A woman's calling card is beautiful, well-groomed hands. To get a manicure, you don’t have to go to a salon; you can do the procedure at home. The main thing is to purchase necessary tools and follow the recommendations.

Home manicure technique

Mastering the intricacies of manicure is not difficult. First, select your tools:

  1. Knipser with sharpened blades. He easily bites off his nails.
  2. Cuticle nippers to create a trim manicure. Choose small-sized models that fit comfortably in your hand and do not cause discomfort when working.
  3. (another name is trimmer). Most often double-sided, made of a metal alloy. On one side there is a spatula for pushing back the cuticle. The other edge is pointed; it is used to remove dirt from under the nails or a thin layer of cuticle attached to the nail plate.
  4. Nail scissors. Straight ones are designed to shape the length and shape of nails, and rounded ones are designed to remove cuticles.
  5. Orange sticks made of soft, but at the same time dense material. With their help, you can easily remove the cuticle without damaging the surface of the nail.
  6. 180 grit file, ideal for shaping natural nails. And - a polishing file with different grain sizes. You need to start polishing the nail with the largest one and ending with the smallest one. Don't get carried away with polishing. For those with healthy nails, 1-2 times a month is enough.

Photo gallery: necessary tools for the procedure

Using a nail clipper, you cut the nail at an angle of 90°, preventing it from splitting
The tool must be of high quality, durable and lightweight. Buy pushers made of hypoallergenic steel. They are comfortable and will last a long time
Give preference to nail scissors made of medical steel
The material from which orange sticks are made has antiseptic properties.
The surface of the file should display the grit

You will also need a deep bowl, a towel, nail polish remover, cotton wool, and moisturizing oil. If you want to do an unedged manicure, then buy a cuticle softener.

Now you need to select a form. By choosing it correctly, you can make your nails visually longer and your fingers more graceful. Remember that all nails must be the same length, otherwise it will be obvious.

Features of edged manicure

Wash your hands with soap and remove old nail polish. Spread a towel on the table and place a bowl of warm water. If desired, add a little liquid soap to the water. Now start the procedure:

  1. If you are right-handed, start your manicure with your left hand. Place your hand in the bowl and hold for a few minutes.
  2. Remove your little finger from the water, dry it with a towel, and use a trimmer to push the cuticle to the base of the nail.
  3. Clean the nail plate from rough skin. Use cuticle clippers or special nail scissors to carefully cut the cuticle.
  4. Repeat the same procedure with the remaining fingers (start with the little finger and end with the big).

After treating your left hand, change the water. Drop it in right hand. Carry out the manipulations that you did with the left one. After this, polish your nails and apply oil to the cuticles, thoroughly rubbing into each finger.

If you do not want to use colored polish, then apply a base or clear coat to protect the surface of your nails from harmful influences. detergents and powders.

Video: DIY trim manicure

Features of the unedged version

In beauty salons they do hardware unedged manicures. If you don't have a special device, it doesn't matter. Making it unedged is quite simple.

The essence of the method is that the cuticle is not cut, but softened and pushed back. To soften the cuticle, a remover is used - a product based on alkali or acid. An acid-based remover should not be left on the cuticles for more than two minutes. Alkaline removers are more gentle, but their effect is noticeable only after 15–25 minutes.

The benefits are not trim manicure:

  1. The action of the remover occurs in 1.5 – 20 minutes, depending on the composition. In any case, there is no need to wait for the skin and nails to dry, as is the case with the use of softening baths.
  2. The simplicity of this manicure also makes it popular. Even a beginner can handle applying the remover and then removing the cuticle, even on his own hands.

However, there are also disadvantages:

  1. There is a risk of damaging the nail plate. A remover is a certain chemical composition that, in addition to keratinized areas of the skin, can also corrode the nail plate at the base, and this is dangerous.
  2. Tissue burns and plate splitting are possible. Therefore, it is not recommended to use potent drugs containing aggressive acids at home.

Before the procedure, wash your hands and wipe dry. There is no need to soak your brushes in water. Actions during the procedure:

  • apply remover to the cuticle;
  • starting with the little finger, use a special ceramic hoof or an orange stick to push back the skin and clean the nail plate;
  • remove the softened skin and give the nails the desired shape;
  • wash your hands and wipe your nails with a piece of cotton wool and an alcohol solution to degrease the nail plate;
  • Apply regular or clear varnish.

The main advantage of an unedged manicure is that there is no pain associated with cutting the cuticle, and the risk of infection is minimized.

Video: unedged manicure at home

Secrets of sustainable coating

When doing a manicure, every woman dreams that it will last as long as possible. It has long been noted that with unedged manicure cosmetical tools They stay on nails longer than with trimmed ones.

On polished and degreased nail plates, the polish adheres better and lasts longer. The main thing is not to be overzealous when polishing your nails so as not to damage them.. Degrease with alcohol solutions. Soak a cotton pad in rubbing alcohol and wipe each nail thoroughly.

The quality of the varnish is also important. It is better to buy products from well-known companies. If you bought a polish that lasts a long time, store it in a dark and preferably cool place, such as the refrigerator.

Do not shake the bottle before applying the polish to your nail. The coating will lie on the surface unevenly and cause bubbles to appear. It's better to roll the bottle between your palms before opening it.

One layer of varnish is not enough, but three or more is already too much. The best option is two layers. Before applying polish, cover your nails with a protective coat or base coat. When it's dry, apply varnish. Apply the second layer no earlier than after 5–10 minutes; Allow the first layer to dry, otherwise there is a risk of wrinkling. If something goes wrong and defects appear, then the varnish must be erased and everything must be started again.

At the finish, apply a fixer to the nails. Allow the polish to dry for 15 minutes before starting your daily routine. Don't rush - and then everything will work out.

Do your homework with gloves. This will extend the life of the manicure and also protect the skin of your hands from the harmful effects of detergents.

To make your manicure look fresh, apply a coat of topcoat every few days.

Video: how to make nail polish stay on your nails for a long time

Design ideas

The easiest way to apply polish is to apply a single color coat on all nails. If you want variety, paint each nail with a different color of polish or highlight only some of your fingers.

Appeared in the middle of the last century, it quickly gained popularity among women of all ages. You don’t have to limit yourself to white varnish; bright colors are also suitable for a French coat.

You can easily make a chess manicure at home that looks original. You will need black and gold varnish, paper tape and a fixative. First, coat your nails with black polish and let them dry. Using tape, cover the nail so that only a quarter remains free, onto which gold varnish is applied. When it dries, do the same manipulations with the second quarter.

Lunar manicure looks luxurious. You will also need paper tape for this, as well as a thin manicure brush.

Using a thin manicure brush, you can apply a stunning polka dot manicure.

Your nails will be admired if you cover them with medium-sized colorful polka dots.

Apply a simple design to your nails. First, practice on paper, and then start drawing on your nails. Try to apply the picture not to all the nails, but to select only a few.

Don't forget to cover the polish with a sealer at the end to preserve your manicure for a long time.

Modern manicure has turned into a work of art. But even simple, neatly painted nails with a single color varnish evoke admiration. By following simple recommendations, you will get a high-quality manicure that will delight you for a long time.

Hello everyone, today in this article you will learn what hardware manicure is and how it is done. From the name it is clear that hardware manicure is created using a special device.

Nails are processed with rotating cutters, so using this device you will spend much less time than in the usual way. Moreover, the result will be even better.

The device has several attachments - cutters. They differ in shape, the materials from which they are made and their actual purpose.

There are attachments such as:

  • sand, with its help you can shorten the length of the nail plates
  • diamond – will relieve your feet from corns
  • ceramic – needed when working with cuticles
  • felt is useful at the end of all procedures, to add shine to nails

It is better to contact a competent specialist who knows how to use the device perfectly. So you don't have to worry about the health of your nails.

Unfortunately, some masters may be new to this technique, and there is a risk of injury. Due to the rapid rotation for very a short time You can injure your nails.

Doing a manicure yourself with such a device is not as easy as you might think. You must be confident in your capabilities. Devices for home use have less power than professional ones, so they are safer for beginners.

It is very important to sterilize the cutters. It is often not recommended to do such a manicure; two procedures a month will be enough to make your hands well-groomed.

Still decided to try to do it yourself? Then I will tell you how best to do this so as not to harm yourself and get a good result. To be safe, I recommend starting to study at a low rotation speed.

Over time, when you get used to the device and learn how to use it, you can gradually increase the speed, but still take your time.

So, let's get started, the first thing you need to do is disinfect your hands and cutters. Of course, you are unlikely to damage your skin or nails, but it is necessary to do this just in case, because any small unnoticeable injury can cause bacteria to enter the wound. This usually doesn't lead to anything good.

Next, you can trim your nails or remove the length using the device’s attachment. But still, trimming the nails will be faster. Then we apply special remedy on the cuticle. It will soften it and make it more elastic. So you can also.

Now we polish the nail plates, the movements should always be in the same direction, usually from the center to the edges. Don't stop at one area, as this can damage your nails.

Move the cutter constantly. Special home devices work within 15-20 minutes, do not forget about this time.

But it’s better to change the attachment to a cone-shaped one, which will be useful for removing cuticles from nails. Work at a 45 degree angle with the cuticle.

A cylindrical nozzle is needed to level the nail plate; lightly move it over the entire nail.

Now you need a medium-hard attachment, it will make your nails smooth. We finish the manicure using a felt polishing attachment, it will give a beautiful shine to your nails. You can apply a moisturizer or a special nail strengthener.

Remember, if your skin has any injuries, a hardware manicure will not suit you. The same goes for wet nails. This will only lead to damage and injury; even the cutters themselves may fail.

Today you learned a little more about manicure. I think you can now make it at home. Gradually you will learn and the result will be simply amazing! Also, to make it easier for you to learn, I have provided a training video. Subscribe to my blog to learn even more about beauty and health!

Take a break!

Benefits of hardware manicure: cuticle removal occurs without the risk of damaging the skin and blood vessels around the nail plate; regular procedure slows down the growth of the cuticle; the result lasts 2-3 weeks; it is possible to correct the nail plate; infection and spread of the fungus is impossible; problem nails are also treated.

Flaws: expensive equipment; you need to undergo special training; there may be pain during the procedure if it is performed by a beginner; There are some contraindications (too thin nail plates with increased fragility and others).

Rules for hardware manicure: the nozzle should not be pressed too tightly against the nail plate; the surface of the nail should be dry; the device is held in the hand exactly like a writing pen; all movements are performed from the center to the edge, without stopping in one place. Every 5-7 minutes the device is turned off and given a “rest” for literally 2-3 minutes.

Step-by-step technique for beginners:wooden stick push back the cuticle; a “drum” cutter is inserted into the device, it processes the cuticle and skin ridges around the nail plate; the cutter is changed to a soft spherical one, the surface around the nail, along its hole, is cleared of dead cells; change the cutter to a trapezoidal or cylindrical one to correct the shape of the nail and its length; polishing the nail (remember 2 rules: the edge of the polishing cutter should not be brought to the nail plate; make sure that the roller does not linger in one place on the nail for more than 1 second). Remove dust, cover the plate with decorative varnish (if required), lubricate the cuticle and side rollers with nourishing oil.

The procedure can be carried out no more than once every 2 weeks..

When choosing a device for hardware manicure, you should evaluate: speed of revolutions per minute (recommended range 20000-30000 rpm), operating conditions of the device (stationary or portable (portable), availability of warranty, nearest service centers, fastening of attachments (the mechanism must be light and reliable), reverse function , which is used to treat the surface of the nail plate, nozzle ( general rule for them, the diameter of the shank, which is inserted into the device itself, should be 2.35 mm; it can be diamond, ceramic, polishing, or from harder and more rigid materials).

Popular models: Aurora, Strong, Marazón and Escort, cost ranges from 6,000 to 17,000 rubles; Podomaster and Xenox, price from 6,000 to 51,000 rubles; Charisma, cost 7,000 rubles; Khorsa, price within 10,000 rubles and above. You can buy it cheaper for study.

If the master works according to the classic cut manicure scheme, then he uses sharp tools and pre-steams his hands. This greatly increases the risk of skin injury; the client is forced to closely monitor the specialist’s work and be on edge all the time. Hardware manicure allows you to completely relax and receive only pleasure - no fear, no pain.

Naturally, this type of nail care also has some disadvantages:

  • The procedure requires special equipment and this is not a classic manicure set for 300 rubles;
  • to perform a hardware manicure, you need to undergo special training and know what attachments are used and at what speed it should rotate for safe nail treatment;
  • if the master is inexperienced, then painful sensations may occur during the procedure;
  • There are some contraindications - for example, you cannot do a hardware manicure on nail plates that are too thin and have increased fragility.
  • Ceramic– are distinguished by the presence of small “pits” and bulges on the surface, which provides an excellent result after nail treatment. Such attachments can be used for all manipulations as part of a hardware manicure; they just cannot be used to clean the area under the nail.
  • Polishers– can be silicone or natural. In the first case, they are used to work with extended nails, but natural polishers do an excellent job with a “clean” nail plate. They can be used “dry”, or you can use special cosmetic oils that will nourish the nail and make it shiny, like after applying a protective coating.

Nail polishers (polishes)

Separately on sale are cutters that are made of fairly rough metal and are used for primary, aggressive treatment of the nail and the skin around it.

  • Aurora, Strong, Marason and Escort - made in Korea, the cost ranges from 6,000 to 17,000 rubles;
  • Podomaster and Xenox - manufactured in Germany, price from 6,000 to 51,000 rubles;
  • Charisma - China, cost 7,000 rubles;
  • Khorsa - made in Russia, price ranges from 10,000 rubles and above, depending on the category and functionality of the equipment.

Watch the video review of the manicure device Harizma h10402:

There are models with lower prices, but it is hardly possible to check their quality, much less obtain a guarantee for the product. In principle, even devices costing 2000 - 3000 rubles can delight you with their work throughout the year.

Equipment care

To avoid the need to purchase new equipment, you should work with it strictly according to the instructions. For example, it will not be possible to press the nozzle or cutter too hard on the nails - this can even lead to the bending of the handle of the device, which makes it impossible to further use it.

Some models are equipped with a special key with which you can change attachments and cutters - you only need to work with them, the use of other “improvised” means leads to damage to the fixation mechanism.

After each manicure procedure, it is necessary to clean the equipment:

  • Each nozzle and cutter is wiped with a cotton swab or disk - the surface is freed from dry particles of the epidermis;
  • all elements are washed under running warm water;
  • be sure to place the attachments/cutters in a disinfectant solution or a special sterilizer (the second option is preferable);
  • All these components of the device are stored in a separate closed case.

Hardware manicure has a lot of advantages and very few disadvantages. The ability to quickly learn all the manipulations and the availability of equipment have made this procedure popular among lovers of independent nail care. If you follow all the recommendations and instructions for the equipment, there can be no complications - nail care will not only be of high quality, but also absolutely safe.

Modern women are increasingly turning to professional manicurists to create perfect nails! There are quite a lot of methods used by specialists, and one of the most popular is hardware manicure, which came to us from Europe.

What is a hardware manicure?

Working the old fashioned way, preparing the nail plates for manicure, the master trims the cuticle with special cutting tools, then polishes the nail itself making it perfect. The hardware method eliminates rough trimming of overgrown skin with tools. Preparatory stage is performed by treating skin growths and nail plates using a special apparatus, which is equipped with different attachments, depending on the type of activity.

This technique is recognized as being as gentle as possible compared to edge technology. Thanks to it, it is possible to maintain the same structure of the nails, they remain strong and healthy. Caring for your nails in this way is allowed no more than twice a month.

Which manicure is better: hardware, edged or combined?

Hardware treatment of the nail and cuticle is considered better than trimming - a primitive, gradually becoming outdated technique, especially when it comes to problematic, deformed nails.

The procedure is performed much faster and the risk of injury is minimal. After all, when working with a nozzle, the master does not cut, but cleans the desired area of ​​the keratinized skin area. Grinding and sharpening of the nail plate is performed under a certain pressure, evenly.
Many experts consider the combined method to be much better than the hardware and trimming method, since this technique includes both technologies simultaneously. The specialist, studying the structural features of the nails, alternates between instrumental and hardware methods of correction, giving even the most problematic nails unimaginable beauty.

Advantages and disadvantages

The technology has many advantages:

  • removing dead skin, the healthy area is not affected;
  • cuts and other injuries are excluded;
  • eliminates infection;
  • the cuticle after such treatment grows back more slowly than, for example, when cut with scissors;
  • The processing technology eliminates preliminary steaming of the fingertips; everything is done in a natural state. A careful, gentle attitude preserves the healthy structure of the nail plates; after treatment they do not burst or peel;
  • perfect for problematic nails, dry skin around them;
  • ideal for pedicure, a variety of attachments allows you to remove dead skin from the heels and clean off calluses;
  • thanks to different grinding speeds, ideal beautiful shapes even extended nails.
    In addition, this technology takes little time, and the result is amazing. Beautiful manicure lasts a long time, the nails remain elastic, healthy, the plate does not deplete. However, despite a large number of There are pros and cons, like any technology:
  • the technique requires a certain skill, novice professionals often cause injuries, leaving furrows after work;
  • the inexperience of the specialist leads to an unpleasant sensation, clients feel vibration of the device, some complain of a slight burning sensation;
  • it is difficult to get an absolutely clean manicure, such as with instrumentation;
  • doing work on a steamed finger, the skin will tear;
  • The technique is not suitable for brittle, thin nails.

There are not so many disadvantages, the main thing is to learn how to use the device and feel it. Therefore, when going to the salon, you should find out about the professionalism of the specialist, and then trust him with your fingers!

What is included in a professional hardware manicure kit?

Many manufacturers specialize in the production of electrical devices with which this procedure is performed. Professional kits may differ slightly in component parts, but in general they have almost the same thing:

  • main device (handle) with cord (battery);
  • nozzles

The main packaging is a plastic, wooden oval (rectangular) container or leather case, equipped with holders for cutters (nozzles). Additionally, there are sticks that are used to remove cuticles, baths, UV lamps, and fans for drying.

Set of attachments for hardware manicure

Depending on the cost of the device and the manufacturer’s ideas, the electric “machine” may have several attachments, usually about nine of them:

  • sapphire discs, different diameters, different abrasiveness;
  • diamond, ceramic cutters, polishers, grinders;
  • cones, bur – round, cylindrical, sapphire, needle-shaped;
  • nozzles (curved, cone-shaped, spherical) for removing cuticles.

To clean the attachments, the set includes a special brush.

Processing tools for hardware manicure

Each use of the kit ends with cleaning it. The nozzles are washed with water, and adhered skin particles are removed with brass brushes. A good option Ultrasonic cleaning is considered cleaning. Afterwards, disinfection and sterilization of used parts is necessary. Disinfection is carried out by wiping objects with antiseptic solutions and sterilizing them in special cabinets (using Glasperlene sterilizers and dry-heat cabinets).

Step-by-step implementation of hardware manicure

Before starting the procedure, the first thing the master does is clean the nail plates of varnish. No steaming or water treatments can be performed. Hands must be completely dry. Next, the wizard performs several basic manipulations:

  • treats the cuticle with a softening substance, lifting it with a wooden stick and pushing it to the base;
  • after the skin has dried, the main treatment begins;
  • give correct form nails;
  • tidy up the side surfaces of the skin (clean off the stratum corneum, grind it) using medium abrasive discs and a cylindrical attachment;
  • Using a ball-shaped nozzle, remove the desired part of the cuticle at an angle of 45°;
  • Before treatment, the thin, depleted cuticle is first lifted using a cone-shaped nozzle;
  • Calluses are removed from the palms and fingers and cleaned with abrasive discs;
  • polish the nails using a silicone trapezoidal cutter and a nap attachment.

Additionally, if necessary, clean the nails using tools.

Is it possible to get hepatitis from a hardware manicure?

By performing a hardware manicure, the risk of contracting infectious pathologies, including hepatitis, is significantly reduced. However, if a non-professional is working, who is negligent in handling the instruments, the device itself, then yes, it is quite possible to become infected not only with hepatitis (B, C), but also with AIDS, HIV, papillomavirus, and fungal diseases.

Popular devices for home use

Increasingly, women prefer home manicure, buying inexpensive devices. The best in this regard are devices from well-known manufacturers:

  1. Gezatone 130D;
  2. Rowenta MP7018;
  3. POLARIS PSR 0902;
  4. Scholl Velvet Smooth;
  5. Scarlett SC-MS95005.

Each of them is a professional kit, which even an inexperienced beginner can learn to work with if desired. The machines differ in power, operating speed, number, type of attachments, cutters. Milling cutters of various diameters and abrasiveness will be an ideal tool for creating different forms.

Some cutters allow you to quickly and safely remove old varnish. The majority of the machines are suitable for performing pedicures at home. With their help, corns and calluses can be easily removed.

The cost of the kits starts to vary from 1,500 rubles.


  • swollen, swollen, inflamed cuticle;
  • there are scratches and wounds on the skin;
  • the nail plate is affected by a fungal infection;
  • thin cuticle;
  • microvessels pass almost on the surface of the cuticle.

The appearance of various types of neoplasms in the area of ​​the nail plates, their severe deformation as a result of early injuries.


Tatyana, 37 years old
“I ordered a professional set for home manicure Scarlett SC-MS95005 via the Internet for 1,700 rubles. I was immediately pleased with the ease of use and the absence of much noise during operation. Beautiful design, small size, plastic case.
The set is suitable for manicure and pedicure. It has a bath for hydromassage, drying (mini-fan) and 11 nozzles. Works autonomously and from the network. Two speed modes, maximum speed – 9000.

Tourmaline tips, easy to use. I am not satisfied with the quality of work of some attachments, and I consider some to be superfluous. I also think that the downside is that the dryer is not suitable for drying gel polishes. Overall, the machine works excellently, with its help I can quickly and safely do my own manicure without leaving home.”

This is a modern technology for effective cuticle treatment, performed using a special apparatus with rotating attachments. During this procedure, the cuticle is not cut, but only dead cells are removed. Main advantage hardware manicure– its absolute non-traumatic nature, that is, the risk of damage and infection of tissues during manicure is eliminated.
It is performed only on dry skin and is especially recommended for people with (splitting nails, uneven surfaces, ribbing, damage), dry skin and rapidly growing cuticles.

often called a type of European (unedged) manicure. Main tool

  1. in this procedure, a machine with rapidly rotating grinding attachments is used for processing the skin and polishing the nail plates. often used as an auxiliary operation when treating nails (correcting the shape and leveling the surface of the nail plate).
  2. We prepare nails for a manicure - thoroughly wash and disinfect the hands of the master and the client. Use a wooden stick to push it towards the side rollers. Using a 220grit abrasive file, we form the free edge of the nails - giving the desired length and shape. hardware manicure Apply cuticle softener. In progress
  3. this prevents the cuticle from tearing, giving it elasticity.
  4. With the same nozzle, at the same speed of rotation, we continue to move along the cuticle, lifting it. At this moment, clarity and accuracy of movements are necessary to avoid injury to the matrix. We hold the device like a fountain pen, working exclusively on the skin, without touching the nail plate, in order to prevent the formation of longitudinal grooves.
  5. Next, we remove the cuticle with a low-abrasive cone-shaped diamond cutter. Hold the nozzle at an angle of 45 degrees to the nail plate without touching its surface. The rotation speed of the cutter at this stage hardware manicure should not exceed 10,000 rpm.
  6. Finish sanding cuticle using a fine-abrasive diamond bullet-shaped cutter. Rotation speed – no more than 12000 rpm.
  7. After treatment, apply to the cuticle and nail plates oil Cuticle Oil. It usually contains grape seed oil, avocado oil, almond oil, jojoba oil, vitamins A, B, D, E, and lecithin. Oil protects the cuticle from tearing, quickly softens and nourishes the skin around the nails, helps strengthen them and increase elasticity.
  8. We carry out the procedure of sealing the nails - we polish the nails with oil using a double-sided polisher. Since nails have excretory and absorption properties, repeated absorption and evaporation of moisture from their surface upon contact with water leads to overdrying and. To prevent this, oil is rubbed into the nail plate using a polishing file. The process of stopping (sealing) the pores occurs - a barrier appears that prevents the penetration of moisture inside and its release out. Nails remain shiny, smooth and elastic for a long time. The varnish applied to sealed nails at the end of the procedure lasts much longer. hardware manicure.
  9. We apply a protective base coat, after degreasing the nails. The base coat (Base-Coat) evens out the surface of the nails, hides their heterogeneity, gives smoothness, as a result of which the polish lays down more evenly. In addition, it enhances the adhesion of the polish to the nail, which significantly improves the durability of the coating. The nails are protected from the penetration of coloring pigments of colored varnish and chemical solvents.
  10. Final stage hardware manicure- applying decorative varnish.
  11. We fix the varnish with a special varnish dryer (Thermo Speed). This product penetrates all layers of varnish and dries in a second, fixing the coating well. Gives a glossy shine with a wet effect for a long time.