
classes on patriotic education of children

in the second junior groups e.

Educator: Nurkova Marina Aleksandrovna

Subject:“It’s good in our kindergarten.”

Software tasks: continue to introduce children to the work of workers preschool– educators, junior educators; teach them to call them by name and patronymic; address them as “you”; cultivate respect for them and their work. Teach children to navigate in some rooms of a preschool institution. Cultivate a friendly attitude and respect for kindergarten employees.

Equipment: Kolobok (toy), photographs of the children of the group, the teacher, the junior teacher, a letter with an invitation to a tour of kindergarten.

Progress of the lesson:

Kolobok (toy) is rolling along the floor. The teacher draws the children's attention to him. Kolobok sings:

“I am Kolobok, Kolobok,

I swept the barn and scraped the bottom of the barrel.

Mixed with sour cream, chilled on the window.

I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather."

Kolobok asks the children where he has gone. The children answer that he ended up in kindergarten. Kolobok asks to explain to him what a kindergarten is. The teacher invites the children to tell Kolobok what a kindergarten is and who lives in the kindergarten.

The children show Kolobok their photographs and say their names (“This is me – Katya”, etc.).

Then the children show photographs of teachers and junior teachers who work in the group. Kolobok looks at the photographs and asks to tell about the teachers. Children tell stories (for example: “Galina Nikolaevna is kind, beautiful, affectionate, smart. She conducts classes and games.”)

Kolobok asks the children what the teachers taught them in kindergarten. The children report that their teachers taught them how to sculpt, sing and recite poems expressively. Read (optional) your favorite poems.

Kolobok says that he also loves to sing and recite poems expressively. He suggests listening to a song he often sings:

“I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather.

I’ll get lost in an open field and won’t turn back.

I roll and I roll, I roll and I roll.

I roll and I roll, I roll and I roll."

The teacher asks the children if they liked the song.

Then the children find photographs of the junior teacher and call her name and patronymic (Irina Anatolyevna), say what she does (cleans the group, brings food, washes dishes, etc.)

The group includes a junior teacher in an apron. The teacher asks: “Guys, what do you think Irina Anatolyevna will do now?” the children guess what Irina Anatolyevna will do.

Irina Anatolyevna: “What great fellows! You guessed what I will be doing now – washing the dishes. Do you know where I wash the dishes?”

The teacher invites the children to see how and where Irina Anatolyevna washes the dishes. Draws children's attention to the items necessary when washing dishes ( detergent, sponge, rag, etc.) Children observe the sequence of washing dishes, under the guidance of the teacher they explain and name Irina Anatolyevna’s actions.

Then the teacher invites the children to tell about Irina Anatolyevna, name her qualities (skillful, hardworking, caring, etc.)

Kolobok: “How great and fun it is in your kindergarten! And all this thanks to your teachers, they teach you to draw, sculpt, sing, etc. And Irina Anatolyevna takes care of you.

Educator: “Kolobok, do you want to go with us on a trip to the kindergarten?”

Kolobok: “I want it!”

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey around the kindergarten together with Kolobok.

First stop is the kitchen.

Educator: “It smells so delicious. Can you guess what this place is? (kitchen).

Answer quickly children

Who is the best in the world?

He will be able to treat you,

Give me something to drink and feed?

The teacher clarifies who this riddle is about and asks the children: “What do cooks do? (be sure to state the cook’s first and last name). The cook prepares food, cooks, fries, bakes, washes, cuts. Where is the kitchen? (on the first floor). How can I find a kitchen? (by smell, by sign on the door, etc.)

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: the cooks are diligent, skillful, and prepare delicious food, which is why they are always thanked.

The second stop is the laundry.

Teacher: “What is that noise? What kind of miracle are cars? Can you guess what stop this is? (laundry) Do you know who works in the laundry? (children's answers) What does a laundress do? (the name and patronymic of the laundress must be given) The laundress washes and irons bed linen, towels, aprons, bathrobes, tablecloths. Where is the laundry? (on the ground floor) How can I find a laundry room? (children's answers).

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: laundresses are very diligent, skillful, hardworking, and caring. Invites you to think about how you can help laundresses (wash your hands after a walk so as not to stain towels, eat carefully so as not to stain napkins, tablecloths, etc.)

The third stop is the medical office.

The teacher announces the next stop - “Aibolit” - and asks the children: “Who works in this room? (doctor, nurse) What does a nurse do? (heals, gives medicines, vitamins, lubricates the wound with brilliant green)

The nurse invites the children to enter the office, shows how she treats the scratch: rinses it and lubricates it with brilliant green, seals it with a band-aid; this way the scratch will heal faster.

The teacher invites the children to tell about the nurse (the nurse’s name and patronymic must be given) about how caring, attentive, skillful, and kind she is). Draws children's attention to where the medical office is located (on the first floor). How can I find a medical office?

Then the teacher leads the children to the conclusion: when meeting, you need to say hello, call adults by name and patronymic, thank them for their care, and show a desire to provide all possible help to them.

Kolobok thanks the teacher and the children for a wonderful journey through the kindergarten. Children read a poem:

“This is what a good kindergarten we have,

We all love kindergarten dearly,

In the morning I quickly run to kindergarten,

In the evening I’ll say: “See you, kindergarten!”

Kolobok invites the children to take a photo, and then the teacher invites everyone to the group for tea.

Lesson on educational field“Child and Society” for pupils of the second junior group “Soap Bubble”

Software tasks:

Expand students' understanding of healthy life. Give an idea of ​​the purpose of soap. Practice examining objects using different analyzers. Develop cultural and hygienic skills, the need for cleanliness and tidiness. Cultivate a sense of empathy for people’s experiences and a desire to help.

Material and equipment:

soap different forms, liquid soap, basin, water in watering cans, soap in soap dishes, towel, bubble.

Progress of the lesson


Guys, stand in a circle!

One palm, two palms.

Befriend me a little

We are friendly guys

Friendly, obedient.

Good morning!

You woke up?


Did you smile at each other?


Today we have guests, I propose to give them my smiles. (Music from the movie “Mustachioed Nanny” sounds)


They gave me a toy, not a car, not a firecracker. Just a tube. And there are bubbles hidden inside! I’ll dip a spatula with a “window” into the solution a little, I’ll blow it once, twice, and three times and the bubbles will scatter. Bubbles fly up easily and sparkle with the colors of the rainbow!

A Soap Bubble comes out from behind the door with a cheerful face.


This is how big my bubble turned out to be!

Hello children! (Children say hello)

M.P.: Let's get acquainted. I am a soap bubble. I am made of soap and water. I really love cleanliness and fragrant smells. What does it smell like in your group now?


No, bubble, you probably imagined it. You're probably right though. Guys, come closer to the table and look what is under the napkin. (Children find pieces of soap under the napkin).

Yes, this is soap! What a variety of toilet soaps!


Guys, sit down on the chairs, and you, soap bubble, also sit down with us! Guys, what is soap for?

Wash your face, wash your hands to keep them clean, wash dirty things.


Guys, let's look at soap. Tell me, what kind of soap is it in color, shape, what does it look like, what kind of soap is there? (Children's answers).


Now take it in your hands and smell it, what does it smell like? Swap with each other. Which soap did you like best? Why? (Children's answers).

Do you know how to wash your hands properly?

Show me! There are basins of water on the table, towels on the table, watering cans with water, and soap in soap dishes.


Guys, stand around the tables and we will show you how to wash your hands and the Soap Bubble will help us with this. The teacher accompanies the process of washing hands with questions: What should you do first? (Roll up your sleeves so as not to wet your clothes) Then open the tap and... (wet your hands, take soap and lather) Put the soap in the soap dish and rub the soap over your palm until you reach white gloves. Show everyone what kind of gloves you have made. Then... (we wash the soap off our hands). We press out our palms. For what? (So ​​as not to drip water on the floor, so as not to splash each other). And dry with a towel. How do we wipe? (Wipe one hand dry, then the other). We remove the towel. There is crying.

Educator: Guys, let's go see who's crying there! A tear-stained, grimy girl enters. Educator: Rita, why are you crying? Girl: Because no one plays with me. Educator: Rita, don’t you know why no one plays with you? Rita: No!

Educator: Do you guys have any idea why no one plays with Rita?

Children: Because she is dirty, unwashed.

Educator: What could happen if you don’t wash your face? (You can get sick, germs will appear) Educator: When should you wash your hands? (Before eating, after using the toilet, after a walk, when dirty).

Educator: What if suddenly there is no soap and water, and your hands are dirty? What to do? (You can use wet wipes).

Educator: Well done, guys! You know why you need to wash your face. Do you, Rita, now know why children don’t want to play with you?

Rita: Yes! Because I'm dirty!

M.P.: Rita, I’m giving you soap! Go home quickly, wash your face, comb your hair and you will be clean and beautiful.

Rita: Thank you! (Leaves).

Educator: And with soap you can play your favorite children's game “Soap Bubbles” and blow big, funny bubbles like this. (M.P. flies).

Educator: But in order to inflate a big bubble, you need to breathe correctly. (Children do breathing exercises 3 times).

M.P.: Oh, guys, I like that you know everything about soap, you know how to wash yourself properly, you helped a girl, and for that I will give you these soap bubbles. It's time for me to fly away, have fun! Goodbye! (M.P. flies away)

Educator: Open the caps and blow bubbles! Music from the movie "Mustachioed Nanny" is playing. Children blow soap bubbles.

2. Introductory part.
Conversation about friendship (in a circle)
Goal: to update children’s knowledge about the importance of friendship, to develop dialogical speech, the ability to select words of definition, word-verbs, and to activate vocabulary.
Q: Children, you and I have been talking so much about friendship lately, tell me, where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with kind words, from playing together, from showing care, help)
Q: Who do we call a friend? (a person who helps, takes pity, protects, shares toys, can help out, teach what he can do, will give in to a friend)
Q: If you want to have good friends, what should you be like? ( good friend, kind, non-greedy, well-mannered, benevolent)

Exercise “I’m sad, I’m happy”
Goal: development of the emotional sphere of children.
Q: How do you feel when there are no friends around? (lonely, melancholy, sad) Portray melancholy. (showing a pictogram) And when you have friends, how do you feel? Show joy. (show icon)
Q: “It’s great to have friends in the world!” It's great when everyone is happy.
Q: Do the children in our group know how to make friends? (can)
Of course, I think that all the children in our group are friends.

3. Main part.
Reading a poem about friendship by Yu. Entin.
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend, grasp the main idea, answer questions, encourage friendly relationships
Q: Now Yaroslav will tell us a poem about friendship, and you listen carefully and tell me what advice to friends is in this poem?
Yaroslav reads a poem by Yu. Entin.
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly,
We are friends with you.
Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Q: What advice did you hear? What should friends do and shouldn’t do? (need to share and don’t quarrel)
Q: Correct, but if you accidentally quarrel, what should you do? (make peace) How? (apologize, regret, hug, stroke, say peace)

Physical education lesson “Let’s be friends with each other”
C: encourage children to form friendly relationships, develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, act collectively and in concert.
Physical exercise "Let's be friends with each other."
Let's be friends with each other (they alternately extend their hands to each other)
Like birds with the sky, (stretch your arms up, standing on your toes)
Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
Like the wind and the sea, (they swing their arms above their head along with their torso)
Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

Surprise moment.
Goal: motivate children.
Etiquette situation.
Goal: continue to teach children to use polite words in speech.
There's a knock on the door.
Seryozha (the doll) comes in.
Says hello.
Teacher and children: Hello!
Q: What's your name, boy? (Seryozha)
Children, let's meet our guest, tell me what your name is (Each child extends his hand to Seryozha and says his name, Seryozha answers - very nice)
Q: Why are you so sad?
Seryozha: no one is friends with me.
Q: Why isn’t anyone friends with you? Tell us. (brings Seryozha to his ear)

Solving a problem situation.
Goal: expand children’s ideas about friendly relationships, develop the ability to analyze actions, find the right solution, develop children’s speech, and cultivate a desire to help.

Reading a poem by the teacher.
They don’t want to be friends with Seryozha.
What is the reason? Who will help?
He started playing with Irinka,
But he broke her typewriter.
I ran after the ball with Slava
And he pushed him into the ditch.
Our Sergei is used to jokes -
Kolya stuck out his tongue.
He shouted loudly to the kids:
- Hey, little ones, can I come over to you?
Nobody needs Sergei...
Why aren't they friends with him?
Q: Tell me, children, why is no one friends with Seryozha? (he offends everyone, breaks toys, calls names, pushes)
Gender orientation.
First, the girls (optional) approach Seryozha and tell him advice, then the boys.
Q: Let's help Seryozha, what advice will we give him? (children's answers)

Introducing a new word. Speaking in chorus.
Goal: expanding children's vocabulary.

Q: (summarizing children's answers) of course, children, you are right, for Seryozha to have friends, and for all of us, you need to be friendly - wish everyone well and not offend, in other words - friendly. Let's say the word in unison and remember it.

Q: Now let’s sing a song about friends, and Seryozha will listen to us carefully.
(children and teacher sing a song to musical accompaniment)
The teacher brings Seryozha to his ear and says:
-Seryozha thanks us for our advice and for such a wonderful song and says that he understands that you can’t be rude, then you won’t be lonely, you can’t offend anyone, on the contrary, you need to help and protect your friends.
Q: Well done, Seryozha, we hope you will improve and you will have many friends. We will be happy to share our friendship with you and tell you what kind of children we are.
Let’s stand in a circle (and Seryozha with us) and shake hands and convey friendship to each other, share it with Seryozha.

"Friendship Relay"
(The teacher begins: “I will convey my friendship to you with a handshake, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally comes back to me again. I feel that there is more friendship, since each of I added a piece of my friendship to you. Let it not leave you and warm you, and Seryozha too)

Speech "True Friends"
Speaking in chorus.
Goal: to set children up for friendly relationships, develop the ability to hear each other, and pronounce lines in chorus.

Q: Let's say a speech about what kind of friends we are.
We are all true friends
A real family.
We study and play together
And we help each other.
We have a lot of fun
Year after year, day after day.

Q: Seryozha says that he realized how great it is when there are friends, and he will never again offend his comrades, but will be friends with everyone.
Q: Well done, Seryozha. He says that he will go to his comrades, apologize for the trouble he caused them and make friends with them.
Seryozha says goodbye to the children:
-Goodbye, children!
-Children: Goodbye, Seryozha!
B: Come visit us. We'll be glad to see you. (Seryozha thanks and leaves)

4. Final part.
Reflection. Open end of the lesson (maintaining positive emotional feelings)
Q: Children, what good deed have we done today? (helped Seryozha understand that you need to be able to be friends and value friendship) Let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with words - yes, yes, yes. Or - no, no, no. Be careful!

Verbal game “Yes-yes-yes” - “No-no-no.”
Will we be strong friends?
Should we value our friendship?
Will we learn to play?
Shall we help a friend?
Need to piss off a friend?
How about giving a smile?
Should you offend a friend?
Shall we drink tea with friends?
Will we be strong friends?
Q: Well done!
Q: Let's dance to the song of our friends that is familiar to us, let's rejoice in the fact that we are such friendly children.
Music is playing, children are dancing.


Introduce children to the right to a name. Learn to apply this right in life.

Develop and activate children's speech, enrich children's vocabulary.

Develop fine motor skills

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, do you like fairy tales? I also love. Would you like me to show you another new fairy tale today?

There lived a boy in the world, but he didn’t know what his name was. He went for a walk in the meadow and saw a bull. “Hello,” said the boy. - Who are you?" - “I’m a bull, and who are you?” - “And I’m a boy.” - "What is your name?" - asked the bull. - “What is this called?” The bull explained: “What does your mother call you when you need to drink milk?” “Son, honey, little bunny, little kitty,” said the boy. - “How many names do you have! And I have one.”

At this time, the bull's mother, a cow, called him to drink milk. “Stepashka,” the mother cow called, “come and drink milk.” The bull galloped off, but the boy remained in the meadow. He walked and walked and suddenly saw a goat. “Hello,” said the boy, “Who are you?” “I am a goat,” said the goat, “and who are you?” "And I'm a boy." - "What is your name?" - asked the goat. - "I don't know". Suddenly a cloud covered the sun and it became dark. “White,” a voice was heard. - Time to go home!" It was the mother goat who called her goat daughter to take shelter in the house from the rain.

The boy was left alone. He felt sad. Suddenly he hears: “Petya, son, my sunshine, it’s time to go home, it’s going to start raining soon.” It was the boy's mother looking for him on the lawn. Then the boy realized his name and ran to his mother.”

What was the boy's name? (Petya), what else did his mother call him (my sunshine, son, bunny, kitty)

Have you forgotten your name?

Let's play the ball game "Say Your Name"

Do you know who called you such beautiful names (mom, dad), Every person has his own name, since every person (child) has the right to a name.

Who do you live with at home? (with mom, dad...) - this is called “family”.

Let's play the game "Family" with our fingers

Someone else came to us (we find a doll), what do you think her name is? (children name suggested names).

And she wants to play the game “Ay” with us.

Guys, who did we watch the fairy tale about today, what was the boy’s name?

Conclusion: Every person has the right to be called by name, to have a mom and dad who love you very much.

List of sources used.

Davydov O.I., Vyalkova S.M. - Conversations about the responsibility and rights of the child. – M.: Sphere shopping center, 2008. The boy’s name has been changed to something easier to pronounce.

Lesson summary for the second junior group on the topic: “We advise everyone to be friends”

2. Introductory part.
Conversation about friendship (in a circle)
Goal: to update children’s knowledge about the importance of friendship, to develop dialogical speech, the ability to select words of definition, word-verbs, and to activate vocabulary.
Q: Children, you and I have been talking so much about friendship lately, tell me, where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with a kind word, with playing together, with a show of care, help)
Q: Who do we call a friend? (a person who helps, takes pity, protects, shares toys, can help out, teach what he can do, will give in to a friend)
Q: If you want to have good friends, what should you be like? (a good friend, kind, non-greedy, well-mannered, benevolent) Exercise “I’m sad, I’m happy”
Goal: development of the emotional sphere of children.
Q: How do you feel when there are no friends around? (lonely, melancholy, sad) Portray melancholy. (showing a pictogram) And when you have friends, how do you feel? Show joy. (show icon)
Q: “It’s great to have friends in the world!” It's great when everyone is happy.
Q: Do the children in our group know how to make friends? (can)
Of course, I think that all the children in our group are friends.

3. Main part.
Reading a poem about friendship by Yu. Entin.
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend, grasp the main idea, answer questions, encourage friendly relationships
Q: Now Yaroslav will tell us a poem about friendship, and you listen carefully and tell me what advice to friends is in this poem?
Yaroslav reads a poem by Yu. Entin.
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly

We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Q: What advice did you hear? What should friends do and shouldn’t do? (need to share and don’t quarrel)

Q: Correct, but if you accidentally quarrel, what should you do? (make peace) How? (apologize, regret, hug, stroke, say peace)

Physical education lesson “Let’s be friends with each other”
C: encourage children to form friendly relationships, develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, act collectively and in concert.
Physical exercise "Let's be friends with each other."
Let's be friends with each other (they alternately extend their hands to each other)
Like birds with the sky, (stretch your arms up, standing on your toes)
Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
Like the wind and the sea, (they swing their arms above their head along with their torso)
Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

Surprise moment.
Goal: motivate children.
Etiquette situation.
Goal: continue to teach children to use polite words in speech.
There's a knock on the door.
Seryozha (the doll) comes in.
Says hello.
Teacher and children: Hello!
Q: What's your name, boy? (Seryozha)
Children, let's meet our guest, tell me what your name is (Each child extends his hand to Seryozha and says his name, Seryozha answers - very nice)
Q: Why are you so sad?
Seryozha: no one is friends with me.
Q: Why isn’t anyone friends with you? Tell us. (brings Seryozha to his ear)

Solving a problem situation.
Goal: expand children’s ideas about friendly relationships, develop the ability to analyze actions, find the right solution, develop children’s speech, and cultivate a desire to help.

Reading a poem by the teacher.
They don’t want to be friends with Seryozha.
What is the reason? Who will help?
He started playing with Irinka,
But he broke her typewriter.
I ran after the ball with Slava
And he pushed him into the ditch.
Our Sergei is used to jokes -
Kolya stuck out his tongue.
He shouted loudly to the kids:
- Hey, little ones, can I come over to you?
Nobody needs Sergei...
Why aren't they friends with him?
Q: Tell me, children, why is no one friends with Seryozha? (he offends everyone, breaks toys, calls names, pushes)
Gender orientation.
First, the girls (optional) approach Seryozha and tell him advice, then the boys.
Q: Let's help Seryozha, what advice will we give him? (children's answers)

Introducing a new word. Speaking in chorus.
Goal: expanding children's vocabulary.

Q: (summarizing children's answers) of course, children, you are right, in order for Seryozha to have friends, and for all of us, you need to be friendly - wish everyone well and not offend, in other words - friendly. Let's say the word in unison and remember it.

Q: Now let’s sing a song about friends, and Seryozha will listen to us carefully.
(children and teacher sing a song to musical accompaniment)
The teacher brings Seryozha to his ear and says:
-Seryozha thanks us for our advice and for such a wonderful song and says that he understands that you can’t be rude, then you won’t be lonely, you can’t offend anyone, on the contrary, you need to help and protect your friends.
Q: Well done, Seryozha, we hope you will improve and you will have many friends. We will be happy to share our friendship with you and tell you what kind of children we are.
Let’s stand in a circle (and Seryozha with us) and shake hands and convey friendship to each other, share it with Seryozha.

"Friendship Relay"
(The teacher begins: “I will convey my friendship to you with a handshake, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally comes back to me again. I feel that there is more friendship, since each of I added a piece of my friendship to you. Let it not leave you and warm you, and Seryozha too)

Speech "True Friends"
Speaking in chorus.
Goal: to set children up for friendly relationships, develop the ability to hear each other, and pronounce lines in chorus.

Q: Let's say a speech about what kind of friends we are.
We are all true friends
A real family.
We study and play together
And we help each other.
We have a lot of fun
Year after year, day after day.

Q: Seryozha says that he realized how great it is when there are friends, and he will never again offend his comrades, but will be friends with everyone.
Q: Well done, Seryozha. He says that he will go to his comrades, apologize for the trouble he caused them and make friends with them.
Seryozha says goodbye to the children:
-Goodbye, children!
-Children: Goodbye, Seryozha!
B: Come visit us. We'll be glad to see you. (Seryozha thanks and leaves)

4. Final part.
Reflection. Open end of the lesson (maintaining positive emotional feelings)
Q: Children, what good deed have we done today? (helped Seryozha understand that you need to be able to be friends and value friendship) Let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with words - yes, yes, yes. Or - no, no, no. Be careful!

Verbal game “Yes-yes-yes” - “No-no-no.”
Will we be strong friends?
Should we value our friendship?
Will we learn to play?
Shall we help a friend?
Need to piss off a friend?
How about giving a smile?
Should you offend a friend?
Shall we drink tea with friends?
Will we be strong friends?
Q: Well done!
Q: Let's dance to the song of our friends that is familiar to us, let's rejoice in the fact that we are such friendly children.
Music is playing, children are dancing.



Lesson summary for the second junior group on the topic: “We advise everyone to be friends”

2. Introductory part.
Conversation about friendship (in a circle)
Goal: to update children’s knowledge about the importance of friendship, to develop dialogical speech, the ability to select words of definition, word-verbs, and to activate vocabulary.
Q: Children, you and I have been talking so much about friendship lately, tell me, where does friendship begin? (with a smile, with a kind word, with playing together, with a show of care, help)
Q: Who do we call a friend? (a person who helps, takes pity, protects, shares toys, can help out, teach what he can do, will give in to a friend)
Q: If you want to have good friends, what should you be like? (a good friend, kind, non-greedy, well-mannered, benevolent) Exercise "I'm sad, I'm happy"
Goal: development of the emotional sphere of children.
Q: How do you feel when there are no friends around? (lonely, melancholy, sad) Portray melancholy. (showing a pictogram) And when you have friends, how do you feel? Show joy. (show icon)
Q: “It’s great to have friends in the world!” It's great when everyone is happy.
Q: Do the children in our group know how to make friends? (can)
Of course, I think that all the children in our group are friends.

3. Main part.
Reading a poem about friendship by Yu. Entin.
Goal: to develop the ability to listen carefully to a friend, grasp the main idea, answer questions, encourage friendly relationships
Q: Now Yaroslav will tell us a poem about friendship, and you listen carefully and tell me what advice to friends is in this poem?
Yaroslav reads a poem by Yu. Entin.
The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
A flower is friends with a butterfly

We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Q: What advice did you hear? What should friends do and shouldn’t do? (need to share and don’t quarrel)

Q: Correct, but if you accidentally quarrel, what should you do? (make peace) How? (apologize, regret, hug, stroke, say peace)

Physical education lesson “Let’s be friends with each other”
C: encourage children to form friendly relationships, develop the ability to repeat movements after the teacher, act collectively and in concert.
Physical exercise "Let's be friends with each other."
Let's be friends with each other (they alternately extend their hands to each other)
Like birds with the sky, (stretch your arms up, standing on your toes)
Like grass with a meadow, (squat down)
Like the wind and the sea, (they swing their arms above their head along with their torso)
Fields with rain, (circling around themselves, alternately waving their arms)
How the sun is friends with all of us (come in a circle and hug)

Surprise moment.
Goal: motivate children.
Etiquette situation.
Goal: continue to teach children to use polite words in speech.
There's a knock on the door.
Seryozha (the doll) comes in.
Says hello.
Teacher and children: Hello!
Q: What's your name, boy? (Seryozha)
Children, let's meet our guest, tell me what your name is (Each child extends his hand to Seryozha and says his name, Seryozha answers - very nice)
Q: Why are you so sad?
Seryozha: no one is friends with me.
Q: Why isn’t anyone friends with you? Tell us. (brings Seryozha to his ear)

Solving a problem situation.
Goal: expand children’s ideas about friendly relationships, develop the ability to analyze actions, find the right solution, develop children’s speech, and cultivate a desire to help.

Reading a poem by the teacher.
They don’t want to be friends with Seryozha.
What is the reason? Who will help?
He started playing with Irinka,
But he broke her typewriter.
I ran after the ball with Slava
And he pushed him into the ditch.
Our Sergei is used to jokes -
Kolya stuck out his tongue.
He shouted loudly to the kids:
- Hey, little ones, can I come over to you?
Nobody needs Sergei...
Why aren't they friends with him?
Q: Tell me, children, why is no one friends with Seryozha? (he offends everyone, breaks toys, calls names, pushes)
Gender orientation.
First, the girls (optional) approach Seryozha and tell him advice, then the boys.
Q: Let's help Seryozha, what advice will we give him? (children's answers)

Introducing a new word. Speaking in chorus.
Goal: expanding children's vocabulary.

Q: (summarizing children's answers) of course, children, you are right, in order for Seryozha to have friends, and for all of us, you need to be friendly - wish everyone well and not offend, in other words - friendly. Let's say the word in unison and remember it.

Q: Now let’s sing a song about friends, and Seryozha will listen to us carefully.
(children and teacher sing a song to musical accompaniment)
The teacher brings Seryozha to his ear and says:
-Seryozha thanks us for our advice and for such a wonderful song and says that he understands that you can’t be rude, then you won’t be lonely, you can’t offend anyone, on the contrary, you need to help and protect your friends.
Q: Well done, Seryozha, we hope you will improve and you will have many friends. We will be happy to share our friendship with you and tell you what kind of children we are.
Let’s stand in a circle (and Seryozha with us) and shake hands and convey friendship to each other, share it with Seryozha.

"Friendship Relay"
(The teacher begins: “I will convey my friendship to you with a handshake, and it goes from me to Masha, from Masha to Sasha, etc., and finally comes back to me again. I feel that there is more friendship, since each of I added a piece of my friendship to you. Let it not leave you and warm you, and Seryozha too)

Speech "True Friends"
Speaking in chorus.
Goal: to set children up for friendly relationships, develop the ability to hear each other, and pronounce lines in chorus.

Q: Let's say a speech about what kind of friends we are.
We are all true friends
A real family.
We study and play together
And we help each other.
We have a lot of fun
Year after year, day after day.

Q: Seryozha says that he realized how great it is when there are friends, and he will never again offend his comrades, but will be friends with everyone.
Q: Well done, Seryozha. He says that he will go to his comrades, apologize for the trouble he caused them and make friends with them.
Seryozha says goodbye to the children:
-Goodbye, children!
-Children: Goodbye, Seryozha!
B: Come visit us. We'll be glad to see you. (Seryozha thanks and leaves)

4. Final part.
Reflection. Open end of the lesson (maintaining positive emotional feelings)
Q: Children, what good deed have we done today? (helped Seryozha understand that you need to be able to be friends and value friendship) Let's play. I will ask you questions, and you will answer me with words - yes, yes, yes. Or - no, no, no. Be careful!

Verbal game “Yes-yes-yes” - “No-no-no.”
Will we be strong friends?
Should we value our friendship?
Will we learn to play?
Shall we help a friend?
Need to piss off a friend?
How about giving a smile?
Should you offend a friend?
Shall we drink tea with friends?
Will we be strong friends?
Q: Well done!
Q: Let's dance to the song of our friends that is familiar to us, let's rejoice in the fact that we are such friendly children.
Music is playing, children are dancing.