Target: teach children to feel and understand the general meaning in proverbs and sayings; learn to correctly name the moral qualities of a true comrade; cultivate a friendly attitude towards comrades.

Preparation: learn proverbs and sayings about friendship, read the story “Two Comrades” by L. Tolstoy.

Leading: Who can be called a true comrade? What proverbs and sayings about friendship do you know? (Children's answers.)

Die yourself, but help your comrade.

Look for a friend, and if you find him, take care.

An old friend is better than two new ones.

If you want a bag, you can’t make a friend.

- Tell us about your friendship with your friend, and what proverb can be cited when talking about this friendship.

- Let me read you the text “About Friends”, and you listen.

About friends

Boys and girls should be good, loyal friends.

And friends - as we already know - need to be protected. We need to take care of them. You need to behave with them well-mannered and politely.

Therefore, a polite boy will definitely give up his seat on a tram or bus to a woman or even a girl.

Therefore, he will never sit down at the table until the girls take their places at this table. A polite boy will definitely help a visiting girl take off her coat, give slippers to her mother and grandmother, and help them around the house. And, of course, the knight will never offend girls!

To ensure that you always have many friends, here are some tips:

- Never be rude to your comrades.

- Don’t use offensive words.

- Don't give them nicknames.

- Do not try to hit or push someone in order to take a place that is convenient for you (for example, in a game).

- Don't forget to say hello to all your friends. Even with those of them who are very small. You can and should be friends with little kids, big kids, boys and girls.

- If you are offended by your friend for something, try to quickly forget and forgive him for your offense. Do not get mad!

- If your friend asks you for some toy or book, do not refuse him. Do not be greedy!

- If you yourself took a book or toy from a friend, handle these things carefully and do not forget to return them on time when your friend asks or when you yourself promised.

One day this story happened.

Vadik took almost the entire construction kit for himself and began building a plant. There was almost no material left for Tolya. Then he asked Vadik:

- Please give me some building material. After all, you have a lot.

- Yes, I would give it, but, you see, I’m building a huge plant!

- And you, Vadik, don’t build a big plant, then I’ll have enough designer.

“Look, you’re so cunning,” Vadik answers. - I’ll give it to you, but what if I don’t have enough? You know, we’ll do this: you, Tolya, wait until I build it, and what’s left, I’ll give it to you.

Issues for discussion:

— As Vadik shared construction material? Did he do the right thing by taking more for himself and giving less to Tolya? Why do you think so?

— How did Tolya decide to get out of the situation? What did he offer Vadik?

- “Look, you’re so cunning!” - Vadik said to his friend. Is he right in saying this to Tolya? Who was being cunning: Vadik or Tolya? Why do you think so?

— Is Vadik’s offer fair: “Wait until I build it, and what’s left, I’ll give it to you”? Why do you think so? Did Vadik act in a friendly manner towards Tolya?

— What would you do in Vadik’s place? How to divide building material fairly? Or maybe you shouldn’t have divided the constructor, but done something different? How?

Target: To clarify children’s ideas about what it means to “be able to be friends”, to teach them to comprehend and evaluate the situation, to independently understand the motives of behavior and relate these motives to existing norms of behavior, to introduce them to proverbs and sayings about friendship.

Materials: Toy Pinocchio, recordings of V. Shainsky’s songs “If you went on a journey with a friend,” “True Friend,” a ball of thread, TV, cartoon “The World is Like a Colorful Meadow” on DVD

Preliminary work: Designing a book about friendship, memorizing poems, songs about friendship. Reading and discussing stories about friendship, learning the communicative game “Tangle”.

Progress of the conversation:

1. Solution to the problem.

Children stand in a circle with the teacher.

Educator: Guys, can you imagine? I came to work today, and suddenly I heard someone squeaking under the door. Guess who I saw?

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden.

He pokes his long nose everywhere.

Who is this? (Pinocchio).

You guessed it! Well done! Pinocchio told me this story. He and Malvina were sitting in the clearing. Pinocchio was drawing, and Malvina was winding the threads into a ball. Pinocchio tried so hard. That he was all covered in paint. Malvina is a well-known clean girl. She asked Pinocchio to go wash herself. But he became stubborn, got angry with her, took this ball of thread from her and ran off to look for new friends. That's how he got into ours kindergarten.

Educator: Pinocchio, why did you take the ball from Malvina?

Pinocchio: I don't know, it's just like that.

Educator: Let the guys and I show you how you can play with this ball.

Pinocchio: Oh, how interesting!

The game “Balloon” is played (in a circle)

Look. Guys, curl up. Now I'll take it to left hand, wrap it around thumb, then I’ll give it to Yulia, who is standing to my right. (The children take turns duplicating the teacher’s actions, and the teacher guides the children.)

Educator: And again the ball returned to me. The thread did not break, it consists of many thin threads that are intertwined together and become strong and strong. So it is with us: a thread connected us, and our friendship became stronger.

All the children gathered in a circle

You are my friend and I am your friend.

Let's hold hands together

And let's smile at each other.

(The teacher winds the threads, the children sit on the rug).

2. Conversation.

Educator: Guys, do you think Pinocchio did the right thing by taking the ball from Malvina?

Children: No, that's not right. He offended Malvina.

Educator: Yes, real friends never act like that. I hope that Pinocchio will apologize and make peace with Malvina. And now, let Pinocchio stay with us and listen to what “friendship” is and who a “true friend” is.

Pinocchio: Of course, I’ll stay, I really, really want to know all this.

Educator: Zhenya, do you have a friend?

Zhenya: Yes. I have a friend, his name is...

(ask several children)

Educator: Why do you consider them good friends?

Children: (children's answers) My friend is good. He shares toys. My friend never hurts me, he helps me. He is cheerful and kind...

Educator: What do you affectionately call your friend?

(Children's answers).

Educator: Can an adult be your friend? (grandmother, father, mother, grandfather)

Children: Yes, because they love us, take care of us, read books to us. They teach us, buy us toys, candy...

Educator: How do you think. Can a dog be your friend?

Children: Yes, it can. She protects us from evil people, plays with us. A friend can be any pet that lives in the house.

Educator: What should you do to make your friendship strong?

Children: We must not quarrel, share toys. Help each other, take care of friends...

Educator: Well done, you explained well how to be friends. The one who

makes good friends - does not quarrel, shares toys, takes care of his comrades, and if a friend does not know how to do the right thing, he will help him and teach him. If a friend suddenly becomes sad, he will figure out how to cheer him up.


A friend is someone who understands you.

A friend is someone who suffers with you.

A friend will never leave you

A friend stays with you forever.

A friend will never hurt you

A friend is someone who sees right through you.

And if trouble happens to you,

Just wait for help from a friend then...

A friend and advice to the wise will help,

If something is gnawing at you from the inside.

And if suddenly you feel “hot”,

You lean on your friend's shoulder.

Only a friend can you trust a secret,

After all, there is no betrayal between friends.

And the one who has millions of friends,

Much richer than all the kings.

And even when there's no one around

Your best friend is with you invisibly...

Don't think that if you change your friend, the new one will be better. The proverb says: “An old friend is better than two new ones.”

Pinocchio, did you understand what the guys were talking about?

Pinocchio: Understood. We must take care of our friends and not offend them.

3. Physical education minute.

Come up to your friend, take his hand and together with your friends we will go on a journey (a dramatization of the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”).

4. Simulation of situations.

(Children sit on chairs).

Educator: Now we will discuss some situations together.

1. Reading a poem:


Elena Blaginina

A friend came to see me

And we played with her.

And here's one toy

Suddenly I liked her:

Groovy frog,

Cheerful, funny.

I'm bored without a toy -

It was my favorite -

But still a friend

I gave away the frog.

Did the girls do the right thing? How will you behave in this case?

2.Your friend is sick. What will you do?

3. How will your friend behave if you get into trouble?

5. Group tradition.

Let's stand in a circle, put our hands on each other's shoulders and say our daily greeting:

Only the brave and persistent

Will reach the goal cheerfully.

And on the road you also need:

Know the secrets of lasting friendship.

One for all and all for one.

6. Homework. Conclusion.

Educator: Guys, it would be very good if you and your moms and dads learned new proverbs and sayings about friendship. Agreed? It's yours homework. Pinocchio, have you learned anything new and interesting for yourself? And now I suggest you watch a fragment of the cartoon "The world is like a colorful meadow."

DVDcartoon "The world is like a colorful meadow."

Pinocchio: I liked it so much. I realized that I had offended Malvina in vain. I really want to fix everything quickly and apologize.

Educator: Guys, let's give Pinocchio a ball. He will give it to Malvina, make peace with her, and teach his friends our wonderful games. Goodbye, Pinocchio! Come visit us again, we will be glad to see you and your friends.

Pinocchio: Goodbye. I'll definitely come.

Conversation about friendship with older children preschool age. We are different, but we are together!

Kovalenko Ekaterina Viktorovna, teacher.
Description: This material may be useful for educators in working with children of older preschool age. Kindergarten is a child’s first social experience, the first lessons in proper communication with others: adults, peers, people of different professions. Kindergarten is a bridge between family and society, through which children learn to follow the rules, noticing, hearing, understanding each other. Learning to be friends is not easy, but necessary. The formation of the child’s values, which will help him in the future, depends on our common painstaking work. right choice. Where is the line that cannot be crossed? Let's speculate.
Target: continue to strengthen friendly relations in the children's team.
- create conditions for friendly communication between children and adults;
- teach children to treat each other carefully and patiently: try to listen to the end of a friend’s opinion, do not interrupt;
- teach tolerance;
- promote unity among children through play;
- develop the desire to express your point of view during discussions;
- to cultivate in children a sense of mercy and compassion;
- cultivate a desire to act together.

Progress of the conversation.

Organizing time(mood for joint activities).
Children gather together and stand in a circle:
All the children gathered in a circle (gestures a circle)
I am your friend and you are my friend (they gesture first to themselves, then to the child standing opposite)
Let's hold hands tightly (hold hands so as not to hurt a friend)
And let's smile at each other (smile at each other)
Children sit on chairs placed in a circle, or simply on the carpet.
Guys, listen to the phrase: “We are different, but we are together!”
How do you understand this?
(Children's answers)
Every day we get together! For what?
(Children's statements)
To have fun, you need to learn how to make friends every day. How should this be done?
(Don't say hurtful words... Don't be greedy... Don't take away... Listen to each other... Talk when you don't like something... Play peacefully... Play fun games...)
Low mobility game “Cru-cru-circle”
Children stand in a circle. The presenter (if the game is being played for the first time, the teacher) says the words:
Play the horn!
One two Three! -
Sveta, turn over! (The child, hearing his name, quickly turns 360°).
The presenter must say the words of the game so that none of the children understand whose name will be called.
Play the horn!
One two Three! -
Roma, turn over!
The game is fun. The children's names are shouted randomly until all the children turn over. The name of the remaining child is pronounced together, rhythmically clapping their hands.
After the game, the children sit down.
Learning to hear and understand each other is difficult, but necessary to strengthen friendship.
I will read you a story about two friends called “The Lesson”.
Reading the story "Lesson"

Teacher's story

This story happened a long time ago, when I was six years old. At that time I was not living in Moscow with my parents, but with my grandmother in Ukraine, in a military town. My grandmother worked, and I went to the garrison kindergarten* - the most beloved of all that I have ever visited. We learned to read, count, write, draw, sculpt, dance, sing, and make friends. After class, go outside and take a walk! A wonderful front garden grew around the kindergarten, in the shadow of which wooden houses and cars, swings, carousels, and sandboxes were “hidden.” We invented games, sang funny songs brought from home from our older brothers and sisters, and, like all boys, we loved to play war. Each of us had a "weapon".
“Don’t aim at a person, you can’t,” said Evgenia Vasilievna, our teacher.
But we just chuckled: “Well, how do these adults not understand that the weapon is a toy weapon, not a real one?”
One day, a thin, short, black-haired boy entered the group. He studied our faces, and his unusual eyes sparkled from under long thick eyelashes.
- Guys, meet me! This is Tin,” said Evgenia Vasilievna. - He will go to our group.
Tin spoke Russian poorly. We learned from Evgenia Vasilievna that his dad is a military man and that they came from Vietnam. We found Vietnam on the globe, got to know the new guy better, and soon became completely friends with him.
Life went on as usual. Tin played different games with us, but during the war he never, always went aside. One day, I decided to “take him prisoner.”
- Hands up! - I jumped up to him and shouted.
Tin turned around slowly. The gun was right next to his heart. Tin's eyes full of horror scared me. I suddenly pulled the trigger. The toy pistol clicked, the boy fell to the ground and froze... A terrible scream was heard... I hardly recognized my voice. Thoughts rushed wildly out: “I killed a man! Friend! He’s lying there... not moving... I’m making it up, I didn’t mean to!” My teeth were chattering, my knees were shaking so much that I could not stand and sagged. I saw how our doctor Tatyana Ivanovna came running, how Tina listened to her heart, how she grabbed him in her arms and ran into the kindergarten building. I saw my white fingers digging into the gun. What's happened? Why did he become real?..
Someone picked me up and hugged me tightly. It was Evgenia Vasilievna. She was carrying me somewhere. I barely noticed the excited faces of the guys crowding along the path. Everything was like in a dream.
At the doctor's office they gave me valerian.
“I killed him, I killed him,” I constantly whispered in a trembling voice.
- No no. Tina fainted. “Everything has already passed,” Evgenia Vasilievna reassured me. - You see, Tin saw a real war, saw how his mother died... For you, war is a game, but for him it is a tragedy, an experienced grief. That's why your gun seemed real to him for a moment. That's why we don't like it when you children play war and aim at each other, even with toy weapons.
She stroked my head. I carefully, sniffling, slightly staggering from a surge of weakness, headed to the infirmary, where Tin was lying on the bed. Nobody stopped me.
- Forgive me... friend... please... forgive me. I didn't want... I didn't think...
Tears choked and blurred my eyes. I didn’t see Tin’s face, but I felt the warmth of his palm. He stroked me.
“I didn’t want to scare you either,” I heard my friend’s quiet voice.
This lesson was remembered by all the children. We didn't play war anymore - we didn't want to.
Many years have passed. Tin and I are quite adults and live far from each other: he is in Hanoi, I am in Moscow, but we are still friends.
He is now a doctor, and I am a teacher.

*garrison kindergarten - kindergarten for children of garrison military personnel.

Discussion of the story
Game-exercise “This is my friend!” (with orientation elements)
Children form a small circle, standing shoulder to shoulder (facing in a circle) and say, performing the movements:
I'll look to the left
I'll look to the right
(turn to the right one after another and pat the child in front on the back)
After this, the children again stand facing in a circle (shoulder to shoulder) and repeat the same thing, but in the other direction.
I'll look to the right (put the palm of your hand to your forehead and look to the right)
I'll look to the left (put your palm to your forehead with a “visor” and look to the left)
This is my friend! This is my friend! (turn left one after another and pat the child in front on the back)
After the game, the children join hands:
You can't quarrel in our group,
Because together we are friends!

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects No. 36"


"What is friendship"

Prepared by: Chetaikina T.F.

teacher primary classes



Target : introduce children to the conceptfriendship , contribute to the unity of the children's team.

Progress of the lesson

Today we will talk aboutfriendship .

Friendship – this is a great value, a gift of fate.Friendship helps us study, work, live. It makes us better, kinder, stronger. Having a friend is a great blessing.

So what?what friendship is ?

Task No. 1. Work is organized in micro groups.

Guys, think and answer these questions.

Questions :

1." Friendship is--- ".

Sample answers from children :

friendship is mutual assistance , fun and interesting communication, a desire to help a friend in difficult times.

2. "A true friend is that ---".

Sample answers from children :

a true friend is someone who understands you, with whom it is interesting to communicate, who will never betray you, who will help and support you in different situations.

3. "Friends are always---".

Sample answers from children :

friends will always help you difficult situation, they will share both joy and trouble with you, they understand you.

After work in microgroups, a discussion of the proposed issues is organized, and general conclusions are formulated.

If we want to have friends, we must feel what the other person needs.Friendship - this is a willingness to help a friend, to share failure and joy with him.

There are people who have many friends, and there are lonely people.

Let's listen to A. Barto's poem "A Friend Needed."

Everyone lives, they don’t grieve,

But not with meare friends !

Katya has a painted bow,

Red tights

And the character is meek.

I whisper : - Be friends with me---

We're the same age

We're almost like sisters

You and I are like doves

From one shell.

I whisper :- Noteskeep in mind :

You have to go in everything

To make concessions to a friend.

I suggest Ilyina;

Yoube friends with me alone !

Ilyina has a rank,

And a sports sweater

And a retinue of girls.

I'll make friends with Ilyina -

I'll become famous!

All fives one at a time

At Svetlova Nadya's.

I ask : - Are you with memake friends for a day !

You and I will get along :

Will you save me -

Let me write off the test.

And the girls are on their hind legs!

They say : - I would be silent!

Don't get on your knees to persuade your friends...

I'll write an ad :

Friend urgently needed!

Why did the girl have no friends?

Sample answers from children : the girl had no friends, because she wanted a lot from others, but she herself did not give anything in return.

Many people do not want to understand that they have no friends, because they themselves are not ready to become a true friend, they demand a lot from a friend, giving nothing in return.

Friendship - this is not only a great gift, but also great work. You can find a friend, but it is very easy to lose him. Many Russian proverbs contain wise instructions on how to preservefriendship . Pay attention to the proverbs.

Task No. 2.

Work in micro groups. Introducing children to proverbs aboutfriendship .

Guys, what proverbs aboutfriendship you know ?

If you don't have a friend, look for him, and if you find him, take care of him.

Friend is known in trouble.

You can't buy a friend with money.

Whoever leaves a friend in trouble gets into trouble himself.

Having a friend means not feeling sorry for yourself.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Task No. 3.

Work is organized in micro groups. Children are encouraged to develop rulesfriendship . After discussion in groups, the developed rules are read and discussedfriendship .

Rulesfriendship (Example children's answers) :

to help each other;

do not remember the offense for a long time;

don't waste time on trifles;

to trust each other;

be tolerant;

be able to forgive;

don't envy;

be honest and loyal;

be friendly.

Summary of the lesson.

So,friendship is wonderful ! One thing is clear to us all - withoutthere is no friendship ! This means that in order to live, we must be able to listen to our friends, understand and support. And in general, if you want people to treat you well, then you treat them with respect, kindness and understanding. Thank you all for your work.

GCD: Cognition. Social environment. Me, you, we

Target– formation of a friendly attitude towards each other in preschoolers;
nurturing friendly, tolerant relationships between children.


1. Summarize children’s knowledge on the topic of friendship. Continue to teach children the ability to negotiate, help each other, expanding children’s ideas about friendship.

2. Develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid in a difficult situation, and develop social feelings.

3. To cultivate in children the ability to truly be friends, to treat each other with care and respect, to bring them to the understanding that friendship is one of
the most important qualities in relationships between people.

Equipment: A letter, an interactive whiteboard, a laptop, a presentation on the socially significant topic “Friendship”, an audio recording of the songs “Smile”, “When my friends are with me”, “True Friend”.

Vocabulary work: honesty, kindness, empathy, gloomy, getting along together.

Progress of the lesson:

Introductory part: Organizational moment (surprise moment).

Educator: Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's be polite... and show how we greet each other.

Hello, Heaven! ( Raise your hands up)

Hello, Sun! ( Make a large circle with your hands above your head)

Hello Earth! ( Slowly lower your hands onto the carpet)

Hello all my friends! ( All the guys join hands and raise them up)

– I see you are in a good, joyful mood and this is wonderful. Is heard knock on the door(the postman brought a letter) - Hello, is this the Little Foxes group? Letter for you. Receive and sign, please.

Text of the letter: Attention attention. Anxiety!!! An insidious, dangerous witch, Zlyuchka, is approaching our kindergarten “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” She wants to quarrel all the children so that they fulfill her every desire. Help urgently needed. Guys, don't let this happen!!!

2. Main part.

Educator: Yes... we need to do something urgently. Guys, can we help? Can we handle it? What do we need to do for this? - That's right, we have to show how we can be friends. And how to behave if a quarrel suddenly occurs. – Who can tell me what kind of word friendship is, what does it mean? - Right . Friendship is when children want to be together, when they play together, and do not quarrel. Friendship is the smiles of friends. This means that friends are people with whom it is easy, interesting and comfortable for us.

– Let’s look at the screen, what do you think – are these children friends? How did you guess? (slides No. 2-5) - Well done, guys, you understood everything correctly and the rules of friendship are familiar to you (slide No. 6), and now we will try to unravel the secrets true friendship These are the qualities that friends should have.

1. (slide No. 7) Secrets of friendship.

So that we can find out all the secrets

I invite you to speculate.

You look at the screen

Tell me what you see.

– But first, you and I will do gymnastics for the eyes, and the first secret is hidden there. We don’t turn the heads, only the eyes work. - Ready. Forward.

(slides No. 8-9) 1. First secret:Gymnastics for the eyes “Smile”.

(slides no. 10-13) 2. Second secret

Educator: Do you think those in these pictures are friends? Why do you think so? That's right, friends should help each other. Here is another secret of friendship unraveled. What should we call this secret? Help. Proverb - Friends are made in trouble.

(slides No. 14-17) 3. T third secret

Educator: You and I see how completely different animals live peacefully with each other, how warm and comfortable they are together. – Here you have unraveled another secret of friendship. What should we call this secret? World.

– Would such a proverb be suitable?“If you hold on to each other, you won’t be afraid of anything.”

4. The fourth secret.

Educator: Now sit down more comfortably. Keep your mouth shut and keep quiet. Now the guys in our group will act out small skits, and we will find out the next secret of friendship .

Scene No. 1

Maxim is sitting on a chair. He is sad, resting his head in his hands. Appears Semyon. – Hello! How are you doing? Maksim:Leave me alone! Don't touch it! Go your own way!

Semyon wanted to leave, to be offended and move away, but he looked at Maxim, thought and returned again. And suddenly he felt sorry for him and silently extended his hand to him. Maksim: – Forgive me for being rude, Semyon! SemyonI'm not angry at you!

Educator: Remember, children, If a friend is in trouble, Only one thing will help you cope with sadness and anger... (kindness).

- Well done. So how should you be towards your friend? Good. So you have unraveled another secret of friendship. What would you call this secret? Kindness. Proverb - Good word heals, but evil kills.

- Tell me, guys, can a friend be in a bad mood? Of course, sometimes a friend is in a bad mood. Let's remember our game about mood.

(slide No. 18) Physical exercise “Mood”

The mood has dropped spread your arms to the side and down, shrug your shoulders sadly

Things are getting out of hand... hit lightly on the outer sides of the palms

But all is not lost yet, Finger left-right

If there good friend. Point to friend

Let's handle this together, Put your hands on your friend's shoulders

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - Eh

Let's lift your spirits We sat down and collected our mood in our palms

And shake off the dust! They shake off their hands.

Educator: You have unraveled 4 secrets of friendship. But there is one more secret.

- Since we are talking about friendship now, let me show you the story.

Sit quietly and get ready to reason again!

Scene No. 2

In one kindergarten, two girls Katya and Masha were friends. They were very friendly and always told each other only the truth. But one day, Masha accidentally broke Katya’s doll.

-Who broke my doll? – Katya burst into tears.

“I don’t know,” said Masha. - This is probably Maxim.

- Why did you break my doll? – Katya asked Maxim.

- I didn’t break it. Masha did it, I saw it.

- Can't be! – Katya exclaimed. - My Masha best friend, and friends never deceive each other.

Katya approached Masha and asked - Why did you deceive me Masha?

“I was afraid that you would stop being friends with me if you found out that it was I who broke your doll.”

– Don’t do that again Masha! - said Katya. – Friends should be honest with each other!

Educator: Remember guys, cheating can ruin friendships. Therefore, friends should always be honest with each other.

– Have you figured out another secret of friendship? What should we call this secret? Honesty.

Here's a proverb for you Strong friendship and you can’t cut it with an ax.

- I suggest you choose rhymes for the poems, be careful, are you ready?

3. Final part: Didactic game"Pick a Rhyme"

(slide No. 19)

- The puppy looked through the window: - What is there to feast on......( cat)

- There are all sorts of people walking around here, look! – Looks evil at the cat..... (mouse)

- Maybe that’s enough, the mouse is angry? – Tweeted….( tit)

– Our capricious Masha, in her plate...( porridge).

– The boy is crying very loudly – ​​He hurt himself...( finger).

– The sleeping person under the bed said nothing..... (dog).

(slides No. 20-21) 4. Summing up.

Educator: What do you guys think, did we help cope with the insidious witch Zlyuchka and prevent her from entering our garden? - Well, of course, you unraveled all the secrets of friendship, and thereby drove the evil witch far, far away. – Let’s list them again: Smile,help, peace, kindness, honesty.

- Well done, and I have a favor to ask of you. Tell these secrets to your parents, friends, sisters and brothers. And most importantly, do not forget them and follow them!

- The lesson ends and it’s time for us to go back to the group, But the friendship continues, hurray, hurray, hurray!

Children say goodbye to guests to the music “True Friend” and, holding hands, leave the interactive room.


1. V.V.Gerbova. Speech development classes in senior group, p.38;

2. “Pick a rhyme” E. Lavrentieva, p.64 d.i.

3. Social program I, you, we.

Download presentation

MADOU No. 81 “Child Development Center - Kindergarten “Konek-Gorbunok”,

Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk region, Russia.