A memorable date is celebrated in Russia - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.”

This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

The idea of ​​creation single holiday has been circulating among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to this or that event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (currently in our country there are separate memorable dates - Days military glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military operations).

But the initiators new date do not give up - they are sure that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike (), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, which are becoming fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades.

It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, on July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, and countries of hostilities is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then organize The cultural program with the participation of famous artists.

In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, recently this date has been receiving increasing attention from the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

You have passed the combat points
In Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, in Syria, in Lebanon,
Fighting for peace in war.

They honestly deserved their awards
For hard, backbreaking work.
Because they didn’t spare their lives,
In the Fatherland they call you heroes.

Thank you, dear veterans,
For dedicating your life to the fight,
And we will not forget your names,
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

July 1, 2018 at Russian Federation Combat Veterans Day is celebrated. This date does not yet have official status in the country, but every year it only gains in significance. In other words, on this day people mourn veterans who died in combat.

Veterans Day is not dedicated to a specific war. It concerns all veterans who fought for their homeland and fulfilled their duty to it. Also on this day, we should not forget about living veterans, because now they are the only ones who remember military operations and can tell younger generations about it.

It has long been planned not only in the Russian Federation to mark a specific date for veterans who took part in hostilities. In many countries they also want to honor the memory of all fighters on a specific day and, in order not to forget about them, make a separate holiday. An important point it was a choice of date and month, no one wanted it to be connected with the date of some kind of war. After all, there were a lot of them and not all veterans took part in specific military operations. The best option there was a neutral date, which has nothing to do with wars or military conflicts.

Thus, July 1 was chosen so that on this day everyone could remember the veterans who died during the fighting and congratulate those who are next to us. The first times when the holiday began to be celebrated unofficially were back in the 21st century. History contains in its memory many military events and many lives that remained on the battlefield. Residents of the country can bring flowers for them and leave them at the monument.

Many people who died then could not even be identified. Therefore, many soldiers are buried far from their homeland, but on this day everyone nice words will be able to reach them. For many veterans, the dead guys are not just soldiers, but relatives and comrades. After all these years, it still hurts them to remember their losses and, especially on Veterans Day, to hold back tears. Veterans hope that the holiday will still be made official, although now this does not really matter. The main thing is that they will always remember that time and the day is not important for this.

The initiators of the creation of Veterans Day are fighting for the date of July 1

The date that is now celebrated in an unofficial status was adopted back in 2009. It is intended for those veterans who fought after World War II. To select the date, special surveys of veterans were conducted and July 1 was given greatest number votes. Such information was collected and recorded in an official document. These documents were sent to the Government of the Russian Federation more than once with a request to assign Veterans Day the status of an official holiday.

Indeed, this holiday should have its own date, because veterans took part in so many battles that took place not only on Russian territory. The government of the Russian Federation has not yet made a final decision, citing the fact that the state has a similar holiday and it is held on February 15. On this day, the memory of all those who died outside their homeland while performing their duty to the fatherland is honored.

The organizers of Veterans Day do not agree with the statements of the government of the Russian Federation. February 15 and July 1 will have different purposes and the end of the war in Afghanistan cannot be combined with honoring veterans taking part in other hostilities. Still, each date should have its own specifics so that people can delve deeper into what is happening and understand the essence of each holiday.

Veterans Day begins to be celebrated in many Russian cities

Now the Veterans Day holiday is unofficial, but despite this, many residents of the country are beginning to develop a tendency to popularize it. Every year, all residents are sure to honor the memory of veterans of the Great Patriotic War, but do not forget about veterans of other military operations. It is for this purpose that the organizers are trying to achieve official recognition of Veterans Day.

For all residents of the country, this is a good day to delve into the history of the country, and for veterans to remember all their comrades in arms. In many cities of the Russian Federation, Veterans Day becomes permanent with respect to the memory of fallen soldiers at the memorial. In some cities, in the evening they organize concert programs in which Russian performers take part.

On July 1, 2020, we honor those who fought in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in Latin America, Asia, Africa and other hot spots. The military personnel who took part in these companies meet with fellow soldiers and pay tribute to the memory of their comrades who died in battle.

At the celebrations in honor of the holiday, words of congratulations are heard on the Day of Participants in Combat Actions and Local Wars.

Congratulations on the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts

Happy Combat Veterans Day!
I wish you a lot of happiness in life.
Let everything be as in your plans and dreams,
IN real life will come to fruition.

Let the family love you, but let everyone be friends
They give support, loyalty, respect.
Once again, happy holiday to you.
Know that you are worthy only of admiration!

You've passed the battle points
In Afghanistan and Chechnya,
In Egypt, Syria, Lebanon,
Fighting for peace in war.

They honestly deserved their awards
For hard, backbreaking work.
Because they didn’t spare their lives,
In the Fatherland they call you heroes.

Thank you, dear veterans,
For devoting your life to the fight.
We will not forget your names,
And let your glory thunder everywhere!

There were wars, there were victims,
Many were carried away by death,
Never believe words =
Everything that happened has passed.

In the souls of our veterans
Bleeding wounds
Time helps them live,
The heart preserves memory.

On this holiday, frontline
On the day of battle courage,
I wish you guys
Live in the world and be yourself.

Poems dedicated to the Day of Participants in Combat Actions and Local Wars

Although this holiday is not yet in official calendar memorable dates, it has been celebrated throughout the country for several years. It is intended to remind us all of the participants in combat operations living next to us, and those who are no longer nearby.

Military personnel and war veterans lay wreaths at monuments of military valor and glory, and lessons in courage are held in schools and universities. Of course, the heroes deserve our congratulations on Combat Veterans Day. And may our veterans live peacefully, feeling our care and due respect!

Congratulations, veterans,
For your honor and valor!
In battles you received wounds,
But they didn't sell their soul.

You fought until the end
You didn't give up in battles,
So what will the country please?
Are you left alone?

We wish you a lot of health,
Today's big victories,
May the road be long
And there will be no more troubles here.

Peaceful day, the sun is shining in the sky,
The wind plays through the leaves in the trees.
I'm on Veterans Day today
Congratulations on your silence.

The fighting has died down, the noise has ceased,
And only memory fights in a dream,
Fighting friends come with her,
What remained in someone else's war.

Let him not know the actions of combat
Neither your son, nor your grandson, nor your brother,
You repaid your debt to your Motherland honestly,
Combat veteran, soldier.

In difficult times, in wartime
You were facing the enemy.
And that mortal path is not easy,
You kept the line straight.

You fought for freedom
I was not afraid of bullets, shells,
All the troubles of war
I walked by only with the thought: “We must!”

We need children to live
In a peaceful, quiet, good hour.
You have served us well,
Congratulations today!

Congratulations in verse on Combat Veterans Day

Don’t forget to congratulate your friends and family who took part in the battles with warm words on the occasion of the Day of Participants in Combat Actions and Local Conflicts. This can be done in poetry and prose.

Happy Veterans Day to those today,
That the look of war is known for sure first-hand!
The country respects you for your exploits,
For your strong-willed, brave, powerful character.

Thank you for your courage and strength,
For protecting us in difficult times.
May you live long, successfully and happily,
May all grievances and sorrows pass you by.

I wish you good health,
Don't lose heart, never be upset.
Let your hearts be warmed with love,
Life will become a good and beautiful fairy tale.

Happy Combat Veterans Day!
You protected from enemy attack
The expanse of fields, forests and native rivers.
May life give you peace and happiness!

Everything will be very good in fate,
May your family and friends love you very much.
And let the roar of war go away forever,
And may all your days be just peaceful!

Glory and honor to veterans
For courage, courage and boldness,
May the Lord continue to protect you,
Appreciates your dedication and maturity!

Our gratitude is warm
Let it warm you everywhere,
To glory a bright wing
Cover you, songs sounded!

So that your health does not let you down,
And friends always surrounded you.
So that new happiness comes,
And you will not know pain and sadness.

Today is a day full of pride, courage,
There is respect in the air...
Putting on a jacket with orders,
The veteran is sad in his own way.

He is sad about his exploits, tasks,
For comrades who died with courage in battle,
He's drowning in memories
Carefully keeping your dream.

And on a day so significant, special,
I wish him peace, kindness,
For life to be good
So that he doesn't get into trouble.

There is a war going on, and not for an hour
Conflicts will not subside
Shots are heard everywhere
And somewhere people are dying.

All those who were in the fight
We congratulate you on the holiday,
Who defended our fragile world,
All the battles and wars of the participants!

May you win the battle
And the roar of war died down,
You take care of your life,
Close and dear ones.

I would like eternal peace to come
On a whole huge planet.
Fighting for peace, you spared no effort,
So that our children can grow up without wars.

We hasten to congratulate all veterans,
Your feat becomes more valuable only with age!
May the wounds of the soul be healed forever,
Love and kindness will be with you.

Since 2009, this holiday has been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.” This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for our country, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty.

If your friends are far from you now, it doesn’t matter. Thanks to modern means of communication, you can send congratulations on Combat Veterans Day to anywhere in the country.

For those who went into battle, leaving fears behind,
For those who defended their family, country, themselves,
For those who have long since atoned for their sins before the Lord,
For those who risked their lives, loving their country.

Let me congratulate you on a wonderful holiday!
May you have many more of them throughout your life.
Forget everything that's blood red in your memory
All that remains is... Well, we will remember you!

Veterans are our pride and glory,
Your holiday has come, glorious heroes!
Let health protect your years,
And any adversity passes by.
Let family and friends support you more than once,
Life gives you its joy every hour,
We will bow our knees before you,
For being able to save our fragile world!

Congratulations on Combat Veterans Day in prose

Dear combat veterans, internationalist warriors! We cordially congratulate you on your holiday. It was installed as a sign of the deepest respect for Russians who performed their official duties outside their country.

This holiday is a symbol of admiration for those who, risking their own lives, helped friendly peoples defend the freedom and independence of their states. Thank you and low regards! We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!

Dear warriors, dear veterans! We bow to the feat of people who honorably carried out combat missions in hot spots and zones of armed conflict. We are proud of you, paying tribute to our deep respect to soldiers, sergeants, officers, and all those who showed courage, bravery, courage and true patriotism. Happy holiday! May the sky above your head always be peaceful!

July 1st is a memorable date in Russia - Combat Veterans Day. And although it does not yet have official status, every year it becomes more and more famous in our country. Since 2009, this holiday has also been called “Day of Remembrance and Sorrow of Combat Veterans.”

This is a day of remembrance for everyone who fought for Russia, no matter in what wars and armed conflicts, fulfilling their duty to defend the Motherland. As a tribute to them - the veterans who live next to us, and to the memory of those who are no longer alive.

The idea of ​​creating a single holiday among combat veterans who took part in numerous wars and armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and other countries has been circulating for a long time. And they began to celebrate it informally at the beginning of the 21st century. This was caused by their desire to gather on one day, not tied to one or another event of the numerous wars in which they were destined to become participants (currently in our country there are separate memorable dates - Days of Military Glory and other holidays dedicated to the history of specific military actions).

And so, in 2009, July 1 was celebrated as a day of remembrance for all participants in hostilities that took place after 1945 (and this is fighting in Afghanistan and Chechnya, in many countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa), more than 3,000 veterans voted. This was recorded in a special document, and an appeal was sent to the Government of the Russian Federation with a request to officially establish such a Day. However, this issue has not yet been resolved, since, according to the authorities, such a holiday already exists - its function is performed on February 15 (the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duty outside the Fatherland).

But the initiators of the new date are not giving up - they are confident that all veterans should have their own common date, not wanting to confuse the date of the end of the Afghan war and honoring other veterans. And, for example, unlike June 22 (the Day the Great Patriotic War began), it should be dedicated to local conflicts. This will allow you to maintain the specificity of the dates. We all remember and honor the veterans of the Great Patriotic War, of whom there are fewer and fewer every year. But in our country there remain many relatively young veterans who risked their lives and health in the interests of the Motherland after the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. They also deserve recognition and respect.

Therefore, a separate date will be an occasion to congratulate not only the military, but also employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, as well as other participants in combat operations who are not military personnel, on Combat Veterans Day, and for all of them to once again get together and remember their fallen comrades.

It must be said that, despite the lack of official status, on July 1, Combat Veterans Day is already celebrated in an organized manner in a number of Russian regions. For example, in Moscow, the traditional meeting place for veterans of all years, places, countries of military operations is Poklonnaya Hill, where commemorative events begin with laying flowers at the memorial to the internationalist soldier, and then a cultural program is organized with the participation of famous artists.

In other cities, event participants also begin this day by laying wreaths at the Eternal Flame, at monuments to internationalist soldiers and other memorials. In addition, recently this date has been receiving increasing attention from the media, which also contributes to the recognition and spread of the holiday. At the same time, regional authorities in a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation also support the very idea of ​​holding the Day of Veterans of Combat Actions and Local Conflicts.

Meeting every morning with a clear awareness that nothing threatens us - as they say, under a peaceful sky - is a habit for us, something ordinary and even commonplace. But in fact, this is great happiness! And we must thank for such a wonderful gift today and in the future the people who did not spare their lives for us, their descendants, defending their native spaces with their breasts. More than one holiday in our country is dedicated to such heroes. One of the celebrations falls on July 1 - we are talking about Combat Veterans Day.

About Combat Veterans Day

Combat Veterans Day appeared on the domestic calendar not so long ago, having not yet even celebrated its tenth anniversary. It is not yet official, but has already received recognition from thousands of Russian veterans. Actually, it was these heroes who came up with the initiative in 2009 to include the announced date in the list of patriotic celebrations of our country. Three thousand people who heroically fought on the battlefield, fulfilling their duty to the Fatherland, cast their votes for the right to celebrate Combat Veterans Day annually in the midst of the hot summer. A corresponding document was drawn up, which recorded the date of the informal emergence of Combat Veterans Day.

It would seem, why is this Combat Veterans Day, dedicated to the defenders of the Motherland, needed, when there have already been February 23 and May 9 for a long time? It turns out that everything is simple: Combat Veterans Day differs from the listed dates in that it unites participants not only of the Great Patriotic War, but of any armed conflicts that occurred after the victory over the Nazis. This refers to military operations in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Asian, African and Latin American countries. In addition, this holiday is intended to honor representatives of law enforcement agencies who were in one way or another related to armed conflicts.

However, government agencies think differently. People who voted for the existence of Combat Veterans Day more than 8 years ago drafted and sent a letter to the Government asking for official state status for the holiday. But there is still no positive answer, since the domestic calendar already has the date February 15, known as the “Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duty outside the Fatherland.” However, the heroes who have accomplished numerous feats do not lose hope and continue to gather together every time on the first day of the second summer month to honor the memory of the soldiers who died many years ago at the hands of the enemies of the Motherland. They do not want to be tied to any one specific date, because all veterans, wherever and whenever they fought, are worthy of respect, and their heroic deeds and sacrifices in the interests of the Fatherland deserve undeniable recognition.

Features of the event

Combat Veterans Day, despite the lack of official status, is celebrated every year in various regions of our country. In the capital, participants in armed conflicts traditionally meet on July 1 on Poklonnaya Hill. In other Russian cities, veterans different years, as well as supporters of this holiday go to the Eternal Flame or an outstanding military monument. On this day, wreaths and fresh flowers are laid at memorials and sculptures of internationalist soldiers. In large populated areas and, above all, in Moscow, after such an important procedure, free charity concerts are organized. Famous musical groups and artists take part in events of this kind. But, for example, in the city of Azov, on the day of honoring veterans of different years, a monument to soldiers who died outside their homeland was once solemnly unveiled.

In recent years, journalists have been paying increased attention to Combat Veterans Day, covering the event in various media. Representatives of the church also actively participate in the event: on July 1, in many cities, the holiday begins with prayers in memory of fallen soldiers. It is worth noting that among the people who participate in the action, every year more and more teenagers and children can be seen. Introducing young people to patriotic sentiments cannot but please both the veterans themselves and the parents of the younger generation.

What to give a veteran

If you also decide to take part in the celebration of Combat Veterans Day, take care of a gift for the hero of the occasion in advance. Flowers come to mind, of course. Let any veteran, regardless of his gender, be pleased to receive a small but lively, bright, fragrant bouquet. The number of colors in it must be odd - you probably remember this. Well, the most appropriate on Combat Veterans Day will be:

  • Roses are flowers that can be taken literally as the personification of pride in the heroic deeds of a veteran.
  • Gerberas and chrysanthemums - most people associate them with the sun, and among veterans they also associate them with the St. George ribbon, so they are perfect for a gift on such a significant day.
  • Red carnations - they are most often given on Victory Day. But even on Combat Veterans Day, these flowers will be very relevant. It is enough to give the hero one, maximum three red carnations.
  • Blue irises and forget-me-nots - when you look at them, you immediately remember the blue sky. Any veteran will be delighted to receive a bouquet of these flowers, since such a gift will be regarded by him as a symbol of a peaceful sky above his head.

A bouquet of wildflowers would also be suitable for the holiday. Instead of living plants with bright inflorescences, you can present a former participant in an armed conflict with a postcard with an image of flowers on the cover and an original, touching, but most importantly sincere congratulations inside - preferably in poetic form.

Do you know a veteran? Or maybe he is one of your close relatives? Then just flowers and greeting card there’s no way around it - he’ll have to think hard so that the gift given to him on Combat Veterans Day really suits him and isn’t just a standard one. Find out what your veteran's hobbies are. If he likes to listen to the radio, give him a portable radio; loves to grow flowers and vegetables - take out an annual subscription to monthly magazines on plant care, give a set of expensive varietal seeds.

For a person who likes to relax in the fresh air, a wicker rocking chair or folding garden furniture, as well as a cooler bag, would be a good present. Does a veteran you know like to go fishing? Give him a fishing rod. If you know how to do something with your own hands, then present the hero of the occasion with the fruit of your own labors: a hand-embroidered sofa cushion or a painting on the wall depicting nature or animals, knitted napkin on the chest of drawers; glasses case decorated using decoupage technique.

Don't miss out on Combat Veterans Day!

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