When you were in school, there was always a guy smarter than you in the class. But these powerful brains give a hundred points ahead even to the favorites of all the teachers together. These are the most smart people world - both in terms of IQ and contribution to their field of activity. From movie stars to columnists, from scientists to laboratory technicians, they are all changing the world.

Noam Chomsky is a world famous linguist, philosopher and political scientist. Studied and worked at several Ivy League universities. Chomsky is considered the "father of modern linguistics" and is Institute Professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His IQ is unknown.

Although his name is much more famous than most of the people on this list, Stephen Hawking's IQ of 160 is lower than most of the brainiacs on this post. Nevertheless, his contribution to theoretical physics and the study of the Universe cannot be overestimated.

Manahel Thabet is a Yemeni economist and academic who is known as the youngest woman and the only Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering with great honors. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including for her humanitarian work within the UN. Her IQ is 168.

Polgar is a chess grandmaster from Hungary. She is one of the greatest female chess players of all time. Her IQ is 170.

John Sununu, with an IQ of 180, has an amazing life story. Born in Cuba in 1939, Sununu later moved to the United States and graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (with 3 degrees). In addition to his excellent achievements in the sciences, Sununu also achieved impressive success in politics: he was a representative of New Hampshire, chief of staff of President George H. W. Bush, and also governor of New Hampshire from 1983-1989.

Carlsen, at 24 years old, is the youngest on this list. The IQ of the current world chess champion and probably one of the best chess players is unknown.

In fact, it's great when the head of state is so smart. The IQ of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, is about 180. Hard to believe, right?

Pinker is a Canadian-American psychologist who teaches at Harvard University. He is considered one of the most influential scientists.

You may know him from his acting career, from films like The Virgin Killers or White House Down, or as the voice of Hades in Hercules. But did you know that his IQ is about 180? He graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has a political science degree.

Emegwali is a Nigerian software engineer with an estimated IQ of 190.

Although her IQ is unknown, being a child prodigy, Ruth Lawrence graduated from Oxford at age 13. She is now a professor of mathematics at the Einstein Institute in Jerusalem.

Kripke is Institute Professor of Philosophy at Princeton. He is considered one of the most influential people in the field of logic and philosophy.

Kasparov is a former world chess champion, as well as a political activist and one of the representatives of the Russian opposition. Many consider him to be one of the best chess players in the world. He has an IQ of 190 and is a member of the Human Rights Foundation.

Rosner is a brilliant TV writer and TV show contestant with an IQ of 190-192 who has had a rather strange career path: after 10 years in high school, he posed nude and did other strange things until he became a screenwriter. He is also known for taking careful care of his health. Well, and a powerful intellect, of course.

Katsioulis is a Greek doctor known for his IQ of 198-205. He is the founder of several associations of people with high IQs.

Although his IQ is unknown, this charismatic astrophysicist and space explorer is one of the most vibrant and visible people on the planet. He advocates for NASA expansion as well as social justice.

Kim Un-young is a Korean civil engineer and former Guinness World Records holder for the highest IQ (around 210). His IQ has been above 200 since the age of four.

Christopher Hirata is a former child prodigy with an IQ of 225. Physicist Hirata has worked with NASA and as a physics and astronomy teacher.

Although this number is disputed, Vos Savant is widely claimed to have one of the highest IQs on Earth (and the highest among women) at 228. She is well known for her "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade. Her husband is Dr. Robert Jerwick, famous for designing the first successfully implanted artificial heart.

Terence Tao is a Chinese-American mathematician whose IQ is 230. He has two equally gifted brothers.

Christopher Langan is considered one of the smartest people on Earth. He is an autodidact (self-taught) who managed to break through an extremely difficult childhood in Montana. His IQ is 195-210 points.

Marilyn Savant

American writer, playwright and journalist, listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the world's highest IQ. She entered Washington University in St. Louis, but was forced to leave it in order to help her family in the investment business. Since August 1987, she has been married to Robert Jarvik, a scientist who became famous as the creator of the artificial heart. Currently lives in New York, where he is financial director Jarvik Heart Corporation, which is also involved in the research of cardiovascular diseases. From 1986 to 1989 she was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ - 230 units.

Kim Peek

An American with a phenomenal memory. I remembered up to 98 percent of the information I read. For this he received the nickname “Kim-pewter”. He became the prototype for the film “Rain Man” by Dustin Hoffman. Could read one standard book spread in just 8-10 seconds. And he didn’t care how the text was positioned relative to him. By the end of his life, Kim Pik stored in his memory almost 12 thousand books he had studied. Kim Peek was born in 1951 in Salt Lake City, America, and died there in 2009. A phenomenal man was born with a disproportionately large head, and on the back of his head there was a cranial hernia the size of a baseball. In addition, Kim had damage to the cerebellum and was missing the corpus callosum, which should connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain. However, all these congenital defects do not lead to giftedness or mental retardation. Scientists speculate that the brain's neurons made new connections in the absence of the corpus callosum. This made Kim's memory almost immense.

Daniel Tammet

The mind of one of the smartest people in the world has a slightly different direction - the British Daniel Tammet. This man became famous for his ability to mentally perform complex mathematical calculations that an ordinary person could only do with the help of special computing equipment. In addition, Dan knows 11 languages ​​and can name twenty-two thousand digits after the decimal point of Pi. Another feature of this 34-year-old man is his orientation. Daniel is homosexual and currently lives with his friend, photographer Jerome Tabot.

Albert Einstein

Greatest mind. The German physicist was included in the list of the 10 smartest people in the history of mankind. The theory of relativity brought him fame. In general, Einstein wrote more than 300 scientific papers. The theoretical physicist was born in Germany in 1879, lived in his native country, as well as Switzerland and the USA. Died at the age of 76. During his life he became one of the founders of modern theoretical physics and a Nobel Prize laureate. Honorary doctorate from 20 leading universities in the world. He developed several significant theories, including the general and special theories of relativity, the quantum theory of the thermal effect and heat capacity.

Arran Fernandez

English prodigy, currently the youngest student at Cambridge University. Born in June 1995, he was educated at home, which enabled him to sit his GCSE at the age of five. In January 2010, he was admitted as an exception to the Cambridge College of Mathematics. University officials said they do not remember admitting students so young since 1773, when William Pitt enrolled at the age of 14. Beginning in 2000, he published several papers in the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, a number-theoretic database created by Neil Sloan.

Gregory Smith

Gregory Smith was born in 1990. And already at the age of 2 years he learned to read. At the age of 10 he entered university. The boy is engaged not only in exact sciences. A multifaceted genius He travels the world as an activist for children's rights. He founded the International Youth Advocates movement, which tries to achieve understanding among children around the world. Gregory Smith was honored with a conversation with Mikhail Gorbachev and Bill Clinton. He was nominated four times for the Nobel Prize, but never received it.

Highest IQ in the world. Top 10 smartest people, photo.

The brain is the most mysterious part of the human body. It is the brain that is responsible for our mental abilities. But why does the intelligence of some people differ significantly from the intelligence of “mere mortals”. There are a lot of hypotheses on this score, but they all remain assumptions. There was no reliable direct relationship between brain size, heredity, nationality, environment, intensity of learning and superpowers.

For example, scientists examined Einstein's brain, but did not find any differences in its composition, size and weight from the brains of other people. As a rule, children with outstanding mental abilities are born into simple families. Education, of course, matters, but often brilliant children demonstrate their intelligence in infancy.

Let scientists continue to put forward hypotheses, conduct research and write dissertations (this is their bread) to reveal the nature of genius, but for now let us consider that genius is a gift of God.

There are many highly intelligent people living on the planet. To rank geniuses, they usually use an indicator such as IQ - intelligence quotient. Of course, intelligence includes so many components that no test will give an absolutely accurate indicator of the level of intelligence, moreover, there is no single standard for IQ tests yet, but today the world has not come up with anything better.

Top 10 record holdersIQin the world.

This rating includes only famous people with generally accepted transcendental intellectual abilities. It is likely that there are people in the world who will show better results, but they are either unknown to anyone or deliberately do not advertise their abilities. Not all intellectuals agree to take this test. For example, the famous St. Petersburg mathematician Grigory Perelman, who proved the Poincaré conjecture, did not pass this test. Looks like he has more important things to do.

The most famous IQ test is the Eysenck test. More accurate are the tests of D. Wexler, J. Raven, R. Amthauer, R. B. Cattell. Typically, intellectual examinees take several different tests. For example, the scores of different tests for the only woman in this rating range from 170 to 228 points. Therefore, this rating indicates a certain average for every intellectual.

Garry Kasparov (Weinstein), grandmaster - IQ 190.

Garry Kasparov shocked the world when he became the youngest overall world chess champion at the age of 22 in 1985, defeating defending champion Anatoly Karpov. In 2003, Kasparov drew with a chess computer that could calculate three million chess positions per second.

Philip Emeagwali, scientist - IQ 190.

Nigerian scientist, winner of the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize awarded by the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers. Received an award for using a supercomputer to monitor oil fields. The uniqueness of the device lies in the fact that it consists of 65,000 parallel processors.

Marilyn vos Savant, Austrian-born American writer, playwright and journalist - IQ 190.

The only representative of the fair sex on this list. The surname Savant comes from the French verb savoir ("to know") and means "wise man". From 1986 to 1989, Sawant was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ among women. Honorary member of Mensa, an organization for people with high IQs. Perhaps Marilyn is the only woman on this list because the authors of all versions of IQ tests are men.

Mislav Predavets(Mislav Predavec), Croatian mathematician - IQ 192.

A professor of mathematics in the Croatian capital of Zagreb, Mislav is also the owner and director of a small trading company.

Ranks 7th on the list of the 10 smartest people in the world. Mislav is the founder and president of the elite society of the smartest people in the world, GenerIQ. It is worth noting that the number of members of this elite society of intellectuals does not exceed two dozen geniuses. Obviously, not all child prodigies want to join this community. However, this does not detract from the merits of this Croatian.

Rick Rosner American television producer, screenwriter and actor - IQ 192.

Rick Rosner worked as a doorman, waiter, fashion model, and stripper until he got a job as a television screenwriter. IQ is not always proportional to life achievements; not all of the smartest people on the planet have academic degrees and titles. Rick Rosner is just such an exceptional case.

Rick Rosner describes himself as a "cognitive freak of nature." He took a ton of IQ tests and scored astronomically high. He has a certificate proving that he has an IQ of 192 - the uninhabited territory of geniuses like Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.

Christopher Michael Langan American astrophysicist - IQ 195.

Christopher began talking at 6 months, and at 3 years old he began to learn to read. According to Christopher himself, during his school years he was engaged mainly in self-study, independently comprehending mathematics, physics, philosophy, Latin and Greek. He considers himself self-taught.

For a long time he was considered "the smartest man in America." His IQ when passing various tests ranged from 195 to 210 points.

When Langan's genius became known, he said that he led a double life - he worked as a bouncer, a cowboy, a firefighter in the forest service, a laborer, and in the evenings, returning home, he sat down to his work - the theory of the Cognitive Theoretical Model of the Universe (Theory of Interconnection between mind and reality).

Evangelos Katsuolis(Dr. Evangelos Katsioulis) - practicing Greek psychiatrist - IQ 198.

According to some reports, he passed one of the tests with an IQ of 258. Dr. Katsuolis has degrees in philosophy, medical research technology and psychopharmacology. In addition, he is a good artist and an excellent swimmer.

Currently, Katsuolis is a member and even the founder of several societies for people with high IQs.

Kim Un-young, Korean engineer, child prodigy - IQ 210.

He began speaking and understanding Korean and other languages ​​at 6 months. At 3-4 years old, he was already reading in Korean, Japanese, German and English, and also solving complex mathematical problems. At the age of 4 he demonstrated his abilities in live on Japanese television Fuji TV. At the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study at Colorado State University. In 1978 he returned to Korea, where he worked at Chungbuk National University until 2007.

Now Kim is enjoying what he was previously deprived of as a child, that is, rest. He abandoned the career in science or business that his compatriots predicted for him. In one of his interviews, he said very important words: “There are not many people in the world who can do what they want, but I could. If this is not success, then what do you call a happy life?

Christopher Hirata, American astrophysicist of Japanese origin - IQ 225.

At the age of 14, Hirata entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working at NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. At the age of 22, he received the title of Doctor of Science in astrophysics. Hirata explores dark energy, gravitational lenses and other interesting gizmos that are incomprehensible to mere mortals.

Terence Tao, now an American mathematician, of Chinese descent from Australia - IQ 230.

Thus, Terence Tao is the most brilliant intellectual known to mankind today (if you go by IQ).
Tao had knowledge of basic arithmetic and mastered English language by 2 years. By the age of 5, the little child prodigy could solve complex mathematical problems. At the age of 12, he already participated in the International Mathematical Olympiad. At the age of 24, Tao worked as a teacher at the University of California. Tao received the Fields Medal and medal featured in the film Good Will Hunting in 2006 at the age of 32. By the way, the Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman refused the Fields Medal in the same 2006.

Information for those who want to compare their IQ level with representatives of this rating: the minimum IQ level according to the Eysenck test is 70 points, the Average IQ level ranges from 100 to 120 points. If you show results above 120 points, then you can brag about it. However, keep in mind that today any educational or entertainment site on the Internet may offer you to take a test for the notorious IQ, but it will not be the same test that the smartest inhabitants of our planet took.

Attention: if you are prone to self-deprecation, low self-esteem, bouts of melancholy and chronic dissatisfaction with yourself, you should not read this article. Just knowing that there are such brilliant people in the world can give you an inferiority complex. But for self-sufficient, self-confident and purposeful people, such knowledge can give new guidelines and faith in a bright future for all humanity. How to react is your choice, we’ll just tell you who now deserves the title “most clever man in the world".

Stephen Hawking

This name is known to every person who is even slightly interested in science. And even with minimal awareness of its current state, it is extremely difficult not to remember this colorful scientist. According to many, the smartest person of our time, a prominent popularizer of science, an outstanding cosmologist and theoretical physicist, one of the few who understands how the Universe works.

A cripple, confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. A paralytic who only moves one finger, his eyes, and a small area of ​​muscle in his neck. A disabled man who cannot speak due to a removed trachea, is forced to communicate with the world using a computer and a speech synthesizer.

A man who lives an incredibly rich and interesting life, teaches, writes books, acts in films, performs and travels a lot, has been in zero gravity in a special plane and almost flew into space.

In his youth, when he began to develop amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, doctors believed that he had about 2 years to live. This was 50 years ago. But he didn’t care about all the forecasts and continued to live. Perhaps this commands even more respect than outstanding intelligence.

This Korean is officially considered the smartest person on earth. At least, that’s what the Guinness Book of Records says – the indisputable authority on the matter of the very best. It's all about his IQ. Let us recall that for the average person it is 100, for the gifted it is 120-130, for intellectuals - 130-140, for geniuses - from 140. For Kim Ung-Yong it is 210.

At the age of four, he already read fluently in four languages, including English and Japanese, and received his higher education in the period from 3 to 6, when the vast majority of his peers were still making Easter cakes. At the age of 7, the NASA agency became interested in him, which invited him for training and further work. He later returned to Korea and is now teaching at a leading university.

His name may well be synonymous with the word “prodigy.” Moreover, despite his young age, he has already broken several landmark records, for example, at a very young age he received a certificate of secondary education. At that time he was only five years old. Most do this at 16. At 14, he entered Cambridge University. This has not happened for more than two centuries. At 18, he became a Senior Arguer at the same university (what this is is unclear, but it sounds very respectable). Now he is one of the youngest and brightest mathematicians in America and the whole world.

Like many smart people on the planet, Sir Andrew Wiles showed abilities as a child. His goal has always been Fermat's Last Theorem - the stone on which hundreds of mathematicians have broken their teeth. The mischievous creator wrote in the margins of the book that her proof was too long to fit in the margins. He was too lazy to take a leaf, and for almost 4 centuries he gave all the mathematicians of the world millions of sleepless nights.

Sir Mathematics first tried to work with her at the age of ten, armed with a mathematics textbook. Naturally, nothing good came of this, but Andrew was persistent. He received an excellent education, became a prominent mathematician, and with this knowledge he once again began the worst nightmare of all theorists. And this time the attempt was successful, which automatically allowed him to be ranked among the smartest people in the world.

A gifted person naturally has a high intellectual resource, a smart person develops it, and a wise person knows how to put it into practice. Using this gradation, Paul Allen can be counted among the wise. His IQ is 170, but he is better known as the co-founder of Microsoft. He and Bill Gates have been friends since childhood, and Paul’s role in the founding of their common brainchild is quite large. But already in 1983 he left, leaving behind a small stake and a place on the board of directors. According to him, he did not want to devote his whole life to this business.

These five are not just smart, but very smart people, generously gifted by nature, and most importantly, they managed to take advantage of this gift, which is even more important.

The world has a large number of miracles, the main mystery is the genius of certain people. Determine without error who is worthy of the title “ The smartest man in the world” is not a simple task, because each unique person has his own specific feature that only he possesses.

A fairly common occurrence is situations when, after solving a certain problem, some people hear words addressed to them such as: “Are you the smartest?” Agree that it is very pleasant to hear such phrases addressed to you, and it immediately warms your soul that the efforts that were put into solving a certain problem were noticed and appreciated by others. Most likely, no one has ever thought about the question: what does the smartest person in the world look like? talented abilities he has.

In our country there is also a person who was included in the Guinness Book of Records; he managed to substantiate the Poincaré theorem. This genius’s name is Grigory Perelman, he was born in 1966 and he is considered the smartest person in Russia. Today, a large number of people consider Anatoly Wasserman to be one of the smartest people; this man was a frequent winner in various intellectual programs.

IQ test

Today, measuring your intelligence is not difficult; for this purpose, special tests have been invented to determine IQ. The founder of this test is Hans Eysenck; he wanted to determine without errors the smartest person in the world. Now anyone who wants to find out their IQ can take such a test. At the beginning of the development of the test, it was used only on children, and in 1905 it was refined by a psychologist, his name is Alfred Binet. After the test was refined by a psychologist, it began to be used for both children and adults. The test was first used in 1916, but, unfortunately, its results were not able to determine a person’s extraordinary talents. There is an opinion that some of the smartest people who once lived on Earth achieved success in their lives through daily work, and this is also true today.

The coefficient of the average person is 90-110 units; if the coefficient is 70, then the person has weak mental abilities. If a person has talent, then his coefficient is 125-135 units, and only 0.5% of all people on the planet have a coefficient of more than 135, such people are called geniuses.

Nobel Prize winners take an IQ test and score around 160. But, unfortunately, there are people who have a high coefficient, but have not found its application in their lives. These people mostly go crazy or take their own lives.

Marilyn Savant

In history, the highest coefficient for passing an IQ test was recorded, and it is equal to 228 units. This record was set by a 10-year-old girl named Marilyn vos Savant, born in 1946. To date, no one has managed to score a coefficient higher than Marilyn Savant, and she is considered one of the smartest people in history.

Marilyn Savant states that a person's high abilities are reflected by such items as:

nuclear physics.

Marilyn tied the knot with a man like her, he is just as talented. Her husband is Robert Jarvik, his coefficient is 180, and he created an artificial heart. And also Marilyn Savant says that if you stick to healthy eating, then all data that is inherited increases by 20%.

The smartest people on Earth

Top smartest people in the world:

Merlin vos Savant.
Kim Pik, his feature is a phenomenal memory, he has the ability to remember 98% of information. During his life, Kim read and memorized more than 11 thousand books, he could recite them by heart, this is truly a gift.
Daniel Tammet's specialty is learning a new language in just 7 days. He knew 11 languages.

Albert Einstein became famous due to his theory of relativity. Although in childhood he was considered an underdeveloped child.
Stephen Hawking is a theoretical physicist, he knew everything about the devices of space. Despite the fact that he spent most of his life in a wheelchair, this did not stop him from living and enjoying life.
Arran Fernandez is the first person to receive a high school diploma at age 5. And already at 14 he was a student at Cambridge University, he was the youngest mathematician in the world.
Manahel Thabet is an economist, she is the youngest Arab woman to receive a PhD in financial engineering, her IQ is 168 units.
John Sununu has a coefficient of 180 units. He became known to everyone due to his political career, he worked in the administration of President George W. Bush.