Blonde hair will always look stylish and fashionable. But at the same time, they require careful care and selection of the image. Light curls accentuate the face, which is why it is so important to choose correct makeup eye. For the same reason, eyebrows for blondes should also be thought through. If before diversity in color solutions there was practically none, but now stylists are setting a new palette, introducing changes to the trends of each season.

Color selection

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question of how to choose eyebrow color for blondes. The choice of palette depends on the color type of each girl’s appearance. It, in turn, includes three parameters: hair, eye and skin color. Each type has its own rules and shades, but there are also general tips.

To make your eyebrows look natural, but not blend in with your skin and hair color, choose an eyebrow color that is 1-2 shades darker than your hair color. It’s also worth paying attention to which group the color of your curls belongs to: “cold” or warm.” The first should give preference to ash-gray tones, and the second to golden-beige palettes. The shade is selected individually; remember that it is not advisable to use red pigment; it is only suitable if the girl has red hair.

By hair color

What color should a blonde's eyebrows be? It depends on the main hair color, let's look at common options.

Blondes with dark eyebrows look extravagant and sometimes a little vulgar. This look is suitable for models or movie stars; in everyday life it is better to give preference to natural colors.

Focus on the eyes

Eyebrow color for blondes is often determined by eye color. For example, brown-eyed girls with blond hair always look original and attract attention. It is better for them to choose a shade that matches their natural hair color, or a little darker.

Dark golden eyebrows look great with blue eyes; they add sophistication and a little mystery to the face. Light brown or gray shades will also look appropriate. The same goes for girls with green eyes. These eye colors are naturally bright, they attract attention, so eyebrows should not interfere with them, but only emphasize natural beauty.

Very rarely, but still there are black-eyed beauties with white curls. Usually it is difficult to choose eyebrows for such blondes, but there is a clear solution - chocolate color. A delicate and soft shade will connect dark eyes and light strands.

In any case, you should not choose too bright or dark colors, they will make your eyes dull and expressionless.

When it comes to skin color, blondes tend to have pale or light skin. Natural, light brown shades suit them well. If you missed the mark with the color of your eyebrows and chose a tone that was too dark, then immediately go to the solarium; a tan will soften the dissonance.

After the general answer to the question of what eyebrow color suits blondes has been given, it’s worth talking about various nuances. Experienced professionals give the following recommendations:

  • Before tinting your eyebrows, check out different shades of pencils and eye shadows; experimenting with them is easier.
  • Once you have chosen the desired shade, walk around with it for 2-3 days, while trying different types of makeup.
  • Those who want to know what it will look like at each stage of coloring should take a shade slightly darker and lighter. In the first days after dyeing, the eyebrow tone will be slightly darker than planned, and after 2-3 weeks the dye will wash out and the color will become lighter.

  • If you are going to dye your eyebrows for the first time, then contact a professional. This procedure is not very expensive, but it reduces the likelihood of ruining your eyebrows.
  • Ask your painter for the name of the paint shade and the proportions in which it was mixed. In the future, you can repeat the procedure yourself.

  • If you do not plan to tint your eyebrows, but are going to use a pencil, then purchasing it should be considered. In the store, try the color on your eyebrows, then go outside, this is for natural light. Lamps often distort the shade.
  • If you have no choice, then it is better to take a shade that is a little lighter, it will look more appropriate. Dark eyebrows are more conspicuous and make girls look older.

By following all the tips, you can quickly decide on the color of your eyebrows. Photos of models and graphic editors will come to your aid, where you can experiment with your own photos. Don’t forget that when you change lenses to colored ones, tan or change the shade of blonde, the color of your eyebrows will also have to be changed.

Tips to help you choose the perfect eyebrow pencil if you have light or light brown hair:

Eyebrow tinting products

Modern cosmetology makes it possible to choose many shades and apply them different ways and achieve the most natural effect. In total, there are three ways to color eyebrows:

  • Pencil or shadow
  • Tattoo
  • Eyebrow dye

Each method has its own pros and cons.

In the case of tattooing, girls will not have to for a long time monitor the color or shape of the eyebrows. However, this procedure is quite painful and requires a long recovery. It will also be difficult to remove the paint if you don’t like the color or decide to change your image.

If you use eyebrow dye, the effect will last for a month. Here you can easily change the shade of your eyebrows; the procedure is absolutely painless and can be done at home. The only negative is the possibility of allergic reaction. To avoid this, you should give preference to proven brands, and also test the paint on an inconspicuous area of ​​the skin.

The easiest and safest way is to color your eyebrows with a pencil or eye shadow. But even when choosing it, there are some nuances that are worth paying attention to.

Choosing an eyebrow pencil

Of course, all the advice on choosing eyebrow shade that was given earlier remains relevant. But the result will please you if you give preference to a special pencil for blondes. Yes, modern manufacturers are trying to make life as easy as possible for girls, which is why this type of cosmetics has appeared.

Here are some examples of brands that have created such pencils:

  • French "Crayon Sourcils" from Clarins. A soft terracotta lead was created specifically for blondes; the cost of such a pencil is approximately 1,800 rubles.

  • The German company Posh has developed the Blond BW1 model; a powder pencil for those with light eyebrows will cost 1,000 rubles.

  • “Manly Pro” made in Germany has shade 01, which is suitable for the spring and summer color type.
  • Pencil from a famous French brand L'Oreal Brow Artist has tone 301, which is designed specifically for fair-haired girls. A similar makeup product will cost 300-350 rubles.

Of course, each of these pencils is too universal to suit every girl, however, based on their shades, you can choose the tone that suits you best.

Choosing paint

If you decide to tint your eyebrows yourself, then it is worth keeping in mind that different companies may differ in the tone of the same color. Therefore, before purchasing, carefully study the color range of a particular manufacturer.

Popular brands include the following:

  • “Kapous Professional” - this company is popular not only in Russia, but also in Europe, as it works according to Western quality standards.

  • “ESTEL Professional” is a company that is well-known even among non-professional hairdressers and occupies a leading position in the hair cosmetics market.

  • “Fito Cosmetic” is an inexpensive but increasingly popular brand that is distinguished by decent quality and additional care for hair.

  • "Constant Delight" - cosmetics are produced in Italy, the company not only produces professional products for coloring and hair care, but also runs her own magazine for stylists. That is why Constant always keeps up with the times.

  • Ollin Vision is one of the few Russian companies that was able to take a leading position in the cosmetics market.

As you can see, there are a great variety of coloring products, and you can choose cosmetics to suit any pocket. Beautiful eyebrows Currently, this is not a luxury, but a norm. You can choose any coloring method, choose a shade from a great variety of palettes, and make your image harmonious but unforgettable. Just follow our advice, then you will be pleased with the result.

What's in the article:

The tradition of changing the shape and dyeing eyebrows has come to us since Ancient Egypt. Today on the website you will receive a virtual consultation on how to choose the color of your eyebrows without disturbing the harmony in your appearance when creating your image.

We strive for the ideal image

What is the ideal image of a woman? All stylists agree on one opinion: “Naturality comes first!” Everything about a woman should be natural and harmonious.

When choosing a new hair dye, don't forget about your eyebrows. They are very important detail female appearance. Light and hardly noticeable will make you faded and inconspicuous, too expressive and bright will give the image a vulgarity.

Have you already thought about what color your eyebrows should be? The secret is simple: they must be in harmony with your color type. In other words, you should focus on hair, eyes and skin.

Now let’s look at the question of how to choose the right shade based on your color type.


Using the tips below, you can easily determine which shade is best for you to choose.

  • The owner of green eyes can safely experiment with different shades of brown. Trial and error works best because even stylists note that it is difficult to find the right shade for green eyes. Only one thing is known for sure: black, gray and metallic colors will not work in this case;
  • Blue-eyed women have the easiest time deciding. Your palette is all shades of gray and light brown tones. Prohibited are bright, too saturated and dark colors;
  • In the case of gray eyes, harmony in color scheme can play a cruel joke gray eyebrows can easily ruin your appearance. A light brown palette or the color of wet asphalt would be appropriate here;
  • How to choose the right eyebrow color for those with brown eyes? Hair plays a decisive role in this matter.

Matching hair

Complete harmony is important here. Hair is a decisive factor in choosing eyebrow dye. There should be a complete idyll between them.

  • How can brunettes choose eyebrow color? There are two options here:
  1. If you strive for an image business woman, their color should be one tone darker than their hair;
  2. The color is one tone lighter - it will make your face more delicate and youthful.
  • For brown-haired women, according to stylists, choosing the right shade is not at all difficult. The choice of options is huge:
  1. For copper-haired people – bright red;
  2. For chestnut brown-haired women - terracotta;
  3. For auburn - chocolate;
  4. For light redheads – brown;
  5. For red-browns - graphite.

How to choose the eyebrow color to match the hair color of those who have an unnatural shade, for example: turquoise, pink or lilac? The rule remains relevant: warm tones to warm, cold tones to cold. Well, try to avoid sharp contrasts.

If you still find it difficult to decide, you can always turn to specialists for help: a makeup artist, stylist or hairdresser. Now, this can be done even using a computer, using special programs.

Advice: don’t be afraid to experiment. The ideal option would be to test the selected shade under different lighting variations. Evaluate your appearance both in rainy weather and in bright sunshine.

Before you decide to get a tattoo or chemical dyeing, choose the most suitable tone using a pencil or eye shadow.

Choosing cosmetics

The colors of pencils for tinting eyebrows are very diverse. It is the rich palette that makes their use a more profitable option than shadows.

And one more rule: blondes choose a pencil several shades darker than their hair, brunettes choose a lighter one.

If you want to achieve a darkening effect, use shadows. They are applied with a brush, in dotted and short movements. Paint mainly the curve, not the base.

When choosing a tone, try applying cosmetics with a pencil or eye shadow in the daytime, in natural light. This is the only way you can see all the shades and determine whether the pencil suits your look.

And, most importantly, when choosing what color to paint your eyebrows, don’t chase fashion. Focus on naturalness, which will only highlight the beauty of your face.

The article was checked and approved by beauty blogger on Instagram @lil4olga. .

Previously, fashionistas had only 2 pencil colors at their disposal: black and brown, now the palette is much richer and there are more opportunities to transform your appearance into better side countless amounts.

Owners natural color hair, be it brunettes, blondes or brown-haired women, in order to make eyebrows more expressive, shade the color of eyes and skin, they most often use decorative eyebrow cosmetics (pencil, shadows, gel), as well as persistent professional dyes for eyebrows and eyelashes in their arsenal , choosing a color a tone or two darker than your natural hair color. What would seem difficult? It is important not to overdo it and remember that too dark eyebrows can add severity and age to the face. And the inconsistency of the combination of warm and cold tones will create an imbalance and fragmentation on the face: the eyebrows “live their own life” separately.

Advice: some burning brunettes, having dyed their hair golden blonde, try to lighten their eyebrows. This option is extremely undesirable and short-lived: after a few days the hairs will begin to grow and there is every chance of turning into a zebra. The best option in this case it will give the eyebrows beautiful shape, suitable for the new image. Dark eyebrows of blond girls look stylish and fashionable, just remember Vera Brezhneva.

If black eyebrows, rich in color, still strongly contrast with blonde, as an option, for hair coloring you can consider analogues where the root zone of the hair is not colored - bronding - a smooth transition from natural color to blonde, highlighting or partial dyeing. The presence of strands of dark shades at the roots or on the back of the head will harmonize with naturally dark eyebrows.

How to choose eyebrow color for brunettes?

Russian and brown hair Eyebrows a tone lighter are suitable if you want to make your face more delicate, lighter, more youthful; or a tone darker if we are talking about a more strict or evening makeup. Everything is individual, the main thing is to follow the rule:

Rule No. 1: choose cold shades for cold tones, and warm shades for warm ones.

Light brown hair with a tint closer to ash and black - cool shades of gray-brown and gray-black.
For chestnut-colored, brownish-red hair, you should give preference to eyebrow cosmetics with warm shades of terracotta brown and chocolate.

Brunettes with a pronounced black color of eyebrows and hair are recommended to pay more attention to and correct it, rather than play with color. If there is still a need to paint the space between the hairs, visually making them thicker, you need to give preference to eyebrow cosmetics of the same tone as the hair - black.

How to choose eyebrow color for brown-haired women?

With natural brown-haired women the situation is more interesting. There are many options here, depending on the effect we want to get as a result of eyebrow transformation: for example, brown-haired women, whether they want to be “red sunshine” or opt for strict brown shades.

Possible variations of eyebrow color for brown-haired women are light and dark brown, honey and light gray.

How to choose eyebrow color for hair of combined color combinations?

Let's not ignore extreme types of hair coloring: all possible violet-eggplant, ruby, green-blue hair strands and their combinations. Owners of extravagant hairstyles should rely on their natural hair color at the roots when choosing eyebrows.

Gray and blue-white curls are suitable for cool shades of gray and taupe.
Undoubtedly, hair color is the determining factor from which you start when choosing the color of your eyebrows.

For girls of all color types, blonde, brunette and brown-haired, it is worth remembering one more simple rule:

Rule No. 2: do not argue with nature and make the eyebrow color something that does not exist at all: black-blue, brown-red, peach and orange. Remember that cosmetics are created in order to skillfully improve what nature has already given us.

We will be glad if these tips help you decide on the color of your eyebrows, we suggest you trust the professionals and use the service

Eyebrow color for fair-haired girls is difficult to choose, primarily because of the versatility of hair, facial skin, and eye colors. If girls with black hair can afford tar-colored eyebrows, and girls with chestnut hair can afford brown ones, and this is regardless of skin and hair color, then fair-haired people have to choose something related.

Girl with dark brown hair and eyebrows

Choosing the Right Color

Eyebrow color for brown hair must be selected based on:

  • main hair color;
  • eyebrow shapes;
  • eye colors;
  • skin color.

At the same time, nature itself often gives the girl perfect combination, and then the eyebrows only need to be emphasized with a pencil with the same color as the eyebrows.

To choose the right eyebrow dye color, you need to know a few rules:

  • If the eyebrows are wide, then the color should be chosen a tone lighter than the hair.
  • If your eye color is brown, then regardless of your hair color, your eyebrows can be dyed pure brown. But without red pigment, otherwise brown eyes may look reddish.
  • For green and blue eyes It is worth choosing a light dye, but if your hair color is dark brown or dirty blond, then you can choose a darker, gray dye to emphasize the green or blue color of your eyes.
  • If the skin color is light, then the dye should be lighter than the hair, otherwise the eyebrows will be too conspicuous. And if the skin color is quite dark, then you need to choose a darker paint, since part of the color will be “lost” due to the color of the skin.

Possible colors

How to choose an eyebrow color for light brown hair has become clear, but what eyebrow color suits light brown hair is not yet clear. It’s worth starting from afar, namely with what brown hair is.

Brown hair is a very broad concept that includes hair colors:

  • blonde, with all possible undertones;
  • wheat, white to gold;
  • gray, with a brown or yellow undertone;
  • light red.

Based on this list, you can determine what hair color will suit brown eyebrows.

A closer look reveals even more possible colors and shades; here are the most common ones.

What color to dye your eyebrows at home so that they match your hair color:

  • light brown;
  • gray;
  • brown.

In this case, the colors can be mixed with each other to obtain the best shade. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the chosen colors should not turn yellow, otherwise the eyebrows may turn red.

To get a light brown eyebrow color, you should go to a professional salon - they have a lot of reagents designed specifically for eyebrows. Use for tinting eyebrows suitable color hair dye is strictly prohibited.

If you can’t go to the salon, then you should pick up an eyebrow pencil light brown. It’s not so easy to find a directly light brown colored pencil, so you can take light brown and light gray colors. You should also pay attention to eyebrow mascara, which gives the effect of painting your eyebrows, but is simply removed and adjusted.

It should also be noted that eyebrows look different in the photo than in life, so you need to select the color based on the reflection in the mirror.

What to avoid

Many girls still worship models of the last century and their type of makeup that looks great in photos. There are often situations when girls with blond hair begin to paint their eyebrows black or apply a pencil thickly - this is prohibited.

Sometimes stylists offer light brown girls to bleach their eyebrows. And although this type of coloring may look good in a photo, stylists often do not note the fact that in real life, overly light eyebrows are only suitable for those ladies who have fine features and a pale face. That is, this option is suitable for girls with porcelain skin.

Therefore, any experiments with highlighting should be avoided if there is no necessary data for this. Including those after which the eyebrows are colored. Since the eyebrows will be bleached for quite a long time, and the dye comes off after 2-3 weeks, it will be very difficult to fill in bleached eyebrows with a pencil.

Owners of light brown hair usually have dark eyebrows, but not all of them are happy with this gift of nature and try to change the color. You can achieve the desired look either by dyeing your hair or by dyeing your eye frames, regardless of their natural color. What exactly you need to change in your appearance is up to you.

For example, if you have black eyebrows and light brown hair, you can lighten the first ones a little if you like the color of your curls. If you consider the strands to be the reason for the lack of harmony, you should take care of them.

Ideally, they should be 2-3 tones different from the curls. For blondes they should be a little darker, and for brunettes they should be a little lighter. To prevent facial features from losing their expressiveness, you should not dye them and your hair the same color. This is especially true for blondes, who with this combination may simply look discolored.


If you decide to dye your hair, you need to choose a color and go to a salon, or carry out the procedure yourself.

In the second case, you should follow the basic rules:

  • Don't try to radically change the color the first time. To spare your curls, you should make the transition in several stages. Moreover, it is unknown what result this desire will lead to. It may turn out, for example, that you need to dye your black hair blond, but in the end you will just get a red tint to the strands;
  • Choose proven brands of paints. They don't have to be expensive, you just need to be sure that after coloring your curls will be... desired color, and half of them will not remain in the bathroom the first time they wash their hair;
  • After the procedure, use special balms and conditioners so that your curls do not lose their vitality;
  • Long strands need to be dyed with the contents of two packages of paint.


Sometimes girls just need to use regular decorative cosmetics to emphasize their image and style, no matter what kind of curls they have - white, black, light brown or red. This approach can be used if the “frames” only need to be given a little shade to match the curls and eyes.

If drastic changes are necessary, you will have to apply coloring. The effect will last for 1-2 months. This service can be offered in almost any salon at a relatively low cost. But you can also tint your eyebrows at home.

Before carrying out the procedure at home, familiarize yourself with how to choose the right eyebrow dye. Don't use hair dye. Its action is very intense, you risk damaging the delicate skin of your face. In addition, it can get into the eyes, which is unacceptable during the procedure.

Please note that the paint you need comes in several types, mainly gel and powder. If you are doing the procedure yourself for the first time, opt for the gel - it is easier to use. Make sure that you are not allergic to any components contained in the product.

Eye-catching black

Black arcs are beautiful and bright, but not everyone suits this style. For this reason, many girls wonder how to lighten their eyebrows if they are black.

This can be achieved in three ways - using good old hydrogen peroxide, herbs, bleaching cream.

The first of these methods has already been time-tested, which is why many women choose it. Wash your eyebrows with shampoo to remove all dust and grease. Dry them with a towel. Apply cream to the skin around them so that it does not become stained, irritated or burned.

Pour ½ tsp into purified warm water. peroxide and stir. By using cotton swab Apply the dye evenly to the hairs, then comb them with an eyebrow brush. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

The second way to lighten arches is to use a bleaching cream. This special remedy, which you can use by preparing in the same way as when using peroxide - rinse the arches thoroughly and wipe dry.

Now you just need to run a stick coated with cream over them. Wait no more than 1.5 - 2 minutes, then quickly wash off the product, otherwise you may get irritation or even a burn.

At the end of the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizing cream to the treated area of ​​your face.

Trusting only natural remedies for self-care, you can opt for grass as a means by which you can lighten your arches. Chamomile or calendula are suitable for this. Brew 2 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. herbs (this is about 20 grams) and let the infusion cool, which will take about 20 minutes.

Now add lemon juice to it (literally a few drops). Apply the product to your eyebrows for a few minutes, maximum twice a day. This method will require patience from you and, possibly, a lot of time, because it does not work immediately.

You can use these methods to lighten arcs. Once you apply one of these, you can dye your black eyebrows any color you like.

Not all representatives of the fair sex strive to give their black arches a different shade. They suit some people very well, especially when it comes to hot brunettes. But there are also less favorable combinations of this color with the tone of the strands. First of all, we are talking about blondes.

If you decide to dye your hair White color If you have black eyebrows, you should choose a different shade for your arches. This combination will make your face look rough, especially if you have fair skin and eyes. For blondes, it is better to choose beige, caramel, or light brown tones when coloring their frames. If you have blue or gray eyes, you can choose a grayish tint.

Red curls are both intriguing and captivating, but they are obliging. With such a tone of strands, the shade of the arcs must be carefully selected so as not to deprive their owner of her special charm. You need to select golden, terracotta, honey, chocolate shades. But black eyebrows with red hair are not the best option.

Having light brown curls, you shouldn’t get carried away too much either. dark color arc. You can experiment with caramel, beige or grayish shades. You should not choose shades that are too light to ensure that your facial features remain expressive. If you have light brown hair, brown tones and chocolate will also suit you.

Calm brown, chocolate

This tone is suitable for brown-haired women, brunettes, red-haired girls. Blondes from the brown range are better off choosing light shades. You can achieve the desired tone by choosing shadows or a pencil. If you decide to paint them, you only need to choose a shade. But it's not always that simple. Sometimes some intermediate procedures are required. This applies, first of all, to blondes who need a lighter tone, and those with very dark arches.

So, if you have black eyebrows and you want to make them brown, but don’t know how to approach the issue correctly, first you will have to lighten them. How to do this is described above. Now you can start painting the arcs in the desired tone.

Much easier if you need to dye in reverse order. Just choose a shade and you can turn brown into black eyebrows - you don’t need bleaching for this, as in many other cases.