Today the website will talk about a relatively new invention in the beauty industry - a gel eye mask. Read on if you want to find out what it is, why it is needed and how to wear such a mask correctly.

Why do you need a gel mask around the eyes?

We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that we are not talking about cosmetic mask(i.e. any substance applied to the skin). Reusable Gel Eye Mask- this is a product that is placed on the face, made of a special material and filled inside with a special gel that retains cold or heat for a long time. The gel can be poured into the mask itself, or in the form of balls. For example, gel eye mask Avon It is filled not with a solid jelly-like gel, but with small gel balls.

There are masks of different shapes and sizes:

  • Full face, with slits for eyes, nose and mouth.
  • For the area around the eyes (the shape is similar to a carnival mask-glasses) - this is.
  • Overlays over the eyes - that is, not a mask, but “circles” filled with gel, which are placed on the eye sockets with the eyes closed - this is what it is.

On the face, the mask seems to stick to the skin; moreover, it has an anatomically correct, comfortable shape due to the cutout for the nose.

Gel cooling eye mask with massage granules (gel in them)

Functions of such masks:

  • A cold gel eye mask gives refreshment, a feeling of vigor, and helps you wake up. A warm mask, on the contrary, relaxes and encourages sleep.
  • Can help with tension headaches, migraines, fever (for colds).
  • Relieves eye fatigue (for example, if a person works a lot at the computer or does minor work, reads a lot).
  • A slightly warmed mask relieves spasms from facial muscles and relaxes.
  • A chilled mask keeps the skin of the face and eyelids toned.
  • There is evidence that with regular use it prevents the progression of skin aging and the formation of facial wrinkles.

The action of the mask is based on the uniform effect of coolness or heat on the area around the eyes (sometimes cheeks and eyes). It is a mistaken belief that the mask releases some useful substances, vitamins or something else - she doesn't highlight anything, the gel is hermetically sealed inside the product! The presence of vitamins is advertised in advertisements; for example, a reusable gel eye mask is considered to be fortified. Eyes Cover. But the gel itself does not have any cosmetic benefits - you should not squeeze it out of the mask and apply it to the skin!

In fact, this mask is easy to use reusable compress. The “distant ancestors” of the gel eye mask can be considered chilled, heating pads with cold or warm water, cloths and cotton wool soaked in water at the desired temperature...

How to use a gel eye mask?

As you understand, to get any effect you need a mask either heat it up a little or cool it down..

Making the mask cold is very simple - put it in the refrigerator for a while (or even keep it in the refrigerator permanently, if the instructions for your mask allow it). If you have very little time for cooling, then you can put the mask in the freezer for a short time (under no circumstances until it freezes, this is harmful both for the product and for you - you can catch a cold if the mask is too cold!).

Heating the gel mask is also very simple - place it in a container with warm water (not boiling water!) for a couple of minutes.

Before using the mask, you must remove all makeup from your face and wash your face. The skin should be clean and dry.

How to use a gel eye mask?

Cool or heat the mask as described above, apply it to your face and press lightly - as if gluing it. Some masks have ties or elastic so you can sit and walk around with the thing on your face.

It is recommended to keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes to half an hour. However, it will only have an effect if it maintains its temperature - that is, it may heat up (or cool down) earlier than you planned, then you need to heat or cool it again and complete the procedure.

There is another trick - you can put sponges soaked in tonic under the eye mask, or lubricate the area around the eyes with active serum, gel, cream or other product for this area - under the mask it will be better absorbed and effective. Reviews of cosmetologists about gel eye masks also speak about this.

The desired frequency of use is once every 2-3 days or as needed (when your eyes are tired, for example).

The gel mask is considered reusable, but its use is limited! You will notice that your mask is already “used” when the gel in it begins to lose transparency and elasticity.

The content of the article

It's easy to use and effective remedy At its core, it is a kind of two-layer compress filled with gel. This mask should be kept in the refrigerator or in warm water before use, and then after ten to fifteen minutes you can use it as a warm relaxing or cold tonic compress for the eyes and the area around them.

Cooling compress

It is necessary to cool the gel mask and use it as a cold compress in the following cases:

To reduce puffiness under the eyes. IN in this case It will be more effective to alternate these compresses with contrasting washes.

If your whites periodically turn red. This may be the case when capillaries burst or expand.
To reduce wrinkles around the eyes.

As a preventive measure to tone or strengthen the skin of your eyelids.

Warming compress

A warming gel compress is indicated in the following cases:

To combat dark circles and dark circles under the eyes caused by general fatigue. You can also use cold compresses in this case.

To relieve discomfort from eye muscle strain.

To get rid of pain that is also caused by overstrain of the eye muscles.


Such compresses also have their own contraindications. They cannot be used if:

You have symptoms of acute inflammation due to a viral or infectious infection of your eyes or your eyelids. This could be blepharitis, conjunctivitis or other eye diseases.

Increased pressure inside the eyes.

Have you recently undergone any eye surgery?

You have a detached retina.

Benefits of a gel mask

A gel mask has many advantages over such popular remedies as lotions with herbs, the use of tea bags or ice cubes. First of all, the gel mask has the following advantages:

Convenience and ease of use. If decoctions or homemade compresses still need to be prepared, then a gel mask is always ready for use. You do not need to spend time or effort to prepare the mask for use.

Reusable and easy to care for. This mask should only be washed occasionally in warm water and stored properly, for example, in the refrigerator.

Does not form streaks or unpleasant odors when used.

Affordable price.

When using a gel mask, you should keep in mind that it is only additional means to care for your face. If your under-eye circles, eyelid puffiness and redness are not related to any eye conditions or chronic fatigue and sleep deprivation, you may benefit greatly from this convenient mask.

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Many ladies have long paid attention to gel eye masks made in the form of glasses. Manufacturers promise clarity of vision, elimination of the effect of disappearance of wrinkles, etc. Whether this is actually true is discussed in the article.

Medolla gel mask

The delicate skin around the eyes needs delicate care. For this purpose, expensive cosmetic preparations. In addition, you can additionally use an excellent and rather old method of exposing the skin to cold or heat. Previously, women resorted to uncomfortable-to-use wet compresses. With them you had to lie motionless on the sofa and wipe away the drops of water running down your face.

A convenient, modern product that is adjustable and also has slits is the Medolla gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that you can sit in a chair with it and move if necessary. 10-15 minutes after the start of the procedure, the skin is noticeably fresher and transformed, and swelling is significantly reduced. This mask consists of balls filled with gel. They remain soft when heated and cooled.

Efficacy and use of the mask

Easily relieves pain, for example, after working at the computer, such a savior for many girls as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that the effectiveness of the product lies in its following properties:

  1. Rejuvenation, that is, after the procedure is completed, the lifting effect becomes clearly noticeable.
  2. Elimination of redness from visual stress.
  3. Improving blood circulation.
  4. Reduces unsightly bags and dark circles.

A warming mask should be used for muscle spasms, fatigue, and as a home SPA treatment. It improves blood circulation and acts as an excellent pain reliever. Eliminates dry skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles, which significantly rejuvenates.

To use, place the product in the refrigerator and then put it on your face. To quickly cool the mask, you can use the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Or heat it in hot water at a temperature of 50-60 degrees for the same time. Boiling and using a microwave oven have a detrimental effect on a product such as a gel eye mask. Reviews confirm that it is not limited in any way if used carefully.

Avon eye glasses

We live in a time when, in addition to expensive procedures, there are ways to maintain beauty and health without significant effort, and many of us are concerned about the problem of red eyes after working at the computer and are especially frightened by our own appearance in the mirror in the evening. The problem is solved by using something as simple as a mask or glasses. Previously, these products were completely filled with gel, which leaked out when their integrity was accidentally damaged. But modern glasses are made from rolling balls.

In addition, it is attached to the head with Velcro, so the Avon gel eye mask is suitable for any size. Reviews indicate that the undoubted advantages of the balls are:

  1. Massage effect.
  2. Damage to only 1 ball when piercing, and not the entire mask.

Cooling effect of glasses

The manufacturer indicates that the product is suitable for use both heated and cooled. Customers mainly note: the gel eye mask is simply ideal for relieving fatigue and tension. Reviews indicate that relief is felt immediately after putting on the product. Although sometimes the girls noted that using glasses was somewhat unpleasant, since the cold affected the eyes. Not everyone feels this, but the most susceptible ladies have to move their pupils with their eyelids closed.

Many girls do not notice the disappearance of wrinkles. But they admit that, rather, for this you do not need to forget about a heated mask, which eliminates dry skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles. Reviews indicate that the product perfectly relieves fatigue, transforming the eyes. They become shiny and rested. A similar effect can be achieved using chilled tablespoons placed on the fabric.

Eyes Cover

Cover gel mask does an excellent job of relieving fatigue, tightening and brightening the skin. Reviews confirm that it is enough to carry out the procedure for 5-7 minutes daily. A good option is a combination of glasses with the use of cosmetics. This mask can be used at any age. For the best effect, cool glasses should be applied to the face in the morning, and hot glasses should be applied in the late afternoon.

You can find both enthusiastic and negative reviews about this product. The question arises: “Who is right?” It's actually worth looking at the situation realistically. The mask is not some kind of innovative facial procedure, but a convenient and more functional substitute for eye compresses. You should not give up creams that are used to eliminate existing problems. A gel eye mask significantly improves the effectiveness of cosmetic products. Reviews suggest that you should not think that this is because the mask alone is not really capable of eliminating deep wrinkles in a month, as advertising may promise.

What are the benefits of such masks, judging by the reviews?

These masks can be applied to the forehead to get rid of fatigue and increase vitality. You should have them in your home medicine cabinet, as glasses can relieve pain and partially relieve a fever.

They certainly help with minor swelling and provide cooling in hot weather. They don’t completely get rid of wrinkles, although they do reduce them. A reusable gel eye mask also helps relieve fever due to its cooling ability. Reviews confirm that the product is easy to use and indispensable for children.

The mask is able to take a shape that is anatomically close to the surface of the skin, which enhances the healing effect. Although not all girls agree with this: in reviews, customers may complain about the mark remaining on the bridge of the nose.

That is, the mask is actually a useful and modern offer from the beauty industry. Don't think that it will smooth out all the wrinkles in a month. You need to be patient and put warm glasses on your eyes in the evening, and cooling glasses in the morning. And it is not advisable to deny yourself the use of additional cosmetics. As you know, it is the complex effect on the skin and the regularity of procedures that allow you to maintain youth.

A real breakthrough in the world of cosmetology was the gel eye mask. She is an indispensable and prompt assistant when it is necessary to relieve fatigue and swelling of the eyelids, eliminate dark circles under the eyes and other signs of fatigue, stress and aging. If your line of work requires you to work at a computer for a long time, your eyes involuntarily get tired. The gel mask will provide gentle care and relieve symptoms of eye fatigue.

The mask is a simple product in the form of a two-layer compress, filled with a gel-like substance inside. The peculiarity of this product is that it can be placed in the refrigerator or hot water, and then used as a tonic or relaxing compress for the area around the eyes. There are individual indications for each procedure.

So, it is recommended to cool and apply a compress as a tonic lotion in the following cases:

  • when puffiness and bags appear under the eyes, it is recommended to alternate with contrast washing;
  • if occasional dilated or burst capillaries are observed;
  • elimination and prevention of age and facial wrinkles;
  • strengthening and toning sensitive skin century

Manufacturers create masks of various shapes and sizes:

  • covering the entire face, with holes for the eyes, mouth and nose;
  • in the form of carnival glasses. This mask covers only the area around the eyes, providing a local effect;
  • gel pads in the form of circles that are placed on the eye sockets.

When applied, the mask does not stick to the skin, but takes an anatomical shape thanks to a comfortable cutout for the nose.

You can learn more about the properties of the mask from the video:

Functions of gel-based masks

Each product is used according to need, providing a specific effect:

  • has a cooling effect, gives a feeling of freshness, vigor, and helps to wake up quickly. A warm mask has the opposite effect; it relaxes and encourages sleep;
  • relieves headaches, tension, migraines. Helps with colds;
  • Relieves fatigue when watching TV or working at a computer for a long time;
  • heated to a comfortable temperature, relieves spasms from the facial muscles;
  • chilled gel for the skin around the eyes maintains skin tone, counteracts aging and the formation of expression lines.

The effectiveness of the product is based on the uniform distribution of cold or heat over the affected area. Since the gel is tightly packed in a double-layer packaging, the mask does not release any substances. The skin is saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Manufacturers inform about the inclusion of vitamins and other additional substances by prescribing the composition on the packaging. Numerous advertisements talk about the wonderful cosmetic benefits of the gel, but despite the reviews, these data are erroneous. Under no circumstances should you squeeze the gel out of the mask and apply it to your face. This can have serious consequences, especially if your skin is sensitive.

This product is, in fact, a reusable compress, convenient and practical to use. Gel for the skin around the eyes has been used relatively recently, but women have had beauty secrets since ancient times and used chilled tea, hot water bottles with cold water, and cotton wool soaked in water at the right temperature. An alternative to masks is Blepharogel, a modern, highly effective remedy for relieving fatigue and symptoms of overwork.

Rules for using a gel mask

For the mask to have the desired effect, it is either heated or cooled. Reducing the temperature of the gel is quite simple - you need to put it in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes (usually the duration is indicated in the instructions for the drug). In extreme cases, it is allowed to be placed in the freezer, but you should not resort to this option too often, since the gel quickly loses its properties. In addition, you should not allow the mask to freeze - this is harmful to the skin and to the product itself.

In order for the mask to receive additional temperature, you should place it in a container with heated water. Under no circumstances should boiling water be used for this purpose. There is a high risk of getting a skin burn and completely ruining the product. Before use, it is recommended to remove makeup, wash with water and blot off excess moisture with a towel or napkin.

Some masks are equipped with ties or elastic bands, which makes it easier to use. Having brought the gel to the desired temperature, apply the product to the face, pressing lightly with your fingers. The mask is kept on the face for about 30 minutes; in case of premature loss of heat or cold, it is recommended to repeat the procedure.

Cosmetologists advise placing sponges soaked in tonic on your eyes, or treating the skin of your eyelids with serum, cream or Blepharogel - their effect will improve under the mask. It is recommended to carry out this pleasant procedure 3-4 times a week or when you feel tired.

Although the period of use is limited, this product is considered reusable. The first signs that the mask is losing its properties are darkening of the gel and loss of elasticity.

An alternative to masks – cosmetic gel

Blepharogel is intended for the prevention of inflammation of the eyelids; it is a therapeutic and prophylactic product for the care of sensitive and delicate skin around the eyes. Due to the fact that the composition includes such useful components as hyaluronic acid, Aloe Vera and glycerin, the gel has incredible properties to relieve puffiness and fatigue, saturating the skin with missing microelements.

Hyaluronic acid is responsible for the water balance of the intercellular space of the epidermis. Moreover, it is natural natural fairy tale, acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent. Thanks to Aloe Vera juice, which contains vitamins A, C and B, irritation, inflammation and dead cells are eliminated from the skin.

Properties of cosmetic gel

Cosmetologists use this drug to relieve inflammation and irritation of the eyes. Recommended for:

  • relieving swelling and redness of the eyelids;
  • cleansing the skin of dead crusts;
  • hydration and nutrition;
  • prevention of styes and other inflammations;
  • eliminate symptoms of dryness and fatigue.

Complex of glycerin and hyaluronic acid forms a thin film that binds water molecules, keeping them in the skin. But the gel is not a panacea against wrinkles, although the moisturizing effect partially prevents their appearance. Additional use of appropriate cosmetics to combat wrinkles is recommended.

Apply the product twice a day to cleansed skin. In this case, it is important to make massage movements with your fingertips. The course of treatment is up to 45 days, if irritation or other allergic reactions its use should be discontinued.

A gel eye mask is not like the cosmetic creamy compositions that girls apply to their facial skin. It is a reusable compress that can cool or warm the area around the eyes. Inside the mask there is a gel that can maintain the set temperature for a long time.

Composition of the eye mask

The compress mask consists of a silicone shell and gel filler in liquid form or in the form of balls. The filler contains:

  • Plant extracts. Helps reduce circles and puffiness under the eyes.
  • Retinol. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose. Gives the gel viscosity and helps maintain temperature.

The components of the mask are located under the shell and do not come directly onto the face, so its positive effect on the skin is achieved through temperature and compression effects.

The principle of operation of the gel mask and the effect

The function of an eye mask is determined by its shape, size and temperature.

Shapes and sizes of gel masks

When choosing an eye mask, make sure it fits your size and follows the contours of your face. Types of masks:

  • covering the entire face;
  • mask-glasses for eyes;
  • eye pads.

Effect of the mask on the eyes

Using a cool gel mask for an extended period of time, you will experience:

  • feeling of cheerfulness, refreshment;
  • headache relieving effect;
  • reducing eye fatigue when working at a computer for long periods of time;
  • toning the skin around the eyes.

Hot eye mask:

  • relaxes;
  • warms up;
  • helps in the fight against colds;
  • relieves muscle spasms.

The gel mask does not release vitamins and other useful substances– it is effective due to the uniform distribution of temperature and pressure on the muscles. Do not try to squeeze out the gel and apply it to the skin - it itself is not beneficial for the face.

When to apply a gel mask

An eye mask will come in handy if you:

  • work at the computer for a long time;
  • lack of light and fresh air;
  • suffer from insomnia;
  • live in a city with poor ecology;
  • want to get rid of puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • You experience regular stress and work on an irregular schedule.

How to use an eye mask

Before using the mask, remove makeup, wash your face with cool water and wipe with toner. Apply the compress every three days or more often, if necessary.

Cool mask

To make the gel mask cool and invigorating, place it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours or in the freezer for 10 minutes. Then take it out and apply it to your eyes for 10-30 minutes. If the mask on your face heats up ahead of time, stop the procedure.

Warm mask

To heat the gel compress, place it in a container with warm, but not hot water. When it becomes warm, apply it to your eyes until it cools. For an effective effect, apply eye gel under the mask or place sponges with toner. When heated, the pores expand, which allows cosmetics penetrate deep inside.

Contraindications and expiration date

You can use an eye mask filled with gel several times, but not indefinitely. The expiration date of the compress is indicated on the packaging. If you throw away the package without paying attention to it, check the condition of the gel after several procedures. If it has lost its transparency and become less flexible, it is time to change the mask. Contraindications to the use of gel compresses:

  • recent eye surgery;
  • retinal detachment;
  • high intraocular pressure;
  • inflammation in the area around the eyes.

You can store the gel mask in the refrigerator or in a warm room - where it cannot be reached by children or pets.