Special containers are suitable for removing excrement and should be placed in convenient places. Timely cleaning of them and removal of feces and urine is the most important prerequisite for preventing odor. At the same time, cats become accustomed to cleanliness.

What is a cat “toilet” and how to equip it?

It should be like a replacement for a “piece” of wild nature. Cats - as instinct tells them - must certainly bury their feces and urine in a secluded place in soft bedding after they have dug a small hole. Paws are used. A few vigorous movements and you're done. Cats are, with some exceptions and not counting special situations, clean pets. When building a cat “toilet,” a person must proceed from the fact that the cat wants to have the same conditions as in nature. The traditional sandbox is one of the oldest forms. Its shortcomings prompted numerous cat lovers involved in their breeding to look for new forms, try and experiment. At the same time, they did not forget to take a closer look at the habits of the four-legged animals. People drew certain conclusions from the characteristics of their behavior. The “toilet” should attract the animal with its appearance and then it will best suit its purpose. At the same time, it must meet hygiene requirements and require minimal cleaning effort. Experience has shown that cats most like “toilets” that are close in design to natural “latrine” places.

Shape and material for cat litter

It is advisable to choose a tray with high sides. Many cats love to dig into litter, so you need to choose an appropriate litter box. For a kitten, a tray is purchased “for growth”, as for an adult. Otherwise, unbeknownst to you, the grown cat may miss the edge of the small tray when defecating.

It is desirable that the “toilet” be spacious enough. The cat should not only sit there, but also give free rein to its paws to dig. The sides should not be small, otherwise the contents will spill out. They should not be very high, so that you can enter and exit without difficulty. The “toilet” must be stable and not move when the animal enters or exits. Unstable vessels with a small bottom surface are not suitable for it. Flat trays with a rim height of 5 to 10 centimeters work best. It is necessary that the material from which the vessel is made is easy to clean. Wood and cardboard should not be used because they get wet from urine, are difficult to clean, and odors do not dissipate for a long time. Corroding metals such as iron, aluminum, etc. are of little use. Experience has proven that it is best to use containers made of earthenware, ceramics, enamelware or plastic. Baths for washing photographs are also suitable for this purpose. You can make a “toilet” from two troughs, when one has holes and is inserted into the other, and the urine will quickly flow into the lower one. Out of imitation or a sense of cleanliness, many cats try to use the toilet or sink for the “toilet”. They are very easy to accustom to this, it all depends on the desire of the owner.

For several cats living in the same area, one litter box is not enough. It is quite possible that the cat will not “stand in line” in the litter box, waiting for the other cat to do its “business”. In addition, when several cats go to the same tray, the litter simply does not have time to absorb a large amount of liquid at once, and then the consumption of the litter increases not in an arithmetic (by the number of cats) progression, but in a geometric one.

All cat litters are divided into two large class– clumping and absorbent (wood; mineral; silica gel). Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Clumping filler - most modern clumping fillers use bentonite clays or other materials with similar properties. Bentonites are special clays that form lumps when liquid waste (urine) gets into them. The main inconvenience of clumping litter is the need to clean the tray after each “visit” by the cat. Another household problem with this filler is dust. This is especially true for archaeological cats who love to dig into the litter box. The fine-grained filler rises into the air and then settles in a thin layer on surrounding objects.

Absorbent filler - very big class fillers, varied in materials used. Their main property is the ability to absorb moisture, distributing it evenly throughout the entire volume. Depending on its composition, such a filler lasts from several days to several weeks, after which it is completely replaced.

Based on the materials used, absorbent fillers are divided into several types.

Organic (wood) filler is made either from compressed sawdust (usually softwood is used) or from an organic mixture using sawdust (pellets use wheat waste, straw, etc.). The main advantage of wood filler is its price. Disadvantages: this filler has a very high consumption; he is quite dragged around the apartment by the cat. Most wood fillers have very poor odor retention and are inconvenient for solid waste disposal.

Granular filler based on fired clays and other inorganic materials differs greatly in its consumer qualities depending on the materials used. Some of them, when used for a long time, turn into a viscous mass and are unpleasant for cats, others are not effective in containing odors. The main advantage of this type of filler is its relatively low cost. At the same time, replacement of such filler is carried out much less frequently than replacement of wood fillers.

Silica gel filler is highly porous silica granules. Of all the absorbent fillers, it has the longest shelf life without replacement (a small package can last almost a month for one animal), and also completely retains odors from the tray throughout its entire service life. Silica gel does not spread dust and practically does not spread around the apartment (the latter applies to a greater extent to silica gel filler with large granules). One of the disadvantages of silica gel litter is the reluctance of some cats to use it. The fact is that when the liquid is absorbed, silica gel produces a characteristic quiet crunch (clicking sound), which can disturb an untrained or nervous cat. In addition, the cost of silica gel is slightly higher than other types of filler (which, however, is justified by their cost-effectiveness in use). Thus, the cost of packaging varies significantly (from 150 to 400 rubles) depending on the manufacturer (although the quality of all silica gel fillers is approximately the same).

Kittens are accustomed to any type of litter. However, it is recommended to choose silica gel (for example, brands WC, Fresh Step, Felicia and others). For example, a 1.8 kg package of Fresh Step brand silica gel litter is enough for an adult animal for 3-4 weeks without partial replacement or refilling.

Silica gel filler is poured into the tray in a layer of 3-5 centimeters. The animal's liquid waste is absorbed into the granules, which reliably “lock” the smell inside. Solid waste should be removed with a mesh scoop (it can be disposed of in the toilet).

When the silica gel filler becomes dirty, it will stop absorbing liquid. It is advisable to completely change the filler from the tray without waiting for the absorption to stop. Cats are very clean animals, so failure to change the litter in a timely manner can result in the animal “rebelling” and refusing to use the litter box. Contamination of the silica gel filler in the tray will be indicated by a fairly strong change in the original color of the filler (for example, Fresh Step from bright blue will become a uniformly dull blue with yellowness).

Fillings made from grain and corn. Since such litters are made from products that we are accustomed to perceive as food, most owners consider them unsuitable, fearing that the cat might eat the grain. However, the manufacturers of this product claim that after grinding the grain acquires an unpleasant taste. In addition, if the cat does eat a little filler, it will pass through the digestive tract without any difficulty.

During processing, corn cobs are ground and separated into two fractions, light and heavy. These fractions are fried, tablets are made, which are again ground and filtered. The resulting product is biodegradable, clump-forming, washes down the drain and does not generate dust. Such fillers absorb moisture well and are liked by most cats.

Used litter (of any type) should not be poured into the toilet, as this can lead to clogged sewer pipes. This is especially true for “clay” fillers, since, among other things, they can stick to the pipes inside. It is best to place used litter in trash bags and dispose of them in the trash chute or containers. After freeing the tray from the contaminated filler, it is necessary to wash the tray with some cleaning agent, since plastic trays, due to the porous structure of the material, can absorb odors. After applying the cleaning agent, the tray should be thoroughly rinsed so that there are no chemical odors that are noticeable to the cat (this can scare the animal away from the tray).

You can use sand or wood flour as a “filler”, but in this case there will be traces of particles stuck to the paws that pollute the apartment. In the case of flour, there is a danger that the cat will lick the stuck particles and thereby cause damage to health. Larger materials are more suitable - sawdust, shavings or crushed stone. When using wood waste, you need to keep in mind that among them there are toxic products from chemical wood protection waste.
Cut paper makes a very favorable impression on animals. It has absorbent properties and does not pollute animals or the environment. It is easy to prepare (old newspapers, paper), easy to change. For hygienic reasons, the use of containers without permanent bedding has a significant advantage if the cat is accustomed to going there as a kitten. Containers lined with artificial coverings are better preserved (after washing and drying the water, they are again ready for use).

How to deal with the smell

If cats had a penchant for philosophical reasoning, the most popular conclusion among them would be the following aphorism: “The litter box is never too clean.” Therefore, despite the unattractiveness of this activity, daily cleaning of the litter box cannot be avoided.

When pouring the litter into the tray, try to measure neither too much nor too little. If you use too much litter, the litter box will be more difficult to clean because urine will seep all the way to the bottom, but if there is not enough litter, it will not be able to absorb properly and will have to be cleaned constantly. It is best for the layer of filler to be 3–5 centimeters high, however, this depends on the cat and their number, as well as the type of tray. In short, the thickness of the layer depends on how many times a day you have to remove dirt. If you have one cat, it is enough to do this once a day. When there is more than one cat, cleaning is done twice as often, and when kept in groups, even three times more often. Of course, the more often you remove waste, the more litter you will need.

The cause of the odor is the ubiquitous bacteria. In order to protect your home, and at the same time your cat, from these microbes, it is not enough to simply remove waste from the tray. If you use regular non-clumping litter, you will need to completely empty and wash the tray and replace the litter regularly, every few days; with clumping filler, this procedure is done once a month. Each time you replace the filler, the tray is thoroughly washed with an antibacterial agent that is safe for animals. Pet stores have a variety of cleaning products that neutralize odors and contain ingredients that are not harmful to your pets' health.

If it seems to you that a persistent odor has formed in the tray (after all, plastic has pores that retain odors), once a month you need to do a general cleaning using diluted chlorine bleach, however, be careful: chlorine vapor can cause poisoning if inhaled or gets on your paws, if the cat licks them. Rinse the tray thoroughly and only then add litter (if you smell chlorine, your cat will smell it even more).

There is another way to avoid odor and the spread of bacteria - do not let the litter get wet. After thoroughly washing the tray, dry it thoroughly, and then add filler. You don't want moisture to saturate the bottom layer before your cat uses it. Now it is enough to remove waste two to three times a day, and the litter will always be dry. When cleaning, try to scoop the filler all the way to the bottom.

When settling down in a litter box, cats do not always accept correct position. Some things can get past the tray and make a mess. In this case, it is enough to thoroughly wipe the contaminated area with a deodorizing antibacterial agent (they are sold in special containers with a small hole in the lid), and then dry with a paper towel. It is useful to have such deodorizing products on hand, but it is necessary to thoroughly dry the floor before allowing the cat into the room.

However, no matter how you clean the tray, over time washing becomes useless - bacteria penetrate the pores of the plastic and destroy the surface. If possible, the tray should be replaced annually or every two years.

I advise you to stick to one thing when cleaning good rule: Inspect the contents of the tray very carefully. This way, if any problems arise, such as diarrhea or traces of blood in the urine, you will notice it immediately and be able to take action in time.

Even if you keep the litter box immaculately clean, unpleasant incidents still happen. An animal suffering from a disease Bladder or intestines, may not have time to reach the tray or leave drops of urine along the way. To clean the floor and get rid of the smell, you need to act without delay. Victory is not easy to achieve, but the sooner you take action (especially when it comes to urine), the more likely you are to succeed. By allowing urine to soak into any surface (especially carpet), you run the risk of a cat (the same cat or another) using the area as a litter box. Use a cleaner that contains enzymes, apply it to the carpet and let it soak in. Enzymes break down urine. Don't forget about odor neutralizers. But do not use odorants that do not break down odorous substances, but mask the unpleasant odor with another, stronger one.

Your task is to get rid of the smell, not to mask it. Thanks to their developed olfactory receptors, cats can smell urine even through the most powerful odorants. For this reason, it is best to avoid using ammonia as its odor is very similar to urine.

“Toilet”: choosing a place

To place the cat’s “toilet,” choose places in the apartment that are easily accessible to the cat, easy to clean, ventilate, and where no one disturbs the cat. The litter box should be in a secluded corner, as cats usually like to do their toileting “privately”. It depends on the specific living conditions whether to install the “toilet” in one place or place it in many parts of the room. If possible, it is better to place the trough in a place where the floor is often washed (in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the toilet). If it is impossible to constantly monitor the place of the cat’s “toilet,” then the dirt must be washed off in each individual case and the bedding changed.

Cleaning the cat's litter box

Keeping containers for the “toilet” clean is of great hygienic importance. You need to regularly update the bedding and wash the trough itself with warm water several times a day - these are the most important prerequisites for the cleanliness of the animal itself. When replacing litter, the least desirable thing is the presence of

The destruction of sand and sawdust is associated with great difficulties. Under no circumstances should you flush them down the toilet; they will clog the pipes. Sawdust can be burned in small quantities if you have a suitable stove. Sand, if there is a plot of land, needs to be buried deeply. Residents of large cities, who do not have such opportunities, see the only way out in the trash can in the yard. But we must not forget about the sensitive noses of our housemates, who do not always understand the concerns of a cat lover! Here, in order to eliminate the smell and not attract flies, it is best to mix feces with ashes. During the warm season, you can sprinkle them layer by layer with an odor-eliminating disinfectant. Chlorine-containing substances are suitable for this - bleach, chloramine. The easiest way is to destroy litter paper. It should be burned or flushed down the toilet if the water pressure is strong enough. Even more convenient is a “toilet” without a coating, which requires a minimum of costs.

Toilet training. Believe it or not, some owners have had success toilet training their cats. You can purchase a kit at pet stores or through catalogs that includes a specially designed seat cover, instructions, and herbs that have an attractive scent for cats. The point is that a lid is installed on the toilet seat, turning it into some kind of tray. A filler is placed inside, which is gradually removed as the cat gets used to it. Over time, the lid is removed, and the cat defecates directly into the toilet, which is very convenient for its owner. All you have to do is teach her how to flush the water.

Watching a cat sitting on the toilet is quite funny. This method is more suitable for owners of one or two cats, but is hardly suitable for group keeping. Not every cat will agree to this option. However, not every owner will be delighted because his pet is walking around on the toilet seat.

Cats are fairly unpretentious animals, but they need care, especially early age. Proper maintenance of a kitten will allow you to raise a beautiful, healthy cat that will delight its owners for many years. Therefore, it is very important to follow all the rules related to keeping and caring for a cat.

The owner's first concern is getting the kitten home, so you need to prepare for transportation in advance. If you are carrying the kitten nearby, you can do without special equipment, but if you have a long trip ahead, it is better to buy a special bag or basket where the kitten will be comfortable and will tolerate transportation more easily.

Cats do not like transportation and changes in their usual habitat, but often this turns out to be inevitable, so the task of the future owner is to provide their pet with the most comfortable conditions. This is quite easy to do, especially since kittens always tolerate transportation better than adult animals. Their habits have not yet been fully formed, and if handled correctly, they quickly become attached to their new owners. The main thing is to prepare your pet for the upcoming move and instill confidence in him.

Don’t be nervous or worried, because even the smallest kitten is sensitive to the owner’s mood and tension can easily be transferred to the animal.

Before transporting a kitten to a new place, you need to ask its previous owner or seller about the vaccinations given to the animal, and if necessary, be sure to take a certificate (for example, if you have a long move to another region or country).

If transportation does not take too long, you can put the kitten in a soft bag or sack, leaving the head outside.

Pet stores sell a wide range of all kinds of baskets, cages, houses, and suitcases designed for long-term transportation of cats. As a rule, their front wall is a lattice window that provides free access of air. Cages are usually equipped with a retractable floor made of plastic or other moisture-proof material.

To avoid possible injuries, you should line the cage walls with foam rubber, felt or any other soft material. It is also necessary to put a special filler on the bottom of the box, and an absorbent bedding on top.

Having selected and prepared the vehicle, you need to let the kitten examine it.

Cats are very curious by nature, and the baby will certainly begin to sniff an unfamiliar object, get inside and carefully examine it. Then he will feel much more comfortable on the road.

It is advisable to put in the container a small piece of bedding on which the kitten is used to sleeping with its mother. The familiar smell will calm your pet, and you can later train him to sleep in a certain place using this bedding.

For long-term transport, you need to take with you a supply of cat litter or dry sawdust to replace the bedding layer if necessary. However, you should not clean if the kitten is very excited or scared.

You should not feed your animal several hours before travel. On the road, it is also better to limit feeding: once a day will be quite enough. However, it is very likely that due to excitement and stress, the baby himself will refuse to eat. Don't be scared - this is a completely normal reaction to a change in situation.


Under no circumstances should you leave your kitten in a hot car for a long time. A strong increase in temperature is very dangerous for cats and can even be fatal.

When transporting kittens over long distances, you can use any means of transport: train, plane, car, etc.

When transporting in a car, the most important thing is to ensure constant access to fresh air.

Under no circumstances should you carry kittens in your bosom or pocket. This causes anxiety to the animal and also significantly increases the risk of injury.

When you bring your kitten home, you need to make sure that he feels calm in his new place. It is advisable to prepare the apartment in advance for the arrival of a new inhabitant.

Once in a new place, the kitten will begin to explore its surroundings.

When preparing the apartment, you should remember that the little kitten is very curious. All surrounding objects arouse his interest. Therefore, having adapted to an unfamiliar environment (which will happen quite soon), the kitten will begin to actively explore the space, and it is possible that serious dangers may await it along the way. Therefore, before acquiring an animal, it is necessary to carefully prepare the premises and remove all objects that could cause harm to it.

First of all, you need to remove all small objects so that the kitten cannot accidentally swallow them. The same applies to the wires of electrical appliances: a kitten can get entangled in them or chew through them. Be sure to remove toxic chemicals, varnishes, paints, medications, etc. away.


If it is not possible to hide the wires, you can lubricate them with lemon or orange juice: the smell of citrus fruits will immediately scare away the cat.

Kittens love to explore various dark shelters and corners hidden from prying eyes. Sometimes this curiosity can be dangerous for them, so you should take precautions in advance. Desk drawers should not be left open; all gaps found between the walls and furniture must be closed (it is very easy for a kitten to climb into a narrow passage, but impossible to get back out).

Slamming doors can also cause injury, so they need to be closed tightly or secured in a certain position. Particular care should be taken when ventilating the room - you should not leave the kitten alone in a room with an open window, as it may fall out of it.

Some houseplants are poisonous to cats, so before bringing your pet into the house, you need to remove them from the animal's reach. Such harmful plants include azalea, buttercup, chrysanthemum, crocus, ivy, lily of the valley, wisteria and some others, and the poison contained in the leaves of cyclamen and hydrangea is fatal to cats.

Having brought the kitten, you need to give it the opportunity to independently explore the territory.

The container needs to be opened and placed on the floor, let the kitten come out and explore the new room.

Before adopting a kitten, you need to find out from its previous owner what it was fed.

Do not suddenly change the animal's diet - this can cause additional stress.

It is best to bring the kitten home on the eve of the weekend, when the owners will be at home and will be able to devote enough time to it and help it get comfortable in its new place. You should not immediately leave the cat alone for a long time: let it get used not only to its home, but also to its owner. During the first few days, you should try to avoid the presence of strangers in the house and not make sharp sounds, which can scare the kitten.

On the first night, you need to take care to ensure your pet has a restful sleep. You should choose a corner in the apartment that is protected from drafts and arrange a sleeping place for the kitten there.

The place where the kitten will sleep should be warm and cozy.

All cats, without exception, require regular care. This will not only allow you to constantly maintain in good condition appearance animal, but also prevent health problems.

Grooming accessories.

Cats are naturally very clean and already at the age of 3 weeks. They are already trying to lick their fur on their own. However, you should not leave grooming to your cat, especially a long-haired breed, as she will not be able to maintain her coat in good condition on her own. In addition, grooming, carried out from the moment the kitten appears in the apartment, will help establish a trusting relationship with it and create a special psychological atmosphere of mutual understanding between the animal and its owner. It is very important that grooming procedures do not cause pain or discomfort in the cat. To regularly care for a cat's fur, you will need a natural bristle brush, plastic and metal combs, scraps of silk fabric and soft suede, cotton wool, special shampoo, a towel, surgical alcohol, special powder and some other accessories.


It is best to clean and comb the kitten's fur immediately before feeding, so that the procedure evokes only pleasant associations in him.

You should start brushing your cat from the head, gradually moving towards the tail in the direction of hair growth. In long-haired breeds, you should especially carefully comb the hair on the chin, behind the ears and on the lower part of the body, where it is especially thick. Having discovered areas of matted wool, they need to be carefully untangled using a knitting needle with a blunt end.

When combing, you should not make sudden movements or pull the hairs, so as not to cause pain to the cat. Otherwise, the animal will try by all means to avoid the combing procedure.

In no case should you use force against a cat - such measures are unlikely to work; on the contrary, they will instill fear in the animal about the procedure.

You should start brushing the fur with a sparse comb, then use a more frequent one, and at the final stage use a brush. At the end of the procedure, it is advisable to wipe the cat’s fur with a damp piece of suede or silk fabric; stains from light wool are removed with a cotton swab soaked in medical alcohol, and cherry laurel water helps get rid of fat. After this, you can rub a special non-toxic powder or baby powder into the coat, and then comb it out thoroughly.

When bathing, the cat should be held firmly but gently.

As for water procedures, they should be carried out only in cases of extreme necessity (for example, if the cat is very dirty). Most cats are afraid of water and have an extremely negative attitude towards bathing, and this significantly increases the risk of developing colds. In addition, when washing animals' fur, a thin protective fat layer is removed, protecting the skin and coat from harmful effects. environment. In this regard, it is recommended to bathe the animal no more than once every 2 months. The first bath of a kitten should be very careful so as not to cause him to have a negative attitude towards this procedure. Before swimming, you need to carefully close all windows and doors in the apartment to avoid drafts. Then the sink or basin should be filled with water to about 5 cm and the kitten should be placed there (it is advisable to stop feeding it about 3 hours before washing). You should first plug your pet's ears with cotton wool to prevent accidental ingress of water. The bathing water should be warm enough, but not hot: its optimal temperature should be equal to the kitten’s body temperature – 38.3 °C. You should take the kitten by the scruff of the neck and gently wet the fur (except the head) with a sponge, and then rub in the shampoo until foam forms. It is necessary to remember that not every shampoo is suitable for kittens: first of all, it must be soft and not contain toxic substances (for example, you can use a special shampoo for kittens, sold in pet stores, or a gentle baby shampoo). Perhaps the kitten will calmly endure this procedure and even enjoy it. But it is also possible that during bathing he will actively resist and try to scratch you. He needs to be calmed by stroking and kind words, but under no circumstances use violence. After the kitten has been washed with shampoo, you need to rinse it with warm water, making sure that the water does not get into the animal’s nose, eyes and ears. Then you need to wrap the kitten in a towel and wipe its face with damp cotton wool. If there is any dirt left on your kitten's fur, you can remove it with medical alcohol, however, this should be done with extreme caution.

After bathing, the cat should be thoroughly dried with a towel.

After washing and drying the kitten, its fur should be thoroughly combed. On the day of bathing, it is not recommended to let the animal go outside, as it may catch a cold.


You can dry your cat completely with a hairdryer, although most animals are afraid of its noise. Therefore, during this procedure, you need to hold your pet tightly so that he cannot escape. It is not recommended to bring the hair dryer too close, as this can singe the fur and burn the skin.

It is important to remember that the sensations a kitten experiences during its first bath largely determine its subsequent attitude towards this procedure. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that washing does not cause negative emotions in him.

Cats need to sharpen and clean their claws from time to time to remove dead skin cells. If a cat walks outside, as a rule, there are no problems with this - it sharpens its claws naturally (for example, on tree trunks). If there are special items in the house, the cat will also be able to cope with this task on its own. However, in some cases, nail trimming may be necessary.

Trimming claws.

You can carry out this operation yourself, but in any case it is recommended to first observe how a specialist does it. You should trim your cat's claws very carefully. Before starting the procedure, it is very important to make sure that the cat is calm and does not experience anxiety or fear. When trimming the kitten's claws for the first time, you need to sit the kitten on your lap with its back to you, take its paw with two fingers and squeeze it slightly so that the claws protrude forward. You can only cut off the tip, which consists of dead cells that lack sensitivity. You must try not to touch the inside of the claw: it contains blood vessels and nerve endings, and any careless touch can cause pain to your pet.


It is best to use special scissors or tweezers for trimming claws, which can be found at any pet store. They must be sharp enough, otherwise there is a danger of the claw splitting, which causes the animal very severe pain.

After treating the kitten's front paws, you need to take a short break. Throughout the entire procedure, it is advisable to talk to the kitten in a gentle voice and stroke its back - this will calm the animal and help relieve stress.

Every week it is necessary to examine the cat’s oral cavity, check the condition of his teeth and gums. If any alarming symptoms(change in color of teeth and gums, appearance unpleasant odor from the mouth), you need to urgently contact a veterinarian. However, undesirable consequences can be easily avoided if you take care of your pet’s teeth daily.

Examination of the oral cavity.

To do this, you can use a piece of thick cloth or gauze moistened with plantain infusion. They should be used to clean the kitten's upper and lower teeth; this procedure must be completed as quickly as possible. It is advisable to purchase a rubber bone or a special toy with spikes and grooves for your cat - such devices are excellent for cleaning teeth. As soon as your kitten is old enough, you should start giving him solid food, which helps clean his teeth and provides proper development bite Pet stores sell all kinds of toothbrushes and toothpastes for animals. As a rule, these products are effective and harmless, but they are not suitable for kittens; it is advisable to use them only when the cat grows up. It is necessary to regularly inspect the inside and outside of the kitten's ears. Ear diseases are very dangerous and in some cases can lead to complete hearing loss, which is why it is so important to detect their symptoms in a timely manner. Thus, the appearance of bloody or purulent discharge, irritation of the skin behind the ears indicate some kind of inflammation; dark brown or black plaque on the inner surface of the ear - a clear sign ear mite damage. In this case, you need to urgently show the animal to a veterinarian. A sick kitten should be isolated from all other animals in the house until it has fully recovered. But even healthy ears need daily care, since sulfur is formed in them from time to time. To clean your kitten's ears, it is best to use a cotton swab lubricated with oil, petroleum jelly or liquid paraffin. It is not recommended to insert the tampon too deep into the ear, as this can damage the eardrum.

Ear treatment.

Constant examination of the animal's eyes helps prevent the development of serious infectious and cold diseases. Increased tear production, redness or swelling of the eyelids often indicate the presence of respiratory diseases. Sometimes a kitten's eyeball is partially covered by the nictitating membrane (third eyelid), which may be a sign of fever or infection. The cat's eyes should be washed approximately once a week, but in some cases this procedure can be performed more often. For this purpose, a strong infusion of tea is usually used, with which a cotton swab is soaked. You can also wash your pet's eyes with warm boiled water or chamomile infusion, but the latter is not recommended to be used too often.

Toilet training

From the very first day of a kitten’s life in the house, it is necessary to teach him to relieve his natural needs in a place specially designated for these purposes. First of all, you should think about what your cat's litter box should be like and prepare it according to his needs.


You can make a toilet yourself. It should be borne in mind that the cat will be willing to use it only if the toilet is convenient for it. And of course, caring for the cat litter should not be a problem for owners: it is advisable to make it from suitable material so that it is easy to clean and wash.

A few words should be said about what a cat's toilet should not be like. In no case should you use materials such as aluminum, iron or tin for its manufacture, since under the influence of urine they corrode, as a result of which they not only quickly fail, but can also pose a serious danger to the health of the cat. Wooden boxes and carton boxes are also not suitable for this purpose: cardboard instantly gets wet, and wood absorbs urine, which inevitably results in an odor.

It is best to use a plastic bath of a suitable design for cat litter. Its size should be sufficient for the cat to fit comfortably in it. The height of the container also plays an important role.

If it is too low, the filler will spill out onto the floor.

A container with high walls is also not suitable, as it will be uncomfortable for the cat to sit in it. It is advisable that the litter tray has a flat bottom: this will ensure its stability. You also need to make sure that there are no holes in it: even the slightest damage, for known reasons, makes the toilet unusable.

Pet stores sell an assortment of special plastic trays for cat litter. Some of them involve the use of filler, others are equipped with an insert strainer that allows the liquid to drain. The latter are much more convenient in that they free the kitten owner from having to buy litter every time. Nevertheless, some animals refuse such a toilet: after all, by nature they have an inherent need to bury excrement, and trays with an insert sieve deprive them of this opportunity.

Having chosen a suitable container, you should take care of the filler. Many cat owners prefer to use sand for this purpose. This is a really good option: it absorbs moisture well and is very comfortable for the animal (in natural conditions, cats most often bury their excrement in the sand).

However, along with the advantages, this method also has obvious disadvantages: sand sticks to the pet’s paws and spreads throughout the apartment, and it does not retain odor well. In addition, in urban environments, finding sufficiently clean sand is often very problematic.


Some owners use finely chopped newspaper paper as cat litter. On the one hand, this is quite convenient: such material is always very easy to find. However, paper has low absorbent capacity, quickly becomes damp and becomes a source of unpleasant odors. This filler must be constantly changed.

Wood shavings and small crushed stone are good bedding materials. In the latter case, the kitten's paws will always remain dry and clean, since small pebbles perfectly allow moisture to pass through. But this method is not ideal either. The fact is that it is difficult and inconvenient for an animal, especially a small kitten, to bury its excrement in rubble. Your pet may also refuse such a toilet, preferring some other place in the apartment.

The best option is special fillers, which can be found in any pet store. They perfectly absorb moisture and eliminate odor. In addition, most of these litters are designed for reusable use and the kitten’s owner does not need to change the entire contents of the tray every time. They also have another important advantage: such litters are very convenient for cats, as they fully satisfy their need for digging.

There are several types of special cat litters. Some of them are made from compressed sawdust. They prevent odor and are good adsorbents, but small particles often stick to the animal’s paws and are carried throughout the house.

The most convenient and economical are the so-called clumping fillers: moisture is quickly absorbed and forms a small dense lump that is easy to remove. This material can be used for a very long time, it allows you to always keep the tray clean.

Pet stores also sell litters with synthetic fragrances, but they should be used with caution. Any foreign smell can scare a cat away from the litter box, and artificial flavors can be dangerous, especially for kittens: they can taste the litter and get poisoned.

The toilet should be comfortable.

Having prepared the tray and filler, you need to choose the right place for the cat’s toilet. This must be done in advance, since in the future it will be very difficult to accustom a kitten (and even more so an adult cat) to relieve its natural needs in some other place.

Often a kitten refuses to use the toilet precisely because he does not like the place chosen for him by the owner. Therefore, the toilet should first of all be comfortable for the animal. It is best to install the tray in a secluded corner, hidden from prying eyes, since cats often try to retire while performing their natural needs. You also need to take into account that the animal should always have free access to the toilet.

The best solution is to place the tray in the toilet or bathroom. If you place it on a shaggy rug, it will not slide off and the cat will not be able to turn it over.

Teaching a kitten to use the toilet is not as difficult as it might seem: after all, cats, as has been repeatedly noted, are characterized by innate cleanliness. However, in order for the pet to get used to a certain place, its owner will still have to make some efforts.

As soon as a kitten appears in the house, you should take it to the litter box and give it the opportunity to explore a new place. If you subsequently discover that he is looking for a secluded corner, you should immediately take him to the toilet. If the kitten has successfully completed the task, you need to praise and stroke it affectionately, so in the future the kitten will develop a positive conditioned reflex. If the kitten cannot get used to its proper place, you need to carefully take it by the withers, draw its attention to the offense, and then take it to the toilet.


The cat litter box needs to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. For this you can use hot water with vinegar or caustic soda. It is not recommended to clean your cat's litter box with any strong chemicals that leave a foreign odor.

If the kitten begins to defecate where it should not, it is recommended to thoroughly wash the area with a strong disinfectant to eliminate the odor, which may subsequently attract the animal’s attention many times over. You shouldn’t poke your baby’s nose into a puddle, as many owners do; it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to achieve a positive result this way. Rather, on the contrary, the kitten will only have a negative impression, and this may interfere with the owner’s further relationship with it.

Some cats prefer to use the toilet. Sometimes your pet can be specially trained to do this. This is quite difficult to do - first you need the kitten to get used to a regular tray, which should be placed next to the toilet. Then you need to put some object under the tray and gradually increase the level. When the tray is at the same height as the toilet, you can remove it. Most likely, in this case, the cat will understand what is required of it. However, you should not force your cat to use the toilet if it is already accustomed to another place.

A cat can be taught to use the toilet.

If, despite all efforts, the cat stubbornly refuses to relieve itself in the designated place, this may be due to serious health problems.

This can happen with diseases of the bladder, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. In this case, it is necessary to urgently consult a veterinarian.

Cats are excellent friends, companions, life partners and just animals that will always please the eye. It is the cat who must always be provided with a clean tray to relieve himself, since, unlike dogs, they are not walked. But the most a big problem all cat owners - even if they regularly clean the litter box, a terrible smell still appears. Well, let's figure out how and what to wash a cat's litter box so that there is no smell.

What happens if you don't wash your cat's litter box?

If you do not adhere to the rule of keeping the tray clean, but ignore it, then the cat will begin to refuse it. This refusal will manifest itself in the fact that your pet will begin to chew and scratch furniture, spoil carpets and openly shit in your slippers.

Important! You should clean the tray every day, but thoroughly clean it 1-2 times a week so that it doesn’t stink.

Preparing to clean your cat's litter box

How to clean the tray? At first glance, basic cleaning of a cat's litter box is a very important and serious task that should be approached with caution. So, how to wash a cat's litter box to make it smell?

Let's get ready for this process:

  1. The very first thing to do is make sure there is a trash can next to the tray. This will help you avoid getting your floor dirty while cleaning. It is important that this container is not for general use, but is intended specifically for cleaning the tray.
  2. Secondly, go to the pharmacy and buy disposable gloves (if not disinfected) and a protective medical mask. They need to be worn every time the filling is changed. Doctors also recommend using a respirator.

Important! Following sanitary standards will protect you from diseases such as toxoplasmosis. Even if you haven't touched feces, dangerous bacteria float in the air along with dust and can easily enter your body.

Let's summarize how to wash a cat's litter box and what products we need:

  • A brush (tooth brush) or sponge for removing small debris from the tray.
  • Unscented soap (it is best to use laundry soap).
  • A trash can or just a bag.
  • Scoop for cleaning cat litter with a strainer at the bottom.
  • Disposable gloves and mask.
  • Baking soda.
  • Tray filler (can be replaced with regular sand).

As you can see, all components are easily accessible and inexpensive. The only thing you need is a little effort, time and patience.

Daily cleaning of the cat's litter box

Once all the equipment is ready, let's start cleaning the pet's toilet. How to clean plaque from a cat's litter box?

Every day you have to do the following:

  1. Cleaning up the most waste. It would be best to purchase a special scoop from a pet store for cleaning up pet feces. These scoops are convenient because they have a mesh bottom, and when you grab the feces with it, the dry, unused sawdust from the bedding will fall back into your pet’s toilet. If you do not clean your pet’s bathroom in this way every day, and sometimes several times a day, then your cat will begin to refuse it and relieve itself around the apartment.
  2. Cleaning urinary stones from the tray. If you use a special filler, it will be very easy for you. Most often, in places where the cat urinates, the filler is taken in lumps, which can also be easily removed with a scoop. Such lumps, like feces, should be removed daily.
  3. Replacing the filler. Before throwing litter into your pet's litter box, sprinkle some baking soda into the bottom of your pet's litter box. This will help remove the unwanted smell of cat urine, even if you were not able to remove all the small specks of the previous litter. After this procedure, feel free to pour in new sand or sawdust (about 5 cm in height).

Important! It is not at all necessary to change the filler daily; it is enough to do it 2-3 times a week. Some people specially put plastic bags on the trays each time, fill them with filler, and during cleaning they simply remove the bag and throw it away along with everything it contains. As a result, it is much easier to clean the cat's litter box so that there is no smell.

General cleaning of the cat's bathroom

In addition to regular daily cleaning, it is worth carrying out general cleaning. Thanks to which all plaque and stains are washed off the surface of the pet’s bathroom.

Important! General cleaning should be done once a week, but if you have 2 or more cats that go to the same tray, then 2-3 times a week.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the whole process of how to wash a cat's litter box during general cleaning:

  1. Initially, throw all the contents from the pet’s urine container into a garbage bag.

Important! Alternatively, don’t throw it away, but store it in a separate bag. On many forums you can find tips on how to fertilize the soil in your garden beds with used filler. Also, some gardeners recommend covering young seedlings with used filler for the winter. Honestly, it doesn’t sound very tempting, but folk craftsmen claim that it is very effective, why not try it?

  1. The next step is to wash the tray under a hose with running water. We do this in order to wash the cat's litter box from plaque.

Important! There are a lot of tools you can use for this process. Eg:

  • mild dishwashing detergent, the main thing is that there is no strong chemical smell after it;
  • a solution of baking soda and warm water is also effective;
  • You can even try regular laundry soap.

The choice is yours

  1. Make sure you rinse off the chemical very well, as your pet will lick the litter box and there is a greater chance of chemical poisoning.

Important! Do not use detergents with the smell of citrus fruits and ammonia - they will repel the cat, as a result of which the pet may abandon its toilet completely.

  1. Make sure that the tray is dry; it should be dried thoroughly or wiped with a towel. If the tray is wet, the filler will immediately form lumps or simply stick to the bottom of the tray.
  2. As with daily cleaning, before adding litter, sprinkle the bottom with baking soda, which neutralizes unpleasant odors.

Important! When choosing litter, keep in mind that cats prefer litter that comes in clumps, since it is easy to bury, and therefore easier for you to clean up. Veterinarians also warn that if you use a flavored litter, then high probability allergic reaction and irritation in the cat.

  1. When the tray is completely dry, pour filler into it. A lot depends on how much you put in it, including the cat’s desire to relieve itself in it.

Important! It would be optimal to put 5-6 cm of filler:

  • If there is a lot of it, then a cat (especially a long-haired one), leaving the tray, will scatter small particles of the product everywhere and you will have to clean it all up.
  • Otherwise, if there is not enough filler, the animal will not be able to bury its waste, and there will be a very unpleasant smell in the apartment.

Below are a few tips that will help you quickly and easily clean your cat’s litter box, wash the litter box so that there is no smell, and generally care for your pet:

  1. If your cat is throwing litter out of the litter box even though you have only put a little in, you can purchase a covered litter box or place litter under a mesh screen.
  2. There is a very high probability of infection with toxoplasmosis. To avoid this disease, use a respirator when cleaning the tray. It is inexpensive and can be purchased at a regular pharmacy.
  3. It is not at all advisable for pregnant women to clean litter trays; their likelihood of contracting toxoplasmosis is much higher than for others.

Important! There is a high risk of stillbirth. So during pregnancy, ask someone at home to look after the cat for you.

Regardless of whether you pour litter into the litter box, or your pet is content with a more ascetic model with a mesh, the cat's litter box should be washed regularly and thoroughly - simple rinsing, even regular, is not enough to ensure the absence of a specific odor in the toilet room and beyond.

As for fillers, then, based on personal experience, I will say that no granules, even those made of silica gel, despite rave reviews on various resources, eliminate the need to thoroughly rinse the tray when replacing the filler. Like any item in the toilet, trays collect dust and dirt on their outer surfaces, including bacterial ones, not to mention those that cats can drag on their paws, for example, from the hallway.

And then, we are instructed to regularly clean toilets, despite the fact that, unlike ordinary cat litter, they are equipped with flush tanks that immediately eliminate our waste products. Why reduce hygiene requirements when it comes to the well-being of our pets? Moreover, washing the tray does not require much time - this weekly ritual takes me no more than 15 minutes. True, developing the cleaning technology required a little more!

I will be happy to share my experience.

1. What you will need for work:


If your cat uses a tray with a grid or just a tray without filler, then I advise you to use an acid-containing product to wash it. The most convenient ones are products in bottles with a spray for cleaning bathtubs and sinks - they are less aggressive than products for toilet bowls, but they perfectly clean and disinfect the plastic surfaces of the tray.

If your pet has a litter tray, then to clean it you can use, in addition to bath (or toilet) cleaner, a detergent with a disinfectant effect.

A brush with soft bristles.

Paper towels for drying the tray after washing.

— Bag for used filler.

2. Procedure. I start cleaning the toilet by cleaning and washing the tray. First I pour the used filler into plastic bag. Then, having previously unfastened the removable side, I rinse the tray with water and spray the product (I use an eco-friendly product for cleaning plumbing) and leave it for three minutes. During this time, I manage to thoroughly wash the removable side and begin cleaning the tray with a brush, which takes no more than a minute. Finally, I rinse it with clean water and that’s it! All that remains is to wipe the tray and side, add a fresh portion of filler and reattach the side.

The tray can also be washed with regular toilet cleaner - pour a small amount into the tray and dilute with water. While the product independently cleans the surfaces of the tray, take care of the side - moisten the brush with the solution from the tray and wipe the outer and inner surfaces, then rinse with water. Further actions follow the above technology.

If your pet has a tray with a mesh, then I advise you to apply the product without removing it, and do it later, when the product has had time to “work” on all surfaces. All you have to do is go over them with a brush, rinse with water and wipe with a paper towel.

3. Which filler is better?. As it turns out, this is a very controversial and frequently discussed issue in various forums. Although, why be surprised with such a variety in pet stores. Many agree that silica gel fillers are the best option, since they almost completely absorb liquid and odor, and it requires replacement in the tray less often than all other options.

But there is one “but” - the high cost even for domestic litter, the quality of which does not suit all “cat owners”. What confuses me about this option is, firstly, the silica gel itself (how safe is it for animals?), and secondly, I prefer to wash the tray once a week.

We for a long time We bought wood pellets - they absorbed the smell well, and the cat “approved” of them, but in the end, I got tired of constantly picking up dust from the floor, into which these pellets quickly turned.

Clumping litter – we once bought “Clean Paws”, but were disappointed because, despite regularly removing the clumps, the smell began to be felt quite quickly, after three days. But the cat liked this litter extremely - she dug it with extraordinary enthusiasm. I don’t, because in addition to the smell, I had to constantly collect the fallen granules.

We recently bought an absorbent zeolite litter - the cat is happy and I like it, because it perfectly retains the smell, and much less gets on the floor than what happened with the litter made from wood and “clumping” granules.

In conclusion, I will say that no matter what kind of litter you buy for your cat, when cleaning the toilet room, pay attention Special attention surfaces in close proximity to which the tray is located - walls, floor, etc. It is best to wipe them using detergents with a disinfectant effect.

When a cat appears in the house, the question immediately arises of purchasing a comfortable, and most importantly, economical toilet. A tray with a mesh meets these requirements. Due to its versatility, you can use both silicone filler and regular wood filler. Many pet owners consider it the most practical and convenient option.

Design of a cat litter box with grate

This tray consists of two elements: a tray and a grid that is placed on top of it. A grate is needed in the cat's litter box so that the cat does not get dirty in his feces. Like the vast majority of cat litter boxes, mesh litter boxes are made from plastic materials. This is because other materials, such as metal, react with the animal's feces and oxidize. This is dangerous due to harmful fumes that the pet and its owner will have to breathe.

Pros and cons of using

This tray, like any other thing, has its advantages and disadvantages. Main advantages:

  1. This toilet model is inexpensive, and in addition, the owner will be able to save on filler.
  2. Since the filler is completely hidden in the tray, the cat will not be able to reach it and taste it.
  3. Compared to conventional plastic toilets, this tray option is more hygienic. After all, thanks to the grate, the pet does not come into contact with dirty litter and does not spread it throughout the house on its paws.
  4. Manifold color range. A person can choose just such a cat litter box with a lattice that would fit into the interior of the apartment.

Main disadvantages:

  1. Daily washing. The grate of the litter box will have to be washed every time your pet uses the restroom. Otherwise, it will get dirty with the products of its vital activity, and an unpleasant smell will hang in the apartment.
  2. A cat litter box with a grid is suitable only for those owners who spend their time mainly in the house. If you do not wash the mesh in time, the animal may refuse to relieve itself again in a dirty tray, and this is fraught with “surprises” in the most unexpected places.
  3. Smell. If you do not use fillers, then such an open tray will invariably emit not the most pleasant odors.

The last disadvantage can be easily avoided. You just need to add wood filler to the tray; it absorbs moisture and retains odors.

How to use a cat litter box with bars

The mesh toilet is very easy to use. It can be used with or without filler. To use a litter box with a cat grid, follow these steps:

  • the container is installed in a secluded place, but so that the animal has round-the-clock access to it (for example, under the bathroom);
  • filler or simple sawdust is poured into the tray tray so that it covers the bottom (if liquid gets on them, the granules swell greatly, so you should not overdo it with the quantity);
  • A mesh is placed on top of the tray and the toilet is ready for use.

In order for the animal to regularly go to the same place when needed, you need to use the cat litter box correctly and take care of choosing the appropriate litter.

How to choose a filler?

If there is no opportunity for regular washing, then to avoid odors it is worth using cat litter. In the pet store they are presented in a wide range of different materials:

  1. Silica gel absorbs liquid better than other granules and absorbs odors. It is made from dry silicate gel, so it is toxic. It is not recommended to use it in apartments where small kittens live. They can taste it, and in addition, the silica gel granules begin to fizz when they get wet. This may frighten your pet.
  2. Wood filler is also effective in controlling odors. Absorbing liquid, its granules increase in size by 2-3 times. Therefore, you need to pour it in small quantities, which allows you to save a lot.
  3. Mixed clay and sawdust filler. Despite the fact that it copes well with the task, it also has disadvantages. It is also not suitable for kittens, as they may swallow it. And when they react with liquid, the granules become wet and can stick to the pet’s fur.
  4. Regular sawdust. Sawdust blocks odor quite well, but is significantly inferior in this regard to wood filler.
  5. Sand. River sand only absorbs moisture, but does not eliminate the odor at all, so you have to change the filler often.

Of the listed options, the most versatile will be wood filler. It can be used for kittens and adults, for healthy animals and animals prone to allergies. But if several individuals live in the house, then the best way to deal with the smell is silica gel.

Cats rarely do anything out of spite, so if the owner finds a puddle in the wrong place, he should not scold the cat. You just need to change the filler and monitor your pet’s reaction.

How to change the filler correctly?

The frequency of changing the filler depends on its type. For example, wood pellets that have been exposed to urine will scatter at the bottom of the tray. They are separated with a spatula from the surviving granules and thrown away. If there are no whole ones left, then remove all sawdust from the tray and wash it well under running water.

This type of litter can be changed once a week, provided that only one pet uses the toilet.

You can use cat litter, such as silica gel, for two weeks and only then change it completely. But it is better to remove already used lumps immediately. And the contents of the tray need to be stirred periodically for quick drying.

The mixed filler is also changed once a week. To do this, you need to use a special spatula with holes through which the used filler will be sifted from the clean one. After this procedure, fresh granules are added to the container.

Sand is the weakest among its competitors; it should be changed completely, preferably every day.

In addition, wet cleaning around the tray will be required, as grains of sand may spill outside of it. Each owner can decide for himself how much filler to add by observing the animal.

Required amount of filler per cat:

  • wood filler - 1 layer;
  • silica gel - 2 cm in height;
  • mixed - 3 cm;
  • sand - 1 cm.

All types of fillers have different granule sizes. This is convenient because you can buy small stones for kittens, in which they will rummage with interest, and this will help them quickly get used to the toilet.

How to train a cat to use a litter box?

When a tray and filler have been chosen, the main question arises - how to train the cat to do its business in exactly the right place. You can teach this to a cat of any age, but it is easier to do this when there is a kitten in the house.

To do this, the tray is installed in a dark, secluded place where no one will disturb the animal or disturb it.

After this, the kitten can be periodically brought into the tray and made digging movements with its paws. If during the day the owner notices that the pet has begun to rush about and behave restlessly, he should also take the animal to the tray. When a cat successfully goes to the toilet in the litter box, he must be encouraged.