The bright holiday of Resurrection, Easter is a symbol of the rebirth of all living things. A life-affirming factor in the revival of faith in the incorruptibility of the soul, spirit, and eternal existence, celebrated at the very beginning of spring.

Traditionally, preparations for the Easter holidays begin well in advance. They carefully select treats, and also carry out the indispensable decoration of the house for Easter. The interior of the house is filled with festive decor and a rich meal, symbolizing the sacrifice of the Son, crucified for the sins of people and resurrected for the glory of the Lord.


It is believed that painting eggs and using them to decorate the interior, as well as the outside of the house, is characteristic not only of Orthodox Christians, but also of Catholics. In German culture, the symbol of Easter is the rabbit bringing an Easter basket with Easter eggs.

In honor of Sunday, Americans decorate their homes with wreaths, arranging the blossoming hazel branches collected in a circle with chocolate ones. For all Christian countries, the Easter egg is considered the main symbol of the great holiday.

The current year is marked by a big event in the world of believers. Catholics and Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter on the same day.

Easter colors

Traditionally, the Easter color is considered to be red and the entire tint palette of warm colors. The symbols of the holiday include an Easter wreath and a basket. Their main colors are green and red, and for the basket it is added White color. When creating a festive interior, much attention is paid to decorative details and accessories, introducing them with bright spots into the design of the surrounding space.

In addition to red accents, the festive interior design consists of a variety of decorative elements that combine with the red tone and create a spring mood. All shades of soft pink, light blue, pale green and yellowish unobtrusive tones of decorations are acceptable.

Very important sunlight, regardless of the weather conditions outside the window. To increase the spatial perspective and fill the rooms with a light atmosphere, it is advisable to remove heavy curtains from window openings, replacing them with light curtains with floral patterns. This will create a spring mood.

Windows are decorated, since beautifully decorating window sills is also considered an integral part of tradition. Bulbs of daffodils and hyacinths are planted in small pots. Flowering occurs 6-7 weeks from planting.

Nothing brightens up a room like fresh flowers. Blooming on the windowsills of the kitchen or living room, primroses symbolize the power of life and victory over the cold. And if you use transparent containers instead of clay pots, filled with multi-colored gravel or colored silicone balls, the visual effect will be enhanced.

Homemade Easter-themed decor is placed between the pots - imitation bird's nests with dyes made from quail eggs, and they are hung from the curtains on multi-colored ribbons. You can make candles from shell halves and decorate your windowsill with them.

Festive table decoration

In the Easter meal, every dish has a meaning, and illuminated colors are also considered strong amulets. The presence of colored eggs on the holiday table is a must. It is also mandatory to have an Easter tree on the table, assembled from willow or willow branches, and decorated with painted eggs, decorative ribbons, and artificial flowers. You can use animal figures that symbolize the current year.

The Easter meal is set out at night, but people sit down to the table only after visiting church - a kind of sacrifice on the part of a person in honor of the Great Day of Resurrection. According to legends, there should be at least 12 dishes on the table - Easter cakes, Easter cakes, meat dishes, first radishes, fresh herbs, pickles and marinades, sweets.

The dining table is decorated according to tradition. The main theme of the decor remains an egg, chicken or quail, or maybe a goose - it is much larger. There are a great many fantasies on the topic of creating decor, as well as decorating the interior of rooms.

Festive interior decoration

After finishing decorating the windows, start decorating the mirrors. They are decorated with garlands made from blown and painted eggshells.

The interior of the rooms is also decorated with themed decor, for the production of which natural and organic materials are used. The main purpose of decoration is to recreate in the rooms an atmosphere that personifies spring awakening.

Decorating ideas for Easter in a short video:


Nothing emphasizes the atmosphere better big holiday, as accessories – original jewelry for Easter, created with your own hands, or purchased at the holiday market. The main theme of the celebration of the Great Day and the main leitmotif that is necessarily present in Easter decor is the presence of decorative eggs. Other accessories - baskets, bowls, nests, stands - are designed for storing Easter decorative eggs.

For Catholics, the rabbit is considered a symbol of the onset of Easter week, and the Easter basket brought by him causes genuine delight among children.

Souvenirs, baked goods, and candies in the shape of rabbits and hares have long become popular in the world among all segments of the population.

Easter basket

An integral attribute of the celebration of Easter Sunday, a basket filled with provisions, came into the culture of celebrating Easter Day from pagan times. A basket overflowing with food symbolizes the prosperity that a person wants to see in his home throughout the year.

Today, the main symbols of the holiday must be placed in the basket - eggs, Easter cakes, and not a gram of alcohol. Let the church Cahors remain on the table waiting for the owner and guests to arrive at the table after church to break their fast.

Gifts are prepared for guests in the form of small Easter baskets, like the one the Easter Bunny brings. So it is filled with all kinds of dishes and sweets to please both adults and children:

Lots of ideas for a festive mood

Giving gifts for Easter has become a good tradition. Friends are given hand-made themed crafts, and acquaintances are given Easter-themed souvenirs. Original ideas The organization of a festive feast is presented in numerous photos, which show how easily you can transform traditional dishes if you use a little ingenuity and imagination:

Easter is a bright holiday celebrated by Christians of all faiths. Each nation has its own traditions, but Easter cakes, Easter eggs and noisy fun celebrations remain unchanged. Today we’ll talk about how to set the table for Easter so that it is both beautiful and traditional.

Mandatory attributes of the Easter table are Easter cake blessed in the church and eggs. Their housewives prepare them in advance: on Maundy Thursday or Saturday. Since Easter cakes are a symbol of the presence of the Lord on earth, and their sweetness is a symbol of His all-encompassing love, you should not skimp on sugar, eggs and butter in baked goods. Cottage cheese Easter is a festive dessert that we also cannot do without. festive table Christ's Sunday. Its traditional form is a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the tomb from which the Savior rose.

Since ancient times, Cahors has been placed on the festive table, which is allowed to be blessed in the temple. But it is not recommended to bring vodka, champagne and other alcohol to church. Mandatory products also include butter and homemade sausage. It is important to collect all the basic food products on the Easter table, so that throughout the next year this food will be in the house, and the family will not be in need. Our ancestors tried to collect up to 48 dishes on the Easter table (according to the number of days of fasting preceding the holiday) and color them as much as possible more eggs. Today, very few people do this, but the tradition of abundance on the festive table remains.

Flowers, grass and other symbols of spring are also welcome on the table. Since ancient times, our grandmothers spent the entire winter before Easter making flowers and greenery by hand from paper and colored fabrics to decorate icons and the festive table. Today you can make a green meadow right on the table. For this, use a bunch of dill - this is grass, and flowers from carrots, beets and apples. Be sure to place Easter eggs in the clearing.

Some housewives make a living meadow right in the salad bowl. Pour earth into the bottom of the plate, pour plenty of water on it and throw oat grains into the black soil. The salad bowl is placed on the windowsill - closer to the sun, so that the oats germinate by Easter. Place the candles from the temple on the table. One candle should be in the blessed Easter cake, the others should be placed between the dishes. Lay out the most beautiful, festive tablecloth, place lace napkins near the plates.

A beautiful table is ready for Christ's Sunday. Invite your guests, Christ is Risen!

If you follow all the traditions, preparing the Easter table requires a lot of time and effort: you need to paint eggs, prepare Easter cottage cheese and several Easter cakes in advance, and consecrate the Easter meal in church. The Easter dinner is not limited to this - housewives prepare meat dishes and pies, which the family misses during the long Lent. There is no time for decorating the festive table, and it is not required, because homemade Easter dishes, prepared with soul, create that unique atmosphere of the bright spring holiday - the Resurrection of the Lord. What should those who are limited in time, live in a metropolis and do not have the opportunity to prepare a real Easter cake and Easter, and paint eggs using ready-made sets from the supermarket? They will have to be creative and create festive mood using special table settings and decorations. And the Culinary Eden website will share ideas on how to decorate the Easter table. Even if you haven't prepared traditional Easter treats, there will be a holiday in your home!

The simplest thing you can do to set the table for Easter is to find a tablecloth or napkins with colored polka dots, put a fresh spring flower and a colored egg on the plates. If you didn't paint the eggs, just tie them with a pretty ribbon.

How to decorate the Easter table if you want more fun? Use colored dishes, a tablecloth and napkins, and place a large glass vase in the center of the table into which you place quail eggs wrapped in colored foil. For children's table you can even use chocolate eggs.

The option is a little more complicated for those who paint eggs in a minimalist style - in one or two colors. Select a tablecloth, napkins, candles and cutlery in the same colors as those used in the egg painting. Best options- it's red and orange with small elements of green.

Those housewives who have prepared homemade Easter or Easter cakes can not only place them in the center of the table, but also enhance the impression with the help of properly selected table settings. Decorate your creations in the same color scheme as the rest of your holiday table. For example, yellow and green candied fruits and chocolate decorations at cottage cheese Easter will go perfectly with yellow tulips and dishes and napkins of different shades of green.

If fruit trees bloom in your city on Easter, use this in your holiday table setting. Place a flowering sprig on delicately colored folded napkins and decorate with brightly colored quail eggs or colorful glazed candies. These spring arrangements can be placed next to the plates or directly on the plates.

The same can be done with flowering willow. Its fluffy balls match perfectly in color with undyed quail eggs and rough linen napkins. An additional decoration for the table is a glass vase with quail eggs.

Dyed quail eggs and a few roses or carnations can also be used for a more formal Easter table setting. Lay a tablecloth of a delicate color, place a placemat rug or a strip of fabric a tone lighter under each cutlery, tie the cutlery with ribbons of the same color as the flowers, place flowers and colored eggs in a snake pattern in the center of the table, place candles to match.

When you have a choice of fresh flowers, table decoration becomes a particularly enjoyable experience. Paint the eggs in advance to match the flowers and make miniature bouquets in egg cups.

No egg cups? No problem - use a low baking dish. It can be placed in the center of the festive table and filled with flowers, eggs, feathers and candles - stylish decoration for Easter dinner.

Compositions of colored eggs, flowers and young greenery can be collected in small portioned muffin tins or tea cups and placed near each guest.

An equally effective option is to place a bunch of fresh herbs in a bright decorative bucket and place a brightly colored egg in the center.

Dyed or bandaged beautiful ribbon You can cover the egg with an inverted glass and add a small flower to the picture.

Easter eggs look very cozy and natural in their nests. The simplest option- cover with dry grass cardboard box, put chicken eggs in it, decorate with herbs and flowers.

Quail eggs and colored feathers will make a very impressive and glamorous nest to decorate the center of the Easter table.

If you start collecting material in advance, you can decorate the Easter table with a composition of dry branches, roots, flowers and brightly colored eggs.

Needlewomen will certainly have something to use to weave a nest for Easter eggs: colored wool, felt, braid and lace, wires and beads.

You can make real bouquets from empty quail egg shells - stick wires into them, decorate them with colored ribbons or flower petals and place the bouquet in a vase or clay jug.

In addition to nests and bouquets of Easter eggs, you can also make more complex installations. For example, decorate a dry branch with eggs. Build several nests from twigs, place them on or under a branch, and place colored eggs in the nests. Thread ribbons into the empty shells of colored eggs and hang them on a branch, like on a Christmas tree.

Even broken eggs can be used for... Easter decorations. Paint a cardboard egg container a bright color and place several egg shells in it to serve as vases for flowers and greenery and candle holders for small candles.

If you place halves of eggshells in saucers with colored pebbles or sand and put bouquets of fresh flowers in them, a real flowerbed will appear in the center of the festive table.

If you put stones or branches covered with moss in a wicker basket, put painted eggs around it, and decorate the top with shells with fresh flowers and candles, you will get an interesting decoration for the Easter table in eco-style.

Another idea for those who don't like eggs but love homemade cakes is to bake cookies in the shape of eggs and decorate them with colored icing. These egg-cookies can be placed on guest plates, in the center of the table on fresh herbs, or in beautiful vase, and after dinner give them to guests as souvenirs.

Tips on how to decorate the Easter table will create a unique atmosphere of the bright spring holiday. There are no rules when decorating the Easter table - fantasize, create, create beauty and comfort.

The Easter holiday is traditionally spent with the family, gathering close relatives and best friends around a large table. Special attention attention should be paid to serving, since the Easter table is the main component of the celebration. The atmosphere of sincerity, love and warmth is created by the combination of all interior elements, the themed menu and the hospitality of the hostess.

What to do if Easter is just around the corner, there are a lot of ideas in your head, but it’s not clear where to start?

Preparatory stage

  • In order for the Easter table setting to correctly emphasize the main accents and be done in the correct colors, you must first determine the design style. This will avoid the accumulation of unnecessary decor and clutter. Classic is always elegant and discreet.

  • Textiles are used in delicate, pastel colors.

Yellow, white, green, purple and red colors are especially popular. You can choose all shades of a specific range. Playing with contrast is always interesting, especially if you think about it in the presentation of dishes.

Napkins should support the theme. Embroidered items look luxurious, bringing harmony and comfort to the interior of the room.

Since it is customary to use the maximum amount natural material, linen fabric will ideally go in tandem with the objects surrounding it.

  • The dishes are taken from one set, or at most from two. The combination of several rich or contrasting colors looks elegant and bold.

Glasses must be selected in accordance with the style of the glasses.

  • The Easter menu is varied and reflects the best culinary skills of the hostess. However, you shouldn’t overload the table with everything at once. The absence of unnecessary details and consistency in serving treats looks aesthetically attractive and creates order.


As a rule, there are symbols of Life, Light and Renewal on the table: fresh flowers, fire, red wine, colored eggs, Easter cake, and in Western culture they are complemented by all kinds of images of hares.

Spring primroses should be placed in the center of the table, creating combinations to suit your taste.

Juicy green color leaves will not only excite the sense of appetite, but also give a feeling of unity with nature.

Beautifully decorated vases or baskets will give a fabulous atmosphere.

A variety of candlesticks, both purchased and homemade, will emphasize the solemnity of the festive dinner.

Making candles from eggshells, discussion interesting ideas will become an activity that will unite children and parents and strengthen their trust in each other.

Most important point preparation is coloring the eggs. This ritual allows each participant to express themselves creatively.

A variety of techniques helps create amazing masterpieces that are even a pity to eat.

Krashenki are always present on the table and are given to guests with words of gratitude.

A special decoration would be an improvised “nest” with bright contents, a vase filled with colorful eggs, or an Easter tree with them hanging from the branches.

A cottage cheese cake or Easter cake is certainly placed in the middle of the table, reminiscent of the great event for which everyone has gathered.

Hares, as a symbol of fertility, are never superfluous. Edible and decorative, they will bring joy and fun into the home.

Closer to nature

The Easter table is like a green spring meadow.

Using only natural materials, greenery and fresh flowers will charge all participants in the process with positivity and energy for the whole next year.

And friendly, warm communication will become a bright moment that warms hearts.

Apr 14, 2017 Werri

Decorating your home for Easter is a very important and interesting component of the pre-holiday bustle.

Besides everything else, Easter is real spring holiday and I really want to decorate my home with warm, joyful and bright themed decor for this day.

The traditions of Easter decorations here and in Europe are almost the same. Perhaps the only differences are the Easter Bunny in the West and our traditional Easter eggs.

  • Easter table decor

  • Easter trees

So for home decorations for Easter The most commonly used decoration is associated with the three Easter symbols. But not only. For example, one of the most popular Easter decors is wicker basket .

Why a basket? Because eggs are traditionally placed in it. You can buy several simple inexpensive baskets and decorate them with colorful ribbons and flowers. Fill with artificial grass and colored eggs. Place these baskets around the house and enjoy the comfort and spring mood.

Wreaths, nests, Easter trees. Birds build nests from dry twigs and blades of grass. These same items, as well as flowers, ribbons, artificial multi-colored eggs and some other elements are used for Easter decor , making door wreaths, decorative installations and Easter trees .

The Easter tree is one of the most beautiful Easter decorations for your home. Making such a tree is not difficult: you can take several branches and insert them into a pot filled with wet sand or small pebbles. To keep the branches firmly in place, you can lay a layer of plasticine on the bottom of the pot and secure the ends of the branches to it. The branches themselves are decorated with colorful ribbons, plastic eggs, small nests with chicks, etc.

Bird theme for Easter decor. Since we're talking about nests and trees, it's worth talking about the birds themselves. This is also one of the most popular Easter decors . Bird figures decorate the house for Easter . They also decorate the festive table. For serving, “thematic” dishes are used - in the shape of a bird or decorated with images of birds.

Another bird-related Easter decor is a birdhouse. Multi-colored birdhouses made of plywood or cardboard are hung in window openings from inside the home. Birdhouses decorate window sills and chests of drawers. You can also buy a candlestick in the shape of a birdhouse.

Easter bunny. Even more popular than birds easter bunnies . A variety of rabbits are taken from the pantries of Western homes and installed throughout the house.

You can make “rabbit” decor for Easter yourself - find a stencil or draw a silhouette of a rabbit yourself by making a pattern. According to the pattern, transfer the silhouette to a dense one colored paper and cut out as many paper figures as possible, making a garland from them. This garland can be used to decorate windows for Easter or hang it on a chandelier above a festive table.

The holiday table itself can be decorated paper napkins with images of rabbits and fabric napkins folded in a special way (in the shape of a rabbit).

Rabbit made from a napkin. Click on the image to see it in full size

Rabbits love carrots, so carrots are also used for Easter decoration . Paper, plastic or soft fabric carrots are hung as a garland or used to decorate an Easter tree.

Flowers and grass. One of the symbols of Easter is Renewal. In spring, nature is renewed - fresh grass appears, everything blooms. Therefore, no Easter decor is complete without flowers. The most popular flowers for Easter are tulips. Wildflowers, although not so beautiful, are very touching and tender. In general, any flowers will do, the main thing is that they are fresh.

Grass can be either real or artificial. Artificial grass for Easter decor You can do it yourself - take green (to imitate fresh grass) or beige (to imitate dried grass) paper and cut it into long strips. Collect the strips in one disorderly pile and place it on the bottom of a basket that will stand in the center of the table, or a box in which the Easter bunny will sit.

Eggs for Easter. Easter eggs are good on their own. But for interior decoration for Easter They use a variety of decorative elements - both from eggs (or rather, eggshells) and in the form of eggs. For example, candles and candlesticks in the shape of eggs, “fried egg” plates, egg-shaped vases, etc. are sold.

Many elements can be made with your own hands. For example, candles in shells. To do this, you need to prepare whole shell halves and wash them. Then you need to crumble the finished candle, melt the wax, prepare the wick and fill the shell with wax.

Eggs for pendants and garlands can be made from plasticine, then wrapped in foil.

To make Easter decor from threads, you need to inflate a small balloon, coat it with PVA glue, wrap it with colored thread dipped in the same glue, and let it dry. After drying, the ball is pierced and carefully removed, and the thread ball holds its shape.

Eggs can be felt, knitted, or carved from wood. In general, there are many options - as they say, whoever knows what.

Eggs can be used to make Easter crafts - rabbits and birds. Some elements can be cut out of paper and glued to the shell. But you can’t do without painting with paint. It is better to make Easter crafts together with your children, and you can start already 2-3 weeks before Easter.

Easter decor: table setting for Easter

To set the Easter table, textiles and dishes of spring colors are used - delicate, pastel: mainly pink, green, yellow and blue, as well as white. Blue and lilac colors are less often preferred.

You definitely need to prepare flowers for the decor of the festive table - preferably fresh ones.

In the West, there is a rule: put on the table objects associated with all three Easter symbols: Renewal, Life and Light. That is, it will be enough to decorate the table with candles, flowers and a rabbit or figurines of birds and butterflies.

Flowers - best decoration any holiday, but Easter decor flower arrangements are especially relevant. Flower decor will create a particularly joyful and spring atmosphere on Bright Sunday.

Basket of tulips
A basket of yellow and orange tulips will be a wonderful addition to the Easter table. When the tulips are closed, they resemble Easter eggs in shape.

Basket with daffodils
A basket-pot made of a stump lined with moss can become a “home” for daffodils and toy chickens. This composition will be a breath of fresh spring air for your interior.

Basket with violets
The combination of a Japanese-style basket with ribbons and pink violets looks very fresh and gentle.

Bouquet in a paper basket
A bouquet of daffodils in a small paper basket is suitable for table decoration - place this arrangement in the center of each plate on a yellow napkin - it will turn out very sunny!

Spring baskets with hyacinths
Welcome spring and invite it inside your home! Transform your living room window sill into a garden by adding some wicker baskets filled with hyacinths and primroses.

Easter composition of hyacinths
By adding a few hyacinth bushes with moss and Easter eggs tied with ribbons, you will have a very simple and beautiful Easter composition.

Sunny bouquet
Place yellow flowers - in this case daffodils - in a clear vase with water. Place sea buckthorn berries into the water. This bouquet will bring spring mood to any corner of your home along with the bouquet.

Bouquets "to go"
Plastic boxes (which are often used to sell takeaway food) can be used as vase decor. Place spring flowers in a vase, and the vase in a box like this.

Vase with ribbon
Update a simple clear vase for spring with ribbon. We added 2 ribbons (green and blue) to this vase - and the bouquet of peonies looks more interesting.

Spring bouquet
A clear bankai and a few multi-colored eggs to match the bouquet can create a very interesting decoration for the kitchen. Take a clear kitchen jar with a wide mouth and place a small glass inside, placing it in the middle of the jar. Place colored eggs around the glass, one at a time, and place a bouquet of spring flowers in a glass of water.

It is not necessary to have eggs in order for your flower composition was dedicated to Easter. It will be even more interesting to use not unambiguous symbols, but hints at them. This example uses egg cups as vases for small field bouquets.

Egg vase
Of course, we are not sure whether you will find an ostrich egg for this composition :)) But this is a very interesting idea - to make a vase from the shell of a large egg.

Tulips and daffodils in a nest
This large nest, created from thin bendable sticks, was an amazing addition to a floral arrangement of spring flowers. This small masterpiece- as a symbol of the rebirth of nature in spring. Place the bouquet in a wide vase, having previously secured it with an elastic band at the base of the bouquet and place the vase in the center of such a nest.

Egg vases on a stand.
If the large ostrich egg from the example " Egg vase"You couldn't find the option with stands " Field bouquets in egg cups“You’re not impressed, then we suggest combining these two ideas in one! Place small bouquets of lilacs, lilies of the valley and pansies in “vases” made from chicken egg shells. And place the vases themselves on special egg stands.

Decoration from cats
We are, of course, talking about cats on the willow tree :) This delicate composition will perfect decoration Palm Sunday.

To make such a composition, you do not need floristry skills. Simply plant muscari (small hyacinths), violets or pansies in flowerpots, and place a chicken egg and a few quail eggs in the center.

Ovoid hyacinth
In order to make such a composition, Van needs to pin hyacinth flowers on pins and attach them to an egg-shaped sponge soaked in water. You can place this large ovoid hyacinth on a flowerpot with moss.

Basket of cats
Another option for decorating your home for Palm Sunday. Take a small wicker basket and decorate it tightly with pussy willow branches. You can place a container of water in the basket and place a bouquet of tulips in it.

Spring bouquet in a watering can
This bright bouquet of lilacs and daffodils can be placed in a watering can with water.

Bouquet of lilacs
Subtle differences in color different types lilacs are perfect for creating such a gradient composition. Gather several lilac branches of each color and place them in a vase with the darkest shade at the bottom and the lightest at the top.

Multi-level bouquets
With such a composition in the center of the Easter table, any housewife can afford not to even cook anything :) Bouquets of different combinations of tulips, lilies of the valley and daffodils should be placed in egg cups. After this, place these bouquets in cups on a multi-level stand (as a rule, such stands are used for sweets or fruits). You can also put several eggs on each level of the stand.

Sweet bouquet
If you want your flower arrangement to please the eye for several months, then it is better to opt for artificial flowers. This bouquet is not at all whimsical in water and will certainly withstand any experiments. For example, you can put a bouquet in a wide-necked jar, filling half the jar with multi-colored pistachios, and place toy chicks in the upper levels. Add a pink bow and the bright composition is ready!