Masculine, stylish and creative are the qualities that characterize a good topiary for men. It’s not difficult to do it yourself, the main thing is to choose the right direction. A gift for your boss, husband or colleague, a new decorative element for your home - each of the listed options has its own characteristics. That is why at the preparation stage you should think through possible nuances. The more accurately this is done, the fewer errors will have to be corrected later.

In order for the recipient to like the future gift, you need to think about the options for its execution. What are the hobbies and habits of the stronger sex? Does he like the sea or the financial aspect of life? Depending on the answers received, a choice is made in favor of one or another option. Photos will provide some help when choosing finished projects. Even if an idea has matured in your head, it wouldn’t hurt to look at other possibilities.

Depending on the chosen direction, designers offer three main categories of handmade crafts:

  1. sea ​​tree– will appeal to travelers or simply those men who are attracted by sea romance. To create it you will need small pebbles, shells, souvenir mugs, and sifted river sand. If there are souvenirs left in the house from a holiday at sea, then they can also be used when creating a composition;
  2. – speaks of home comfort and family values. A similar souvenir for February 23 will appeal to men for whom family comes first;
  3. Monetary tree– business people who are not used to wasting time will gladly accept similar gift. Every day it will be a reminder of financial well-being;
  4. New Year's tree– a universal composition in every sense. Is it coming? main holiday year or birthday, such a gift is always welcome.

Topiary for men: secrets of choosing materials

Even a beginner can make a composition with his own hands. The main thing is that reliable materials are used in the work. Much of what you need is easy to find at home, for example, in a closet or on the balcony. A variety of decorative items will be provided by a craft store. Even before going there, it is necessary to draw up a detailed plan, which indicates the required number of even the smallest details.

How to create a beautiful coffee topiary is described in the following article:

The basis of topiary is a pot and a trunk, which must be flexible and durable at the same time. In the first case, a small flowerpot will do. If there is no such house, then the problem is solved by going to the store or market.

In addition, you will need the following materials:

  1. Beads and sparkles;
  2. Twine or twine;
  3. Glue gun;
  4. Acrylic paint for decorating a pot;
  5. Paint or decorative tape to decorate the stem of the future tree;
  6. Decorative base – selected taking into account the approved concept. Coins, coffee beans, etc. must be found in the required quantities. Designers advise taking with reserve so that there are no forced stops during work;
  7. Foam or plastic base for the top of the structure. The first option is suitable if you plan to create a New Year or coffee tree. For heavier decorative elements, a plastic option is suitable.

Money topiary as a gift for a man

In the last few years, representatives of the stronger sex have been given exactly. The versatility of the gift lies in the fact that it is suitable for a boss, friend or husband. Thanks to its shape, the tree will fit into the interior of any room without any problems. The main thing is to design it stylistically correctly. First you need to find the required number or bills.

You can use real ones or souvenir ones. It all depends on the capabilities of a particular person.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • Place the prepared ball onto the base;
  • Tie the stem-base with a satin ribbon, which is 1-2 tones more contrasting than the entire composition;
  • Paint the ball in a color that matches the coins or banknotes (depending on which of the 2 listed options you plan to use);
  • Allow the paint to dry for 2-4 hours;
  • Fix the blanks on the composition with glue (coins) or pins (banknotes);
  • If coins are selected, they are fixed on the surface in a checkerboard pattern;
  • The trunk is fixed in the pot using liquid plaster;
  • The flowerpot is decorated to match the color of coins or banknotes.

We create topiary for men with our own hands: secrets of craftsmanship

A white sheet of paper scares a beginner, but this fear must be overcome. creative gift for men it is easier to create than it might seem at first glance. As mentioned earlier, you need to think carefully about everything before starting work. Male psychology is structured in such a way that the functional component of the gift is put at the forefront rather than the aesthetic one.

A romantic gift for loved ones - “Heart” topiary:

Designers and stylists call for the use of male traditions when creating creative compositions:

  • You should not overload it with a large number of decorative elements;
  • It is better to avoid too bright color spots;
  • The size of the topiary should be medium;
  • It is advisable to choose durable materials;
  • When choosing an adhesive, it is recommended to choose a heat-resistant option.

How to create a “male” coffee topiary (video)

A beautiful and functional gift for a representative of the stronger half of humanity will help you create photographs of ready-made options. After viewing them, it is easy to choose 1-2 possible projects. Having chosen one of them, you should draw up a detailed project. It takes into account step-by-step execution and the required volume of materials. While working, the plan should always be in front of a person’s eyes. This will help avoid mistakes.

Unusual topiary for men (photo)

Usually, my daughter Sofia and I made something traditional for our dad - tanks, airplanes, cards with carnation flowers, etc. This year, the idea for the craft did not appear right away. Firstly, not long ago the office where my husband works moved to new office and he wanted me to make something for his table with my own hands. Fresh flowers don’t take root very well in men’s groups, because they forget to water them. This is how I decided to make topiary - in a restrained masculine style. We started making it with our daughter on February 10, on February 14 I gave my husband hearts for the car made of polymer clay and he then said: “I would like something discreetly beautiful for my desk at work.” Like looking into the water.

So, materials for our craft:

1. Raffia-sisal 3 colors (lilac, orange and golden brown)
2. Foam ball for the crown.
3. Trunk for topiary.
4. Ribbon to decorate it.
5. Decorative decorations (pumpkins, blackberries, leaves).
6. Gypsum (alabaster) for soil.
7. Acrylic paints and gouache for decorating the pot.
8.Topiary pot.
9. Thermal gun.


The longest job is to roll balls from raffia-sisal, rolled with my daughter together, so gradually, using a thermal gun, we glue the resulting balls to a foam ball, forming a crown, we also glue the trunk of the topiary (after wrapping it with brown satin ribbon and securing it firmly glue) to our crown.

We prepare the soil in a pot - mix gypsum with water in a ratio of 2:1, add brown gouache to make the mixture brown-beige, insert a topiary trunk, to the left of it I inserted 2 decorative butterflies, so we keep everything until dry.

As soon as the plaster has hardened a little and the trunk is firmly held in it, we begin to decorate the pot - take a sponge, dip it in gouache and apply it to the pot with chaotic movements, do the same with brown and yellow colors. Let it dry. On top after drying I added golden acrylic paint(we also apply it with a sponge) and then covered it with glossy varnish on top so that the pot shines.

Now we decorate the base of the topiary - so that the ground is not visible - we also twist raffia-sisal in a chaotic manner, glue it to the ground so that it holds, I covered the top with hairspray for strength.

The main work is done - now we decorate the topiary with berries, pumpkins and leaves, I used 2 berries to paint the trunk of the topiary, the rest for the crown. I also glued the pumpkins and leaves to the crown using a heat gun. This is the topiary my daughter and I made for my protector!

Today we gave it to our dad - he really liked it and said it was exactly what he wanted! I even put it on my desk before work tomorrow, which makes me happy! It’s not in vain that we worked so hard!

Topiary for men - why not? There are many ways to please a man, and it doesn’t always have to be associated with some holiday or memorable date. This may be a simple sign of attention, which, however, has some kind of subtext. Well, for example, on Valentine's Day you can please your chosen one with such a tree made in the shape of a heart.

Or give your boss a handmade coffee topiary. And if the boss is also a coffee drinker, you will definitely get the gift right.

Look through all the possible photos of topiaries and mentally think about which one your man, or the person to whom you decided to give a gift, would like. Of course, delicate trees made of tulle or topiary with a crown of napkins are unlikely to appeal to the stronger half of humanity. But even the most unsentimental men will not refuse a money tree on their table, which you can make with your own hands from coins.

DIY topiary options for men:

  • Coffee and coin tree. It resembles a wallet that is unzipped, and you can see sparkling coins in it. This is the same round crown of coffee beans, in a certain place, the best one, decorated with a zipper and coins that are visible in this hole. With wishes of financial success, such a topiary will be an excellent gift.
  • New Year's tree. If we are talking about this holiday, then gifts in its honor a priori should not be somehow practical or rational. Still, these are more souvenirs that should lift your spirits. That's why New Year's tree from cones - universal gift, which the man will be happy with. Also, Christmas tree topiaries are destined for the same fate, and if a man has a sweet tooth (which often happens), he will gladly accept a gift in the form of a candy New Year’s tree.
  • sea ​​tree. You can give with your own hands new life material memories brought from the sea. The same shells, pebbles, sand, souvenir mugs can be turned into one tree, a symbol of a wonderful holiday, the breath of the sea. A man who is also prone to pleasant memories will be delighted with such a gift.

Of course, these are only the ideas that lie on the surface. And knowing what kind of character, preferences, hobbies a man is, we can guess what kind of tree will be the best gift for him, and what you can do with your own hands.

Topiary for men: coffee tree (video master class)

Topiary as a gift for a man: master class step by step

The most popular topiary gift that a man will enjoy is a money tree made from coins. The following step-by-step instructions will tell you how to make it yourself.

Topiary made of coins:

  • First of all, you must collect the required number of coins, approximately 4-5 coins, if measured in this way, preferably “golden” ten-ruble coins. You don’t have to decorate them; they already look presentable.
  • If the coins are ready, you can make a tree. They traditionally start from the crown. This is either a foam ball blank, which is sold in handicraft stores. Or you can make a ball with your own hands, the methods are presented below.
  • The ball, no matter what it is made of, must be placed on the barrel. The trunk can be any dense stick, for example, a processed branch. You can take a few pencils and tie them up. In any case, you should end up with a small, still “naked” tree.
  • Tie the trunk with either satin ribbons or twine. Both decorative cord and braid will do.
  • Now you can work with the crown. The ball needs to be painted, the color of the paint should be similar to the color of the coins.
  • After the paint has dried, you need to glue the coins themselves with a heat gun. You need to do it like this - first one coin, two more on top of it, so that the first one is under them in the middle, and they slightly cover it. You will get scales like this. And then paste these three coins in a circle.
  • So, gradually, slowly, with your own hands you will make a crown of coins.
  • All that remains is to decorate the pot. This can be a ready-made flowerpot purchased at a flower shop, or a transformed old flowerpot. You can paint it with the same gold paint, or wrap it in a suitable fabric with the same color and pleasant texture.
  • Pour plaster into the pot, quickly insert the tree into it, and hold it, making sure that it stands level and strong.

Decorate upper layer the pot can be used with the same coins. And for greater success, also add a couple of souvenir bills so that the money tree will definitely work.

Topiary for men: money tree (video master class)

How to make a ball-blank for the crown with your own hands

You can find more than one photo master class telling about quick ways creating a ball. If the consistency of the ball should resemble the same polystyrene foam, a method involving the use of polyurethane foam will suit you.

So, you can make a topiary ball So:

  • Inflate a regular balloon a little;
  • Fill it through a balloon with polyurethane foam, just don’t overdo it;
  • All you have to do is wait until the foam hardens;
  • You will see that the ball has increased in size; all that remains is to cut off the top layer, including the rubber from the ball.

You can adjust the size of this ball, depending on how the topiary will be. That is, cut either more or less. The cutting process is similar to how you peel an orange.

Base ball for topiary (video master class)

How can you complement such a gift for a man?

The topiary is good on its own, but cute details will make it perfect. If this is a romantic gift, it can be decorated with either a simple valentine’s card or your photo tag modestly decorating the tree.

Also, topiary can be supplemented with more a practical gift: It’s logical - a coffee tree and a jar of coffee, a money tree and a symbolic amount, or some kind of certificate your chosen one needs.

Other gift decor includes original postcards for signatures and messages. It is worth paying attention to them, since this fashion came to us from the West, and it would be good for it to gain a foothold in our realities. Once again write a couple kind words, recognition, gratitude - it’s more of a matter.

Topiary design for the New Year (video)

There will be topiaries for men! This slogan no longer needs to be proven, since many men have learned to make souvenir trees themselves and happily decorate their homes with them.

Happy ideas!

Examples of topiary for men (photo)


It’s not for nothing that they say that every man should build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. But this is a man, everything is clear as day, just a tree, easy to plant. But every girl can do DIY topiary, and she shouldn’t, or maybe because the girl doesn’t owe anyone anything.

Do-it-yourself topiary is a matter of technology

Topiar is, perhaps, ancient art landscape design, curly pruning of trees and giving them all sorts of fancy shapes: animal, geometric and architectural shapes. From the Latin topiar (topiarius) is translated as a gardener of landscape ornaments.

A do-it-yourself topiary made from roses will perfectly decorate the interior and give good mood.

A little history...

In Europe, the first topiary appeared during the Roman Empire, and in Asia, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the embodiment of the art of topiary. In Japan, the skill of forming the crown of a tree was embodied in “Bonsai”, by the way, remember, we already talked about it. In Europe, topiary flourished during the Renaissance, when gardeners perfected their skills in carving balls, pyramids, people and animals from trees. Topiary in Europe is most clearly represented in Versailles.

Topiary, also known as a European tree, is very popular in Russia today, not only as a beautifully trimmed bush, but also as an aesthetically pleasing decorative tree. But the chic in the interior, of course, is considered to be made DIY topiary.

A topiary made from decorative mesh will be both a birthday gift and at the same time a beautiful decoration for a party.

It is generally accepted that topiary - tree of happiness brings to the house not only good luck and a good mood, but also monetary wealth, so the craftswomen put pennies in the pot, and flowers and hearts made from banknotes are attached to the branches. They are quite simple to make, especially since we already had one on this topic.

Fruit topiary will perfectly decorate festive table. It is doubly useful: both aesthetic pleasure and gastronomic pleasure.

It would be an appropriate gift for almost every holiday. Generously flavored with valentines, red feathers and hearts, it will be a chic present for Valentine's Day, topiary made from banknotes - original gift from money for a wedding, a topiary with delicate flowers, balls and coins - for the birth of a child, but a tree with flowers and bows - for a housewarming party.

Topiary can be New Year's, it can consist of a pumpkin and is perfect for Halloween, it can be made from fruits and vegetables and it will perfectly decorate the kitchen and dining room.

Topiaries made of marmalade and candies for those with a sweet tooth.

DIY topiary tree Anyone can do it, you just need to stock up necessary material, because each tree consists of a certain set of parts.

Firstly, this is the basis. Most often, a ball is taken as the basis, but there can be variations: a heart, a cone and even numbers (depending on how old the birthday person is, to whom the tree is presented), in the form of letters and in the form of an arch. As a basis it is customary to use:

  • foam blank;
  • papier-mâché ball;
  • old ball (but not heavy).

For shaped blanks you will need wire, polystyrene foam or cardboard.

Secondly, each topiary has its own trunk. It can be wire and twigs wrapped in twine, or it can be real tree branches covered with varnish or stain. For small topiaries, you can use pencils.

Thirdly, this is the crown. This is the time to turn on your imagination. A set of decorative elements can start from coffee beans and end seashells. Also suitable: multi-colored paper napkins, artificial flowers, satin ribbons, polymer clay decor, beads, dried leaves and even pasta - whatever your imagination wants.

Fourthly, this is a stand. As a rule, this element is used as a decorative pot, stone, teapot, and for small trees - shells and cups. The coasters are decorated with fabric, lace, beads and gems. Remember that the diameter of the base should not be less than the diameter of the stand.

Fifthly, this is the base of the tree. For DIY topiary Any filler or a harder base is suitable, where the rod with the crown will be fixed. Polystyrene foam, floral sponge, and polyurethane foam are excellent for these purposes.

Topiary - a tree of happiness with your own hands

To make it you will need:

  1. boxwood sprigs (you can take artificial green sprigs);
  2. decorative pot;
  3. artificial flowers;
  4. polystyrene foam ball;
  5. gravel;
  6. twigs;
  7. wire.

First, stick the faux boxwood sprigs into the polystyrene foam ball one at a time, making sure that no voids are created. Then tie the branches with wire.

Make a hole in the crown ball and place it on wire-tied sticks.

Place the topiary in a pot and fill it with gravel, lay moss on top.

Your topiary is ready. We placed two large pine cones side by side to give it a New Year's charm, but you could easily place a teddy bear or a bunny.

Topiary made of decorative ribbons

You can also make your own topiary from bright ribbons folded into tubes. It just begs to be a gift for the birthday boy.

Read the master class carefully and get to work. But first, stock up on:

  1. polystyrene foam ball;
  2. a wooden stick (or a pencil);
  3. ribbons;
  4. glue;
  5. decorative pot;
  6. invisible.

Cut the ribbon into small strips and wrap it around your finger to form rings. Then pin the rings to the base one by one. Make sure there is no empty space. Then place the ball on a pencil (you can sharpen it on one side to make the job easier) and secure the finished topiary in the pot, “weighting” it with gravel.

Decorative frost can be placed on top. Or you can sprinkle with small pieces - leftovers from the ribbons.

DIY topiary in a fun cup

This topiary is very beautiful and playful. It is suitable for those who are not very diligent and like to craft from scrap materials. Making it will only take you 20 minutes.

For work you will need:

  • polystyrene foam ball;
  • bright mug;
  • artificial flowers (we used zinnias);
  • wooden stick or pencil;
  • tape to wrap around a pencil;
  • a small ball for the base according to the diameter of the cup (you can use polyurethane foam);
  • a handful of artificial grass or moss.

Wrap a pencil with tape and stick it in small ball. Or secure it with foam in a cup.

Stick each flower individually into the ball, make sure there are no empty spaces, and string the finished crown onto the trunk. Decorate this wonderful piece with decorative moss or grass and place a butterfly on the edge of the cup. Amazing, isn't it?

Using the same principle, you can make another topiary with your own hands, as, for example, in the photo:

It is made from the same materials except for the flowers - they are made from corrugated paper. To make them you will need paper - multi-colored or plain, if desired, wire, scissors and photo instructions.

DIY topiary tree made from fresh flowers

A very beautiful and romantic gift, it’s a pity that it doesn’t last long. But it's worth it!

So, for topiary stock up:

  1. decorative pot;
  2. plastic bag;
  3. chopsticks or a twig;
  4. putty;
  5. floral sponge (don’t forget to moisten);
  6. moss;
  7. decorative tape and wire;
  8. as well as 9 roses.

Take the pot and wrap the inside with a plastic bag. Pour the putty into the pot, leaving 5-7 cm on top - we will place decorative moss there. Stick a stick into the pot and leave it to harden overnight. After this, cut off the edges of the bag with a knife.

Cut a circle from a floral sponge and fill the pot to the edge with it. Wet the sponge and place moss on top. Push the moss down the center and stick six long stemmed roses into the sponge. Secure them with decorative tape and a wooden dowel.

Stick three more roses on short stems into the sponge and decorate with a bow. You remember that we already held a master class on how to