11/18/2015 At Grandfather Frost's birthday party

On November 18, Russia celebrates the birthday of the Russian Father Frost. To mark this day, library workers in the village of Dosang organized an educational and entertainment event with elements of the game “Santa Claus’s Birthday”. Students from the Dosangskaya Secondary School took part in it. The children learned why his birthday is in November, how old he is, what he does on this day in his homeland - Veliky Ustyug.

Then those present took a virtual trip to his fabulous residence, officially declared the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost back in 1999. There they visited the main room of the tower - the throne room, the study, the bedchamber, the dining room, as well as the rooms for Christmas trees, children's exhibitions, wishes and gifts. The guys called on the magic phone and congratulated Santa Claus on his birthday. The children also took part in a winter riddles competition and a winter-themed literary quiz. This pre-New Year's meeting with Santa Claus is another reason to rejoice at the upcoming holiday and winter holidays.

The event ended with an introduction to publications from the library’s collections, in which one can find information about the hero of the occasion – Grandfather Frost.

Scenario for the holiday "November 18 - the birthday of Santa Claus"

Target: create a culture of birthday celebrations

Tasks: bring children the joy of meeting their favorite character; form friendly relationships in the team; develop the need to give gifts and congratulations to friends.

Preliminary work: making gifts for Santa Claus.

The progress of the holiday

Host: Hello, guys! Today is an unusual day for us.

Tell me, what is your favorite holiday of the year?(Children's answers.) And today, guys, is also a holiday - a birthday... But whose? Maybe someone knows?(Children's answers.)

Guys, today is November 18th - Santa Claus's birthday! Yes, yes, you heard right! You and I will remember who it is, and, of course, we will have to give him a gift. What would a birthday be without gifts!

But everything is in order!

It is not known for certain how old the winter wizard is, but it is certain that he is more than 2000 years old. Father Frost -lord of the winter cold. The ancient Slavs imagined him in the form of a short old man with a long gray beard. His breath is a strong cold. His tears are icicles. Frost - frozen words. And the hair is like snow clouds. Frost's wife is Winter herself.The children themselves came up with the date of birth of Father Frost, since it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - and frosts strike.

Interestingly, in 1999 Veliky Ustyug was officially named the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost.

Or maybe some of you know where Veliky Ustyug is located?

The city of Veliky Ustyug is located in the northeast of the Vologda region, 524 km from the regional center of Vologda. It was founded in 1147 (a city the same age as Vologda and Moscow) at the mouth of the Yug River, connecting its waters with the Sukhona. The Northern Dvina, the largest river of the European North, is born here.

So HERE: They prepare especially carefully for this holiday in the homeland of the birthday boy, in Veliky Ustyug. On this day, a special mailbox is opened in which congratulations can be sent to Santa Claus. Both local children and visiting tourists enjoy this opportunity. Santa Claus's reliable assistants prepare him a gift every year new suit, decorated with original embroidery. And the children affectionately call him “Grandfather Frost.”

On his birthday, his many relatives and colleagues come to congratulate the fabulous birthday boy - Santa Claus from Finland, Chiskhan - Yakut Father Frost, Karelian Pakkaine, winter storyteller Mikulas from the Czech Republic,Corbobo is the Uzbek Father Frost, Popeye Noel is the Brazilian Father Frost,Snow Maiden from Kostroma.

Guys, do you know how Santa Claus appeared? (No.)

Then I'll tell you!

Fairy tale " How did Santa Claus appear?" (Author of the tale Alexander Slashchev.)

Once upon a time, there lived a boy in the world. And this boy was an orphan. Nobody ever told him kind words, no one ever gave, not even simple candy. The boy did not complain or ask for anything.

Time passed: the boy became a youth, then a man, and then turned gray and turned into a grandfather. One day (it happened on the night of New Year) he sighed bitterly and for the first time in his life said: “Eh, apparently no one will ever give me anything!” The Great Lord of fairy tales heard this sigh and immediately brought a huge variety of toys and sweets to the “boy’s” house.

But the boy had already become a grandfather, a gray-haired grandfather with a large and long beard. He looked at the gifts and quietly said: “Thank you, Lord of fairy tales, for your kindness, for your affection! But what should I do with all these cars, dolls, and candies? I don't need them anymore. Now I don’t even like chocolate and marmalade. And you know what? I’ll give everything to the children!!!” He took a bag with gifts, a staff (to go faster), and put it on warm fur coat, a hat, and went out at night looking at those houses where the boys and girls lived

Seeing this, the Lord of Tales was very happy.

From now on, I endow you with immeasurable magical power! – he announced loudly. - You will forever be my first assistant! Every year you will come to visit people, perform miracles and give gifts to children, everyone without exception! And we will call you Santa Claus!

That’s why nine years ago, guys like you decided that it was time to organize a holiday for this good wizard. After all, for many years all he did was give gifts to others. On November 18, 2005, Father Frost celebrated his birthday for the first time.

And today we guys and I will celebrate the birthday of our beloved Grandfather Frost. But what is a holiday without a birthday boy!!! Let's greet him stormy applause.


Hello Dedushka Moroz! We are very glad that you came to us. Today we will congratulate you on your birthday, sing songs and read poems to you, play games, and of course, give you gifts. Please sit down, Grandfather Frost, and accept our congratulations.


Grandfather Frost, our children have also prepared a musical gift for you.


New Year's questions

1. When does winter come?

2. What other winter months do you know?

3. What games can you play in winter?

5. What fairy-tale characters come to the New Year?

6. Which tree is New Year's?

7. How do we decorate the Christmas tree?

8. 2014 was the year of which animal?

9. And 2015 will be the year of which animal?

11. What date is the Old New Year celebrated?

Music game

You hurry up and stand in a circle,
Yes, repeat after me!

(Musical game “Christmas trees and stumps” or “We’ll go left now...”)

Guys! My game is called “Christmas Trees and Stumps”. When I say “Christmas trees,” you stretch out to your full height and raise your arms up. That's it!.. And when I say “pennies”, you quickly squat down and hug your knees with your hands. Like this!..

Winter dance

Guys, now I invite everyone to stand in one common circle, we will dance our Father Frost’s favorite dance, called “Aunt Veselchak”, be careful and repeat after me

COMPETITION “COLLECT A SNOWMAN” Three balls, a bucket, a carrotAnd for the eyes - two coals;Let’s deftly insert the hand sticks:We sculptsnowman .

(Details of a snowman are cut out from whatman paper (two copies): three circles of different sizes. From colored paper: eyes, mouth, carrot nose, bucket, shrf, broom, arms, legs. Called children, on command on the floor, quickly assemble snowmen from the given parts .

The winner is the one who assembles the snowmen more accurately, quickly and correctly.


At the command of Santa Claus, the children decorate the Christmas trees (two girls) with unbreakable toys.

The winner is the one who decorates his Christmas tree with all the toys from the box faster and more accurately.


Two teams stand opposite each other, dividing the field into two parts, and “snowballs” are poured onto each field. On command, children clear the field from the “snowballs”, throwing them onto the field of the other team. The winner is the team with fewer snowballs after the music stops playing.


Santa Claus makes a “snowfall” - he scatters a whole bunch of paper snowflakes up. Children are given baskets. At the signal, players begin collecting snowflakes in a basket.

The one with the most snowflakes wins.


Large snowflakes are cut into triangles. Placed opposite the teams. Task: while the music is playing, put all the parts together. The winner is the one who fits the music and folds it neatly.


1st option (individual)

Children are given pencils or markers. You need to draw on whatman paper, holding a pencil or felt-tip pen between your teeth (with your eyes closed or your left hand)

2nd option (collective)

All players are blindfolded. On a large Whatman paper, children take turns drawing some part of Santa Claus. At the same time, players are not informed to what point Santa Claus has already been drawn. So, it may turn out that he will have two beards or a whole pyramid of bags with gifts.

Address of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug :

Official site http://www.dom-dm.ru/

Dear guys, it is from the birthday of Santa Claus that preparations for . New Year is the most desired holiday for adults and children. A holiday on which all your deepest dreams are made and come true!

Well. New Year is just around the corner! Let's, guys, together congratulate Santa Claus on the holiday again! (Everyone shouts “Congratulations!” ).


D.M.: thank you guys, girls and boys, for coming to congratulate me on my holiday. Happy birthday! But the time has come for us to part, do not forget to write me letters to the address:
162340, Russia, Vologda region, Veliky Ustyug, house of Father Frost.
Official site And as a parting gift, I give you a fun disco, which will take place at 20.00.

(Santa Claus leaves to the music)

November 18 marks the birthday of our beloved Grandfather Frost. In his kindergarten We also decided to celebrate this holiday and this is what we got...

Goal: To introduce preschoolers to new tradition celebrating the birthday of Santa Claus. Develop physical qualities: speed, agility, endurance, mutual assistance, attention.Develop coordination of movements, orientation in space.Bring joy to children.


Drawings (crafts) of children on the topic “Gifts for Grandfather Frost.”

Festive decoration of the hall.

Equipment for competitions: postcards with winter landscapes, balls for table tennis for throwing, Christmas balls, clothespins - according to the number of children. Throwing baskets – 2 pcs., hoops – 6 pcs., climbing pipes – 2 pcs., 2 pairs of felt boots.

Fairy tale characters:

Santa Claus is an adult.

Musical accompaniment:

"If only there were no winter"

"Three White Horses"

"We'll put on the balloons"


Celebration progress:

The children enter the hall to the music.

Hey kids, kids,

Both girls and boys

Well, listen to the decree,

Do it now!

We publicly announce

What are we celebrating today?

The whole earth is surprised

Santa Claus birthday!

Sends invitations

He invites us to visit

Everyone is surprised

Celebrate birthday!

Ved: Well, guys, do we accept the invitation of Grandfather Frost? Are we going to visit him to congratulate him on his birthday?

Q: Do you guys know how Santa Claus appeared?

Once upon a time, there lived a boy in the world. And this boy was an orphan. No one ever spoke kind words to him, no one ever gave him even simple candy. The boy did not complain or ask for anything. Time passed: the boy became a youth, then a man, and then turned gray and turned into a grandfather. One day (this happened on New Year’s Eve) he sighed bitterly and for the first time in his life said: “Eh, apparently no one will ever give me anything!” The Great Lord of fairy tales heard this sigh and immediately brought a huge variety of toys and sweets to the “boy’s” house.

But the boy had already become a grandfather, a gray-haired grandfather with a large and long beard. He looked at the gifts and quietly said: “Thank you, Lord of fairy tales, for your kindness, for your affection! But what should I do with all these cars, dolls, and candies? I don't need them anymore. Now I don’t even like chocolate and marmalade. And you know what? I’ll give everything to the children!!!” He took a bag with gifts, a staff (to go faster), put on a warm fur coat, a hat, and went at night looking at the houses where the boys and girls lived. Seeing this, the Lord of Tales was very happy.

- From now on, I endow you with immeasurable magical power! – he announced loudly. - You will forever be my first assistant! Every year you will come to visit people, perform miracles and give gifts to children, everyone without exception! And we will call you Santa Claus!

And so, five years ago, guys like you decided that it was time to organize a holiday for this good wizard. After all, for many years all he did was give gifts to others. On November 18, 2005, Father Frost celebrated his birthday for the first time. Guys, why do you think November 18th? /Children's answers/.

Yes, guys, by November 18, our land is already covered with white snow, rivers freeze, and frosty patterns appear on the windows.

Ved: So we ended up visiting Santa Claus. Yes, the holiday is coming, but D.M.’s favorite tree has not yet been decorated.

1 – relay race: “Let’s decorate the Christmas tree”

Run like a snake with a toy in your hands up to the Christmas tree, hang up the toy and come back running like a snake.

Ved: The most best gift this is a postcard. Let's choose winter cards and prepare them for D.M.

2 – relay race. "Choose a postcard"

Jump from hoop to hoop, go to the table and choose a card with a winter theme. Return back in the same way.

Ved: Now let’s remember what gifts were given to fairy-tale characters in the cartoons and fairy tales you know:

What gift did the kid want to receive for his birthday in the cartoon “The Kid and Carlson”?

What did the Owl give to Eeyore? And Piglet? And Vinny?

What did the Elf give to Thumbelina?

What did the Fairy give to Cinderella for her kindness and hard work?

What gift did the turtle Tortilla give Pinocchio?

What did the evil witch give to Snow White?

What is the name of the fairy tale in which a girl is given a headdress for her birthday?

What did Grandma Bee bring as a gift to the Tsokotukha Fly?

What gift did the monkeys give Doctor Aibolit as a token of gratitude for curing them?

What did Morozko give to Nastenka?

Ved: New Year is coming soon and D.M. there will be a lot to do. Guys, do you know who Santa Claus is? best friend And chief assistant? Is he also a postman?

3 – relay race: “Fold the snowman”

The guys have parts from a snowman, they need to make a whole snowman out of them.

V-l: Our D.M. has been absent for a long time. Let's dance with you a little while he's gone.

D.M. appears.

Oh, I'm coming, I'm coming!

Hello children,

I'm very happy today

And I'm friends with the guys,

I won't freeze anyone

I won't give anyone a cold.

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers

Over frozen seas

Over forests and fields.

I was in a hurry, guys, to see you,

To my little friends!


We were waiting for you, Santa Claus,

We've got you covered for the evening!

How happy everyone is

Long-awaited meeting!

D.M.: How about you guys help decorate the earth with snowflakes?

4 – Relay: “Let’s hang snowflakes”

Children crawl into the pipe, take a snowflake and hang it on a rope using a clothespin.

D.M. Guys, what games do you like to play in winter?

If you like to play snowballs, I suggest you start training.

5 – relay race. "Hit a Snowball in a Bucket"

Children run to the line and throw snowballs into a bucket.

V – l: Guys, what do you think about D.M. favorite shoes?

That's right Valenki.

6 – relay race “Running in felt boots”

Children often ask:

Is there Santa Claus in the world?

I'll tell you a secret:

I've been friends with him for a long time.

I have known each other personally for many years -

He's just a great friend!

Faithful, devoted, reliable,

Sometimes cheerful, sometimes serious

With a very bright soul,

And she's very smart.

He is a romantic, he is a dreamer -

Santa Claus is an inventor,

Gathers into a circle of friends,

Who's full of ideas

Creativity is in full swing

With him there is no sorrow.

He will always help his friends

The joy in the heart will increase,

He brings us good news...

There is Santa Claus in the world!

Children and D.M. The game “Empty Space” is played in a circle

D.M.: thank you guys, girls and boys, for coming to congratulate me on my holiday. Happy birthday!

But the time has come for us to part, and as a farewell, I give you a magical bag of sweet gifts. To make the minutes until the next meeting fly by faster, let's dance a little.

There will be a fun disco.

November 18 is officially celebrated in Russia Grandfather Mo's birthday rose.
It is not known for certain how old the winter wizard is, but it is certain that he is more than 2000 years old. The children themselves came up with the date of the birth of Father Frost, since it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - and frosts strike.
They prepare especially carefully for this holiday in the homeland of the birthday boy. On this day, a special mailbox is opened in which congratulations can be sent to Santa Claus. Both local children and visiting tourists enjoy this opportunity.
His many relatives come to congratulate the fabulous birthday boy - Santa Claus from Finland, Chiskhan - Yakut Father Frost, Karelian Pakkaine, winter storyteller Mikulash from the Czech Republic, Snow Maiden from Kostroma, as well as official delegations from Vologda, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod and many other cities. And every year Santa Claus’s assistants prepare him a new suit decorated with embroidery as a gift.

Every person knows when he was born, i.e. has his own birthday. Do fairy-tale characters have birthdays?
Several years ago, the “New Year’s” character Santa Claus settled in the Vologda region, namely in the city of Veliky Ustyug. It has become a reality that you can touch. The governor of the Vologda region presented Santa Claus with a passport. But only in 2005 did Grandfather have an official birthday.
Now every year on November 18, the New Year's wizard celebrates his own holiday. However, the question of age remains open. According to some sources, Santa Claus was born in 6 AD, according to others - in 1006.
Santa Claus celebrates his birthday on a grand scale. His colleagues in magic production come to visit him: Karelian Pakkaine, Chiskhan from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Finnish Santa Claus, Czech Mikulas. And, of course, the Snow Maiden comes from Kostroma.
On this day, delegations from various cities are invited to the estate to celebrate the holiday together. A special mailbox is also starting to work, into which anyone can drop their congratulations and wishes for the wizard. Santa Claus's assistants are preparing a new suit with embroidery as a gift for his birthday.
Currently, several deer live in the estate near V. Ustyug. After all, what is Santa Claus without his transport! And deer are also direct participants in birthday celebrations.
On this day, the organizers of the holiday hold fun events in which guests and the hero of the occasion himself take part. You can see fairy tale heroes come to life: a snowman and a goblin. The Alley of Miracles opens before the guests, where Lesovichok Shishok and his friends welcome the guests, the Months Brothers sing their favorite song around the fire in the clearing. But all the miracles are yet to come.
But why was this particular day chosen for the birthday? The answer is simple: on November 18, as a rule, a real harsh winter comes to the Vologda region.