Maria Nikolaevna Golubeva
Card index finger games for children early age

Finger games are fun exercises for fingers and arms, staging with their help any poems, stories, fairy tales. Finger Games are an important part of the development of fine motor skills in preschoolers. These games are very emotional and exciting for children, and are also extremely useful for their general development:

Promotes speech development. As a rule, if movements fingers developed in accordance with age, then speech development child within age norm.

Activate hand motor skills. Develops dexterity and the ability to control one's movements.

Develop memory. IN fingered games need to be memorized much: and position fingers, and the sequence of movements, and just poetry.

Finger games.


This finger - grandpa,

This finger - grandma,

This finger - daddy,

This finger - mommy,

This finger - me,

That's my whole family!

Alternate bending fingers, starting from the big one. When finished, twist with your fist.

Hide and seek fingers played

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

And the heads were removed.

Rhythmically bend and unbend fingers. Complication: alternate bending finger on both hands.


- Finger boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Show large ones on the first line fingers on both hands. Then connect them one by one with the rest fingers.

Here is a small hive where the bees hid,

Nobody will see them.

Here they appeared from the hive.

One, two, three, four, five! Zzzzz!

Clench your fingers into a fist, then bend them back one at a time. On the last line, sharply raise your arms up with your arms outstretched fingers - the bees have flown away.


We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We three, three, cabbage

We press and press cabbage.

Movements with straight palms up and down, alternately stroking the pads fingers, rub your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.


Today we painted, Ours my fingers are tired.

Our shake your fingers, Let's start drawing again.

Smoothly raise your arms in front of you, shake your hands.


Two kittens met: "Meow-meow!",

Two puppies: "Aw-aw!",

Two foals: Igo-go!",

Two tiger cubs: "Rrr!"

Two bulls: "Moo!"

Look at the horns.

Connect each line one by one fingers of right and left hands, starting with the little finger. On the last line, show the horns by extending your index fingers fingers and little fingers.

I’ll press my two palms and float across the sea.

Two palms, friends, - This is my boat.

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

And on the stormy waves

Fish swim here and there.

For the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. To the words “I will raise the sails,” raise your straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish.

The fish are having fun

In clean, warm water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Imitate the movements of fish with your hands in accordance with the text.

Publications on the topic:

Card index of finger games for children of the first junior group"Card index of finger games for children of the 1st junior group" For children of all ages preschool age the finger plays an important role.

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Card index of finger games for children 3–5 years old Card index of finger games for children 3-5 years old. Prepared by: teacher Sotova E.V. MDOU No. 75, Yaroslavl, 2018 Finger gymnastics.

Card file of finger gymnastics in the younger group


I play with toys: (Hands in front of you, clench and unclench the fingers of both hands.)

I'm throwing the ball to you (We stretch our arms forward - “throw the ball.”)

I'm collecting a pyramid (We place straight hands, palms down, on top of each other several times.)

I drive the truck everywhere. (Move in front of you with a slightly open brush right hand- “let’s ride”


Finger gymnastics “Toys”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of movements fingers.

My funny round ball (With one hand we hit an imaginary ball.)

Don't hide your round cheeks! (Change hands.)

I'll catch you (With both hands, connecting the fingers of the same name, we show the ball.)

I'll ride it in my hands! (Roll an imaginary ball between your palms.)

Finger gymnastics “Berries”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I pick berries from a branch, (The fingers are relaxed, hanging down. The fingers of the other hand

stroke every finger from the base to the very tip, like

as if picking an imaginary berry from him.)

And I collect it in a basket. (Cup both palms in front of you.)

There will be a full basket, (Cover one palm, folded like a boat, with the other, also folded.


I'll try a little. (One folded palm imitates a basket, the other hand

I'll eat a little more take out imaginary berries and put them in your mouth.)

The path to home will be easy! (Imitating legs, middle and index fingers on both hands

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Red-red fly agaric- (We connect our fingertips to create a mushroom hat.)

White speckled pattern. (One hand - “mushroom cap”, with the index finger of the other hand

show “speckles”.)

You're beautiful, but don't tear! (They shook their finger.)

And we don’t put it in the basket! (Straight palm away from you - moving away gesture.)

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Autumn came out for a walk, (“Let’s go” with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

I started collecting leaves. (We “pick up” the leaves with one hand and “put” them in the other.)

Finger gymnastics “Trees”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hello forest, (Raise both hands with palms facing you, fingers spread wide.)

dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I am green cabbage (Hands form a circle in front of you.)

Without me the pot is empty. (We bowed our heads - “we look into the pan.”)

Take the leaves off me (We spread our arms to the sides.)

And only I will remain!

Finger gymnastics “Fruits”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Yellow-yellow is our lemon, (The fingers of the same name are connected by pads - we show a lemon.)

It splashes with sour juice. (We spread our fingers sharply to the sides.)

Let's put it in tea (We connect the thumb, index and middle fingers of one hand and

“dip lemon into tea.”)

Along with yellow skin. (Fingers in the same position, make rotational movements -

“stir the tea.”)

Finger gymnastics “Vegetables and fruits”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

There are many beds in the garden,

There are turnips and salad here, (Bend fingers one by one.)

There are beets and peas here,

Are potatoes bad?

Our green garden (Clap their hands.)

It will feed us for a whole year.

Finger gymnastics “Clothes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I'll put on my boots (We point to the legs, torso, head.)

Jacket and hat.

And on each hand (One hand with straightened fingers up, the other runs along the little finger and the rib

palms, showing the direction of putting on gloves.)

I'll pull on the glove. (Change hands.)

Finger gymnastics “Shoes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We put shoes on our feet to run on the track. (They “walk” along the table with two fingers.)

Repeat after me the words: (They clench and unclench their fingers.)

Leg - one, leg - two! (Put two fingers on the table and raise one at a time.)

They buy in the store (They clench and unclench their fingers.)

And they put it on your feet

Dad, mom, brother and me - (They bend their fingers.)

The whole family loves shoes. (“They walk” their fingers on the table.)

Finger gymnastics “Dishes”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

From the plates, as one, (Palms together in front of you “plate.”)

We eat soup with spoons. (Rotational movements of the hand with an imaginary spoon.)

We eat cutlets with a fork, (Index and middle fingers straight, thumb

holds the ring and little fingers - “hold the fork.”)

The knife cuts our omelettes. (“Cut” with a straight palm back and forth.)

Finger gymnastics “Food”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Flour was kneaded into the dough, (They clench and unclench their fingers.)

And from the dough we made (Clap with palms, “sculpt.”)

Pies and buns, (Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.)

Sweet cheesecakes,

Buns and rolls – (Both palms turn upward.)

We will bake everything in the oven.

Very tasty! (They stroke their bellies.)

Finger gymnastics “Winter”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Snow falls on houses (We spread our arms to the sides, palms down.)

Streets and rooftops. (Hands like a house.)

Winter is quietly coming towards us, (Finger to lips. “Go” with the index and middle fingers of one hand.)

We don't hear her... (Hand behind ear.)

Finger gymnastics “Winter fun”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

What do we like to do in winter? (Alternately connect the thumb with the rest.)

Play snowballs

Running on skis

Skating on ice,

Race down the mountain on a sled.

Finger gymnastics “New Year’s holiday”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hello, Grandfather Frost! (The palm strokes the chin - the “beard” of Santa Claus.)

What did he bring us as a gift? (Hands forward, palms up.)

Loud firecrackers, (Clap your hands.)

Sweets, toys. (We twirl our brushes.)

Finger gymnastics “Body parts”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

I have a head (We listen to the poem and point to the corresponding parts of the body.)

Chest, stomach, and then the back,

Legs for jumping

Handles - for playing.

Finger gymnastics “Pets”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Here, having removed the scratches, (“We wash our hands.”)

The cat washes its paws.

Muzzle and ears (Circular movements palm on the face.)

On the top of your head. (Slightly bent palms move behind the ears - we show how a cat washes


Finger gymnastics “Cubs of pets”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

We ran along the river (Move index and middle fingers along the surface of the table from

yourself to the edge. Repeat several times.)

Kittens racing.

Finger gymnastics “Wild animals of our forests”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Hare and hedgehog towards each other (The index and middle fingers of both hands “go” towards

each other.)

We walked along a path through a field, through a meadow.

They met and they were scared. (Knock fists.)

They ran fast - come catch up! (The fingers “go” again, but now in different directions.)

Finger gymnastics “Cubs of wild animals”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

This is a bunny, this is a squirrel, (Bend your fingers into a fist, starting with the little finger.)

This is a fox cub, this is a wolf cub,

And this one is in a hurry, hobbling sleepily (Rotate with thumb.)

Brown, shaggy,

Funny little bear.

Finger gymnastics “Domestic and wild animals”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Bunny - ears on top of head - (Hands at the temples, index and middle fingers straightened - “ears”.)

Jumping and jumping along the edge of the forest. (Hands with a pinch down at the chest - “jumping.”)

A prickly hedgehog followed him, (Intertwined fingers and moved.)

I walked along the grass without paths,

And behind the hedgehog - beauty - (Smooth movements with your hands in front of you.)

Red-tailed fox.

Finger gymnastics “Defender of the Fatherland Day”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Ilya Muromets – (Put up.)

Good fellow. (Show biceps.)

Looks vigilantly into the distance (Hand with visor.)

Yes, it destroys enemies. (“Throw the spear.”)

Finger gymnastics “Wild animals of hot countries”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Only he wears a trunk - (We move our hand smoothly in front of us - we pretend to be a trunk.)

Lop-eared gray elephant. (We put our hands to our ears.)

Finger gymnastics “Mom’s holiday”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

Mommy is good (Blow a kiss over the palm.)

Mommy darling! (Kiss over the other palm.)

I love her very much (Blow a kiss from the palm.)

I give her kisses! (Blow the kiss off the other palm.)

Finger gymnastics “Poultry”

Target: development of fine motor skills, coordination of finger movements.

The chicken pecks the grains, (We tilt both palms away from ourselves.)

And the chickens are right there. (The pinches “peck” one by one.)

The duck will dive into the water, (Palms “dive” forward together.)

And the chickens won't dive. (They shook their finger.)



Card index

finger games

for children

first junior group


Finger games.

A very important part of the work on developing fine motor skills is “finger games”. These games are very emotional and exciting. They promote the development of speech and creative activity. “Finger games” seem to reflect the reality of the surrounding world - objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During “finger games,” children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills. This develops dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate attention on one type of activity.

“Finger games” are the staging of any rhymed stories or fairy tales using the fingers. Many games require the participation of both hands, which allows children to navigate the concepts of “right”, “left”, “up”, “down”, etc.

Children from one to two years old perceive “finger games” performed with one hand well.

Three-year-old children are already mastering games that are played with both hands, for example, one hand depicts a house, and the other - a cat running into this house.

Four-year-old preschoolers can play these games using several events that follow each other. Older children can be invited to decorate the games with a variety of props - small objects, houses, balls, cubes, etc.


This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!

Alternately bend the fingers, starting with the thumb. When finished, twist with your fist.


Fingers played hide and seek

And the heads were removed.

Like this, like this

And the heads were removed.

Rhythmically bend and straighten your fingers. Complication: alternately bending the finger on both hands.


Thumb-boy, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

Show to first line thumbs on both hands. Then connect them one by one with the rest of your fingers.


Here is a small hive where the bees hid,

Nobody will see them.

Here they appeared from the hive.

One, two, three, four, five! Zzzzz!

Clench your fingers into a fist, then bend them one at a time. On the last line, sharply raise your hands up with your fingers outstretched - the bees have flown away.


Here is my turtle, she lives in a shell.

She loves her home very much.

When she wants to eat, she sticks her head out.

When he wants to sleep, he hides it back.

Hands clenched into fists, thumbs inside. Then show your thumbs and hide them back.


We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We three, three, cabbage

We press and press cabbage.

Move your palms straight up and down, alternately stroking your fingertips, rubbing your fist against your fist. Clench and unclench your fists.


There are five fingers on my hand

Five grabbers, five holders.

To plan and to saw,

To take and to give.

One, two, three, four, five!

Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists. On the count - alternately bend the fingers on both hands.


We painted today, Our fingers are tired.

Let's shake our fingers and start drawing again.

Smoothly raise your arms in front of you, shake your hands.


Two kittens met: “Meow-meow!”

Two puppies: "Aw-aw!"

Two foals: Igo-go!",

Two tiger cubs: "Rrr!"

Two bulls: "Moo!"

Look at the horns.

For each line, alternately connect the fingers of the right and left hands, starting with the little finger. On the last line, show the horns by extending your index fingers and little fingers.


I’ll press my two palms and float across the sea.

Two palms, friends, - This is my boat.

I'll raise the sails

I'll swim in the blue sea.

And on the stormy waves

Fish swim here and there.

For the first lines, connect two palms with a boat and perform wave-like movements with your hands. To the words “I will raise the sails,” raise your straightened palms up. Then imitate the movements of waves and fish.


The fish are having fun

In clean, warm water.

They will shrink, they will unclench,

They will bury themselves in the sand.

Imitate the movements of fish with your hands in accordance with the text.

We wrote, we wrote, Our fingers were tired.

rhythmically clench and unclench your fists.

You jump, fingers,

fingers "jump" on the table

Like sunbeams.

extend the index and middle fingers upward, straighten the rest and connect them.

Jump, jump, jump, They galloped onto the meadow.

fingers "jump" on the table.

The wind shakes the grass, tilts it left and right.

Light movements of the hands to the right to the left

Don't be afraid of the wind, bunny,

wag your finger.

Have fun on the lawn.

For the last one, wave the fingers of both hands

There is a lock on the door.

Lock your fingers, shake them slightly

Who could open it?

"lock" back and forth

We turned the lock

Turn with a lock

We twisted the lock

The fingers remain closed and the palms rub against each other.

We knocked the lock

The fingers are closed and the palms are knocking against each other.

They knocked and opened it!

Show your palms.


The bunny jumps with a sideways view

Under a tall pine tree.

Under another pine tree

Another bunny is jumping.

Extend the index and middle fingers of the right hand, straighten the rest and connect them. On the second line, raise the palm of your left hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide apart; on the third line, raise the palm of your right hand vertically upward, fingers spread wide apart. On the last line, extend the index and middle fingers of the left hand, straighten the rest and connect them.


Russian game

Hands in front of the chest, palms closed. Little fingers - children(speaking in a small voice). Ring fingers - mom(speaks in a normal voice). Middle fingers - dad(speaks in a low voice). Index fingers - soldiers(speak in a deep voice) . Crossed thumbs - the threshold of the hut.

It’s night, everyone is sleeping in the hut.

There is a knock.

Soldiers: Knock-knock! The index fingers tap each other.

Children: Who's there? Little fingers tapping together

Soldiers: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! Tapping index fingers

Children: Let's ask mom. Mother! Little fingers tapping

Mother: What about children? The nameless ones knock


Mother: Ask dad. The nameless ones knock

Children: Dad! Little fingers tapping

Dad: What, children? Middle fingers tapping

Children: Two soldiers have come to spend the night! Little fingers tapping

Dad: Let me in! Middle fingers tapping

Children: Come in! Little fingers tapping

Soldiers: Oh, what a blessing to be allowed to spend the night! The index fingers “dance” making cross movements

Soldiers: Let's come in! Closed palms turn the fingers towards the chest. Then follows a quick half-turn of the hands so that the backs of the palms touch.

Hands are extended forward.


WITH good morning, little eyes! Are you awake?

Use your index fingers to stroke your eyes
Make “binoculars” out of your fingers and look through them

Good morning, ears!
Are you awake?

Stroke your ears with your palms
Place your palms on your ears "Cheburashka"

Good morning, hands!
Are you awake?

Stroking one or the other hand
Hand clapping

Good morning, legs!
Are you awake?

Stroking knees
Stomp your feet

Good morning, sun!
I woke up!
(woke up)

Raise your hands up, look at the sun
(look up)

At Malanya's at the old lady's

Claps your hands, then the right, then the left hand on top.

Lived in a small hut

Place your hands at an angle and show the hut.

Seven sons

Show seven fingers.

All without eyebrows

Outline eyebrows with your fingers.

With ears like these,

Bring your palms spread out to your ears.

With noses like these

Show a long nose with two fingers outstretched.

With such a mustache,

Outline a long “hussar” mustache with your fingers.

With a head like this

Draw a large circle around your head.

With such a beard!

Show off a big thick beard with your hands

They didn't drink, didn't eat,

Bring the “cup” to your mouth with one hand, and the “spoon” with the other.

Everyone was looking at Malanya,

Holding your hands near your eyes, bat your fingers like eyelashes.

And everyone did it like this. ..

Children show hidden actions

The brothers sat in the hut.

Raise your hand, palm straight, fingers closed.

The little one wanted to go for a walk

Move your little finger to the side(strictly in the plane of the palm)and hold it in this position for 2-3 seconds.

It's boring for him to walk alone.

The little finger sways slightly, then returns to its original position.

He invites his brother to go for a walk together.

Move two fingers pressed to each other to the side: the little finger and the ring finger; hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.

Yes, it’s boring for them to walk together.

The little finger and ring finger sway slightly, then return to their original position.

They invite the three of us to go for a walk.

Move three fingers pressed to each other to the side: little finger, ring finger and middle finger. Hold them in this position for 2-3 seconds.

It’s sad for the elders to sit in the hut.

The thumb and index fingers are joined at the tips four times.

They call their brothers home to them.

All fingers join together in a pinch, the hand relaxes.

When repeating the game, the other hand works. When the movements become familiar, you can try playing with both hands at the same time.


We washed our hands with soap.

We washed our feet with soap.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

We cooked some porridge

Stir with a spoon.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

We made palms

House for matryoshka.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

Little Hen Pestrushka

They crushed the crumbs.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

Hands clapping

Legs danced.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

Palms lay down

Rest a little.

That's how nice it is,

Palms, palms!

Movements are performed in accordance with the text, as your imagination dictates.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 10 of the village of Uspenskoye

Educator: Nagainik G.A.

A very important part of the work on developing fine motor skills is “finger games”. These games are very emotional and exciting. They contribute to the development of speech, creative

activities. "Finger games" help to display the reality of the world around us

Objects, animals, people, their activities, natural phenomena. During “finger games,” children, repeating the movements of adults, activate hand motor skills, which affects the development

dexterity, the ability to control one’s movements, and concentrate on one type of activity.

Why is this happening? The fingers are equipped with a large number of nerve receptors. There are many acupuncture points on the hands (according to this index, the hand is not inferior to the ear and foot), by massaging which you can influence internal organs. Even in ancient times, oriental doctors discovered that massage of the thumb increases brain activity, massage of the index finger has a positive effect on the stomach, the middle finger on the intestines, the ring finger on the liver and kidneys, and the little finger on the heart.

Finger games give parents and educators the opportunity to play with their children, make them happy and, at the same time, develop speech and fine motor skills. Thanks to such games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate. Such games form good relationships between children, as well as between adults and children.

"Fingers say hello"


Progress of the game : With the tip of the thumb of your right hand, alternately touch the tips of the index, middle, ring finger and little finger. Do the same with your left hand.

I say hello everywhere -

At home and on the street.

Even “hello!” I say

I'm the next hen.

I met a hedgehog:

“Hello, brother! How are you living?

“Okay, okay”

Target : develop a sense of your own movements.

Progress of the game: clap our hands, accompanying the actions with poetic text

Okay, okay!

Grandma baked pancakes.

I poured oil on it,

I gave it to the kids.

The pancakes are good

Our dear grandmother!

"Forty - Forty"

Target :

Progress of the game : (with the index finger of the right hand, movements are made along the palm of the left, hands. Actions are accompanied by words, we bend our fingers

little finger, ring finger, middle finger, index finger,big.

Soroka - forty

Cooked porridge

She fed the babies

Gave this one,

Gave this one,

Gave this one

Gave this one,

Gave this one

"Like our cat..."

Target : develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Progress of the game: children perform movements, accompanying them with poetic text

Like our cat

The fur coat is very good

Like a cat's mustache

Amazingly beautiful.

Bold eyes, white teeth.

“This finger is grandma”

Target: activate finger movements.

Progress of the game: bend and straighten the fingers alternately on the right and left hand, accompanying the movements with words

This finger is grandma

This finger is grandpa

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This finger is me

That's my whole family!


Target : develop hand motor skills.

Progress of the game: children perform movements accompanied by poetic text

Palms up

Palms down

Palms on side

And squeezed into a fist.


Target: Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Progress of the game: Perform the “Lantern” movements. They clench and unclench their fists. Palms are pressed against each other, placed under the cheek (sleeping). Perform shaking movements with the hands as if shaking off some water.

The monkeys went out for a walk

The monkeys started dancing

And one of them went home to sleep,

Because I'm tired of dancing.

"Boy - Thumb"

Target: activate finger movements.

Progress of the game: Children take turns stroking their fingers, first on one hand and then on the other. Stroke the thumb, wash the hands, stroke the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.

Finger - boy, where have you been?

I washed my brothers on the river.

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother

I ate porridge with this brother,

I sang songs with this brother.

"Paper Ball"


Progress of the game: Invite the child to crumple a sheet of paper, making a paper ball out of it (the load is given alternately to each hand).

Push the ball with your hand

Roll the ball on the table.

« Water, water..."

Target : develop motor skills of both hands.

Progress of the lesson : Movements are performed in accordance with the text. Place your palms under an imaginary stream of water; “Wash” your face with your palms; blink your eyes; rub your cheeks with your palms; click your teeth; smile broadly.

Water, water...

Wash my face.

For the eyes to look

To make your cheeks blush.

And the tooth bit.

To make your mouth laugh

"Finger on finger"

Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers.

Progress of the lesson: tapping fingers on fingers, clapping their hands, stomping their feet, covering their faces with their hands. Repeat 2 times

Thumb to finger knock and knock

Clap, clap, clap

Stomp your feet, stomp your feet

Hid, hide

Thumb to finger knock and knock

“1,2,3,4,5 went to the kindergarten for a walk”


Progress of the game: with the finger of one hand we count the fingers on the other, lightly pressing on the pads; with the index finger of one hand we perform circular strokes on the palm of the other; count the fingers in reverse order, stroking them. Then we read the poem again and repeat all the movements on the other hand.

One, two, three, four, five -

We went out to the kindergarten for a walk.

We walk - we walk through the meadow.

There flowers grow in a circle.

There are exactly five petals,

"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"

Target : develop motor skills of both hands.

Progress of the game : children with their left hand bend the fingers of their right hand in turn, starting with the thumb: thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger.

A squirrel sits on a cart

She sells nuts:

To my little fox sister,



Tolstoy Bear.

Bunny with a mustache.


Target : develop motor skills of both hands and fingers.

Progress of the game: movements with straight palms up and down; alternately stroking the fingertips; rub your fist against your fist; clench and unclench your fists.

We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We are three, three, cabbage,

We press and press cabbage.


Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers, develop the ability to understand speech and repeat individual words and phrases after an adult.

Progress of the game: Extend all fingers one by one, starting with the little finger, then bend them in the same order.

The fingers went out for a walk.

One - two - three - four - five -

They hid in the house again.

“Hello, golden sun!”

Target: develop finger movements

Progress of the game: The fingers of the right hand take turns “hello” with the fingers of the left hand, patting the tips.

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze,

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!


Target : develop motor skills of both hands.

Progress of the game: Press the fingertips of your right hand toward the top of your palm. Thumb press it to your index finger. Say loudly “meow!” several times. You can continue playing with your second hand. Finally, conduct the lesson with both hands.

The cat's daughter

There are claws on the paws.

Don't rush to hide them,

Let the kids watch!

"To work"

Target: activate finger movements.

Progress of the game: Clench your fingers into a fist. Unbend them one by one, starting with the largest one; with the words “All the brothers have stood up...” - spread your fingers wide to the sides.

One thumb stood up.

The index finger is behind it.

The middle one wakes up the nameless one.

He raised his little finger.

The brothers all stood up - “Hurray!”

It's time for them to go to work.

"Two little grasshoppers..."

Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers.

Progress of the game: With the index and middle fingers of both hands we “walk” along the table; we stroke the surface of the table with our palms; alternately rub the side surface of the index finger of the other with the edge of one palm.

Two little grasshoppers

We went to the river.

They were afraid of water

And we didn’t swim in the river.

They played violins -

All the fish were scared away.

"Little Mouse"

Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers.

Progress of the game: running the fingers of both hands across the table or knees; folding their fingers into a round window, they look into it; they shake their finger; hands are pressed palms to each other, lie on the back of one of the hands on the table (laps). Turn the hands over to the other “Side”, tickle one or the other palm with your fingers

Little mouse

Running around the city.

Looks out everyone's windows,

And he threatens with his finger:

“Who didn’t go to bed?

Who doesn't want to sleep?

So naughty

I'll tickle!"


Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers,

Progress of the game: Arms crossed. The fingers of each hand “Run” along the forearm, and then along the shoulder of the other hand; the hands are freely lowered and perform a shaking motion (rain). Clap your palms on the table/knees; the palms are pressed to each other by the sides, the fingers are spread out, the arms are pumped; the sun is shining; actions are similar to the original ones - “Spiders” crawl on the head

A spider walked along a branch,

And the children followed him.

The rain suddenly fell from the sky,

The spiders were washed to the ground.

The sun began to warm up,

The spider is crawling again

And all the children crawl after him,

To walk along the branch.


Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers

Progress of the game: Palms lie on your knees or table.

One, two, three, four, five. Fingers; bending, they pull their palm towards themselves (movement of a crawling caterpillar

The worms went for a walk.

One, two, three, four, five, walk along the table with the index and middle fingers

The worms went for a walk. (the remaining fingers are tucked into the palm)

Suddenly a crow runs up, folds their fingers together and shakes them up and down.

She nods her head

Croaks: “Here comes dinner!” open the palm, moving the thumb down, and

the rest up

Lo and behold, there are no more worms! They clench their fists and press them to their chest.


Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers

Progress of the game: For the first two lines, draw circles on your palm with your finger. For the next four lines, bend your fingers while pronouncing the corresponding words. With the words of the seventh line, take the little finger with the fingers of the other hand and shake it slightly.

Our Masha was cooking porridge.

I cooked porridge and fed the kids:

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

Gave this one

But she didn’t give it to this.

He played a lot of pranks.

He broke his plate.


Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers

Progress of the game: clench your hand into a fist. Extend your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger. With the last phrase, touch your thumb and little finger to each other.

Little Pinky

Crying, crying, crying.

Nameless will not understand:

What does all this mean?

The middle finger is very important

Doesn't want to listen.

The index asked:

Maybe you want to eat?

And the big one runs for rice,

Carrying a spoon for rice

He says: - There is no need to cry,

Come on, eat a little!

"Frog - jumping"

Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers

Progress of the game:

The frog is a jumper,

(we close the fingers of both hands and depict frog mouths)

Eyes on the top of the head,

(the thumb performs the function of the lower jaw),

And all her words -

Only “Kwa!” yes "Kwa!"

(which open and close).

And his cheeks swell

And his mouth opens,

So that mosquitoes and flies

They flew into the frog's mouth.

(with one hand we continue to depict the mouth of a frog

and with the fingers of the other we “get” into this “mouth” one by one)

"On the Forest Lawn"

Target: develop movements of the hands and fingers.

Progress of the game:

On a forest lawn We open our palms, raise our arms and wave with relaxed hands

The bunnies played out:

We clap our paws, clap our hands

stamped our feet, stamped our feet
ears waving

(put open palms to ears, bend and unbend

closed fingers of both hands)

They jumped higher than everyone else,

(we alternately raise high above the table and lower one or the other


We looked with our eyes, we waved our hands

They sang a song:

“La-la-la! La-la-la!


Oh, what funny bunnies!

"Our hands"

Where are our pens?

Where are our pens?

Where, where are our pens?

Pull out the handles


Handles are shown.

We don't have our pens.

Here, here are our hands,

Here are our pens.

Hid your hands behind your back

Hands are shown again.


Fists folded

They beat with their fists.










Make fists of both hands

They beat their fists.


Grandma put on glasses

And I saw the kids.

And the kids have glasses


They saw the grandmother.

Rings are brought to the eyes

Children repeat the actions


"Rain, rain"

Rain, rain,

Drip, drip, drip...

Wet paths.

I'll go smoothly


Let your feet get wet.

The children turned their palm up and


imitate with a face

Raindrops and repeat

adults: “Cap..”


The steamboat is sailing along the river,

And he puffs like a stove:

Puff, puff...

Children both folded palms

turn left and


repeat after an adult: “Puff...”

"We're tired of the rain"


, rain! Wait!

We're tired of rain!

You frequent the rooftops

I woke up the kids.

Children take turns turning

palms up and fingers on the other

hands imitate raindrops,

repeating after an adult: “Drip, drip”

"Okay, okay"

Okay, okay,

Hell ma

ma pancakes,

I poured oil on it,

Gave the children:






Children clap their hands and

repeat the words: “On






The fish are having fun

In clean, warm water.

They will shrink

Imitate movements in

in accordance with

text, repeating

words for adults


They will unclench

They will bury themselves in the sand.

“I’m going to see my grandfather, I’m going to see my grandmother.”

I'm going, I'm going to see grandma and grandpa

On horseback

In a red hat

On a smooth path,

On one leg






Children roll a pencil between


and repeat the words after adults:







"Katya is walking"

One, two, three, four, five.

We're going for a walk.

Katya tied up

The scarf is striped.

Katya is walking along the path






Children roll a pencil between


and repeat the words: “Top







squirrel in a fur coat


Fluffy tail

My assistant

He helps me jump

I will have time to visit everywhere.



hop, jump



Children run brushes with bristles

palm and repeat the words




hop, jump




We chop the cabbage, chop it,

We have cabbage

lime, salt

We three, three cabbage

We press and press cabbage.

Movement with palms up and down.

stroking the fingertips.

rub your fist against your fist.

clench and unclench your fists.

"Round dance among flowers"

Round dance among flowers,

Around the rose bushes.

Among the

aw and flowers

We dance, we dance.

The child has a walnut in his palms,

circular movements of the hands

the child performs movements for

adults and repeats the words of the text.

"Let's count fingers"

One, two, three, four, five

Let's count fingers.

Strong and other


Everyone is so necessary.

On the other hand again

Fingers are fast

Children bend their fingers on the left


They clench and extend their fists.

Children bend their fingers on the right


They clench and extend their fists.

Although not very clean.

“This finger wants to sleep”


the finger wants to sleep,

This finger went to bed

This finger took a little nap,

This finger has already fallen asleep,

This finger is fast asleep

Be quiet, children, don't make noise,

Don't wake up your fingers.

little finger.

“Our children are friends”

Our children are friends

Girls and boys.

You and I

let's make friends

Little fingers.

Children bend their fingers, starting with

little finger.

"My Family"

This finger


This finger


This finger


This finger


This finger


That's my whole family.


while reading, bends on the handle


finger starting from


"To the meadow"

Bunnies came to the meadow,

Bear cubs, badgers,

Frogs and raccoon.

On the green, on the meadow,

Come too, you


Bend your fingers alternately


"In the clearing d

ohm worth"

There is a house in a clearing

The path to it is still closed

We are opening the gates

We invite you to this house.

Fold your palms like a house, like this


the thumbs did not touch.

Thumbs down and

touching each other.

Fingers by


still at an angle


just widely spaced.

“It’s time to go to kindergarten”

This finger wants to sleep

This finger

jump into bed

This finger took a nap

This little finger is already asleep.

Fingers stood up, hurray!

Children take turns bending their fingers


Children wave


It's time to go to kindergarten.




Cooked porridge

She fed the children.

Gave this one

I gave it to this one.

I gave it to this one.

I gave it to this one.

But she didn’t give it to this.

You didn't carry water

I didn’t cook porridge

you have nothing.

Right index finger


Circular movements on the left



Alternately, bend the fingers of the left


Thumb up.



for the forests, from


beyond the mountains"



for the forests, from


beyond the mountains

Grandfather Yegor is coming.

On a horse myself

Wife on a cow

Children on calves

Grandchildren on baby goats.

Fingers move across the table with

different t


"Visiting the big toe"

Visiting the big toe

They came straight to the house

Index and middle

Nameless and last

The little finger itself



He knocked on the threshold.

fingers together


We can't live without each other

Lift up big


Connect your fingers together

are listed.

Squeeze the fingers of both hands and knock

about each other.

Rhythmically squeeze and unclench






finger, where have you been?

I went to the forest with this brother,

I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,

With this sconce

Ttsem sang songs.

Show large ones on the first line

fingers of both hands and connect them.

Then bend your fingers one by one


"Our baby"

This finger


This finger


This finger


This finger


This finger

our baby.

Bend your fingers into a fist, then

turn to unbend them starting from


“Our fingers stood up”

This finger wants to sleep

This finger

jump into bed!

This finger took a nap

This finger has already yawned.

Hush, little finger, don't make noise,

Don't wake up your brothers.

Get up

or fingers. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten.

Alternately bend your fingers to

palm starting from the little finger.

One thumb left.

Unclench your fist, spread it wide

fingers to the sides.

"For work"



ok brothers, let's get to work,

Show your hunting.

Bolshak firewood


The stoves are all for you to heat,

And you should carry water,

Let me cook dinner for you,

And you wash the dishes.

And then sing songs to everyone,

Sing songs and dance,

To amuse our children.

Bend your fingers one by one

starting with the thumb.

Move your fingers vigorously.


e funny frogs"

Two funny frogs

They don’t sit for a minute

Girlfriends jump deftly,

Only the splashes fly upward.

Children clasp hands

into fists and


them on the table, fingers down. Sharp

unclench their fingers (hands as if

jump over the table) and put

palms on s

tol. Then suddenly

clench their fists and put them down again

on the table.

"We are drawing a hippopotamus


We are drawing a hippopotamus.

Who wants to work?

Every finger is eager to fight

And nods his head.

Children bend their elbows

Hold your hands in front of your face and bend them

and straighten their fingers along



From the thumb of the right hand.

“Fingers came to visit”

Fingers came to visit,

"Knock, knock, knock

knocked on the door.

Only the door was not opened for them:

They thought it was a terrible beast.

Children tapping on the table

pads of all ten fingers


in a timely manner.

Good morning!

Good morning, little eyes.

Are you awake?

Children stroke their eyes, look into


Place your palms on your ears.

Card index of finger games and exercises.



All fingers of both hands are “in a pinch” and their tips touch. In this position, we blow on them, while the fingers take the shape of a ball. The air “comes out” and the fingers return to their original position.

Quickly inflate the balloon.

He's getting big.

Suddenly the balloon burst, the air came out -

He became thin and thin.

"My toys"

I'll show you the toys:

These are pied hens

Connect the index and thumb of each hand with pads (beak), point the remaining fingers upward and bend slightly (comb).

This is a bunny

Point the middle and index fingers of the right hand upward (rabbit ears), and press the rest to the palm.

This is a dog.

The palm of the right hand is on the rib (dog's muzzle), the thumb is pointing upward (ear).

Here is a car without wheels.

Fold your right palm into a fistful and cover the palm of your left hand with it.

These are flip books.

That's all my toys.

Place your hands with edges on the table, press your palms together, and then open them.


Use your thumb to follow the tips of your other fingers, from the index finger to the little finger and vice versa. Perform with both right and left hands.

I spin the spinning top, I spin it,

And I will teach you.

Body parts

"It's me"

These are the eyes. Here, here.

These are ears. Here, here.

This is the nose, this is the mouth.

There's a backrest. There's a belly here.

These are pens. Clap-clap.

These are the legs. Top-top.

Oh, we're tired, let's wipe our brow!

Children show body parts and perform movements in accordance with the text.


"I'm putting on a glove"

I'm putting on a glove

I don't fall into it.

They stroke the other with one hand in turn, as if putting on gloves.

Count it guys

How many fingers does the glove have?

One, two, three, four, five.

Bend your fingers.


"Leaf Fall"

Leaf fall, leaf fall!Raise your hands up.

Leaves are flying in the wind: Swinging your brushes from side to side,

slowly lower your hands (the leaves fall).

From maple - maple, Straighten your fingers and spread them as far apart as possible.

From oak - oak, Straighten your fingers and press them tightly together.

From aspen - aspen, Connect the index and thumb in the form of a ring.

From rowan - rowan. Straighten your fingers and spread them slightly to the sides.

The forest and garden are full of leaves Clap your hands.

What a joy for the guys!


The winds shake the apple trees.

Hands stand on the table, resting on the elbows (trunks), fingers spread to the sides (crowns of apple trees). Shake your arms.

Leaves fly off the branches.

The hands are relaxed and parallel to the table. Using smooth movements from side to side, slowly lower your hands onto the table surface (the leaves fall off).

Leaves are falling in the garden

I row them with a rake.

The fingers of both hands rest with their pads on the surface of the table (rake). Raising your hands, scrape your fingers along the surface of the table, pretending to work with a rake.


"New sneakers"

Bend the fingers on both hands one at a time, starting with the thumbs.

Like our cat

Boots on feet.

Like our pig

There are boots on my feet.

And on the dog's paws

Blue slippers.

And the kid is small

Puts on boots.

And son Vovka -

New sneakers.

Like this, like this

New sneakers.

“Walk” your index and middle fingers along the table.

Exercise with traffic jams

Take plastic bottle caps (4 pieces) and put them on your index and middle fingers like shoes. And “we walk with our fingers, like legs, without lifting the “Shoes” from the surface of the table.

I put the lids on my fingers,

They stepped forward boldly.

And we went down the alley

For a fun walk.

Fingers are like ballerinas

But wearing boots.

Each finger is like a leg,

It just shuffles a little.



The thumb shakes the apples.

The hands are clenched into a fist, the thumb is extended.

The second one collects them.

The third one carries them home.

Extending the middle finger

The fourth one spills out.

Unbend the nameless one.

The smallest one is a naughty one.

Extending the little finger

Everything, everything, eats everything.


We will cook compote, Left hand- “ladle”, the right one imitates stirring.

You need a lot of fruits:

Let's chop apples Bend your fingers starting with the thumb.

We will chop the pear,

Squeeze the lemon juice

Place the drain on the sand.

We cook, we cook compote. Again, “cook” and “stir.”

Let's treat honest people. Spread your arms to the sides.


The hands are clenched into a fist.

The plum's thumb is shaking. Extend the thumb.

The second one collects them. Extend your index finger.

The third one carries them home. Extend the middle finger.

The fourth one spills out. Unbend the nameless one.

The smallest one is “naughty”Extend the little finger.

Everything, everything is eaten.



We chop and chop cabbage,Movement with straight palms up and down

We salt and salt the cabbage,alternately stroking the fingertips

We are three or three cabbage,rub fist on fist

We press and press cabbage.clench and unclench your fists


Grandma and grandpa pull and pullPulling fingers by the nail phalanges

A large turnip from the ground:

If only our granddaughter would come,The fingers of the same name touch each other.

The dog Bug would help.

Where is the cat, little mouse?

At least she held on tight,

A turnip is pulled out.



Here on the branches, look, Four hand claps.

Bullfinches in red T-shirts.

Fluffed the feathers. Depicts “wings”

Basking in the sun.

They turn their heads, Head turns.

They want to fly away.

Shoo! Shoo! Let's fly away!Rotational movements of the hands.

Behind the blizzard, behind the blizzard!


La-la-la, la-la-la

A cloud was floating across the sky.Connect the fingers of both hands with pads and round

in the shape of a ball (cloud).

Suddenly out of a cloud above the groundRaise your hands up, spread your fingers to the sides.

A swarm of snowflakes flew.Rotate your hands, slowly lowering your arms (snowflakes fly).

The wind blew and hummed -Blow on your hands (round your lips and slightly stretch them forward).

A swarm of snowflakes flew up.Shake your hands, lifting them up,

rotate them (snowflakes fly).

The wind swirls with them,Rotate your hands, alternately crossing your arms.

Maybe make friends.

New Year


There is a Christmas tree in front of us. Fingers intertwined, thumbs raised up.

Cones, needles, Fists, “needles” - spread your fingers.

Balls, lanterns, Hold your palms like a ladle.

Bunnies and candles, Connect both fists together, index fingers up (“Ears”


Stars, people. Palm in the shape of a star, “men” - walk with fingers.



The hen has a chick,Use your thumb to touch the rest one by one, starting with your little finger.

The goose has a gosling

The turkey has a turkey chick,

And the duck has a duckling.

Every mother has babies,Show all your fingers, “playing” with them.

Everyone is beautiful and good!


Our beautiful cockerel Both hands are clenched into fists.

He lifted the comb upward. Unclench your palms.

Flapping its wings. Wave your tassels in the air.

He's dancing on the lawn.

He pecks at bread crumbs. Tap the table with your index fingers.

Calling the motley hens. Make inviting movements with your hands.



For each phrase, connect the same fingers of the left and right hands, one at a time, starting with the little finger. For the last phrase, show “horns”, simultaneously straightening your index fingers and little fingers.

Two kittens met: “Meow - meow.”

Two puppies: "Aw - aw."

Two foals: “I-go-go”

Two calves, two bulls:

"Moo." Look at the horns!

“The cat went to the stove”

The cat went to the stove The fingers "walk".

I found a pot of porridge. "Pot of palms."

There are rolls on the stove, Palms “make rolls”

Hot as fire. Blow on your palms.

Gingerbread cookies are baking

They don't let the cat get into their paws. Wag your finger.


The dog has a sharp nose

There is also a neck

There is also a tail.

Right palm on the rib, towards you. Thumb up, index finger, middle finger, ring finger together. The little finger alternately lowers and rises (“the dog barks”)

Wild animals

"Everyone has their own home"

Children bend their fingers on both hands: one finger for each couplet.

At the fox in the deep forest

There is a hole - a reliable home.

Snowstorms are not scary in winter

A squirrel in a hollow on a spruce tree.

A prickly hedgehog under the bushes

Rakes leaves into a pile.

From branches, roots, grass

Beavers make huts.

A clubfoot sleeps in a den,

He sucks his paw there until spring.

Everyone has their own homeHit with palms and fists alternately.

Everyone feels warm and comfortable in it.


Use your thumb to touch the remaining fingers one by one, performing the exercise first with one hand and then with the other hand.

Jumping on branches

Little squirrel.

A tail flashes among the branches.

Who will keep up with her?



Our Antoshka washes the dishes,Rubbing your palms together (“washing the dishes”).

Washes fork, cup, spoon, Extend your fingers from your fist, starting with your little finger. Fulfill

imitating movements.

Washed the saucer and glass

And closed the tap tighter.



Children show with the movements of their hands how a bird flies.

Birdie, birdie, come fly!

Call for the red spring!

The bird flaps its wings,

Makes our kids happy!

"Spring has come to us"

Spring has come to us,

She brought beautiful flowers!Hands are extended forward “with a bouquet.”

We went to the front garden

And we made ourselves a wreath!The fingers move as if weaving a wreath.


“Adults and children rejoice”

Execution of movements according to the teacher's model: for each line, children bend their finger, line 6 - clench and unclench their fist.

Who else is enjoying the sun?

Grandfather is happy

Grandma is happy

Mommy is happy

Daddy is happy

I am very happy.

The whole family is happy about the sun!

"Flower for Mommy"

Oh, in our flower garden

Large flower on a stem.Open and close your fist, fingers, like petals.

It sways in the breeze, Hand movements left and right.

And he smiles at me! Facial expressions, gestures.

I'll kiss mommy

And I’ll give her a flower!


With each line, children bend one finger, starting with the thumb.

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is mommy

This finger is daddy

This finger is me.

That's my whole family!



Chair table, sofa, bed,Clamp the fingers of both hands alternately into fists.

Shelf, bedside table, buffet,

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

I named a lot of furniture -

Ten fingers squeezed! Raise your clenched fists up.

“There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”

One, two, three, four, Rhythmically clench and unclench your fists.

There is a lot of furniture in the apartment.

We'll hang the shirt in the closet, Bend your fingers, starting with the big ones,

for each furniture name.

And we’ll put a cup in the cupboard.

To give your legs a rest,

Let's sit on the chair for a while.

And when we were fast asleep,

We were lying on the bed.

And then me and the cat

We sat at the table

They drank tea and jam together.

Lots of furniture in the apartment!Rhythmically alternate clapping your hands and banging your fist on your fist.


Legs, back and seat -The left palm is vertically upward. Attached to its lower part

fist (thumb towards you)

Here is a chair for your surprise.



Let's bend our fingers -Squeeze and unclench your fingers.

Let's call the transport:

Car, helicopter,Unclench your fingers one by one, starting with the little finger.

Tram, bus, plane.

We clenched our five fingers into a fist,Clench your fingers into a fist, starting with the thumb.

Five types of transport were named.


The steamboat was at sea.Place your palms together in a bowl shape.

So he sailed to the pier. Make wave-like movements in the air.

He blew his trumpet: “U-oo-oo!” Move your thumbs at the same time.



Together we count our fingers -Clench and unclench your fists.

We call insects:

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,Bend your fingers into a fist one by one, starting with the thumb.

This is a beetle with a green belly.

Who's calling here?

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!Rotate your little finger.

Hide! Hide your hands behind your back.


Cross the wrists of both hands and press the backs of your palms together. Fingers are straight. "The butterfly is sitting." Simulate the flight of a butterfly.

Box butterfly,

Fly under the cloud.

Your kids are there

On a birch branch.



Fingers play hide and seek Clench and unclench your fingers.

And the heads are removed, Open and close your eyes.

Like blue flowers

The petals are blooming Bring your fingers together and spread them out like a fan.

They're swinging at the top,Swinging and tilting the hands left and right.

Bend low.

blue bellCircular movements with brushes.

Bowed, turned

To you and me.

Bluebells-flowersTurns the hands left and right,

Very polite, and you? Place your palms on top of the table.

“What to do after the rain?”

What to do after the rain? We connect all the fingers in turn with the thumbs.

Jump through the puddles! We place a pinch of one hand in the center of the palm of the other.

What to do after the rain? We connect all the fingers with the thumbs.

Let the ships go! Draw a figure eight with both hands.

What to do after the rain?

Ride on a rainbow! Hands in front of the chest, hands down, each hand outlines an arc.

What to do after the rain? We connect all fingers with thumbs.

Just smile! We smile.

the index and middle fingers “run” across the table; make the same movements with the fingers of your left hand; perform the same movements simultaneously with the fingers of both hands (“competition”)

Legs, legs,
Legs, legs,
Slap, slap, slap!
One step, two steps,
Catch up with me buddy!

Boys and girls are friends in our group
(fingers are joined into a “lock”).
You and I will make friends little fingers
(rhythmic touching of the same fingers of both hands).
One, two, three, four, five
(alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers),
Start counting again.
One, two, three, four, five.
We're done counting
(hands down, shake hands).

This finger is grandpa
This granny finger
This daddy finger
This mommy finger
Well, this finger is me
That's my whole family!
(Bend your fingers one by one).

Adults and children know:
There are many fruits in the world!
Apples and oranges
Apricots, tangerines,
And bananas and pomegranates
Rich in vitamins.
(Close and unclench your fingers. Then bend one finger at a time, starting with the little finger).

We shared an orange.
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog.
This slice is for siskin.
This slice is for ducklings.
This slice is for kittens.
This slice is for the beaver.
And for the wolf the peel...
He's angry with us. Trouble!
We hide in the house - here!
(First, children clench and unclench their fingers, then bend each finger one by one)

The wind flew through the forest,
The wind counted the leaves
Here's an oak one,
Here's a maple one
Here is a carved rowan tree,
Here from a birch tree - golden,
Here is the last leaf from the aspen tree,
The wind blew it onto the path.
(Perform smooth, wave-like movements with your palms. Then bend one finger on both hands. At the end, calmly place your palms on the table).

One, two, three, four, five
We're going for a walk.
Katya is lucky with her sleigh
From porch to gate,
And Seryozha along the path

Girls and boys
They jump like bunnies.

Children take turns straightening their fingers,
clenched into a fist.
Children show outstretched fingers.
Run your index and middle fingers along the table.
Fingers folded into a pinch
make throwing movements.
Children wave their hands.

Magpie - white-sided,
Cooked porridge
She fed the children.
Gave this one
I gave it to this one.
I gave it to this one.
I gave it to this one.
But she didn’t give it to this.
You didn't carry water
I didn’t cook porridge
you have nothing.

The index finger of the right hand makes
Circular movements on the left palm.

Alternately, bend the fingers of the left

"Finger Boy"
Boy - finger, where have you been?
I went to the forest with this brother,
I cooked cabbage soup with this brother,
I sang songs with this brother.

On the first line, show the thumbs of both hands and connect them.
Then bend your fingers one by one.

« Squirrel"
A squirrel sits on a cart
She distributes nuts.
Little fox-sister,
Sparrow, titmouse,
To the fat-fifted bear,
Bunny with a mustache.

You are a duckling with no food,
Better mom look.

Clench and unclench the fingers of both hands at the same time.

“This finger wants to sleep”
This finger wants to sleep
This finger went to bed
This finger took a little nap,
This finger has already fallen asleep,
This finger is fast asleep
Be quiet, children, don't make noise,
Don't wake up your fingers.

Children bend their fingers, starting with the little finger

Finger gymnastics"Hello"

Hello, big clearing! Hello, grass - ants! Hello, forest berry! You are ripe and delicious. We are carrying a little basket, we will collect all of you. ( Fingers right hands take turns greeting left fingers, tapping each other's tips.)

"Visiting the big toe"

Visiting the big toe (large ones are put up


They came straight to the house (connect your fingertips at an angle

both hands),

Index and middle (alternately called fingers

connect with the big one on both hands at the same time),

The little finger itself is a baby (only the little fingers point up,

other fingers clenched into a fist)

Knocked on the doorstep (fists knock against each other).

Together fingers are friends,

They can't live without each other (rhythmic squeezing of fingers on both


“Today is all day.”

On Monday we did the laundry

And on Tuesday they swept.

On Wednesday we baked kalach,

And on Thursday they played ball.

On Friday we washed the floors,

And on Saturday we bought a cake.

On Sunday, on Sunday

We'll go to a birthday party.

Children perform movements in accordance with the meaning of the text of the poem,

express appropriate emotions, showing imagination.


It's been two weeks now (We lower our hands down one by one, fingers together.)

Drops are dripping.

Snow melts in the sun (Hands, palms down, spread to the sides.)

And it flows down like a stream. (Both hands, palms down, move in one direction.)


Turtle, turtle lives in its shell (alternately knock with the fists of the left and right hands on the rug or on the table)

He will stick his head out and put it back (we stick our index fingers out of our fists and put them back into the fist)

Turtle, the turtle crawls slowly,

He chews a very tasty cabbage leaf for lunch. (we alternately squeeze and unclench the fists of both hands, straighten the left palm, and stroke the palm with the right, bringing the fingers together).

A turtle, a turtle lives in a shell, sticks its head out and puts it back (same movements)


Some water, water (arms extended in front of you, moving up and down)

Roll up the sleeves (with one hand we move along the other arm from the hand to the elbow up, changing the handles)

We will wash our hands (three hands)

Wash with soap (circular movements of one hand on the other)

And dry (shake with hands)