According to tradition, caroling begins in the evening of January 6, and on January 7 throughout the day. Both adults and children can sing carols; we have selected special carol songs for you to celebrate the Nativity of Christ.

Carols for children at Christmas

The sparrow flies
Twirls his tail,
And you people know
Light up the tables
Receive guests
Happy Christmas!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

An angel has come down to us today
And he sang: “Christ is born.”
We came to glorify Christ,
And congratulate you on the holiday.

Here we go, shepherds,
All our sins are forgiven.
We make our way to home,
We glorify Christ God.

You will give us -
we will praise
and you won’t give -
we will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-deep casing -
Give me some pie, uncle!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

Merry Christmas to you, people,
May you have peace and harmony!
So that you don't know grief,
May we remain in abundance!

Give you, Lord,
In the field of nature,
Threshed on the threshing floor,
Kvashni thickening,
There is sporin on the table,
Thicker sour cream
The cows are milked!

Tyapu-lyapu, quickly give me a carol!
My legs are chilly - I’ll run home.
Whoever gives is the prince,
Whoever doesn’t give in will go to hell!

Short Christmas carols

Good evening to good people!
Let happy holiday will.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!

Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!!!

Little guy
Sat down on a sheaf
plays the pipe,
Kolyada is amusing.

Christ the Savior
Born at midnight.
In a poor den
He settled.
Here above the nativity scene
The star is shining.
Christ the Master,
On your birthday
Give it to all the people
World of enlightenment!

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

Carols, carols, carols -
Pancakes are good with honey!
And without honey - it’s not the same,
Give me some pies, auntie!

They brought you pancakes and pancakes
In a painted cart,
On the raven tip.

Caroling, caroling
From family to family we wander
We will tell you poems,
Give us some pies

Well, it would be better if there were coins
We'll buy the candy ourselves
And also a handful of nuts,
And let's take a thimble of wine!

Mister, gentlemen,
The master's wife
Open the doors
And give us a gift!
Pie, roll
Or anything else!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Heaven gave to Christ
Christmas star.
Earth with love and faith
Gave the Baby a cave.

The angels praised with singing.
Preserving purity, beauty,
Chastity and humility
Mother Mary breathed into Christ.

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Wait for a miracle, the time has come -
Find out the groom's face
Caroling on a dark night.
Throw the shoe there
Where is the cherished destiny?
Light candles at midnight
Sing songs loudly.
And hope that
That everything will be fine!

You, master, don’t be tormented,
Give it quickly!
What about the current frost?
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
Orders to serve soon:
Either pies come out of the oven,
Or a penny of money,
Or a pot of cabbage soup!
God bless you
A yard full of bellies!
And to the stables of horses,
Into the calf barn,
To the guys' hut
And take care of the kittens!

Russian carols for Christmas

The road of the wise men and shepherds
We are moving behind a wonderful star.
When you can't find her with your eyes,
A young heart will see her.

When she goes beyond the clouds
Or the passions of the world will cloud your eyes.
Then make your heart sighted,
It will not disappoint your hopes.

And you will outshine her cool light,
Without daring to use a household lamp
Follow the wise men and shepherds,
The night doors are boldly opening.

Look how in the mother of pearl of the clouds
We are moving over the abyss of heaven,
Along the shimmering and narrow road,
The road of the wise men and shepherds.

The magical night is coming
The night is holy
Brings bright joy
Illuminating souls.

Open the gate
Kolyada walking,
Christmas Eve
Bringing happiness to you.

So that your house is full
And good and good,
It's good to live in it
Without worries and burdens.

Caroling carol
From centuries today,
May a star shine for you
Grace of the Lord.

I'm caroling, I'm caroling
I will go into any hut.
I'll ask the hostess
Let's have some sweets.
And cookies and sweets,
And sherbet with nuts,
And halva and chocolate,
Pastille and marmalade,
Delicious cake,
Sweet ice cream
We'll eat it ourselves
And treat each other
And the hostess, and the hostess
Remember with a kind word!

We wish everyone good health,
So that with brotherly love
I came to you every day,
I believe that I gave you happiness.

And now let the world rejoice,
Rejoices, triumphs,
Jesus Christ was born
The world is saved! The world has lit up!

And we, the faithful people,
We magnify Christ
Angel songs
We dedicate it to him!

Merry Christmas!

We'll bake pies
At the hour of the Great Kolyada,
And let's go as a family to family,
We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing the praises of Christ,
Let the soul sing in the body,
May goodness come with goodness,
Brings bright happiness.

Our savior and creator,
Miracle of the Light blacksmith,
We glorify you
Always be with us.

Let us wish at this hour,
So that you have everything,
And patience and peace,
So that everyone values ​​life.

Good evening to you,
Affectionate owner,
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
We are coming to you, master,
With good news.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.
With good news
From the holy city.
Rejoice, rejoice, earth,
The Son of God was born into the world.

The sun is shining in the manger in the hay
The Son of God was born for the salvation of the world.
Cold night
The born will feel cold
King of Kings of the entire Universe.

Angelic choirs praise God in heaven,
Glorifies the whole earth, forests and mountains,
Praises Dubrova
living God
The accession of Christ.

Evil spirits cry piteously in the desert,
People are enjoying Christmas now:
The king reigned
God was born
He appeared to us to save us.

You, Mother Mary, are the reason for joy,
Ask the Lord, beg your son
I will help you in life,
Our way to heaven,
We will sing: “Glory to God!”

With regards to you,
From house to house
With an open soul,
We will knock on doors,
Treat us to some food.

Take the treat,
Don't say unnecessary words
Talk about love
About the savior of the soul.

Have fun and walk,
Sing songs together
Kolyada did not come in vain,
The skies opened.

Amazing night
All worries are driven away,
Kolyada - Kolyada,
She's amazing!

Good evening, generous evening,
Good health to good people.
The falcon has arrived
Sat at the window
I cut the cloth.
And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,
And the scraps and for the belts,
Hello, happy holiday!

Funny carols for Christmas

We dressed up cool
They sat in the white sleigh.
We drove to you, we drove,
For gingerbread with nuts.
For honey, and with my darling,
For some sweet liqueur!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
If you don't serve the flatbread, we'll break the windows.
If you don't serve the pie, we'll take the cow by the horns.

The little boy sat down on the sofa,
The sofa is fragile - drive away the ruble!

I carol, I carol,
I smell moonshine with my nose,
Sausage and lard.
Pour it, otherwise I'll pay.

We give you our carols,
We only ask for chocolates,
Beer, kvass and wine,
Yes, hot pancake!

Kolyada is coming to your house,
And he carries bags of goods,
Who will give us the most?
Great success awaits him!

I sing carols and I smell vodka in my nose
Whether it's a pot of water or wine - we drunkards are always happy
Chi champagne chi cognac abi vipit fool.

Carols, carols,
Chocolates for the boys
Adults sandwich with lard,
We're having fun, people!

She arrived young.
We found a carol
In Ivan's yard!
Hey, Uncle Ivan,
Take the good stuff out into the yard!
How cold it is outside
Freezes nose
Doesn't tell me to stand for long
He orders it to be served soon,
Or a warm pie
Or money with a spear,
Or a silver ruble!

Kolyada, Kolyada!!!
Give me whiskey, give me ice!!!
But for a snack we need
Feijoa and avocado!!!

Carols are like ditties,
We know a million of them.
Give me a gram to drink,
We’ll sing them to you right away!

Kolyada - molyada
I entered a new gate!
And behind it comes the frost
It has grown over the tyn!
He brought cold
So, grandfather Arkhip
Became young!
The frost is small
Yes, he doesn’t tell me to stand!
The frost does not tell me to stand,
It's time for us to carol.

Ukrainian carols for Christmas

Kolyad, carol girl
Good palyanitsya
I'm a little girl
I'm standing in front of the hut
I'm playing in a sniffle
I amuse the children
And you people, feel it
Prepare Kolyada
Apple, peas
These are my nursery rhymes
Gorishechka's money
Whisper in the gut
And if you won’t let me
That's empty for me
Christ was born
The world is having fun
Holy Evening!

The table is covered with a tablecloth,
I have my homeland
They gathered to check the star,
“Christ was born” Casati.
Twelve mi strava pokustuyomo,
Vertepniks of all often
And in peace the candles are lit.
Christ is born! Slavimo!
Kings and Magi will come
Ring carols between the huts.
All the joy of the world is illuminated -
Christ was born in a manger!

Carols, carols, carols,
Good with honey scorching,
But it’s not the same without honey,
Give me some pie, please.
Yak won't give me a pie,
I'll take the bull by the horns,
I'll take you to the market,
I’ll buy my own pie.

Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my dad.
Don't marvel at me
Show off to Kovbas.
Kolyadin, Kolyadin,
I'm alone with my dad.
Knee-high casing, -
Give me some pie, man!

Good evening, Tobi,
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Make the tables
It's all kilims.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Then put the rolls
With spring wheat.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
Bo will come to you,
Three holidays are visiting.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And the first holiday
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And another holiday
Saint Basil.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.
And the third holiday
Holy Vodokhresche.
Rejoice, oh rejoice, earth,
Son of God was born.

A series of months are coming.
Dressed in leather jackets,
Like a shepherdess in a den.
It's a joy for children,
Generous for a hotel
At Llaniya Torbintsi.

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyad,
And the grandfather looked out from the stove,
And the woman with the little candle -
Walking around the blind man's buff.

Runaway heifer from Bereznichka
That's how it became.
I'll give you a carol, uncle,
Give me some bacon.
Big heifer and birch tree
The one in the uncle's door.
I'll give you a carol, uncle,
Then give me a pie.

Good evening to you, sir!
Bring us a couple of cowbass,
Oh, go around the stove,
Look for some gossip for us.
Vinesi sala, don’t be stingy,
So that your barley is born,
Just press one hundred kip of life,
So that the whole sieve was filled!
There were so many cattle,
So the wheat was born,
The house needs everything -
The carolers were treated to a treat.

Horned wolf
Having gone orati
To your field,
And from end to end
Blame the little one,
And to the top of the mountain
A piece of salsa.

Oh, God, let me wait for Christmas,
Let's go to caroling before grandfather.
And our grandfather has plenty of bread:
Two stitches of life, and the third is wheat
On the palyantsi,
And a quarter of buckwheat for buckwheat.
And the fifth one is vivsa. That's the whole carol.

Kolyad, Kolyad, Kolyada
At the end of the peek.
I have a happy birthday
Light a candle for joy.
Call Kolyada to the house,
To greet Jesus.
Good people, carol,
Sin of God, be foolish!

I'm singing carols,
I smell Kovbas,
And it’s still not enough
Give me some lard.
Salo is great,
I'm pulling on your face
The face is torn
The lard is gone.
Good evening!

I'm a little girl
My gentle little barefoot,
Peak, Mick,
Give me a carol.

On a good day, in good time,
We are sending you away from Holidays!
From the Holy Supper,
Merry carols,
Hai carol is mooning
And he sows with snow.
High Rik Novy Nese u Khatu
There is a lot of happiness and joy.

Hello dear readers. Christmas has long been one of the most beloved holidays. For some time New Year supplanted this date from holiday calendar. But now the Christmas festival is revered no less than the New Year's. Former traditions are also returning, which they continued to follow in the outback. Caroling - the singing of special holiday songs - has long been an invariable accompaniment of Christmas. Carols are ritual chants. They traditionally contain congratulations, sincere wishes for well-being, wealth and health, as well as demands for treats. As a rule, young people and children took part in caroling.

They walked in whole groups, sometimes quite large, from house to house, carrying with them a special symbol - a star. Also always present were mummers who wrapped themselves in animal skins, put on homemade masks and even horns.

With rare exceptions, carolers were greeted joyfully, believing that their wishes for health and a bountiful harvest would certainly come true.

That’s why the guys didn’t leave empty-handed; their bags were always full of gifts. They mainly gave sweets, but some owners did not skimp on other products and even money.

Short Christmas carols for children

It is not surprising that the tradition of caroling dates back to the pre-Christian era. Scientists associate the singing of carols with a special Slavic holiday - Kolyada. This is a kind of pagan analogue of the modern New Year.

There are other versions of the appearance of the name, but this is the most likely. At first, deities and forces of nature were sung in songs.

And with the advent of Christianity, the chants received biblical content and began to serve the promotion of Christianity in Kievan Rus. Interesting fact that carols have existed for a very long time and are transmitted mainly orally. But at the same time, many of them retained not only the words, but also the melody.

When to carol

It is customary to carol on Christmas Eve. This is the evening of January 6, or, as it is also called, Holy Evening. But, of course, you need to learn carols in advance. Also now there are New Year's carols, as well as mixed ones, in which they congratulate on both holidays.

So you can start caroling from the New Year and continue right up to the Epiphany. Many modern authors pay attention to composing Christmas songs and some of them are becoming quite popular. But the greatest value is still the ancient carols left to us as an inheritance from our ancestors.

Probably everyone knows at least one carol. Many people went caroling with friends as children and even as adults they remember these special events with warmth. But it is not necessary to congratulate strangers with such chants.

Relatives will also be happy to hear carols in their home. Many of them are filled with deep meaning and contain sincere words of wishes. Therefore, learning carols is useful even for kids. It is for them that several examples of short options are presented. Let them sound in your home on Christmas evening, adding special color and solemnity to the holiday.

Carols for children at Christmas

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Happy Christmas!

How cold it is outside

Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He tells me to serve it soon

Or a warm pie

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear,

Or a silver ruble!

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight.

In a poor place

He settled.

Right above that place

The star is shining.

Christ the Master,

On your birthday.

Give it to all the people

Peace and forgiveness!

I'm caroling, I'm caroling

I will go into any hut.

I'll ask the hostess:

- Come on, some goodies!

And cookies and sweets,

And sherbet with nuts,

Pastille and marmalade -

I will be glad to receive any gifts.

I will treat everyone

And praise the hostess!

Good evening, generous evening,

Good health to good people.

The falcon has arrived

Sat at the window

I cut the cloth.

And the leftovers are for the owners’ hats,

And the scraps and for the belts,

Hello, happy holiday!

This is how it happened in this world

For many years in a row

On such a magical, good evening

Angels fly to us from heaven

They bring goodness, hope,

Blessing to every home

Happy New Year everyone

And Merry Christmas!

Carols for children in Russian

Carols are distinguished by their beauty and melody. In addition, they have a special, ancient power. After all, many people still believe that the wishes heard in these Christmas songs will definitely come true and that thanks to such chants even fate can be changed. Who knows, maybe that’s why Slavic carols have spread all over the world.

Thus, the most popular carol song in the world, Carol Of The Bells, has Ukrainian roots. This is an old ritual Christmas song “Shchedryk”, arranged by the Ukrainian composer and conductor Nikolai Leontovich.

It was performed even in Soviet times, but only due to the fact that its text had no religious content. It would still be suitable today as a Christmas carol for children.

Here is the translation of “Shchedrik” into Russian:

Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka,

A swallow has arrived.

I started chirping to myself,

Call the owner:

- Come out, come out, master,

Look at the sheep -

The sheep lambed there,

And the lambs were born

Your goods are all good,

You will have more than one penny,

Even if it’s not money, it’s sex.

Your wife has black eyebrows.

Shchedrik, Shchedrik, Shchedrovochka,

A swallow has arrived.

And this is another carol, which is performed to the same melody by many groups.

On a starry night Christ was born.

He was laid in a simple manger.

An angel descended from heaven into the field,

He announced the news to the shepherds:

“Rejoice, everyone - Christ has been born.

He was laid in a simple manger.”

Glory, glory, glory to God in the highest!

Goodwill to all people!

The angelic choir sang a song,

Peace on earth was proclaimed.

Here are more examples of carol songs for the Christmas holiday.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

People are sleeping, the distance is clear;

Only in the stable the light is on;

The holy couple does not sleep there,

The Child is dozing in the manger. The Child is dozing in the manger.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

The heights lit up

Bright Angel from heaven,

He brought news to the shepherds:

"Christ was born to you! Christ was born to you!”

The night is silent, the night is holy,

A star is burning in the sky;

The shepherds have been on their way for a long time,

They are in a hurry to come to Bethlehem:

They will see Christ there. They will see Christ there.

The night is silent, the night is holy,

All hearts await happiness.

God, let me come to Christ,

Find joy in the light in him.

Glory forever, Christ! Glory forever, Christ!

Merry carol

Kolyada, Kolyada...

And the woman has a beard.

And my grandfather grew a tail.

The scoundrel is running around in the garden.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

It doesn't matter to us.

God will give you full health.

The bins will be full.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

We dance all the years.

And also on all fours

We boldly climb the steps.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

It's okay that it's cold.

I'm healthy, I'll go into the cold,

I take a swim in the pond.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

Have fun, people, always!

After all, it’s not fitting for us to be sad,

Enjoying the little things in life.

Kolyada, Kolyada...

There is a candle and food on the table.

The cute Christmas tree is shining.

The Lord blesses everyone.

The texts of carols for children are long

Caroling in any one house could last up to several hours. The owners invited carolers, fed and watered them.

The cheerful feast alternated with festive singing. Of course, it will be difficult for children to learn so many carols at once. And this is hardly necessary.

Christmas carols for children have some special features. They should be simple, understandable and not too long. And, of course, they should not contain any “adult” hints.

And this is not uncommon for the category of cheerful and comic holiday songs, which are more reminiscent in meaning of not very decent folk ditties. Many of these carols are modern.

Below are examples of children's holiday carols.

On Christmas Day

Today an angel came down

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

Our song is simple -

We glorify Christ.

We're going straight

And we go into every house.

There's only one brighter in the sky

Guiding star -

Even in a storm among the clouds

Gives everyone a magic ray,

Heralds Christmas.

Let's start the celebration!

Christmas carol

Carol comes to us

On the eve of Christmas.

The carol asks, asks

At least a piece of the pie.

Who will give the carol a pie?

He will be there in every possible way!

The cattle will be healthy

The barn will be full of cows

Who will squeeze his piece,

It will be a lonely year.

Will not find luck, happiness,

The year will be spent in bad weather.

Don't feel sorry for the pie

Otherwise you'll create a debt!

At the hour of the Great Kolyada

We'll bake pies

At the hour of the Great Kolyada,

And let's go as a family to family,

We will bring joy to people.

Let us sing the praises of Christ,

Let the soul sing in the body,

May goodness come with goodness,

Brings bright happiness.

Our savior and creator,

Miracle of the Light blacksmith,

We glorify you

Always be with us.

Let us wish at this hour,

So that you have everything,

And patience and peace,

So that everyone values ​​life.

Good evening to you,

Affectionate owner,

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,

With good news.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news

From the holy city.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

New Year carols for children

New Year's carols can be sung not only on New Year's Eve. On January 13, the so-called Vasilyev's evening is celebrated, which is also called Generous.

Now this date is known as the Old New Year - a very strange concept for foreigners. And many of our compatriots consider this date a relic of the past, an atavism, an unnecessary holiday, devoid of any meaning.

But this is where they are deeply mistaken. Among other things, according to church calendar, this is the day of remembrance of Saint Melania. The people call the holiday Malanka (Melanka, Milanka). You've probably heard some of these names. At this time, the Nativity fast has already ended and you can celebrate to your heart's content.

Unlike Christmas, when it is believed that the year will be successful if a boy or boy enters the house first, here it is mainly girls who give generously. But young people, as they say, “drive Malanka.”

At the same time, one of them dresses up as a young lady, portraying the same Malanka. And special carols are used here – schedrovki. They generously wish the owners all sorts of blessings and promise their abundance in the new year.

The songs are accompanied by dances and are played out comic scenes. And whoever does not allow carolers into the house or drives them away, voluntarily refuses all these potential benefits.

This is done in the evening. And in the morning they go again to congratulate everyone on the holiday. They take grain with them and scatter it in the house.

Accompany the ceremony with congratulations and good wishes. This is called “going to sow.” As a rule, they first go to relatives for this purpose, and later visit other houses. But here the girls come into the house after the boys or don’t go sowing at all.

Below are some suitable songs for New Year's caroling and sowing.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Come from afar

Once a year

Let's admire it for an hour.

We're crackling with the frost,

With a prickly cold,

With white snows,

With a blizzard, with blizzards.

Scooters - sleighs

We drove ourselves -

From village to village,

Kolyada is fun.

We sow, we blow snow

On a silk bed.

The snow is falling,

The blizzard will break out!

Give it to you, master,

On New Year's Day:

There is offspring on the field,

On the threshing floor - threshed,

You will give us -

We will praise

And you won’t give -

We will scold.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Give me some pie

Or a loaf of bread,

Or half a buck,

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb!

Open the chests, owners,

Take out your heels!

Let's give it a penny

To the carolers!

The moon has shone in the sky,

He showed us the way.

Top-bottom –

Closer to the house.

The owner walked onto the porch,

He poured wine into a glass.

Only we don’t drink wine -

Give us a ruble!

Your house has four corners,

In each corner there are three young men:

Goodness, Comfort, Peace live.

A girl walks from corner to corner,

The braid is spreading across the floor.

The girl's name is Love,

Your roof rests on it!

If you reward us generously,

You will keep happiness in your home!

Let's leave the yard with gifts -

The bins will be full!

Even a candy, even a nickel -

We won't just leave!!!

New Year has come

The old one stole

Showed yourself!

Get up people

Come out of the gate -

To meet the sun,

Drive away the frost!


White beard

The nose is flat,

The head is like a basket,

Hands like sabers,

Legs like rakes,

Come New Year's Eve

Celebrate honest people!

Kolyada, Kolyada,

We open all the houses,

All the windows, chests,

We sprinkle sweets, pies,

So that it would be good for you,

Say thank you to heaven

Since you have a son,

Give me a head of cheese.

Since you have a daughter,

Give me a barrel of honey.

If you're not rich,

Get me out of the house.

Get rich, accumulate bounty -

I'll come for the New Year.

Until then I'll go like this,

Singing a carol.

If anyone is rich

Take it out of the house

And jams and pickles,

And candies and cookies.

God will give us all health,

After all, he is good at this!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Even though it’s the Old New Year -

It still brings good things!

We wish the old fashioned way

Fertility - to the cattle,

A warm dog house,

Saucers of milk for a kitten,

A handful of wheat for a cockerel,

And my daughter-in-law and friend,

Small children - mom and dad,

Grandmother - small grandchildren!

We sow, we sow, we sow,

Happy New Year!

Open the chest

Get out the piglet!

I sow, I sow, I sow,

Congratulations on Kolyada,

I wish you happiness and joy.

I sow, I sing,

I sprinkle it with barley,

So that it can be born in the field,

So that the living creatures double,

For children to grow up

So that girls can be married.

I sow, I sow, I sow,

I wish you happiness and all the best.

Who will give us some pie?

There's a barn full of cattle,

Sheep with oats

A stallion with a tail.

Who won't give you the pie?

That's why a chicken leg

Pestle and shovel

The cow is hunchbacked.

Don't squeeze, mistress,

Bring me a loaf!

Take out the baked goods

And spelled with butter.

Everything will return a hundredfold

As winter approaches, many people increasingly look at the calendar, counting the weeks and days until the cherished end of the year. New Year, Christmas, Old New Year - the list of January holidays is truly impressive. According to tradition, these days everyone has fun, goes to visit, receives family and friends at a richly laid table. In addition to festive treats and feasts, at Christmas it is customary to carol - walk around the courtyards and sing carols with wishes of happiness, good luck and prosperity. What are carols? These are traditional ritual songs of a religious nature, glorifying the birth of Jesus Christ, as well as telling about other persons and events of the Old Testament. There is an opinion that there is an inextricable connection between Kolyada and Christmas, but this is not entirely true. In Ancient Rus', carols were a dedication to the pagan god Kolyada, the patron saint of all farmers and the son of the solar deity Dazhdbog. The holiday of Kolyada fell on the “turning point” period of the winter solstice, when the days gradually became longer and the nights became shorter. In order for the harvest in the new year to be generous, and for there to be prosperity and health in the house, it was customary to sing carols. With the advent of Christianity, the holiday of Kolyada and the Nativity of Christ “combined” and with the words of carols people began to thank God for all the good things in the old year, as well as to praise the generosity and hospitality of the hosts. We tried to collect the most beautiful Russian folk carols for Christmas - short children's quatrains, longer works. Using our texts and notes, you can easily learn your favorite Christmas carol and go caroling on Christmas Eve with a cheerful group of mummers. With the help of the video, you can listen to Christmas carols and enjoy wonderful songs at any time.

Russian folk carols for Christmas - short funny poems

According to tradition, on Christmas night, crowds of “mummers”—children and young boys and girls dressed in costumes—walk through houses and courtyards fairy tale characters and animals. This is an extremely bright and enchanting sight! At the head of the cheerful company is the “star”, carrying a large eight-pointed star - a symbol of the Birth of Jesus Christ. Then follows the “ringer,” whose duty is to carry the bell, and the procession is brought up at the end by the “mekhonosh” with a large bag for collecting gifts. As a rule, Christmas carols were learned to be short, “with meaning,” the texts of which are easy to remember. On our pages you will find Russian folk carols-poems with short funny texts– even child carolers can quickly learn their simple words.

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!


She arrived young!

We found a carol

In Mironov's yard.

Hey, Uncle Miron,

Take the good stuff out into the yard.

How cold it is outside

Freezes nose.

Doesn't tell me to stand for long

He tells me to serve it soon

Or a warm pie

Or butter, cottage cheese,

Or money with a spear,

Christ the Savior

Born at midnight.

In a poor den

He settled.

Here above the nativity scene

The star is shining.

Christ the Master,

On your birthday

Give it to all the people

World of enlightenment!

Children's Christmas carols - texts of festive folk songs

Many children different ages They love to carol at Christmas, getting together with adult carolers or their “little” company. Of course, before the holidays you need to properly prepare for this important event - choose funny costumes for the mummers and learn the texts of Christmas carols. We will be happy to help you decide on the choice of children's Christmas carols with short texts that kids will definitely like for their simplicity. Children will be happy to sing such touching Russian folk carols not only to their parents, but also to their grandparents, other relatives, good friends and even neighbors. In gratitude for the wonderful folk chants, listeners will generously give sweets and coins to the little carolers. We offer a selection of the most touching short children's carols that you can easily learn by heart and please those around you by singing on such a bright holiday - Christmas!

And I'm small

Yes, remote!

Born on Tuesday

Magnify Christ!

Congratulations to you!

Be healthy!

Merry Christmas!

Today an Angel came down to us

And he sang: “Christ is born!”

We came to glorify Christ,

Happy holiday to you!

The sparrow flies

Twirls his tail,

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Happy Christmas!

Texts and notes of folk carol songs for the Nativity - for children carolers for the holidays

On the night of January 6-7, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ - a bright and joyful holiday. In the old days, after the first star rose, the whole family sat down to festive table with various delicious dishes and drinks. At this time, fun began on the street - Christmas carols! Young people and children gathered in large groups, dressed up in homemade costumes of fairy-tale characters and went around the yards to carol. In the texts of folk carols it is easy to trace the organic combination of Christian and religious motifs. Thus, some carols glorify the birth of Jesus Christ, telling about the biblical events of that significant night when an Angel appeared to the Bethlehem shepherds with wonderful news. In the lyrics of other carol songs, the main emphasis was on congratulating the owner of the house and other family members on Christmas, followed by requests for gifts. In return, the carolers in poems and songs “wished” well-being, prosperity and various blessings in the new year. For children carolers, we have prepared the texts and notes of short carol songs for the Nativity of Christ, which can be prepared for the upcoming winter holidays.

Russian folk carol "Kolyada" - text and notes

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Open the gate.

The carol has arrived

On the eve of Christmas.

With crumpets, with flatbreads,

With pork feet.

Kolyada, Kolyada,

Bring me some pie!

Give it to me, don't break it.

But in general, come on!

Who gives the pie?

That's why cattle, belly.

Who won't give you the pie?

Short carol song “Christ’s Nativity” - text and notes

How Christ's Nativity

Rolled under the window

Nikanorov's yard

On seven pillars.

Turned pillars,

Gold plated.

Our carol

Neither small nor large.

She sews under the window,

Serves pies.

Here in the master's house

“The carol has come” - text and notes of the Russian folk carol

The carol arrived on the eve of Christmas.

We walked, we looked for the holy carol.

We found a carol at Romanov's yard.

Romanov Dvor, Iron Tyn.

In the middle of the courtyard there are three towers.

In the first chamber there is a red sun,

The red sun is the hostess.

In the second chamber - the month is bright,

In the third term there are frequent asterisks.

The month is getting light - the owner is here.

Often the stars are small.

Russian folk carols - texts and videos (you can listen to online music recordings of Christmas songs)

The folk custom of singing carols dates back to ancient times. Thus, our Slavic ancestors extremely revered Veles, the god of fertility, wealth and family economy - his holiday was celebrated on the day of the winter solstice. It was believed that on this day a new young sun was born, so all the fire in the house was extinguished and a new one was lit using flint or friction. Later, Christianity left its “imprint” on this pagan holiday, endowing carols with a religiously sublime meaning. The texts of many carols on the theme of Christmas are song retellings of entire gospel stories of the birth of Jesus. According to tradition, carolers began walking around the courtyards on the evening of January 6, loudly singing Christmas songs with good wishes to the owners for the new year. In return, the crowd of mummers received tasty gifts and even money in their bag. The children, the most zealous carolers, were especially looking forward to Christmas. Despite the bitter Christmas frost, groups of children ran from yard to yard laughing and asked permission to sing carols. If the owners gave the go-ahead, the words of short children's carols were answered in response - both toddlers and older children could master their simple texts. In gratitude for the beautiful singing, the owners presented the little carolers with sweets, apples and tangerines (a modern “New Year’s” version). It happens that the guys received a refusal to their request - according to popular beliefs, in the new year such a yard will bypass luck and prosperity. With the help of our videos, you can listen online to amazingly beautiful Russian folk carols, the musical recordings of which will make you plunge into a unique festive atmosphere.

A short children's carol for Christmas “How the carol went” - text

How the carol went

From the new city,

We were looking for a carol

In Ivan's yard.

On Ivanov's yard

On five pillars

On five pillars

At seven miles.

You, Father Ivan,

Silk beard,

Silk beard,

The head is gilded.

Don't cut, don't break,

Serve the whole loaf.

Christmas folk carol “This night is holy” - text

This night is holy

This night of salvation

Announced to the whole world

The Mystery of the Incarnation.

On this holy night

The shepherds did not sleep

A bright angel flew to them

From the heavenly bright distance.

Great fear took over

Those children of the desert.

He told them: "Oh, don't be afraid -

There is joy in the whole world now.

Now God has become incarnate

For people's salvation;

You go and have a look

To great humility."

From the heights of heaven

Suddenly there was singing:

“Glory, glory to God in the highest,

There is good will on earth!”

Short children's carol for Christmas “Good evening to you” (text)

Good evening to you,

Affectionate owner,

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

We are coming to you, master,

With good news.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

With good news

From the holy city.

Rejoice, rejoice, earth,

The Son of God was born into the world.

Children's carol songs - Russian folk works with lyrics

Since ancient times, on Christmas evening, after the first star had risen, carolers gathered in the streets - companies of young boys or girls (or even “mixed”). During such a traditional procession, cheerful carol songs were sung, the bell in the hands of the “ringer” rang loudly, and the merry laughter of the mummers was heard. Unlike adult carolers, children did not dress up in animal costumes, but made their “round” around the owners’ yards in the morning and afternoon. In addition, the texts of children's carols were short and contained an appeal to the owners with a request to give delicacies and coins. In our selection you will find the most touching short children's carols for Christmas, the texts of which are easy to remember for a child of any age. Merry Christmas!

You will give us -
We will praise
And you won’t give -
We will reproach!
Kolyada, Kolyada!
Serve the pie!

Don't regret anything

It's Christmas Eve!

The Christmas holidays bring with them a unique spirit of joy and fun, uniting all Christians with the wonderful news - the Son of God has been born! In each house, guests are greeted with laid tables, and carolers sing traditional carols with wishes of happiness, prosperity and prosperity. Here are Russian folk carols for Christmas: short children's carols, long texts for adult carolers, as well as sheet music for learning the motive of the songs. It's a pleasure to listen to clear, sonorous voices telling about the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ - in the video you will find the best musical recordings of Christmas carols. Kolyada has arrived, open the gates!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
And sometimes there is a carol
On Christmas Eve
Kolyada has arrived
Christmas brought.

The owner and the hostess
Get off the stove
Light the candles!
Open the chests
Get your heels out!
For your amusement,
We're screwed!

Kolyada, merry carol!
Get everyone here!
We will shower you with happiness,
For that you will treat us!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Give us some pie
Or a loaf of bread,
Or half a buck,
Or a chicken with a crest,
Cockerel with a comb!

We are hitting your gates!
We have come to give you happiness,
Let's carol here!
Come to us quickly
Bring treats!
We are waiting for cookies, we are waiting for sweets,
We wish you happiness for a hundred years!

We'll call you by phone
With wishes and bow.
We came to carol
Merry Christmas to you!

Who will give us some pie?
Some fresh cottage cheese
He will have happiness
And the bad weather will dissipate!
We're going caroling
Let's wish you well!

Kolyada, Kolyada
Open the gates
Get out the chests
Serve the snouts.
Even a ruble
Even a nickel
Let's not leave home like that!
Give us some candy
Or maybe a coin
Don't regret anything
It's Christmas Eve!

We are ditties for carols
Let's sing cheerfully,
Treat us sweeter,
Otherwise we’ll be offended and leave!

Kolyada, Kolyada!
Open the gate!
Give me some pie
A piece of bread
A pot of sour cream!
Won't you serve any pies?
We let in bedbugs,
Mustached cockroaches
And striped animals!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Come from far away
Once a year
Let's admire it for an hour.
We're crackling with the frost,
With a prickly cold,
With white snows,
With a blizzard, with blizzards.
Scooters - sleighs
We drove ourselves -
From village to village,
Kolyada is fun.

Who lives in this house
God give him joy!
Whole bins of happiness,
Let them enjoy winter!
We want just a little,
Pies only for the road!

The Holy Spirit descended from heaven
And said Christ was born
We came to glorify Christ
Congratulations on your holiday

Well, good hostess,
Hurry up and give us some candy!
We bring happiness and joy to the house,
We're still waiting for the pies!
There will be day and there will be food,
Kolyada will not forget you!

Open the gates
A carol is coming to the house!
Kolyada is coming into the house
Brings happiness with you!
We are waiting for sweets from you,
Hello pies!
There will be peace in that house
Who are we singing songs to?


Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles – “No!”, but for happiness – “Yes!”
Happy New Year, Merry Christmas:
We wish you peace in your home,
And health and goodness,
And heartfelt warmth!
Kolya-kolya-kolyada -
For troubles - “No!”, but for happiness “Yes!!!”
(N. Samonii)

A carol came
Christmas Eve
Who will give me some pie?
So the barn is full of cattle,
Ovin with oats,
A stallion with a tail!
Who won't give me the pie?
That's why a chicken leg
Pestle and shovel
The cow is hunchbacked.

Good evening to good people!
May the holiday be merry.
Merry Christmas to you.
We wish you happiness and joy!
Generous evening, good evening!
Good health to good people!

Good auntie,
Give me some sweet cakes.
On the eve of Christmas,
Give it, don't break it,
Give everything whole.
If you drop a little one,
You can’t even pray to God.
Won't you serve me some flatbread?
Let's break the windows.
Won't you serve me the pie?
Let's lead the cow by the horns.

Carols go on holy evenings,
The carol comes to Pavly-Selo.
Get ready, villagers,
Let's have carols!
Open the chest
Get out the piglet!
Open up, peddlers,
Get your pennies!
Come, don't be shy,
Now we'll amuse the people.
Who will be the devil and who will be the devil!
And who doesn't want anyone
Let him laugh for a nickel!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
We open all the houses,
All the windows, chests,
We give sweets and pies,
So that it would be good for you,
Say thank you to heaven
God will give us all health,
After all, he is good at this!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
It's Christmas Eve!
Good auntie,
The pie is delicious
Don't cut, don't break,
Serve it quickly
Two, three,
We've been standing for a long time
Let us not stand!
The stove is heating up
I want some pie!

Ding-ding-ding, the bells are ringing,
Sons and daughters have come to you,
You meet carolers,
Greet us with a smile!

Kolyada arrived on the eve of Christmas.
God bless whoever is in this house.
We wish good things to all people:
Gold, silver,
Lush pies,
Soft pancakes
Good health,
Cow butter.

A star is shining in the sky,
At the hour of Holy Christmas...
Kolyada came,
I went around all the houses,
I knocked on doors and windows,
She walked and laughed and played...
And behind the noisy Kolyada,
Carolers in a crowd...
Everyone rejoices and laughs,
They sing a loud song:
“Kolyada was born,
On the eve of Christmas..."

We ask for your health,
And we carry candles for happiness!
Let it be in your yard.
There will be a mountain of gold!
Well, you will treat us,
Don't drive away the carol!
Otherwise a year will pass
It won't bring anything!

Kolyada, Kolyada,
Who won't give me the pie?
We take the cow by the horns
Who won't give donuts,
We hit him in the face,
Who won't give a penny?
That's a neck on the side.

In chapter:

We have already written that carols are funny songs or rhymes with wishes of goodness and prosperity to the owners of the house. Carols can be short or long, interesting and funny. Short carols are quite easy for kids to remember - we have selected the shortest carols for you. Well, now the time has come for long and interesting carols - older children and adults can learn them.

Why carol at Christmas?

Kolyada is a pagan holiday marking the winter solstice, which was later dedicated to the celebration of the Nativity of Christ. People go to caroling on Holy Evening, January 6, after the first (guiding) star rises. It is the first star that signifies the birth of little Jesus.

Our Slavic ancestors paid close attention to such traditions as caroling at Christmas. Mummers (that’s what they called carolers who dressed up in different costumes) in one house could carol for hours. Teenagers, children and adults gathered in groups and walked from house to house, sang Kolyada and wished the owners well-being, kindness and prosperity. For their services they received sweets and money. It was believed that the more generous the owners were, the richer their year would be.

Interesting carols for children and adults are a whole section of folk art, because it was the people who were the author of these songs and. And the more carols a teenager knew, the higher his chances of becoming star- the main one among carolers.

Interesting and long carols for Christmas

According to traditions, you must ask the owners for permission to sing carols. Of course, it was considered to refuse bad omen, but permission had to be asked.

They prepared quite carefully for the holiday of Kolyada - they not only taught interesting carols, but also sewed costumes of various animals - goats, rams, bears. Basically, images of those animals that were Russian folk heroes were used. It was believed that by changing clothes one could “appease” Kolyada. Also on this evening, folk festivals and fairs were held, where you could show off your prowess and ingenuity.

There were always many carolers, but fewer than three were not allowed to carol. Everyone had their own task: someone carried a star and sang songs, someone carried a bag with the sweets they received, and someone rang the bell, notifying that the mummers were coming. Caroling has always been fun and interesting.