Homemade boxes and organizers made from milk cartons are very popular today. We have already told you how you can make them a functional container for cosmetics. Today we will show you other ways you can use milk cartons. We suggest making a beautiful and very convenient box with compartments with your own hands. The materials will be simple and the process uncomplicated. With this master class you will learn how to make boxes, which are traditionally considered one of the most convenient.

The craft can be used for its intended purpose, or you can put in it not decorations, but various little things for creativity. By the way, milk boxes can be used not square, but oblong. In this case, the compartments will simply turn out to be of a different shape.

What do we need?

  • two or three milk cartons
  • thick cardboard (approximately 40*22)
  • fabric or any other finishing material (a little more than half a meter)
  • edging
  • button or satin ribbon

How to make a box?

We wash and dry the boxes thoroughly. We cut them into pieces of equal height. In this case, the height is 7 cm. Six branches are made. Of course, you can make a box with nine, fifteen or more cells - see how convenient it is for you.

We cut out two pieces of cardboard to make the bottom and sides. All sizes are shown in the photo.

We glue the boxes together and cover their sides with cardboard strips. Dry with clothespins. We glue the fabric at the same stage.

Glue together the bottom, lid and side of the box. We immediately cover them with finishing.

Now we connect the two parts together, and decorate the cells with edging for beauty.

March 20th, 2013

To come up with a child new toys or you don’t need much to make a simple craft. Usually a little free time and our imagination are enough. What to make it from? - will be at hand. My son and I already have a whole flotilla of yogurt jars, and our best ships are made from viola jars and soft butter. We will devote this review to toys and crafts that you can make with your child from all sorts of “garbage” - boxes and boxes, cardboard, plastic bottles and much more.

1. Cardboard boxes and boxes

Let's start, perhaps, with crafts made from boxes and smaller boxes. Boxes of different sizes regularly appear in each of us (especially during the holidays), but we usually try to get rid of this “happiness” as soon as possible, since storing them is completely inconvenient. But you can immediately put them into action

Big boxes.

Large-size boxes make perfect amazing toys for children

Or a plane

Mill house. Detailed wizard class by reference

Pirate chest with treasures. Description

Car parking.

how to do


Or a more complex option


And another option for a castle


From smaller boxes

Or these dinosaur feet


Monster storage boxes

Great storage idea from boxes and cardboard rolls


Small stove


Catapult game


Train with carriages





More ideas from cardboard sheets



Or like this


And here is the castle of the knight and princess

If you paste it over decorative paper and decorate with what not gift wrap for all kinds of sweets, for example




You can also make such an aquarium with your children


Boxes and cardboard are a real space for creativity, if you wish, you can do whatever you want, I think we will return to this topic in the near future, we have something interesting in store

2. Cardboard rolls from toilet paper and paper towels

Easy crafts you can do with your kids







A lot of different animals with patterns can be viewed at the link


Binoculars for children or a spyglass made from a towel roll


Or at children's party make princess crowns


Here's a great idea on how to make firecrackers for the holiday. Description


Racing cars


3. Disposable tableware - paper and plastic plates and glasses

You can also find original uses for disposable tableware

Paper plates are very convenient for painting

And from deep plates you can make such jellyfish


Or even make a garland decoration for the holiday


A plate and a glass make such a cute house


Spider glasses


Dragon made from cups


It's very simple and fun to turn ordinary cups into weirdos. Great idea for children's parties

Here's an idea for an advent calendar


And even a New Year's garland can be made from cups


4. Plastic bottles and containers



For children on holiday


From bottles and spoons

If it’s raining outside or you have guests with children and you need something to do - home bowling


And it's fun to sprout grass in small bottles. Just in time for Easter


And the bottles turn into...... a rocket, or rather into the main attribute

Planes and ships made from shampoo containers

5. Wooden ice cream sticks and medical spatulas

These very simple and cute crafts can be made from ordinary wooden ice cream sticks

People for puppet theater





It’s also easy to make an original puzzle game.

Can you make a whole house?

Chests of medical spatulas. Description

6. Cocktail straws

With the help of such tubes you can draw very interesting bubbles

And the tubes are also great as masts for boats.

You can come up with many different games with these straws. For example, you can arrange “air” football. Roll a small ball out of paper and use a straw to chase the “ball.” Using the same principle, you can play to see who gets the ball farther away or who gets to the finish line faster. These kinds of games are very useful; they are a kind of breathing exercises.

7. Sponges

Even the most ordinary sponge can turn into...

garden bed (it’s fun to germinate seeds in a large-pored sponge)

Or make stamps for painting or just paint with a sponge (rainbows work especially well)

To make it more convenient to draw with such stamps, you can glue them, for example, onto a wine cork, like here

You can also make heads for robots from sponges, for example.

8. Wine corks

On the Internet you can find a huge variety of photographs on the topic of crafts made from corks, but we will limit ourselves only to stamps

9. Tin cans

for flowers

By the way, if you have paint buckets left at your dacha, don’t rush to throw them away




game like old towns


here and

Jar with wishes or Smile box

This is a jar or box filled with small pieces of paper with various wishes, pleasant phrases, anecdotes, encouraging mottos or declarations of love.
Have a jar like this in your home. This is a real generator of daily good mood.


A snowstorm or, as correctly, a snow globe, but in this case it’s more like a glitter jar. Description

And in the summer, for street parties, jars can be used for drinks. They look very unusual and stylish

And finally, very original crafts from an old light bulb


When compiling this collection, we also used materials from the Kokokokids blog

Send us your interesting finds of crafts from what is at hand, and also share with us what you have made! This topic is inexhaustible and I think we will return to it more than once

Looking at an empty milk carton, the idea came to make a house for tea bags. There is food foil inside the bag - which means you can put bags in it without fear or risk (to your health).

Here's how it all happened: Here it is that same ill-fated box.

It needs to be cut off.

Then we place the box on a sheet of cardboard and draw the contours of the bottom and sides. There should be five parts (bottom, two sides, front and back walls).

Using PVA glue (the whole house is glued only with PVA construction glue), we glue the cardboard blanks. We fix it with newspaper strips for reliability. Newspaper strips also hide the joints between the cardboard pieces.

When it dries, we repeat all the movements, cutting out parts from cardboard and gluing them to the right places. It turns out that two layers of cardboard were glued.

We also carefully glue strips of newspaper on top. Dry it.

I took a square of cardboard the size of the smaller side wall and drew a triangle. Our roof should be sloping. You need to cut out two such triangles.

Coat the side ends of the triangle with glue. And hold it in your hands for a bit so that the glue sets. The distance between the triangles is equal to the width of the larger side wall of our house. You see, I have drawn stripes with a felt-tip pen.

Then we fix everything again with newspaper strips and use them to hide all the cut places. It should look like this. Dry again.

This is the kind of newspaper and cardboard house we have.

And he has already turned sideways to you.

Then we take the eggshell. For those who haven't worked with eggshell I give advice. I put the shell in cold water for a long time (maybe it can be for a short time, I don’t know), three hours or more. We'll see how it goes. Then we break the edge, grab it with our fingers and remove the inner film. It shoots very well. If anyone does it differently, it would be very interesting to know.

Glue on pieces of shell. I do this: I don’t glue one piece at a time. I place a large piece of shell on a surface coated with glue. Then I press on it with my finger, the shell cracks and with a toothpick I push it apart to the required distance, etc. Now let's think about how to make the walls of the house. Here's how: Wrinkle the bottom layer of a three-color napkin and glue the crumpled one onto the walls with glue diluted with water. Right on top of the napkin. Dry again. Oh! And the roof is already beautiful. Is it true?

Now we will decorate the house so that it looks like a tea house. Let's paint everything with white paint. And then we'll come up with ideas.

But it turned out that on November 5 Nastenka and I were going to Klin to the Christmas tree decorations factory. She has my head full with this trip, the New Year, the snow, the Christmas tree decorations. How many of them will we buy and how will the master class on painting the blank take place? Christmas decorations that a New Year's winter house began to take shape in my mind.

How to make a playhouse for children from cardboard box with your own hands? But not from a shoe box, but from a box, for example, from washing machine so that children can climb into it and play inside. We offer you simple to genius step by step instructions how to make a house out of a cardboard box.

A large cardboard appliance box is an invaluable resource for play. There are hundreds of ideas for using it: from toy storage containers to. We have already written about what cool things you can do. And today - a special master class for especially large boxes. We will learn how to make a house out of boxes with our own hands.

Children will definitely appreciate this play space, which allows them to have privacy even in the middle of a noisy living room. Don't forget to knock on doors if you decide to stop by for a visit.

How to make a house out of boxes with your own hands

To make a game house from a cardboard box, you will need:

  • Large cardboard box.
  • Stationery knife
  • Hot glue gun
  • Fast drying acrylic paints.

Open the box and cut the sides of the top cover as shown in the picture. Cut off the bottom parts of the lid completely.

Use scraps of a cardboard box to form a roof for your house, and connect the parts with a glue gun.

Draw first and then cut with sharp edge stationery knife windows and door.

Lay out the cardboard on the roof of the house to resemble the tiles. Place cardboard trim around windows and doors.

Make a hole in the roof and form an attic window. Secure the window roof with wide tape.

Paint your box house with quick-drying paints acrylic paints in two or three layers. If the child is very small, it is better to pre-seal the cardboard sections with tape. so that the baby does not get scratched.

If the cardboard is thick enough, a cardboard box house can be equipped with real fittings: door handles, a number plate, etc. Don’t forget about curtains for the windows for an even more cozy atmosphere in the house.

Crafts from juice and milk boxes. Second life for unnecessary things. Links to detailed MKs.

Cardboard boxes made of milk (juice, kefir) are a wonderful material for children's creativity. They can be used not only as pots for seedlings. If you show a little imagination, you can make a large number of useful crafts that the child can use in his games. You can, of course, buy similar toys. But it’s no secret that many kids enjoy playing with homemade toys. And often they find them much nicer than store-bought ones. Is it because these toys keep the warmth of your hands, the love of your hearts, a piece of yourself? This is not consumer goods, this is exclusive. And among other things, such homemade toys are very useful for the baby. They develop his imagination and creativity, because he needs to do something make-believe all the time, use substitute objects. No wonderful and realistic commercial toy can provide this.

1. Baby wallet made from a milk carton

Let's start with, perhaps, the most original, in our opinion, craft, which can be made from a milk carton - a wallet for storing various small items.

A description of the work and detailed video instructions for making this craft can be viewed.
Wallet pattern:

The two halves of the pattern must be cut out and glued together with tape, and then proceed according to the video instructions.

2. Bird feeder

The easiest craft to make from milk cartons is a bird feeder. Cut a hole in the bag on one, two or four sides, leaving a side at the bottom, and thread a string or wire through the top to hang the feeder. Now all that remains is to decorate the feeder to your liking.

3. Cubes

Another one simple craft from milk cartons - building blocks. There are several ways to make them:

1st method - see link
2nd method - see link
3rd method - see link
It is advisable to cover the cubes with pictures cut out from old magazines and postcards, or you can paint them yourself.

You can also use them to make a toy house like this, which your child will assemble floor by floor:

For more information on the instructions for making a house from cubes, please follow the link

4. Houses made from milk cartons

Let's continue talking about cardboard houses. Milk cartons make wonderful doll houses.

By following this link, you can download cute windows and doors for your future cardboard house.

You can also make a garage for cars out of juice or milk boxes. See the link for more details.

In addition to the house, you can make a chair for a doll (see link):

And a well (see