Long ago, when I was a teenager, this mystical story my grandmother told me. I was very scared then, although even now, many years later, I remember it with a shudder.

It may seem to some that there is no mysticism here, but I think it could not have happened without it. Grandmother talked about her friend named Nikolai. When he was young, he served in the navy; his unit settled close to a farm where, it must be said, wealthy people lived.

So, something like this happened there creepy story. The daughter of a very rich man decided to marry a young man, handsome guy. They bought everything for the bride - jewelry, shoes, a veil, but the girl could not find a dress for herself. And then in the evening, there’s a knock on the door, and a woman is standing on the threshold. The people, the owners were polite, invited her into the house and asked why she came.

The stranger answered them that she wanted to sell Wedding Dress. It wasn’t enough for her daughter, because the groom bought it without her knowledge, and they wouldn’t take it back. The parents doubted it, but when the woman took the outfit out of her bag, the girl gasped. This is exactly what she dreamed of. The most curious thing is that the price for it was low.

And so, before the wedding, the bride goes to bed, but in the morning they cannot wake her up. The lifeless body was examined by doctors and death was pronounced.

The parents were horrified by grief, the groom looked all “black”, but nothing could be done. The most mysterious thing was that not a single doctor could say what the young girl died from. The family refused to perform an autopsy. And so, instead of a magnificent wedding, tragedy came to the house. On the day of the funeral, they dressed the would-be bride in a wedding dress, the one that was bought from a stranger, and put on all the jewelry, shoes and veil. The girl lay as if alive, and the grief of her parents was impossible to describe in words.

It was decided to place the coffin in which the body rested in the family crypt.

A week has passed since the funeral. Nikolai, who served in the navy and was located near the farm, was given leave. He knew about the story that had happened, and so the idea crept into the minds of him and his colleagues, who went on leave with him, to exploit the contents of the crypt and remove expensive jewelry from the deceased. We thought and went. One was left at the entrance, the rest went inside. They opened the lid of the coffin - the bride lay as if alive. They began to take off the jewelry, and the girl suddenly opened her eyes and put her arm around one of the robbers. The men screamed and were overcome with animal horror, so much so that they were rooted to the spot.

And the girl got out of her crypt and went home. Everyone who saw her fell into a stupor - a deceased woman was walking through the farm. Everything turned out to be very simple, on the night before the wedding, the young lady fell into a lethargic sleep, and in this state it was very difficult to feel the pulse and the heartbeat too.

The story is very strange, because the dress that the strange woman sold turned out to be her deceased daughter. The girl did not live to see her wedding; she was fished out of the river.

I recently heard one story, it is, of course, not, but also quite creepy. Therefore, I will submit it to your judgment, you decide whether you like it or not.

It happens that a person is completely unlucky in his personal life, no matter what he does. So over one girl hung such a crown of celibacy. Some, after unsuccessful attempts, give up on everything and spend the rest of their lives alone, but not her. This girl had the biggest dream in the world - to get married. Whatever she did. But, as they say, it’s not fate.

The strangest thing is: she’s smart and beautiful, but has no life. But this is not enough. At thirty-five, she was diagnosed with a malignant tumor, two operations were performed, they thought it had turned out okay, but no, metastases began, and accordingly, everything became clear. Before her death, she lamented most of all that she was never married and was not needed by anyone. It was already not easy for the mother, but these words simply made her heart bleed. She and her husband have been almost in perfect harmony for forty years.

Ultimately, the girl died. They buried her, held a service in the church, and held a wake. Only nine days have not passed, her mother dreams of her - she is cheerful, beautiful, all glowing, laughing constantly. And this is the conversation they have.

- How are you, baby?

- Okay, mommy. I got married.

- For whom? - the old woman is surprised.

- Yes, there is one guy here, good, kind.

- Well, you have to.

- Do you want me to show it to you?

- Yes, of course, go ahead.

- Tomorrow at twelve, go to the beginning of the street, the house with a blue roof near the store, and you will see him there.

And that’s it, the old lady woke up. He sits and cannot understand whether he dreamed the truth or a lie. It seems like she’s my daughter, she’s still standing before my eyes, but it’s all strange. This can't be true. She suffered all night, she overcame her husband, and he said: “If you want, go, it won’t hurt. So at least you’ll calm down.”

At the appointed hour, the grandmother stands near that very house. He hesitates, doesn’t know how to enter, what to say. And all around the people there was darkness, a little car arrived, and everyone sat down there. More and more silently, if only they exchange a few words. When I saw the women in black headscarves, I understood everything about the groom. And indeed, soon a zinc coffin was taken out of the house - there was a boy in it, about eighteen years old, thin, pale.

Mother hung around a little more and found out that they had recently been sent from the army - an accident during a training exercise. Someone shot by mistake with one of their own, but hit an artery and was never saved. The parents receive a letter of reply on a piece of paper, and the load is 200, and her dead daughter has a fiance. Here's the story.

The legend of the Dead Bride, or the Ghost Wedding at Windeck Castle, is closely connected with the history of the Baden region, a vast region of which Baden-Baden is the center. Around Baden-Baden there is a so-called “Nature Trail” (Naturpfad) - a tourist route about 40 km long.You can read about traveling along this trail in cycle "Panoramic road around Baden-Baden" , consisting of five parts.This is truly a real “fairy tale road”. It passes through four ancient knightly castles, a medieval monastery, through gorges and hills, past waterfalls and even Celtic sanctuaries. This entire area bears echoes of traditions, legends, and fairy tales that have come to us from ancient times. Even the art of music remained partial to these places. In Carl Maria von Weber's romantic opera "Freeshot" the action takes place in the Wolf Gorge near Baden-Baden. The legend about the Pulpit of the Angel and the Pulpit of the Devil is associated with the same gorge, which can be read. Not far from the “Nature Trail” there are also the ruins of Windeck Castle with its legend about the Dead Bride, a scene from which we can see on one of the frescoes of the Drinking Pavilion (Trinkhalle) Baden-Baden.
Alexandre Dumas the Father, who made a long journey along the Rhine in 1838, did not ignore this legend either. Later, he included it in his brilliant adaptation in the novel “Otho the Archer,” a fragment from which is given below.


Black Forest
From the series "Legends of Baden-Baden"

Neu-Windeck Castle has been abandoned for many centuries. No one lives in it, because it is dark and creepy there, and people from neighboring villages, who accidentally ended up in these places, swore that they saw and heard something there that did not belong to the world of the living...

One day, the young knight Kurt von Stein found himself far from home. He was driving at night through the forest. The places were unfamiliar to him, and the night turned out to be stormy: it was raining heavily and a stormy wind was blowing. Suddenly he heard midnight strike somewhere and saw in front of him a castle surrounded by a wall with high battlements. He galloped towards it, trying to hide there from the thunderstorm.

Dedicated to the “night directors”, each of whom at least once flinched from the sharp slam of a door in a closed building, abandoned by people at night.

In the dark,
The shapes melt into the darkness.
I'm looking for lips with my lips,
I just understand that they are not the same...
(“In the Dark”, gr. “My Leg Sick”)

The tractor bucket trembled for the last time and froze, carrying away a layer of dug up earth. And immediately the workers, who had been standing so calmly and watching the digging process, began to make noise and talk excitedly. Something caught their attention there, at the bottom of the newly dug hole.
I threw away the cigarette and also climbed forward. I saw some bones that clearly belonged to a person, surrounded by half-decayed rags and shards. But before the work had time to slow down, an angry shout was heard from behind them:
- So, why did you stop? Who allowed it?!
Oral Pyotr Belsky, our chief engineer. His eternally red, weather-beaten face with small, fat-swollen, piggy eyes expressed an extreme degree of displeasure. And the stiff brush of mustache under his nose (I also call such a mustache a “driver’s mustache”) bristled indignantly.
- Pyotr Stepanych, there are someone’s remains there! - someone timidly objected. I think Boris is our mechanic. The engineer carefully walked closer to the edge of the pit, looked into it and grimaced contemptuously:
“I knew it, these weren’t remains.” Just old bones! The horse must have died...
- But, Pyotr Stepanych, look, the skull looks like a human one. - the mechanic did not let up. - Yes, and these rags...
- And I’m telling you - horsey! - the chief engineer stubbornly yelled, pointing his finger towards the pit. - Why, I can’t tell a horse from a person, or what?...
- Suddenly a grave, you never know?...
- Women's beliefs. - he waved it off. And he yelled, turning to the workers. - They wanted to stay without a bonus, parasites?! Should I tell the director that the entire office has to sit without water for the second day because you were afraid of some bones there?
- In short, lay the pipes, throw away the bones! - he commanded. And without waiting for an answer, he walked away.
“This is not Christian…” muttered someone’s voice in the crowd.
- Yeah, now expect trouble! - the other one sadly agreed with him.
However, there were no brave souls to argue with the bossy tyrant. People sadly reached out to carry out the given orders. Everyone knew what kind of hand the engineer had. And the character is even harder. It will rot and not choke...
...I'm a security guard, and my name is Maxim. I am 22 years old and I work in a company engaged in laying communications. And, like that same decent shoemaker from the proverb, two days ago our company was left “without boots.” That is, without running water. Old pipes laid underground had leaked somewhere and now a muddy brown slurry was flowing from the tap instead of water. Naturally, all this did not arouse enthusiasm among the authorities at all, and therefore it was decided to find and eliminate the place of the rupture. So it turned out that today we had to dig a hole with a tractor. And at the bottom there was an unexpected surprise in the form of bones...

The workers fiddled around for half a day, but did everything as needed - they removed the old pipe, pitted and pockmarked with rust, and laid a new one, sparkling blue. They were just afraid to do anything with the bones, so they left everything as it was. Reasonably reasoning that it is unlikely that their stay there could seriously harm anything.
Evening has come. There was no time left to dig the hole, so it was decided to postpone this task to the next day. At five o’clock, as expected, the workers began to go home, and by six the last people left the “office” building. But not the director. He worked late and only at the beginning of eight o'clock his Toyota started the engine and, with its headlights flashing, drove out of the gate.
Having closed them, I thought, looking at the yard. Usually the departure of the authorities meant the happiest moment. This was a certain milestone, after which you can allow yourself to relax somewhat and feel like the owner of all the property entrusted to your care. However, today was not the case. There was some kind of anxiety in the air. The yard seemed deserted, as if the people from it had not gone home until morning, but had fled, sensing the onset of a thunderstorm or great trouble. Having sadly spent the last ray of the setting sun, I pulled on my uniform cap and moved around.
...Our enterprise is very small, and therefore the buildings that are included in it are also few. An administrative building on two floors, a security guard near the gate intended for the passage of guests and cars, several heated garages where a shed is arranged for workers and equipment is stored. The courtyard was a square area twenty meters across, rolled into asphalt, at the far end of which there was a warehouse in the form of a hangar. That's all the farming...
I also have too many responsibilities in it: to ensure that after the management leaves, all the offices in the administrative building are closed, the lights are not on, and the windows on the windows (in case of sudden rain) are also tightly closed. For these purposes, the security was given keys to all the offices, a bunch of which were now weighing down my jacket pocket.
Having walked around the first floor, I concluded that everything was in perfect order. Then he went up the stairs to another and entered a corridor, along which there were closed office doors on both sides. And he immediately discovered that the first door on the left was slightly open. There was a toilet there.
Approaching it, I closed it and moved on, thinking about my own thoughts. But he didn’t have time to take a few steps when he heard a sharp bang and, following it, the creak of the door opening. Looking back, I saw that the door to the toilet was open again. Feeling a slight chill run down my spine, I walked up to it and looked inside.
White walls, mirrors that reflected my face. Peace and order reigned there. Snorting at my own fright, I closed the door. But to prevent this from happening again, this time he locked it with a key. As they say, out of harm's way. He put the bundle back in his pocket and left, whistling.
During my rounds, I didn’t notice anything else remarkable, and therefore, with a calm soul, I went to the guardhouse, where I turned on the TV. In fact, once every two hours I was supposed to go outside and walk around the asphalt patch of the yard. But today the football team I was rooting for had an important match ahead of them, so I decided that it would be okay if I missed a couple of them and did not interrupt the enjoyment of the match. Moreover, given my salary, this should have been fair.
The match turned out to be extremely lousy, to say the least. The football players kicked the ball around the field with the speed of wounded turtles and, it seemed, with their own enthusiasm. I had to get up early for work today, and quite a lot of time had passed since the morning. So it’s not surprising that my head was leaning more and more often on my chest, and my mouth was opening in an energetic yawn. Finally, sleep completely overcame me...
I don’t know how long I slept, but the howling coming from outside woke me up. In the yard, someone was howling protractedly, and so sadly, as if this living creature was on its deathbed. There was a hiss coming from the TV: the programs had long ended and gray bars of interference were crawling across the screen. Cursing, I pulled the plug out of the socket, put a cigarette in my teeth and went outside to look at the source of the sound.
Night fell, but the full moon that had rolled into the sky was blocked by clouds, giving very little light. On the asphalt patch of the courtyard stood Laima, our dog, a cross between a shepherd and a greyhound. While still small, she clung to us and the workers (and security) fed her out of pity. Only the chief engineer disliked her. He literally hated dogs, as well as other living creatures. He has already called shooting specialists several times. But every time the workers hid Laima and the “execution team” had to leave with nothing.
And now the dog stood two steps away from me and howled in the twilight, addressing the administrative building. A terrible, dying howl.
- Laima, what are you doing? - I called out to her. She looked back at me. The animal's eyes were wide and her body was shaking. Without taking her eyes off me, she raised her head to the heavens and howled even more desperately, even more furiously.
- Why are you fooling around? Well, get out of here! - I hissed at her, fearing that the residents of the surrounding houses might hear this howl and begin to complain to the chief engineer the next morning. Lima looked at me again, this time, it seemed to me, with a reproachful look. And then she crawled under the gate and ran down the street, without stopping the “concert.”
- What a fool! - I thought, looking at the dog with a dissatisfied look. Then he lit a cigarette forgotten in his teeth and, blowing out the smoke, tried to relax. It’s strange, my nerves were stretched like strings.
And then I forgot about everything. Because I saw something more remarkable. Namely: there was a light on in the window of the director’s office on the second floor. It looked very distinct against the background of the dark building. When leaving, the owner of the office must have forgotten to turn off the lamps, but I did not notice this during my evening rounds.
Cursing my own sloppiness and remembering the sayings about a bad head that gives no rest to my legs, I went to the gatehouse to get the keys and a powerful flashlight...
The administrative building greeted me with silence and darkness. I climbed the stairs to the second floor and walked down a long corridor, hearing the echo of the soles of my own shoes reflecting off the concrete slabs of the floor, ceiling and walls. The pale circle of the lantern seemed helpless and pitiful to me in this Kingdom of Darkness...
And here is the director's door. Strangely, no light came out from under it, which, of course, could be expected if it had actually remained on. I jingled a bunch of keys and found the one I needed. But he immediately stopped, wondering: what if the light was on for a reason and then disappeared? What if thieves took advantage of my temporary lapse in vigilance and broke into the building? And, hearing footsteps, they sat down in the office, waiting for me to open the door a crack so they could rush in with a knife at the ready?
My throat was dry and my palms were sweaty. And now what i can do? To call the police? What if there is no one there? And I just imagined the light? And then I’ll spend half the night listening to obscene language and anecdotes about overly vigilant and nervous guards who harass law enforcement officers for any reason?
"Come what may", I decided and, exhaling, inserted the key into the keyhole. Then he turned it and opened the door, pulling it sharply towards himself. And immediately he jumped back as quickly as possible, pouring the flashlight beam into the space in front of him, holding it out like Han Solo was a blaster emitter.
But my precautions were in vain. The room was empty. The flashlight beam picked out a polished table, a tub with a palm tree standing next to it, and a monitor screen that was also not turned on. Having shone the light, cautiously, on both sides of the door and making sure that it was also empty, I entered the office and walked around it. The windows were intact and closed, all things were in their places. The clock ticked rhythmically above the table. I didn't notice any disorder.
I chuckled and looked around the room again. Then he went out into the corridor and, having locked the door, went back out into the street, not forgetting to curse himself along the way with the very last words.
“But I wanted to call the police, you idiot!- I turned to myself. - Well, how would I explain all this to them...” At this time, I went out into the asphalt courtyard and, turning towards the building, put a cigarette in my teeth, intending to light it. However, the cigarette he put in his mouth flew out from what he saw. The lights were on again in the second floor windows! And, this time, not in one, but in several at once! This time I didn’t wait long, but immediately rushed back, overwhelmed by a feeling of noble indignation towards those who had made such fun of me. Well, I'll show them! All thoughts of my previous desire to call the police completely flew out of my head. The same thought kept beating: If only I could make it in time, if only I could make it in time! They'll dance with me!...
This time I did not hide my presence. On the contrary, as soon as I found myself on the second floor, I immediately turned on the light in the corridor. But before I could take even a few steps forward, a heavy knock was heard behind me. I looked back. The corridor was separated from the landing by a massive door. And now it closed with a dull sound, thus separating and locking me inside the corridor. Frowning, I walked back to her, but suddenly the light in the corridor went out. It blinked, turned on again, and then turned off completely. And then laughter rang out in the silence. Quiet, quiet, it was as if he was mocking me.
“What the...” I drawled. - Who is there?
My own voice seemed thinner than a mosquito squeak and I cleared my throat. Shining the light to my right, I saw a handle protruding from the surface of the door. Suddenly it began to twitch, as if someone from inside was trying to open it. And immediately there was a dull knock, which happens when someone tries to write something on a typewriter. I shone the flashlight beam forward and even greater shock attacked me. The handles of all the doors in the corridor were now twitching, as if someone was trying to open them from the inside.
Really scared, I rushed to the closed door leading to the landing. But she was locked and did not give in to my efforts, no matter how hard I pounded into her. As if in response to my futile attempts to open it, laughter was heard again. I looked back. The lantern in my hand trembled noticeably and in its uneven beam I saw the corridor. He was quiet and calm again. The door handles froze.
Taking a few hesitant steps forward, I decided it was time to get out of here. Since it was no longer possible to get to the stairs the same way, I decided to enter the first office I came across. I took out the keys, but my hands were shaking so much that I dropped them, picked them up, went through them, looking for the right one, inserted them, turned them, opened the door...
They were there. There were three of them. These were skeletons in helmets. Their transparent, half-decayed flesh hung in rags and glowed in the darkness of the night. The chest was covered with old, decayed overalls, through the holes in which bare bones could be seen. They sat at the table, illuminated by the moonbeam, and played cards. When they saw me, they threw them on the table, turned their heads, grinning with rows of long white fangs. And then they suddenly stood up and, with a dissatisfied hiss, rushed towards the door.
But I was quicker. I slammed the door in their faces, turned the key and ran down the corridor. The door I closed shook as if something heavy was pushing into it. Then there was a knock and again a tugging of the handle.
At the end of the corridor there was a window. Confused, I decided to climb out through it. But when I looked into it and saw what was waiting for me below, this desire disappeared.
They stood on the asphalt of the yard and waited for me. There were at least several dozen of them. Skeletons, like the ones I saw in the office. At the sight of my pale face peeking out from the second floor, they began to whistle, hoot, and wave their arms in greeting. Full moon finally came out from behind the clouds and flooded the yard, making it possible to clearly see this terrifying sight.
I looked around the remaining corridor again. Yes, it was undoubtedly scary here, but not as scary as outside. Feeling like a grain caught between a rock and a hard place, I couldn’t think of anything better than staying put for now. And, grouped near the window, watch the ghosts. Moreover, the spirits that were in the building seemed unable to get through the closed door.
Meanwhile, events on the street were gaining momentum. There was a sound in the air. It was like a groan or a grinding sound with which air escapes from a grave that has been clogged for a long time and then opened. A cloud floated from the direction of the hole dug during the day. It spread along the ground and resembled fog. At the sight of him, the ghosts burst into a roar of welcome and stepped aside to let him through.
The cloud stopped in the center of the crowd and the Bride came out of it. Transparent White dress flowed through her body. The head was decorated with a wreath of withered roses. Dark hair escaped from under the cape, spilling over the shoulders in waves. And the face... the face of this Bride was the face of a skeleton that had lain in a grave for decades. The bare skull grinned with bare teeth from under empty eye sockets.
The Lady looked around. And immediately the spirits standing around pointed her to... me. They stretched out their hands and clearly pointed towards the window behind which I was hiding, neither alive nor dead from this sight. The Dead Bride raised her head... And I immediately crouched down so as not to catch her eye. For some reason this seemed important to me. An imperative shout was heard from the street.
There was silence for a minute. And then...
Ghosts began to appear in the corridor. They floated straight out of doors or walls. Apparently, the order given by the Bride gave them a free hand. Unless they were playing an incomprehensible game with me from the very beginning. Moreover, they clearly came here for my soul...
It became dangerous to be further down the corridor. Oh no! I won't give up that easily! I lowered the latch that locked the window sashes and opened them. There was no one below - not a crowd of ghosts, not even the scary Lady, their leader. Seeing a cornice running along the wall just below the window, I climbed out onto it, feeling the fresh night breeze blowing across my neck and took a couple of steps, stepping with my heels and holding onto all possible ledges with my fingers. At that moment, I was overcome with such a strong desire to get away that I didn’t even pay attention to the height at which I was.
This is the corner of the building. I stood up, pressed my back against him and looked around the entire yard, along with its buildings. And in the sky... A light streak grew on the horizon. The sun was rising! Never before have I been so happy about a short summer nights and was ready to kiss the one who invented them. I was sure that the sun's rays would disperse the gathered evil spirits. And he must have been right in his guess, because at that moment all the spirits in the building began to howl loudly.
"Howl, howl, wolves,- I thought maliciously. - a couple more minutes and you'll be out of luck!...
I already thought that I had managed to get out of the prepared trap. But then suddenly she rose from below. A huge figure flew up right in front of me, the dead face of the creepy Bride was close to mine. Empty eye sockets blazed with yellow fire from under the forehead bones. I heard the ghost laugh triumphantly.
- No no! - I screamed in horror, already understanding what she was going to do next. But the Bride grabbed me by the jacket on my chest with her bony fingers and pulled me forward. My legs could not stand it and slipped off the ledge. We flew down. I was able to see a black funnel leading into the bowels of the earth and the fire of an underground flame bursting out. And what I was and what everything was ceased to be...

The next day, the local newspaper, in the section on incidents, published the following article: “A strange incident occurred yesterday on the outskirts of our city. All night, according to the testimony of residents of the surrounding houses, some kind of devilry was going on in the territory belonging to a communications laying company. there was howling, knocking, hooting and laughing there. It got to the point that the frightened townspeople began to imagine some luminous figures, like ghosts, flying around the buildings, and one of them especially stood out because it wore a white dress and looked like one. The bride.
Many old-timers probably remember this legend, which tells about the Mordovian tribe that once lived in these places. And which later, during the time of the universal propagation of the Christian faith, was allegedly almost completely destroyed. This was especially true for men who did not want to recognize the new gods and were considered breeders of heresy. Almost all of them were killed.
Among the dead was the fiance of the girl about whom the legend was written. Not a simple Mordvinian, but a daughter of a larger family, she could not withstand the grief that fell on her overnight, and fell ill. Later, her relatives buried her with all due honors. However, many said that before her death, the girl cursed everyone who had anything to do with the murder of her fiancé and promised that, despite their efforts, she would not be left alone.
So now, if someone disturbs the ashes of this very Bride, she will go wandering around in search of her future husband. And if she meets a living person, she will take him with her to the grave. However, if one is not found on her way, then at dawn, with the roosters crowing, she will disappear...
Fairy tale or not, one person really disappeared after that night. It turned out to be Maxim Romanov, a security guard of the very company on whose territory residents observed the frightening phenomena that we wrote about above. The things belonging to the guard remained in place, but he himself seemed to have fallen through the ground. Chief engineer of the enterprise, P.S. Belsky put it this way regarding the disappearance:
- What will you take from them? They only know how to drink and sleep. Surely he rushed to Moscow to earn money or started drinking prematurely. He'll show up soon, you'll see!
The investigation into the disappearance case is leaning towards the same version. However, we leave the final solution to this mysterious story to the judgment of our readers...”

  • Allison Abbate[d]
  • Joe Ranft
  • written by Tim Burton, Carlons Grangel, John August, Caroline Thomson, Pamela Pettler The roles were voiced Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Emily Watson, Albert Finney, Joanna Lumley, Christopher Lee Composer Danny Elfman Animators Nelson Lowry Operator
    • Pete Kozachik[d]
    Studio Tim Burton Animation Co.
    Laika Entertainment
    Warner Brothers
    A country USA, Great Britain Distributor Warner Brothers Language English Duration 75 min. Premiere 2005 Budget 40 000 000 $ Fees 117 195 061 $ IMDb ID 0121164 Rotten Tomatoes Official site Media files on Wikimedia Commons

    "Corpse Bride"(eng. Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, literally "Corpse Bride" by Tim Burton) is a 2005 Tim Burton cartoon. Nominated for “Oscar 2006” in the category “Best Animated Feature Film”. Takes 5th place in the list of the highest-grossing puppet cartoons. One of Burton's first films, released on Blu-Ray and HD DVD. US premiere: September 16, 2005. Russian premiere - January 26, 2006 by the distributor "Karo-Premier".

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      ✪ The terrible truth about the corpse of the bride! | Corpse Bride [Film Theories]

      ✪ CORPSE BRIDE|Review

      ✪ m/f Corpse Bride - Wedding HD



    The beginning

    The cartoon takes place in the European province of the Victorian era. Young Victor and Victoria, who have not even seen each other, are going to get married. Victor's family - wealthy fish traders Van Dorts - want to join the aristocratic (but impoverished) family of the Everglots, Victoria's parents.

    Having met each other, Victor and Victoria realize that they are made for each other. However, at the wedding rehearsal, Victor gets worried, confuses his words and runs away from the ferocious pastor into the nearby forest to calm down and at the same time learn his marriage vows. There he finally manages to utter a ceremonial phrase and even put a ring on a twig that came to hand. However, the twig turns out to be the finger of a dead bride, who awakens from her afterlife sleep and drags the newly-minted groom into the kingdom of the dead...


    Victor finds himself in the world of the dead. Oddly enough, this world in the film is much more fun, colorful and cheerful than the world of the living. There, Victor learns the story of the Corpse Bride, Emily, a local heroine, who is told to him in a bar by skeletons from the local jazz orchestra. A once visiting charming aristocrat seduced her and persuaded her to run away with him, but then killed her and took the family jewelry. Waking up and realizing that she was dead, Emily swore that she would wait for true love - and then Victor appeared, uttered the words of the wedding vow and put the ring on her finger. Victor, realizing that he turned out to be the husband of a deceased woman, is horrified. In despair, he leaves and wanders around the world of the dead for some time until he again encounters Emily, who gives him a wedding gift. This gift turns out to be Victor's late dog, Scrabs (Stub), which he had as a child. He decides to use a trick and, in order to get out, he invites Emily to ascend to the world of the living under the pretext that he should introduce her to his parents. Elder Gutknecht helps the “newlyweds” with this intention.

    Once upstairs, Victor leaves Emily to wait for him in the forest, but goes not to his parents, but to his fiancée, Victoria. In response to her questions about where he disappeared, he tells her a story that happened to him in the forest. After some time, Emily, unable to bear it anymore, follows him and finds the two lovers together. Angry, she again drags Victor into the world of the dead.

    Victor tries to explain to Emily that their "wedding" was a mistake. Emily leaves in tears. Meanwhile, the Van Dorts' coachman, Mayhew, unexpectedly dies, and, once in the underworld, he tells Victor the disappointing news from above: her parents are marrying Victoria to the unexpectedly appearing Lord Barkis, who managed to make a good impression on them. Victor suddenly understands how Emily must feel and takes a liking to her. Soon he overhears Emily's conversation with the elder. It turns out that the wedding of Victor and Emily was invalid: after all, vows of marriage are taken only until death separates those entering into marriage. In order to make the marriage real, Victor must repeat the words of the oath above, in the world of the living, and drink poison. Emily is horrified: she could never ask Victor for this. But Victor, who entered, agrees to this. The whole world of the dead is busy preparing the wedding, an event that is more interesting because it will take place above. Meanwhile, Lord Barkis plans to take Victoria's dowry and run away, but finds out that the Everglots are penniless. Victoria leaves the enraged Barkis and goes to the church to follow the procession. All the townspeople, living and dead, gather in the church. Victor pronounces the words of the oath. But Emily, seeing Victoria enter the church, suddenly realizes that she is trying to make her own happiness out of someone else’s grief. She prevents Victor from drinking the poison and connects his hand with Victoria's hand.

    At this time, Lord Barkis appears in the church. He reminds her that Victoria is still his fiancée and tries to take her away by force. At this time, Emily recognizes him: after all, this is the same aristocrat who robbed and killed her: “You! - Emily? - You! - But we broke up... - Killer! Victor comes to Victoria's defense; After a short fight, Emily, who has taken possession of the weapon, orders Barkis to get out. All the dead are eager to tear the murderer to pieces, but Elder Gutknecht does not allow them to do this, since “above” they must obey the rules of the living. Before leaving, Lord Barkis makes a mocking toast in honor of Emily, “A toast to Emily - always the bride, never the wife!”, and drinks poison, which he mistook for wine. The dead surround Barkis, who is now a dead man, and drag him into their world for trial.

    Meanwhile, Emily explains that Victor freed her and she is now releasing him from his vow. Emily leaves the church and throws her wedding bouquet. Smiling goodbye, and with a sigh of relief, moonlight she turns into a flock of moths. Victor and Victoria leave the church and, hugging each other, watch the butterflies fly away into the distance.


    Van Dort family

    Victor Van Dort

    Victoria's fiancé, son of wealthy fish merchants. A timid, handsome young man who can play the piano. During the rehearsal of the wedding ceremony, out of excitement, he forgot the words of the oath and made a big mess in the bride’s house, including accidentally setting fire to the dress of his future mother-in-law. In the forest, having pronounced the oath in full, Victor awakens to life Emily, the bride who died in this place many years ago. But Victor Van Dort cannot act as a groom because he loves Victoria.

    Nell Van Dort

    A woman of incredible proportions. Wife of William Van Dort and mother of Victor. Together with her husband, she dreams of marrying her son as quickly and more profitably as possible. It was about people like her that the famous play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility” was written.

    William Van Dort

    Nell Van Dort's husband and Victor's father. The owner of a large fish trading enterprise who quickly became rich. He also quickly tries to become a nobleman through his son’s marriage. An observant person, but henpecked, although smarter than his wife.

    Everglot Family

    Victoria Everglot

    A young pretty girl, the betrothed of Victor Van Dort. Victoria doesn't play the piano because her mother thinks music is "too passionate" for a young lady. Falls in love with Victor at first sight. When Victor was kidnapped by her dead fiancée Emily before her eyes, she tried to convince her parents of this and help him, but all she achieved was that they considered her crazy and locked her in her own room (Pastor Goldswells also didn’t believe it when she asked him help). Due to the fact that Victor disappears just before the wedding, her parents force her to agree to marry the fortunate Lord Barkis Bitterne. However, she subsequently exposes his nefarious plans and runs away from him, ending up at the wedding of Victor and Emily, where the latter notices her and understands that Victor and Victoria love each other and abandons him for the sake of their happiness. At the end he is reunited with Victor.

    Finis Everglot

    Madeleine's husband and chief representative noble family of Everglots. Unfortunately, his condition is rapidly approaching zero. And Finis Everglot is forced to marry off his only daughter, in his opinion, with the face of a ferret (in the original - “otter in disgrace”), to a representative of the new bourgeoisie - Victor Van Dort.

    Madeline Everglot

    The wife of Finis Everglot, a stern lady who fully supports her barrel-shaped husband. She is also dissatisfied with the current choice - a debt trap or her daughter’s marriage to a tradesman. Subsequently, Lord Barkis, having gained the trust of Lady Everglot, offers himself as Victoria’s groom, to which Madeleine happily agrees.

    Hildegard Schmidt

    She lives in the Everglots' house as a nanny, companion and maid to Victoria, she is very kind and painfully perceives Victoria's misfortune, and tries to support her.

    Other main characters


    The bride from the world of the dead and the main character of the work. Attractive and despite the fact that she was killed, a gentle, vulnerable, charming girl. She was deceived, robbed and killed by Lord Barkis, after which Emily swore an oath that she would not be free until she met true love. Subsequently, she awakens from Victor's vow, and, deciding that he is her husband, drags him with her into the world of the dead, but later finds out that her marriage to him is just a misunderstanding, but nevertheless Victor decides to marry her, thereby fulfilling his promise to her. However, she realizes that Victor loves another girl, and when Victor frees her from her vow, she decides to free him too, and thereby allow him to be reunited with Victoria, with whom he was in love. At the end of the film, Emily turns into a flock of butterflies.


    A one-eyed skeleton with bad boy manners and charm. Jazz lover. Chansonier of the Kneecap Tavern. It is he who tells the story of Emily to Victor, who finds himself in the World of the Dead. The Russian translation does not indicate the exact name of Boneshacker. Why are there different variations of his name, for example, Bone Ratterer, etc.

    Barkis Bittern

    Visiting lord. Under the guise of a relative of the Everglot family, he gets to the wedding rehearsal of Victor and Victoria. And as a result, in the hope of getting the Everglots’ wealth, he becomes Victoria’s husband. However, later unpleasant moments in Bittern’s biography emerge. It turns out that it was he who killed and robbed Emily. At the end of the film he dies after accidentally drinking poisoned wine.


    • Pastor Gollswells- city priest. Strict, demanding and ruthless. Performs the duties that a city priest is supposed to perform. Takes Victoria for crazy when she tells him that Victor married the corpse of the bride, and subsequently marries her and Lord Barkis.
    • Elder Gutknecht- an old skeleton, holder of a library of magical books of the World of the Dead. Raises crows. Performs the same duties in the World of the Dead as Pastor Goldswells does in the world of the living.
    • Mayhew- coachman of the Van Dort family. Subsequently dies from an incessant cough (which makes Mrs. Van Dort so nervous) and with latest news from the world of the living enters the World of the Dead.
    • Worm- a maggot (“corpse worm”) living in Emily’s head. From time to time it plays the role of conscience and inner voice. Lisps.
    • Black Widow- spider, friend of the Bride and the Worm. In Burton's sketches for the cartoon, there are scenes that hint at mutual feelings between the Worm and the Widow.
    • Paul - Head of Waiters- chief waiter of the establishment "Ball-shaped joint" ("Kneecap"). A Frenchman whose head was cut off at the guillotine - that's why only Paul's head remained. It moves in space with the help of cockroaches, carrying it on their backs.
    • Emil- butler of the Everglot family. Very elegant and refined in manners. He has a long, sharp, eagle-like nose and a large mustache. At the end of the film, when a crowd of dead people breaks into the Everglot estate, he abandons his master Finis Everglot to the mercy of fate and runs away.
    • Grandfather of Finis Everglot- An ancestor of the bankrupt Lord Everglot. His portrait hangs in the main hall of the Finis estate. He appears at the end of the film in the guise of a living dead man who asked his grandson where he kept his alcohol, thereby greatly frightening him and Madeleine. Judging by the portrait, during his life, Everglot’s grandfather looked no different from Finis and was (like all his ancestors) the same barrel-shaped fat man.

    The roles were voiced

    Character English voice Spanish voice Italian voice German voice Japanese voice Russian dubbing
    Victor Van Dort Johnny Depp Roher Pera Fabio Boccanera David Nathan Kiuchi Hidenobu Ilya Bledny
    Emily, Dead Bride Helena Bonham Carter Mar Roca Claudia Razzi Heidrun Batholomois Kaori Yamagata Zhanna Nikonova
    Olga Golovanova (vocals)
    Victoria Everglot Emily Watson Graciela Molina Francesca Fiorentini Melanie Pucasse Sayaka Kobayashi Larisa Nekipelova
    Finis Everglot Albert Finney Jordi Vila Norman Mozzato Jurgen Klückert Such a Khasi Alexey Kolgan
    Madeline Everglot Joanna Lumley Aurora Garcia Aurora Kanchan Kerstin Sanders-Dornseife Tomoko Miyadera Lika Rulla
    Nell Van Dort Tracey Ullman Concha Garcia Valero Lorenza Biella Dagmar Biner Ai Sato Lyudmila Gnilova
    William Van Dort Paul Whitehouse Javier Viñas Renato Cortesi Bodo Wolf Katsumi Suzuki