Hello, my name is Sasha and I’m 15 years old. My mother and I have not had an understanding for 3 years. She says that I don’t help her, she reproaches me, they say that it would be better if I wasn’t born, she insults me in front of strangers. I try to talk to her, but she starts yelling and saying: “Shut up,” “Get away.” Every day I’m sorry, I just don’t know what to do anymore. It got to the point where I wanted to commit suicide, but I still felt sorry for my family, my mother.....Mom doesn’t listen to my opinion, she says that I’m small. For all 3 For years I suffered humiliation, cried at night, tried not to listen to rude words addressed to me. I wanted to sing in the choir, everyone said that I had a good voice, but my mother insisted that I had no hearing, and I would disgrace myself. At the age of 14, I asked my mother to let me go to the city with my friends, but she wouldn’t let me go. Now it’s the same thing - I sit at home all day, within four walls, no friends, school-home-school-home. At home, my mother starts yelling at me, saying that I don’t do anything, I don’t know how to cook, but she herself won’t let me go to the kitchen, I say: “Mom, I’ll cook once, it won’t work out, I’ll learn from my mistakes.” But mom doesn’t listen. .Out of hopelessness, I started cutting my hands, I don’t know who I should pour out my whole soul to, during these 3 years that I’ve kept it inside myself, I want to go out into the field and scream without stopping. Please tell me what should I do?
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Alexandra, age: 15 / 01/27/2016


Hello Sasha!
Mom loves you very much and worries about you! Maybe he’s playing it safe somewhere or being harsh, but again, it’s for your good, so that you don’t do anything stupid. Understand, honey, how hard it is for her, this is very important. Therefore, listen to her, do not misspoke. Tell her: Mommy, how much I love you! Hug her! She will be very pleased! Is it true!
Sasha, you can’t cut your hands! Not only can scars remain, but an infection can also occur, which in turn has very serious consequences.
I really hope you don't do this again.

Mikhail, age: 24 / 01/27/2016

Where did this misunderstanding on my mother’s side begin? Was there any visible line/line that could be described as a certain situation that led to such a relationship? Mom says you don’t help her, you don’t do anything. Could this be justified? I remember my mother always told me that too. But now I understand that it was very difficult for my mother, she expected my participation, help, respect for what she gives me (after all, it’s true, everything you have was given to you from your parents). They are offended that you don’t feel it, they want to see how necessary and irreplaceable they are. Have pity on your mother and treat her with understanding, try to make her feel good. Let him see that you need her not just as a source of content, but as a mother - the only close and dear person

Sasha, age: 19 / 01/28/2016

Hello! Sasha, maybe you should just not argue with mom, don’t prove anything, don’t argue, if she asks, then calmly do it and go to your room. Find activities you enjoy - reading, drawing, knitting, games, music, movies, being alone does not mean being lonely, any hobby can lift your spirits. Don't cry, honey, everything will be fine.

Irina, age: 28 / 01/28/2016

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Ladies Special attention pay attention to how their loved one affectionately calls them. Some men prefer the classic “sweetie” or “dear”, others try to be more original by using the names of animals or sweets. A word used incorrectly towards a woman can forever close the path to her heart. Psychologists have long discovered the fact that a man’s attitude can be recognized by the nickname he chose for his lady.

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Many men prefer to use their usual sweet words. And they are more pleasant for women because they do not cause ambiguous associations.


This is what self-confident Don Juans call lovely representatives of the fair sex. This is an assertive heart conqueror who will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. He prefers to play, either attracting a woman or pushing her away, as if there was nothing between them.

“Beloved” is called a cunning man, capable of thinking through his actions and the actions of a woman several steps ahead. He can really truly fall in love with his chosen one and experience sincere feelings. But, realizing that the woman needs him, he will most likely leave.

A guy kisses a girl on the lips and other places - what does this mean?


Boring in everything and everywhere - this is how you can describe a guy who calls his soulmate “darling.” Routine life awaits a woman who chooses such a person. It would never even occur to him to add something new to life together. Very often he turns out to be boring not only at home, but also in bed. You shouldn’t expect any innovations or diversity from such a person. Very often he puts a taboo on everything that a woman offers.


The partner’s feelings are so great that he is unable to express them in words. A man is ready to take care of his chosen one for days on end, delighting her with all kinds of gifts.

My love

Men who call their chosen one this way are very easy and relaxed in communication. This is a wonderful boyfriend who puts the interests of the lady above his own. But such partners have a small disadvantage - they are usually very difficult to command. At the very first attempts to start “training” he will feel this and leave.

My soul

A guy who uses this nickname is a wonderful lifelong companion. He becomes attached to a woman very slowly. Such a person is in no hurry to immediately bare his soul. He chooses a measured path, when rapprochement occurs slowly and comfortably. He is also in no hurry to get physically close. Men of this type very often remain faithful to their partners to the end.

My girl

When a guy calls his chosen one “my girl” or “baby,” this only means one thing: he really experiences tenderness and tremulous feelings. The young man treats her like a child, trying in every possible way to protect her from the evil outside world.


Perhaps such a person likes specifics and does not want to complicate anything in a relationship. He expects the same from his woman. In a couple, he is used to always being the first, and does not tolerate it when a woman tries to take his place.


This nickname, which is not entirely pleasant at first glance, says the opposite: a man is ready to forgive a woman for any mistake and take control of the situation.


“Doll” is what men who are only superficially interested in their ladies call their ladies. They like easy, non-committal relationships.

My little one or baby

They say those guys who are ready to take care of their girlfriend give all of themselves for this relationship. These are devoted men who can become a reliable wall for their lady.


By calling a woman a “miracle,” a man is trying to attract her attention to himself and thus show the significance of this relationship for him.


These are the most common variations of nicknames in the early stages of a romantic relationship. They are most often used by young couples, but sometimes persist into adulthood.

Bunny or bunny

Very often, such men turn out to be insecure and withdrawn people. There is no need to expect dizzying surprises, warm confessions, or serenades under the window from him. He is incapable of serious actions. Because of their insecurity, such men often find themselves in ridiculous and shameful situations.


If a man says “swallow,” it means he is confident in the feelings of his other half. This relationship is serious for them.


A cowardly man calls his lady “Bird.” He wants to show himself as an experienced gentleman who has had more than one woman, and then suddenly turns into a faithful companion. This happens not because of his high moral principles, but because of cowardice. At the slightest hint of a woman’s infidelity, he will want to take revenge on her. Although, with all its disadvantages, there is also a plus: such men are very good at lovemaking.


Cheerful and unpredictable representatives of the stronger sex call women “Sunshine”. “My sunshine,” a guy says when he experiences tender, sincere feelings for a girl. He wants to get to know her better, and deep down he hopes that she will become a good companion in the future.

Pussy, kitty and kitty

Men who call their women such nicknames do not pay attention to the little things in everyday life. These are very loving suitors. The intimate side of life is very important for them. You shouldn’t expect loud words with confessions or sincere feelings from him. Mutual satisfaction in bed is the only goal of such a relationship.


Such a man is very assertive and wants to get to know his chosen one quickly. Although, with all his enthusiasm, he does not value relationships too much. These are superficial representatives of the stronger sex who only need fun in life.

Fox, little fox, fox

The attention of such a man was completely absorbed by his chosen one. He longs for her company and tries with all his might to keep her. However, he expects the same from her.


A man feels complete intimacy with his woman, although sometimes he doesn’t mind teasing her a little. You can expect sharp jokes from him, but the guy does not want to offend his beloved, but is only trying to defuse the situation.


Some men want to be more original and use the names of confectionery products in their nicknames.


Men who can take on the role of a father call their women “sweetie.” He will look after the lady for a long time, cherishing her in every possible way. Such men are faithful in married life and very rarely cheat on their chosen ones.


Guys who have nothing behind their souls. With such a man, no woman will feel protected. Such gentlemen completely irritate serious and confident ladies and make them angry. They inappropriately begin to quote the book they just read, and arrange duels to show their mental abilities. But all their actions are in vain.

Many girls ask this question: The guy says I’m small. What should I do if a guy said that I’m small, or that he doesn’t like me for some reason? Is this really a problem? I want to answer this question right away - This is not a problem at all. Trust me as a guy. And the point is not at all that maybe I’m the one who likes little girls. But your boyfriend likes tall women. No. As a guy, I want to answer this question that worries many girls. How much do we pay attention to the appearance of a woman or girl, really? Whether she is small or tall, too beautiful, or, on the contrary, not very pretty. What kind of guys are, what exactly do they pay attention to, and what to do if your boyfriend is really dissatisfied with something about your appearance.

The guy said I'm small .

First, I will answer the main question of this article, and then the related questions. So, what should I do if a guy says that I’m small, in his personal opinion, according to his taste. 1. That's right - the first thing you should realize is his personal opinion and his taste. 2. Believe me, or check the statistics (you can search on the Internet or somewhere else), such statistics really exist. Most men like small women and girls. It is a fact! And just for this alone, you no longer have to worry about it. The fact that you are small is not some kind of shortcoming that needs to be corrected. It's not something ugly or wrong! It just is. And there is nothing wrong with that at all.

According to statistics, it’s true - 80% of guys prefer small girls. So you're in luck! In most cases, a man will definitely like you. Even if your boyfriend specifically says that he doesn’t like your height, then don’t despair. It's not critical. The main thing is that if a guy likes a girl, then he will accept any discrepancy with his ideal image. And if a guy is in love with a girl, then he shouldn’t give a damn about all her shortcomings. I can’t even imagine with what intent and meaning one could say such a thing to a girl. If you don't grow up, you can't do anything about it - then what's the point of even talking about it. Okay there, hint to her that she needs to lose a little weight. But this - I don’t understand the meaning and that’s all.

Which girls are better, the advantages of small and tall .

The better tall women - are they sexier than most little ones? No! Tall people are attractive in their own way, and short people are attractive in their own way. It all depends on the specific preferences of the specific man. Some people really like tall women model appearance. But as we have already found out, there are statistics that prove that men who are more attracted to tall people are a minority. This means there is no problem! It's like when someone likes dark-skinned people, and someone likes pale people, someone likes blondes, Chinese women, and someone likes brunettes or whatever... whatever! This is not a disadvantage of others, it is simply a matter of taste and specific preference.

There is another very interesting fact. Scientific fact! Why, according to statistics, most men are attracted to shorter girls than tall ones. Because (and this is truly a scientific fact), more than 90% of all pheramones are located on the top of a woman’s head - attracting the opposite sex. And when a man hugs or talks very closely to a girl. And he is taller than the girl. Then he is more susceptible to the influence of these pheramones located precisely on the top of the head.

One more fact. This time it's psychological. Most men don't like girls taller than themselves. Because they don’t feel like men next to them. It's much better when the guy is taller than the girl. Then he feels, next to such a woman, much more comfortable and self-confident. Even among the people there is such a criterion for the success of relationships. The guy must be taller than the girl and 3 years older. And one more popular saying. Big women are for this business... And small women are for love!

As a man, I will say the following! All men, just like all women, have their own tastes and preferences. Have your own perfect image other half. But who had it when did it match at all? All girls dream of a pumped-up male, a sizzling brunette or a blue-eyed blond. To be a tall, textured, and prominent man. Well, who ever had it happen!? All men dream of a woman with long legs and size 3...eyes, for example. And so that she never gets fat and doesn’t grow old, and so that she always wants and doesn’t have a headache! Well, where the hell have you seen such people! The point is that this is just an image in the head, which in the absolute majority of cases is unattainable!

It's just physical attraction. It's not worth a lot. Unlike love for to a loved one. It is precisely thanks to falling in love and love and sympathy on a spiritual and mental level that practically no one cares about the appearance of a loved one. Whether the girl is a hundred times small or with the first size, uh, again the eye for example. Never mind this useless and insignificant fact a hundred times. The main thing is that I am in love with her, the main thing is that I love her. I feel deep sympathy. I respect, strive to protect and take care of her. The main thing that attracts her is that the company of a girl is the most desirable and enjoyable event. And don't care about everything else. And even more so, I don’t care about her height or weight! Unless, of course, it’s entirely critical. Height is a meter in a jump, for example, or a weight of about 200 kg in a meter in a jump. Well then, yes, this could be a real problem. But it’s certainly not a problem when we are talking about a loved one and his height is 1.5 meters, or 80 kg. All this can be fixed. All this is not critical at all.

The guy says that I’m fat and ugly, small or big, what should I do?

What to do in this case - THINK! But not about the fact that you really are like that, but about why do you even tolerate such an attitude towards yourself?! There are cases when a guy makes a harmless joke or jokes, just wants to make fun or something else. Or, it also happens when we can say a lot of things out of emotions. Or if you insult a person, if you insulted him, then he could simply mindlessly call you names and insult you in response. All these cases are harmless in essence and intent. But!!! If we are talking about systematic insults, it is with malicious intent- to offend or humiliate you. Damn, why are you still putting up with this?! A person cannot insult a loved one with malicious intent. Only if it's a joke, or in an emotional quarrel. Don't tolerate this kind of attitude towards yourself. A decent man would never say this to his girlfriend or woman! Only if we are not talking about harmless jokes or emotional quarrels in relationships. In all other cases...

If you yourself know about your shortcomings, then work on solving them. But don’t allow anyone to insult you with malicious intent. If you need to lose a little weight, then lose weight. Well, you won’t grow up. So there is nothing wrong with this, and it is absolutely not your fault. And in general, I repeat, there is nothing bad or unbeautiful about the fact that a girl is small. Millions of little ones beautiful girls around. And you are one of them. Honestly, I have a lot of friends, guys, and they all like little girls. So don’t be upset, don’t be discouraged, the world is full of men who are attracted to girls of this type.


Affectionate: If you are friends with a guy, and suddenly he said that you are his little girl, then there is absolutely no point in having a complex, since with this expression he expresses great love to you and readiness to protect you in the most difficult situations. If a guy said that you are small, in this case he associates you with a little defenseless beloved man, whom he will protect all his life, since male nature is designed in such a way that he is strong by nature, and a woman is weak, and thus, by saying such words, he expresses his readiness to be yours bodyguard, as well as his tender feelings for you.

REALITY: If a guy said that you are short, and this is really true, then, again, you should not have a complex about this, regardless of the fact that he said so, he probably loves you, and he really likes your height. After all, he is with you and you are next to him, but in any case, if it hurts you, you can ask him why he told you that, and you will see that he really loves you. We recommend that you read

HUMILIATION: There are some guys who constantly begin to reproach their girlfriend for her shortcomings, for example, he constantly says how small you are, this happens constantly and at every opportunity. This behavior really suggests that he has a negative attitude towards you and constantly, at every opportunity, tries to humiliate you and elevate himself in his eyes, which is characteristic only of unscrupulous men. In this case, you shouldn’t get complex and be indignant; most likely, such a man is not a match for you and you should find a new one, but remember that there are very a large number of men who like small girls. By the way, there are a lot of such men, some like thin, some like plump, some like tall, some like short, so don’t worry and arrange your life.