On May 9, it is customary to give gifts to veterans and place them on monuments dedicated to those who died during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War soldiers, red flowers, mostly carnations. Red needle-shaped flowers are distinguished by increased durability; they do not wither for a long time even without water, but they still wither. Then we came up with one simple idea to make bright red flowers with our own hands. The choice fell on poppies, since the red poppy is a symbol of memory of the victims of all military and civil armed conflicts since 1914. And how to make a bright and beautiful poppy from high-quality fabric quickly and easily with your own hands, the master class given below in the article will tell you step by step. In addition, you can clearly see its creation in a small video selection after the text.

How to make a red poppy from fabric using the cold crimping technique of petals with your own hands

To work you will need:

  • A piece of chiffon measuring 30x30 cm in a bright red shade
  • Organza stripe
  • Green satin ribbon
  • 2 teaspoons instant gelatin
  • Skein of black floss
  • PVA glue
  • Semolina
  • Sheet A4
  • Pencil
  • Thermal glue gun
Instructions for making poppy seeds from red chiffon fabric:
  1. Before proceeding with the actual production of the flower, instructions it is necessary to prepare a gelatin solution. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of instant gelatin into a glass of water at room temperature for about 45 minutes. The swollen gelatin, which has increased several times in size, is heated in a water bath until the grains are completely dissolved; it is important not to let the solution boil, otherwise it will lose all its binding properties. As soon as you see the first small bubbles rising from the bottom of the solution, immediately remove the container with it from the water bath.
  2. After the gelatin solution has cooled a little, red chiffon is lowered into it and soaked in it sufficiently. Then the chiffon is removed from the solution, slightly wrung out, but not twisted. The material is hung by one end on a rope until it dries completely, while the fabric is still wet, all smooth and irregularities are smoothed out with the help of hands, and during smoothing, all unnecessary gelatin solution drains off. After drying, the chiffon will resemble paper, which means you can remove it and start making it flower .
  3. On a regular sheet of A4 paper using a simple pencil Stencils of three petals of different sizes are drawn. Fiery chiffon, hard as paper, is placed on the stencils and traced along the contour. For a voluminous flower you will need only 9 petals, three of each size. After all the petals are cut out, they need to be corrugated.
  4. First of all, the petal is folded in half, a strip of organza is placed on top of it so that the folds of both parts coincide.
  5. The left hand presses the edge of the organza strip with the petal to a flat hard surface, the other edge stretches right hand, the fabric is twisted clockwise.
  6. This is what we ended up with. The fiery corrugated petal of the future poppy is depicted on photo . The remaining 8 petals are corrugated in the same way.

For the poppy core, you need to make a box with stamens. The first step is to make the stamens; for this, thin threads of floss are wound around 4 fingers approximately 100 times.

The floss is removed from the fingers and tied together with thread, forming a ring. The thread tie should be in the center of the ring, its edges are cut, and you get this shaggy bow.

To create white tips on the stamens, the ends of the bow threads are first dipped in PVA glue and then lightly rolled in dry semolina.

A little filler is placed in the center of the circle, the thread is tightened and secured with a knot.

Then the green plump ball is stitched on all sides, and you get this poppy box.

A little thermal glue is applied to the center of the box, onto which the stamens are fixed.

First, small poppy petals are fixed to the finished poppy box one by one, then slightly larger petals go in the second row, covering the distances between the first row. In the same way, in a checkerboard pattern it is fixed the last row from large petals.

That's it, the fiery red ruffled poppy is ready! You can plant the flower on a wire stem wrapped in thin green ribbon and decorated with leaves, and then create a small bouquet of fabric poppies. You can decorate your headband, brooch and other accessories with similar flowers before going out to the square on a holiday. The main condition for preserving the shape and volume of such a flower is its dryness, since after water gets in, the gelatin gets wet, and all your efforts will go down the drain.

Video on the topic of the article

We bring to your attention a small video collection on the topic of how to make a red poppy from fabric with your own hands.

Paper flowers are by far the most popular interior decoration. A bouquet of paper flowers that you made yourself will undoubtedly decorate your home. Creating such a decor from paper is quite simple.

In today's master class we will show you how to make realistic poppies from corrugated paper with your own hands.

First you need to prepare everything you need materials and tools:

  • corrugated or crepe paper in red and green;
  • colored double-sided paper in black and dark green;
  • glue stick;
  • thin wire.

Do-it-yourself poppies made of corrugated paper - master class with photos:

Step 1
To create one poppy we need six petals. We cut out six blanks from red corrugated paper.

Next, we give all the petals a natural curved shape. Gently stretch the petal-blank in the center, and then its edges. Do the same manipulations with the remaining petals.

Then you need to create the poppy stalk and the base of the bud (pistil). We will need thin wire and tape crepe paper green tint.

To create the base of the bud, wrap more crepe paper around the end of the wire. Give the workpiece a round shape. Then continue working the crepe tape around the flower stem.

To create poppy stamens you will need a double-sided black paper strip approximately 2-2.5 cm wide.

Fold it in half, and then in half again, and make neat cuts along its entire length.

Lay it out in its original state, apply a drop of glue to the tip of the tape and begin winding it onto the base (pestle) of the poppy.

Now it's time to attach all the petals to the stalk. First glue the first three petals, and then the rest.

Then give the center of the poppy a more complete look by straightening out all the stamens. The result will be a very realistic poppy bud.

All that remains is to decorate the flower with a leaf. To do this, take a small piece of dark green colored paper, fold it in half and cut out a poppy leaf.

You can first draw the outline of a leaf onto the paper. Then straighten it, give it a curved shape and glue it to the stem.

Poppies made from corrugated paper are ready! It's so easy to create a bouquet of poppies with your own hands.

Here is my master class - do-it-yourself poppy seeds made of corrugated paper. It's simple step by step instructions how to make poppy seeds for a candy bouquet using corrugated paper and available tools. First I will tell you how to make a poppy flower, then two options for a bud. To make it we will need: corrugated paper of three colors, 3 round caramels, white or black threads, scissors and a ruler. Don't forget to keep glue on hand to quickly fix the workpiece if it accidentally breaks.

First I want to show photographs of poppies, these flowers of incredible beauty.

Now let's begin :) Real poppy flowers in nature can have from 6 to 10 petals, but we will make a poppy from 6 petals.

  • red No. 580,
  • black No. 602,
  • green No. 562.

We cut out rectangular blanks for petals measuring 5x7 cm from red corrugated paper. For one flower we will need 6 pieces. From black paper we cut out one square with sides of 7 centimeters.

The next step is to cut the black square along the folds, not reaching the edge by about 1 centimeter. Then you can twist our resulting “stamens” into thin tubes. If desired, you can use green paper instead of black.

We cut out red rectangles in the shape of petals as in the photo.

Then we stretch the top edge.

We crumple and crumple our petals. This paper is of very high quality, it practically does not tear, so you can crumple it without sparing any effort.

Carefully straighten the crumpled petals. Thus, they turned out to be “alive”.

Using nail scissors, make neat cuts along the edges, about 2-3 pieces per petal.

Take green paper and cut out a rectangle with sides 3 and 11 centimeters.

Right in the middle, scroll once.

And we hide our sweet candy.

We make a stem from wire, then we take our stamens and attach them to the center with the help of threads.

We also attach the petals, one at a time, using threads.

This is what a poppy with three petals looks like.

Attach the remaining three petals in the same way.

Our paper poppy is ready!

So, take nail scissors and make cuts in the green bud in the center.

Then we prepare the black acrylic paint and brush No. 1 or No. 0.

And we tint our cut “tails”.

It turns out this is a poppy flower for a bouquet of sweets.

How to make a poppy bud out of paper with your own hands?

I will show you two options for making a poppy bud from paper. Let's get started.

We will need corrugated paper:

  • red paper No. 580,
  • green paper No. 562 (I took pistachio, you can take any other shade of green) And also, wire for the stem, candy and pliers.

We prepare the stem by twisting the end of the wire so as not to accidentally pierce the candy in the future.

Cut out one red rectangle measuring 11 by 3 cm, and two green rectangles measuring 8 by 3 cm.

We scroll the red rectangle in the middle twice, we get a blank in the form of a bow.

Hiding the candy.

We attach the wire to the bud with the candy and tie it with thread.

We round the top edge of the green rectangles.

Then we visually divide it into three parts, scroll one upper part once and bend it inward.

We give it a boat shape, slightly stretching the paper. We attach the red unopened bud between the green “boats” with threads.

We ended up with a poppy flower with an unopened bud.

The second version of a paper poppy bud

Cut out two green rectangles measuring 10 cm by 3 cm and two red rectangles measuring 7 cm by 3 cm.

Use scissors to shape the red petals into droplets.

Stretch the top edge. Then the petals need to be crumpled, as they did for the poppy flower itself.

We round the green rectangular blanks at one edge using scissors.

Rotate the green rectangles 180 degrees and bend them inward, as in the first option.

We straighten the petals and hide the candy between them.

We pull out the green petals in the shape of “boats” and secure them with threads around the bud with the candy.

Our poppy bud is ready!

From the resulting poppy flowers and buds you can assemble a real bouquet of candies that will decorate your interior. I decorated the composition in a wicker basket.

Poppy is not only a source of drug addiction potion, as many believe, but also an amazingly beautiful and delicate flower. appearance. Poppy seeds are used for many purposes - powder for flour products, base for kuti at Christmas, base for pies and pies.

The surprisingly delicate red color of the petals of this flower has long become an integral part of creativity among many peoples of the world. Poppy is mentioned in songs, poems, it is embroidered on fabric, filmed in films, and so on. Any craftsman or craftsman who loves nature and creativity has probably used this flower more than once in one way or another in his work.

Therefore, now we will provide you with a master class on how to make a poppy from fabric different ways.

    Show all

    How to make a poppy from fabric - master class

    Take a piece of synthetic stretch satin fabric in red or pink (any other type of fabric will do, as long as it contains synthetics).

    Now prepare a pattern for the future flower.

    Cut out the petals and backing along the contours of the pattern.

    Lightly scorch the edges of the blanks with a match or candle and stretch them while the fabric is hot.

    The result will be a wavy edge.

    As a result, your workpieces should look like the one shown in the figure below.

    Take a wire, the diameter of which should not be more than four millimeters, and wrap it with strips of corrugated paper, smeared with glue.

    Now carefully glue the paper-wrapped pieces of wire onto the underside of the petal blanks, or you can sew them on, but this work will take more time and effort.

    There is no need to glue wires to the smallest petals.

    Then cook the middle of the flower. To do this, string red beads onto one piece of wire. You perform the same operation with four more wires and wind threads around them as shown below.

    Cut the threads and carefully, slowly, glue them together, giving them the shape of a broom.

    Tie the resulting panicles around the bead so that the threads are arranged in even layers around the entire perimeter of the bead.

    Take a brush and carefully lubricate the threads and lower them into a scattering of decorative sparkles. That's it, the pestles are ready.

    Now assemble the poppy, arranging the petals in a checkerboard pattern and gluing them together.

    The final stage is to fasten the craft to the base of the flower. So you have studied the master class on creating this beautiful flower. See other manufacturing options below.

    How to make a poppy from fabric - master class (Second method)

    What you will need

    • Pieces of fabric in red and black.
    • The needle and thread are black.
    • A piece of cotton wool and a cotton pad
    • Scissors.
    • Any type of glue
    • A little semolina.
    • Matches.
    • A pin or hair clip.

    How to do

    Divide the cotton wool disk into two equal parts.

    Now take a piece of cotton wool and roll it into a ball with a diameter of one centimeter.

    Using half a disk of cotton wool, wrap the ball and tie it with thread.

    Cut out a circle equal to the diameter of a cotton pad from a piece of black fabric, wrap the previously prepared craft and tie it again with thread to give the product strength.

    Using a thread, divide the resulting ball into small slices and secure it at the base of the ball. Trim off the excess pieces and hem the edges.

    That's all, the center of the fabric poppy is ready, let's move on.

    Take the thread and wind it around three fingers. Please note that the fluffiness of the stamens depends on the number of turns. Carefully remove the skein from your fingers and tie it with thread in the center, then sew the skein to the core. Smooth the threads evenly and glue them.

    While you wait for the glue to dry, cut out the petals. To do this, make patterns from red paper, the dimensions of which should be approximately equal to the core. Cut out the shapes and place them on the fabric, then cut out eight or nine petals.

    Lightly melt the edges of the fabric over the fire of a candle, match or lighter. Be careful when performing this operation because the fabric may catch fire. During melting, stretch the edges of the fabric to give the edges relief.

    At the points of attachment to the flower itself, form a fold using your fingers (to do this, bring its edge to the fire and squeeze it after heating). As a result, you should have the blanks shown in the figure below.

    After the glue has dried, trim the tips of the pestles and align them. Lubricate their edges with glue and dip them in semolina. To prevent them from sticking together, comb the stamens with a toothpick or needle.

    Now sew the petals to the middle to make a fabric flower and attach a brooch or hair clip to it. As a result, after going through this master class step by step, you will get such a beautiful product.

    Poppy flower made of fabric - master class (option three)

    What you need

    • Black and red satin ribbons four or five centimeters wide.
    • Threads are black.
    • Ruler.
    • A simple pencil.
    • A piece of cotton wool.
    • Scissors.
    • Matches or lighter.
    • Glue.
    • A piece of cardboard.

    Manufacturing process

    Draw on cardboard and then cut out the petals different sizes, then place these templates on red fabric and trace their outlines.

    Please note that for one flower you need to cut out six large, six medium and six small petals.

    Singe the edges with a match or lighter.

    You will get the following blanks.

    Now you create the middle. Take a black ribbon and cut it into shapes square shape. Then fluff each side to create a fluffy fringe.

Crepe paper poppies. Master class with step-by-step photos

Master class with step by step photos composition “Scarlet Flame of Passion”
Crepe paper poppies

Author: Belashova Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of the first junior group MDAOU Kindergarten general developmental type No. 11 MO Korenovsky district.
The master class is designed for teachers and parents, as well as children of senior school age.
Purpose: this work can serve as a wonderful birthday gift, a wonderful interior decoration or take part in an exhibition.
Target: making a composition of poppies using crepe paper.
1.Teach techniques for working with crepe paper.
2. To develop a sense of taste and the ability to compose compositions.
3. Develop motor skills, creative thinking, imagination.
Crepe paper– this is an amazing material for craftswomen who love to create with their own hands flower arrangements. Thanks to skillful hands, many craftswomen are able to create entire masterpieces from which it will be impossible to take your admiring gaze away. Flowers have always been loved and desired, no matter whether they are real or artificial, made of paper or fabric, they have some special magnetism and attract the eyes of everyone. So today I want to bring to your attention a master class on self-production crepe paper flowers. The entire process of creating a composition in in this case of poppies is simple and easy to understand. The author wrote very beautifully about poppy: Lyudmila Klenova
I want to show you a sea of ​​poppies -
Over my soft spring sea...
Look how they burn desperately bright
The scarlet flame of passion - and melts like smoke,
Taking away the enchanted gaze, these poppies,
Running away like dunes into the horizon -
And they don’t believe that their life is a moment...
Their fire penetrates both the soul and the dream -
Crazy tenderness of velvet wings,
With the delicate trembling of hot living petals...
I love them…
Their power over me is omnipotent -
And they take you far, far away...
Those lands are fascinated by another power...
I am a prisoner of this power - and of this summer...
And I ask one thing - stay with me...
Not in reality...
Anxiety - and dreams...

Poppies fade very quickly and it is a pity to cut them from the flowerbed, because they crumble and wither, and I bring to your attention a composition that will delight you for a very long time.

Tips for working with crepe paper:

1. It is better to use thermal glue, because PVA is not always suitable, and the paper gets wet and changes color.
2. The stretchability of crepe paper reaches 110%, and this feature allows you to truly “sculpt” any flowers to your taste.
3. Due to its elasticity, corrugated, crepe paper is perfect for creating flowers; it can exactly replicate the shape of a petal.
4. Finished products It is better to avoid sunny colors, otherwise they will fade.
Today, together with you, we will make a beautiful composition of poppy flowers. It will look like this: Composition height 75cm

Let's watch and learn.

To create a composition you need the following equipment:

1. Paper of dark red, black and green colors.
2. Terma glue
3. Scissors
4. Floral wire

To create the center of the poppy you will need:

1. Dark floral mesh
2. Golden organza
3. Scissors
4. Wire No. 3
5. Floral wire
6. Pliers

To create a vase decor:

1. Plastic vase
2. Plaster
3. Garden frame
4. Lace
5. Thin sisal
6. Scissors
7. Water

Pattern for poppy leaves and petals

Step-by-step work process:

Step one: We begin to make the centers for each poppy flower, let’s look at the example of one center, cut the organza into 12x12 squares, floral mesh size 6x6. Place a piece of padding polyester on the finished square and twist the wire with pliers.

We insert the wire into the base of the padding polyester, twist it, form a ball, wrap it with organza and secure it with wire.

We put a floral mesh on top and also twist it with wire

Take black corrugated paper, cut a 7x30 strip, fold it in several layers and cut it into strips without reaching the opposite edge.

We wrap our middle with this fringe and secure it with wire

We straighten it and later you can squeeze it with your palm to make it look natural.

Step two: make poppy petals.
To do this, cut a strip of red crepe paper 21 cm long and 11 cm wide. This strip of paper needs to be folded three times and now you can cut three petals for a poppy at the same time; for one flower I will use 8 petals

Take the finished petal template, apply it to the rectangle and cut out 8 petals

Step three: flower assembly
We have everything ready to collect poppies

Place the first four petals at the base of the center and secure with wire

Now we apply four more petals to form a flower and secure with wire

And only then we will give the shape to our poppy, how to do it, carefully bend the upper part of the petals from the inside with our fingers, stretch them a little, add waviness so that the poppy looks like a real one

I made six poppy flowers, the seventh will be a large bud

Step four: big bud
We need three rectangles Green colour 5x12 and red 7x4. We cut out the petal at the top, rounding it, and take the green rectangle in our hands from the top 3 cm, count it and twist it, bend the tip inward and bend it from the inside, this is clearly visible in the photo

Now we form all four red petals into a bud and fix them with wire

And in addition, we wrap green leaves on three sides and also secure them with wire.

Step five making poppy leaves:
To do this, cut rectangles measuring 11x3 and 8x3, attach a leaf template

And cut it out, we should have a lot green leaves

Step six: we make buds, just green ones and buds with red unblown petals, for this we cut strips along the length of the roll and cut 10x3 rectangles

And we start creating buds, if they are green with red petals, take a rectangle, twist it in half, then fold it in half and bend it, so you get a petal like this for a poppy bud. for such a bud, we need two green and two red rectangles

And now we make a red rectangle according to the photo,

We collect the bud, first fix the red petals with wire

Then we wrap the green petals and also secure them with wire

This is how the bud turned out

We just make green ones according to the photo, but then we need to straighten them well so that there are no holes like this

Preparation of flowers and buds is almost complete

Step seven: we form a poppy flower on a stem with leaves. To do this, you need to cut strips along the length of a roll 1.5 cm wide, stretch it well, fix it on the stem with glue and wrap it, then wrap each leaf to the stem, or you can wrap the tape with tape

And we just make greens, using the same principle, attach the top leaf to thermal glue, and wrap each leaf with a cut strip

But now we have everything ready to create the composition, it was a long process, it took me three evenings
Step eight: preparation for creating a composition
Take a vase, stir the plaster and pour it, insert the frame

While the plaster has not set, insert the lower flowers