum wage (7800 rubles), if the income was below the minimum wage, or the insurance period was less than 6 months).

Officially unemployed (registered with the Employment Center, dismissed during the previous 12 months due to the liquidation of an enterprise, termination of the activities of an individual entrepreneur or bankruptcy of a company) –613 rubles 14 kopecks per month.

For students - in the amount of a scholarship.

Those who are not working are not paid.

One-time allowance for registration at a district clinic or antenatal clinic no later than 12 obstetric weeks pregnancy 613 rubles 14 kopecks(paid to the same categories of women who receive maternity benefits).
One-time benefit for the birth of a child 16350 rubles 33 kopecks(paid for each child separately to all categories of citizens)
Monthly allowance for child care up to one and a half years old Officially employed and dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of the company -40% of average salaryfor the previous 24 months, but not less minimum size and not higher than the maximum amount (23,089 rubles 4 kopecks).

Non-working, unemployed, students - in the minimum amount:3065 rubles 69 kopecksfor 1 child,6131 ruble 37 kopecksfor the 2nd, 3rd and subsequent children.

Monthly compensation for unemployed mothers fired while on maternity leave for up to three years due to company liquidation 50 rubles(in some regions - in the amount1 minimum wage, if the child is the third and subsequent).

Regional maternity capital in Chita and the Chita region

Unlike the federal maternity capital, regional family capital in the Chita region is indexed annually.

EDV for the maintenance of orphans and children without parental care placed in families

Foster parents are paid both a remuneration for raising orphans and an allowance for their maintenance, while guardians receive only a maintenance payment.

Recipients Size (RUB) Conditions of receipt Registration time
Guardians, foster parents, foster carers for children under 18 years of age 5,059 – per child up to school age

5,850 – per school-age child

2,540 – reward for an orphan adopted into the family

5,070 – remuneration to adoptive parents for two adopted orphans

7,230 – remuneration to the adoptive parent for three adopted orphans

3,750 – remuneration for raising a child with mental disabilities

10% – bonus for each subsequent child taken into the family

50% – supplement for raising a child under 3 years old, a disabled person

Amounts increase by the regional coefficient

Payments are assigned by guardianship and trusteeship authorities

When the right to payment arises

In addition to the payments listed above, for placing a child in a family, adoptive parents and guardians are entitled to a one-time allowance in the amount of 17,852 rubles.

EDV for children from large families

In the Chita region, a family receives the status of a large family after the appearance of a third born or adopted child, if at least three children are under 18 years of age (or 23 years of age if the child is studying full-time).

Other measures to support parents with many children:

  • an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, subject to raising 8 or more children, natural, adopted or guardianship, under the age of 18 (23) years;
  • monthly allowance for major repairs of an apartment in an apartment building;
  • free trips to health resorts for children;
  • reimbursement of 30% of the cost of paying for housing utilities and firewood if there is no central heating within the limits of the norms.

EDV for the third child and subsequent children

Despite the fact that the birth rate in the Chita region is high, and the monthly allowance for a third child is not partially financed from the country’s budget, local authorities continue to support the desire of parents to have a third child.

Recipients Size (RUB) Conditions of receipt Registration time
Families with a third or subsequent child 9 368,77 Birth (adoption) of a child in the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2019

Child age – from 1.5 to 3 years

Payment is provided once per family

A child under guardianship is not considered a third child

The payment is indexed

From the birth of the third or any subsequent children

Regional monthly child benefits in Chita

Low-income families in the Chita region can receive a regional monthly payment for each child in the family.

Other types of social support for families with children

Parents raising a child with a disability have the right to claim:

  • discount up to half the cost of housing and communal services and rent.

Pregnant, nursing mothers and mothers of children from birth to 3 years old suffering from anemia and other diseases (with a certificate from a pediatrician) can count on receiving special food in kind from the USZN (money is not issued to purchase food).

What documents are needed to apply for regional child benefits in Chita

In order to receive regional payments for a child, you must contact the local branch of the authorities social protection population, having prepared in advance the following set of documents:

Document Where to get it
In free form
Russian Federation passport (residence permit, temporary residence permit – for foreigners and refugees) Main Department of Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Certificate of registration in the region of application Passport Office
Birth (adoption) certificate of the child for whom the benefit is issued Civil registry offices
Birth (adoption) certificates of other children Civil registry offices
Birth certificate of a child without records about the father or a certificate about making records about the father according to the mother (for single mothers) Civil registry offices
Certificate of marriage or divorce (if available) Civil registry offices
Certificate of family composition Passport Office
Sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth (for registration of benefits for B&R) District clinic or antenatal clinic
Certificate of early registration at the antenatal clinic (for processing a one-time payment for early registration) At the gynecologist observing the pregnancy
Certificate of average earnings for the last 2 years Accounting at the place of work, Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation
Work book with or without employment record From last place of work
Certificate of registration not registered at the Employment Center (for unemployed people dismissed due to liquidation or bankruptcy of a company) Employment center
Certificate of non-receipt of unemployment benefits (unemployment benefits cannot be received simultaneously with child benefits) Employment center
Certificate stating that the second parent did not receive benefits USZN, from place of work
Certificate of a large family (for parents with many children) USZN
Certificates of monthly income of all family members (for low-income families) At the place of work, the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Central Tax Service, at the place of study
Certificate of completion of studies at a school or university (for schoolchildren and students) At the place of study
Conclusion of a medical and social examination on the establishment of disability (for disabled children) ITU Bureau
Certificate of absence of a place in a preschool educational institution (to receive compensation for lack of places) Kindergarten at your place of residence
Certificate of enrollment kindergarten and the amount of parental fees (to receive compensation for part of the parental fees) preschool educational institution
Agreement on the adoption of a child for upbringing in foster family(for adoptive parents) Guardianship and trusteeship authorities
Death certificate or court decision declaring a person missing (for children who have lost a parent) Civil registry office, court secretary
Photocopy of bank account or passbook
Type of benefit Coefficient
1,2 1,3 1,4
Monthly child benefit. One of the parents (adoptive parents, guardians, trustees) has the right to benefits for each child living with him until he reaches the age of 16 years (for a student - until he completes his studies, but not more than until he is 18 years old) in families with an average per capita income, the size of which does not exceed the subsistence level in the Trans-Baikal Territory.
- basic size 229,02 248,11 267,19
- for children of a single mother 458,04 496,21 534,38
- for children whose parents evade child support and for children of conscript military personnel 343,54 372,16 400,79
Payments 431,02
Monthly cash payment upon the birth (adoption) of a third child or subsequent children. Provided to large families whose average per capita income is below the subsistence level established in the Trans-Baikal Territory, having two or more born or adopted children. Paid until the child reaches three years of age. 9368,77
Regional maternal capital. Assigned to large families with two or more born or adopted children 63 515,73
Families with disabled children, a discount of at least 50% on payment for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock and payment for utilities (regardless of the ownership of the housing stock), and in residential buildings that do not have central heating - on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits of the norms
Children under the age of 18 living in the Trans-Baikal Territory and in need of sanatorium-resort treatment, in families whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level established in the territory of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Reimbursement of 50% of the cost of travel on intercity transport within Russian Federation once a year to the place of spa treatment and back
  • Payment of monthly remuneration to adoptive parents, foster carers:
    • for one child taken into care - 2,540 rubles;
    • for two children taken into care – 5,070 rubles;
    • for three children taken into care - 7,230 rubles.
    The amount of remuneration increases by 10% for each subsequent orphan child or child taken into foster care. The amount of remuneration increases by 50% for each orphan or child under three years of age taken into care, or with disabilities health, or a disabled child. The amount of remuneration is determined using regional coefficients.
  • Monthly cash payments for the maintenance of orphans and children left without parental care in families of guardians (trustees) and foster families, foster families:
    • for children preschool age– 4,216 rub. for each child;
    • for school-age children – 4,875 rubles. for each child.
    The amount of monthly cash payments increases by the regional coefficient.
  • Monthly monetary remuneration to a guardian (trustee) in case of taking under guardianship (guardianship) an orphan or a child left without parental care who belongs to the category of children with disabilities, that is, has physical or physical disabilities mental development– 3,750 rub. for each child. The amount of remuneration is determined using regional coefficients.

Currently, there are 50 regions in the country with low birth rates. To correct the demographic situation, the government of such regions pays additional benefits aimed at improving the living standards of those in need and parents with many children, guardians.

The purpose of such a program is to provide an additional incentive for the birth/adoption of children. The problem regions include the Trans-Baikal Territory, respectively child benefit in Chita it is paid from the federal and local budgets.

Federal payments

The basis for such transfers is the federal law No. 81, adopted for execution on May 19, 1995. Such benefits apply to all parents, regardless of financial situation and social status. Subsidies are paid on a common basis with other regions of the country.

It should be noted that the Trans-Baikal Territory is one of the subjects of the Federation with special living conditions, therefore increasing coefficients apply to all types of subsidies.

In particular:

  1. 1.2 - administrative center and a number of adjacent territories;
  2. 1.3 - for the districts of Tungir-Olkminsky, Kalarsky, Tungokochensky, covering employees of budgetary organizations, river navigation, teaching staff, workers in trade and housing and communal services;
  3. 1.4 - for the settlements of Krasnoarmensk, Oktyabrsky and Krasnokamensky for all categories of working specialties.
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Amounts of federal payments

Child benefits in the Trans-Baikal Territory in 2019, paid from the state budget, are presented in the table.

Category Value taking into account the current coefficient Frequency of receipt
1.2 1.3 1.4
Pregnant women who are undergoing medical examination early stages and women who lost their jobs during this period735 797 858 One-time
Payments for the birth of a baby19 620 21 255 22 890 One-time
To support a child up to 1.5 years oldFirst - 3,6783 985 4 291 Every month
Second and further - 7,3577 970 8 583
Registration of guardianshipStandard size - 19 62021 255 22 890 One-time
For disabled children over 7 years old - 149,915162 408 174 901
Compensation for mothers who lost their jobs and have dependent children under 3 years of age60 65 70 Every month
31 070 33 660 36 249 One-time
For the maintenance of children of conscript soldiers13 316 14 425 15 535 Every month
A child of a military serviceman or law enforcement officer who died while performing official duties2 678 2 901 3 124 Every month
If the child’s father died during a counter-terrorism operation in the North Caucasus22 027 Annually, targeted use of funds: summer holidays
Material reward for holders of the Order of Parental Glory100 000 One-time
Certificate of maternity capital for the birth of the 2nd child453 026 One-time, Only targeted spending of funds

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Required documents

You need to apply for government benefits as soon as the grounds arise. To do this, a corresponding application is written and a package of title papers is collected:

  1. personal documents (passport, children’s birth certificates);
  2. certificates from medical institutions and military registration and enlistment offices;
  3. written confirmation that the other parent/guardian;
  4. extract from the house register;
  5. details for crediting funds;
  6. other documents required at the place of application.

Applications are considered at the place of primary employment or by social security authorities if parents or guardians are not officially employed. It usually takes no more than 10 days to make a decision.

Important! State benefits are increased annually (indexation from February 1), paid to any family member who has grounds for receiving them and actually cares for the child.

Regional payments

These subsidies have a number of distinctive features. In particular:

  1. are issued only at social protection authorities and multifunctional centers;
  2. financed from the municipal budget;
  3. are transferred only to low-income parents/guardians with many children;

It is important to note that regional benefits in Chita and the Trans-Baikal Territory are paid not only to Russian citizens, but also to citizens of other states, as well as citizens who are in status.

Basic condition: Cohabitation with a child in the region.

Payment amounts in 2019

Child benefits in the Trans-Baikal Territory are additionally paid from the local budget. The size of payments is influenced by regional coefficients.

Category Value taking into account the coefficient Frequency of receipt
1.2 1.3 1.4
Child care from birth to adulthoodBasic size - 229248 267 Every month
Single mothers - 458496 534
Children of conscript soldiers or if it is impossible to collect alimony payments - 343347 400
For parents with many children431 Every month
Low-income parents for the maintenance of the 3rd and subsequent children9 368 Every month
Maternity capital certificate for the birth/adoption of 2 or more babies63 515 One-time
To guardiansFor the first - 2,540Every month
For the second - 5,070
For three or more - 7,230
Additional subsidies for orphans left without parental carePreschool age - 4,216Every month
Schoolchildren - 4,875
Important! The amount of remuneration for adoption guardians increases by 50% for the adoption of children with disabilities under the age of 3 years into the family.

Procedure for applying for local benefits

Regional benefits are paid only to needy families, based on a written application and a collected package of documents. Each type of subsidy has its own registration procedure, which requires more detailed consideration.

For the birth of a third child

The subsidy is paid upon the birth of the third child in the family, born between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016. Payments apply to adopted children subject to similar conditions. The recipient of the certificate is either parent/guardian.

For registration:

  • passport (permanent registration in the Trans-Baikal Territory is required);
  • birth documents of all children;
  • court order on guardianship (for adoptive parents).

You need to apply for a certificate 3 months after the birth/adoption of the baby.

Important! Social assistance is not targeted, so there is no need to account for the funds spent.

Payments for children from 1.5 to 3 years old

The subsidy applies to needy families with a third child. Adoptive parents can also apply for benefits. This type social assistance is a personal initiative of local authorities and is aimed at additional motivation large families.

For registration:

  1. personal documents of children and parents;
  2. extract from the house register;
  3. certificate of income for the previous 3 months;
  4. employment history;
  5. court order on adoption.

You must apply for benefits from the moment the grounds arise; the processing time for applications does not exceed 2 weeks.

Important! The benefit is paid only for the third child.

Benefits for children over 3 years old

It is issued to any of the parents/guardians if the family falls under the category. The amount is subject to annual indexation.

For getting:

  1. documents of children and parents;
  2. certificates of income and family composition;
  3. written confirmation that the other parent/guardian is not the recipient;
  4. certificate from educational institutions for schoolchildren;
  5. additional documents giving the right to increased payments.

You must apply for benefits within 6 months from the date of birth.

Important! Payments are made for teenagers under 16 years of age. If the child continues education, the period is extended until the age of 18.

Large families

Families with more than 3 minors as dependents receive status and therefore have the right to additional financial incentives.

For registration:

  1. personal documents;
  2. certificate of parents with many children;
  3. certificate from an educational institution (for teenagers over 16 years old).

You must apply for benefits within 6 months after birth.

In addition, the following benefits are provided for large families:

  1. subsidies in the amount of 30% for payment of housing and communal services or purchase of fuel;
  2. priority receipt of children's vouchers to sanatoriums and health camps;
  3. compensation for repairs to premises (only for residents of apartment buildings).

In addition, provision of housing is provided under a social rental agreement, provided that the family has more than 8 children.

To guardians

Any of the guardians receives the benefit. Subsidies are paid not only for adoption, but also for raising children.

For registration:

  • personal documents;
  • guardianship act.

Written applications are accepted by social security authorities from the moment the grounds arise. Payments are made from the first day the child appears in the family.

Where to go

You can apply for regional child benefits in Chita at the following addresses:

Organizations receive citizens from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

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Last changes

During 2016, in the Trans-Baikal Territory there were delays in the payment of social benefits to needy citizens and large families. This even provoked a picket of mothers with many children near the Chita City Hall.

Since January 2017, the entire amount of debt was included in the regional budget and payment debts were fully repaid in the first quarter of 2017. Currently, benefits are paid without delay.

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Watch a video about kindergartens in the Trans-Baikal Territory

November 1, 2017, 14:53 March 3, 2019 13:42

Previously, for a long time (since 2008), the indexation of child benefits was carried out annually from January 1 at an “accelerating pace,” i.e. on the size of projected inflation. However, the crisis economic situation in the country has made its own adjustments - in order to reduce the budget deficit, at the end of 2015 the Government decided to suspend the current procedure for indexing benefits starting from the new year.

Thus, from February 1, 2016, child benefits were indexed only from February on the basis of last year’s inflation (i.e. at a “catch-up rate”). This procedure was in effect until 2018.

Information on the amount of benefits for families with children today (the amounts of benefits are established from January 1, 2019 ) is presented in the table:

Types of child benefits

Payment amount

One-time benefit to expectant mothers registered with antenatal clinics in early pregnancy

649,84 rub. (from 1.02.2019)

Maternity benefit ( maternity payments). 100% of average earnings are paid for 140 days during a standard pregnancy (156 for complicated births, 194 for multiple births)

minimum 51,918.90 rub. for 140 days of vacation

maximum 301 thousand 95 rub. in 140 days

One-time benefit for the birth of a child or

One-time payment when placing a child in a family for upbringing

RUB 16,873.54

RUB 128,927.58

Minimum monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years

RUB 4,512(for the first child)

RUB 6,284.65. (for second and subsequent children)

Maximum monthly allowance for child care up to 1.5 years (40% of average earnings)

Maximum amount for persons not subject to compulsory social insurance, including military personnel

RUB 24,536.57

RUB 11,451.86

Monthly allowance for a child of a military personnel undergoing military service on call

RUB 11,451.86

One-time benefit for the pregnant wife of a military serviceman undergoing military service.

RUB 26,721.01

Maternity capital (provided at the birth of the second and subsequent children)

RUB 453,026 (expected growth in 2020 - up to 470 thousand rubles)

Back in May 2012, V.V. Putin signed a decree “On measures to implement demographic policy RF." According to this decree, from the beginning of 2013, a monthly payment in the amount of the regional subsistence minimum per child is assigned to the third and subsequent children. This payment is assigned to the third or subsequent child born no earlier than January 1, 2013.

Since 2013, the state has co-financed the corresponding expenditure obligations only if an unfavorable demographic situation has been established in the region (the birth rate is below the national average).

What are the conditions for receiving benefits for a child under 18 years of age, what documents are required for this, the addresses of the branches of the Social Security Administration and the MFC in Chita, the timing of making a decision based on the submitted documents and the amount of payments.


To receive a monthly allowance for a child under 16 years of age (if studying in a general education institution - up to 18 years of age), a number of conditions must be met:

  • the family lives in the territory of the subject in which the application for the benefit is submitted;
  • income per family member does not exceed the regional living wage;
  • the family has a low level of property security (in some cases);
  • the child for whom the benefit is assigned lives with the applicant.

The benefit can be received for natural and adopted children, as well as for children under guardianship or guardianship. The payment is provided if the family does not receive money from the state for the maintenance of the entrusted children under the guardianship/trusteeship agreement.

Cannot receive benefits:

  • citizens whose children are fully supported by the state;
  • citizens deprived of parental rights or limited in them;
  • women undergoing contract military service outside Russia.

One of the parents (trustees, guardians, adoptive parents) has the right to benefit.

The benefit is paid for each child in the family.

List of documents

For getting monthly payment For a child under 18 years of age, the following documents must be prepared:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • child's birth certificate (if the child is over 14 years old - his passport);
  • certificates of income of all family members for the last 3 months;
  • information about income received from all sources (pensions, benefits, scholarships, etc.);
  • a certificate from a general education institution about the child’s education there – for children over 16 years of age;
  • documents on adoption (guardianship, guardianship) - if available;
  • a certificate from the civil registry office on the basis for entering information about the father into the child’s birth certificate - for the assignment of an increased amount of benefits;
  • a certificate of conscription of the child’s father for military service or completion of service - for the assignment of an increased amount of benefits (if desired);
  • certificate of education of the child’s father in a military educational institution - for the assignment of an increased amount of benefits (if desired);
  • a certificate confirming the debtor’s stay in one of the established institutions (colony, hospital, etc.) and/or his lack of earnings (court decision) - to assign an increased amount of benefits (if desired);
  • a message from the internal affairs bodies (OVD) about the lack of results in determining the location of the debtor - for the assignment of an increased amount of benefits (if desired);
  • a certificate confirming the debtor’s travel abroad or the collection of alimony from him in a foreign country - to assign an increased amount of benefits (if desired);
  • certificate of termination of benefit payment at another place of residence - if necessary;
  • work book – for non-working parents;
  • notarized power of attorney (when applying through a representative).

Additionally, documents may be required: a certificate of marriage/divorce, a certificate of non-receipt of benefits by the other parent, a certificate of non-receipt of payments for the maintenance of a supervised child, etc.

State duty

No charge.


Citizens can submit documents to receive payments for a child under 18 years of age to the department of the Department of Social Protection of the Population, MFC, by mail, through the State Services portal or the website of the authorized agency.

Addresses of departments of the Department of Social Protection of the Population

Address 1

MFC addresses

Address 1

Important! Check the possibility of providing services during a personal visit or by phone.

Check the possibility of providing services at the MFC branch during a personal visit or by phone.


The decision to assign a benefit to a child, paid until his 16th birthday (if studying in a general education institution - until his 18th birthday), is made within 10 days from the date of submission of documents.

Monthly child benefits are assigned from the month of his birth, if the application was submitted no later than six months from this date. If the application for child benefit was made later than six months after his birth, payment is made for the last six months before the date of submission of documents.

Recipients of benefits are required to promptly notify the authorized body of the occurrence of circumstances leading to a change, suspension or cancellation of receiving funds.

The benefit is paid for the current month.


The size of the benefit is constantly changing and depends on the cost of living, but on average it is 200 rubles throughout the country.

The exact amount of the monthly payment for a child under 16 (18) years of age, subject to the conditions for its appointment, please check with the department of the Department of Social Protection of the Population.

An increased benefit amount is established.