When carrying an unborn child, a woman wants to be beautiful and feel confident. Hair that was dyed before the good news will very quickly lose its former shine, the roots will grow back, and the hairstyle will become dull. I want to go to the hairdresser again or buy a treasured box of necessary means, but is it possible for pregnant women to dye their hair or is it dangerous for the baby?

Of course, experiments have never been conducted on pregnant women, so it is impossible to speak with certainty about the dangers of dyeing. Medical scientists say: substances applied to the hair cannot pass through it into the fetus. However, paint that enters the body in another way, through the skin or respiratory tract, can put the mother and her unborn child in danger.


Many modern fears come to us from the past. The fear of dyeing hair during pregnancy dates back to the time when hair was the property of a girl. A long braid more than compensated for shortcomings in appearance and figure; it was believed that vital energy and strength, health and well-being were concentrated in it. Centuries have passed since then, but modern women also fear that during pregnancy, when the body is especially vulnerable, dyeing will harm the hair, the hair will thin and fall out.

Less than a century ago, when dyeing and multi-colored hairstyles became fashionable in Europe, many girls used the services of a barber almost every week: the color did not last long, they had to constantly renew it. Even their interesting position did not stop them, and since the nascent dyes were toxic, they accumulated and became causes of miscarriages and premature births. The safety of hair dyes for pregnant women has increased, but the myth about their harm remains.

Real danger

The consequences of hair coloring during pregnancy can be not only mythical, but also real. The body of a woman carrying a child is complex and unpredictable. There are several uncontrollable phenomena that cannot be interfered with:

  • Hormonal changes
  • Fluid balance fluctuating
  • The need to provide useful substances two living beings at once

The body's reaction to staining is difficult to predict. Due to unusual metabolism, an allergic reaction to the dye that a woman has used for years may occur. Moreover, dyeing your hair during pregnancy sometimes gives an unexpected result: instead of a burning brunette, you get a faded brown-haired hair, and the red color turns out to be red or crimson. To avoid such problems, you can first apply a little dye to one strand and a drop on the inside of your palm. If the color suits you and the skin does not show any signs of allergies, you can carefully begin coloring.

A color that doesn't meet expectations is not the only problem that will arise if you dye your hair during pregnancy. Most products contain dangerous substances that can negatively affect the well-being of the girl and the unborn child. When choosing paint, you should make sure that the following components are absent:

  • Paraphenylenediamine
  • Dihydroxybenzene
  • Aminophenol
  • Resorcinol
  • Ammonia
  • Hydrogen peroxide

Each of these substances is dangerous for a pregnant girl. They can cause coughing, swelling, severe inflammation and other unpleasant situations that should be avoided. Alas, it is very difficult to find hair dye that does not contain these components during pregnancy. Therefore, you should definitely read the ingredients of a hair product before purchasing and using it.

Ammonia and non-ammonia dyes

Two types of paint occupy the majority of the coloring industry. Ammonia products penetrate into the very center of the hair, changing its structure and coloring it from the inside. As a result, the color lasts for a long time. As the name implies, the paint contains ammonia, a dangerous substance whose fumes are toxic. It is extremely dangerous for a pregnant girl to breathe them, to be near people wearing these dyes, and even more so to use such a product herself. Do not buy or apply ammonia paint under any circumstances.

Ammonia-free dyes were created in order to avoid serious interference with the hair structure. They do not penetrate deeply, enveloping only the walls. Of course, the color does not last very long, it has to be renewed frequently. This method of hair coloring during pregnancy is safer, so it is better to choose it.

Precautionary measures

If you have already chosen and purchased paint, try to make the process itself as safe as possible. Check to see if there is an allergic reaction to the product. Don't forget to wear gloves. Make sure someone close to you is nearby. A minimum of dye should come into contact with the skin.

Many girls dye their hair in the bathroom, but hair dyeing during pregnancy should take place in a room that is quickly and easily ventilated: you should not inhale harmful substances. At the end of the procedure, open all the windows and make sure that there is not even the slightest odor.

Do not under any circumstances overexpose the dye to your hair for greater effect. This is harmful to both the hair structure and the scalp. Rinse thoroughly so that no trace remains.

If you are concerned about whether pregnant women can dye their hair at home, contact a beauty studio or hairdresser. Immediately warn the specialist that you are pregnant so that he can be more careful and attentive. Ask to ventilate the room to remove fumes harmful to the child. It will be much better if you come to the salon in the morning, before the bulk of the clients.

Alternative to paint

You can dye your hair during pregnancy for various reasons, because of overgrown roots or because of the desire to change your image. You can always find an alternative instead of professional paint. Take the chance and change your style a little, and after the birth of your baby, return to dyes.

The simplest alternative methods are highlighting and coloring. The hairdresser will do this quickly enough; there is zero contact of hazardous substances with the skin, and the danger to mother and child is minimal.

The second option is tinted shampoos and balms. Unlike professional dye, these products have minimal impact on the hair, so the effect does not last long. Toning shampoos usually contain active ingredients, vitamins and minerals that nourish the roots and scalp. The result will be not only beautiful, but also useful. Any girl can do this kind of hair dyeing during pregnancy on her own without fear for her safety.

For blondes, the problem of how to safely dye their hair during pregnancy is a real scourge, because the roots grow back quite quickly, become dark and look unattractive. Bleaching is not the safest solution. Hydrogen peroxide is a fairly aggressive chemical that can harm a pregnant girl and her unexpected body. It is impossible to predict how the scalp will react to this product, so most doctors strongly advise using ammonia-free dyes instead of bleaching during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a special time. A new life requires maximum attention. There is nothing surprising in the fact that women are reconsidering their lifestyle and sometimes doing it in the most dramatic way.

Some even decide to completely stop using cosmetics and perfumes, and especially hair dye, for the entire nine months. After all, there is an opinion that you cannot dye your hair while expecting a baby. But I want to be beautiful at any time. What to do with overgrown roots or faded hair color? Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy, and if not, why?

Where do the roots come from?

The ban on changing hair color, as well as on cutting hair, most likely arose from the belief of our ancestors in their miraculous power. After all, in the old days, hair was considered a kind of amulet and protection from evil spirits. A pregnant woman especially needed such protection. It was not for nothing that the long, thick braid was woven from three strands. She personified three vital rays, through which energy filled the girl’s body and soul with strength.

Married women wore two braids, protecting not only themselves, but also their unborn child. Special rituals accompanied the care and washing of hair. But that was in the old days. Why is the ban on painting still in force now? In order to understand this, you first need to find out what exactly human hair is.

Hair structure

There are three layers in the hair structure. The outer one is the cuticle, consists of many scales and is similar in structure to a cone. It is these scales, tightly adjacent to each other, that give healthy hair shine and silkiness. Under the cuticle there is a middle layer - the cortex, formed by epithelial cells similar to skin cells. Melanin granules, which determine hair color, are concentrated here.

At the very core is the medulla, the medulla. Hidden under the scalp is a hair follicle with nerve endings and capillaries, which provides the entire hair with nutrients.

It is these blood vessels that most of the concerns that prohibit dyeing hair during pregnancy are associated with.

It is believed that paint that gets into the blood through the skin can reach the baby. There is still a certain amount of truth in this statement. Since any paint, even the highest quality and most expensive, is a rather aggressive mixture.

The danger of such exposure is especially high in the first three months, when the embryo is not yet protected by the placenta.

Why is coloring dangerous?

Substances included in most mixtures for changing hair color and that can have a negative effect on the health of the mother and the developing fetus include:

  1. Paraphenylenediamine, which provokes various inflammatory processes. In paint, its content is higher, the darker its shade.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide, which can cause allergies, and when sensitive skin lead to burns, and sometimes provoke pressure surges.
  3. Ammonia, which is added to permanent paints, can cause nausea, dizziness and headaches. Its pungent odor is especially poorly tolerated during toxicosis.
  4. Resorcinol, which negatively affects the immune system, causing irritation of the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and larynx.

To be fair, it is worth noting that the amount of substances that can penetrate the body from paint is negligible.

There have been no serious studies on the dangers of dyeing for pregnant women. Doctors' opinions on this matter also vary. Some are sure that coloring hair during pregnancy does not pose any danger, while others, on the contrary, believe that even gentle dyes should not be used.

However, only one thing can be said with certainty - the result of staining may be unexpected.

Unpredictable effects of dyes

Why is this happening? The reason is the increased production of hormones, especially at the very beginning of pregnancy. These substances are quite active and affect the entire body, including hair, or, more precisely, the melanin included in its structure.

The action of hair dye is based on its ability to destroy this natural pigment and replace it with a chemical one. But in the body of the expectant mother, sometimes melanin with an altered structure is formed, resistant to their effects. The result of hair coloring during pregnancy can be:

  1. Uneven, patchy or radically different hair color from the intended one. Moreover, even familiar, proven paint can give such an effect.
  2. Sharp deterioration of hair structure. As a result, after dyeing they will become fragile, brittle and dull.
  3. Allergic reactions, both on the skin and general.
  4. Deterioration of health due to strong odors.

To paint or not?

Whether you can dye your hair during pregnancy or not is up to you to decide. Of course, if in doubt, no one forbids you to find out the opinion of doctors, but not a single specialist is able to guarantee the complete absence negative consequences. If you still decide, then for the best result you should follow several rules:

Carry out coloring no more than once a trimester, choosing a tone that is as close as possible to your natural one. Then the growing roots are not so noticeable.

  1. Before dyeing, be sure to do an allergic reaction test.
  2. Choose reliable salons and be sure to notify the master about your situation.
  3. Instead of permanent paints based on ammonia, it is better to use semi-permanent paints based on organic oils.
  4. Buy expensive paint from trusted manufacturers. You cannot save money on this matter!

Avoid dyeing during the first three months of pregnancy. After all, at this time the formation of the baby’s main organs occurs, and even minimal external influence can harm him.


Discoloration is worth mentioning separately. For blondes, especially those with a darker natural color, overgrown roots can ruin their mood for a long time. Why is it better to refuse it?

The fact is that, compared to coloring, bleaching is a more harsh and traumatic procedure for hair, since it uses substances that completely kill their natural pigment.

Such chemical reagents can also not have the best effect on the body. Therefore, if there is an opportunity not to lighten your hair in the first months, it is better to take advantage of it.

Alternative to chemical dyeing

It is not necessary to dye your hair with chemical dyes during pregnancy; there are many natural substances that can give it a beautiful shade:

  1. Chestnut color can be obtained by mixing two parts of henna and one part of basma.
  2. The same basma and henna, mixed in equal proportions, will give a black tint.
  3. You will get a red color if you use a mixture of henna with two teaspoons of natural, ground coffee.
  4. Onion peels will give a golden hue, 2 tablespoons of which must be boiled for 20 minutes and applied for half an hour.
  5. Bright gold with a hint of red can be obtained using henna diluted with chamomile infusion.

Although such hair coloring during pregnancy will not have the lasting effect of chemical dye, it will not cause any harm. Another solution could be gentle tonics and coloring shampoos that do not penetrate deep into the hair, but simply create a thin film of color on its surface.

The safest coloring

Some manufacturers today produce a special line of safe silk-based paints. The unique composition makes them as durable as regular chemical paints, but at the same time painting with them is completely safe for the health of the expectant mother.

Another safe option for maintaining attractiveness is hair coloring during pregnancy using coloring or highlighting. When using these methods, the mixture is applied to individual strands and practically does not reach the scalp. Therefore, the risk of complications is minimized.

Of course, the ideal option is to solve all problems with appearance before pregnancy, but this is only possible if it is planned. If the future baby was a surprise, then why should you refuse to take care of yourself? It’s just that now this issue, like many others, should be treated with greater attention.

With the news of pregnancy, the expectant mother's life changes in all directions. The health and well-being of the baby come to the fore, many habits are left behind and minimized decorative cosmetics and perfumes. But what about self-care if the girl dyed her hair before two lines appeared on the test? Indeed, in the next 9 months, in order to maintain decent appearance You need to at least tint the roots. Is it possible to dye your hair during pregnancy and what dye is best to use? Let's try to figure it out.

Harmful hair dye - myth or reality

Only a lazy person would not tell a pregnant girl about the dangers of dyeing her hair during pregnancy. Work colleagues, a hairdresser and even a gynecologist all unanimously say that it is harmful. It would seem, why prohibit a pregnant woman from dyeing her hair? If gray hair has “come out” or your hair has become gray and dull, it’s difficult to come to terms with the fact that you can’t get yourself in order. But the fears of others are not unfounded, and here are several reasons why you should not dye your hair during pregnancy:

– inhalation of ammonia vapor – this colorless gas is dangerous when inhaled because it can penetrate the placenta. According to doctors, ammonia, even in small quantities, threatens to harm the growing fetus. But even if the paint contains a small amount of ammonia, it can cause nausea in a pregnant woman, or an attack of coughing and sore throat;

– increased sensitivity of the skin during pregnancy – the structure of the skin of expectant mothers changes, it reacts with greater force to any external influences. Therefore, even the usual paint that has been applied for years, when used during pregnancy, can suddenly provoke an allergy, itching or rash;

– toxicity of other paint components – in addition to ammonia or hydrogen peroxide, the paint also contains other components: phenylenediamine, resorcinol, etc. hormonal changes In pregnant women, these substances can cause unpredictable effects. In the best case, the dye simply “won’t stick” to the hair; in the worst case, reactions from the body are possible (damage to the hair structure, pressure surges, allergies).

There are also superstitions that if you dye your hair during pregnancy, the child will have a lot of birthmarks at birth. According to psychologists, these signs can only unsettle the expectant mother, but there is no reason to believe in such speculation.

Looking for a replacement: what paint to use during pregnancy

Despite the possible harm of paint, many mothers are not ready to sacrifice their beauty for a long 9 months. The search begins for a compromise in order to give color and shine to the hair, and to make it safe for health. There are such options, and expectant mothers should take note of them.

1. Henna and basma.

Natural hair dyes do not contain a single gram of chemicals. Moreover, natural dyes heal the hair on the head, giving it fullness and thickness. Henna is suitable for brown-haired women; it will give the hair a copper-gold color. For bright brunettes, basma is preferable - with its help you can get a delightful black hair color.

2. Paint without ammonia.

Ammonia-free dye is a real lifesaver for blondes and those who want to refresh their highlights. Natural dyes white There is no way to dye your hair, but you need a way out, so you have to choose the lesser of two evils. What is the advantage of this paint:

– ammonia-free paint has no pungent odor;

– the dyes contain oil that improves the hair structure.

But there is also a significant disadvantage - ammonia-free paints are famous for the fact that they do not have long-lasting shades and a less wide palette of tones; in this regard, ammonia paint wins. When choosing an ammonia-free option, give preference to professional paints (L’Oreal Inoa, Matrix). You can use mousse paint (Schwarzkopf Perfect Mousse, etc.), it has a gentle composition, which is ideal for pregnant girls.

Is it better to wait? Dangerous periods for hair coloring

So, you decided to dye your hair while pregnant. But don't rush to go to the salon. Even if you choose the safest paint, you should postpone this procedure if you are in the very first trimester of pregnancy or only 2-3 weeks are left before giving birth.

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy(or rather, up to 16 weeks) doctors do not recommend hair coloring due to the high risk of harm to the fetus. On early in the unborn baby, all organ systems are formed, intensive growth occurs, and sensitivity during this period to negative impacts very high. Therefore, you should not deliberately dye your hair at this time.
  • Second trimester of pregnancy safer for hair coloring. Toxicosis passes, the sense of smell becomes slightly less sensitive to odors. If you need to do coloring, now is the time. But remember: the mother’s body is closely interconnected with the fetus’ body, so choose high-quality paints without ammonia.
  • In the third trimester Starting from 34 weeks, you should stop dyeing your hair. If pregnancy is accompanied by gestosis, inhaling paint at 35 and 36 weeks will cause deterioration in health, headache, and to the expectant mother There is absolutely no need for such troubles before childbirth.

Pregnancy is the very time when you want to flutter around and look beautiful. Hair coloring is possible during this period, but you should not experiment with dyeing at home. And monitor your well-being during the procedure: at the slightest ailment, the first aid will be a breath of fresh air. For ardent lovers of monthly color changes, it is better to wait out the cherished time of bearing the baby, or, as a last resort, reduce the speed - up to 3 colors during pregnancy, no more.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 9 minutes


Pregnancy is not a reason to become unkempt; regrown hair roots can and should be painted over. Another question - what and what color to choose for painting so as not to harm the health of the baby and yourself?

Important rules for hair coloring during pregnancy

  • You should not dye your hair in the first trimester. During this period, active growth of the fetus occurs, colossal hormonal changes occur in the woman, so you can get not the desired color, but stripes of different shades on the head. As salon masters say: “you can apply makeup starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, then you will get the expected color.”

  • Women suffering from toxicosis should not apply makeup themselves. Too pungent odors will provoke another attack. If there is a need for urgent hair coloring, then it is better to have this procedure carried out by a specialist in a salon, in a normally ventilated room.

  • It is better to choose natural paints. Although there are relatively safe chemical dyes, but there is no need to take risks, because the full effect of such paints on the pregnant body has not been studied.

  • The safest option, according to hairdressers, is hair coloring., bronding or highlighting, since the dye does not touch the hair roots through which absorption occurs harmful substances into the blood of a pregnant woman.

  • If you dye your hair with permanent dye, then leave it on your hair for the minimum time specified in the instructions and put on a gauze bandage so that the dye vapors do not enter the respiratory tract.

If we talk about hair dyes, it is recommended to dye your hair during pregnancy the following types cosmetics:

  • Balms, tonics, tinted shampoos;
  • Paint, ammonia-free;
  • Henna, basma;
  • Folk remedies.

Natural hair dye

When using folk remedies, you need to be prepared that the color will change gradually , not the first time.

So, to get:

  • Light chestnut color - You need to pour one liter of boiling water into one glass of long tea. When the tea has cooled slightly and becomes warm, strain it to remove the tea leaves. Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and massage into hair that has been previously washed with shampoo.
  • Dark chestnut color - You need to remove the green peel from young walnuts and grind it in a meat grinder. Then add a little water to form a paste. Apply to hair with a brush or toothbrush. Leave on hair for 15-20 minutes and rinse.

  • Golden color - buy a bag of henna and a package of chamomile flowers. Prepare half a glass of chamomile infusion and mix with henna. Apply the resulting mushy mass to your hair and leave for the appropriate time specified in the instructions on the package, depending on the chosen shade.
  • Light golden hue can be achieved using onion peel or chamomile infusion. In addition, it helps strengthen hair. Pour 100 grams of onion peels with water (1.5 cups of water), bring to a boil and leave to simmer for another 20-25 minutes. When the infusion reaches a comfortable warm temperature, you can start rubbing it into your hair. Leave on hair for 30 minutes and rinse.

  • To get a golden hue - make a concentrated chamomile decoction (pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile flowers into a liter of water). Let it brew until the broth becomes warm. Strain and apply to hair. After leaving the decoction on your hair for an hour, you need to rinse your hair.
  • Dark shades can be obtained by using basma. By following her instructions, you can achieve an almost black color. By combining it with henna, you can adjust the shade. For example, a bronze shade can be achieved if you use basma with henna in a 1:2 ratio (one part basma - 2 parts henna).
  • Reddish tint achieved using cocoa. A packet of henna mixed with four teaspoons of cocoa and applied to the hair. Wash off after the time indicated on the henna package.

  • Reddish-brown shade can be achieved using henna and instant coffee. Mixing a packet of henna and two tablespoons of coffee and leaving it on the hair for 40-60 minutes will give this effect.

Any woman always wants to be well-groomed, even when a problem has already arisen under her heart. new life. In addition, I don’t want to change my usual way of life.

Therefore, women who are accustomed to regularly changing their image often wonder whether it is possible to dye their hair during pregnancy. Our article is devoted to a detailed consideration of this issue.

Majority modern women approve of this procedure based on personal positive experience. Proponents of painting motivate their position by the fact that toxic substances, even in durable paints are found in small concentrations. Therefore, their absorption by the scalp is insignificant, and they cannot harm the health of the mother and child. Opponents of coloring claim the opposite.

According to statistics from American scientists, women who have dyed their hair for five years are three times more likely to develop cancer. British scientists have proven that the risk of liver cirrhosis in such women is much higher. Now think about the effect paint can have on a child during the period of organ formation!

The most reasonable solution is to minimize the harmful effects on the child’s body. If the toxins present in permanent ammonia paints are exposed frequently, there is a risk of developing the following diseases:

  • Oncological;
  • Cardiovascular;
  • Allergic.

Harmful substances contained in hair dyes

Paints that are hazardous to children contain the following harmful substances:

  • Ammonia;
  • Paraphenylenediamine;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Resorcinol.

The presence of ammonia can be determined by the presence of a pungent odor, which can cause headaches, irritation of the mucous membranes, nausea and even fainting. Painting is especially poorly tolerated by pregnant women with toxicosis.

Ammonia enters the blood through the lungs, which can affect the child even during embryogenesis. Ammonia can cause developmental defects. Therefore, it is not advisable to paint with ammonia paints during pregnancy. If there is no other way out, then this can only be done in a ventilated area.

Paraphenylenediamine can cause allergic reactions. Accumulating in the body, this substance can cause cancer. It is found more in dark-colored paints.

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Hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten hair. But it is not recommended for pregnant women to dye their hair with bleaching dyes. Firstly, they greatly damage the hair. Secondly, hydrogen peroxide can cause pressure surges.

Resorcinol, present in the paint, can disrupt the immune system and cause irritation of the scalp.

As you can see, hair coloring is undesirable, especially with strong dyes. And this procedure is not always necessary. After all, the style can be radically changed if you simply cut your hair or get a beautiful hairstyle.

When can you dye your hair during pregnancy?

There is no clear answer to the question of whether pregnant women can dye their hair. But it is known for sure that there are two periods in bearing a baby during which this procedure is strictly prohibited:

  1. Firstly, in the first 16 weeks, when organ formation occurs. Toxic substances, if they enter the baby’s body, can lead to deformation or delay in the development of various organs;
  2. In the last 2-3 weeks, when a complication of toxicosis occurs (period of gestosis). During this period, a woman becomes extremely sensitive to odors. Ammonia vapors can cause severe deterioration in health.

The rest of the time, coloring can be done, but with great care. Experts give the following recommendations:

  • Dye your hair maximum once a trimester, choosing the dye so that it is as close as possible in shade to natural color hair. In this case, you will not have to worry about regrown roots;
  • Be sure to test for an allergic reaction before the procedure;
  • It is advisable to give preference to semi-permanent, natural and organic dyes. In them, ammonia is replaced with less harmful amines.

If you didn’t wear makeup before pregnancy, then give up your idea. During this period, your hair is already experiencing a deficiency of microelements and vitamins. And the chemicals contained in the dye will further aggravate the situation, making your hair brittle and dry.

Nature will help us dye our hair safely

Is it safe to dye your hair during pregnancy for yourself and your baby? Of course you can! And nature itself will help us with this. You can dye your hair with henna during pregnancy. But the disadvantage here is that henna only gives one shade. But if you add other natural substances to it, you can achieve almost any shade.

Various types of special henna for hair coloring

The most common ones are the following:

  • Bronze. It is achieved by mixing henna and basma in proportions 2:1. The mixture is diluted hot water and apply to hair for about 30 minutes. The intensity of the shade depends on how long you leave the mixture on your hair;
  • Black. Achieved by mixing henna and basma in equal proportions. The resulting mass, after diluting with hot water, is applied for about an hour. You can wash off the paint with shampoo;
  • Red tree. Add about 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa to one henna packet. Apply the resulting mixture to your hair and cover with polyethylene. After 30-40 minutes, you can wash your hair with shampoo;
  • Reddish brown. It is obtained by applying a mixture of one henna bag and two spoons of coffee for 30 minutes;
  • Bright golden. This effect is achieved by henna mixed with chamomile infusion.

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When dyeing traditional methods you should remember that:

  • Products must be applied along the entire length;
  • Often the paint doesn't stick the first time. Therefore, in some cases additional staining may be required;
  • When dyeing hair folk remedies you make them healthier;
  • The brightness and intensity of the color depends on how long you leave the paint on;
  • At perm You can’t paint with henna;
  • Hair dyed with folk remedies must be additionally cared for using masks and balms.

From everything that was discussed above, we can conclude that it is possible to dye your hair during pregnancy. But this must be done wisely and as carefully as possible. Only in this case will the mother look beautiful and stylish, and the baby will not be in any danger.