Winter is in full swing. Remembering the natural disasters of recent times, it’s not a fact that it won’t freeze us specifically. A warm, soft, cozy and, most importantly, luxurious outfit that allows you to feel like a king or queen in any weather - that’s what a fur coat is.

Let's remind those who are not too late how to choose correctly fur.

Let's illustrate our conversation with examples from the site fur factory "Kalyaev" .

Of course, before buying a fur coat, like any other small item, it is very important to decide for yourself how much money you can spend. You can also think about what effect you want to achieve? What goals are you pursuing when buying this fur product? After all, it can be used as a universal (prestigious) option for several seasons, and as warm outerwear, and as lightweight fashionable outfit, and like something else.

So what do we choose? For example, if you need something universal, you should take a closer look at the classic models. After all, it is known that trendy new items are chic today, and bad manners tomorrow. Ideally, you need to choose the fur that will come into fashion next year, and not the one you have been dreaming about for the last five years. At the moment, the most versatile fur that will look relevant for a long time and will suit any situation is, of course, mink.

The most demanding and less dependent on financial expenses strive to demonstrate status. Particularly expensive fur or flashy clothes will help with this. fashionable style. Such clothes will let everyone know that its owner easily allowed himself to buy an expensive item for one season. :) Naturally, in order to arouse the envy of others, you should wear an outfit not only of a trendy style, but also of the most expensive fur, for example, sable and chinchilla.

But there is another group of buyers. For them, a relatively budget-friendly type of luxury is products made from rabbit fur.

In order to choose the right fur coat model, you need to think not only about your own style, but also about your lifestyle. If you have to be outside for a long time, it is better to choose a long one warm model. For car enthusiasts, sellers strongly recommend short fur coats and jackets with wide sleeves. Universal clothing - a short fur coat to the knees.

Choosing the right fur is easy. A good fur is one that you don’t want to let go of. First, the fur coat needs to be ironed - in the direction of the pile and back. Your hands should not feel greasy, and the fur should easily return to its original state. It should not crumble, crumble or break. And leaving paint on your hands too.

Before the advent of animal husbandry 10,000 years ago, all fur came from the wild. But today most come from farms, with mink and fox making up about 80%. Wild mink are no longer caught because farmed mink is superior in both the quality and color of its fur. Females are smaller and have softer, lighter skins than males. Therefore, for a quality product, women's skins are necessary. If the product is made from the skin of a female individual, then when you pick it up, you will feel incredible lightness. Let's discuss how to correctly when buying - the nuances of choosing a fur product.

How not to make a mistake and choose the right mink coat

Mink fur is very durable and can last for about 20 years or more if cared for with care. Everything depends on quality. First-class quality skins are used natural and will be the best and most durable.

Dyed mink is of lower quality, which is why it is dyed to hide defects that you certainly won’t notice when buying a mink coat.

It will not last as long as natural leather, but this does not mean that such models should be crossed off the list. Now on sale you can find very impressive coats made of dyed mink at an affordable price. And their cost is lower, which is no less important.

Selecting the type of fur

When choosing a fur coat style that suits you, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the type of fur. Mink fur is one of the most popular: luxurious, plush and lightweight. It is universal when sewing.

  1. Natural from a selected litter: the pile should be silky and even long, but dense, compact and pale. Appears to have a natural shine.
  2. Dyed: The pile should also be silky and long. The color is clear and uniform. Price depends on availability and popularity of flowers. Sometimes natural ones can be more expensive.
  3. Sewn from pieces (legs and tails) : the model can be sewn entirely or partially from paws and tails. If the fur coat is patterned, for example, to get a chevron effect, pay attention to the uniformity of the pattern and texture over the entire surface. A good product should be reinforced on the leather side with nylon or tape at wear points.
How to choose the right one mink coat at the time of buying

These products can be very attractive and are much cheaper than those made from whole hides.

Style selection

Once you've chosen a fur type, the next step in the decision-making process is choosing a style. You need to think about where you plan to wear your purchase.

Because some mink coats are best for special occasions, while others are best for everyday wear. Some are universal, allowing you to squat freely without restricting your movements.

Therefore, if you are looking for something of your own, and especially for every day, keep an eye on these nuances when purchasing and choosing a mink coat.

The next nuance is fur coats with a fashionable and bold design. Think a thousand times before buying, next year you may no longer be interested in this model, but you will pay a lot of money for it. Make a choice in favor of those models that are closer to the classics.

Length is equally important. There are three common lengths that can play a role in deciding which jacket is ideal for you:

  1. If you live in a very cold region, models below the knees are suitable for you - this is a guarantee of the highest warmth.
  2. If you live in a temperate climate where winters are not so severe, then feel free to choose fur coats that are above your knees. Long ones should not be considered; you may not be comfortable in them.
  3. A popular alternative to a mink coat is fur vest. This is a very versatile item if you are looking for something warm and light, and the climatic conditions of your region allow you to wear a vest.

Color selection

Now that you have chosen the type of fur along with the style, the next decision you need to make is the color. Classic colors such as black and white are always a popular choice and will guarantee you a classic and elegant look.

On farms, individuals with original colors that have not been seen before are constantly being selected. Today there are about 200 different shades of fur. Let's discuss the most basic colors.


Dark brown mink - Russian, Scandinavian and American "mahogany" - is a symbol of the classic mink coat.

BLACK (Scanblack)

"Scanblack" is a common name for all natural black mink of the Scandinavian type; in reality the fur is very dark brown. Since 2004, by law it can only be used by the Finnish Fur Auction.

Another name is known as « black brilliant » - the popular name for black mink of the Scandinavian type, in contrast to the matte “velvet” North American mink.

Officially, there is no such name; “black diamond” is a non-professional definition.

The best black mink is labeled “Black NAFA”. Therefore, almost all black mink is called either Blackglama or “black diamond”.

In China, the volume of farmed mink has recently increased, but due to the lack of qualified personnel, the bulk is dark brown mink, which is easier to breed. In low-end products, it is heavily tinted or painted and sold as black.


All kinds of varieties of the so-called “wild type” repeat the natural color - brown with a dark ridge.

This color is known under such names as: “demi-buff”, “walnut”, “dark pastel”.

The light gray-brown color is called “pastel”.

"Lavender" has a light lilac tint and a light undercoat.

BLUE or "sapphire"

The undisputed leader of this group is the blue mink and its rare light mutation “violet”. This group includes the well-known “silver-blue” and the gray “iris” mink, which is not very common in Russia.


White mink has always been very popular, but it is “rarely seen” on Russian streets.

More often you can see darker shades: light beige “pearl” and gray-beige “topaz”.


Currently, many stores and fur salons offer a large number of different color mutations.
The most common is the “cross” mink, in which the black fur on the ridge forms a bright cross on the white skin in the “shoulder” area.

Rare variations of the cross mutation of fur - blue and pastel - look stunningly beautiful.

The jaguar color is white with black spots.

There are extremely very rare mutations, whose world number can be limited to a hundred skins, for example: gray mink with tiny white patches - “stardust” or marble mink (dark yellow with chocolate stains).

Origin of fur

Based on the quality of the wool, you can give an exact answer as to where it originated. Denmark, USA and Finland have the highest quality. You can find good minks from China (if you look really hard, but you may be disappointed), Russia, Canada, Sweden and Norway. Lynx skins from North America are a guarantee of an excellent fur coat, and men's fur coats from Russia offer the highest quality. Beaver furs are best from Canada, and fox furs are from Finland.


Where was the fur coat made? This is almost as important as the fur's original location. The best fur coats are usually from North America and Europe. Most of the fur is made in China, you can find good fur coat from China, if you know what you are looking for and where you are looking for it.

If you decide to make your first purchase for winter, then take into account all the nuances of how to choose the right mink coat when purchasing. This will guarantee that you received a good thing that will be worth your money. Many people, when purchasing, do not understand what they are buying at all.

Sable fur coats - the trend of the season

No matter how hard I try, I cannot understand the classic with its optimistic: “And we are glad for the pranks of Mother Winter.” The lower the thermometer drops outside the window, the more often the hand reaches into the closet for voluminous sweaters, thick trousers and cozy woolen scarves. And every time, before leaving the house, you have to meticulously examine yourself in the mirror - after all, in the reflection, even in the cold, you want to see the Snow Maiden, and not the Snow Woman!

And designers are right when they say that you can look truly beautiful and elegant in cold weather only in a fur coat.

An indisputable fact: fur clothing has long gone beyond its original purpose - to protect a person from the cold. Elite fur Along with jewelry, it serves rather as a sign of high status, a luxurious “frame” for a proud and beautiful lady.

Russian women's love for fur is something genetic. But often, we simply do not know how to choose fur, which means we buy not very high-quality fur products.

How to choose the right fur coat, and what you should pay special attention to - a Russian designer helped us figure out these issues German Shalumov.

Herman, now in Moscow there are fur fairs taking place one after another, offering fur products in incredible quantities, as they say, “for every taste and color.” In your opinion, should we blindly trust what sellers advise us?
- Every year I am convinced of one thing: our people do not understand fur at all, and in principle do not know how to distinguish good fur from defective fur. A quality fur coat is worth it good money- 250-350 thousand rubles for a product just below the knee, while fairs offer us a mink coat for 70-100 thousand rubles. It is clear that these skins are either defective from the beginning, or dyed or tinted. It is simply unrealistic for us furriers to dump with the prices offered by fairs.

There are five world auctions where the price for skins is the same everywhere. Mink is like a diamond, like gold, like a truffle... The price for it is fixed, only defects are cheaper.

Our women go to fairs without knowing this and blindly trust what the sellers say. Or another example, no one really knows what it is black lama, but all the girls think it's cool! In fact, everything is not like that. Black lama- this is a North American mink, but it is no better than ours or Scandinavian, on the contrary, it has disadvantages - it washes out faster, but is more expensive.

So what do we buy for 100 thousand at the fair?
- Mink raised in China, dyed or tinted. Fur coats made from ridges, bellies, tails, paws have a low price - the price for them is very low.

And yet, which fur coat is better to buy, and most importantly, how to choose it correctly?
The first and basic rule is that the fur coat must be made from whole skins, no “dissolution”, no paws. Fur - if it is of high quality, it will never be dyed. This is easy to check; ask the seller to tear off the lining and show the inside of the skin. If it is tinted, it will differ by two or three tones from the color of the fur coat. Secondly, pay attention to the fur itself. The main thing is that there are no “bald patches” on it. When choosing a mink coat, turn it upside down with the collar and stroke it with your hand “against the grain”; the fibers should not remain on your hand. The underside of the fur should be soft and pleasant to the touch, in no case like paper.

But my most important advice: buy a quality fur coat, don’t skimp on fur. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy a good thing, buy a down jacket or a sheepskin coat instead!

Dresses from Vera Wang

Rhinestones? Rabbit! Crocodile…

Armed with this knowledge, over the weekend I went to fur fair. Understanding that there are a huge number of fur brands represented here, I did not expect to find such a stunning variety of models and options. The choice turned out to be quite large and not at all limited to traditional options.

Mink, sable, lynx, and rabbit, there are actually plenty to choose from. Combined with leather, trimmed with lace, decorated with rhinestones... Among traditional fur coats and coats, there are mainly fitted silhouettes with an A-shaped skirt under the belt. Many models with fur trim, be it a classic trim on the collar, cuffs or hem outerwear, or very unexpected voluminous fur inserts along the entire length of the sleeves or along the waist. And to the great delight of animal activists, all these fashionable solutions can be made not only from natural fur. Artificial options, by the way, sometimes look no less impressive.

Most easy way To be fashionable this season, buy a mink cape. If you choose wisely and buy a high-quality, warm, natural item, it will warm you even in very low temperatures. In addition, the owner of such a cape will noticeably stand out in the somewhat monotonous mass of coat owners. Appearing in the world in such an outfit, “framed” from a soft mink cape, is a one hundred percent guarantee of stunning success.

Nowadays, fur has become one of the key elements of a woman's wardrobe, being used not only for sewing fur products, but also for finishing coats, vests and jackets, as well as for making all kinds of accessories - from scarves, stoles to bags and gloves.

Fur is a natural material

Fur has long been one of the most beautiful and luxurious materials for making clothing, loved by everyone for the warmth it gives on cold winter days, the feeling of comfort and, of course, for its unique beauty. In addition, today fur is also an excellent choice of clothing for people with a developed environmental consciousness, since it is a natural material with a long service life and can be fully recycled.

Currently, the fur trade is strictly controlled at the national and international level to ensure the conservation of animal populations living in different parts of the world. In particular, the Greek furriers of the city of Kastoria many years ago, even before the creation of environmental and environmental organizations, boycotted the fur trade of animals that were endangered, such as seals and felines. Currently, the sustainable use of wildlife is monitored by such major environmental bodies as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) - World Conservation Union (IUCN), as well as the UN Program for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). environment(UNEP) - United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

As a result, any product made from natural fur is an excellent choice of product made from real natural raw materials, which has nothing in common with artificial, synthetic products that cannot be processed or disposed of.

It is no coincidence that in recent years fashion trends dictate the use of fur products not only for going out, but also as everyday wear, and the proposals of fashion designers today satisfy a wide variety of needs and tastes - both in terms of design and style: from a luxurious fur coat to a jacket that can be worn on a daily basis.

Modern models are distinguished by their simplicity and ease, as well as their comfort and functionality. Moreover, due to advanced technologies and an innovative approach in the field of fur processing (cut fur, a combination of different types of fur, expanded colors, combination with other materials, laser processing, etc.), not only the range and selection of fur products has increased significantly, but also their accessibility to a wide range of consumers - regardless of age and social status, due to diversity and budget.

What to consider when choosing a fur coat

Before purchasing a fur product, there are always a few important points to consider that actually suit your true needs. Of course, first of all, everyone must determine for themselves the purpose for which this or that fur product is selected (taking into account not only their tastes, but also their lifestyle). That is why it is necessary to keep in mind several parameters at once:

  • type of fur;
  • color;
  • product size and length;
  • shape and silhouette;
  • for what cases is it intended?

Type of fur

Having decided to purchase a fur product, from the very beginning you need to decide for yourself what type of fur you prefer - based on its characteristics (wear resistance, warmth, etc.) or simply on beauty (color, long or short pile) and, in general, in appearance.

In any case, you need to remember that good fur does not fray, does not crumble, does not stain your hands, and when stroking in the direction of the pile and in the opposite direction, it does not leave hairs in your hands and easily returns to its original state, even if you trample it underfoot. In addition, when the hem of the product is compressed, the fur coat does not crunch or rustle.

In well-dressed fur coats, as a rule, the lining is not completely sewn on, which makes it possible to look at the quality of the fur (i.e., see the fur from the inside), while the inner must be soft and certainly light, regardless of the color of the fur itself, even if it is painted. This is especially important when purchasing a product made from plucked fur.


Most women look equally good at both warm and cool shades of colors, but some of them are still more suitable. This is especially true these days, when in the manufacture of fur products there is a phantasmagoria of color in the full sense: from bright purple to dark green and passionate red shades, with a combination of several completely different colors at once. Therefore, when choosing the color of a fur coat, it is recommended to take into account some general principles that are valid for light and dark women.

So, brown or pastel shades suit blondes more. mink fur, as well as the golden or light color of lynx fur, or the exotic color of fox skins. It is advisable for them to avoid black mink fur, which will give their features some sharpness, as well as the fur of black fox, raccoon and chinchilla.

Brunettes, on the other hand, will look dazzlingly good in black mink fur, as well as in fox fur and mink in mahogany or any red and blue shades (of course, depending on your skin tone).

Also be careful when choosing fur that is similar to your hair color.

Size and length

Very often, classic models of fur coats have spacious shapes, so it is especially important that the purchased product does not lose its shape, but has its originally intended appearance. This is where his style and elegance lie.

It must be remembered that owners of curvaceous figures should not purchase long-haired products or those made of long-haired fur, such as fox, lynx, raccoon or long-haired beaver, the fur of which gives the overall appearance of the product greater volume than, say, smooth furs, and also sheared and plucked fur or a coat made of leather or fabric, decorated with a collar of long-pile fur.

Almost most types of fur suit tall and thin women. They, one might say, are created in order to dress in furs, be it mink, fox, lynx and chinchilla, while this type of woman is also suitable for products belted at the waist, which will further emphasize their figure and will look even more attractive on them and more tempting. But be careful when choosing lush types of fur: sometimes too much volume, with a thin figure, may not look very flattering.

Shape and silhouette

But the most important point, regardless of body type, is how well the product fits your figure.

For not large sizes it is very important to bring a long-skirted coat to maximum minimum sizes, in height and figure - in accordance with the proportions of the torso and arms. In addition, short items that do not reach mid-thigh emphasize the waist more, with the exception of those styles that are accentuated at the waistline.

As for large sizes, oddly enough, it is much easier to choose a product for the owner of wide hips rather than a lush bust, but in both cases it is trapezoidal short coat to the knees will make the silhouette more attractive.

For what purposes is the product intended?

Perhaps the most important point is the occasions for which the fur product is intended to be worn.

Every day

These days, cutting-edge models can be worn almost every day: from an evening out to everyday wear to work - in combination with jeans, trousers or skirts.

Business style

For a business style, cashmere sweaters trimmed with fur are perfect, as well as mohair coats, a variety of fur capes, scarves and fur sweaters.

Banquets and social events

In these cases, astrakhan suits, sable jackets, classic mink and chinchilla capes with pashmina trim are especially good.

Evening out

They look very elegant in the evening pantsuits, made of leather and fur, mink coats, stylish fur coats, skirts and tops made of fur.

Official style

For formal events - such as dinner parties or weddings, items made from sable fur, long fur coats from fox and rare Russian lynx, as well as mink coats, broadtail or sheared fur and beautiful decorative fur scarves and boas are ideal.

Sporty look

If you are the sporty type, you will feel surprisingly comfortable in a fur-lined anorak or duffle coat, as well as leather and fur jackets or reversible jackets and fur ponchos.

For warm countries

For countries with mild and warm winters, three-quarter length fur coats, jackets, coats and sweaters with fur details are suitable, including fur accessories, fur ponchos and sheared fur jackets.

In principle, all these components influence, in general, the cost of a fur product. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that when buying a fur coat abroad, and especially in, you, in addition to a large assortment of fur products, have a choice in fur tours that combine shopping with relaxation, as well as a significant discount in price - up to 60% or more, because here, or more precisely, in the city of Kastoria, there is a unique opportunity to purchase fur products directly from fur factories - straight from first hand (from the manufacturer to the consumer). Moreover, Greek fur coats have long been a symbol of the high professionalism of skilled Greek furriers, who have become famous throughout the world.

On top of that, the newly created Greek Fur Institute, which united trade unions of fur manufacturers in the city of Kastoria, acts as a guarantor of products manufactured under the trademark "GreekFur".

Reading time: 9 minutes. Published 10/16/2013

In the cold there is nothing more pleasant than wrapping yourself in fluffy, warm fur. A fur coat is the dream of almost every woman, and purchasing it is an important and responsible event. After all, we buy a fur coat for more than one season, so we must approach its purchase responsibly, choosing carefully and choosily. And to make it easier for you to find the fur coat of your dreams, without later regretting the money spent, time and without spoiling your mood, we suggest using our tips for choosing a fur coat.

It’s better to buy a fur coat in a store, because at the market they may sell you something, it’s not clear whose fur it’s made from. Nice shops, who value their reputation, work with trusted suppliers, have certificates of conformity, and carry out quality control of products. In case of any problems with the quality of the fur coat, you can file a claim with the seller and exchange the product or return the money. On the market, even though fur coats are a little cheaper there, they will not provide you with such a guarantee. Each fur coat must have a certificate from the manufacturer, which confirms that this product has passed appropriate tests, is of high quality and safe for health.

How to choose the right fur coat so that it is of truly high quality?

First of all, objectively assess the climatic conditions in which the fur coat will be worn. (what is the winter temperature in your region, how frequent is the precipitation, high humidity, etc.)? Then decide why you need a fur coat: to protect you from any frost or to indicate your social status at social events? The purpose of your fur coat will largely determine which style is right for you.

Choose a fur coat style

The style of your future fur outfit should be chosen based on your taste, age and lifestyle.

Try to choose models that have a fairly loose (not bulky) style. Sleeves should not be very narrow or short. The fur coat should not be narrow in the shoulders and chest, because then you will not be able to wear a thick sweater or jacket under it. Choose your size accurately, otherwise you will look ridiculous in a model that is too small or large.

Features of the figure

How to choose a fur coat taking into account your body shape:

  • If you have full figure, then a knee-length flared fur coat will help you visually remove extra pounds. The second option, in case you have beautiful slender legs, is an A-shape fur coat to mid-thigh. We do not recommend overweight women wear long-haired fur. It will make your figure even more voluminous. Cropped fur with a rich collar is the best option.
  • If nature has rewarded you busty and narrow hips, then you can emphasize this advantage with a model with a belt, focusing on a thin waist.
  • For thin and short women, a fitted short fur coat to mid-thigh is suitable. If you have to cut a fur coat to suit your height in a tailor shop, make sure that the waist is in the right place.
  • It is not recommended for short women to wear long, floor-length fur coats. In this case, your growth will be suppressed even more.
  • Tall and slender women are the luckiest! They can choose any model. A long fur coat, a short fur vest and a coat will look equally advantageous on them.
  • By the way, the coat is considered a classic fur coat style. The manto is made in the shape of a trapezoid. But the greater the expansion downwards, the stronger the wind will blow, and sometimes it can be chilly! The length of a classic coat should not be shorter than the middle of the calf, but variations are allowed according to fashion requirements.

Watch a short video on how to choose a fur coat based on your figure:


For daily commuting to work public transport a long fur coat, of course, will not work. Even if you promise yourself to lift your hem every time you get on the bus, after a couple of months it will still turn into a dirty ball of fur. For an active lifestyle, you will want a tight-fitting style, length from the calf to the beginning of the thigh.

As for long fur coats, they are suitable:
  • young mothers who walk with their child in the park for several hours,
  • older women who take care of their health (and who are simply too young to look young through fashionable short jackets)
  • women who do not use transport very often (for example, housewives)
  • and those who wear a fur coat to social events, as an addition to an evening outfit.

You don't use public transport because... you have your own car! This is very commendable, but does it give your fur coat any privileges? A long hem will make it difficult to press the pedals, the fur on your shoulder and chest will rub off from the seat belt, and the fluffy collar will make it uncomfortable for you to turn your head. What a disaster!

Perhaps, for car enthusiasts, a knee-length coat with a stand-up collar and not very wide sleeves that does not restrict movement will be suitable.

Short models to the lower back and to the middle of the butt are a youth option! But let's not forget that we need to take care of our health. If you bought such a jacket or vest, wear it only with high, warm trousers so as not to chill your internal organs.

So, you've decided on a style! Then feel free to choose fur!

Choosing fur for a fur coat

According to the quality, fur is divided into sheared and unshorn, plucked and unplucked, as well as dyed and natural. Which fur to choose is up to you, because it directly depends on the size of your wallet and your preferences.

But taking into account climate conditions, we can make the following recommendations:

A fur coat that will keep you warm in severe frost, snow and wind (climate of Siberia, Far East, Urals) must be made of sable, arctic fox, fox or muton fur. The fur of these animals is highly heat resistant. It is necessary that the fur be winter, then the down will be thicker and the fur itself will be denser. You can wear such fur coats for 7-10 seasons.

Fur coats made from chinchilla, otter, nutria and beaver are also not afraid of the cold, and they also have good wear resistance. These fur coats are suitable if you live in a region with a humid climate. The external beauty of such fur coats is slightly inferior to the above-mentioned ones, but they will honestly serve you for 18-20 seasons.

If you live in central Russia, where the climate is not so harsh, then you can buy a fur coat made of cold fur: ermine, marmot or rabbit.

Mink fur is universal in many ways, which is why it is very popular among both women and men. Mink fur has average heat resistance and average wear resistance (about 10 seasons). Plus, it looks very impressive because of its noble shine. If you want to buy a heavier and warmer mink coat, ask the seller to choose a coat made from male fur. Male minks have a thick and dense undercoat. In other words, boys will keep you warm better than girls!

For lovers of the exotic, the fur market offers fur coats made from coyote, Canadian Gray Fox and Canadian Fisher fur.

Choose the color of a mink coat

When choosing the color of your fur coat, do not forget to take into account your color type.

  • Women with fair skin and blond hair you can afford brown mink, fox, or exotic lynx fur.
  • The beauty of platinum blondes will be emphasized by black mink, silver fox or raccoon fur.
  • For brunettes with dark skin, shiny black or brownish-red mink and fox are recommended.

Don’t be afraid to buy dyed fur coats, this will help diversify your wardrobe. Modern fur dyeing technologies are quite high quality and safe for health.

But remember that dyed fur still has its drawbacks: the cost of such fur products is higher, but wear is 10-15% more intense than natural ones.

How to choose a fur coat so as not to run into a fake? Some tips:

  • Ideally, the fur of a fur coat should be thick, shiny and without bald spots.
  • If you run your hand over it against the grain, the hairs should not break, but lie flat and smooth. If you pinch the fur and there are hairs left in your hands, then the quality of the fur coat leaves much to be desired. This is explained by the fact that the dressing technology was violated, and the animal was killed during molting. Do not buy such a fur coat under any circumstances, otherwise at the end of the season it will completely peel off.
  • Don’t be afraid to wrinkle the product, check whether it takes its previous shape, whether the fur straightens or not. It should be soft and silky, not sticking together into icicles.
  • Also pay attention to how the seller behaves. If he doesn’t allow you to inspect the fur coat yourself, snatches it out of your hands with a scream [I’ll show you myself, don’t touch it, otherwise it will tear], then he’s definitely not clean! A good seller will tell you all the nuances of fur dressing, and even offer to look at the lining of the fur coat so that you can see for yourself the quality of the skins.
  • If you get to the place where the skins are fastened together, find the thread with which they are stitched. Didn't find the thread? Badly! So the fur coat is glued together!
  • When purchasing a coat of dyed fur, attach a white scarf to it and squeeze tightly. If there are traces of paint on the fabric, then the fur coat is of poor quality. If you get into wet snow wearing such a fur coat, the paint will float along with the melt water.
  • But what if a personal inspection of the fur coat does not convince you of its quality? Then you need to ask the sellers for a certificate of conformity. All fur products produced in Russia and abroad are subject to mandatory certification and undergo special testing. It is unlikely that they will be able to show you a certificate of conformity on the market. So it’s better to buy a fur coat in a store.

Whatever one may say, buying a fur coat is not only a pleasant event, but also an expensive one. In order not to run into a fake and not lose the money invested in the purchase, check the quality of the fur coat as carefully as possible. Inspect, crumple, smell, stroke. No need to bite. But if you see that someone bit the fur before you and left marks on it, don’t be surprised, this is possible! Animals tend to bite their fur during life. A product with such a defect is considered defective and it is better not to buy it.

If you are still unhappy with the quality of the fur coat you purchased, do not be upset! When purchasing an item in a specialized store, you always have the opportunity to return a low-quality product, exchange it, or get your money back.

Whatever fur coat you choose, the main thing is that you feel comfortable and cozy in it! And let your choice correspond to your unique image, and not to the fads of fashion! Have a warm winter and enthusiastic male gazes!

We would also like to show you video on how to choose a fur coat:

Beautiful fur coats photo: