1 September is the day of knowledge
September 1 - Local Government Day
September 2 - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of the end of World War II
September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight against Terrorism
September 5 - 445 years since the birth of Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), Italian philosopher
September 5 - 80 years since the birth of illustrator Erik Vladimirovich Bulatov (1933)
September 8 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The Battle of Borodino of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812)
September 8 - International Day of Solidarity for Journalists
September 8 - International Literacy Day
September 8 - 90 years since the birth of the Dagestan poet Rasul Gamzatov (1923-2003)
September 7 - 90 years since the birth of the poet Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov (1923-2004)
September 9 - 185 years since the birth of the writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910)
September 9 - 95 years since the birth of the Russian poet and translator Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (1818-2000)
September 9 - 80 years since the founding (1933) of the publishing house "Children's Literature". The original name was "Detgiz"
September 11 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakova over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)
September 11 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Grigory Yakovlevich Baklanov (1923-2009)
September 12 - Memorial Day of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky
September 13 - 90 years since the birth of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (1923-1941), partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union
September 15 - Birthday of the international environmental organization Greenpeace (Green World)
September 15 - Forest Workers Day
- September 15-October 15 - Nature Conservation Month
September 15 - 400 years since the birth of François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moralist writer
September 16 - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer
September 19 - 60 years since the birth of the writer Dina Ilyinichna Rubina (1953)
September 20 - 235 years since the birth of F.F. Bellingshausen (1778-1852), Russian navigator
September 20 - 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir (1928-1999)
September 21 - Victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)
September 21 - International Day of Peace (since 2002)
September 21 - 305 years since the birth of A.D. Kantemir (1708-1744), Russian poet, founder of classicism
September 22 - World Car Free Day
September 23 - 120 years since the birth of A.F. Losev (1893-1988), Russian philosopher
September 26 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Petrovich Mezhirov (1923-2009)
September 27 - 210 years since the birth of the French writer Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870)
September 27 - World Tourism Day
September 27 - 70 years since the birth of the illustrator Georgy Nikolaevich Yudin (1943)
September 27 - 125 years since the birth of N.I. Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet political figure
September 28 - Nuclear Industry Worker's Day
September 28 - 105 years since the birth of the Russian writer and literary critic Irakli Luarsabovich Andronnikov (1908-1990)
September 28 - 95 years since the birth of V.A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970), Soviet teacher
September 29 - World Seas Day (since 1978)
September 29 - 210 years since the birth of Prosper Merimee (1803-1870), French writer, recognized master of the short story
September 30 - 80 years since the birth of the illustrator Ilya Iosifovich Kabakov (1933)

October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
October 1 - Army Day
October 1 - International Music Day
October 3 - Space Forces Day
October 3 - 140 years since the birth of V.Ya. Shishkov (1873-1945), Russian writer, author of the novels “Gloomy River”, “Emelyan Pugachev”
October 3 - 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950), writer of the Russian diaspora, author of the novel “The Summer of the Lord”
October 4 - World Animal Day
October 5 - International Teachers' Day
October 5 - 300 years since the birth of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French writer, educator and philosopher
October 5 - 90 years since the birth of the illustrator Vladimir Vasilyevich Kanivets (1923)
October 6 - World Habitat Conservation Day
October 6 - 85 years since the birth of the illustrator, the first chief artist of the magazine " Funny pictures» Vitaly Kazimirovich Statsinsky (1928-2010)
October 8 - International Day for the Prevention of Natural Disasters and Disasters
October 8 - 190 years since the birth of I.S. Aksakov (1823-1886), Russian writer and publicist, ideologist of Slavophilism
October 9 - World Post Day
October 10 - 200 years since the birth of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Italian composer
October 10 - 150 years since the birth of the Russian geologist and writer Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956)
October 12 - International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction
October 14 - Day of Workers of State Nature Reserves
October 14 - International Standardization Day
October 14 - 75 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin (1938)
October 19 - Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Day
October 19 - 95 years since the birth of the Russian poet and playwright Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (1918-1977)
October 20 - Military Signalman Day
October 20 - 90 years since the birth of the German writer Otfried Preusler (1923-2013)
October 21 - 180 years since the birth of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish chemist and industrialist, founder of the Nobel Prize
October 24 - International United Nations Day
October 24 - Special Forces Day
October 24 - 75 years since the birth of V.V. Erofeev (1938-1990), Russian writer, author of the story “Moscow-Petushki”
October 25 - 175 years since the birth of Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French composer, author of the opera "Carmen"
October 25 - 170 years since the birth of G.I. Uspensky (1843-1902), Russian writer and publicist
October 28 - 110 years since the birth of Evelyn Waugh (1903-1966), English writer
October 30 - Day of Remembrance for Victims of Political Repression
October 31 - Halloween

November 2 - 170 years since the birth of M.M. Antokolsky (1843-1902), Russian sculptor
November 4 - Day national unity. The day of the liberation of Moscow by the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from Polish invaders (1612).
November 5 - Military Intelligence Day
November 5 - 135 years since the birth of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939), Russian artist
November 7 - October Revolution Day (1917)
November 7 is Military Glory Day. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941)
November 7 - 100 years since the birth of Albert Camus (1913-1960), French writer, playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (1957)
November 9 - 195 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883)
November 10 - Police Day
November 11 - 125 years since the birth of A.N. Tupolev (1888-1972), an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer
November 12 - Employees' Day of Sberbank of the Russian Federation
November 13 - International Day of the Blind
November 14 - 750 years since the death of Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263), Russian commander, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church
November 16 - International Day of Tolerance
November 17 - International Students Day
November 20 - World Children's Day
November 20 - 155 years since the birth of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf(1858-1940), Swedish writer, Nobel Prize winner (1909)
November 21 - Day of Tax Authorities of the Russian Federation
November 23 - 105 years since the birth of the Russian writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976)
November 24 - Mother's Day of Russia
November 24 - 125 years since the birth of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), American writer, publicist, educational psychologist
November 26 - World Information Day
November 27 - 190 years since the birth of G.V. Soroki (1823-1864), Russian artist
November 29 - 115 years since the birth of the English writer Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963)
November 30 - 100 years since the birth of the Russian writer Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972)

December 1 is Military Glory Day. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P. S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)
December 1 - World AIDS Day
December 1 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vladimir Fedorovich Tendryakov (1923-1984)
December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 4 - 110 years since the birth of the writer Lazar Iosifovich Lagin (1903-1979)
December 5 - Day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941)
December 5 - 210 years since the birth of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873)
December 6 - 70 years since the birth of the poet Oleg Evgenievich Grigoriev (1943-1992)
December 8 - 160 years since the birth of the Russian writer, expert on Moscow Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky (1853-1935)
December 9 - 165th anniversary of the birth of American writer Joel Chandler Harris (1848-1908)
December 10 - Human Rights Day
December 11 - 170 years since the birth of Robert Koch (1843-1910), German microbiologist
December 11 - 95 years since the birth of the Russian writer, prose writer, publicist Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Nobel Prize laureate
December 12 - Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
December 12 - 85 years since the birth of the Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov (1928-2008)
December 13 - 140 years since the birth of the writer, critic, literary critic and translator Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (1873-1924)
December 13 - 110 years since the birth of the writer Evgeny Petrovich Petrov (Kataev) (1903-1942)
December 15 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet and prose writer Yakov Lazarevich Akim (1923)
December 21 - 700 years since the birth of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Italian writer, humanist of the Renaissance
December 21 - 80 years since the birth of the illustrator Yuri Vasilyevich Kopeiko (1933-2010)
December 23 - 155 years since the birth of V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko (1858-1943), Russian director
December 24 is Military Glory Day. The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)
December 31 - 60 years since the birth of children's writer Marina Vladimirovna Druzhinina (1953)
January 1 - 95 years since the birth of the Russian prose writer, publicist Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin (1919)
January 1 - 95 years since the birth of the American writer Jerome David Salinger (1919-2010)
January 2 - 180 years since the birth of V. G. Perov (1834 - 1882), Russian artist.
January 6 - Christmas Eve
January 7 - Christmas
January 7 - 100 years since the birth of the illustrator Yuvenaly Dmitrievich Korovin
January 8 - 190 years since the birth of the English writer William Wilkie Collins (1824-1889)
January 11 - World Thank You Day
January 12 - Prosecutor's Day
January 13 - Russian Press Day
January 19 - 110 years since the birth of the poet Alexander Ivanovich Vvedensky (1904-1941)
January 19 - 205 years since the birth of the American prose writer, poet, critic Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
January 22 - 110 years since the birth of the Russian writer Arkady Petrovich Gaidar (1904-1941)
January 25 - Russian Student Day
January 25 - 255 years since the birth of the Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796)
January 27 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad (1944)
January 27 - 135 years since the birth of the Russian writer Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (1879-1950)
January 31 is the 90th anniversary of the adoption of the first Constitution of the USSR.

February 1 - 130 years since the birth of E.I. Zamyatin (1884 - 1937) Soviet writer, author of the first dystopia.
February 2 - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by Soviet and German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943).
February 2 - 185 years since the birth of the German zoologist, author of the multi-volume work “The Life of Animals” Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829-1884)
February 2 - 110 years ago, Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (1904-1938) - USSR pilot - was born. He was the first to fly non-stop from Moscow to Vancouver via the North Pole.
February 4 - 70 years ago, scientists proved that DNA is the carrier of hereditary information.
February 4 - 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954)
February 8 - Russian Science Day
February 8 is Aeroflot Day
February 8 - 180 years since the birth of D. I. Mendeleev (1834-1907), Russian chemist
February 9 - 140 years since the birth of V. E. Meyerhold (1874-1940), an outstanding Soviet innovative director
February 10 - Memorial Day of A.S. Pushkin.
February 11 - 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi (1894-1959)
February 11 - 125 years since the birth of the illustrator Alexei Ilyich Kravchenko (1889-1940)
February 12 - 205 years since the birth of C.R. Darwin (1809-1882), English naturalist, founder of the theory of evolution
February 13 - 245 years since the birth of the Russian writer, fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769-1844)
February 14 - Valentine's Day
February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers in Russia. 20 years since the completion of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Republic of Afghanistan (1989). Exit from the war (1979-1989)
February 15 - 105 years ago N.I. was born. Rylenkov (1909-1969) Russian poet, literary critic.
February 20 - 285 years since the birth of F. G. Volkov (1729-1763), Russian actor, theater figure.
February 21 - International Mother Language Day (celebrated since 2000 at the initiative of UNESCO in order to preserve the cultural traditions of all peoples)
February 23 is Defender of the Fatherland Day.
February 23 - Day of Military Glory of Russia - Day of the Red Army's victory over German troops (1918).
February 23 - 115 years since the birth of the German writer Erich Köstner (1899-1974)
February 25 - 100 years since the birth of the illustrator Fyodor Viktorovich Lemkul (1914-1995)
February 26 - 145 years since the birth of N.K. Krupskaya (1869-1939), Soviet statesman and party leader.
February 28 - 150 years ago, a public figure, Russian thinker and naturalist was born - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945)

March 1 - World Civil Defense Day
March 1 is the International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking.
March 1 - 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer-naturalist Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin (1929-1993)
March 2 - 190 years since the birth of the Russian teacher, writer Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824-1870)
March 2 - 155 years since the birth of the Jewish writer Sholom Aleichem (1859-1916)
March 3 - World Writer's Day
March 3 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of S. M. Tretyakov (1834-1892), Russian entrepreneur and collector.
March 3 - 115 years since the birth of the Russian writer Yuri Karlovich Olesha (1899-1960)
March 3 - 85 years since the birth of the poet, translator Irina Petrovna Tokmakova (1929)
March 3 - 75 years since the birth of the poet, prose writer, illustrator Irina Mikhailovna Pivovorova (1939-1986)
March 6 - 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer Fazil Abdulovich Iskander (1929)
March 6 - 80 years ago M.M. was born. Zhvanetsky, Russian satirist writer.
March 8 - International Women's Day
March 8 - 150 years since the birth of the English writer Kenneth Grahame (1859-1932)
March 9 - 200 years since the birth of the Ukrainian poet, prose writer and artist Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko (1814-1861)
March 9 - 80 years ago, the first cosmonaut was born - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968).
On March 11, 1564 (450 years ago), the first accurately dated Russian printed book, “The Apostle,” was published.
March 12, 1918 - Moscow again became the capital of Russia - 95 years ago
March 14 - 135 years ago was born Albert Einstein (1879-1955), theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern physics, Nobel Prize laureate
March 15 - World Consumer Rights Day
March 15 - Trade Workers Day
March 15 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Yuri Vasilyevich Bondarev (1924)
March 16 - 155 years since the birth of A.S. Popov, (1859-1906), Russian electrical engineer, inventor of radio.
March 16 - 130 years since the birth of the Russian science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (1884-1942)
March 18 - 170 years ago, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure was born
March 21 is the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881).
March 21 - 125 years since the birth of A.N. Vertinsky (1889-1957), Russian pop artist, poet, composer
March 21 is World Poetry Day.
March 21 is World Flower Day.
March 21 is Earth Day.
March 22 - 415 years since the birth of Anthony Van Dyck (1599-1641), Flemish artist
March 23 - 125 years since the birth of the illustrator Nikolai Ernestovich Radlov (1889-1942)
March 24 is World Tuberculosis Day.
March 24-31 - Children's and Youth Book Week.
March 25 is Cultural Worker's Day.
March 27 is the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
March 27 - International Theater Day
March 30 is the 170th anniversary of the birth of Paul Verlaine (1844-1896), French poet.

April 1 - April Fool's Day
April 1 - International Bird Day
April 1 - 205 years since the birth of the Russian prose writer, playwright, critic, publicist Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809-1852)
April 1 - 75 years since the birth of the Russian writer Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboynikov (1939)
April 2 is International Children's Book Day.
April 3 - Circus Day.
April 5 is Geologist's Day. (Celebrated on the 1st Sunday in April)
April 7 is World Health Day.
April 10 is Accountant's Day.
April 12 - Aviation and Cosmonautics Day
April 13 - 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer, director of the Animal Theater named after. V.L. Durova Natalia Yurievna Durova (1934-2007)
April 12 - 175 years since the birth of N.M. Przhevalsky (1839-1888), Russian traveler, geographer, explorer of Central Asia.
April 14 - 270 years since the birth of the Russian writer, playwright Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1744-1792)
April 15 - World Culture Day
April 15 - 330 years ago, Empress Catherine I (Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya (Kruse), Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova) (1684-1727) was born - Russian empress from 1721 as the wife of the reigning emperor, from 1725 as the reigning empress.
April 18 is the International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Historic Sites.
April 22 - International Earth Day
April 22 - 290 years since the birth of Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), German philosopher
April 23 - World Book and Copyright Day
April 23 - 450 years since the birth of the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
April 24 - International Youth Solidarity Day
April 24 - 115 years since the birth of V.V. Nabokov (1899-1977), Russian (until 1940) American (after moving to the USA) writer, poet, literary critic.
April 26 - 185 years since the birth of the Russian writer Grigory Petrovich Danilevsky (1829-1890)
April 28 is World Day for Safety and Health at Work.
April 29 - International Dance Day

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day in Russia
May 1 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Viktor Petrovich Astafiev (1924-2001)
May 2 - 155th anniversary of the birth of the English writer Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927)
May 2 is the 285th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian Empress, known as Catherine II (1729-1796).
May 3 is International Press Freedom Day.
May 3 - Day of the Sun
May 7 - Radio Day
May 8 - World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
May 8 - 270 years since the birth of the Russian educator, writer, journalist, book publisher Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744-1818)
May 9 - Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945
May 9 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet, prose writer, playwright Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava (1924-1997)
May 10 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet Yulia Vladimirovna Drunina (1924-1991)
May 11 - 150 years since the birth of the English writer Ethel Lilian Voynich (1864-1960)
May 12 - World Nurses Day
May 12 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Anatoly Vasilyevich Mityaev (1924-2008)
May 15 - International Family Day
May 15 - 155 years since the birth of Pierre Curie (1859-1906), French physicist.
May 17 - International Telecommunications Day
May 18 - International Museum Day
May 20 - 215 years since the birth of the French writer Honore de Balzac (1799-1850)
May 21 - 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Boris Lvovich Vasiliev (1924-2013)
May 22 - 155 years since the birth of the English writer Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930)
May 24, 1924 (90 years ago) - the first issue of the children's magazine “Murzilka” was published
May 24 is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture.
May 24 - International Day of Nature Reserves
May 27 is All-Russian Library Day.
May 28 is Border Guard Day.
May 31 - World No Smoking Day
May 29 - 140 years since the birth of the English writer Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936)
May 31 - 195th anniversary of the birth of the American poet Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
May 31 is Chemical Industry Workers' Day. (Celebrated on the last Sunday in May).

June 1 - International Children's Day
June 1 - 210 years since the birth of composer Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka (1804-1857)
June 5 - World Conservation Day environment
June 6 - 215 years ago, the great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837) was born.
June 6 - Ecologist Day
June 9 - International Friends Day
June 12 - Russia Day
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day
June 19 - 90 years since the birth of V.V. Bykov (1924-2003), Belarusian writer.
June 21 - Day medical worker. Celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of June.
June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow.
June 23 - 125 years since the birth of A.A. Akhmatova (Gorenko) (1889-1966), Russian poetess.
June 23 is International Olympic Day.
June 27 is World Fisheries Day.
June 27 is Inventor and Innovator Day. Celebrated on the last Saturday of June.

July 29 is the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929-1974) - Russian writer and film director of the USSR.
July 28 - 100 years have passed since the day when the 1st World War began (1914-1918).


September 5 – 80 years since the birth of illustrator Erik Vladimirovich Bulatov (1933)

September 8 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The Battle of Borodino of the Russian army under the command of M.I. Kutuzov with the French army (1812)

September 9 – 95 years since the birth of the Russian poet and translator Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (1818–2000)

September 9 - 80 years since the founding (1933) of the Children's Literature publishing house. Original name: “Detgiz”

September 11 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory of the Russian squadron under the command of F.F. Ushakova over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (1790)

September 11 – 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Grigory Yakovlevich Baklanov (1923–2009)

September 13 – 90 years since the birth of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (1923-1941), partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union

September 15 – Birthday of the international environmental organization Greenpeace (“Green World”)

September 15 - 400 years since the birth of François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moralist writer

September 20 – 235 years since the birth of F.F. Bellingshausen (1778-1852), Russian navigator

September 20 – 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir (1928–1999)

September 21 – Victory of the Russian regiments led by Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy over the Mongol-Tatar troops in the Battle of Kulikovo (1380)

September 21 – 305 years since the birth of A.D. Kantemir (1708-1744), Russian poet, founder of classicism

September 26 – 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet Alexander Petrovich Mezhirov (1923–2009)

September 27 – 125 years since the birth of N.I. Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet political figure

September 28 – 105 years since the birth of the Russian writer and literary critic Irakli Luarsabovich Andronnikov (1908–1990)

September 29 – 210 years since the birth of Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870), French writer, recognized master of the short story


October 3 – 140 years since the birth of V.Ya. Shishkov (1873-1945), Russian writer, author of the novels “Gloomy River”, “Emelyan Pugachev”

October 3 – 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873–1950), writer of the Russian diaspora, author of the novel “The Summer of the Lord”

October 5 – 300 years since the birth of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French writer, educator and philosopher

October 5 – 90 years since the birth of the illustrator Vladimir Vasilyevich Kanivets (1923)

October 6 – 85 years since the birth of the illustrator, the first chief artist of the magazine “Funny Pictures” Vitaly Kazimirovich Statsinsky (1928–2010)

October 8 – 190 years since the birth of I.S. Aksakov (1823-1886), Russian writer and publicist, ideologist of Slavophilism

October 10 – 150 years since the birth of the Russian geologist and writer Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863–1956)

October 19 – 95 years since the birth of the Russian poet and playwright Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (1918–1977)

October 21 – 180 years since the birth of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish chemist and industrialist, founder of the Nobel Prize

October 24 – 75 years since the birth of V.V. Erofeev (1938-1990), Russian writer, author of the story “Moscow-Petushki”

October 25 – 175 years since the birth of Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French composer, author of the opera “Carmen”

October 25 – 170 years since the birth of G.I. Uspensky (1843-1902), Russian writer and publicist


November 4 is National Unity Day. The day of the liberation of Moscow by the people's militia under the leadership of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky from Polish invaders (1612).

November 7 is Military Glory Day. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941)

November 7 – 100 years since the birth of Albert Camus (1913-1960), French writer, playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (1957)

November 11 – 125 years since the birth of A.N. Tupolev (1888-1972), an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer

November 14 - 750 years since the death of Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263), Russian commander, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church

November 20 - 155 years since the birth of the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf (1858–1940), Swedish writer, Nobel Prize winner (1909)

November 24 – 125 years since the birth of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), American writer, journalist, educational psychologist

November 30 – 100 years since the birth of the Russian writer Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913–1972)


December 1 is Military Glory Day. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P. S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

December 1 – 90 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vladimir Fedorovich Tendryakov (1923–1984)

December 5 – Day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941)

December 8 – 160 years since the birth of the Russian writer, expert on Moscow Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky (1853–1935)

December 9 – 165th anniversary of the birth of American writer Joel Chandler Harris (1848–1908)

December 11 – 95 years since the birth of the Russian writer, prose writer, publicist Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008), Nobel Prize laureate

December 12 – 85 years since the birth of the Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov (1928–2008)

December 13 – 140 years since the birth of the writer, critic, literary critic and translator Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (1873–1924)

December 13 – 110 years since the birth of the writer Evgeny Petrovich Petrov (Kataev) (1903–1942)

December 21 - 700 years since the birth of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Italian writer, humanist of the Renaissance

December 21 – 80 years since the birth of the illustrator Yuri Vasilyevich Kopeiko (1933–2010)

December 24 is Military Glory Day. The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

December 31 - 60 years since the birth of children's writer Marina Vladimirovna Druzhinina (1953)


January 1 – 95 years since the birth of the Russian prose writer, publicist Daniil Aleksandrovich Granin (1919)

January 1 – 95 years since the birth of the American writer Jerome David Salinger (1919–2010)

January 19 – 205 years since the birth of the American prose writer, poet, critic Edgar Allan Poe (1809–1849)


February 1 – 130 years since the birth of E.I. Zamyatin (1884 - 1937) Soviet writer, author of the first dystopia.

February 2 – Day of Military Glory of Russia – Day of the defeat of the Nazi troops by Soviet and German troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (1943).

February 2 – 185 years since the birth of the German zoologist, author of the multi-volume work “The Life of Animals” Alfred Edmund Brehm (1829–1884)

February 2 - 110 years ago, Valery Pavlovich Chkalov (1904-1938) - USSR pilot - was born. He was the first to fly non-stop from Moscow to Vancouver via the North Pole.

February 4 – 140 years since the birth of the Russian writer Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954)

February 9 – 140 years since the birth of V. E. Meyerhold (1874-1940), an outstanding Soviet innovative director

February 11 – 120 years since the birth of the Russian writer Vitaly Valentinovich Bianchi (1894–1959)

February 11 – 125 years since the birth of the illustrator Alexei Ilyich Kravchenko (1889–1940)

February 12 – 205 years since the birth of C.R. Darwin (1809-1882), English naturalist, founder of the theory of evolution

February 13 – 245 years since the birth of the Russian writer, fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov (1769–1844)

February 15 is the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers in Russia. 20 years since the completion of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the Republic of Afghanistan (1989). Exit from the war (1979-1989)

February 20 - 285 years since the birth of F. G. Volkov (1729-1763), Russian actor, theater figure.

February 21 – International Mother Language Day (celebrated since 2000 at the initiative of UNESCO in order to preserve the cultural traditions of all peoples)

February 23 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia - the Day of the Red Army's victory over the German troops (1918).

February 25 – 100 years since the birth of the illustrator Fyodor Viktorovich Lemkul (1914–1995)

February 26 is the 145th anniversary of the birth of N.K. Krupskaya (1869-1939), Soviet statesman and party leader.

February 28 - 150 years ago, a public figure, Russian thinker and naturalist was born - Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky (1863-1945)


March 1 – 85 years since the birth of the Russian writer-naturalist Igor Ivanovich Akimushkin (1929–1993)

March 2 – 190 years since the birth of the Russian teacher, writer Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824–1870)

March 3 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of S. M. Tretyakov (1834-1892), Russian entrepreneur and collector.

March 3 – 75 years since the birth of the poet, prose writer, illustrator Irina Mikhailovna Pivovorova (1939–1986)

March 9 – 200 years since the birth of the Ukrainian poet, prose writer and artist Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko (1814–1861)

On March 11, 1564 (450 years ago), the first accurately dated Russian printed book, “The Apostle,” was published.

March 14 - 135 years ago, Albert Einstein (1879-1955), theoretical physicist, one of the founders of modern physics, Nobel Prize laureate, was born.

March 16 – 155 years since the birth of A.S. Popov, (1859-1906), Russian electrical engineer, inventor of radio.

March 16 – 130 years since the birth of the Russian science fiction writer Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (1884–1942)

March 18 - 170 years ago, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, Russian composer, teacher, conductor, public figure was born

March 21 is the 175th anniversary of the birth of the great composer Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (1839-1881).

March 21 – 125 years since the birth of A.N. Vertinsky (1889-1957), Russian pop artist, poet, composer

March 23 – 125 years since the birth of the illustrator Nikolai Ernestovich Radlov (1889–1942)


April 1 – 205 years since the birth of the Russian prose writer, playwright, critic, publicist Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol (1809–1852)

April 1 – 75 years since the birth of the Russian writer Valery Mikhailovich Voskoboynikov (1939)

April 13 – 80 years since the birth of the Russian writer, director of the Animal Theater named after. V.L. Durova Natalia Yurievna Durova (1934–2007)

April 12 – 175 years since the birth of N.M. Przhevalsky (1839-1888), Russian traveler, geographer, explorer of Central Asia.

April 14 – 270 years since the birth of the Russian writer, playwright Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin (1744–1792)

April 15 - 330 years ago, Empress Catherine I (Marta Samuilovna Skavronskaya (Kruse), Ekaterina Alekseevna Mikhailova) (1684-1727) was born - Russian empress from 1721 as the wife of the reigning emperor, from 1725 as the reigning empress.

April 23 – 450 years since the birth of the English playwright and poet William Shakespeare (1564–1616)

April 24 – 115 years since the birth of V.V. Nabokov (1899-1977), Russian (until 1940) American (after moving to the USA) writer, poet, literary critic.

April 26 – 185 years since the birth of the Russian writer Grigory Petrovich Danilevsky (1829–1890)

May 2 is the 285th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian Empress, known as Catherine II (1729-1796).

May 8 – 270 years since the birth of the Russian educator, writer, journalist, book publisher Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov (1744–1818)

May 9 – 90 years since the birth of the Russian poet, prose writer, playwright Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava (1924–1997)

May 31 is Chemical Industry Workers' Day. (Celebrated on the last Sunday in May).



July 29 is the 85th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (1929-1974) - Russian writer and film director of the USSR.

Calendar of significant and memorable dates for 2013

2013 IN RUSSIA-Year of Environmental Protection (Presidential Decree of August 11, 2012)

2011-2020 - Decade of Action for Road Safety
2010-2020 - United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification
2008-2017 - Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty
2006-2016 - Decade of rehabilitation and sustainable development of the affected regions (third decade after Chernobyl)
2005-2015 - International Decade of Action “Water for Life”
2005-2014 - Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous People
UNESCO declared 2013 the year of water cooperation. Countries of the world must join forces to make water resources accessible to all inhabitants of the planet. Water can be used as an incentive to increase international cooperation for the benefit of peace, says a message on the website of the World Water Forum.


1150 years since the emergence of Slavic writing (863 - the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet)
1025 years of the Baptism of Rus' (988)
900 years of the original version of the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” (compiled around 1113)
450 years of the first Russian printing house of Ivan Fedorov and Pyotr Mstislavets in Moscow (1563)
435 years of “ABC” by Ivan Fedorov (1578) The first book for worldly purposes is the Russian primer “ABC”.
400 years of the Romanov dynasty (1613 - Mikhail Romanov was proclaimed tsar).
310 years of St. Petersburg - a city founded according to the plans of Tsar-reformer Peter I at the mouth of the Neva and which became the capital for 2 centuries Russian Empire(1703)
240 years of the uprising led by E. Pugachev (1773)
230 years since the establishment of the Russian Academy (1783)
210 years of circumnavigation of I.F. Krusenstern (1803)
115 years of the State Russian Museum (opened to visitors in 1898)
80 years of the series of popular biographies “The Lives of Remarkable People” (1933)
80 years of the publishing house "Children's Literature" (September 1933)
70 years of the Battle of Kursk (1943)
70 years of breaking the siege of Leningrad (1943)
70 years of the Battle of Stalingrad (ended in 1943)


January 1 - New Year's holiday
January 1 - World Peace Day
January 1 - Day of the epic hero Ilya Muromets
January 7 - Christmas
January 8 is Children's Cinema Day. (Established on January 8, 1998 by the Moscow Government on the initiative of the children's fund in connection with the centenary of the first film screening for children in Moscow)
January 11 is the Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. (Celebrated since 1997. Established by the Wildlife Conservation Center in honor of the opening of the first Russian Barguzin Nature Reserve (1916))
January 19 - Holy Epiphany. Epiphany

January 2 - 55 years since the birth of Tim Sobakin (real name Andrey Viktorovich Ivanov) (born 1958), Russian writer, poet
January 3 - 110 years since the birth of Alexander Alfredovich Bek (1903-1972), Russian writer, publicist
January 4 - 60 years since the birth of Igor Yulievich Oleinikov (born 1953), Russian illustrator
January 6 - 85 years since the birth of Lev Ivanovich Kuzmin (1928-2000), Russian writer
January 6 - 125 years since the birth of Nikolai Fedorovich Lapshin (1888-1942), Russian illustrator
January 8 - 100 years since the birth of Yaroslav Vasilyevich Smelyakov (1913-1972), Russian poet
January 8 - 130 years since the birth of Pavel Nikolaevich Filonov (1883-1941), Russian artist
January 9 - 90 years since the birth of Eduard Savelyevich Kolmanovsky (1923-1994), Russian composer
January 10 - 130 years since the birth of Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1883-1945), Russian writer, playwright
January 11 - 180 years since the birth of Mikhail Konstantinovich Klodt (1833-1902), Russian artist
January 12 - 385 years since the birth of Charles Perrault (1628-1703), French writer
January 14 - 90 years since the birth of Yuri Iosifovich Korinets (1923-1989), Russian writer, poet, translator
January 14 - 195 years since the birth of Sakarias Topelius (1818-1898), Finnish writer
January 19 - 110 years since the birth of Natalya Petrovna Konchalovskaya (1903-1988), Russian writer
January 19 - 150 years since the birth of Alexander Serafimovich Serafimovich (present f. Popov) (1863-1949), Russian writer
January 19 - 140 years since the birth of Lydia Alekseevna Charskaya (present F. Voronova) (1873-1937), Russian writer
January 21 - 110 years since the birth of Nikolai Mikhailovich Verzilin (1903-1984), Russian writer
January 22 - 85 years since the birth of Pyotr Lukich Proskurin (1928-2001), Russian writer
January 21 - 110 years since the birth of Grigory Grigorievich Nissky (1903-1987), Russian artist
January 22 - 80 years since the birth of Elena Georgievna Los (born 1933), Russian illustrator
January 22 - 225 years since the birth of George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), English writer
January 23 - 230 years since the birth of Stendhal (real name Henri Marie Bayle) (1783-1842), French writer
January 24 - 60 years since the birth of Yuri Abramovich Bashmet (born 1953), Russian musician
January 24 - 165 years since the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Surikov (1848-1916), Russian artist
January 25 - 75 years since the birth of Vladimir Semenovich Vysotsky (1938-1980), Russian poet, actor, bard
January 28 - 160 years since the birth of Vladimir Sergeevich Solovyov (1853-1900), Russian philosopher, poet, publicist
January 31 - 120 years since the birth of Arkady Aleksandrovich Plastov (1893-1972), Russian artist


February 8 is the Day of Remembrance of the Young Anti-Fascist Hero. (Celebrated since 1964 in honor of the fallen participants in anti-fascist demonstrations - French schoolboy Daniel Fery (1962) and Iraqi boy Fadil Jamal (1963))
February 8 is Russian Science Day. (Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 7, 1999 No. 717. On this day in 1724, Peter I signed the Decree on the founding of the Academy of Sciences in Russia)
February 10 - Memorial Day of A. S. Pushkin (1799-1837), 176 years since his death
February 21 is International Mother Language Day. (Celebrated since 2000 at the initiative of UNESCO with the aim of preserving the cultural traditions of all peoples)
February 23 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Defender of the Fatherland Day

February 2 - 130 years since the birth of Mikhail Fabianovich Gnesin (1883-1957), Russian composer
February 4 - 140 years since the birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin (1873-1954), Russian writer
February 8 - 185 years since the birth of Jules Verne (1828-1905), French writer
February 9 - 230 years since the birth of Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky (1783-1852), Russian poet, translator
February 9 - 75 years since the birth of Yuri Iosifovich Koval (1938-1995), Russian writer
February 10 - 110 years since the birth of Matvey Isaakovich Blanter (1903-1990), Russian composer
February 10 - 75 years since the birth of Georgy Aleksandrovich Weiner (born 1938), Russian writer, screenwriter
February 13 - 110 years since the birth of Georges Simenon (1903-1989), French writer
February 13 - 140 years since the birth of Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin (1873-1938), Russian singer
February 14 - 200 years since the birth of Alexander Sergeevich Dargomyzhsky (1813-1869), Russian composer
February 15 - 85 years since the birth of Eno Rauda (1928-1996), Estonian writer
February 23 - 135 years since the birth of Kazimir Severinovich Malevich (1878-1935), Russian artist
February 23 - 110 years since the birth of Julius Fučík (1903-1943), Czech writer
February 24 - 100 years since the birth of Emmanuel Genrikhovich Kazakevich (1913-1962), Russian writer


March 1 - International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking
March 1 - World Cat Day
March 3 is World Writer's Day. (Celebrated by decision of the Pen Club Congress since 1986)
March 8 is International Women's Day. (In 1910, at the International Conference of Socialist Women in Copenhagen, K. Zetkin proposed annually holding the Day of Solidarity of Working Women of the World. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1913.)
March 20 - International Earth Day
March 21 is World Poetry Day. (Celebrated by UNESCO since 1999)
March 22 is World Water Day (Water Day). (Declared by the UN General Assembly in 1993)
March 24 - 30 - Music Week for Children and Youth.
March 24 - 30 - Children's and Youth Book Week. (Held annually since 1944. The first “Book Name Days” were held on the initiative of L. Kassil in 1943 in Moscow)
March 25 - Cultural Workers' Day
March 27 - International Theater Day
March 31 - Earth Day

March 5 - 110 years since the birth of Natalya Lvovna Zabila (1903-1985), Ukrainian writer
March 7 - 135 years since the birth of Boris Mikhailovich Kustodiev (1878-1927), Russian artist
March 12 - 90 years since the birth of Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Sakharnov (1923-2012), Russian writer
March 13 - 125 years since the birth of Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939), Russian teacher, writer
March 13 - 100 years since the birth of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2009), Russian poet, playwright
March 16 - 110 years since the birth of Tamara Grigorievna Gabbe (1903-1960), Russian writer, translator
March 16 - 90 years since the birth of Valery Vladimirovich Medvedev (1923-1997), Russian writer
March 20 - 80 years since the birth of Gennady Yakovlevich Snegirev (1933-2004), Russian writer
March 20 - 185 years since the birth of Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian poet, playwright
March 23 - 90 years since the birth of Mikhail Leonidovich Ancharov (1923-1990), Russian writer, bard, screenwriter
March 28 - 145 years since the birth of Maxim Gorky (real name Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) (1868-1936), Russian writer
March 29 - 115 years since the birth of Aminadav Moiseevich Kanevsky (1898-1976), Russian illustrator
March 30 - 170 years since the birth of Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich (1843-1903), Russian writer
March 30 - 160 years since the birth of Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890), Dutch artist


April 1 - April Fool's Day
April 1 is International Bird Day. (The International Convention for the Conservation of Birds was signed in 1906)
April 2 is International Children's Book Day. (Celebrated since 1962 on the birthday of H. C. Andersen by decision of the International Council on Children's Books)
April 7 is World Health Day. (Celebrated since 1948 by decision of the UN World Health Assembly)
April 12 is a memorable date for Russia. Cosmonautics Day
April 15 - Culture Day. (Celebrated since 1935 on the day of signing of the International Treaty - the Peace Pact or the Roerich Pact)
April 22 is World Earth Day. (Celebrated since 1990 by decision of UNESCO with the aim of uniting people in protecting the environment)
April 23 is World Book and Copyright Day. (Celebrated since 1969 by decision of UNESCO)
April 29 - International Dance Day

April 1 - 85 years since the birth of Valentin Dmitrievich Berestov (1928-1998), Russian poet
April 1 - 140 years since the birth of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov (1873-1942), Russian composer
April 3 - 110 years since the birth of Sofia Abramovna Mogilevskaya (1903-1981), Russian writer
April 3 - 90 years since the birth of Svetozar Kuzmich Rusakov (1923-2006), Russian illustrator, animator (cartoonist)
April 3 - 230th anniversary of the birth of Washington Irving (1783-1859), American writer
April 4 - 75 years since the birth of Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik (born 1938), Russian songwriter
April 4 - 195th anniversary of the birth of Thomas Myne Reid (1818-1883), English writer
April 12 - 190 years since the birth of Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky (1823-1886), Russian playwright
April 15 - 80 years since the birth of Boris Natanovich Strugatsky (born 1933), Russian writer, screenwriter
April 22 - 90th anniversary of the birth of Paula Fox (b. 1923), American writer
April 23 - 95 years since the birth of Maurice Druon (1918-2009), French writer
April 24 - 105 years since the birth of Vera Vasilievna Chaplina (1908-1994), Russian writer
April 25 - 230 years since the birth of Fyodor Petrovich Tolstoy (1783-1873), Russian artist-illustrator
April 25 - 75 years since the birth of Sergei Aleksandrovich Alimov (born 1938), Russian illustrator, animator (cartoonist)
April 28 - 65th birthday of Terry Pratchett (b. 1948), English writer
April 30 - 130 years since the birth of Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923), Czech writer

May 1 - Spring and Labor Day. (May 1 is International Workers' Day, celebrated in the Russian Empire since 1890. Russian Federation celebrated as Spring and Labor Day since 1992)
May 3 is World Press Freedom Day. (Approved by the General Conference of UNESCO in 1991)
May 3 - Sun Day. (Celebrated by UNESCO since 1994)
May 9 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. Victory Day of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War (1941 - 1945)
May 15 is International Family Day. (Celebrated by UN decision since 1994)
May 18 is International Museum Day. (Celebrated since 1977 by decision of the International Council of Museums)
May 24 is the Day of Slavic Literature and Culture. (Celebrated since 1986 in honor of the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius)
May 27 is All-Russian Library Day. (Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1995 in honor of the founding of the State Public Library in Russia on May 27, 1795)
May 31 is Anti-Smoking Day. World No Tobacco Day

May 3 - 75 years since the birth of Nikolai Evgenievich Popov (born 1938), Russian illustrator
May 4 - 70 years since the birth of Mikhail Mikhailovich Shemyakin (born 1943), Russian artist, sculptor
May 6 - 155 years since the birth of Alexei Stepanovich Stepanov (1858-1923), Russian artist
May 7 - 110 years since the birth of Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky (1903-1958), Russian poet, translator
May 12 - 80 years since the birth of Andrei Andreevich Voznesensky (1933-2010), Russian poet
May 13 - 90 years since the birth of Isaac Iosifovich Schwartz (1923-2009), Russian composer
May 14 - 85 years since the birth of Sofia Leonidovna Prokofieva (born 1928), Russian writer
May 15 - 165 years since the birth of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848-1926), Russian artist
May 19 - 125 years since the birth of Vladimir Mikhailovich Konashevich (1888-1963), Russian illustrator
May 22 - 100 years since the birth of Nikita Vladimirovich Bogoslovsky (1913-2004), Russian composer
May 22 - 200 years since the birth of Richard Wagner (1813-1883), German composer
May 26 - 105 years since the birth of Alexei Nikolaevich Arbuzov (1908-1986), Russian writer, playwright
May 26 - 75 years since the birth of Lyudmila Stepanovna Petrushevskaya (born 1938), Russian writer, playwright
May 27 - 110 years since the birth of Elena Alexandrovna Blaginina (1903-1989), Russian poetess
May 27 - 80 years since the birth of Andrei Georgievich Bitov (born 1937), Russian writer
May 27 -130 years since the birth of Dmitry Isidorovich Mitrokhin (1883-1973), Russian illustrator
May 29 - 120 years since the birth of Vera Mikhailovna Ermolaeva (1893-1938), Russian illustrator


June 1 - International Children's Day
June 5 - Ecologist Day (Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2007 No. 933 “On Ecologist Day”)
June 5 - World Environment Day (Celebrated by decision of the UN. Proclaimed on December 16, 1972)
June 6 - Pushkin Day of Russia
June 12 - Russia Day
June 22 is a memorable date for Russia. Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (1941)
June 23 is International Olympic Day. (Established by decision of the IOC)
June 26 is International Day Against Drug Abuse. (Established by the UN General Assembly in 1987)
June 27 - Youth Day

June 1 - 90 years since the birth of Boris Andreevich Mozhaev (1923-1996), Russian writer
June 5 - 115 years since the birth of Frederic García Lorca (1898-1936), Spanish poet
June 6 - 110 years since the birth of Aram Ilyich Khachaturian (1903-1978), Russian composer
June 7 - 165 years since the birth of Paul Gauguin (1848-1903), French artist
June 10 - 100 years since the birth of Tikhon Nikolaevich Khrennikov (1913-2007), Russian composer
June 11 is the 75th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Fedorovich Petrov (1938-2008), Russian illustrator.
June 12 - 135 years since the birth of James Oliver Curwood (1878-1927), American writer, environmentalist
June 14 - 85 years since the birth of Vladimir Bronislavovich Muravyov (born 1928), Russian writer, translator
June 15 - 170 years since the birth of Edvard Grieg (1843-1907), Norwegian composer
June 17 - 110 years since the birth of Mikhail Arkadyevich Svetlov (1903-1964), Russian poet
June 22 - 110 years since the birth of Maria Pavlovna Prilezhaeva (1903-1989), Russian writer
June 22 - 90 years since the birth of Georgy Alfredovich Yurmin (1923-2007), Russian writer
June 22 - 110 years since the birth of Andrei Dmitrievich Goncharov (1903-1979), Russian illustrator
June 22 - 115 years since the birth of Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970), German writer
June 25 - 150 years since the birth of Vladimir Leonidovich Durov (1863-1934), Russian trainer, writer
June 29 - 85 years since the birth of Vladimir Nikolaevich Kornilov (1928-2002), Russian poet


July 5 - Peter and Fevronia. The day is considered lucky for lovers
July 14 - Russian Post Day
July 28 is a memorable date for Russia. Day of the Baptism of Rus'

July 3 - 130 years since the birth of Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Austrian writer
July 4 - 95 years since the birth of Pavel Davydovich Kogan (1918-1942), Russian poet
July 5 - 220 years since the birth of Pavel Ivanovich Pestel (1793-1826), Russian public figure, ideologist and leader of the Decembrists
July 5 - 110 years since the birth of Vladimir Grigorievich Suteev (1903-1993), Russian writer, illustrator
July 5 - 55 years since the birth of Andrei Alekseevich Usachev (born 1958), Russian children's writer
July 6 - 70 years since the birth of Tamara Ilyinichna Sinyavskaya (born 1943), Russian opera singer
July 7 - 80 years since the birth of Vladimir Valerievich Pertsov (born 1933), Russian illustrator
July 10 - 95th anniversary of the birth of James Aldridge (b. 1918), English writer
July 13 - 200 years since the birth of Nikolai Leontievich Benois (1813-1898), Russian architect
July 13 - 85 years since the birth of Valentin Savvich Pikul (1928-1990), Russian writer
July 14 - 270 years since the birth of Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816), Russian poet
July 14 - 85 years since the birth of Nodar Vladimirovich Dumbadze (1928-1984), Georgian writer
July 15 - 160 years since the birth of Maria Nikolaevna Ermolova (1853-1928), Russian actress
July 16 - 85 years since the birth of Andrei Dmitrievich Dementiev (born 1928), Russian poet
July 16 - 90 years since the birth of Robert Sheckley (1928-2005), American science fiction writer
July 18 - 60 years since the birth of Grigory Gladkov (born 1953), Russian composer
July 18 - 80 years since the birth of Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko (born 1933), Russian poet
July 19 - 120 years since the birth of Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky (1893-1930), Russian poet
July 19 - 110 years since the birth of Olga Ivanovna Vysotskaya (1903-1970), Russian writer
July 20 - 75 years since the birth of Alexei Georgievich German (born 1938), Russian film director
July 20 - 110 years since the birth of Georgy Alekseevich Skrebitsky (1903-1964), Russian writer
July 21 - 115 years since the birth of Leonid Sergeevich Sobolev (1898-1971), Russian writer
July 22 - 135 years since the birth of Janusz Korczak (real name - Henryk Goldschmidt) (1878-1942), Polish writer and teacher
July 24 - 185 years since the birth of Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), Russian writer, literary critic
July 25 - 90 years since the birth of Maria Christina Griepe (b. 1923), Swedish writer
July 26 - 115 years since the birth of Alexander Grigorievich Tyshler (1898-1980), Russian illustrator
July 27 - 160 years since the birth of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853-1921), Russian writer, publicist
July 29 - 95 years since the birth of Vladimir Dmitrievich Dudintsev (1918-1998), Russian writer
July 30 - 75 years since the birth of Vladimir Leonidovich Galdyaev (1938-2001), Russian illustrator
July 30 - 105 years since the birth of Anatoly Vladimirovich Kokorin (1908-1987), Russian illustrator
July 30 - 85 years since the birth of Lev Alekseevich Tokmakov (1928-2011), Russian illustrator


August 12 is International Youth Day. (Established by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1999)
August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord (Apple Savior)
August 22 is the Day of the State Flag of Russia.
August 23 - 70 years since the Battle of Kursk (1943). Day of military glory of Russia. The day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943)
August 27 - Russian Cinema Day (Established in 1979)

August 2 - 55 years since the birth of Andrei Evgenievich Martynov (born 1958), Russian illustrator
August 8 - 115 years since the birth of Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach (1898-1949), Russian poet
August 11 - 210 years since the birth of Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803-1869), Russian writer, music critic, figure of Russian culture
August 15 - 135 years since the birth of Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva (1878-1964), Russian poetess, author of the lyrics of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”
August 15 - 155 years since the birth of Edith Nesbit (1858-1924), English writer
August 17 - 215 years since the birth of Anton Antonovich Delvig (1798-1831), Russian poet
August 17 - 80 years since the birth of Sergei Ivanovich Sivokon (born 1933), Russian literary critic of children's literature
August 20 - 195 years since the birth of Emilia Bronte (Ellis Bell) (1818-1848), English writer, poetess
August 21 - 100 years since the birth of Viktor Sergeevich Rozov (1913-2004), Russian writer and playwright
August 22 - 105 years since the birth of Leonid Panteleev (real name - Eremeev Alexey Ivanovich) (1908-1987), Russian writer
August 26 - 100 years since the birth of Alexander Borisovich Chakovsky (1913-1994), Russian writer
August 27 - 75 years since the birth of Gennady Dmitrievich Pavlishin (born 1938), Russian illustrator
August 27 - 110 years since the birth of Natalia Ilyinichna Sats (1903-1993), director, creator of the first musical theater for children


September 1 - All-Russian holiday "Day of Knowledge" (Established in 1984)
September 1 - World Peace Day (Celebrated on the day the Second World War began in 1939-1945)
230 years since the birth of Nadezhda Andreevna Durova (1783-1866), participant in the Patriotic War of 1812, Russian writer
September 8 - International Literacy and Reading Day (Celebrated since 1967 by decision of the 14th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, held in November 1966)
September 24 - World Maritime Day in Russia (Celebrated since 1978 at the initiative of the UN, celebrated in the last week of September. In Russia this day is celebrated on September 24)
September 30 is World Internet Day. Internet Day in Russia (Runet Day), (On this day in 1998, the first census of Runet users was carried out, at that time their number reached a million people)

September 3 - 80 years since the birth of Natalya Igorevna Romanova (1933-2005), Russian writer
September 7 - 90 years since the birth of Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov (1923-2004), Russian poet
September 8 - 90 years since the birth of Rasul Gamzatovich Gamzatov (1923-2003), Avar poet
September 9 - 95 years since the birth of Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder (1918-2000), Russian poet and translator
September 9 - 185 years since the birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy (1828-1910), Russian writer
September 11 - 90 years since the birth of Grigory Yakovlevich Baklanov (1923-2009), Russian writer
September 15 - 400 years since the birth of François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French writer and thinker
September 19 - 60 years since the birth of Dina Ilyinichna Rubina (born 1953), Russian writer (now living in Israel)
September 20 - 85 years since the birth of Genrikh Veniaminovich Sapgir (1928-1999), Russian poet
September 23 - 120 years since the birth of Alexei Fedorovich Losev (1893-1988), Russian philosopher
September 23 - 305 years since the birth of Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (1708-1744), Russian poet, founder of classicism in literature and poetry
September 24 - 115 years since the birth of Georgy Petrovich Storm (1898-1978), Russian writer
September 26 - 90 years since the birth of Alexander Petrovich Mezhirov (1923-2009), Russian poet
September 27 - 210 years since the birth of Prosper Mérimée (1803-1870), French writer
September 27 - 70 years since the birth of Georgy Nikolaevich Yudin (born 1943), Russian illustrator
September 28 - 105 years since the birth of Irakli Luarsabovich Andronikov (1908-1990), Russian writer and literary critic
September 28 - 95 years since the birth of Vasily Alekseevich Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970), Russian teacher


October 1 - International Day of Older Persons (Celebrated in Russia since 1992)
October 1 - International Music Day (Held annually by decision of the International Council of UNESCO since 1975)
October 2 - Children's Health Day
October 3 - Yesenin Poetry Festival
October 4 - International Animal Day (Celebrated since 1931 on the name day of Francis of Assisi - protector and patron of animals)
October 4 - 10 - World Space Week
October 5 - World Teachers' Day (Established by UNESCO in 1994)
October 15 - World Poetry Day
October 19 - Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum Day (On this day in 1811, the Imperial Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum opened)
October 28 - International School Library Day (Established by the International Association of School Libraries. Celebrated on the fourth Monday of October. Celebrated in Russia since 2000)

October 3 - 140 years since the birth of Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Shishkov (1873-1945), Russian writer
October 3 -140 years since the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Shmelev (1873-1950), Russian writer
October 5 - 300 years since the birth of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French philosopher
October 6 - 70 years since the birth of Alexander Maksovich Shilov (born 1943), Russian artist
October 8 - 190 years since the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Aksakov (1823-1886), Russian writer, publicist, ideologist of Slavophilism
October 10 - 150 years since the birth of Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev (1863-1956), Russian geologist, geographer, writer
October 10 - 200 years since the birth of Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901), Italian composer
October 14 - 75 years since the birth of Vladimir Petrovich Krapivin (born 1938), Russian writer
October 14 - 60 years since the birth of Tamara Shamilyevna Kryukova (born 1953), Russian writer
October 19 - 95 years since the birth of Alexander Arkadyevich Galich (real name Ginzburg) (1918-1977), Russian poet, writer, screenwriter and playwright
October 20 - 90 years since the birth of Otfried Preusler (b. 1923), German writer
October 21 - 180 years since the birth of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish chemist, founder of the International Prize
October 22 - 90 years since the birth of Nikolai Konstantinovich Dorizo ​​(1923-2011), Russian poet
October 23 - 85 years since the birth of Yuri Sergeevich Saulsky (1928-2003), Russian composer
October 25 - 170 years since the birth of Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky (1843-1902), Russian writer
October 25 - 175 years since the birth of Georges Bizet (1838-1875), French composer
October 29 - 95 years since the birth of Mikhail Kuzmich Lukonin (1918-1976), Russian poet
October 29 - 110 years since the birth of Boris Aleksandrovich Begak (1903-1989), Russian critic and literary critic, specialist in children's literature


November 4 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. National Unity Day
November 10 - World Youth Day
November 16 - International Day of Tolerance (celebrated in connection with the adoption of the UN-SCO Declaration of Principles on Tolerance in 1995)
November 18 - Father Frost's birthday (Since 2005, Russia has officially celebrated the birthday of Father Frost)
November 20 - International Children's Day (Celebrated by UN decision since 1954. November 20 is the day of adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989)
November 21 - International No Smoking Day (Celebrated on the third Thursday of November)
November 21 - World Greetings Day (Celebrated since 1973. This holiday was invented by two brothers - Michael and Brighton McCormick from the American state of Nebraska in 1973)
November 21 is World Television Day.
November 24-30 - All-Russian week “Theater for Children and Youth” (Established in 1974)
November 26 - World Information Day (Established at the initiative of the International Academy of Informatization)
November 28 - International Data Protection Day (Celebrated since 1988)
November 30 - Mother's Day of Russia (Celebrated on the last Sunday of November. Established by Decree of the President of Russia of January 30, 1998)

November 1 - 55 years since the birth of Maria Vasilievna Semyonova (born 1958), Russian writer
November 2 - 170 years since the birth of Mark Matveevich Antokolsky (1843-1902), Russian sculptor
November 5 - 135 years since the birth of Kuzma Sergeevich Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939), Russian artist.
November 5 - 75th anniversary of the birth of Joe Dassin (1938-1980), French singer and composer
November 6 - 195 years since the birth of Andrei Pechersky (P.I. Melnikov) (1818-1883), Russian writer
November 7 - 100 years since the birth of Albert Camus (1913-1960), French writer
November 8 - 130 years since the birth of Alexander Evgenievich Fersman (1883-1945), Russian geologist, popular writer
November 9 - 195 years since the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev (1818-1883), Russian writer, poet, playwright
November 12 - 180 years since the birth of Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin (1833-1887), Russian composer
November 20 - 155th anniversary of the birth of Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940), Swedish writer
November 23 - 105 years since the birth of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908-1976), Russian writer
November 26 - 110 years since the birth of Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov (1903-1977), Russian painter and graphic artist
November 27 - 60 years since the birth of Boris Grebenshchikov (born 1953), Russian singer, musician
November 28 - 175 years since the birth of Alexander Mikhailovich Opekushin (1838-1923), Russian sculptor
November 29 - 115 years since the birth of Clive Staples Lewis (1898-1963), English writer
November 30 - 20 years from the date of approval of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (1993)


December 1 - World AIDS Day (Celebrated since 1988)
December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities (Celebrated since 1922)
December 4 - Informatics Day (December 4, 1948 - the birthday of Russian computer science)
December 9 - World Children's Television Day (Celebrated at the initiative of UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) since 1992)
December 10 - International Human Rights Day (On this day in 1948, the UN General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, proclaiming the right of everyone to life, liberty and security)
December 12 is a memorable date for Russia. Constitution Day of the Russian Federation
December 28 - International Cinema Day

December 1 - 100 years since the birth of Viktor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972), Russian writer
December 4 - 110 years since the birth of Lazar Iosifovich Lagin (real name - Ginzburg) (1903-1979), Russian writer
December 5 - 210 years since the birth of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (1803-1873), Russian poet
December 5 - 90 years since the birth of Vladimir Fedorovich Tendryakov (1923-1984), Russian writer
December 6 - 200 years since the birth of Nikolai Platonovich Ogarev (1813-1877), Russian writer, poet, publicist
December 6 - 70 years since the birth of Oleg Evgenievich Grigoriev (1943-1992), Russian children's poet
December 8 - 160 years since the birth of Vladimir Alekseevich Gilyarovsky (1853-1935), Russian writer
December 9 - 165th anniversary of the birth of Joel Chandler Harris (1848-1908), American writer
December 11 - 95 years since the birth of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer
December 11 - 60 years since the birth of Andrei Vadimovich Makarevich (born 1953), musician, singer, composer
December 11 - 210 years since the birth of Hector Berlioz (1803-1869), French composer
December 12 - 85 years since the birth of Chingiz Aitmatov (1928-2008), Kyrgyz writer
December 12 - 150 years since the birth of Edvard Munch (1863-1944), Norwegian artist
December 13 - 140 years since the birth of Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov (1873-1924), Russian poet, writer, literary critic
December 13 - 110 years since the birth of Evgeniy Petrovich Petrov (real name - Kataev) (1903-1942), Russian writer
December 15 - 90 years since the birth of Yakov Lazarevich Akim (born 1923), Russian poet
December 22 - 155 years since the birth of Giacomo Puccini (1858-1924), Italian composer
December 24 - 215 years since the birth of Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), Polish poet
December 25 - 65 years since the birth of Gennady Konstantinovich Spirin (born 1948), Russian illustrator
December 26 - 70 years since the birth of Valery Mikhailovich Priyomykhov (1943-2000), Russian director, actor and writer
December 28 - 105 years since the birth of Evgeniy Viktorovich Vuchetich (1908-1974), Russian sculptor


January 3 - 65 years since the birth of Tatyana Ivanovna Oleynikova (b. 1948)
March 25 - 70 years since the birth of Alexander Konstantinovich Filatov (1943-1988)
April 22 - 75 years since the birth of Oleg Evgenievich Kirillov (b. 1938)
August 29 - 90 years since the birth of Natalya Glebovna Ovcharova (1923-2008)
August 31 - 60 years since the birth of Yuri Ivanovich Makarov (b. 1953)
October 28 - 85 years since the birth of Vladimir Vasilyevich Mikhalev (1928-2007)
November 25 - 75 years since the birth of Viktor Ivanovich Belov (b. 1938)
Get acquainted with the work of V.V. Mikhalev and A.K. Filatov you can visit the website -


155 years old - S.T. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower” (1858)
175 years old - H.K. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" (1838)
90 years old - V.K. Arsenyev “Dersu Uzala” (1923)
85 years old - A.R. Belyaev “Amphibian Man” (1928)
85 years old - V.V. Bianchi "Forest Newspaper" (1928)
95 years old - A.A. Block "Scythians" (1918)
90 years old - P.A. Blyakhin “Red Devils” (1923)
145 years - J. Verne “The Children of Captain Grant” (1868)
100 years - M. Gorky “Tales of Italy” (1913)
165 years old - F.M. Dostoevsky "White Nights" (1848)
100 years - S.A. Yesenin “Birch” (“White birch under my window...”) (1913)
85 years old - E. Köstner “Emil and the Detectives” (1928)
80 years old - L. Kassil “Conduit and Schwambrania” (1933)
130 years - C. Collodi “The Adventures of Pinocchio. The Story of a Puppet" (1883)
110 years - R.A. Kudashev “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” (1903)
310 years - L. Magnitsky “Arithmetic, that is, the science of numbers” (1703)
135 years old - G. Malo “Without a Family” (1878)
90 years old - S.Ya. Marshak “About a Stupid Mouse” (1923) “Children in a Cage (1923)
85 years old - V.V. Mayakovsky "Who to be?" (1928)
105 years - M. Maeterlinck “Blue Bird” (1908)
85 years old - Yu.K. Olesha “Three Fat Men” (1928)
140 years - A.N. Ostrovsky “Snow Maiden” (1873)
180 years - A.S. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin” (March 20-21, 1833, the first complete edition of the novel was published)
175 years old - A.S. Pushkin “Poltava” (1828)
65 years old - A.N. Rybakov “Dirk” (1948)
70 years old - A. de Saint-Exupery “The Little Prince” (1943)
90 years old - D.A. Furmanov “Chapaev” (1923)
90 years old - K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” (1923), “Tsokotukha Fly” (1923), “Cockroach” (1923)
940 years - First “Selection of Svyatoslav” (1073)

2006–2016 – Decade of rehabilitation and sustainable development of the affected regions (third decade after Chernobyl)

2005 - 2014 – UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development

UNESCO declared 2013 the year of water cooperation. “Countries of the world must join forces to make water resources accessible to all inhabitants of the planet. Water can be used as an incentive to increase international cooperation for the benefit of peace."- says a message on the website of the World Water Forum.

2013 in Russia

2013 in Russia is the Year of Environmental Protection (Presidential Decree of August 11, 2012)

From the Decree: “In order to ensure the right of every person to a favorable environment, I decree: to hold the Year of Environmental Protection in the Russian Federation in 2013; the Government of the Russian Federation to ensure the development and approval of a plan of main activities for holding the Year of Environmental Protection in the Russian Federation; recommend to the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to carry out the necessary activities within the framework of the Year of Environmental Protection held in the Russian Federation"

2013 has been declared the Year of Dutch Culture in Russia and the Year of Russian Culture in the Netherlands.


1150 years since the emergence of Slavic writing (863 - the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius created the Slavic alphabet)

1110 years since the first mention of Pskov in the chronicle (903)

1025 years of the Baptism of Rus' (988)

965 years since the birth of Omar Khayyam (1048-1122), Persian poet and scientist

960 years since the birth of Vladimir Monomakh (1053-1125), Grand Duke of Kyiv

900 years of the original version of the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years” (compiled around 1113)

900 years of the “Charter” of Vladimir Monomakh (promulgated in 1113)

790 years of the battle on the river. Kalka between Mongol and Russian troops (1223)

600 years of the Church of St. Basil the Great in Pskov (1413)

310 years of St. Petersburg - a city founded according to the plans of Tsar-reformer Peter I at the mouth of the Neva and which became the capital of the Russian Empire for 2 centuries (1703)

310 years of “Arithmetic” by Leonty Magnitsky, who first replaced letters with Arabic numerals (1703)

310 years of the first official stock exchange in Russia, founded on the initiative of Peter I in St. Petersburg (1703)

295 years of the first capitation census (1718)

240 years of the uprising led by E. Pugachev (1773)

230 years since the establishment of the Russian Academy (1783)

210 years of circumnavigation of I.F. Krusenstern (1803)

195 years since the grand opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky (1818)

115 years of the State Russian Museum (opened to visitors in 1898)

95 years of the new calendar in Russia (introduced in 1918)

90 years of the state emblem of the CCCP (approved in 1923)

80 years of the series of popular biographies “The Lives of Remarkable People” (1933)

70 years of the Battle of Kursk (1943)

70 years of breaking the siege of Leningrad (1943)

70 years of the Battle of Stalingrad (ended in 1943)

310 years since the first issue of the Russian printed newspaper Vedomosti (1703)

150 years of the State Public Historical Library in Moscow (1863)

140 years of the first performance of the opera "" in St. Petersburg on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater (1873)

75 years ago, the film by S.M. was released on the screens of the country. Eisenstein "Alexander Nevsky" (1938)

120 years since the birth of I.V. Panfilov (1893-1941), Soviet military leader, hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously)

January 3 – 110 years since the birth of A.A. Beck (1903-1972), Russian writer, author of the novel “Volokolamsk Highway”

January 4 – 370 years since the birth of Isaac Newton (1643-1727), English physicist, mathematician, astronomer
January 6 – 75 years since the birth of Adriano Celentano (1938)

– 100 years since the birth of Yaroslav Smelyakov (1913-1972), Russian poet

– 110 years since the birth of I.V. Kurchatov (1903-1960), an outstanding Russian scientist in the field of nuclear physics

– 385 years since the birth of Charles Perrault (1628-1703), French poet, critic and storyteller.

January 16 – 105 years since the birth of P.F. Nilin (1908-1981), Russian writer, author of the stories “Cruelty”, “Probationary Period”

January 17 – 150 years since the birth of K.S. Stanislavsky (1863-1938), Russian actor and director, reformer of performing arts

– 150 years since the birth of A.S. Serafimovich (1863-1949), Russian writer

January 22 – 225 years since the birth of George Gordon Byron (1788-1824), English romantic poet

– 105 years since the birth of L.D. Landau (1908-1968), Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1962)

– 85 years since the birth of P.L. Proskurin (1928-2000), Soviet writer

January 23 – 230 years since the birth of Stendhal (Henri Marie Bayle, 1783-1842), writer, classic of French literature

– 115 years since the birth of S.M. Eisenstein (1898-1948), Soviet director, innovator of cinema

– 140 years since the birth of D.N. Ushakov (1873-1942), Russian philologist, editor and compiler " Explanatory dictionary Russian language"

– 75 years since the birth of Vladimir Vysotsky (1938-1980), actor, singer and poet

195 years since the publication of the first 8 volumes of “History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin (1818)

95 years since the publication of A. Blok’s poem “Scythians” (1918)

95 years of the new calendar in Russia (since 1918)

– Day of Remembrance of the Young Anti-Fascist Hero

– 185 years since the birth of Jules Verne (1828-1905), French writer, master of the science fiction genre

February 9 – 230 years since the birth of V.A. Zhukovsky (1783-1852), Russian romantic poet, translator

– 120 years since the birth of D.D. Blagoy (1893-1984), Russian literary critic and Pushkin scholar

255 years since the birth of V.V. Kapnist (1758-1823), Russian poet

205 years since the birth of P.V. Kireyevsky (1808-1856), Russian folklorist, translator

140th anniversary of the birth of Enrico Caruso (1873-1921), Italian tenor

135 years since the birth of Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935), avant-garde artist, author of “Black Square”

100 years since the birth of E.G. Kazakevich (1913-1962), Russian writer

February 27 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Irwin Shaw (1913-1984), American writer and playwright

February 28 is the 480th anniversary of the birth of Michel de Montaigne (1533-1592), French humanist philosopher.

– 400 years of the historical feat of the Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin (1613)

– 180 years of the first complete edition of the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” (1833)

– 115 years of the State Russian Museum (1898)

– 105 years of the Society of Library Science, founded in St. Petersburg (1908)

– 100 years ago (1913) it was first noted in Russia

– 95 ​​years ago Moscow again became the capital of a new state – Soviet Russia (1918)

– 95 ​​years since the publication of the poem “The Twelve” by A. Blok (1918)

– World Civil Defense Day (since 1994)

Day of Remembrance of the paratroopers of the 104th regiment of the Pskov Airborne Division who died heroically in the Argun Gorge on March 1, 2000.

– Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers (second Sunday in March)

March 12 – 150 years since the birth of V.I. Vernadsky (1863-1945), Russian thinker, naturalist

– 100 years since the birth of S.V. Mikhalkov (1913-2009), poet, children's writer, playwright, author of the Russian National Anthem

March 14 - 285 years since the birth of I.I. Polzunov (1728-1766), the Russian inventor who created the first heat engine in Russia

– 105 years since the birth of B.N. Polevoy (1908-1981), Russian writer

March 20 – 185 years since the birth of Henrik Ibsen (1828-1906), Norwegian playwright and poet

– Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

March 28 – 270 years since the birth of Princess Ekaterina Romanovna Dashkova (1743-1810), “Russian Minerva”, active figure in education

– 145 years since the birth of A.M. Gorky (1868-1936), Russian writer, literary critic and publicist

April 4 – 195 years since the birth of Mine Reed (1818-1883), American writer, master of the adventure genre

– 85 years since the birth of Elina Bystritskaya (1928), Russian actress

April 6 – 530 years since the birth of Raphael (Raffaello Santi, 1483-1520), Italian painter and architect

– Geologist’s Day (celebrated on the first Sunday in April)

– 190 years since the birth of A.N. Ostrovsky (1823-1886), an outstanding Russian playwright

– 80 years since the birth of Montserrat Caballe (1933), Spanish singer

– Code Talker Day

– Diver’s Day (since 2002)

– 85 years since the birth of A.S. Ivanov (1928-1999), Russian writer, author of the novels “Shadows Disappear at Noon”, “Eternal Call”

– 90 years since the birth of V.A. Etush (1923), Russian actor

– 180 years since the birth of Johannes Brahms (1833-1897), German composer

– 110 years since the birth of N.A. Zabolotsky (1903-1958), Russian poet and translator

– 130 years since the birth of José Ortega y Gaceta (1883-1955), Spanish philosopher and art theorist

– 80 years since the birth of Andrei Voznesensky (1933-2010), Russian poet

– 215 years since the birth of I.I. Pushchin (1798-1859), Russian memoirist, friend of A.S. Pushkin

– 165 years since the birth of V.M. Vasnetsov (1848-1926), Russian painter

May 17 – 140 years since the birth of Henri Barbusse (1873-1955), French writer and public figure

– 145 years since the birth of Nicholas II, Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov (1868-1918), Russian Emperor

– 200 years since the birth of V.R. Wagner (1813-1883), German composer

– European Parks Day

– 75 years since the birth of L.S. Petrushevskaya (1938), Russian writer and playwright

– 110 years since the birth of E.A. Blaginina (1903-1989), Russian poet and translator

– 105 years since the birth of Ian Fleming (1908-1964), English writer, journalist, author of the James Bond novels

– 65 years since the birth of S.A. Alexievich (1948), Belarusian writer, author of the books “War Doesn’t Have a Woman’s Face”, “Zinc Boys”

– 240 years since the birth of Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853), German writer, Jena romantic

– 400 years since the accession to the throne of Mikhail Romanov (1613), the Russian Tsar

– 175 years of the Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory (1838), organized by V.Ya. Struve

– 155 years of the consecration of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in St. Petersburg (1858)

– 105 years ago, a giant meteorite called Tunguska fell in Eastern Siberia (1908)

– 75 years ago M. A. Bulgakov completed the novel “The Master and Margarita” (1938)

– 50 years of the first flight of female cosmonaut V.V. Tereshkova into space (1963)

– 90 years since the birth of B.A. Mozhaev (1923-1996), Russian prose writer, master of village prose

– Ecologist Day (since 1972)

– 290 years since the birth of Adam Smith (1723-1790), Scottish economist and philosopher

– 115 years since the birth of Federico García Lorca (1898-1936), Spanish poet and playwright

– World Oceans Day

– 115 years since the birth of M.E. Koltsov (1898-1942), Russian writer and journalist

– 110 years since the birth of M.A. Svetlov (1903-1964), Russian poet, playwright

June 19 – 390 years since the birth of Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), French mathematician, physicist and philosopher

– 115 years since the birth of Erich Maria Remarque (1898-1970), famous German writer

– World Fisheries Day

– 370 years ago the island of Sakhalin was discovered (1643)

– 115 years since the publication of A.P.’s story. Chekhov's "Man in a Case" (1898)

– 95 ​​years since the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918

– 90 years since the approval of the State Emblem of the USSR (1923)

– 80 years of the Arctic expedition on the steamship “Chelyuskin”, headed by O.Yu. Schmidt (started in 1933)

– 15 years ago, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation (1998), the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was restored

July 3 – 130 years since the birth of Franz Kafka (1883-1924), Austrian writer, author of the novels “The Trial” and “The Castle”

– 95 ​​years since the birth of P.D. Kogan (1918-1942), Russian poet

July 10 is Military Glory Day. Victory of the Russian army under the command of Peter I over the Swedes in the Battle of Poltava (1709)

– 95 ​​years since the birth of James Aldridge (1918), English writer, laureate of the International Peace Prize (1973)

– 85 years since the birth of V.S. Pikul (1928-1990), Russian writer, author of historical novels

July 14 - 270 years since the birth (1743-1816), Russian public figure, poet, representative of Russian classicism

– 110 years since the birth of Irving Stone (1903-1989), American writer

– 185 years since the birth of N.G. Chernyshevsky (1828-1889), Russian writer, literary critic

– Day of the Russian Air Force

August 13 – 210 years since the birth of V.F. Odoevsky (1803-1869), Russian writer, philosopher

– 55 years since the birth of Madonna (1958), American singer and actress

August 17 – 215 years since the birth of A.A. Delvig (1798-1831), Russian poet, comrade A.S. Pushkin

– 120 years since the birth of V.V. Kholodnaya (1893-1919), Russian actress

– 70 years since the birth of Robert de Niro (1943)

– 105th birthday of Leonid Panteleev (1908-1987), Russian writer

August 23 is the Day of Military Glory of Russia. The defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (1943) - 70th anniversary

– 100 years since the birth of Alexander Chakovsky (1913-1994), Russian writer and public figure

– Baikal Day

August 28 – 95 years since the birth of E.I. Chaikina (1918-1941), participant of the partisan movement, Hero of the Soviet Union

– 65 years since the birth of N.G. Gundareva (1948), Russian actress

August 29 – 55 years since the birth of Michael Jackson (1958-2009), American pop singer

September 13 – 90 years since the birth of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya (1923-1941), partisan, Hero of the Soviet Union

September 15 – Birthday of the international environmental organization Greenpeace (“Green World”)

– Forest Workers Day

– 400 years since the birth of François de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680), French moralist writer

– 235 years since the birth of F.F. Bellingshausen (1778-1852), Russian navigator

– 135th anniversary of the birth of Upton Sinclair (1878-1968), American writer

– 85 years since the birth of G.V. Sapgir (1928-1999), Soviet poet

– International Day of Peace (since 2002)

– 305 years since the birth of A.D. Kantemir (1708-1744), Russian poet, founder of classicism

September 26 – 125 years since the birth of T. S. Eliot (1888-1965), Anglo-American poet, Nobel Prize laureate (1948)

– 125 years since the birth of N.I. Bukharin (1888-1938), Soviet political figure

– Army Day

- International Music Day

– 140 years since the birth of V.Ya. Shishkov (1873-1945), Russian writer, author of the novels “Gloomy River”, “Emelyan Pugachev”

– 140 years since the birth of I.S. Shmelev (1873-1950), writer of the Russian diaspora, author of the novel “The Summer of the Lord”

– 300 years since the birth of Denis Diderot (1713-1784), French writer, educator and philosopher

– 190 years since the birth of I.S. Aksakov (1823-1886), Russian writer and publicist, ideologist of Slavophilism

– 150 years since the birth of V.A. Obruchev (1863-1956), Russian scientist, geographer and traveler

– 100 years since the birth of Claude Simon (1913-2005), French writer, Nobel Prize winner (1985)

– International Standardization Day

October 15 – 405 years since the birth of Torricelli (1608-1647), Italian physicist, student of Galileo Galilei

October 16 - 125 years since the birth of Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953), American playwright, Nobel Prize winner (1936)

– 135 years since the birth of M.A. Osorgin (1878-1942), writer of the Russian diaspora, author of the novel “Sivtsev the Enemy”

– 95 ​​years since the birth of Alexander Galich (A.A. Ginzburg, 1918-1977), writer of Russian emigration, bard and playwright

October 21 – 180 years since the birth of Alfred Nobel (1833-1896), Swedish chemist and industrialist, founder of the Nobel Prize

October 22 – 70 years since the birth of A.A. Kabakov (1943), Russian writer, laureate of the Russian literary prize “Big Book”

– 20 years of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the Russian Flag (approved in 1993)

– 280 years since the birth of M.M. Kheraskov (1733-1807), Russian writer, representative of Russian classicism

– 135 years since the birth of M.P. Artsybashev (1878-1927), writer, playwright of the Russian diaspora

– 135 years since the birth of K.S. Petrov-Vodkin (1878-1939), Russian artist

– 75th anniversary of the birth of Joe Dassin (1938-1980), French pop singer

- Day of military glory. The day of the military parade on Red Square in Moscow to commemorate the twenty-fourth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution (1941)

– 100 years since the birth of Albert Camus (1913-1960), French writer, playwright, Nobel Prize laureate (1957)

November 11 – 125 years since the birth of A.N. Tupolev (1888-1972), an outstanding Soviet aircraft designer

November 14 - 750 years since the death of Alexander Nevsky (1220-1263), Russian commander, canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church

– 155 years since the birth of Selma Lagerlöf (1858-1940), Swedish writer, Nobel Prize winner (1909)

– 125 years since the birth of Dale Carnegie (1888-1955), American writer-publicist, educational psychologist

– 285 years of the first scientific journal of Russia “Scientific Notes of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences” (1728)

– 90 years of the literary and artistic magazine “Zvezda” (1923)

–105 years ago, Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov received the Nobel Prize (1908)

– 80 years ago I.A. Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1933)

– 80 years of the Literary Institute named after. A.M. Gorky (1933)

– 40 years ago the first volume of A.I.’s book was published. Solzhenitsyn “Gulag Archipelago” (1973)

December 1 is Military Glory Day. Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P. S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (1853)

– World AIDS Day

December 5 – Day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the Battle of Moscow (1941)

– 210 years since the birth of F.I. Tyutchev (1803-1873), Russian poet-philosopher

– 90 years since the birth of V.F. Tendryakov (1923-1984), Russian writer

December 6 – 110 years since the birth of G.I. Gazdanov (1903-1971), writer, critic of Russian diaspora

– 100 years since the birth of S.P. Zalygin (1913-2000), Russian writer, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, editor of "New World"

December 8 – 160 years since the birth of V.A. Gilyarovsky (1853-1935), Russian writer and journalist

December 9 - 405 years since the birth of John Milton (1608-1674), English poet, author of Paradise Lost

– 95 ​​years since the birth of A.I. Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Russian writer, Nobel Prize winner

– 150 years since the birth of E. Munch (1863-1944), Norwegian artist, author of “The Scream”

– 85 years since the birth of Chingiz Aitmatov (1928-2008), Kyrgyz writer

December 13 – 140 years since the birth of V.Ya. Bryusov (1873-1924), Russian poet, head of the school of symbolism

– 110 years since the birth of E.P. Petrov (Kataeva, 1903-1942), satirist writer, co-author of I. Ilf based on the novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”

December 21 - 700 years since the birth of Giovanni Boccaccio (1313-1375), Italian writer, humanist of the Renaissance

December 24 is Military Glory Day. The day of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops under the command of A.V. Suvorov (1790)

– 215 years since the birth of Adam Mickiewicz (1798-1855), Polish poet, founder of Polish romanticism