Regime moments. Duty.

Duty is a form of organizing children's work, which requires the child to be independent, know the sequence of work, have an idea of ​​its full scope, and the requirements for the result.

The child on duty is placed under conditions of obligation to complete the task.

Those on duty perform work that has social significance and is necessary for the team.

The importance of duty in raising children:

  • forms responsibility, the desire to work for others, to show concern for one’s comrades;
  • develops hard work, diligence, activity, independence;
  • teaches you to work quickly, efficiently, willingly;
  • fosters respect for the work of adults.

Methodology for organizing canteen duty in various age groups.

The labor activity of a child of the 3rd year of life is still very limited due to the age-related capabilities of the child’s body. At this stage, the tasks of developing prerequisites are solved labor activity, formation of hygiene and self-care skills.

Duty is in the nature of assignments, which, taking into account the capabilities of the children, are offered by an adult. The child can lay out spoons on the table, place napkin holders, and bread bins.

In the second junior group, in the first half of the year, children carry out feasible individual work assignments for setting the table under the guidance of an adult. The child on duty is given only one condition: to help the junior teacher set the table at which he and his comrades are sitting. The child hands out spoons, puts out bread bins and napkin holders.

In the second half of the year, canteen duty may be introduced in the second junior group. At this age, the tasks of teaching consistency in work, the ability not to be distracted from work, and striving to create a calm environment are solved. If the child quickly learns to fulfill these requirements, the tasks become more complicated - the requirements for accuracy increase.

Responsibilities of the dining room attendants at this age: set the table at which the attendant himself sits. Place bread bins, napkin holders, spoons, cups - the junior teacher brings everything to the tables.

In the middle group, if duty is organized for the first time, the teacher uses the same techniques at the beginning of the year (September - October) as in the second younger group in order to find out how much the children have mastered the skills and to let them get used to living conditions in the group.

If children’s table setting techniques were developed in the younger group, then the main task at this age is to make children understand the importance of performing the duties of a dining room attendant for other people in the group. In the middle group there is one desk for each attendant.

The responsibilities of those on duty at this age before meals are to arrange the plates brought by the junior teacher, carry cups from the serving table, take cups by the handles!), fill napkin holders with napkins.

After eating - they clean up after eating: bread bins, napkin holders. Sweeping crumbs off the table.

The duties of older preschoolers are gradually becoming more complex both in the content of work and in the forms of unification of children, in terms of the requirement for independence and self-organization in work.

The work of the dining room attendants includes complete independent table setting and cleaning after meals (if conditions permit).

The tasks that we set for children at this age, the formation of responsibility for the assigned work, the desire to work for the benefit of the team. Forming the habit of systematically performing the duties of an attendant. Requirements for the pace of work and independence are increasing.

At this age, two attendants are appointed to serve the entire group. With such an organization, they are placed in new conditions, more complex requirements are placed on them: to coordinate their work with the work of a friend, to be jointly responsible for the result, to fairly distribute work among themselves.

After eating - put the dishes (without food leftovers) in a pile on each table, put away the bread bins and napkin holders. Sweeping crumbs off the table.


To organize duty in different age groups, it is carried out through duty corners. In the second younger group there may not be such a corner, because V at this age- instructions.

In middle age, a duty corner appears (duty is carried out only in the dining room). Because At this age, there is only one person on duty at each table, so there should be pockets in the corner according to the number of tables.

Elder and preparatory groups duty is introduced for the GCD and the corner of nature. There are two people on duty in each corner.

Table setting training

A lot depends on proper and beautiful table setting: appetite and mood improve, good behavior is observed. The aesthetics of a table depends on tablecloths, napkins, and cutlery.

There is a certain sequence of actions that helps to quickly and correctly arrange numerous serving items.

Each child is allocated a place at the table - part of the table, where there are plates, cups and saucers, and cutlery.

To make it easier and more interesting for children to learn the rules of table setting, a table setting model and various teaching aids are used.

Distribution of responsibilities in the process of organizing duty at a preschool educational institution

The effective use of such a regime moment as catering for educational and developmental purposes largely depends on the rational distribution of responsibilities between adults. Based on this, we have identified several pedagogical principles:

- The principle of systematicity and consistency;
- the principle of an integrated approach to education;
- the principle of unity and integrity of the educational process;
- the principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics;
- the principle of visibility.

Components of the catering process

Children's age



Table setting


Organizes children's observations of table setting


Senior, middle

Observes that the attendants set the table independently, using model diagrams

Sets the table together with the attendants

Organization of children's duty

Middle and senior

Appoints duty officers. He makes sure that those on duty are the first to undress after a walk and go wash their hands.

Helps those on duty distribute responsibilities among themselves and put on uniforms. Monitors how they set the table and helps if necessary.

Managing the process of children's duty

Monitors the performance of duties and assignments by those on duty, teaches them to be independent and accurate.

Elena Mytareva
“Methodology of labor organization - children’s duty in the canteen in kindergarten groups”

Educator group No. 1

Mytareva E. V.

An important task organization of duty preschool age is – the formation of children responsibility for the assigned work, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematically performing duties. Educate children these qualities are possible only with their regular participation in labor. Duty preschoolers gradually becomes more complex in content labor, according to forms of association, according to the requirement for independence and self-organization at work. It is very important for the teacher to think through the content labor of duty officers in that so that it is not formal, but specific. He turns to duty officer as his assistants, approves of their actions, diligence, initiative, ability to complete tasks, and use rational techniques.

Thus, in terms of content labor duty divisible by 3 components:

-duty in the canteen;

Preparation for classes;

-duty in a corner of nature.

For example: after eating, each child moves his plate to the middle table, stacking it on top of others, and the cup is taken for distribution. The attendants take away the napkins, forks, spoons, bread plates, wipe tables. The teacher teaches and children thank the attendants for the service provided, treats them with respect labor.



Duty roster are of great importance in education children:

Duty officers always perform work that has social significance and is necessary for the team. Forms desire work hard for others, show a caring attitude towards your comrades, develop the ability to help an adult, notice where help is needed.

Canteen duty shapes children's moral and volitional qualities and skills, the ability to accept a goal and achieve results.

From 2 summer age children are involved in the preparation of the feeding process, perform the simplest instructions: correctly put behind table chairs, to the middle tables- plates with bread, on the right side standing on table Place the spoons on the plates.

Canteen duty carried out with 2 younger groups.

Tasks: help the teacher's assistant cover the table, behind which he and his comrades are sitting. Distribute spoons, put out bread bins, vases with napkins.

Before you enter duty, teacher organizes special classes, in which he shows and explains in detail all actions, involving children to complete them.

During duty roster the teacher explains the need work hard, encourages any attempt by the child to show independence.

Reminds you of the priority in completing assigned tasks affairs:

“Today Ira will take care of his comrades, there will be duty officer at his desk. On that table will cover Dima...Let them today will work hard for everyone, and tomorrow – other children.”

The teacher teaches children carry out the assigned task without being distracted, without fussing, without rushing, without finishing one task, do not move on to another.

Teacher in a friendly tone speaks: “Kolya, don’t rush. Why are you in such a hurry? You will have time to do everything. Lay out the spoons carefully for all the children.”

Leading the work duty officers, the teacher consolidates folding skills devices: “The spoons should be taken by the handle, one at a time, placed on the right side of the plate.” If forks are given, then the fork lies closer to the plate with its sharp ends up, and then the spoon with its convex side down. Now to the very middle put a bread bin on the table, so that it’s convenient for everyone to get it, and then you’ll put out the napkins. First you need to finish one thing, and then start another.”

“Let's see how you arranged the spoons. Did you miss anyone?

The teacher supports the indecisive children, encourages:

“I know, Nadyusha, you’ll do a good job now.” table. Start giving away spoons: and Katya, and Sasha, and my friend Anya.”

You shouldn’t constantly use the same people as examples children and assign them to be on duty. Slightly higher demands can be placed on them.

As children master skills, the role of the teacher in guiding duty shifts. Initially, he reminds the kids of work techniques, the sequence of operations, and helps them cope with the task.

Later, the adult limits himself to advice, general reminders, control, and approval.

It is important that responsibilities duty officers performed by all pupils, not just the active and skillful ones.




Form a responsible attitude for the assigned work.

Cultivate concern for each other, a desire to help help. teacher, work carefully and diligently.

Know how to serve correctly table.

Child, canteen duty officer, must independently arrange forks, knives and spoons; put bread bins, vases with napkins; serve the second course; collect the dishes.

In the corner duty officer everything necessary for work: aprons, hats, scoops, trays. Vases for napkins and bread bins are in such a place that it is convenient for children to pick them up and put them away after use.

In average group knives first appear in table settings table, and the skill of handling them has not yet been formed.

Average amount of work group increases: children arrange saucers, cups from the serving tables for children's tables, fill vases with napkins, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

In average in a group, each attendant serves one table.

Thus, duties are repeated frequently, and therefore children learn the necessary skills faster and better. The teacher needs to take into account individual characteristics children and their level of formation labor skills.

To work without haste, duty officers must be the first to finish the game and return to the room after the walk.

When the main part children He’s just starting to collect toys, the teacher reminds duty officer about their responsibilities and sends to group.

There they are met by the teacher's assistant (at this time she had already wiped tables and put it on each stack of dishes on the table).

The teacher and the teacher's assistant teach duty officers arrange the equipment correctly.

The attendants are setting out the plates, each opposite the chair, spoons are placed to the right of them, in the middle table put a glass with napkins. The cups are placed so that the handle is on the right side.

If a knife is served for lunch, it is placed to the right of the plate with the blade facing the plate, next to a spoon, then a salad fork.

The fork for the second one is on the left side of the plate.

A small spoon - in a saucer or next to the plate parallel to the edge table, the handle of the spoon should be on the right.

The teacher must be patient and encourage duty officers:

“Seryozha was real today duty officer, took care of everyone, remembered everything himself, did not forget about anything.”

The attendants are clearing bread bins from the table, glasses with napkins. Sweep the crumbs off table, fold tablecloths, asking for help from another duty officer.

Should not be overloaded duty officers such duties that each child must perform himself, for example, pushing in a chair, stacking plates, putting away a used napkin.

At the end of the school year, children usually cope independently with canteen duty, and the teacher is limited to control and individual reminders.

It is important that children duty officers not only carried out their duties, but also ate without haste or interruption. That's why when the tables are set, duty officer pour soup before others children. Thus, duty officers They are usually the first to finish lunch, after which they can begin their duties.

(Tablecloth the attendants fold them in half on the table, and then in half again and only then folded lengthwise).



Canteen duty in senior groups gradually becomes more complex in content labor, and by the form of association children, according to the requirement for independence and self-organization at work.

Tasks: formation children responsibility for the assigned work, the desire to work for the benefit of the team, the habit of systematically performing duties. Teach gratitude duty officers for the service rendered, treat them with respect labor.

On canteen duty 2 children are assigned.

The attendants come in early, wash their hands, put on aprons, scarves or caps and fully serve table according to the number children and clean up after meals.

In part, children clean up after themselves. Each child moves his plate to the middle after eating table, puts it on top of others (if the teacher’s assistant did not have time to remove it, and takes the cup and saucer to the handout table(saucers on a stack, and a cup on a tray).

Duty officers must put away the dishes, napkin holders, bread bins, tablecloths, so that they can go to bed with other children without delay.

Children thank duty officers for assistance provided.

Children themselves must firmly know the order of their duty roster and start it without a reminder.

Duty officers must cover table in accordance with the menu, which should be known to them from the teacher.

The teacher checks the implementation duty officers at their work, makes an appropriate assessment and involves children.

Requirements for the pace of work, manifestation organization in its process, efficiency and independence.

Job duty officers must be combined with self-care children.

Duty officers They themselves or with the help of the teacher decide who will do what.

The teacher addresses them as his assistants, teaches them to perform the task deftly, using economical techniques, encourages the inept, and approves of initiative and diligence.

In older groups of duty officers can be prescribed for a whole week.

Duty officers show creativity in decoration table(flowers, napkins arranged in an interesting, unusual way, etc.).


The main educational technique is encouragement, directing instructions, and not reproach or condemnation. The child is learning. If he does something wrong, then it is better, without focusing his attention on the mistakes, to say: “Eat more carefully! You need to hold the spoon like this,” etc. you need to praise and encourage the child for successful actions, accuracy, speed, helping a friend.

Teachers need to monitor the well-being of children, and if someone is tired or not feeling well, they should help and feed them. We must not forget that it is very important not to dwell on what the child has already mastered, but to complicate the requirements for him in a timely manner, to improve his skills, taking into account the child’s inherent interest in new things, the desire to master skills, more complex movements and rules.

Let's take a closer look at one of the educational techniques - canteen duty.

Duty. Is it really necessary in our time? Isn't it better to switch to self-service in the process of organizing meals?

If you consider breakfast, lunch and dinner only as meals, then perhaps. The duty is really useless. But you can try to see what educational value this “old-fashioned” form of organizing child labor has, and how beneficial it is for the development of the child’s emotional sphere.

Let's start with the fact that this is a pleasant duty, not monotonous, not boring and unobtrusive, but one that brings satisfaction to the child, a feeling of involvement in real, useful and, most importantly, noble work. Duties help resolve issues of moral and aesthetic education of children. After all, a child strives to create something beautiful. And an elegantly set table, as you know, not only pleases the eye, but also contributes to good mood, promotes kind, sensitive, attentive relationships, the desire to be neat at the table, and to follow the rules of etiquette. On a beautifully set table, all dishes seem much more appetizing and tastier.

Thanks to duty, it is possible to instill in children responsibility, an intolerant attitude towards negligence, a reverent attitude towards dishes, bread, develop hard work, diligence, accuracy, independence, teach them to work quickly, efficiently, willingly, form friendly relationships, the desire for mutual learning, mutual assistance.

Duties will help teachers in instilling in children a love of order, cleanliness, respect for the work of adults, in developing a meaningful desire and ability to selflessly help others, and a good start in little man- that's what it says folk wisdom, “the beginning of all beginnings.”

Duty in early preschool age

Children of primary preschool age can already be encouraged to work not only to satisfy their needs. And canteen duty is precisely the kind of work that will help in solving moral aspect. Taking into account the capabilities of children, duty is in the nature of assignments that an adult offers them. The child can lay out spoons on the table, place napkin holders, and dishes for bread.

Adults should analyze the capabilities of preschoolers and agree with children on the requirements that will be offered to them.

Educators should analyze the conditions of their group. Is the sink located close enough to the tables? Perhaps the children on duty should not be involved in cleaning dirty dishes. Children can be taught to do a fairly large amount of work, but is it necessary to do this now? It is probably more important for them to see the attractive sides of this work. Preschoolers like to dress up in beautiful aprons; they are happy to realize that they are helpers.

Duty in middle preschool age

From this age you can teach children how to set the table. Each attendant sets the table at which he sits. Now you can turn to the duty officers' corner. Where should I place it? Of course, closer to the car wash. You can hang a “duty board” in a visible place, which is not a means of interior decoration. It should be an information board that is easy to use. Her appearance- the most diverse. For example, on the contrary symbols(“fork and spoon”), you can hang keychains with children’s badges and photographs of children on the hooks. This could be a circle with an arrow with subject pictures, children's aprons located on hooks. Sew aprons and hats for duty officers, preferably from beautiful, wrinkle-resistant, quick-wash fabric. You can come up with an original style of clothing for duty officers and trim. The main thing is that the boy on duty in such clothes does not look ridiculous (all in ruffles and bows). Scoops and brushes can also be located here - sweepers for cleaning tables.

It is convenient to start teaching children how to set the table by organizing various didactic games, such as “Let’s set the table for the doll.” “The birthday bear is waiting for guests,” “What’s first, what’s next,” etc. It’s good to use symbolic icons, for example, a cardboard sheet for a table, small circles for saucers, large circles for plates, stripes for forks, spoons, etc. . You can read and learn the following poems with your children:

We are on duty today.

We'll help quickly

Neat and beautiful

All tables should be set.

What should you do first?

Let's wash our hands clean.

Then we'll put on aprons,

Let's start laying the tablecloths.

We'll put out napkin holders,

And to the very center of the table -

The bread is fragrant, fresh, tasty.

Bread is the “head” of everything.

Round dance around the bread bins

There are saucers with cups.

The handles of the cups point to the right,

There are spoons in saucers.

We will put plates for everyone,

Forks, spoons and knives.

Take your time, think about how to put it,

And then spread it out.

There is a knife to the right of the plate,

The spoon lies nearby.

The knife turned away from the spoon,

He looks at the plate.

Well, to the left of the plate

You need to put the fork down.

When we start eating the second one,

A knife and a fork will be friends.

After clearing the dishes, the assistant teacher can offer the person on duty a damp cloth to wipe the table. Ask them to wipe the floor under the table if something is spilled on it. But these are separate orders. Which is not a duty for those on duty at this age.

Duty in senior preschool age

At this age, children can independently, under the guidance of adults, set and clear tables, tidying both the tables and the space on which they stand. The nature of the work of those on duty is different. This is already a collective work, when two guys agree on the distribution of responsibilities, work quickly, harmoniously, rationally. Children can already actively engage in creativity: for example, decorate tables with small vases of flowers, beautifully place paper napkins in napkin holders (roll them into tubes or cut them into triangles, arrange them in a row one on top of the other, then roll them into a tube and insert them into the napkin holder).

It is assumed that any lunch would be good to start with a salad, which can be placed in a salad bowl. And then every boy will have the opportunity to look after the girl, give her some salad and not forget to take care of himself. Let children learn to communicate. They thank the duty officers, each other for the service, politely ask the duty officer, for example, to bring more bread or change a spoon that was accidentally dropped, etc.

Duty in kindergarten

consultation for educators

(October, 2014) Komalova N.L.

Educational field Social communicative development:

Duty involves the child performing work aimed at serving the group.

At the output (in accordance with the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education):

The child masters the basic cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activities...

The child has a positive attitude towards the world, different types work, other people and yourself...
child…. Knows how to obey different rules and social norms

The child has developed large and fine motor skills…. Capable of volitional efforts...

We teach social skills from the first day of stay in the kindergarten. In the nursery - we teach self-care skills, hygiene, neatness

The older you get, the more tasks you have. They are in the program, in the FGT - the topic of the weeks - this is the section:.....

In order for children to learn to work, it is necessary to create conditions. Today we will talk about creating conditions for duty

Duty tasks:

Skills of independence, responsibility, ability to organize oneself

Execution according to the model, the desire to work for the benefit of the team

Ability to work with the symbolic system for designating labor operations. (explain)

Regularity: daily, setting aside time in your daily routine. (for example, helping to set dinner)

As a result, you need to gain a skill that has clearly turned into a habit (explain)

The role of the child: an adult’s assistant, his full-fledged substitute

Number of children: couple – duty per group or 1 person on duty per table.

Shift of duty personnel – daily, once every 2-3 days, once a week

There are three forms of uniting children on duty:

This is pairing;

Friendly mutual sympathies;

Selective relationships.

Pairingformed for teamwork. The attendants, working together, serve the entire group. With such an organization, children are placed in new conditions; more complex demands are placed on them: to coordinate their work with the work of a friend. Answer together based on the results, distribute work fairly among each other.

Duty in the dining room;

Preparation for classes;

Duty in a corner of nature.

Junior group 1: features: together with an adult, the teacher asks to help him wipe the table. Tells and shows how. Children love to be significant. They carry out assignments with pride. They can place napkin holders (without napkins), bread bins (without bread).

2nd junior group:

Also the simplest instructions, individual actions. We must feel that all work involves overcoming difficulties. It’s important that the work ends with a clear result.

From the second half of the year - duty in the dining room: napkin holders, bread bins, spoons, plates. One week - salf, the next week - bread bins, next week - spoons, etc. gradually.

It doesn't matter that the number of spoons does not match the number of children. You can't scold.

From the second junior group are introduced didactic games like “Let’s set the table for the dolls”, “Birthday of the bear”

Middle group: occupies a significant place in the group. The main form is work orders. 1-3 children, monitoring the process, guiding and correcting. Be sure to praise, even if you didn’t do it very carefully. We praise in front of everyone, we scold in private... more often we give instructions that other children cannot see: go, bring, ask, find out...

In the middle group, work is not individual operations, but a whole process consisting of several stages. The child sets the table alone, because... it is still difficult for him to coordinate his actions with his peers, he does not know how to negotiate and distribute operations among himself, the adult, not the person on duty, must clear the dishes from the table in the middle group. Children take the cups to the sink themselves.

Cook and clean independently workplace Children can already do this by following the example. (diagram or example prepared by an adult)

Senior group: collective work, children themselves distribute roles and responsibilities, figure out a work plan, learn not to disturb their friends, to be careful, not to be shy, to ask for help. Focus on finishing the job. There is a place for various orders: go, bring, one-time, and long-term - this non-ice you keep order in a corner of nature...

The teacher's requirements are higher. Creativity is encouraged. “Do it yourself”, Do it like mine but differently, do it as you want.

Praise is required - an incentive for the next task, he will try even better

You cannot redo a child’s work for an adult in front of that child.

Help with preparation for classes and order in the workplace.

Preparatory group: today we will water the flowers in the area. Think about how this can be done. What suggestions do you have?

Vasya, take as many assistants as you need and tidy up the sandbox of the younger group.

Every 3 days, you can combine those on duty into one unit responsible for all types of duty. Children will independently agree within the unit who will be responsible for what.

Equipment and appearance of the corner:

Duty corner

A poster with pockets with a thematic picture is good. The teacher fills the pockets with pictures of children: a picture with a name - in older groups. For kids, this is a photo of the child or a sign that is repeated on a cabinet, towel, or crib.

Form: for setting tables - an apron, or a headdress,

For household work - oilcloth aprons.

Everything hangs nearby, compactly, at a height convenient for the child. They learn to tie each other’s aprons (senior, preg gr)

Covering diagram - illustration with middle group(second half of the year)

The number of diagrams hanging before children’s eyes at a time is no more than three

Non-state preschool educational institution "Child Development Center "Solikamskbumprom" Kindergarten No. 22

Abstract on the organization of labor activities

"Canteen duty in the senior group."

Technology N.M. Krylova “Kindergarten-House of Joy”.

Compiled by: Educator

first qualification category

Vera Valentinovna Ilinykh.

Solikamsk, 2014


  • Continue to develop in children responsibility for the assigned task.
  • Strengthen the ability to adequately evaluate yourself and a friend.
  • To develop students’ individual style when serving in the dining room and to show creativity.
  • Clarify mathematical concepts: equally, as much as, counting, location of objects.
  • To foster friendly relationships, the desire to surprise, to please your friends.

Individual work:To secure Roma's right and left hand. Who stands on the right, on the left.

Equipment and materials: Album “We are on duty in the dining room.” Algorithm for setting the table. Three aprons, napkins, dishes according to the number of children, a napkin holder, a bread box, figurines, vases with flowers, trays.

Methods and techniques for activating children: A gift from my mother of aprons. Help from parents to children on duty. Drawing circles by the attendants in the album “We are on duty in the dining room.” Emotional support through questions, approval from an adult, friends.

Organization: Dishes are prepared on common tables. A basin with water and a napkin for wiping the table. A vase, a sculpture, a tablecloth, and beautifully decorated napkins are placed in an accessible place for those on duty. The duty album is placed on the duty shelf.



The night before, we invited my mother (Victoria Viktorovna) to visit the group. The children surrounded her and greeted her.

Mother: show me how you live here? What's this? And what's that?

The children walked through the group and called “Worlds” on the shelves.

Mother: What kind of album is this?

Children: Here we draw circles for duty.

Educator: The conversation about this album is serious. Put away the toys, let's talk.

The children brought chairs, and mother sat down next to them.

The guests told and showed an album containing a duty schedule with pictures.

Educator: (turned to mom) The children learned how to set the table for breakfast! We are the elders and take turns taking care of each other.

Children: We arrive early in the morning and set the table. We are called duty officers.

Mother: How do you choose those on duty?

Children: We agree that whoever will take care of their friends. We bring beautiful vases and napkins to decorate the table. Mom helps to make it beautiful.

Mother: It was nice to hear how much you care about each other. Do you want to surprise your friends? I also prepared a surprise for you. The attendants must be smart. I will delight you with new aprons (aprons). I've already sewn it. Who's on duty tomorrow? I wish you all only red circles.

The children clapped their hands.

Educator : Thank you, Victoria Viktorovna! You made us very happy with your aprons! Goodbye!

Officers, come to me. Denis, Ksyusha, Nastya, think about how unusual you can surprise your friends tomorrow. All the best!

Morning. General game “Two funny geese lived with grandma.”

Who came first today?! Why did you come first?

Denis: I am on duty! Oh, well done! Who else is on duty? I! I!

Educator : What are you planning?

On duty: Take care of the guys.

Educator: How will this be taken care of?

Duty officers : So that the children have a comfortable and pleasant breakfast.

Educator: Have you thought about surprising the guys with something unusual?

Duty officers : Yes! We thought. I folded the napkins at home so it would look nice on the table. My mother helped me.

Educator: Well, then go and surprise.

The attendants went to wash their hands.

Educator : Where are our friends!? And here they are! Get up.

And you, whose friend?


And you, whose friend? Nastya.

Educator : Do you want to see Nastya do something unusual?

Buddy : And I want to see what unusual Denis will do.

Educator: Yes, you can learn something from a friend.

Friend: Watch what the duty officer does. How he carries the dishes, how he lays them out.

Educator: And they know how to do everything themselves, so why watch.

Children: Yes, but they are pleased when their work is admired.

Educator: Yes, guests also came to us to admire how we know how to be on duty. Then we will go to their group to see how their guys know how to take care of their friends.

The guys stand nearby and watch how Nastya, Ksyusha, and Denis take care.

The attendants put on aprons and are wiping the tables - the assistant teacher monitors and helps.

Main part . Nastya, Denis, Ksyusha are determining whether a sequence diagram for setting the table is needed.

Those on duty use a tray during activities.

Set the table in order: 1. Cloth napkins, 2. Napkin box, 3. Bread box 4. Cups 5. Plates 6. Spoons. They count out the number of cups, the number of napkins, the number of plates, the number of children who have arrived, etc. They ask the guys what color the napkin should be. Spoons and cups are placed on the right. They look at their friends to make sure they are doing the right thing.

Educator: Roma, how many plates are on the table where you are sitting? (There are seven plates on the table). Dima, how many corners does a napkin have? (The napkin has four corners) Lisa, what is in the center of the table? (In the center of the table there is a napkin holder, a bread box). Daniel, what items are there equally? (Equal parts of plates and cups - seven plates and seven cups, etc.)

The attendants decorate the table with a vase of flowers, a sculpture, and beautifully folded napkins.

Activity analysis. Educator:Here Denis took off his apron. Let's listen.

Denis: I took care of all the guys and set the table. Nikita, Saveliy, Sonya, Ilyas will be pleased. The plates are clean, I didn’t put my fingers into the plate. I did everything in order.

Educator : What did you want to please the guys with? Did you succeed?

Denis : Yes, I succeeded, I folded the napkins beautifully with my mother. I put it on my friends' table.

Educator: What are your goals for yourself today?

Denis: I'll give myself a red circle. I didn't have any errors.

Educator: Do you agree, friend? Let's listen!

My friend tells me if Denis managed to surprise the guys and do something unusual. Indicates errors if noticed. Expresses his opinion whether Denis can draw a red circle.

Educator: Made sure without a single mistake! Ay, what a great guy! Go ahead and rate yourself.

Similar analysis of Ksyusha and Nastya.

Educator : Ksyusha, who is your friend? Egorka.

Egor, stand next to Ksyusha. What did Ksyusha please you with today? Maybe she was surprised? Egor expresses whether he agrees with Ksyusha what she said.

Educator : Ay, smart girls. The attendants made us happy. The guests enjoyed watching you.