The most sensual and frank congratulations to your loved one on the anniversary of the relationship in your own words, which everyone will like.

Darling, you and I are already together for a long time, but when you're nearby, days fly by like seconds! On our anniversary, I congratulate you and admit that I have never regretted my choice!

Happy anniversary to you, my love! Our relationship was tested by time itself, and fate put a mark of quality on it. I never want to part with you! Hugs and kisses!

Darling, the next anniversary of our relationship has come. I wish that every year they become stronger, brighter and give comfort, warming with their passionate feelings!

Congratulations, my beloved, on the anniversary of our relationship! Let them bloom and develop, successfully overcoming all obstacles and avoiding pitfalls!

Congratulations to your loved one on your relationship anniversary in your own words

Our relationship is (number of years or months old) and it still delights us with romance, trust and mutual understanding. I am grateful to fate for you and I dream that our story will last forever!

You and I are still together, which means that fate willed it and it united the two halves of one beautiful whole! Congratulations, beloved, on our anniversary! Be with me, believe me, and I will believe in you and follow you!

Loving is a wonderful feeling that we have been experiencing for now (date). As before, I adore all the traits and qualities in you, I appreciate all your beliefs and views on life. Your reciprocity inspires me to become even better for the sake of us and our relationship! Happy Anniversary!

I am immensely happy that fate gave me a meeting with you, my love! On our wonderful anniversary, I wish that your relationship fills your life with a lot of positivity and the happiest moments!

I am glad to congratulate you, my sweetie, on the anniversary of our relationship! Let them continue to develop as best they can and grow stronger day by day!

Congratulate your loved one on your relationship anniversary in your own words

It’s been (...) since we decided to go through life together, but the passion between us is only hotter, the desires are stronger, and the feelings have become deeper. Thank you, my love, for everything. Happy Anniversary!

You and I are one and this fact is confirmed by our anniversary today. We cannot sleep, relax and exist in general without each other. Therefore, today I will wish that it will always be like this! Kiss you...

Darling, you and I have been together for a long time and have become family to each other. There is nothing dearer to me than you and the fact that you think the same is the greatest happiness for me! Happy anniversary of our strong relationship!

On this magnificent day when we found each other, I wish you, my beloved, well-being! May the anniversary of our relationship bring even more romance, enthusiasm and all-encompassing feelings to life!

Darling, today is the anniversary of our relationship with you. It’s so nice to know that there is a strong male shoulder nearby. Let our union be just as strong and indestructible!

Words for your relationship anniversary to your loved one in your own words

You are my best and this has been tested by time and life itself! I love you, my man, as only my heart and soul are capable of!

Congratulations, my love, on our anniversary! Our relationship may not be the most ideal, but I don’t need anyone else! You are dear to me not only with all your virtues, but also with each of your shortcomings. People aren't perfect and I accept you that way and I'm not going to change anything!

My dear, I am so glad that our hearts once met. And today, on the anniversary of the relationship, I want them to beat more often only from great love, tenderness and passion! Congratulations!

Darling, on our anniversary I want my nice words warmed your soul, and love always encouraged and supported. I wish you a radiant mood and boundless happiness!

On this day, all the most ardent, passionate and inspiring words are only for you, beloved! May we have to celebrate more than one relationship anniversary in our lives. I want us to walk hand in hand for many years, without losing love, respect and mutual understanding!

As many as “four” are no joke!
We wish our little one happiness:
There is laughter in the mouth, and a glow in the eyes.
In life - success and adventure.
Let them surround you good fairy tales,
Dad's ideas, mom's caresses,
Power motor, car of interest,
Fast growth, excellent weight.
Strong memory, tenacious mind,
Interesting games with friends while jumping,
Easy-going character, kind soul.
Mom and Dad are happy to listen.

It's a happy day for mom and dad,
You're turning 4!
The child is smart, very cute.
And there is nothing more amazing in the world!
You will blow out 4 candles,
You can make a wish.
And may you be happy in life,
And you won’t know evil at all!

Happy birthday to a beautiful child, 4 years old.
I wish the little sun good happiness and fun hobbies,
good friends and wonderful ideas, strong love from parents and
prosperity in the family, interesting knowledge and incredible miracles.

To the best baby in the world
Turning four.
Happy birthday,
We want to be a good girl.
Egoza and the naughty girl,
Make friends quickly with a book,
Be smart - don't be ignorant
But don't become arrogant.
Be a gentle kitten
A kind, sincere child.
Get to know the world quickly
Grow up for our joy!

You already big child,
Can you count your fingers?
You go to work in kindergarten.
What can you wish for this?
I wish you friends
To have someone to play with
Fly on a plane
Take a walk at Disneyland.
So that mom can learn
Make soup from sweets,
So that your eyes glow
Happiness from big victories.

Turned 4 years old
Today is a miracle baby.
And congratulations on this holiday
I sincerely hurry.
I wish you great health,
So as not to scare my mother by coughing.
In warmth, wrapped in love,
Grow and increase strength.
Your great energy
Always give to your relatives.
And mom and dad in a sad moment
Cheer with your smile!

To a girl

Wow, you're four years old!
You're almost an adult now.
Learn all the letters quickly
And read a fairy tale to mom.
Don't forget about the numbers too,
To help dad count,
How many pieces, on my way home from work,
He could buy cakes.
Grow up, baby, kind, smart,
Beautiful, brave, mischievous.
May your health be strong
Sadness passes by!

To the coolest baby in the world
Today I turned exactly four,
May all your wishes come true,
Always smile, live happily,
Let luck live next door to you,
I wish you a carefree childhood,
May your every day be cheerful and bright,
May life give you valuable gifts!

You're four years old
You are an angel in this world -
Our delicate, scarlet flower,
The sprout of your parents!
You are like a seven-flowered flower.
Greetings from us
And congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
Hurry up to be a gentle sun!
Be miraculously gentle and kind,
A cute and cheerful child,
Radiant bunny, groovy,
Always obedient and family!

The table is set, four candles
Decorate your cake.
Let the magical elf give
A big bag of joy.
Let your dreams come true
Let the world be magical
So that your eyes sparkle
And they didn’t know the word “sadness.”
We only wish you health,
New fabulous miracles.
Stomp on a smooth path,
With a bag of good things at the ready.

Who is this here?
Very beautiful and big?
Those eyes are so smart...
You're already four!
The birds congratulate you
Squirrels, bunnies, foxes.
Everyone wishes you happy days
And there are a lot of new toys,
It’s good to eat soup with porridge,
Listen to mom and dad more often!

Happy birthday greetings to son from mother

I remember my first steps
And the simple word “mother”,
Fingers of a small hand
That they squeezed the heart directly.

And now to my delight
Became a confident man.
There is nothing more expensive on Earth
My own son!

On this sunny day
Birthday is coming.
Let the thorns of anxiety
Won't ruin your mood!

Congratulations, son! I remember
The day you made your first cry
Like any mother, I wish
To achieve a lot,
To be happy, loved, successful,
Strong in spirit with a sensitive soul.
Enjoy life as a spring bird,
Much joy to you, son! Son, you are growing and maturing before your eyes -
On your birthday I wish you to become
More far-sighted and bold in decisions
And dream more boldly about the future!
Believe in yourself, because this is the path to success,
Always walk on the straight path,
Be happy - for my joy and comfort,
Beloved son, my ray of hope! I don't stand in the way
But I will give advice when you ask for it.
Let the fireworks of love greet you ahead,
A wife who won't leave you in trouble.

Sometimes you behave stubbornly
But on your birthday I’ll tell you this:
There is a person in the world - your mother,
Which is always in your destiny!

May you be illuminated by love, inspiration,
And always be sensitive to my advice.
Congratulations, son, on your young birthday.
Just like in the movies, let all your dreams come true!

You and I are like close friends and girlfriends.
You support me, I will help you with everything.
The borders in the area will open before you,
Bloom, my son, like a poppy in a meadow!

SMS congratulations on his 16th birthday to his son from mom, dad

Son, congratulations on your 16th birthday. My dear, I wish you
courage and strength, courage and determination, true goals and
great ideas, favorite things and interesting hobbies, good
friends and eternal good in life.

4 SMS - 219 characters

Dear and beloved son, I congratulate you on your 16th birthday. Wish
to you a strong and courageous character, a kind and sympathetic soul,
determination and prudence, fun and luck, achievement
goals and excellent health.

4 SMS – 235 characters

Dear son, our hope and true support, we congratulate you on
Happy 16th birthday. We wish you undoubted success and eternal youth, cheerful
and exciting activities, choosing a profession to your liking,
determination and prosperity, true friends and eternal good luck.

4 SMS - 247 characters

Thank you, life, for rewarding me
I am such a wonderful son!
You turned sixteen
Your dreams must come true.
Set yourself goals, achieve them,
Stay healthy forever
Let success accompany you
Lifetime friends surround you.

4 SMS - 223 characters

Are you celebrating today?
Birthdays aren't easy.
Now you are already 16,
I became a guy, my son.
Let your youth be beautiful
Let your dreams come true.
I wish you to achieve
You are of the cherished height.

3 SMS - 183 characters

WITH Good morning, my son,
Happy Birthday to You,
There's a cake waiting for you for breakfast,
And friends are already calling.
I read congratulations to you,
While you haven't gotten up yet,
Then I'll quickly scroll through,
A list of all sorts of praise.

3 SMS - 194 characters

Son, I wish you on your birthday,
Let life go without any doubts -
You are smart and brave, reliable, beautiful,
I wish you only happiness, my love.
Meet the dawn of your life,
Today you are only sixteen years old!

Birthday 4 years

Four years ago
You came into this world.
It's like we got a treasure -
From now on you are no longer dear!
Grow, baby, for our joy,
We love and cherish you.
And be smart beyond your years,
Healthy, strong and skillful!
Already so brave -
You're chasing birds in the yard.
Your ringing laughter is the most important
And a calm sleep at dawn.
May your life be happy.
There is still so much to come!
Now we will blow out the candle,
And you make dreams!

You are four years old.
Your holiday today is your birthday:
Toys, bright balls
And lots of sweet treats.
Let the ringing laughter ring out
Let there be games and fun.
Today you are the happiest of all
And let there be no grief!

Congratulations, baby, on your 4th birthday. I wish you bright
joys in life, bright memories of a mischievous childhood, funny
moments and good miracles. Let every day open something for you
new and interesting, may your parents love you deeply and always give you
you have a cloudless sky of happiness.

You are 4 years old -
Already quite big.
Are you not afraid of the rain?
And clouds with a thunderstorm.
Today, on my birthday,
Gifts await you:
Toys, congratulations
They are already running towards you.
Grow up and listen to your mother,
Be healthy, don't get sick.
And eat a lot of porridge,
To grow up quickly.

Our forest berry,
Sweet candy,
How quickly you are growing up!
Happy birthday, baby!
A year has been added to three -
There are now four of them.
There is no one sweeter than our daughter,
More beautiful in the whole world!
On this joyful day
Let's wish each other
To be healthy and happy -
This is what you need to be!

Happy birthday, our beloved,
Sweet, affectionate baby!
Today is your birthday,
You are in a hurry to greet guests.
Even if you are four years old,
You are smart beyond your years.
Be obedient and cheerful
The mischievous ones bring us joy.
Receive gifts quickly
Treats, sweets.
May your whole life always be
Consists of joys.

Four years... You're already big!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts today.
Good luck with everything.
We wish you smiles, happiness and joy!
Grow up healthy, take care of yourself.
And respect and honor your mom and dad.
We wish you a happy birthday.
Let your dreams come true, baby.

Serious term - four years,
There was everything: joys, hardships,
And laughter, and sorrows, and tears,
And in summer - heat, in winter - frost!
I congratulate you on your birthday,
I sincerely wish you
So that you grow and become prettier,
She would be kind and skillful!
So that I can often help my mother,
She put away her toys.
So that I could know everything in the world,
I grew up happy and smart!

What kind of unusual holiday is this?
What a cute nose?
Whose eyes shine brightly,
Are they looking sly, waiting for a gift?
Who will help, who will answer
Do I need all these questions?
I looked a little
And I figured out what it was.
A ray whispers from the sky,
What are you 4 years old!
Happy birthday, happy jam day!
Happy day of fun and luck!
Open your gifts quickly
The holiday will be very bright.

Let's quietly say: “One, two, three”...
We will say loudly: “Four!” -
Happy birthday! Look,
All the animals in the whole world
They send you congratulations
And they bring gifts:
Bunny - fresh carrots,
Squirrel - a cone like a new thing,
The bear is carrying fresh honey
The hedgehog is carrying an apple.
Everyone wishes you laughter
Happiness, vigor, success.
Well, we want to say
That we want to grow up,
Make us all happy
And be a groovy top!

At four years old you have your whole life ahead of you,
Catch luck by the tail and hold on.
May all your dreams come true,
An angel protects from above.
We also want to wish you
More beautiful places to see
And live life like a fairy tale,
In care, tenderness, love of family and affection.

Happy birthday greetings to son from mother, father

One night I'm destined
She gave me a son.
I was the happiest one
I idolized you.
And time passed, my son grew up,
He grew up, got smarter, tried.
Never hung my nose
Although I was upset.
Well, now you're an adult.
Be healthy and happy.
Let your dreams come true
My dear, be loved.
And happy birthday, dear.
Congratulations to you, son.
To you, dear son,
I wish you good luck.

Our dear son, happy birthday.
You are so good and dear,
And the most beloved, without a doubt,
We are proud of you, son!
We wish you to be skillful,
Kind, smart, strong, golden,
Don't be afraid of anything, be brave,
Don't turn up your nose, but be simple.
May the Lord bless you
And he walks next to you,
Every minute helps
And how Truth lives in the soul!

My dear son, you are my hope and my support! Congratulations on your
Happy Birthday! I wish you, my dear son, to go through your life
the path is easy and simple, may you meet only kind and
responsive people. Be honest, fair and smart. Let everything
what is planned will work out, what one dreams of will come true. Be polite and
thank, love and appreciate everything you have. I really want it my dear
son, so that you are surrounded only by devoted and faithful friends. Be
healthy and happy!

Kissing your cheeks, hugging you,
I smile again, I repeat again:
You are my blood, you are my jewel,
You are my cry and my laughter, my life is imperishable.
I am always with you, for you I am a support.
Time is like water! And you will grow up soon,
You will become strong and kind, you will become honest and brave.
He’s a great guy in the family and skilled in his work.
And now I hug you from the bottom of my heart.
Happy birthday, son, I congratulate you!

himself best son in the world,
We really want to congratulate you.
Our kind words are only about this,
Today we tell you:
May your life be happy
And you will always be healthy.
Let friends help you,
Never face adversity.
May your dreams and desires be
They will be fulfilled on such a holiday.
We hug you tightly
You are the dearest in the world.

Son, I congratulate you,
I wish you eternal health,
Success in life and work,
May you always be lucky
To stand firmly on your feet,
I have never encountered failures in my life,
Love, fight, dare, dear,
Happy Angel Day, my son!

Our joy and protection,
Pride, faith and soul -
This is how you grew up, son,
From a simple baby.
The best and most beloved,
Our dear son,
Be healthy, strong, strong.
You are the dearest to us.

My sunny bunny, fluffy kitten,
Dear, precious, beloved baby!
Wrinkle your nose funny when you're asleep,
And you’re noisy, like a hedgehog, sniffling in my ear.
Happy birthday to you, son, congratulations!
I want you to always smile.
So that, delighting loved ones and touching everyone,
You have grown and become stronger, multiplying the years.
May everything be interesting for you, son.
So that everything works out, it comes easy.
So that life, like a bird's spring song,
It rang and always flew high!

Happy Birthday! This is our holiday with you.
It's a pity that there is only one per year.
Smart, charming, beautiful,
Adored and best son in the world.
Take care of your health - this is important
Set goals - you can’t live without them.
Notice the good in everything and everyone,
Don't let your friends let you down.
The years are fleeting, I wish
There is a lot to think about and have time to do,
Live with hope, never lose heart,
So that the soul always wants to sing!

Today is a particularly important day,
There are reasons for this:
Sometime on this day, a little earlier,
Was born little man.
Now you are growing very quickly,
We appreciate your achievements
We will always help you with everything,
Our sweet boy. Happy birthday!

I have a growing boy:
Shebutnoy - well, there are no words.
Every day a big shot
Love for adventure.
Today is his holiday -
Vases full of sweets.
My boy is a prankster
But there is no one more dear to him.
Be a real man
Dearly beloved son!
Don't give in to sadness,
Even if you're alone.
Always be strong in life,
Reflect any blow.
Be sure only of the good -
This is a special gift.
Be a support and protection,
Cheerful for many years.
And let the distant dear
Trouble will pass you by.

Our son is four,
He is the main person in the apartment.
He loves to leaf through books,
Ask a lot of questions
"Where? How? And why?.." -
He's interested in knowing everything!
Grow our (Name) smart, brave,
Good, strong and skillful!

We congratulate you on your fourth birthday
And loving we wish you a lot of joy
Let only the best happen to you
And the worst is bypassed

May the sun always shine
And the clouds never disappoint
Let your eyes shine with happiness
And every day will be like in a fairy tale

May they give you sweets today
And they will let you do pranks
After all, today is your holiday
Accept my cake soon!

Four years ago
You came into this world.
We got a life treasure -
There is no one dearer from now on!

Grow, baby, for our joy.
We love and cherish you.
And be smart beyond your years,
Healthy, strong and skillful!

Already so brave -
You're chasing birds in the yard.
Your ringing laughter is the most important
And a calm sleep at dawn.

May your life be happy.
There is still so much to come!
Now we will blow out the candle -
Let your dreams come true!

4 to you - this is very cool!
Fun, miracles on your birthday!
Always let everything you want come true,
You will become brave like a superhero!

May it be your fourth birthday
It will be amazing
They give different gifts
Guests and parents!
Let toys and surprises
Makes you happy and likes you
And a nice opportunity
Have fun!

You're big, you're 4,
Let your dreams come true!
The best boy in the world
Of course it's you!

- Mother! Dad! I was born!
Start congratulating!
After all, today I “happened”
Get up, stop sleeping already!

That's what my son said today.
Today he is a master
Genie, wizard, lord,
Parents' tamer.

Four years old little man -
Great event.
Blow out the candles on the cake quickly
And hug your parents!

This is the fourth year now
In the house it's the other way around!
Cats walk through closets
And the sofa is bursting at the seams!

What a strange lesson for us?
This is our baby growing up!
On this holiday,
Happy birthday, son!

Gifts, balloons in the apartment -
You're four!
You want to understand a lot
You want to know a lot!
You sing and dance better than anyone else
You can tell any fairy tale!
Grow in care and love,
Call us for your fifth birthday!

Here you are already 4!
There will be games and entertainment!
All the guys in the world know:
The best holiday is Birthday!

Flowers bloom for you,
The sun gives rays,
Let it happen to you
Only the best!
All the blades of grass and flowers
They will celebrate with you.
After all, you are already four -
You are already quite big!

Who is this here?
Very beautiful and big?
Those eyes are so smart...
You're already FOUR!
The birds congratulate you
Squirrels, bunnies, foxes.
Everyone wishes you happy days
And there are a lot of new toys,
It’s good to eat soup with porridge,
Listen to mom and dad more often!

It's festive in our apartment.
All, of course, because
Turned four
One person!

Gave it to a little man
And toys and flowers,
A cake with 4 candles in it -
You will blow them out!

Now that four have passed, the relatives are touched!
It’s just like we took you from the maternity hospital!
And it’s already four years – that’s a date!
The boy has grown up - that's for sure! Got big? Of course yes!
Today we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, dear!
And you were born under a lucky star!
Make everyone happy with your growing up, your years are good!
Happy Birthday! Hugs from the bottom of our hearts!

At the very best holiday in the world
Let's sing and have fun,
After all, you are already four,
You're an important bird now!

Grow up and be surprised
Happiness awaits you everywhere
Gain new knowledge
You, little one, are simply a miracle!

What does a 4 year old want?
I could list all day:
Mountains of delicious sweets, candies,
The sun that gives bright light,
Adventures, funny cartoons,
And also - call your friends.
Rejoice and play together
Happy birthday!

You're already four!
And there is nothing more beautiful in the world,
Smarter, slimmer, bolder
And games are more fun!
You live with your mother - the best,
You obey and listen to her,
Then year after year of you
One luck in life awaits!

Sun! Boy! You are already four!
Please accept congratulations from us,
You are the most wonderful miracle in the world
Everyone is celebrating your birthday.

From amazing gifts
Let your head spin
And satisfied parents
And the guys from the yard,

Everything is spinning, rushing, glowing!
Everyone is laughing and rushing
Hurry up to meet the birthday boy
And hand over, for example, a machine gun.

Our son, you are four.
Do you want to know everything about the world:
“Where does water come from?
Where do the trains sleep?
We don’t have time to answer,
We just nod our heads.
You wrinkle your nose for a minute,
Lo and behold, the question is ready again...
Soon, little boy,
You'll get smarter.
After all, I came to you, son,
The fifth year is just around the corner.

You are four years old
But an adult sparkle is already in the eyes,
Already learned the concept of “freedom”,
When I was running around at home in rompers,

You already know how to talk loudly,
So repeat the poem after us:
May you be able to do everything in life,
As for you, not everyone could do it.

Wow, how I've grown! I've already started
To catch up with mom and dad.
We want to be obedient
Never lose heart.

Happy holidays let it be more
Every day will become a fairy tale.
So that mom and dad can have
It's not too lazy to read books out loud.

You are four years old -
Your holiday today is your birthday.
Toys, bright balls
And lots of sweet treats.

Let the ringing laughter ring out
Let there be games and fun.
Today you are the happiest
And let there be no grief!

Four years since I was born
Such a miracle of miracles:
Learned to read and sing songs,
To entertain us here today!

We wish a miracle child
To live and to know everything in the world in a hurry,
Then everyone everywhere will know
Talents of a miracle baby!

Oh, how glad I am to see you,
It is for you big surprise,
I hope you today
And you will receive another prize.

Our sun is big
Smile again!
Happy Birthday,
After all, 4 is a deadline!

You're four years old
And you are the best in the whole world!
You draw, sculpt and sing -
You live such a wonderful life!
Rati as in a good, sweet fairy tale,
Among relatives in warmth and affection!
Celebrate your birthday
Receive a lot of gifts!

The cake stands, four candles,
Childhood holiday is just around the corner.
Birthday boy today
I'll bring a gift.

Be always healthy, child,
And be happy in life,
And let the guardian angel
Lights up your entire path.

Let it be your favorite thing
Your soul is busy
Every minute will be
Definitely good.

I'll give you a book
To make your head stronger.
I'll give you a car
So that there are two gifts.

To rest and study
We were happy for you.
Let them be without distortions
All paths are in your destiny.

How so? Yesterday I was a baby
And today - look!
Celebrates four years
The one who recently turned three...

This is an amazing miracle:
Transformation of parents
From mom and dad to a three-year-old son
To the parents of a Man…four years old.

Our dear boy! Congratulations!
We know better than anyone in the world
How wonderful you are to us:
Cheerful, handsome, diligent.

4 years old grandson -
He's a naughty boy
Doesn't know the word "boredom"
And a big dreamer!

So, let's imagine a situation: you were invited to a children's birthday party, the boy is 4 years old. How to please a child and leave him pleasant memories? If you know your parents well, then the task is simplified - they themselves will tell you, but what if these are new acquaintances?

There are several unspoken rules for congratulating children of this age on their birthday. First and foremost: don’t give sweets! There is nothing worse than a mother taking a box of chocolates from her son with the words: “You have diathesis, I will give you one for good behavior.” The second taboo: living “toys”. Even if the hero of the occasion dreams of a turtle, think about it: will the boy be able to take care of it himself and what will it be like for the wise Tortilla in the back of a plastic truck?

You shouldn't give clothes - it's boring, drawing supplies - it's banal, and also toy weapons - in many modern families this is bad form. A good gift will be a construction set for the age group from 3 to 5 years, a set of soldiers or cars, any board game, Railway or a book with bright pictures. Those who love generous gestures can buy tickets to an entertainment center or aquarium for the whole family - then the holiday will definitely be remembered for a long time!

May it be your fourth birthday
It will be amazing
They give different gifts
Guests and parents!
Let toys and surprises
Makes you happy and likes you
And a nice opportunity
Have fun!

What do you wish for at four years old?
I could list all day:
Mountains of delicious sweets, candies,
The sun that gives bright light,
Adventures, funny cartoons,
And also, invite your friends.
Rejoice and play together
Happy birthday!

Four for you is very cool!
Fun, miracles on your birthday!
Always let everything you want come true,
You will become brave like a super hero!

This is the fourth year now
In the house it's the other way around!
Cats walk through closets
And the sofa is bursting at the seams!

What a strange lesson for us?
This is our baby growing up!
On this holiday,
Happy birthday, son!

You're already four!
And there is nothing more beautiful in the world,
Smarter, slimmer, bolder
And games are more fun!
You live with your mother - the best,
You obey and listen to her,
Then year after year of you
One luck in life awaits!

You're big, you're four years old
Let your dreams come true!
The best boy in the world
Of course it's you!

The sun is shining today
Today is an important day
It's time, friend, get ready!
Get up quickly!

You are four years old
So why are you standing? Run
Play and have fun...
Your whole life is ahead!

Our son, you are four.
Do you want to know everything about the world:
“Where does water come from?
Where do the trains sleep?
We don’t have time to answer,
We just nod our heads.
You wrinkle your nose for a minute,
Lo and behold, the question is ready again...
Soon, little boy,
You'll get smarter.
After all, I came to you, son,
The fifth year is just around the corner.

Wow, how I've grown! I've already started
To catch up with mom and dad.
We want to be obedient
Never lose heart.

Let there be more bright holidays,
Every day will become a fairy tale.
So that mom and dad can have
It's not too lazy to read books out loud.

Children are the flowers of life, and on their holiday we should give them only the best, only the best gifts and only the warmest congratulations. It would seem that a four-year-old child can understand little, but it is at this age that children absorb the maximum amount of information, and if the birthday greetings for a 4-year-old son are special and bright, then this day will be etched in his memory for the rest of his life and will have a significant impact on the development of his psyche.

There shouldn’t be any problems with what gift to give to a four-year-old child. Just go to a toy store and a mountain will immediately appear in front of you. possible options. Cars, airplanes, toy machines, railroads, etc. and so on. The child will be happy with any gift. But you need to think carefully about what to say to him. On the one hand, or must correspond to his mental development. That is, there should not be any eloquent phrases or complex sentences here. But on the other hand, this should not be meaningless lisp. Ideally, you can read a short poem to your child that will tell him about your love, your care for him and your wishes.

Let your son like the poem, let a satisfied smile play on his face, and let his baby teeth sparkle from his slightly open mouth. Pleasure, a lot of joy and positive emotions guaranteed not only to him, but also to all guests of the holiday. You can find ready-made birthday greetings for your 4-year-old son below. We have collected for you only the best congratulatory poems that are guaranteed to interest your child and make his day a little brighter and more colorful!

What does a 4 year old want?
I could list all day:
Mountains of delicious sweets, candies,
The sun that gives bright light,

Adventures, funny cartoons,
And also invite your friends.
Rejoice and play together
Happy birthday!

You're already four!
There is no better person in the world!
Loving we congratulate
And we wish you joy!

Smile more
Don't catch a cold in winter.
May every new day be yours
Shines like a light!

You're already 4!
Meet your friends soon!
The most cheerful in the world
Celebrate your holiday!

Gifts, treats,
And the whole house is covered in balloons!
Let it be your birthday
Have a magical, bright day!

Today the sun is shining brightly.
All around - smiles, loud laughter
And a whole ocean of gifts!
Be the happiest at four!

On the best holiday in the world
Let's sing and have fun,
After all, you are already four,
You're an important bird now!

Grow up and be surprised
Happiness awaits you everywhere
Gain new knowledge
You, son, are simply a miracle!