New Year is probably the most beloved and anticipated holiday in our country, not only for children, but also for adults. The end of the year is the busiest time, because... For many, the arrival of another year is the most important starting point. I would like to sum up the results of the year, complete all the old things in order to start a new life.

Therefore, so as not to forget anything at the last minute, preparation for the holiday it is better to start several months before its onset. Caring parents today should think about organizing an unforgettable New Year for their children. Most main character holiday - , in which the kids sincerely believe. Therefore, by inviting Santa Claus to visit your child in Mytishchi, you will give him unforgettable moments! You can’t put off calling to Father Frost’s house Domodedovo until later, because on the eve of the holiday it will be quite difficult to do this due to the hype created. Many companies for organizing holiday celebrations offer the services of the main fairy-tale characters Snow Maiden and Father Frost Balashikha, whom kids love and look forward to.

Care must be taken Find out from your child what gift he is expecting for the New Year, and try to buy it in advance. You just need to hide the toy securely in out of reach of children.

This holiday cannot be arranged without Christmas tree, therefore, in a house where there are children, this beauty, a symbol of the holiday, must be dressed up. To save yourself from the extra hassle associated with purchasing and disposing of a forest guest after the end of the holiday, it is better to purchase an artificial Christmas tree that will last for a year. It can also be ordered in advance in the online store, where the assortment is solid and the prices are affordable. And you can buy a green fluffy Christmas tree without leaving the chair in your own apartment.

To decorate the main attribute New Year's holidays , you can also buy toys and garlands in the online store, from where they will be delivered by courier safe and sound. You need to approach the organization of a festive celebration thoughtfully. It is advisable for children to buy tickets in advance for the Christmas tree at the Ice Palace, Circus or Children's Theater. The New Year's program prepared there will be remembered by the child for a long time and will leave unforgettable memories in his memory. Homes need to be decorated too not just the Christmas tree, but also a room to New Year's Eve it was filled with the radiance of multi-colored lights, running, sparkling and shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. This is quite accessible with the help of modern garlands.

It is necessary to carefully prepare for any holiday, especially such a long-awaited holiday as the New Year, and although these are pleasant chores, they still take up a lot of precious time. It is necessary not only to choose gifts for family and friends, but also to plan and organize everything well. The main thing is not to forget to apply on time calling Santa Claus, This is another one of the pleasant pre-holiday concerns. After all, the New Year without the “living and real” owner of winter with a bag of gifts for those who were obedient is completely impossible.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home... I wonder what you imagine when this phrase sounds? At first we think about snow and a long road, about sleds and ringing bells, but this is only the beginning. The unique taste of the holiday, magic, anticipation of great gifts, carefree fun is what these words mean. Aliens from the land of snow and frost are welcome everywhere, because they are the most welcome guests during the New Year holidays.

And how much joy there will be if order Santa Claus V kindergarten, it’s simply impossible to describe! Needless to say, all parents, without exception, will definitely hear from their children an exciting and confusing story about the incredible miracle that happened to them today. Such moments remain in the memory forever and will make you smile from the bottom of your heart more than once.

We talk a lot about children and their anticipation New Year's miracle. This is correct, because our children are the most precious thing we have. But the year-weary residents of the dull “office jungle” are waiting New Year's magic nothing less! That is why congratulating Santa Claus in the office is the central event of the final “non-working” day. Boring computers along with boring business papers are swept aside without hesitation. Everyone freezes and turns into a rumor because warm congratulations and I really want an unexpected gift!

It's no secret that now everything costs money, and Santa Claus, in between his visits, probably also wants to have a tasty meal. Prices for such services from the company http://dedmorozisnegurochkadom.rf are quite justified and are available to anyone who wants to bring joy to their child and loved ones, especially if you take care of it in advance and not leave it for the last moments. After all, there are a lot of requests, and the kind Grandfather Frost, although he has magic, cannot be successful everywhere. Take care of a miracle in advance, and then it will definitely happen!

Yes, holidays are actually different. The people who organize them are also different. Coming from the very depths of the world of good Fantasy, there can be only one Santa Claus on call. We close our eyes and see his thick beard, kind smile and a huge red bag from which such wonderful gifts appear. A loud, confident voice sounds, calling each of us by name. We're freezing! After all, Santa Claus exists...

Many people associate the New Year with Olivier salad, Irony of Fate, fireworks and a decorated Christmas tree. However, the most beautiful thing about this holiday is that it is at this time that you can get together with the whole family and spend the outgoing year together.

Letidor has compiled a list of five reasons why New Year is the best family celebration, and hardly anyone will be able to argue with us!

New Year unites people of different religions

It doesn't matter who you believe in or what your religious preferences are - on New Year's Day it doesn't matter at all. After all, this holiday has no connection to any belief.

People of all religions say goodbye to the past year with joy and welcome the new one with hopes for a bright future.

On New Year's Day the whole family gets together

Family is the most important thing in the world. And when all our loved ones are gathered, sitting at a common table, smiling, joking and laughing, then we are truly happy.

Nothing can replace your mother's concern about what kind of salad you would like to try, your sister's interesting stories, your husband's gentle hands and the children's funny antics.

On New Year's Eve you can get everything at once, you just have to get everyone together and prepare as many delicious treats as possible!

You can also dance, hug and believe in miracles. And also - all together.

On New Year's Day, you can remember all the good things and let go of the bad.

When was the last time you sat down and looked through a family album of old photos? Festive night - a great opportunity for this.

After a fun feast, take out your photos, find old videos and immerse your whole family in memories of the past year.

We are sure that you will have something to remember and laugh at!

This is a holiday when you can make plans for the future

New Year new life . It is at this time that we must boldly make plans and set goals for ourselves.

Have you ever dreamed of going to an exotic country? Interested in taking cooking classes or dance classes? New Year is the time for big resolutions.

You can even make yourself a list of wishes/goals and follow them for 12 months, each time checking off the completed task. The list will be filled with “checkmarks”, and at the end of December you will be surprised how much you have managed to do!

There is a magical atmosphere everywhere

Flickering lights, the smell of fresh cookies, snow outside the window and your favorite movies on TV - this is what creates a truly fabulous mood. The house is filled with warmth and comfort, all family members, after household chores, sit down at the large table and raise glasses of champagne.

New Year is a holiday of childhood and fairy tales. It evokes only warm memories and gives unforgettable emotions and impressions. New Year is a decorated Christmas tree with colorful toys and Santa Claus with a bag of gifts. This holiday happens once a year, everyone, young and old, looks forward to it.

We were looking forward to and preparing for this celebration at the Children's Cultural and Educational Center “Alle zusammen e. V.“ All branches of the Center successfully held New Year's parties, the scenarios of which were never repeated.

In Gelnhausen, teachers together with children staged the musical fairy tale “In Search of Santa Claus.” As always, the vocal ensemble “Rainbow” pleased us with its performance. They performed mischievous Russian folk songs and songs of the peoples of the world.

Young artists from the Hanau Children's Theater performed in front of their parents with the fairy tale " The Snow Queen“. The kids kept up with them: they confidently played musical instruments, performing on the big stage for the first time.

In Gallus (Frankfurt), teachers staged the fairy tale “New Year's Light” on their own. The evil and insidious villain Koschey the Immortal stole the light from the Snow Maiden - the main magic. But good defeated evil, and the tree lit up with bright lights.

Children attending classes in Offenbach were not left unattended either. They were invited to Frankfurt, where, together with children from other branches, they could watch the fairy tale “Heart of Ice”.

But a real miracle awaited the guys in the city of Aschaffenburg. In the school yard, decorated with sparkling garlands, stood a 3-meter forest beauty. The performance was called “Visiting Santa Claus.” All children were met and greeted at the entrance by Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters. It seemed that the air was saturated with magic, and it seemed that people were in a fairyland.

Everywhere, wherever New Year's matinees took place, there was an atmosphere of joy, fun and Have a good mood. Everyone had fun, sang, read poetry, took part in funny competitions, and danced around the Christmas tree. Young dancers in original costumes delighted with their performances.

Adults had fun with children, plunging into the unique world of magic. The guys shouted: “Christmas tree, burn!” And the Christmas tree, as if hearing this, sparkled with bright lights.

Such a large-scale event, such an amazing holiday took place thanks to the enormous organizational work and material support from the director of the Children's Cultural and Educational Center “Alle zusammen e.V.” Irina Pisarevskaya, as well as the help of all the heads of branches, the teaching staff, parents and, of course, children.

On New Year's Eve, as the chimes strike, people make their wishes. They make wishes and sincerely hope that they will come true in the coming new year.

May we all become happier, kinder and more attentive to the people around us next year, and may the world open new horizons for us! Happy new year friends!

With the work of the Children's Cultural and Educational Center “Alle zusammen e. V.” can be found on the website