Ministry of Labor and social protection Russian Federation has prepared a project for postponing holidays in 2018. It differs from the schedule according to which Russians lived in 2017. Details are in the material Federal News Agency.

How to relax for the New Year in 2018

In 2017, December 30, which is considered a working day, fortunately fell on a Saturday, so it can be considered the beginning of the long New Year holidays. Official holidays at the end of December - beginning of January will continue from December 30, 2017 to January 8, 2017, that is, a whole 10 days.

Postponement of holidays in January 2018

Next year, as well as this year, during the New Year holidays, two official holidays coincide with weekends. That is why the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation proposes to postpone these days, adding them to other holidays as a bonus. And this is what happens:

  • day off 6th January(Saturday) may be rescheduled to 9th of March(Friday);
  • day off Jan. 7(Sunday) may be rescheduled to May 2(Wednesday).

As stated in the text of the document of the Ministry of Labor, these transfers will be made in accordance with the second part of Article 112 Labor Code RF.

Let us remind you that January 7 is the second most important holiday in Russia (after Easter). Orthodox holiday - Nativity.

Weekend changes in 2018

The main change compared to 2017 is not only that officials are proposing to increase the number of days off in March and May at the expense of two days that fall during the January holidays.

Officials also propose to organize the transfer of weekends from April 28, the 9th of June And December 29th(these three days fall on Saturday) - on April 30, June 11 And 31th of December(this is Mondays). The Ministry of Labor is confident that such changes will help organizations and companies plan their working hours in advance. This means that it will be convenient for the residents of the country.

How to relax in spring

Following the calendar, officials are preparing a long weekend for us in 2018. Thus, in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, Russians will be able to relax for three days, and in honor of the International women's day March 8 - even four.

Before the Spring and Labor Festival, Russians will also be awarded a good mini-vacation - from April 29 to May 2. At the same time, although Victory Day is a day off, the surrounding days are not. On both May 8 and May 10, the residents of our country will have to work hard.

How to relax in summer and autumn

In the summer, the time for vacations begins: if one of the Russians is deprived of such happiness, then he can only console himself with the weekend. Both regular and unscheduled - in honor of Russia Day. In 2018, the Ministry of Labor proposes to make the period from June 10 to June 12 a day off.

Also, three days will be allocated to residents of Russia in November - on the occasion of the Day national unity. From November 3 to 5, people will have the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of work and relax a little.

Reaction to the new calendar

Social media reaction to the new schedule has so far been muted. Users simply share information. Silent for now Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who is known for his harsh statements regarding the vacation schedule of Russians.

So, several years ago he proposed canceling the New Year holidays, making January 2 a working day. According to him, the best gift for Russians it would be a complete abolition of long-lasting New Year's holidays. However, other deputies were able to defend holiday calendar, adopted in the mid-2000s and giving Russians long winter holidays.

A little later, Zhirinovsky softened his position: all holidays need to be removed, leaving only three days off (January 1, May 9 and June 12). Instead, he proposed giving Russians 30 days of vacation annually, as well as 15 days when they could rest beyond this schedule. Individually, independently, without general festivities.

Official holidays in Russia in 2018

Let's summarize. If the proposal of the Ministry of Labor is approved, then Russians will be able to vacation on the following dates:

  • New Year holidays and Christmas (December 30, 2017 – January 8, 2018);
  • weekend in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day (February 23–25);
  • International Women's Day weekend (8-11 March);
  • weekend in honor of the Spring and Labor Festival (April 29 – May 2);
  • day off in honor of Victory Day (May 9);
  • weekend in honor of Russia Day (June 10–12);
  • weekend in honor of National Unity Day (November 3–5).

The exception is, perhaps, the city of St. Petersburg, where every summer, at the end of June, a large-scale holiday-festival of school graduates "" is held. Based on the convenience of holding festive events, the date of the holiday is set on the weekend (usually on Saturday) closest to the longest white night.

When will the school reunion evening take place in 2020:

In 2020, the school reunion evening will take place February 1, 2020 .

The evening of the meeting is also sometimes called the Day of the alumni, since the events begin “before dark”, in the daytime. But get-togethers with former school friends invariably drag on and end in the evening, and sometimes late at night.

What years (graduations) are found in schools in 2020:

According to tradition, graduates gather for the first evening of the reunion in a year after graduation and beyond on anniversaries, multiples of five (every 5 years).

In 2020 it will be:

* 2019 release - 1 year.

* Year of manufacture 2015 - 5 years.

* Year of manufacture 2010 - 10 years.

* Year of manufacture 2005 - 15 years.

* Year of manufacture 2000 - 20 years.

* Year of manufacture 1995 - 25 years.

* Year of manufacture 1990 - 30 years.

* Year of manufacture 1985 - 35 years.

* Year of manufacture 1980 - 40 years.

* Year of manufacture 1975 - 45 years.
* Year of manufacture 1970 - 50 years.

When university graduates gather for reunion evenings:

Unlike former classmates, former classmates hold their meetings in the summer. There is no single date for meetings of university graduates, so each higher education institution chooses it independently.

In 2020, this will be one of the Saturdays from June to September.

How do the meeting evenings work:

On the first Saturday of February (in 2020 - February 1), if you graduated from school last year, or your graduation is anniversary (i.e. a number of years that are a multiple of five have passed since graduation), you should come to your home school in person.

You must first find out the start time of the holiday events. Usually, an announcement with the date and time of the beginning of the ceremonial part is posted on the official website of the educational institution. Information is also disseminated through social media, in which former classmates communicate.

The “heroes of the occasion” are gathered in the assembly hall, where a festive event. Pupils who have not yet graduated from school perform in front of the audience: they read poems, sing songs, and act out funny skits “a la Yeralash”. The director and teachers give a congratulatory speech. At the end of the official part, former students are asked to get up on stage and say a few words about themselves and their beloved school.

After the ceremonial part is over, the celebration moves to the classrooms, where classmates gather separately along with their former class teachers. It’s impossible to do without gifts - it’s customary to chip in and give in advance to the class teacher flowers and a symbolic (and sometimes valuable) gift. It wouldn’t hurt to thank him for his work and years spent on you.

Homecoming evening is a time of memories, so you should definitely take along school photographs or photo albums that will help you remember the best moments from your school life.

There are schools that are tolerant of long gatherings of former students in classrooms with food and alcoholic beverages. However, you should not abuse such kindness, especially since it can be significantly limited in time. It is best to continue the celebration in a cafe or restaurant. The main thing is to take care of booking a hall or table of the required size in advance, since there are no empty seats in such establishments on the date of the meeting evenings.

The Russian production calendar will tell you how we work and relax in June 2017, how many weekends and working days there are this month. He will inform you about the June holidays and working hours.

June 2017
29 30 31 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2

How to relax in June

According to production calendar Russia, in June 2017 falls:

  • 9 official days off and holidays: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 24, 25;
  • 21 working days: 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

How to relax on June 12

In June 2017, Russia has one long weekend - from the 10th to the 12th (3 days):

  • June 10, Sat. - day off
  • June 11, Sun. - day off
  • June 12, Mon. - Russia Day, an official non-working holiday (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Working time standards

In accordance with the labor calendar of the Russian Federation, in June 2017 there are 21 working days and 9 weekends and holidays.

Working time standards are:

  • with a 40-hour work week – 168 hours (21 * 8, where 21 is the number of working days, 8 is the duration of the work shift);
  • at 36 hours – 151.2 hours (21 * 7.2);
  • at 24 hours – 100.8 hours (21 * 4.8).

Holidays in June:

Production calendar for June 2017 for a five-day work week

30 working day

30 Weekends and holidays

29 30 31 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 1 2

Calendar days

Work days21
Weekends and holidays9
Standard working hours (hours):
- with a 40-hour work week168
- with a 36-hour work week151,2
- with a 24-hour work week100,8

Work on weekends and non-working holidays

By general rule work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, there are exceptions to this rule.

Thus, you can invite an employee to work on a weekend/non-working holiday if there is a need to perform unforeseen work, on the urgent completion of which the further normal functioning of the organization depends. In this case, the employee can be involved only with his written consent.

By the way, there are situations when hiring an employee on weekends/non-working holidays is possible without obtaining consent from him. For example, such situations include the involvement of an employee to prevent a catastrophe/industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe/industrial accident/natural disaster (Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

How are you paid for working on weekends and non-working holidays?

Work on weekends, as well as non-working holidays, is subject to payment at least double (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Specific amounts of remuneration for work on weekends/non-working holidays can be specified in the collective agreement, LNA, or employment contract.

Replacement of double payment for vacation

An employee who worked on a day off/non-working holiday may be given another day of rest. But this must be the will of the employee himself, and not the initiative of the employer.

In this case, work on a day off/non-working holiday is paid in a single amount, and the rest day chosen by the employee is not paid (

Most of us are making plans for the coming 2017 in advance. And although it is still far away, it is useful to know how we relax during the holidays in 2017 now.

First quarter

The main thing that attracts attention in the first quarter calendar is. How are we relaxing for the New Year? Will they be there next year? Let's look at the picture.

So, there are only two official holidays - the first and seventh of January, that is, New Year and Christmas. Despite the fact that the holiday is exclusively Orthodox, in Russia Christmas is celebrated with joy and amazing generosity by representatives of all faiths.

New Year's week between the first and eighth of January is the time of the traditional holidays. These eight days are the favorite time of most Russians. According to the law, if a holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the day off is transferred to the next working day (however, this year they decided to postpone it, not to January 9, but to February 24). So, in the first month of the year we have a wonderful holiday ahead - from the first to the eighth of January inclusive.

February is the main “male” month, because on the 23rd we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. February 24 is also a day off due to the postponement from January 7 by decision of the Ministry of Labor. Congratulations, gifts for beloved men both at home and at work - this is how this time is remembered.

Well, the last month of the quarter is March. How can we do without the Eighth of March, International Women's Day? March is the time of luxurious bouquets of flowers, subtle aromas of perfume and a bright, joyful smile. By the way, the seventh of March is an official shortened working day.

Second quarter

How are we resting in 2017 in the second quarter? The first mid-spring holiday is, of course, Easter. Being exclusively religious holiday, Bright Sunday of Christ is widely celebrated throughout Russia.

May is rich in holidays. Understanding how we relax in 2017, one cannot help but wonder: will Russians have a spring break? As you can see, the first of May is Spring and Labor Day, an official day off. The next holiday is Victory Day on May 9. The end date of the Great Patriotic War in our country it is traditionally celebrated both at the official level and at the everyday level - at home, with family and friends. After all, there is practically not a single family that was not affected by that terrible war. May 9 is the day of remembrance of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who gave their lives for us.

June will also delight holiday lovers - Russia Day is on the 12th. Since this holiday falls on Monday, we will again rest for three days in a row - from June 10 to June 12 inclusive.

Third quarter

But the third quarter of the year was completely without holidays. Therefore, we can only hope for the vacation that many of us have planned for these hot summer months. Sea, sun, beach in various combinations - cold winter We live in anticipation of hot days of rest.

Of course, many will say - what about the Day of Knowledge? Alas, although the first of September is a holiday, it is not a day off. By the way, in September there will be another remarkable professional (not a day off) holiday - Russian Internet Day, or Runet Day, as it is more often called. Our online community celebrates it on September 30th.

Fourth quarter

Not too rich for the holidays and the fourth quarter of the year. There is only one official holiday – November 4th. Called “National Unity Day,” this holiday has the connotation of some kind of official event rather than a national event. However, nothing prevents us from looking forward to it, because an extra day off is always great. And again we have a long rest ahead of us - due to the postponement of the day off. We are preparing to vacation in November 2017 for three days in a row - 4-5-6. Well, on the eve of National Unity Day we are promised a shorter working day.

And, of course, the fourth quarter brings us the joy of anticipation of the New Year. December 31 is an official day off.