How to remove putty from clothes is a question that often arises for students.

A line corrector is a special tool that allows you to correct errors in written text. This tool is very popular among students. Very often there are situations when a bottle of correction fluid tips over onto clothing as a result of careless movement. You can also get dirty with a dry concealer in the form of a tape. Students and pupils using corrector should remember that the stain formed after liquid gets on clothes can be cleaned.

Students and pupils using corrector should remember that the stain formed after liquid gets on clothes can be cleaned

Therefore, those people who actively use this product should know how to remove paper putty from clothes.

To decide how to remove corrector putty from clothes, and at what point it is best to clean it, you need to know the types of correctors that exist and what type of corrector was used to stain the clothes.

Know the type office putty necessary in order to determine exactly how to remove corrector putty from clothes

On a note! You need to know the type of office putty in order to determine exactly how to remove the corrector putty from clothes.

Before deciding on the answer to how to remove putty from clothes, you need to study the types of existing putty compositions. Today, there are the following types of corrector compositions, differing in the base.

Before deciding on the answer to how to remove putty from clothes, you need to study the types of existing putty compositions

The putty base can be:

  • one;
  • alcoholic;
  • emulsion.

The easiest way to remove a stain that has formed on a thing after it has been exposed to a water-based composition, and the most difficult is to remove a stain formed from an emulsion composition.

To simplify the work with correction fluids, corrector pens are currently manufactured. These pens are most often refilled with alcohol- and emulsion-based liquids. The operating principle of such a device is similar to that used in a regular pen. When you press on the tip, some space is released in it, into which the correction fluid flows.

The likelihood of contamination is minimized; it occurs only if mechanical destruction of the corrector housing occurs

The likelihood of contamination is minimized; it occurs only if mechanical destruction of the corrector body occurs. Mechanical destruction of a correction pen can occur, for example, when a schoolchild rides a backpack down a snow slide.

Removing water-based corrective putty

Water-based correction fluid is removed from the surface of clothing much more easily compared to other compositions. It is recommended to purchase such correctors for schoolchildren. Before purchasing a device, you should study in detail the composition of the liquid being filled into it. Very often, mothers of schoolchildren wonder how to wash off the putty on water based from clothes. The water-based corrector putty can be easily removed with laundry soap and then washed.

Laundry soap when removing corrective putty

The procedure for removing contamination is as follows:

  1. You should take a piece of laundry soap, wet it and rub the surface of the clothing on the contaminated area, after moistening it with water.
  2. After the area has been generously rubbed with soap, it should be left damp for 10-15 minutes. This is necessary so that the components of the laundry soap destroy the components that make up the putty. During this period, the item should not be immersed in water.
  3. After the end of exposure, the contaminated item should be washed in the usual way in the pelvis or washing machine. During the washing process, you should use detergent, which is recommended for use by the clothing manufacturer.

The water-based corrector easily comes off the fabric under the influence of laundry soap.

Washing clothes in a washing machine

Important! When using a bar of soap, rub the contaminated area with care so as not to increase the area of ​​contamination.

Features of the process of cleaning clothes from alcohol-containing putty

Alcohol-based concealer is the second most popular, so many people who use this device are concerned about how to remove alcohol-based putty from clothes at home.

Alcohol when removing correction putty

A special feature of alcohol-based correction fluid is the presence of an unpleasant odor. It is not recommended to purchase such correctors for schoolchildren, since it is undesirable for the child to inhale the vapors of the correction fluid. In addition, the alcohol composition is much more difficult to remove from the surface of clothing. Most often, this type of composition is purchased by organizations and institutions for office needs. This type of corrector dries much faster when applied to paper compared to a water-based composition.

Nail file when removing corrective putty

When asked whether it is possible to wash alcohol putty from clothes, the answer is yes. But at the same time, a person should stock up on great patience. If liquid gets in contact with clothing, do not rub it until the liquid is completely dry.

After the composition has dried, it should be carefully cleaned using a lady's nail file. This action will prevent the stain from spreading when water or other liquid gets on it.

Cologne when removing correction putty

The next step in cleaning items from contamination is painstaking Homework over the spot.

To further remove dirt, you need to place the item on a hard surface, first covering it with a non-fading rag or towel.

In order not to spoil the fabric around the stain during the process of removing dirt, it should be moistened with clean water, and during the treatment you should grab 1-2 cm of clean fabric around the perimeter from the border of the stain.

After wetting the contaminated area, apply a liquid containing alcohol to the stain. Such liquids can be:

  • alcohol directly;
  • vodka;

  • cologne;
  • eau de toilette, etc.

Treatment of the contaminated area should be carried out from the edge of the contamination to its center. This will prevent contamination from spreading over a large area.

Removing correction composition made on an emulsion basis

If an emulsion-based corrector gets on the fabric of clothing, to remove it, you should use a special chemical composition that is designed specifically for this purpose. An emulsion-based corrector is a paint. Therefore, to remove it, you can use recipes designed for removing emulsion-based paints.

Ammonia when removing the corrective composition

The most in a simple way removing contamination is to use a solution consisting of water and ammonia in a ratio of 2:1. After treating the area of ​​contamination, the stain should be rubbed and after 10-15 minutes, rinse well with water. Afterwards the item should be washed in the usual way using regular washing powder. It should be remembered that during application there is an unpleasant odor of ammonia. However, it should be noted that almost any product for removing such complex pollution has an unpleasant odor.

Acetone for preparing emulsion base

If, nevertheless, it was not possible to remove the contaminant stain from the surface of the clothing using a solution of ammonia, then you will have to use more radical methods. For this purpose, you can use some of the following: household chemicals. The disadvantages of using radical methods are high probability damage to clothes. To avoid this, before using any radical remedy, you should test it on a small area that will not be noticeable when you wear the item.

White spirit for preparing emulsion base

Radical compositions that can be used to remove emulsion-based correction fluid include:

  • acetone;
  • White Spirit;
  • solvents;
  • kerosene and some others.

Since all these chemicals are highly flammable, fire safety rules must be followed when working with them.

A line corrector is a special tool designed to correct errors in text. The line corrector is especially popular among students and students. However, there are often situations when the correction fluid stains clothing or other things. This can happen if you do not completely tighten the cap of the liquid, or if you swipe the bottle off the table with an awkward movement. In addition, you may accidentally get dirty with dry tape corrector. However, the resulting stain on clothing can be washed off.

What to do if a stain from bar-corrector forms on your clothes
  1. Never throw away the corrector. Familiarize yourself with the composition of the correction fluid.
  2. You need to determine what type of barcode corrector it is. A tool for correcting errors in the text can be made on a water, emulsion, or alcohol basis. There are also dry correctors on the market.
  3. Having determined the type of corrector, begin to act immediately. The sooner you start “fighting” the stain, the more effectively you will remove the stain from your clothing.
  4. How you clean your clothes will depend on the type of concealer you use.
Removing stains from clothes depending on the type of barcode corrector
  1. Water based corrector. If you stain your clothes with water-based concealer, consider yourself lucky. This type of correction fluid comes off easily from clothing. You can clean the stain in the usual way: soak the item for a while (20-30 minutes) in cold soapy water, and then wash it in the machine in accordance with the cycle suitable for the fabric. The stain will be removed easily and without difficulty.
  2. Alcohol or emulsion based corrector. You will have to fight with a stain from an alcohol-based corrector. Wait until the concealer dries on your clothes. Try to carefully clean off some of the dried concealer. The remaining contamination must be removed using a cotton swab dipped in cologne, tonic or vodka. After this, wash the item in the machine according to the temperature setting.
  3. Solvent based corrector. The hardest stain to remove is from solvent-based line corrector. To get rid of dirt, you will need a piece of clean cloth; cotton swabs; as well as solvent, white alcohol, nail polish remover (any of the options). Turn the product inside out. Place a clean cloth over the front of the item to protect the item from the solvent. Gently treat the stain with a cotton pad soaked in solvent, moving from the edges of the stain to the center. To avoid unpleasant consequences, test the effect of the solvent on the internal seams of the product. If the item is not deformed and the paint is not washed off, then you can safely start cleaning. When finished, machine wash the item as usual.
    Be careful! If you notice that the use of solvent damages the fabric, do not clean the item yourself. Be sure to go to a dry cleaner. Under no circumstances should you wash your clothes. No dry cleaner will give you a guarantee that the stain from the barcode corrector will be removed after you wash the item. The action of water and powder can lead to the fact that you have to say goodbye to your favorite clothes forever.
  4. Solid line corrector. It is not difficult to remove stains from the corrector tape. Soak the item in cold soapy water for a while (40-60 minutes). Then carefully remove the tape. Wash the item on the delicate cycle in the machine.
Removing stains from barcode corrector on clothing depends on both the type of corrector and the type of fabric. Of all types, stains from water-based barcode corrector and corrector tape are most easily removed. It is most difficult to remove stains from delicate fabrics: velvet, silk, wool. It is better to dry-clean such “delicate” items immediately, in no case without washing them first.

White putty stains on clothes are quite persistent. But there are many traditional methods, allowing you to quickly wipe off a touch from the fabric. You should start removing stains as quickly as possible, since you can cope with old pollution much more difficult. The choice of cleaning method will depend on the material from which the item is made and the composition of the corrector.

You can quickly get rid of putty stains on clothes if you follow certain rules:

  1. Before you begin removing stains, you need to pay attention to the composition of the stroke. Depending on which component is the base, the most suitable one is selected effective method cleaning.
  2. When working with a concealer stain, it is advisable to make blotting movements and wipe the stain from the edges to the center. Otherwise, there is a risk of increasing the area of ​​the stain.
  3. If the putty has been spilled in a thick layer and has had time to dry, then before use special means it is recommended to scrape upper layer corrector with a flat object. For example, a manicure file, a dull knife, a ruler or a soft brush.
  4. Do not wet or wash items that have been touched by the streak in hot water. Heat helps to secure the stroke in the fibers of the fabric.
  5. Clean areas around the contaminated area should be moistened cold water to avoid streaks.
  6. Particular care should be taken when cleaning delicate fabrics. It is not recommended to clean mechanically or using strong detergents.
  7. Before using aggressive substances and solvents, it is necessary to test their effect on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product. For example, on the inside seam from the wrong side.
  8. Products with bleaching properties should not be used to clean colored items, and alcohol-based solutions should not be used on synthetic fabrics.

Corrector composition

Before wiping a stain off your clothes, you should pay attention to its composition. The corrector base can be:

  • water;
  • alcohol;
  • solvent.

A ribbon stroke is also highlighted.

Depending on the type of putty, you can choose gentle or more potent agents.


The easiest corrector to remove is one that is based on water. The water stain can be easily removed if you soak the item before washing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • pour cold water into the washing basin and add soap or washing powder;
  • soak the product stained with water-based putty;
  • leave for 25 - 30 minutes;

Water-based concealer should not be rubbed. This can lead to the contamination only being absorbed deeper into the fabric.


It is somewhat more difficult to remove traces of alcohol-based streaks than from water-based corrector. But the basic rule remains the same - bring out like like. That is, to remove a stain from an alcohol-based corrector, you must use alcohol or alcohol-based solvents.

If the stain has already dried, you can carefully clean off the top layer of the stroke with a blunt flat object.

Mechanical cleaning is contraindicated for delicate fabrics such as wool, silk, velvet.

Then you will need to moisten a cotton pad in pure alcohol, vodka, cologne or other alcohol-containing liquid. However, you cannot use painted alcoholic drinks, for example, cognac. You can also find a product called “Antishtrich” in specialized stores.

Use a moistened cotton pad to blot the stain from the stroke and lightly rub it. After this, wash the item with powder manually or in a machine.

In this way you can get rid of white spots even on black trousers or a jacket.

Solvent based

Most often, solvent-based correctors come in the form of pens or pencils. Stains from such a stroke are considered the most difficult to remove. To get rid of them at home, you must follow the instructions:

  1. For cleaning, you can use acetone, nail polish remover, white spirit, refined gasoline or special stain removers. On very dense fabrics it is possible to use kerosene.
  2. Test the effect of the selected product on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product.
  3. If the stain is dry, you can scrub it with an old toothbrush.
  4. Turn the item inside out and place a piece of fabric under the dirt on the front side.
  5. Soak a cotton pad in the chosen cleaning product and treat the stain, moving from the periphery to the center. If the streak splashes on clothes are very small, then it is better to use a cotton swab.
  6. After the stain disappears, you need to wash the product in soapy water or in a machine with washing powder.

The listed products are quite aggressive and are not suitable for cleaning delicate fabrics.

Therefore, it is recommended to dry clean expensive items made of silk or velvet that are stained with solvent-based touches.


It is easy to remove putty made in the form of a tape.

To do this, you just need to soak the product in cold water with the addition of dishwashing detergent. Wait 30 - 40 minutes and peel off the corrector tape. If you can’t do it manually, you can use an unnecessary toothbrush. Then the item must be washed in the usual way.

Old stains

Fresh stains from a stroke are much easier to remove than old ones. Over time, the corrector forms a hard film on the fabric, which must be treated using special methods.

Before starting cleaning, you can scrub off the top layer of the stroke with a soft brush or blunt object.

Method number 1:

  • moisten a cotton pad with alcohol or cotton swab if the spots are small;
  • treat the contaminated area;
  • leave the item in this state for 10 minutes;
  • if the stain does not come off, then it is worth repeating the procedure;
  • Rinse the product thoroughly and wash with powder.

Method number 2:

  • wet a cotton pad with facial toner;
  • rub the dried stain;
  • repeat the procedure if the contamination has not disappeared;
  • wash the item in the usual way.

This method works well for thin fabric items.

Method number 3:

  • turn a thing inside out;
  • plant cotton fabric from the front side;
  • moisten a cotton pad with acetone and apply to the stain for 10 - 15 minutes;
  • then take a clean disk and moisten it with white spirit;
  • rub the dirt;
  • rinse and wash the item with fabric softener to get rid of specific odors from cleaning products.

Knowing how to get rid of stubborn white stains on clothes, you can save valuable time and have time to save your favorite wardrobe item.

The proofreader has long been adopted by office workers, schoolchildren and students, and people who constantly work with documentation. A slight swipe of the brush and the error disappears. The main thing is that your hands do not shake and no one distracts you, otherwise the magic remedy will spread as an ugly white spot on your favorite blouse or skirt.

Don't panic

Fresh traces of a stroke are immediately wiped off with a dry or damp cloth. Move from the edges to the center, and not vice versa, so as not to smear the stain and increase the scale of the tragedy. First aid has been provided to the clothes, now you need to arm yourself with a jar and read the ingredients. Further steps to remove the corrector depend on the base used for its manufacture.

Water, alcohol or oil

You can wash off the watery streak by locking yourself in the nearest toilet with a sink. A handkerchief or piece of cloth will come in handy; a paper napkin will also work. Wet a rag under the tap, wring it out and rub it over the stain several times, being careful not to rub it into the clothes. Traces of the corrector will become invisible.

Arriving home, the soiled item should be soaked in a bowl of warm water. Find in your nightstand or buy a bar of laundry soap that removes almost any stain. Rub, rinse, and hang the clothes to dry the area where the streak has spilled.

If you don’t have laundry soap at hand, powder, dishwashing detergent or shampoo will come in handy. Squeeze a pea onto the stain, lather, leave for 10 minutes, dip in clean water.

Important: Dried concealer should be scraped off the fabric with a toothbrush, and then begin washing.

Alcohol types of corrector
The presence of alcohol in the streak complicates the problem. You can't get rid of it with regular soaking and soap; you'll have to arm yourself with vodka, cologne or shaving lotion. A toner that contains alcohol or a special solvent for corrector will do. You can buy the latter at a hardware store.

Remove dried putty from clothing with a brush or nail file, being careful not to stain the fabric around the stain. Turn the skirt or blouse right side out, placing white fabric under the mark of the stroke.

Arm yourself with a cotton swab or makeup remover disc. Moisten the cloth around the stain with water to prevent the concealer from spreading. Apply vodka or cologne to the stick and carefully move towards the center, trying to remove the product. Do not press too hard to prevent the stroke from being absorbed into the fabric more.

Keep a piece of white cloth or cotton wool on hand to remove any remaining cleanser along with the concealer. Immediately place the treated item in washing machine, setting the maximum mode. It is advisable to add a product like “Vanish”, designed to combat various contaminants.

Important: Do not treat concealer stains with eau de toilette or perfume. They contain little alcohol, but a rather persistent smell that is not easy to get rid of.

Hard case
Emulsion-based putties are rare. Not lucky enough to meet just such a touch? You will have to make every effort to get rid of it.

Items cannot be pre-soaked or washed. Be sure to remove dried residues with a brush. Apply the product to combat the corrector from the wrong side, placing a clean, light cloth without patterns that will absorb dirt.

Oil or emulsion base can be dissolved:

  • white spirit;
  • methylated alcohol;
  • kerosene;
  • ammonia diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 2;
  • nail polish remover or acetone;
  • paint solvent.

Some use gasoline. It does remove the concealer, but the persistent odor is absorbed into the item and does not dissipate after the fifth wash with fabric softener.

Apply 2-3 drops of the selected product to the problem area of ​​​​the fabric, spreading it over the entire surface of the stain with a cotton swab. Leave for 15 minutes, allowing the ammonia or acetone to dissolve the putty. Soak a cotton pad in the concealer liquid and remove the mark from the edges using gentle and careful movements. After getting wet paper napkin, removing the remaining stains. Immediately wash the item with high-quality powder.

Tip: You should check how the fabric reacts to a particular substance. A drop of liquid intended for removing the corrector is applied to the internal seams. If the color of the clothing in that place has not changed, there is no threat.

How to wash dry concealer

Is there streak tape stuck to the skirt? You will need a solution of laundry soap, which is used to moisten the corrector. Carefully separate the tape from the clothing and brush off any remaining putty. Fix the result by washing.

Saving clothes from a corrector does not take much time and will be cheaper than buying new clothes. But it is better to dry-clean silk and other delicate fabrics, because only professionals know what products to use so as not to completely ruin the item.

Video: how to remove concealer from clothes

For knowledge workers, the need to remove concealer from clothing is common. The most experienced of them know a few simple and available ways. It is more difficult for those who are faced with the problem for the first time.

Currently, manufacturers offer several types of correctors, from liquid to solid. Three of them pose a threat to clothing:

  • water based;
  • solvent-based;
  • alcohol

Each of these three varieties requires special cleaning methods:

  • The easiest way to wash water-based putty is just to soak the clothes in cold soapy water;
  • to remove a more persistent alcohol streak, you will need alcohol, vodka, acetone or ammonia.
  • It is more difficult to get rid of traces of solvent-based corrector; you need to purchase special white spirit.

In most cases, the procedure is as follows: you need to wait until the corrector stain dries, then treat it with the selected product and wash it in a machine.

Methods for removing stains

There are many more cleaning methods than the three options described. Many of them are based on the use of improvised means.

Water-based corrector

You can try to remove a fresh trace of such putty immediately. To do this, you will need a sanitary napkin, damp paper or cloth to blot the affected area. Remaining marks are removed by washing by hand or in a machine.

When the stain has dried, apply a soap solution:

  • some of the laundry soap needs to be ground into shavings;
  • completely dissolve the shavings in warm water;
  • soak the affected item in the solution;
  • After half an hour, the clothes can be washed in a machine, choosing the mode recommended by the manufacturer.

An alternative to laundry soap can be its liquid analogues or suitable powder.

There is another method of wet cleaning using soap:

  1. Moisten the dirty area a little with water and rub it laundry soap until foam appears.
  2. Leave the clothes in this state for a quarter of an hour until the alkali destroys the structure of the corrector.
  3. Wash the item by hand or machine wash it.

You need to rub your clothes carefully, without using excessive force, trying not to go beyond the area of ​​contamination so as not to increase its area.

Alcohol based corrector

The peculiarity of alcohol-based putty is that it forms a permanent stain on clothing, which dries much faster than its water-based counterpart. Therefore, before cleaning, you need to wait until it dries, and only then attempt to clean the stained item:

  • after drying, it is necessary to remove the mark from the corrector with a lady’s file with a soft abrasive coating or another similar tool;
  • when the bulk of the putty has been removed, the item must be laid out on a flat and hard surface, and a light, plain cloth placed under it that does not stain when exposed to moisture;
  • a clean napkin, cotton pad or cotton swab should be moistened in any alcohol-containing composition;
  • the fabric around the stain should be slightly wetted so that it does not spread when cleaning;
  • treatment of the stained area should be carried out with careful movements from the edge of the contamination to the center.

Medical or ammonia alcohol, vodka, cologne, and other similar compositions can be used as an alcohol-containing liquid. The main thing is that they do not contain dyes. The final stage of the procedure is washing according to the instructions.

Solvent based corrector

This type of corrector is much more difficult to remove from fabric; the composition not only settles on the outside, but also eats into the structure of the material, partially damaging it. To eliminate this problem, more effective and radical methods will be required:

  • White Spirit;
  • kerosene;
  • solvent;
  • nail polish remover.

Since all of the above products can be destructive to fabric, some precautions should be taken:

  • these liquids have a pungent and persistent odor; for cleaning you need to choose a well-ventilated area;
  • compounds may cause allergic reaction skin and burns, so hands should be protected with rubber gloves;
  • the increased flammability of liquids requires compliance with fire safety measures;
  • Before starting cleaning, it is recommended to check the fabric’s reaction to the cleaning composition: just take a small piece of material, apply the solution to it and wait for the result.

The procedure itself is similar to that described for the alcohol corrector:

  • clothes are laid out on the table;
  • be sure to lay a plain, dense cloth of a light shade;
  • clean with a cotton pad or swab from the edge to the center.

To enhance the effect, the area of ​​clothing contaminated with corrector can be treated externally and internally. If the initial cleaning does not give the desired result, the procedure is repeated, but only after 15 minutes. After removing the stain, the item is washed, first by hand to remove odors, then by machine for final cleaning.

If the methods listed above raise doubts about their effectiveness and safety, it is better to seek help from a dry cleaner; this will avoid unnecessary risks and save clothes for later use.