At some stage common item can turn into magical. What is needed for this? Sometimes this requires an important meeting. And this meeting happened one day...

Fairy tale "The Magic Pen"

Once upon a time there lived an ordinary ballpen. And she had a dream - she wanted to become magical. But she didn’t know how ordinary hands turn into magic ones. And then one day the boy Kolya, who carried this pen to school, accidentally lost it. The poor hand had to go through a lot. She got wet in the rain, lay in the mud for a long time, but did not despair. The pen believed in a happy future. And finally, an unfamiliar passerby picked her up. He turned out to be a storyteller. After some time, the pen ended up in the storyteller’s house. Once, a storyteller invited the pen to go to a magical land. Since then, the pen has written about the Sun, about the stars, about distant Galaxies, and about how the little boy Kolya, when he grows up, will make a magical flight to a distant planet... The storyteller transferred part of his magical power to the pen. She became fabulously magical and wrote about everything herself.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What subject is discussed in the fairy tale?

What did the ballpoint pen dream about?

How did the pen end up on the street?

With whom did the significant meeting for the pen take place?

Did the pen manage to become magical?

What did the magic pen write about?

Main idea fairy tale is that if you really want something, then it is quite possible that it will come true.

What proverbs fit the fairy tale?

Happy is the one who has a dream.
Life without a dream is like a bird without wings.

We recently had a competition for the best fairy tale about some subject. Here are all the texts starting with the winner:

Part 1.
In one city there lived two slipper brothers. Poor old grandmother wore them. Their names were Top-Top and Clap-Clap. They very often fought among themselves: who of them is more beautiful? But this did not last long. They were tied up and taken to the trash heap. They fell in love, but a week later they went on a trip in a garbage truck.
Part 2.
They were driving and saw a lot more garbage, but suddenly they swayed and they spilled onto the board. The board began to move, and they fell into a special machine. They were washed there, sewed and much more. And they sang:
Hurray, hurray! We are clean!
Beautiful, good,
Wired, beautiful -
Hurray, hurray! Irie!

But suddenly they fell silent! They were scared. And it turns out they put labels on them and went to the store!
Part 3.
Before they had time to get there, someone pointed a finger at them, and they went in the cart to the checkout. But they fell into good hands and lived happily ever after. They were sewn up and washed every day. (

Chapter 1.
Once upon a time there was a traffic light. His name was Forik. He did a good job at his job. Then one day he became thoughtful and daydreaming. Forik thought: “I wish I could go home and rest; I’m already tired of working.” Suddenly someone started knocking on him, and he woke up.
Chapter 2.
While the traffic light was dreaming, this is what happened: the traffic light showed red for people, but green for cars, all at once. Everything was mixed up, cars were driving out of order, and people just stood there. Some people needed to go to work, others needed to pick up their children from school. Everything was bad. But suddenly someone thought of knocking on the traffic light.
Chapter 3.
Forik never dreamed at work again.
Dear reader!
I hope you found this book interesting and were able to take a good example from it!!!

Chapter 1. Brave Magnet.
Once upon a time there lived a brave Magnet. He complained that he was not being used. One day he was accidentally taken to war: a soldier played with Magnet and mechanically put it in his pocket, and then went off to fight. As the soldier ran across the battlefield, Magnet magnetized the dagger of the slain enemy. The soldier took the dagger in his hands and looked at it: the blade was golden, and there was an inscription on it. Here are the words: “Whoever takes this dagger will get rid of his enemies, and they will not appear again.” And indeed all the enemies disappeared. The soldier lived happily when he came home. And Magnet helped the soldier defeat his enemies.
Chapter 2. Vic-Vik's trouble.
We forgot to tell you that our Magnet's name is Chick-Chick. Chick-Chick found his friend Vik-Vik. You probably know that magnets become magnetized if they are placed next to each other. That was the problem with Vic-Vik. Chick-Chick became magnetized to Vik-Vik. And Vik-Vik was old. As a result, Vik-Vik cracked, although from the outside it seemed unharmed. But the owner of Vik-Vik was good. He glued these pieces together. And Vic-Vik was glad that he was useful.

Chapter 1. Lonely book. How she lived.
Once upon a time there was a lonely book. She sat and was bored. Nobody paid attention to her. And no one took her to read. Oh, how many interesting things there were in it! She traveled throughout the country of Germany. And now she was sitting on a bench and stayed here for the night.
Chapter 2. Restaurant.
In general, this is not what I want to tell you about. Not how she lived, but how she traveled and what happened to her. Listen carefully. I ask you a task: what was this book like and what is the end of the story - sad or happy?
The next morning she was very hungry and went to a restaurant. There she ate ice cream and a cocktail. She liked it here and stayed here. The birds are singing, the sun is warming. The birds are singing. Every day she ate in a restaurant. There she usually ate potatoes and cutlets. And she lived in a house where the owners went to Moscow for a week on business.
Chapter 3. The book becomes a favorite.
Once she thought about children. Soon she was ready and went to kindergarten. On the way she met an uncle and he took her there. On the way, his daughter read the entire book. All of it - because it was childish and very interesting. The girl told her friends about her. Now the children were so interested in it that they did nothing but read it. So this book is happy until the end of time.

Alshina Yulia, Zubakin Alexey, Kudryavtseva Vera, Ivanovskaya Lilia and other 2nd grade students

The presentation is made up of fairy tales about school supplies, invented by 2nd grade students of State Educational Institution Secondary School No. 425 in Moscow



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We compose fairy tales We compose fairy tales about school supplies and other items (2nd grade)

School supplies We compose fairy tales about...

The Tale of a Pencil and a Pen (composed by Vera Kudryavtseva) Once upon a time there were a Pencil and a Pen. They lived in a pencil case. Every day they went out to work on school notebooks. The pen will come out and write. Then the Pencil will jump out: it will emphasize what needs to be emphasized, highlight something somewhere (an ending or a root, for example). Where the Pen fails, the Pencil comes to the rescue. Where it’s difficult for a Pencil, the Pen is right there. That’s how they lived – they were friends. Once upon a time, something bad happened to the Pencil: the lead broke. It’s bad for one hand! She ran to the Sharpener. “Please help, Pencil’s lead is broken!” - asks the Handle. The sharpener helped, sharpening the Pencil. The lead shone, the Pencil rejoiced. And Pen and Pencil began to work even better in notebooks. Thanks Sharpener!

Who is more important? (composed by Ilya Melekhov) Once upon a time they were in Sasha’s pencil case: Ruler and Compass. One day they quarreled. Which one is more important? The compass says: “You can’t draw a circle without me!” “And without me you can’t draw a straight line!” - Line shouts. They make noise and argue. At this time Sasha came and took a compass. The compass was delighted: “You see, Ruler, the boy chose me!” I am more important! Sasha drew a circle with a compass and took a ruler. He drew segments to the circle and appeared on a piece of paper... the sun! Then both the Compass and the Ruler realized that they were equally important for the boy Sasha. Since then they have not quarreled anymore.

About school subjects (composed by Yulia Alshina) Once upon a time there were an Eraser, Paper and two Pencils. One pencil was Red and the other was Green. One day Red Pencil said to Paper: “Paper, can I draw on you?” The Green Pencil heard this conversation and also decided to ask the Paper to draw on it. The paper was kind and allowed Pencils to draw on it. And they began to draw with pencils. But Green Pencil it turned out bad. The pencils began to swear. Their quarrel was stopped by Eraser. The eraser said: “No need to swear. I’ll erase your bad drawings without any problems.” And the Pencils stopped quarreling, because if something didn’t work out for them, the Eraser came to their rescue.

Dispute. (composed by Ivan Ponomarev) In the pencil case lived a Pen, a Pencil, an Eraser and a Sharpener. One day the Pen said: “I am the most important, because people always write with me.” “No, I,” said Pencil, “I am the most important, because they emphasize everything with me.” “And I can wash everything,” said Eraser. And the Sharpener said: “I’m also in charge, because I sharpen pencils.” “Don’t quarrel,” said Penal, “you are all needed for your studies!”

About the girl Dasha and... (composed by Ivanovskaya Lilia) A girl Dasha lived in the same house. Dasha had a briefcase (she was already in 1st grade). One day Dasha came home from school, did her homework, played and went to bed. And a thin voice was heard from the briefcase. It was Eraser. He did not sleep: he was tormented by insomnia. He squealed to the whole room: “I’m in charge. Listen to me everyone! Then Pencil woke up and said: “Sleep. You're not in charge here. You erase everything and ruin everything.” Other residents of the briefcase also woke up from the screaming. They also all intervened in the dispute. This went on for several days. And then on one of these nights Dasha woke up. She opened her briefcase and... “Oh! - Dasha said in surprise - all objects talk.” Dasha listened to their argument and said: “Don’t argue. I need you all! It will be difficult for me to get along without each of you.”

The Magic Handle (composed by Alexey Zubakin) A boy, Sasha, studied in a Moscow school. He loved to play, walk, watch TV, but did not like to do homework. One day, on the way to school, Sasha found a strange Hand, which suddenly spoke: “Let’s be friends with you. I’ll do your homework for you with straight A’s, but you shouldn’t have any friends except me.” Sasha agreed. All day long his friends called him and invited him to the slide, to the skating rink, to play chess. And the Handle hissed: “You forgot our agreement, don’t go!” She did all Sasha’s homework beautifully and without mistakes, but for some reason Sasha was not having fun. The next day he put the Pen in the place where he found it. “I’ll study on my own, without you,” the boy decided.

A fairy tale about school supplies (composed by Polina Lebedeva) Once upon a time there were school supplies. One day, getting ready for school, they began to check: were they all there? Pens and pencils are in place, notebooks and textbooks are in place, rulers and pencil cases are in place. And suddenly it turned out that there was no eraser. They began to look for his accessories in his briefcase. Not in this corner, not in this one either. And then the ruler suggested that he could remain on the desk. Yesterday the girl studied homework and took it. The briefcase stood on a chair near the table. The ruler lay between the briefcase and the table, like a bridge. She said: “Pen, walk over me to the table and look, maybe there’s an eraser there?” The pen moved along it to the table and began to look for the eraser. She saw an eraser at the other end of the table. He lay crushed under a computer disk. The handle ran up and tried to lift the disk. But it was heavy. Then she called the others for help. The school supplies ran up and together they easily released the eraser. The entire satisfied company returned to the portfolio.

About the boy Kostya and... (composed by Liza Sudakova) Once upon a time there was a boy. His name was Kostya. Kostya was a bad boy. he broke everything: he broke pens, pencils, and simply broke erasers into several pieces. He did as he wanted. He didn’t listen to anyone and didn’t love anything. And then one night an unusual rain began to fall - starry, magical. We all know that when stars fall, you have to make a wish. And Kostya made a wish: “I want to be small!” In the morning he woke up, and it turned out that his wish had come true. He became small: as tall as a finger. Kostya decided to see what was happening in his pencil case. He opened it and saw: A pen whose arm was broken; Pencil with a broken leg; Eraser with a broken back. They all cried bitterly. They saw Kostya and shouted: “Go away, you evil, worthless boy. Don’t come near us, otherwise we will beat you.” Kostya was scared for the first time in his life and cried bitterly. He began to cry and... a miracle happened: he became big again, like all the other boys. But since then he no longer breaks pencils, pens, or any other objects.

Magic Pencil Case (composed by Ali Chergesbiev) They bought a beautiful pencil case for a boy for school. It contained everything a schoolchild needed: blue and colored pens, a pencil, an eraser, a ruler, a square, scissors and glue. But this pencil case turned out to be magical. You ask why? Yes, because as soon as the boy received an “A”, the inhabitants of the Pencil began to argue. The Blue Pen tells everyone that she writes beautifully, which means she is the most important. And the Green Hand answered her: “No, I, because I highlight all the dangerous places - spellings.” The eraser argues with everyone: “And I can erase any mistake!” And the Square and Ruler say that without them the boy would not have received an excellent grade in mathematics. Scissors and Glue are also not far behind: “Without us, you can’t glue or cut anything in labor lessons.” What do you think: which of them is most needed?

Katya pencil case (composed by Maryam Ismailova) Once upon a time there lived a girl Katya. She was an excellent student. Katya did everything on time: she walked, played, studied homework, packed her briefcase and went to bed. One day she had a dream: all the inhabitants of the briefcase came to life and began to argue. Who is the most important among them? Pencils, Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, Compass and Ruler were arguing. Everyone argued that Katya was studying “excellently” only because of him. The girl came to school and it turned out that in her pencil case there was no pencil, no pen, no ruler... Katya began to get bad grades. She cried every day and did not understand why this was happening. And all the inhabitants of the pencil case finally realized that Katya needed them all. They no longer began to run away from the pencil case. It's good that it was a dream. Katya woke up and ran to see if everything in her pencil case was in place? All accessories were in place. The satisfied girl ran to school.

About the girl Galya and... (composed by Vika Mazikina) Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Galya. She already went to school and got straight A's. Everyone praised her. And then one day, when Galya went for a walk, the following happened... The briefcase suddenly opened and first a Pen came out of it, then a Pencil, followed by an Eraser and a Marker. "Let's go traveling!" - they decided. But the old Briefcase tells them: “Don’t, it’s very dangerous!” But the friends did not listen and went under the bed. Galya came from a walk, undressed and... suddenly she climbed onto the bed and began jumping on it. And Pen, Pencil, Eraser and Felt-Tiper were sitting under the bed and didn’t know what to do. They were very scared. The pen said: “Why didn’t we listen to the Briefcase?” They really wanted to go back. Galya jumped a little (she only did this when no one was home) and went to the kitchen. And the school supplies returned to their home (in their briefcase). Since then they always listen to adults.

Night dispute. (composed by Nikita Blinov) One night we were sitting at the table and drinking tea, school supplies. They were arguing. Which of them is more necessary for a schoolchild? The pen was the first to enter into an argument. “I am more needed than anyone else,” she said confidently. “Without me, schoolchildren would not be able to write a dictation, a text...” “And I do a special job...” said Pencil. “But if, using you, the children make a mistake, then it will be difficult to correct it without me,” said Eraser. This is where the textbooks came into the debate. The argument continued for an hour. The pencil case couldn’t stand it and said: “Don’t argue, you can argue all your life, and there will be no sense in it. Neither of you can be better than the other. Each of us is needed in our own way.”

Dishes, toys and other items We compose fairy tales about...

A fairy tale about a Teapot and a Cup (composed by Diana Dzyubenko) Once upon a time there was a Teapot. It was old porcelain. Scale was firmly ingrained into its walls, and the blue flowers on the sides had faded with time and were charred by the fire. When tea was brewed in it, it grumbled and spat boiling water. He always didn't like something. And Cup lived nearby. Plain, with a gold rim and flowers on the sides. The cup was the teapot's favorite student. In the evenings the Lady appeared to them. She sat down and the three of them drank freshly brewed tea. Every now and then, the teapot, dripping onto the tablecloth, told the Cup something about old times or just about life. The Cup loved the old, ugly Teapot and listened to his stories with fascination. But then one day, when the Cup was standing on the windowsill, a gust of wind opened the window... The Cup, crying out pitifully, fell down and broke. That same evening, while grieving for the Cup, the teapot on the stove cracked. He had to be thrown away, just like the Cup. The lady cried bitterly. It turns out that dishes can make friends too.

A fairy tale about toys (composed by Lilia Ivanovskaya) One girl had: a soldier, a Marina doll and a rubber rabbit. One day the girl forgot to put away her toys. At night, when everyone was sleeping, the cat Vaska came running and wanted to grab the doll... But the rabbit grabbed Vaska by the tail with his strong teeth, and the soldier began to beat the cat on the paws with his wooden gun. Marina was able to escape and hide on the top shelf. Since then, Vaska the cat has not tried to “play” with the doll anymore, because she has such protectors.

In one of the lessons literary reading The children were offered a creative task: to write a story about unnoticeable objects in their house or about “How things in my house treat me.” Here are the most interesting little essays.

Terentyev Daniil

Once upon a time there was an old clock. They stood in the largest room and in the most visible place. Every half hour they rang the chimes, but no one noticed them.

One day the clock broke. The house became sad and quiet. And everyone immediately noticed how bad it was to live without a watch. Therefore, they were sent to a watch workshop. The master repaired it and the watch returned home. Since then, the watch began a new happy story.

Semenova Natalya

In our homes there are a lot of different objects and things that benefit us and help us live.

One of the items is a socket. Yes, a very ordinary electrical outlet. This is a source of electricity thanks to which my family and I can watch TV, turn on household appliances, charge a laptop, tablet and phones, which modern world so necessary.

Zakrevskaya Arina

I think that every person has his own favorite thing that he values ​​and loves. Perhaps this thing is associated with pleasant memories. For some it is a computer, a bicycle, a doll or a book. And one of my favorite things is my bed. She stands in the most secluded corner of my room.

Why do I love her? How can you not love her! After all, she takes care of me, my rest. Before bed I like to read, and she probably listens to me too. And she’s also friends with my toys, who love to sleep in it. I take care of my pet: I keep it clean, I fill it up. I think our friendship will last a long time!

Zhigareva Valeria

Things in my house treat me well. I love them and they love me. The desk treats me very well. I do my homework for him, write, draw. I love the table lamp. It shines on me so as not to spoil my vision. My sofa loves me. He is soft and beautiful. When I sleep on it, I have sweet dreams. I have good relationship with TV. He and I are friends. I also love my briefcase - because I carry textbooks, notebooks and good grades in it.

Markvart Alexey

I use it every day many things that make my life easier, but some things are small and inconspicuous. Cutlery helps me eat, and a table lamp provides light in a dark room. In the morning I have breakfast and my mother makes me tea, but without a kettle it would be difficult. Sometimes I don’t notice the closet, it seems big, but I’m so used to it that I put my things there without thinking about it. In fact, there are a lot of inconspicuous things in our house, but this does not mean that they are useless or of little use - on the contrary, the more inconspicuous things are, the more we need them.

Kotova Lyubov

Things treat me well because I try to keep them clean and tidy. And sometimes my things are hidden from me. This happens when I forget to put them in their place. The bed is my most beloved friend. We have an understanding with her. I fill it up, and it gives me magical dreams.

Mitin Maxim

The computer desk doesn’t like me very much; something constantly falls under it: a pen, a notebook, or a very important piece of paper. And I don’t even want to talk about the closet - either clothes will fall out of it, or you won’t be able to find what you need. The bed loves me very much, it is good, soft, comfortable and I have wonderful dreams on it. I am also friends with the chest of drawers, because I neatly put things in it.

The chair doesn’t respect me because I always spin around on it. But I really like the sofa. I come home from school tired, lie down on the sofa, and he carefully puts a pillow under my ear. How a person treats his things in the house, so they will reciprocate him.

Mitin Kirill

I really love my home and the things that are in it. But not all things love me. So there is a mess on the table and in the closet, then the closet is not my friend. When I put my things well, in a few days he will be offended at me for something, and all the things will become crumpled.

I love my desk, I write and draw at it too often. The chair doesn't respect me, I fell out of it once. The sofa loves me, it is very comfortable and I have wonderful dreams on it. But I don’t like the blanket at all, because I often throw it on the floor.