Initially, a stole was a long and wide rectangular openwork knitted fabric with an admixture of fluff, which was to be worn on the shoulders or on the head. A modern stole is the same rectangular piece of material, it is also wide and long scarf, the material for which can be a wide variety of fabrics: from chiffon to fur.

A stole is a universal item; it is self-sufficient, that is, it can be thrown simply over a dress. However, with a coat that drapes beautifully over the shoulders and chest, a stole can transform your look from simply cute to sophisticated.

In order for the stole to demonstrate its full potential as a luxurious item, it is advisable to choose the coat with which you plan to wear it either with a high stand-up collar or without a collar at all. Of course, if you tie a stole, then it is the shoulder line, neck and head that are emphasized. However, the color or print of the stole should emphasize the entire image, and not draw attention only to itself or, conversely, be disharmonious with the overall style.

Tying methods

Tying a stole beautifully is not that difficult. Watch the video where the process is clearly shown.

  • The easiest way to demonstrate the beauty of the stole print is to tie it with a very ordinary loose single knot on the chest, carefully smoothing the panel over the shoulders and back.

  • The method is not much more complicated - it is to fold the stole in half, thread the folded ends into the resulting loop, pull the knot to the neck, and drape the ends over the shoulders.

  • If the stole is monochrome, then you can use it to imitate a snood. After slightly twisting it, wrap it around your neck several times, and tie the ends of the resulting fluffy roll and tuck it inside. Another interpretation of the cowl collar is to tie the ends of the stole and make a figure eight out of it, and fold it in half and put it on over your head.

  • A stole made of light, airy fabrics can be tied around the neck with any tie knot. The result will be a spectacular design, especially if the stole is one color.

  • If your stole is not very thick and has a beautiful print, then you can make a light but elegant knot. Fold the stole in half and place it on your shoulders. On one side you will have a short end with a loop, on the other - two long ones. Now you should thread the ends of the stole into the loop (do not tighten it, but even loosen it slightly, then twist the loop in a figure eight and thread the ends of the stole into the newly formed loop again. Straighten the resulting air cluster of the knot so that the print is clearly visible.

  • A thin stole made of chiffon or silk is perfect for wearing on the head. Simply wrap it around your head like a bandana and tie it tightly at the back, leaving the ends hanging down your back. Greetings from the Roaring Twenties, the time of jazz and Charleston.

  • Another option for wearing both a thin and thicker stole on your head is also very simple - make it like a hood, throwing the ends over your back. In this case, you will get a loose head wrap. If you are afraid that the stole will fall off your head, then try tying it like a scarf, wrapping the ends around your neck and securing them with a knot at the back. Stylish sunglasses, convertible, long ends of the stole fluttering in the wind. A picture from a movie.

  • You can make both a scarf and a headdress from a thin stole. To do this, wrap the stole around your head so that the ends are at the back, cross them, wrap your head again, crossing the ends now on your forehead and send them back again, directing them along the top of your head. You should end up with a kind of oriental turban with long ends that can cover your neck.

  • A gauze or chiffon stole thrown over the shoulders and draped in front to match the style of a coat will look interesting. This is how they were worn in the days of Jane Eyre.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

  • Most nice option- this is to cross the ends of the stole on one shoulder and throw one of them behind the back, and distribute the remaining part on the chest with beautiful soft folds, accentuating the print of the stole. The same method is perfect if your stole is made of fur. In this case, you can secure the stole with a beautiful brooch or decorative pin.

  • You can wrap the stole around your neck and tuck it inside your coat.

  • If your coat has a belt, then a stole draped over your shoulders can be tucked under it. Spread the hanging ends across the entire width of the coat to demonstrate the beauty of the stole pattern.

  • Even if your coat has a collar, English, apache, turn-down or other shaped cut, but you really want to appear in a stole, do not give up your intention. Raise the collar, throw the stole over your shoulders, lay it out beautifully, if desired, secure the ends with some decorative element or tie it in a knot and lower the collar over the stole. You can leave the back of the collar raised for a more elegant look.

Finally, the long-awaited warmth has arrived, and down jackets have been replaced by light raincoats and jackets. But in order for the mood to become especially “spring,” you need to complement your casual look bright accessory. In today's material, we have collected 17 visual photo instructions on how to properly and beautifully drape a scarf, stole or headscarf.

1. Hidden node

Beautiful, simple and enough original way how to tie a long warm scarf. An accessory tied in this way will not only reliably protect the neck, but will also decorate a coat or turtleneck.

2. Pretzel

A silk scarf folded into a triangle can be wrapped into a charming, intricate pretzel. A scarf tied in this way will become an effective detail of a business or romantic look, and will also protect the throat from the wind.

3. Braid knot

A simple and very effective way to protect the back of your head from the wind and turn a warm scarf into a beautiful accessory.

4. Tourniquet

Today, scarves are designed not only to protect against the cold, but also to decorate an elegant and beautiful neck. For example, simple manipulations will help you turn a light long scarf into a beautiful cord necklace.

5. Wild West

An original finish to your everyday look will be a scarf tied in the wild west style. To do this, fold the scarf into a triangle and place it so that the ends are at the back of the head. Cross the ends at the back, bring them to the front and tie.

6. Flower

Instead of a regular knot, you can weave a charming flower from a light chiffon scarf. To do this, you need to twist the scarf into a bundle and do the manipulations shown in the picture, leaving the ends of the scarf hanging freely.

7. Big bow

A long warm scarf tied in a large beautiful bow will become original decoration winter down jacket or a coat.

8. Cute bow

The ends of a light silk scarf can be tied into a small, neat bow, which will be secured with a small elastic band. A scarf tied in this way will add a touch of elegance and French charm to your look.

9. Carelessness

A simple way to create a stylish casual look with a touch of casualness using just a stole.

10. Cascade

Another simple way that will help turn a faceless scarf into a highlight. In addition, a scarf wrapped in this way will protect your neck from cold and wind.

11. Stylish simplicity

Perhaps the easiest way to tie a scarf, which even a child can handle. It looks quite impressive.

12. Variety

As many as eight ways to wear a scarf that will help you create various images and mood with one single detail.

13. Under the belt

Want to freshen up your appearance? Place a neatly folded stole over your shoulders, securing it at your waist with a thin strap.

During the cold season, many representatives of the fair sex complement their look with a beautiful and stylish stole scarf. Meanwhile, not all girls know how to wear this accessory correctly. Exists a large number of ways to tie a stole, from which every fashionista will definitely choose something for herself.

Fashionable stoles 2018

Scarves-stoles have long become an integral part of female image, on which their perception and the impression the girl makes on others depends. The fashion for such accessories does not stand still, so every season current trends in this area are changing dramatically. In 2018, manufacturers presented a large number of options that can be either simple, concise and discreet, or bright and catchy, attracting attention.

The methods for tying a stole depend mainly on the size of the product. Yes, the most ample opportunities To realize their fantasy, young ladies give long accessories of a classic rectangular shape, which this season can be plain or decorated with simple prints - stripes, checks and others.

Models decorated with fringe or fur pom-poms, can also be used in different ways. Popular in the current period, boa scarves or small-sized accessories are usually tied traditional way- one turn around the neck. In addition, in 2018, huge ones, in which you can wrap yourself almost completely, are at the top of popularity.

Methods for tying a stole

There are quite a few options on how to beautifully tie a stole. Due to its versatility, this thing can serve as both a scarf and a headdress, so it can be worn both on the neck and on the head. In addition, the floors of this accessory can be placed on your body and wardrobe items in completely different ways, achieving bright and attractive results.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Most girls who don’t like to wear caps and hats think about how to beautifully tie a stole on their heads. Absolutely any model of this accessory is suitable for this. As a rule, in winter period years, fashionistas use woolen products or knitted items from other types of yarn. On a cool summer evening, you can throw a beautiful and sophisticated silk scarf over your head, as well as chiffon and cotton options.

There are many ways to tie a stole on your head. However, the most popular and widespread of them are the following:

  • bandage. To use this method, you will need a scarf that is not too large and wide, which can be folded into narrow strip. This strip must be placed on the front of the head and scrolled back, while covering the ears with a cloth or knitted fabric. The strip should be twisted behind the head, and its ends should be returned forward, tying them in a neat knot;
  • braid. This method of how to beautifully tie a stole can be used in the warm season, when girls and women complement their hairstyle with thin scarves. It begins in exactly the same way as the previous one - the fabric is folded into a narrow strip, which is wrapped around the head in front and back, while covering the ears. After this, one small knot is tied at the back of the head, and a long braid is braided from the hanging ends of the scarf and strands of hair, which is then pulled to the side;
  • headscarf. This method suitable for accessory square shape, is the simplest. IN in this case the stole scarf must be folded along the main diagonal, thereby creating a triangle, wrap it around your head, twist the ends around the neck, then bring them back, where they are connected into a knot;
  • pirate. There are several ways to tie a stole in a pirate style. They all start exactly the same - a square-shaped scarf is folded into a triangle, then draped over the back of the head, after which its ends are tied behind the back of the head in a certain way. Depending on the individual preferences of the fashionista, the hem of the scarf can be tied with a simple knot, connected to a strand of hair, twisted into a tight knot, and so on.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

For all women who are interested in how to beautifully tie a stole around their neck, stylists offer a variety of various options, For example:

  • First you need to straighten the scarf, and then make a large knot in its center, without tightening it too much. The resulting bundle of scarf should be placed around the neck so that the knot is under the chin. The ends, which in this case will be at the back, need to be crossed with each other and returned to the front, at the same time passing through the resulting knot;
  • Another simple way to fashionably tie a stole is as follows - you need to wrap the scarf around your neck so that its middle is at the back and the ends are at the front. After this, the ends need to be crossed with each other twice, and then laid back, secured with a tight knot;
  • a long rectangular accessory can be folded in half and then wrapped around the neck so that the middle of the “strip” is located at the back. In the front part, the ends must be passed through the formed “loop” and slightly pulled towards you;
  • young girls often use the following method - the product is thrown around the neck and lowered over one shoulder. Its ends are fastened at the waist or any other place with a beautiful brooch or;
  • finally, some girls are interested in how to tie a stole like a tie. To do this, one end of such a scarf needs to be gathered into a knot without tightening it, and the free edge should be wrapped around the neck and passed through a pre-prepared knot from the other end, then pull the structure tightly.

Fashionable looks with a stole

Girls and women who know how to tie a stole around their neck different ways, can constantly make changes to their look without wearing other wardrobe items. You just have to put on a scarf differently, and the fashionable look will look completely different, giving appearance fashionistas have a playful and flirtatious mood or, on the contrary, a restrained and strict mood.

How to tie a stole on a coat?

In most cases, a beautiful stole scarf is combined in one look with a coat. There are quite a few ways to beautifully tie a stole on a coat, but the most popular among them is the “ring” - a method in which a loose loop is formed around the neck, in the thickness of which the ends are hidden. A primitive styling is also relevant, in which the scarf is wrapped around the neck once or twice, depending on its length, and its ends are brought forward and left to hang freely along the body.

How to tie a stole on a fur coat?

For fashionable images with a fur coat you should choose the most simple ways scarf styling with the least number of strands and weaves. So, wondering how to beautifully tie a stole on a fur coat, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Place the middle of the stole scarf at the back, and the edges on the shelves. Intertwine them in a loose knot and distribute them over the fur surface;
  • wrap the accessory around your neck several times and secure with a beautiful brooch;
  • Place the middle of the scarf on one shoulder, and fasten the free ends with a brooch on the other. Place the tails front and back.

How to tie a stole on a down jacket?

Such things are also worn with down jackets, and the method of putting them on depends on the type outerwear and the accessory itself. So, if a fashionista is thinking about how to tie a stole on a down jacket with a hood, it is best for her to choose one of the following options:

  • It is best to pass a thin scarf under the hood, wrapping it around the neck only once, and leaving the loose ends in front;
  • thick, on the contrary, should be placed on top of the hood, making it like a ring.

How to tie a stole on a sheepskin coat?

Often girls are interested in how to tie a stole over a sheepskin coat. In this case, stylists advise you to wrap it around your neck, making a large loose loop, and leave the short ends in front. An excellent choice would be to throw a stole scarf over your head - this option looks very stylish and eliminates the need to wear a hat.

How to tie a stole on a jacket?

The question of how to tie a stole correctly also occurs when the image of a fashionista is based on a jacket. Thin knitted options that can be worn in a variety of ways are best in this case. So, for example, young ladies can use one of the following methods on how to tie a stole:

  • butterfly. Twist the ends twice in front of you, and then distribute them over your shoulders;
  • clamp Wrap the accessory around your neck several times;
  • Throw the product around the neck, then again and tie the ends to the side of the face.

How to tie a stole on a dress?

This accessory can be used in combination with a casual outfit. In this case, it will play the role of a warm cape, protecting from the wind and making the image gentle and feminine. There are also several ways to beautifully tie a stole on a dress - you can throw it over your shoulders so that the ends hang freely forward, wrap it around your neck several times, or gather it in a weak knot, spreading the material over your shoulders.

A selection of the most spectacular ways to tie and use a stole. An ordinary accessory in a woman's wardrobe "works real miracles."

A stole is a wide scarf of various colors and textures. An indispensable accessory in the wardrobe modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, a stole is used in summer or spring, while wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory lies in the variety of ways to tie it and use it. This non-standard wardrobe element can radically change a woman’s image. It is tied on the head, neck, or thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on your head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? This collection of material contains answers to all your pressing questions and a demonstration of the most popular ways to use stoles. After familiarizing yourself with the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman will be able to look modern, fashionable and impressive.

Which stole to choose?

When choosing a stole, you should be guided by the main question: what will it be worn with? Decorate a coat or Evening Dress, a romantic blouse or a “rocker biker jacket” - there are a huge number of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of clothing combinations, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and face. Naturally, a stole with a similar floral print will not fit under a floral blouse, and a stole made of dense and hard material will look rude on thin fabric.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to it color scheme. The shade should “suit” the face and match the things you plan to wear it with. Options are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in a woman’s appearance or a finely selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the more similar accessories a woman has in her wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish images in clothes.

How to tie a stole - methods

Let's look at the most common methods of tying a stole, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole using the "loose ends" method

Throwing the stole around the neck, the loose ends are thrown forward, over the shoulders. Basically, the scarf is wrapped around the neck and the ends are left on the chest as decoration. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the Long Tail method

Throw the scarf around your neck, throw one end behind your back, and decorate the front folds beautifully. For better fixation of the stole, you can secure it with a pin from the inside (on the shoulder).

In this simplest variation, both voluminous and narrow stole models look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the “Loop” method

The stole is folded in half in width and draped over the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (when folded). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: tight and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a “Loop” can be additionally decorated with a brooch or a decorative flower (as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the “Reverse Loop” method

Variation on the theme "Loop". Perform the same manipulations as described in the previous method (step No. 1), but first thread only one end of the stole into the loop (step No. 2), and thread the second into the other loop (step No. 3), pull the ends slightly (step No. 4).

How to tie a stole using the “Twist” method

Twist the stole slightly along the fabric, wrap it around the neck, crossing it in one place, and carefully tie it, hiding the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow stole after twisting will look too short. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the “Hood” method

The stole is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot at the back (following the principle of the previous method). One layer of stole is slightly pulled out and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient due to its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a “Volume Arc” stole

A simple way is to tie the ends of the stole, move the knot under the neck, and spread the scarf beautifully across the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding voluminous folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often a stole is tied not only around the neck, but is also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or Panama hat, and during cool, windy weather. A warm soft stole for your head in winter will become an unusual decoration and protection from frost. By preferring a stole to a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to maintain her hairstyle, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also plenty of options for tying a stole scarf on your head: with a scarf, a turban, traditionally draped over your head and throwing the loose ends over your shoulders, or tying it around your neck. Everyone chooses according to their taste and clothing style. So, how else can you wear a stole?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin in a knot (like a regular scarf). The loose ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown behind the back.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or over one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (lengthwise), and a knot is tied at the back, at the back of the head (like a scarf). If the length of the stole allows, you can (before making a knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (in length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight rope, which is wrapped around the head. To secure the scarf, make a decorative knot or bow on the front or side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Gathering the ends into soft folds, tie a tight, voluminous knot. The loose ends can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid or a bun of hair wrapped in a stole will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a “turban”. The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or pulled back, fixing it at the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for forming a “turban” from a stole.

By the way, such a universal way of tying a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. You just need to choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, a stole is tied around the neck. There are a huge variety of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, the photo shows several ways to beautifully tie a stole.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a voluminous loop at the front. First, one free end is tied to the side (on the shoulder) in a knot, hiding the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The stole is carefully straightened across the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arc of stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck and hide the ends nicely under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Place the stole around your neck and tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie the loose ends and twist the scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, in the loop of one of the knots. Form pleats beautifully.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Place the stole around your neck and align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and insert the head into the hole formed. Depending on the length of the fabric, the scarf can fit tightly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers onto the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the stole around your neck as shown in the photo. Tie up loose, hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 6

Wrap the stole around your neck, leaving the ends hanging over your chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge of the stole. The asymmetry of the location of the node looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are indispensable when paired with outerwear: coats, fur coats, jackets. Sometimes, it’s enough to simply and chaotically throw a scarf over your shoulders or throw one edge slightly behind your back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes fashionistas tightly twist a scarf around their neck or secure the hanging long ends of a stole with a belt.

If a girl considers herself modern and wants to always be the center of attention, she should know how to tie a stole beautifully. Not just to tie, but correctly and in different ways. A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its owner and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress. The first step, of course, is to select the right combination stole with the rest of the clothes. For bright items, you need to select models with unusual prints. Images of animals, outlines of mustaches, eyes and other unexpected designs will be a good solution.

For the cold season, a wool stole is suitable, which can simply be hidden under a jacket, like a wide scarf, or can be beautifully tied or laid over outerwear. However, stoles are worn not only in autumn or winter - in summer, in cool rainy weather, a stole can also be thrown over the shoulders, tied around the neck or head: skillfully rolled and tied thin stoles make original and exquisite headdresses. Nowadays you can again tie a stole on your head like a turban or turban. Today we will look step by step at different ways to tie a stole around your neck or head.

A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its owner and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress.

In essence, what is a stole - it is a wide and long scarf, which, with a wave of a light female hand, turns into anything. Today there is a fantastic variety of ways to tie this elegant accessory. women's clothing. Silk and wool stoles tied around a woman's neck look especially good. On the neck, on the head, no matter where the stole is tied, the eyes of fashionistas are always fixed on French women. They are the ones who know how to tie a stole like no one else.

The classic way (and the simplest) is to simply cross the ends.

It looks like this.

  1. You need to put the stole around your neck so that the ends hang forward.
  2. Cross the ends of the scarf. Leave one as is, vertically down. The other one needs to be thrown over the shoulder.

Method “Loop or knot in French”

  1. The stole must be folded in half in length. Drape it around the back of your neck.
  2. Pass both ends through the resulting loop and straighten as you like.

There are also more serious decor options. For example, like this:

Alternatively, there is this elegant way to tie a stole:

  1. You need to wrap it around your neck - there will be one loop in front. And the tails will be located on the chest.
  2. The loop needs to be pulled out a little more, twisted once, in the form of a rope resembling a figure eight.
  3. Thread the ends that hang freely into the bottom circle of the resulting figure eight on both sides. One on top, one on bottom.

How to tie a stole on your head in winter: warm and elegant

An item of clothing such as a stole is worn not only as an additional element to a coat or dress. It can be used to make an excellent headdress. And it will fit smoothly into any style. What is beautiful is also stylish. So, how to tie and cover your head correctly.

There are a variety of options. The simplest of them is described below.

  1. You need to put a stole over your head. The middle should be at the top of the head.
  2. Throw one part behind your back. The other one should be left hanging freely in front. You will get a light hood like this.

This option is suitable for summer, autumn and spring.

In winter, a wool stole will be a worthy replacement for any headdress - no hats can compare with it in aesthetics, and in warmth too. All you have to do is throw it on your head and wrap the tails around your neck, and a beautiful warm headdress is ready. You can tuck the ends under the collar of your coat or fur coat.

Interesting and fashionable option wearing a stole in the form of a simple turban.

You can wear a stole on your head in the form of a bandana. There are no secrets here - every woman knows how to tie a scarf on her head.

How to tie a scarf instead of a hat to make it stylish

Fashion forces women to look for ways to look more and more beautiful. Therefore, they abandon standard clothing items and come up with replacement options instead. There are again several ways to use stoles, scarves and shawls.


Such methods are suitable, first of all, for those who do not like to wear hats. They are heavier than a scarf or handkerchief, especially when they get wet. What can be done to replace it? Of course, wear a stole instead of a hat.

Here are two simple options with a headband pattern. There is nothing complicated, you just need a suitable scarf.

These options go very well with any coat and fur coat, in particular if the clothing has a fur collar.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. The scarf needs to be folded in half lengthwise. Cover your head diagonally, crossing your tails at the back of your head.
  2. Then bring the scarf to your forehead, covering your head again diagonally on the other side. Cross your tails at the back of your head again.
  3. Form a bow from the loose tails and secure the stole on the head.

And a more complex “Turban” method, loved by most women:

  1. The scarf must be folded lengthwise. Wrap around the head, tails to the back of the head. Wrap the scarf around your head, forming a turban.
  2. Tie the ends of the stole to the forehead, or bring it to the back of the head, fixing them there.

How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat instead of a collar: simple methods

By the autumn-winter season, the question arises of how to wear a stole on a coat more rationally. The simplest and most popular thing is to tie a wide scarf instead of a collar. The basic option is to drape the scarf around the front of your neck. Straighten the ends. Cross them from behind and bring them forward. This will take less than a minute.

Option "Node".

  1. The scarf needs to be wrapped twice around your neck.
  2. Bring the tails forward.
  3. Place one into the resulting ring.
  4. Then tie the two tails into a weak knot, tucking it under the ring.

Option "Complex knot".

  1. Cross the ends at the back, forming a large loop in front.
  2. Twist it with a figure eight.
  3. Pull the left tail up into the loop, the right one through the bottom.

Here are some easy ways to tie a scarf with a collar. Look at the drawings and photographs, and maybe your imagination will suggest some new way.

Eleven Girl Friends: Additional Ways to Wear a Scarf

Below is a photo review of ways to wear a stole scarf, when you look at it it becomes clear how to do it. The diagrams are superfluous here - everything can be seen without them.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 “Loop”

Option 4 “Reverse loop”

Option 5 “Broad step”

Option 6 “Butterfly”

Option 7 “Strict style”

Option 8 “Evening”

Option 9 "Stars"

Option 10 “Casual”

Option 11 "Universal"

  • try to choose material in bright colors, with different prints;
  • large flowers look very good on such a product and create a feeling of celebration;
  • don’t settle on just one material: if everyone wears silk scarves, this doesn’t mean you need to follow in their footsteps - get creative, play with fabrics and achieve the desired effect;
  • use additional accessories when wearing a stole: brooches, clasps, beautiful pins - everything that can enhance the impression should be used.

How to beautifully tie a stole scarf: 5 ways (video)

How to beautifully tie a scarf, headscarf, stole (video)

Just a few years ago, in our country, a beautiful stole scarf was difficult to find on store shelves. If only in the markets it was possible to “unearth” a distant similarity. In addition to beauty, there must also be quality, and this has always been a problem. But once this item of clothing became a trend, the situation changed. The manufacturers understood which way the wind was blowing, and a wide variety of these products appeared on the shelves. The form began to change, the artists tried to outdo each other, and stunningly beautiful drawings emerged from under their hands. There are scarves on sale made from any material you can imagine. All that remains is to choose what you need, and fashionistas are already familiar with the science of using a stole. All you have to do is make a splash and amaze others with your appearance.

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