ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a group of acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, the causative agents of which are pneumotropic viruses. This group of diseases includes influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, rhinovirus and many other upper respiratory tract infections.

The group at increased risk of developing ARVI includes the elderly, children and expectant mothers. According to statistics, about 55-82% of women experience ARVI during pregnancy. The main route of infection is airborne, although in some cases infection occurs through household items (towels, dishes).

As you know, an expectant mother should not get sick, because any disease can harm not only her body, but also the developing fetus. In addition, the choice of medications during this period is very limited. What to do if a woman still gets sick? Let's look at the main symptoms of this disease: possible consequences ARVI during pregnancy, and also indicate acceptable methods of treatment.

Causes and symptoms of ARVI

The incubation period of the disease averages 2-7 days. With the air flow, the virus enters the mucous tissues of the upper respiratory tract and penetrates into the cells of the outer layer of the mucosa (epithelium). As a result of the vital activity of the virus, endotoxin is released, causing poisoning of the body (intoxication).

A pregnant woman is especially susceptible to infection because her immune system is weakened. This is due to the fact that during this period the expectant mother’s body undergoes hormonal changes. In addition, starting from the first weeks of pregnancy, progesterone (a hormone produced by the ovaries) suppresses the immune system of the expectant mother. This is necessary for the embryo to attach to the wall of the uterus, since at first the woman’s body may perceive it as a foreign body. All this leads to a pregnant woman’s high susceptibility to any infection, including ARVI.

Most often, ARVI in pregnant women begins with general weakness, malaise, runny nose, nasal congestion, watery eyes, headaches, and fever. A woman suffers from aching joints and muscles. It is not necessary that all of these symptoms be present at the same time. Some of them may appear earlier, others later. On days 3-4, the initial symptoms usually include a cough or sore throat.

Consequences of ARVI during pregnancy

ARVI during pregnancy does not always lead to serious consequences. In most cases, this disease does not cause great harm developing fetus. But sometimes the infection can cause some complications during pregnancy or the development of the child.

Doctors note that ARVI is especially dangerous in early stages pregnancy. The fact is that during this period the main organs, tissues and systems of the baby’s body are formed. The disease virus can provoke the appearance of certain developmental pathologies in the child. Therefore, if a woman has had an infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will definitely refer her for an additional ultrasound.

Another consequence of ARVI in early pregnancy can be spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

After the 12th week of pregnancy, this disease can cause the following complications:

  • Miscarriage or premature birth;
  • Hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the fetus;
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency (impaired placental function).

Experiencing ARVI in later stages of pregnancy sometimes causes fetal hypoxia, signs of which are lethargy of the newborn baby, weak cry at birth, difficulty breathing, and pale skin.

If a pregnant woman had ARVI immediately before giving birth, the baby may be born infected with the virus. This, of course, will make the child’s adaptation process more difficult and will require treatment.

Treatment of ARVI during pregnancy

Quite often, ARVI during pregnancy can be cured when only the first signs of its development appear. If a woman experiences weakness, a sore throat, drowsiness, or is hypothermic, effective measures must be taken immediately. In this case, it’s good to take vitamins (especially vitamin C) and prepare warm tea with lemon and honey. And, of course, stay in bed for the next 24 hours. Often such simple actions help prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

If a woman nevertheless “caught” ARVI during pregnancy, she should definitely see a doctor. Self-medication during this period is very dangerous, especially when it comes to self-administration of antibacterial and antiviral drugs. Most medications have a negative effect on the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

Only a doctor can choose an effective and safe treatment for the expectant mother.

In addition, there are many old, time-tested home methods for treating ARVI during pregnancy. Of course, in case of any doubt or when side effects applications traditional treatment the woman should consult a doctor.

Most often, ARVI begins with a runny nose, which can cause a woman a feeling of discomfort. But besides this, as a result of the mother’s constant nasal congestion, the child will also receive less oxygen. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of a runny nose. Most pharmaceutical drops are undesirable during pregnancy. Pinosol, Sinupret, Aqua Maris are considered the safest. It is good and harmless to drip salt water into your nose. You can buy it at the pharmacy or prepare it yourself (a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water). You can not only bury your nose with a salt solution, but also rinse your nasal passages 3-4 times a day.

Often, treatment of ARVI during pregnancy includes getting rid of cough. Effective method Therapy in this case is the well-known inhalation. For these procedures, herbs such as chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, and calamus root are used. Milk with Borjomi also helps many people. To prepare such a medicinal drink, add 100 ml of Borjomi mineral water to 100 ml of hot milk. Drink in small sips. When coughing, it is recommended to take special herbal mixtures, which include chamomile, coltsfoot, linden flowers, elderberry, eucalyptus, and licorice root. However future mom should be very careful in choosing medicinal herbs, as some of them can lead to complications in fetal development. 4.8 out of 5 (25 votes)

Pregnancy is not only a happy period of waiting for a baby, but also a time when a woman’s body is subjected to great stress. Because of this, immunity is significantly reduced, which leads to possible colds, including ARVI. According to available data, out of the total number of pregnant women, 82% of all women develop this disease. Since any disease can cause irreparable harm to the fetus’s body, it is necessary to select treatment as carefully as possible and undergo it under the supervision of the attending physician.

The disease can be recognized by a number of signs that will prevent it from being confused with something else:

  • weakness throughout the body even after full sleep and rest;
  • sinus congestion, which can only be relieved with the use of special medications;
  • chest or throat cough;
  • lacrimation, which worsens with coughing and sneezing;
  • constant runny nose, which is intense and similar to an allergy;
  • subfebrile body temperature up to +37.5;
  • drowsiness, but the patient may suffer from insomnia;
  • itching and soreness in the throat and larynx;
  • constant spitting of mucus.

Some of the listed symptoms, for example, a throat cough, may accompany the pregnant woman for several more weeks. In this case, there is no need to take medications; it is enough to drink warm tea and follow a sleep and rest schedule.

Attention! If you start fighting the disease at the first signs before the temperature rises, you will be able to avoid a severe runny nose, penetration of mucus into the bronchi and complications for the fetus. Treatment in this case will take 3-5 days without antibiotics.

Consequences of infection during pregnancy

  1. Developmental defects. It is especially scary to get colds before the 20th week, when all the tissues and systems of the body are being built. Viruses and bacteria can enhance or slow down growth, which in both cases leads to serious pathologies. In addition, colds can significantly reduce a child's immunity, which can cause problems in the future.
  2. Spontaneous abortion. According to available data, approximately 15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage due to the mother's body being affected by ARVI. This possibility exists until the 16th week. This happens especially often in the period from the first to the sixth week, when a woman may still not know that conception has occurred, ignore the disease, or use aggressive medications.
  3. Early delivery and heavy bleeding. Due to a weakened protective function, organs may no longer cope with the load, which will provoke early development generic activity. The process will be accompanied by large blood loss, and there will also be a possibility of an emergency caesarean section.

Attention! ARVI in the third trimester without proper treatment can lead to infection of the fetus during childbirth, which can cause dangerous processes in the brain and tissues of an already born child.

Treatment of throat with ARVI with medications


The drug is available in aerosol form. The product perfectly helps in the fight against inflammatory processes in the mouth, pharynx, throat and larynx. Additionally, it has an antiseptic effect, which prevents the proliferation of bacteria and harmful bacteria. This helps to quickly relieve pain, swelling and simplify the swallowing process. Hexoral can be used only twice a day; in severe cases, dosages can be increased to four. The course of therapy usually lasts five days; if during this time it is not possible to obtain the minimum result, it is necessary to change the drug.


The composition of the medicinal product includes essential oils, for which you should definitely check for allergies. It is better to use the drug from the second trimester, but use is allowed in the first twelve weeks if there are real indications for it. Inhalipt contains eucalyptus, mint and other antiseptic and anti-inflammatory substances. It is necessary to use the product one injection once or twice a day. In case of a complicated form, the dosage may be increased to three injections. The course of therapy is individual; if there is no improvement within three days, it is worth choosing another drug.

Attention! When using aerosols, be sure to hold your breath when spraying. Accidental inhalation of vapors may provoke bronchospasm.

Treatment of a runny nose with ARVI


A completely natural product that contains a large number of essential oils. Among the components of the medicine are mint, pine extract, eucalyptus oil and a complex of vitamins. Pinosol should be used twice a day, one or two drops in each nasal sinus. The course of therapy can last 7-10 days. The drug should be used with caution by pregnant women who are allergic to medications and essential oils. Before instillation, you must blow your nose thoroughly so that the product penetrates deeply enough.


For treatment, drops are used that are intended for therapy against runny nose from the first day of a child’s life. The drug can be used twice a day, two drops in each nasal passage. If severe congestion is observed, you can increase the dosage to three instillations. Sometimes the drug provokes swelling of the nasal sinuses; if this happens, you must stop treatment immediately.


A safe product that even small children can use. Aquamaris should be used as drops or a rinsing agent. The drug is instilled three to four times a day into each nasal sinus, two drops. As a rinsing agent, you must first drip five drops and then thoroughly blow your nose to remove any accumulated mucus. The procedure must be repeated two or three times. After this, you can also instill any medicinal drops, such as Pinosol.

Attention! When using drops, it is advisable to use them only at night if normal nasal breathing is present. If congestion is permanent, you can use the drug the recommended number of times.

Medicines for ARVI from dry cough


The drug is suitable for use from the very first day of pregnancy. A medicine was made from the root extract of marshmallow. Pregnant women are recommended to take one tablet three times a day before their main meals. If such a dosage does not give a real result within the first three days, the dosage can be increased. If the poor condition persists or worsens, the drug is discontinued. The duration of treatment can be from one to two weeks, the exact course is determined solely by the therapist, according to the current and past medical history of the pregnant woman.


The drug is available in the form of a syrup, which contains useful expectorant herbs such as thyme, plantain and thyme. It is recommended to take the drug from the second trimester, 2.5 ml twice a day. The duration of treatment can be from five to seven days. The instructions for the drug contain a contraindication for taking Stoptussin during pregnancy, but many years of experience have proven the possibility of its use under strict medical supervision.

Attention! Stoptussin contains honey. Pregnant women with allergies to any bee product should not use it. If food is available allergic reaction The medication should be taken in minimal dosages.

Medicines against wet cough during pregnancy


The drug is prescribed to pregnant women for any type of cough, but especially often when there is a wet cough. Gedelix is ​​available in syrup form. It is advisable to use the product in pediatric dosages, especially in the first twelve weeks. The dosage of the product is 2.5 ml of the active substance once a day. In severe cases of the disease, you can use the drug in 5 ml of the active substance. The classic course of therapy is 5-7 days, if there is a noticeable result from the treatment.


The drug contains thyme and ivy, and is available in syrup form. It is recommended to take the medication 3.2 ml of the active substance once a day. The classic duration of treatment is five days; the course can be extended to one week. The drug shows good results and has almost no side effects.

Reduced temperature during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you can only relieve fever by using Paracetamol. The dosage of the drug is determined only by the attending physician, since the active substance affects the functioning of the kidneys, which can create problems during pregnancy. In some cases, the therapist may allow the use of drugs such as Panadol and Efferalgan. Usually one tablet is prescribed once a day. Additionally, headaches are relieved. The duration of treatment depends on the patient’s health condition.

Attention! If the temperature begins to rise rapidly, it is recommended that the pregnant woman be hospitalized. This is necessary due to possible miscarriage, death of the fetus in the womb and the development of dangerous defects.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice
Hexoral 330 rubles
Inhalipt 250 rubles
Pinosol 170-250 rubles
Aquamaris 200-1500 rubles
Nazivin 200-600 rubles
Mukaltin 15-65 rubles
Stoptussin 240 rubles
Gedelix 420 rubles
Bronchipret 210-320 rubles

Attention! All of the drugs listed have analogues. But due to the slight difference in composition, taking them can be dangerous at any stage of pregnancy. If your pharmacist offers you a similar product, read the instructions carefully and review the recommended dosages.

Traditional methods of treating ARVI during pregnancy

Against sore throat

Gargling has an additional antiseptic effect and relieves inflammation.

For 250 ml of warm boiled water you need to dilute 2 g of salt, it is better to take sea salt. It has an additional antiseptic effect and relieves the inflammatory process. You need to gargle in this way from three to six times. The course of therapy is until complete recovery, usually relief comes on the second day. Instead of salt, you can take the same amount of soda and add a couple of drops of iodine pharmaceutical solution to the water. They need to gargle three to four times.

Against elevated temperature

During pregnancy, regular apple compote helps with fever. To prepare it, you need to boil one liter of water and add 100 g of dried apples of any variety to it. 10 minutes after boiling, turn off the saucepan, cover with a tight lid and leave for one hour. After this, you need to drink the entire compote during the day. You can be treated in this way for 1-2 days, but it is important that the temperature does not rise. If within 24 hours you have not been able to bring down the fever even a little, you should use medications.


This remedy should only be used during the initial development of symptoms. Dilute a teaspoon of honey to 250 ml of warm boiled water. After thoroughly mixing the components, the product is drunk in small sips. It is advisable to drink this tea in bed and immediately go to sleep. Honey will relieve spasms and have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. You can take the drug until complete recovery.

Video - How and with what to treat ARVI in pregnant women

Cold prevention

To protect herself and her body, a pregnant woman should follow a number of tips:

  • rinse your mouth with chamomile decoction after each return home; take a tablespoon of the plant for 250 ml of water and bring to a boil;
  • Be sure to wash your hands with any soap base, and you need to rinse not only your hands, but also your elbows;
  • take vitamin complexes, but only on the recommendation of your doctor, so as not to cause hypervitaminization;
  • rinse the sinuses in the evening with a saline solution, Aquamaris is suitable to eliminate all bacteria;
  • ventilate the room every few hours;
  • engage in vigorous physical activity.

Attention! If someone in a pregnant woman’s family gets sick while in the same room as the sick person, she needs to lubricate her nasal sinuses with oxolinic ointment. The same is done when going outside in the cold and damp season.

Remember, self-medicating while pregnant is very dangerous. It is better to visit a therapist once again, who can choose the most effective and gentle treatment. By following the recommendations of a specialist, even a severe infection cannot harm you and your child.

ARVI is one of the most common and popular diagnoses that our doctors make today. Pharmacies are filled with boxes and jars, the labels of which promise a speedy cure for this disease. It would seem that we can all cope with this “minor” disease on our own. But how to react to such a diagnosis and what treatment to prefer if you are pregnant. In this case, addiction to familiar medications can become dangerous.

The main thing is not to panic!

What actually hides behind the familiar abbreviation - ARVI?

In the scientific literature, ARVI stands for acute respiratory viral infection - a group of viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, occurring with or without fever, symptoms of intoxication, and the development of inflammation.

ARVI has several varieties, but the common symptom is the common cold.

Its symptoms have been known to us since childhood: weakness, headache, lack of appetite, fever (may be slight, given the suppressed immunity during pregnancy), sore or wet throat, congestion and/or profuse discharge from the nose, pain in the eyes.

Respiratory viruses spread by shedding environment when a sick person coughs and sneezes. After this, the viruses settle on various surfaces and from them they can “migrate” to the mucous membrane of a healthy person.

How dangerous is ARVI for a pregnant woman?

It is no secret that pregnant women are very susceptible to infection with ARVI due to a decrease in barrier functions immune system. In addition, these viruses, if treated incorrectly or untimely, can lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is important to try to avoid infection. This is especially true in the first trimester of pregnancy.

How to avoid falling into the network of insidious viruses?

The rules that will help you reduce the chance of “catching” ARVI are quite simple:

  • it is important to eat properly and nutritiously in order to receive all the necessary vitamins and microelements (in the autumn - spring period, additional vitamins may be taken as prescribed by the doctor);
  • try to walk more often, but at the same time choose uncrowded places;
  • engage in physical exercise (unless prohibited by a doctor);
  • get enough sleep and avoid;
  • minimize communication with sick relatives and use a gauze bandage for this.

What to do if you get ARVI during pregnancy?

The most important thing is not to self-medicate. Even if you think your cold is mild, you should see a doctor. If consultation with a doctor is not immediately possible, and the first signs of the disease make themselves felt, you need to listen to the following advice:

  1. If your doctor does not limit your fluid intake, then drink more warm tea with honey or raspberries.
  2. At very high temperatures, you can drink (no more than 1-2 tablets).
  3. To strengthen your immune system, drink rosehip infusion (it is recommended to drink a glass a day in several doses).
  4. When coughing, use inhalation.
  5. Do not use vasoconstrictor nasal drops, and do not use aloe juice (may cause miscarriage). In the fight against a runny nose, rinsing your nasal passages with a weak solution of salt or calendula solution (5-7 drops of calendula tincture per glass of water) can help you. After rinsing, you should blow your nose well (the correct way to do this is: first with one and then with the other nostril). It won't hurt either acupressure, which will help relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa. It should be done as follows: massage a point in the center of the bridge of the nose, paired points in the recess of the beginning of the eyebrows, at the temples, in the groove of the wings of the nose, under the cheekbone at the level of the outer corner of the eye, as well as paired points on the cheekbone, which are located on a line passing in the center of the eye.
  6. Do not steam or heat your feet (this can lead to uterine contractions and miscarriage).

A few more rules that will help you cope with ARVI without consequences

Do not stop taking the medications prescribed to you immediately after the acute manifestations of the disease are relieved (that is, treatment is interrupted) in order to reduce the effect on the fetus, as this may lead to a recurrence of the infection or the addition of other flora. This development of events will entail repeated use of chemicals and, as a result, will greatly increase the risk of exposure to the baby.

When prescribing any drug, before taking it, carefully read the instructions and take the time to check with your doctor about any questions you may have related to this medication.

Especially for- Olga Pavlova


Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy and all kinds of viral diseases (ARVI, adenoviral infection, influenza and others) are the most common diseases. By themselves, they do not pose any particular danger. But you should not neglect them, because complications can be very complex and threaten both the health of the baby and the expectant mother. Therefore, as soon as you notice symptoms of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate!

The frequency of ARVI and colds at the beginning of pregnancy ranges from approximately 2.5 to 8%. The peak incidence is observed in autumn-winter period, epidemics can often occur at this time. Such statistics may be higher, because no more than 20% of pregnant women seek help with such diseases, the rest suffer the disease “on their feet” or are at home. Pregnancy does not increase your risk of catching a cold.

Symptoms and their features during pregnancy

Colds and viral diseases manifest themselves in almost the same way. The following main features can be identified:

The manifestation of viral diseases and colds during pregnancy is almost the same as in non-pregnant women. Nasal congestion may be more pronounced. This is because the nasopharyngeal mucosa is affected by increased levels of progesterone. Because of this, swelling and nasal congestion increases.

ARVI and colds in the first trimester of pregnancy most often pass easily, causing complications very rarely.

Flu is more difficult for expectant mothers. With this disease the frequency of complications is higher.

In most patients, the disease has an acute onset. The temperature rises to a very high temperature, 39-40 °C, but more often this is observed in the first 2-4 days of illness, then it quickly normalizes. Sometimes a so-called second wave of influenza is possible, when after the temperature normalizes, after 1-2 days it can rise again.

A detailed picture of the disease is observed at the end of the first day. The peculiarity of influenza from other viral diseases is that signs of intoxication predominate (muscle aches, headaches, severe general weakness, heat body). Early and persistent symptoms of the disease are dryness and redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nasal congestion (the appearance of mucous discharge is possible on the 2-3rd day from the onset of the disease). A characteristic feature is the granularity of the pharynx, the protrusion of small lymphatic follicles above the surface of its mucous membrane. This symptom can be observed even after the temperature has normalized, until about 7-8 days of illness.

Along with an increase in temperature, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, pain during eye movements, sleep disturbance, and abdominal discomfort occur. There is a sharp pallor, although sometimes the cheeks may turn red, the lips and nasolabial triangle acquire a bluish tint, and the face is puffy.

Danger during pregnancy

The most unfavorable infection of ARVI during pregnancy is in the 1st trimester, since during this period all fetal organs are formed. At this time, the baby’s body can be affected by both the virus itself and the high body temperature that always accompanies the disease. In case if for more than 3 days there is an increase in temperature of more than 38°C, then protein synthesis is disrupted, and this can adversely affect the formation of the baby’s organs. Therefore, with viral infections, the risk of developmental defects in the fetus, spontaneous miscarriage and frozen pregnancy increases. In more late dates infection with ARVI is no longer so dangerous.

Danger arises when a bacterial infection is added to a viral infection. In this case, inflammation of the lungs and lower respiratory tract develops, but this is rare.

The dangers of influenza during pregnancy

The influenza virus is more dangerous. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this virus can have a detrimental effect on the development of organs and systems of the embryo. The possibility of developmental defects and even fetal death increases. To a greater extent, the effect on the baby’s nervous tissue occurs, resulting in malformations of the nervous system.

Studies have shown that 60% of children early age, whose mothers had the flu during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, developmental abnormalities were observed. Most often, endocrine pathologies occurred, late teething, acute respiratory viral infections in the neonatal period, allergic diseases, and complications of viral infection with pneumonia.

A common symptom of viral diseases and colds is cough. Firstly, by coughing, the expectant mother strains the diaphragm and abdomen, and this can increase the tone of the uterus. In addition, when a woman coughs, she is in a state of stress, as she is worried about the fetus and her health. Because of this, cortisol or the so-called stress hormone is produced in increased quantities. It has the ability to easily penetrate the placenta and can cause harm to the developing embryo.

Why do you need to get tested?

If you had ARVI or a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, get tested to identify the possibility of the virus affecting the baby. But there is no need to panic, since such diseases occur in almost every second woman during pregnancy, and serious complications are extremely rare.

If you have had influenza in the early stages, it is recommended to carry out a “triple test” at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, which determines the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is imperative to see the level of three hormones, because it is impossible to assess the risk of possible pathology using one or even two. It must be taken into account that the results of such a test are indicative and if there is a suspicion of abnormalities, a series of examinations must be carried out. First of all, this is an ultrasound. Its results, as well as the “triple” test, will show whether further examination is necessary. If necessary, the woman is referred for consultation with a geneticist.


How to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? What are the features? The principles of treatment for all viral diseases are the same. They include:

Expectant mothers are recommended to have a dairy-vegetable diet enriched with vitamins. Hot drinks made from rose hips, linden flowers, chamomile, elderberries, raspberries, viburnum, etc. are widely used. These plants have a diaphoretic effect, due to which viruses and toxins are released from the body. In the absence of contraindications, the amount of liquid drunk should be within two liters per day.

Be careful when using folk remedies medicine. After all, among them there are some that are contraindicated during pregnancy. For example, some infusions of medicinal herbs can trigger allergies. It is also forbidden to hover your feet.

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How to reduce temperature?

First of all, in order to improve the patient’s condition, it is necessary to reduce body temperature. This needs to be done in a differentiated manner:

  • If elevated temperature in the first trimester is accompanied by hyperemia (redness) of the skin, use physical methods cooling (cold on the main vessels of the neck, groin area, use of a fan, wiping the skin with a warm solution of vinegar 0.25–0.5%, cold cleansing enemas.
  • When the temperature rises with severe pallor of the skin, antipyretic medications are used. In order to eliminate spasm of peripheral vessels, no-spa, aminophylline, and papaverine are indicated. The patient needs to be warmed up - hot drinks, warm heating pads on her feet, rubbing the skin with 60-degree alcohol.

It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as analgin, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen.

The drugs of choice during this period are paracetamol and its analogues.

Studies have shown that when taking it, no undesirable effects were observed either in the health of the pregnant woman or the baby.

Therefore, during early pregnancy, this drug can be taken in a short course.

Treatment for sore throat

Let's dwell on how to treat a sore throat during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. After all, a sore throat is a fairly common symptom of viral diseases and colds. The safest way to eliminate discomfort, soreness and swelling is inhalation. They can be carried out with infusions of sage, mint, calendula, chamomile, saline, Borjomi, etc. Or you can breathe over the steam of potatoes boiled in their jackets. The duration of this procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Cough treatment

For dry cough, the use of antitussive drugs is indicated. But it is important to remember that drugs such as ethylmorphine hydrochloride, codeine and iodine preparations are contraindicated for pregnant women. In order to slow down a cough, marshmallow root is widely used in the form of a decoction in 4 doses of 1 tbsp. spoon. Imupret has a decongestant, antiviral, immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Licorice root and alkaline inhalations are also used.

Mucaltin is used among mucolytic agents for viral diseases and colds during pregnancy. In the early stages of pregnancy, ambroxol, lazolvan, and bromhexine are contraindicated. The use of acetylcysteine ​​is prohibited during pregnancy at all stages.

Article on the topic:

Antihistamines have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the development of edema. But in the early stages of pregnancy it is still better not to take them.

Runny nose during pregnancy

A runny nose during pregnancy makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, as a result of which the fetus may suffer from oxygen deficiency. Safe remedies for colds in the 9th week of pregnancy, and in general in the first trimester, are saline solutions– aquamaris, salin, nosol and their analogues. They can reduce local inflammation, eliminate nasal congestion and make breathing easier. Vasoconstrictor drugs are strictly prohibited during this period.

When choosing an antiviral drug, you need to take into account that it should not only help the mother, but also not harm the baby. The list of approved drugs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is small. These are homeopathic medicines - aflubin, oscillococcinum. They can be consumed exclusively in the indicated dosage and only after a doctor’s prescription.

Sometimes there is a need for antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed for extremely severe acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. Indications for their use are signs of bacterial infection, high body temperature lasting more than 5 days, the presence of chronic foci of infection, and immunodeficiency states. Expectant mothers are prescribed macrolides, protected aminopenicillins, and II–III generation cephalosporins, but this must be done with great caution.

What is contraindicated?

During pregnancy at any stage the following drugs are contraindicated:

  • chloramphenicol – increases the risk of suppression of bone marrow functions;
  • all tetracyclines have hepatotoxic properties and can disrupt the process of bone formation in the fetus;
  • Biseptol and its analogues – increase the risk of the baby developing congenital anomalies;
  • fluoroquinolones – during the period of embryonic growth they act damagingly on interarticular cartilage;
  • other drugs - lincomycin, rifampicin, delagil, levorin, ethionamide, griseofulvin.

Prevention measures

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease than to try to treat it. To prevent the risk of infection viral infections, the nasal mucosa should be treated with oxolinic ointment before going outside. For the first trimester of pregnancy this is the most the best option. After all, it is not advisable to take any medications, even seemingly absolutely harmless ones, during this period. In case of an epidemic it is necessary:

  • If possible, use a gauze bandage;
  • Try to avoid visiting places with large crowds of people;
  • Gargle and rinse your nose after every time you go outside;
  • Take a complex of vitamins and minerals prescribed by your doctor;
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