Host: We live in interesting and difficult times, when we begin to look at many things differently, we rediscover and re-evaluate many things. First of all, this applies to our past, which it turns out we know superficially.

Unfortunately, it is very bad that we began to forget many traditions, rituals, holidays - which people could not do without before. If we could plunge into the past, when our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers still lived, and see how their way of life declined , their way of life, their traditions - then it would only be interesting, but it would also perhaps acquire a morally instructive connotation in our eyes.

Today we would like to introduce you to winter holiday, which is considered one of the most fun, is Maslenitsa. The guys and I will try to reproduce some of the ritual moments of the holiday. Listen!

First participant: There was no family, house, yard, village or city in Rus' where Maslenitsa week was not celebrated.

Second participant: Maslenitsa was a Russian carnival, celebrated noisily, cheerfully and wildly. People called her “cheerful”, “broad”, “drunk”, “glutton”, “ruiner”

Third participant: She has already coped with the riddle for spring. Ancient meaning was to ensure that today's abundance would produce even greater abundance in the future.

Fourth participant: From the first days, they tried to celebrate Maslenitsa as fun, satisfying, rich and joyful as possible.

Fifth participant: Maslenitsa should not be called a craft holiday: it’s just a folk holiday that coincides with the Orthodox Cheese Week.

Sixth participant: On Maslenitsa, the main, even respected, sin is gluttony. This is a holiday of gluttony. Maslenitsa was called so because during the whole week Russians were allowed to eat cow butter, while on fasting days they used it black.

Seventh participant: In terms of beauty, poetry, and mischief, this is one of the longest and most fun pre-spring holidays.

IN folk calendar February is called “section”, that is, the month that cuts off winter. And although the snow still creaks under your feet, and the frost stings your cheeks, it doesn’t frighten you.

Fifth, sixth and seventh participants:

The month of Bokogrey has come,

Warm the side of the cow,

And the cow and the bull,

And to the gray-haired old man.

Eighth participant: Isn’t it time to transfer power from winter to red spring? She's just around the corner. And it will help us spend the winter and welcome spring. Maslenitsa. Let's call her! (Everyone calls Maslenitsa)

Maslenitsa: Hello friends! Are you waiting for me?

Guy with sleigh:

Are you my soul, Maslenitsa

Your sugary lips

Sweet is your speech!

Come to visit me

To the wide yard

Ride in the mountains

Roll in pancakes!

Three girls:

At Peter's Gate

The round dance winds and winds,

The round dance winds and winds,

People are gathering.

Peter came out of the hut,

He took the kids out.

How can I wait, wait,

Stand at the gate and greet the red sun,

Drive away the frost.

All: Hello, dear Maslenitsa. How long have you been here, Maslenitsa has come to us?


Just for seven days!

My first day is a meeting, and the seventh is a farewell.

Three guys and three girls say in a chant:

Our Maslenitsa dear

She came to us for a short time

We planned - for seven weeks,

And it turned out for seven days.

Ninth participant: From time immemorial, Maslenitsa has been celebrated with satiety and contentment. After all, it marks the holiday of economic abundance.

On the first day of the holiday, children went around houses, congratulated them on the upcoming Maslenitsa and begged for treats. Of course, the main, indispensable treat was pancakes.

Three mischievous boys ask the guests for pancakes:

Teena, teena, give me some blinka,)

Oladnik - a fun-loving person, ) 2 times

Maslenitsa, don’t be stingy,)

Share the butter pancake. )

Tenth participant: Baking pancakes is a difficult task.

I will dissolve the sauerkraut at the bottom,

I'll put the sauerkraut on a pole.

My sauerkraut will be full - full,

Full - full, with even edges!

Eleventh participant: To bake pancakes, you need to know many secrets. The dough is placed in snow water, in the yard, when the moon rises, and they also say:

Three girls:

Month you, month,

Look out the window

Blow on the dough.

Maslenitsa: Are you, friends, well prepared to meet me?

We were waiting for you, Maslenitsa, getting ready.

Maslenitsa - torticollis,

You were greeted well.

With pancakes, with loaves,

With dumplings and a baked egg.

Host: And as we have already said, the main dish was pancakes, about which there are a lot of different songs and proverbs.

Girl with a tray of pancakes: The pancake resembled the sun, which the farmer called to himself in every possible way. In the form of a pancake they revered the future bread, and as if they were saying to the sun: “This is how round, rosy, hot we should be now. We’ll set soon.”

Pancakes are baked every day for Maslenitsa.

Guy: Every day of Maslenitsa had its own name:

1 day - pancake;

Day 2 - pancakes;

Day 3 - pancakes;

Day 4 - pancakes;

Day 5 - blinks;

Day 6 - pancakes;

Day 7 - royal pancakes.

Another girl with a tray of pancakes: The pancakes were served with: sour cream, jam, butter, honey, fish caviar, soft-boiled eggs, milk, kvass, sbiten. There were pancakes different types. They did not eat meat, since Maslenitsa perched on the edge of the church fast and was called the “meat-free” week.

Twelfth participant: On Tuesday - “flirt”. The weekend festivities began. They covered their faces with funny masks. They changed their appearance, it was like a new life - cheerful, joyful. On this day, there were girls' swings, horse rides, snow towns were erected, snowballs were flying, sleds were overturned, and everyone was flying into the snow laughing.

First participant: The holiday was gaining momentum. From Wednesday "Gourmand" and Thursday - "Razgulyai" - "Thursday" - also called "Broad Thursday" - the "Broad Maslenitsa" began, to which guests from all volosts were invited. Traveling sleighs were decorated with carpets and pillows in bright pillowcases were laid out on them. Dressed guests travel to relatives from village to village.

Guy with godfather:

Whatever is in the oven is all on the table!

Guy one:

I will harness the black horse,

I'll put my dear godfather in prison

Happy Maslenitsa,

Reach out longer!

Second participant: The tables are covered with clean tablecloths and dishes with pies are placed. Everything is covered with embroidered towels. Friday was coming. On Friday we went to "mother-in-law's evenings", that is, "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." This event was spread throughout Rus'. In some places, "mother-in-law's pancakes" fell on Wednesday or Thursday, but most often they happened on Friday.

Three girls:

Son-in-law in the yard - pie on the table,

The mother-in-law is talking about her son-in-law and the chair.

Son-in-law is coming, where can I get sour cream?

Son-in-law in the house, icons out.

The third participant asks Son-in-law:

Tell me the whole truth

What's cuter in the world:

Either father-in-law, or mother-in-law,

Ali's wife is young,

Ali dear mother?

Dear mother-in-law - for greetings,

Young wife - for advice,

And my dear mother

Sweeter than anything in the world.

Fourth participant: There were humorous sayings:

"There is no devil in the house - accept your son-in-law."

Saturday and Sunday.

After the "Friday gatherings" came Saturday - "Zalovka's gatherings." And finally, the last day is Sunday. It was called differently: “Forgiveness day”, “Kiss day”. On this day, there was a good custom: along with the passing winter, let go of all the grievances that had accumulated over the year. Cleanse your soul, forgive everyone and receive forgiveness for yourself.

Eighth participant: Here enemies and foes apologize to each other. They hugged and said: “Let the sun not set on our anger.” And even in simple life, after Matins and Mass, people went with carts of rolls to the prison, to the pit, gave the needy alms and alms, listening to repentance and forgiveness.

Ninth participant: In every house, the morning began strictly, the children asked for forgiveness from their parents, the younger ones from the older ones.

Then they went to other houses, to relatives, and repeated this ritual. Even random people they met could ask for forgiveness and receive a response of heartfelt kindness.

On this day, the Russians seemed to be one big family. On this day we went to the cemetery, remembered our parents, leaving pancakes on the graves.

Tenth participant: And of course there was a farewell to Maslenitsa. In the morning, the children collected firewood for the fire to burn Maslenitsa: a spruce forest, a birch forest. On this day, in the morning the children have a job - to make a snow woman, put him in a sled, and slide down the icy mountain.

Three guys and three girls:

Happy Monday!

Isn’t it firewood?

Aspen firewood,

Birch firewood

Submit them here

On Maslenitsa,

To Gorilshchina.

Twelfth participant: A lot of people always gathered around the Maslenitsa bonfire, it was fun, a lot of songs were played.

Three girls:

The guest stayed for a while, said goodbye to the winter,

There were drops from the roof, rooks flew in,

Sparrows chirp, they call for spring.


Thanks friends!

You have prepared a good meeting and a good farewell for me.

I was walking with you, now I sat in the sleigh,

I sang and danced, I was painfully tired.

The fun is over - get to work,

Direct the plow to go to the arable land,

And say goodbye to me, treat yourself to pancakes.

Goodbye Maslenitsa,

Goodbye, my dear!


Goodbye, Dunyushka!

Presenter: This is the end of a cheerful and joyful holiday in the life of a farmer. Yes, our ancestors had something to remember, something remained in their soul - something that we may never experience. We have forgotten how to enjoy life, as our ancestors did. And God forbid that this be passed on to our descendants.

Three guys and three girls:

The sky feels like whitewash

The Milky Way is already shining.

The gatherings are noisy,

Don't forget the way home!

Social hour - to the cause of the century

Everyone is happy to go to midnight.

It will be nice if you have fun

Let's not waste all the charge.

We shared what we knew

We tried to captivate everyone

We do not say goodbye to you,

All: In a word: see you all again!


We welcome guests and all loved ones

We are aromatic with our tea.

From all adversities, from all diseases,

What could be more useful than it?

Our guest today, don’t be bored,

All: Drink our Omsk tea with all your heart!!!



Historical ball

"Spring Ball"

(for high school students)



Rempel M.A.



Scenario for "Spring Ball"


The ball opened. We flew in circles

Young couple after couple;

Clothes glittered with luxury

And their faces are of fresh beauty.

So here it is, the beginning of the ball, when there is a cut through time.

The column of couples began to tremble,

Polonaise thundered from the balcony!

The music of Polonaise sounds. Couples dance Polonaise.


Good evening, dear friends!


Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen! We had the high honor of being the hosts of the spring ball.


The era of magnificent balls and masquerades has long passed, but again and again in our dreams we return to those ancient times of crinoline and silk, seductive and romantic scents of perfume, the rustling of fans and the ringing of spurs and sabers.

A waltz sounds in the background.


A ball is a gathering of a large society of people of both sexes for dancing. Balls differ from ordinary dances or discotheques by increased solemnity, strict etiquette and a classic set of dances, following in a predetermined order.


The beginning of balls dates back to the festivities at the French and Burgundian courts. The first ball, about which there is information in history, was given in 1385 in the city of Amiens


The ladies and gentlemen who came to the ball were distinguished by their special grace and elegance of their outfits. It was necessary to appear at the ball in a new luxurious outfit.


A ball is a very special event in the life of a person of past centuries. For a young girl who has just begun to be taken out, this is a reason for excitement - there they will see her in a beautiful ballroom dress and there will be a lot of light and she will dance.


An indispensable feature of female beauty and charm was grace and the ability to control oneself. Many secular beauties conquered men's hearts with precisely this: charming dance steps, ease of movement, grace.


In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,

In the anxiety of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but it's a mystery

Your features are covered;

Only the eyes looked sad.

Like the sound of a distant pipe

Like a playing shaft of the sea.


Ladies and gentlemen, we announce the Pas de grace.

Couples dancing Pas de grace.


Various faces appeared at the ball. Various music accompanied him. Dancing, dancing, fun and laughter always went side by side.


People came to the ball not only to dance, but also to socialize, because few people could afford to miss the ball. Frequent guests at the balls were cadets, officers and hussars. And of course, they were accompanied by various marches!


Attention! The March Parade sounds!

Dance "March Parade"


While dancing, the gentlemen communicated with the ladies, told stories from the front, and shared their experiences. The ball is where many destinies intertwined. We know many examples of love, the only one for life, elevating and ennobling.


The ball was the perfect way to meet your love.

Ladies and gentlemen fell in love here. And in order to communicate with each other and get to know each other at the ball, there were many ways. One of them is the Dating Waltz.

So, maestro, music!

Dance "Dating Waltz"


Balls in Russia are closely associated with the times of great battles and campaigns of the 18th century. The beginning of the Napoleonic wars led to the creation of the Chasseur regiments, famous throughout the empire.


Each regiment shone with its march.The Jaeger March itself is foreign in origin, which did not prevent it from becoming the most popular Russian military march, which is also known as the “March of Glory”.


The Jaeger March is announced

Dance "Jager March"


A lot has been said about the waltz,He is sung in songs and poems.And no matter how many dances happen, There really is nothing better than a waltz!A waltz is still a waltz!


Shall we dance a waltz?Oh, my friend, come on!I know my power over you!...

Faster music, faster!I want to dance soon...

This whole ball is just for us, isn't it?Tell me: true or not?!Polkas, waltzes, marchesOh God, you are not an ascetic!

GET UP! ALIVE! STOP SLEEPING!You rested a little, didn't you?Now we will dance!!!

Dance "Spanish Waltz"


At the balls they not only danced, but with trembling souls they expected to participate in the games. Some games are very familiar to you.


We announce the game "Stream". During such a trickle, you can “be naughty”: on the path of the running couple, give up and not let the couple pass until they give you a compliment.

Game "Stream"


It all starts with love...
They say:

"In the beginning was the word..."

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!..

It all starts with love:
and insight,

and work,

flower eyes,

child's eyes -

everything starts with love.


It all starts with love
With love!

I know that for sure.

Everything, even hatred -
dear and eternal

sister of love.

It all starts with love:
dream and fear,

wine and gunpowder.

Tragedy, melancholy and feat -
everything starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:


And the whisper will make you sway.

And you will straighten up.

It all starts with love!

Monotonous and crazy

Like a young whirlwind of life,

A noisy whirlwind swirls around the waltz,

Couple flashes after couple.


We invite you to Waltz.

Dance « Waltz »


According to the rules of etiquette, every girl at the ball had to have a fan. This is not just an accessory to a dress, but a whole way of communication. With just one movement of the fan, a lady could refuse a gentleman to dance or, on the contrary, invite her to a conversation.


The fan language had many variations depending on the social circle and even the city. Fan dances were announced specifically to communicate in this way. Attention, music!

Dance with a fan.


And in the end we suggest you have some fun. Ahead of us is a fast, lively and catchy Czech national dance.


As many of you probably guessed, this is Polka.

Maestro, Polka, please!

Polka dance


This holiday will be remembered

Will remain for posterity

We had a nice time

In fun and dating


The orchestra has fallen silent, dawn is in the window

And the servants extinguish the candles

Guests are transported to their homes

Beautiful carriages


Everyone is happy, young and old

There will be talk

It's a bit of a pity, the upcoming ball

It won't be ready soon.

Ved.2: Thanks everyone! Our ball is over.


O. About spring (video)

1. Ensemble “Nice Guys” (unannounced)

The ensemble leaves, Alina remains on stage, at Alina’s words everyone comes out,

2. Spring

Alina: Spring is like that season,

What about inclement weather?

It brings us the mood...

So let the smiles sparkle

And the lights of happy eyes

Invites you to the spring ball

All dancers and Alina:

The friendliest, the best

Our favorite 8th grade

3. Dance (Yulkin Mix)

4. Spring

Alina There are many happy holidays

In the world and in our country:

There is a teacher's day, a miner's day,

There is even a holiday - Earth Day!

Why not arrange

Us new holiday- Flower day?

Flowers for both adults and children

I'm ready to give my love

Spring is a wonderful time of year. It gives you sun, smiles, murmuring streams, birdsong and good mood. Spring enchants us with its beauty. And first of all, flowers...

5. Gummiber+wow

Mini scene “Flowers” (Ksyusha K., Yulia N., Elvira P., Karina M., Nastya K., Alina M., Dima Sh.)

Dance of the flowers. Ksyusha and Yulia come out.

Ksyusha: Wow, why did you crawl out of the pots?

Julia laughs. Ksyusha looks at Flower 1.(Alina M.)

Alina M: (irritated) What? You need to go!

Ksyusha: Spring! How I love it when it’s spring! Oh, Yul, it’s your birthday in the spring, Yul, from the bottom of my heart, Yul, from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on your birthday! (pushes a flower towards her)

Have you not received pistils into the stamen for a long time? (Addresses the remaining flowers) Well, come on, ikebana is like dystrophy in a rocking chair

Flower 2: (Elvira P) mean?

Ksyusha: Let's have fun people!


6 Ksyusha

7. Mini scene\

8. Spring


Ah, spring-fruit, a young miracle!

Everyone will be kinder from spring caress.

Ah, magical spring,

If only you could make your dreams come true

You have become the best time of the year for me

9. Song “If”

10. spring

Alina: Spring... We always wait for its arrival. After all, it is at this time of year that love, like Cupid’s arrow, pierces the heart of each of us. And we all become a little dreamier, a little more romantic, kinder when we are in love.

11. Sounds of the forest

Sketch “It Was Spring” (Dryakhlov, Aldoshina, Prokopenko, Fateev)

Characters: Guy (P), girl (D), grandmother (B), kid (M)

There are two benches on the stage. A guy and a girl come out and sit down on one of them.

P: What spring!

D: Yeah!

P: Birds are chirping

D: Yeah!

P: The buds on the trees burst

D: Yeah!

P: The grass is turning green

D: Yeah!

P: For her I was Ivan Tsarevich,

D: Yeah!

P: And for me she is Vasilisa the Beautiful

D: Yeah!

P: everything was wonderful until a grandmother and her granddaughter sat down on a nearby bench!

Grandma and granddaughter come out and sit on a nearby bench

D: Look how cute the granny is, and what a cute baby!

The baby starts to cry

B: Well, what are you, my little one? Why are you crying? In! (I saw a couple) And look at the guy’s nose! Just like Pinocchio! Do you remember the fairy tale about Pinocchio?

Baby laughs, claps his hands

D: He has a beautiful nose

P: My nose is normal! Go change your diaper!

The baby is crying again

B: Wow, my good one, don’t cry! And look at the guy’s ears! And the guy has ears like an elephant!

D: His ears are normal

P: My ears are good, that’s what my mother tells me

The baby is crying again

B: Wow, my sweetie, what an evil guy! And look at the guy’s eyes! Such small eyes, like a pig's eyes

Baby laughs

P (not paying attention) And look at how the sun shines

D: Yeah!

Baby is crying

B: My little one, don’t cry! And look at the uncle’s hair, so sparse and weak, he’ll soon be as bald as my knee.

Baby laughs

P:(gets up, D sits down on the other side of the bench )My hair is normal, I just get my hair cut at the hairdresser

D: Ptichkin is his last name.

P: Yes, I’m Ptichkin

B: Ptitkin! What a terrible last name. Who would marry you with that last name?

P. That's it, grandma, stop it, I'm tired of it! I have a normal surname, ears and hair and eyes and nose! Everything is fine!

B: God, what a nervous guy, let’s go, my dear, come on!

P: Good riddance! God! What a spring - the birds are singing, the grass is turning green, the trees are blooming, and next to me is Vasilisa the Beautiful(sees that there is no D )…And Vasilisa the Beautiful is sitting next to me(desperately - gets up)

D appears from the left

D: Ptichkin

The Kid appears from the right

M: ah-ah

D: Ptichkin

M: A

P: a-a-a-a-a-a –runs off stage

12. Song (Katya Kot)

Alina: What do you think spring and fashion have in common?

Kate. Spring and fashion, ladies, are unpredictable* in every way. And then, in the spring you want to look more beautiful than ever. And not only for girls...

Alina: But unfortunately not everyone succeeds...

13. Grandmother and grandson

Sketch "Grandmother and grandson"

Grandmother: Yes, grandson! And where are you going?

Grandson: To the spring ball, bah!

Grandmother: and the girls will be there!

Grandson: Of course, it's spring!

Grandmother: Then put on a shirt

Grandson: nope, I'll go in a T-shirt

Grandmother: Of course in a T-shirt, but put a shirt on top

Grandson: Well, ba…….

Grandmother: Come on, don't bully me. Put it on quickly, I say! (puts his grandson on a shirt)

Grandson: Well, why is this some kind of shirt, I’m teaching club dancing here

Grandmother: the girls will say what a handsome boy came in a shirt

Grandson: What a bastard they will say

Grandmother: Now wait, wait, now I’ll give you another tie

Grandson: why ba? No need for ba!

Grandmother: Don't bother me! You tank a lot! Come here! (puts his grandson on a tie)

Grandson: I'll take it off anyway!

Grandmother: Oh how good! I'll film it for you! I'll film it for you!

Grandson: I said I'll take it off anyway! I'm filming everything! (grandmother tucks her grandson’s shirt into his sweatpants) Well, what is this, well, bah!

Grandmother: What about?

Grandson: What a freak! (tries to take off his sweatpants, grandma stops)

Grandmother: what are you doing?

Grandson: yes I'll go in jeans

Grandmother: What other jeans are you wearing to plant potatoes? Here are the trousers - you can put them on top!

Grandson: What other pants? I'll wear jeans!

Grandmother: Nice trousers, new, ironed! Your grandfather came wearing them from the front! They cannot be demolished. Here you go, put them on. (Puts trousers on his grandson) It’s freezing outside! By the time you get there, the bells will freeze! And close the window, otherwise the cockerel will fly away.

Grandson: well ba...

Grandmother: Oh how good! (pulls his underpants up above his pants)

Grandson: Well, how can I go looking like this! I'll be hot!

Grandmother: It will be hot - you will take off some!

Grandson: And where do I put them?

Grandmother: Put it in your hat!

Grandson: What other hat!

Grandmother: A good hat, a new one, a rabbit one! Before you, only a rabbit wore it!

Grandson: What else is this?

Grandmother: These are felt boots!

Grandson: what boots? It's spring! I'll wear sneakers!

Grandmother: Who wears sneakers under their pants?! Dress up she said!

Grandson: well, in felt boots - just a dude!

Grandmother: Felt boots go with everything. And here is the coat! Oh, what a beauty! He looks so much like his grandfather!

Grandson: Everyone will laugh like hell!

Grandmother: It’s okay, they greet you based on their clothes, but they see you off based on your intelligence!

Grandson: Apparently it won’t come to my mind!

Grandson: I'm not going anywhere at all!

Grandmother: That’s right, don’t go anywhere, don’t go, stay at home. You can breathe over the potatoes! Hold the yarn for me!

They are leaving...

14. spring


Spring is best time year, because everything around us comes to life and delights us with its splendor. Inspired by spring, poets compose poems, songs, romances and serenades.

Evgeny Baratynsky

Spring, spring! How clean the air is!

How clear is the sky!

Its azuria alive

He blinds my eyes.

Spring, spring! How high

On the wings of the breeze,

Caressing the sun's rays,

Clouds are flying!

The streams are noisy! The streams are shining!

Roaring, the river carries

On the triumphant ridge

The ice she raised!

The trees are still bare,

But in the grove there is a decaying leaf,

As before under my foot

And noisy and fragrant.

Soared under the sun

And in the bright heights

The invisible lark sings

A cheerful hymn to spring.

What's wrong with her? What's wrong with my soul?

With a stream she is a stream

And with a bird, a bird!

It's murmuring with him,

Flying in the sky with her!

15. Final song “How beautiful this world is”

Alina : Bright days, justified hopes, love, good health, great happiness, relief from worries!..

Kate: May spring always be in your soul!

Together: Have a nice spring mood!

16. spring

Municipal educational institution Shatunovskaya secondary school.( Naimushina Olga Davydovna, German language teacher.)

Q.1.Good evening! Today we have gathered here to congratulate our LOVELY ones










B, 2. YOU, dear teachers, girls, women, mothers, grandmothers,

IN 1. In general, you, girls!

Q, 2. Please accept our congratulations

On this spring Women's Day!

Let your mood be

Always blooming like a lilac!

B.1. May your life be wonderful

And the children are always happy!

Let your home be a full cup

Good luck, happiness and goodness!

Q.2. On this day, beautiful, affectionate words are spoken to all women. Our boys also did not stand aside. They have a word!

1. We are funny guys

congratulations, girls,

WITH women's holiday spring,

tenderness and beauty!

2. We sit in class

And we look at the girls:

Both beautiful and smart -

It's simply not better to find!

3. There is a magazine on the table,

well, it has A's,

because in our school

Smart girls!

4.You're lucky, girls.

You are already happy

Because we are with you -

Most beautiful.

5. The river runs clean,

clean. to the bottom,

Our girls smile

Bright as the sun!

6.Why are we all dancing here?

Why are we singing here?

Because all the girls

Happy Women's Day!

7. Dear girls, always be beautiful,

Gentle, amazing, kind, affectionate,

Mysterious, happy, healthy, loved!

Q.1.Today we have to reveal the talents of our girls, evaluate their attractiveness and charm, humor and resourcefulness, find out which of them is the Super Schoolgirl! Participants are invited to the stage! You must come up with a name, a team motto and choose a captain.

Time's up - please introduce yourself!

B.2. A modern girl should be able to do everything! Our first competition is called: "Lay

hair." To prepare the hairstyle and protect it - 5 minutes,

Q.1. So, our girls showed how quickly, skillfully and creatively they can do their hair, dress up and go on a date. Surely you are familiar with the lines from the song: “We were both: I was at the pharmacy, and I was looking for you at the cinema ....”Now our girls will invite gentlemen on a date, but in a special way. The date must be arranged in the form of a pantomime, talking is prohibited.

Task options: Wednesday, 10 pm, at the station.

Tuesday, at 6 am, at the bus stop.

Thursday, at 8 pm, at the monument to A.S. Pushkin.

Friday, 9 a.m., in the Teacher's Lounge.

Q.2 Everyone knows that girls are terrible talkers, especially on the phone. Our next competition is called “CHATTERS”. You need to talk on the phone for one minute without interruption. So. Let's start!

Q.1.You’ve had a great chat, now let’s talk about flowers. All the flowers of the world are at the feet of our participants today! There are many flowers, but do you know songs in which the names of flowers appear? In 3 minutes, remember these songs and sing them! Time has passed.

Songs: Yellow tulips, White roses, Lilies of the valley, Hidden daisies...

Q.2.The musicality of our participants exceeded all expectations. Legends can be made about them. Do you know legends about flowers? Guess which flower we are talking about!

Q.1.8 March is a spring holiday. Together with spring, love comes to us. How many poems and songs have been written about it! Do you know the names of the most famous couples in love? Each team will receive separate names for women and men. You need to connect them. For example: Orpheus and Eurydice. List of names: The Master and Margarita, Romeo and Juliet, Ruslan and Lyudmila, Anthony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Yesenin and A Duncan, Pushkin and N. Goncharova. Rastropovich and G. Vishnevskaya, Lensky and Olga, Pechorin and Princess Mary, Red and Scarlet, Shrek and Fiona, Bella and Edward.

Q.2. And now our girls will turn into beautiful Cinderellas. They need to determine, blindfolded, what kind of vegetable it is. (Beets, radishes, potatoes, turnips.) WELL DONE!

B.1. Spices are scattered in the kitchen, everything is mixed up. Cinderella needs to find starch to starch her collars for the ball. The second Cinderella needs to find citric acid. (They search blindfolded.)

B.2. Our next competition is called “Collect underwear and clothespins.” We invite 1 participant each. (There are 2 people in clothespins,

You need to collect clothespins for a while while blindfolded.)

B.1. And now - A game with the audience. 2 young men are invited. Competition “Ladies' man". For every step you need to give a compliment. (For example: Swallow, dawn, sunshine...)

We have excellent ladies' men. True connoisseurs of women!

B.2.And we continue our competition program. The next competition is called “GUESS THE MELODY.” Songs of different categories will be offered to your attention, and after listening, you will have to sing a few lines from this song.

1.Transport – Blue carriage.

2.Names - Antoshka.

3. Geography names – Chunga – changa.

4.Insects – Grasshopper

5. Secret - A secret to the whole world.

6. Light - Lanterns.

7.Geography – Clouds.

Q.1, Our next competition is called “UNDERSTAND ME!”. I am reading summary songs, and you name it.

1. A song about a city where trains don’t go and planes don’t fly (“The boy wants to go to Tambov.”).

2. A song about the disappearance of a puppy with red spots and a tassel-shaped tail. (“The dog is missing”).

3. A song about an animal that every mongrel knows. (“Cheburashka’s Song”).

4. A song about the daily activities of children for 11 years (“They teach at school”).

5. A song about a long journey of a little girl in a bright hat. (“If for a long, long time...”).

6. A song about a huge bouquet of bright red flowers given to the actress. (“A Million Scarlet Roses”).

7. A song about a holiday that happens once a year (“Birthday”).

8. Song about the wooden man. (“Pinocchio”).

9. Song about a lazy red-haired boy (“Antoshka”).

10. A song about a green insect who was friends with flies (“Grasshopper”).

11. Song about an evergreen tree. (“A Christmas tree was born in the forest”).

12. A song about a mythical creature whose girlfriends are leeches and frogs. (“I am a merman”),

B.2. On this musical note we end our competition. While the jury is summing up the results, the floor is given...

There are skinny girls, there are fat girls,

There are also short people, and there are also laughers.

Sometimes with short haircuts,

Sometimes with cheerful freckles,

There are girls who are whiny,

And the usual troublemakers,

But more often than not they are beautiful

And just very cute

Playing with the audience.

We invite our guests to take part in the “SPRING RHYMS” competition. I call a woman’s name, and you find an elegant rhyme for it. So let's begin.

Lyudmila remained faithful to her beloved.

Natalya - you are a bouquet of azaleas for me.

Angela didn’t want to get married.

Alena is a golden maple branch.

Ksenia - spring mood. You brought luck to everyone...

Irina is a wonderful picture.

B.1.And the postman carries it in his bag

A million smiles.

IN good mood he goes into houses.

Here you go! Congratulations to you!

Knock Knock! Three letters for you!

The mail is knocking here and there,

The post office woke up early.

And we have it for our ladies

Such telegrams:

  1. 1. Saint Petersburg.

I send greetings from St. Petersburg,

I wish you all long life.

I wish I were your young age,

I would create a mess.

Love, peace, success

I wish you this day. Piekha.

2.USA, Washington.

All boundaries between us have been erased,

My words fly like birds

Our States congratulate you,

Try to live richly.

Don't rush into impeachment

I wish you health and personal success...

I took a sip of a glass for you,

Congratulations. Clinton Bill.

3.Moscow, LDPR headquarters.

Yes, definitely, on this day

Even a tree stump is obliged to love.

I wish you all the best,

Although it won't be cheap.

Well, for starters, for example,

You all should join the LDPR.

Sorry if the humor is flat.

Congratulations! Zhirinovsky.

4.Moscow, Ministry of Finance.

The budget is in deep deficit

Don't look for money in the Ministry of Finance!

I wish I could send you a translation,

Yes, the Duma doesn’t give money!

Are you a teacher? And are you perky?

Congratulations! M. Zadornov.

Q.2.Well, we give the floor to our jury to sum up the results.

(The jury sums up the results and presents prizes and medals in the following categories:

Princess BOW-

Princess NOTKA-



And now congratulations from the ditty boys!

IN 1. A star falls from the midnight sky,

And the birds fly away to a distant land,

But it stays with you forever

The light of a woman, beautiful and high.

Open only to eternal Kindness,

And Truth, and Unique Love...

Truly immortal words:

Without this captivating light

Don't feel dizzy with happiness

There will be neither a hero nor a poet!

The dew sparkles, the clouds melt,

A new day usually comes,

And the Universe glows until

The light of a woman is splashed throughout the Universe!

Municipal educational institution

Dzhankoy city of the Republic of Crimea

"Secondary school No. 3"

Scenario for high school students' evening

“Know how to cherish love”

Librarian's introduction.

A poem sounds in the background of music "It all starts with love."

It all starts with love...

They say: “In the beginning was the word...”

And I declare again:

It all starts with love!

It all starts with love!

And inspiration, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -

It all starts with love!

With love! I know that for sure.

Everything, even hatred -

Dear and eternal

sister of love!

It all starts with love:

Dream and fear

Wine and gunpowder.

Tragedy, melancholy and feat -

It all starts with love...

Spring whispers to you:

"Live!" And you will sway from the whisper,

And straighten up, And you begin. It all starts with love!

1 Presenter. The 14th of February- Valentine's Day is the day of lovers. For more than two hundred years, Saint Valentine has been the patron of those who are in love.

We generally believe that only adults have the right to fall in love. And you can make fun of the children: “Tili-tili-dough, bride and groom!” It's just stupid and ugly. Because love can overtake a person even in kindergarten. And one can only envy such a person, because his life is immediately illuminated by this best feeling in the world.

We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their relative, mother, grandmother...

So, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated by everyone for a long time - both adults and children.

2 Presenter."The Legend of Saint Valentine"

There once lived in Rome a Christian healer,

And his name was Valentin

He was handsome, young, and dexterous, and brave,

And what wonderful songs he sang!

In them he glorified life, and love, and the Creator.

He healed people from serious illnesses.

He was captured and thrown into prison for his faith,

Cruel execution threatened him.

He didn’t know then in prison

That by true love he will be saved.

The overseer who guarded him

I knew about the prisoner’s gift of healing...

He had a beautiful daughter,

Blind since birth. How can I help?

The unfortunate daughter and father suffer:

Well, who will go down the aisle with a blind woman?

Once upon a time in the harsh midnight

The prison guard violated the order,

Took me to Valentin beloved daughter,

And the miracle happened on a February night;

A pure maiden appeared before the young man,

He looked at her, and his heart began to sing.

An unknown light penetrated his soul,

ABOUT! Glory to you intoxicating moment!

Like a ringing spring, his blood began to bubble,

Unexpected love came to them.

The touch of hands - and the girl regained her sight,

The dungeon was illuminated with the love of two.

There seemed to be no end to their happiness

But where there... The scaffold was already waiting for the young man.

The trumpeter called to the bloody feast,

And then the executioner approaches Valentin...

But chu... over the angry crowd raging

“I love you, my dear, my only one,

Forever, my love, I will be with you!”

“I love you,” the cranes shouted from the sky,

“I love you” - the streams rang in response to them,

“I love, I love,” echoed in the mountains,

Echoed in distant worlds...

Something trembled in the terrible face of the executioner,

“I can’t,” he shouted with a groan in his heart.

And the previously mad crowd fell silent,

"He's a saint, he's a saint." – whispered the words.

“He is a saint,” the flowers repeated silently,

And a world of unearthly beauty opened up to everyone.

By the power of bright love, Valentin was saved

The day of his salvation is called the Day of Love...

If you meet Love, take care of it,

There is nothing stronger and more beautiful than Love!

Watch a video about Saint Valentine.

(The presenters read against the background of music performed by the Paul Mauriat orchestra)

1 Presenter: The word “love” comes from the word “love”. Love - conceptmultifaceted. It involves a person's selfless attachment toTo the homeland, to father and mother, to children, our own and others. To profession, art, life. To a woman, a man. The love of two: his and hers. Love is the highest human feeling. The most poetic andsublime, pure and beautiful.

2 Presenter: Love triumphs over the world. She is ageless, timeless. Love and the Joy, Delight, Tenderness, and Rapture associated with it have a positive effect on a person and cause him a surge of energy, high performance, and general uplift.

(Video “Thoughts about Love”)

1 Presenter: Everyone wants to love. It is as natural as grass growing in spring. Love... they dream about it. They are waiting for her. This feeling is wonderful not only for its naturalness, but also for the spiritual enrichment that fills the hearts of lovers. And, of course, A. Blok was right when he wrote: “Only lovers have the right to the title of man.”


In a distant era native land,

When our ancient ancestors

We walked in the outfits of cave dwellers,

And the world was ablaze with such beauty,

What was unthinkable to combine

Wild barbarity with beauty,

Someone had to win.

And so, when spring raged

And the winged dawn soared into the sky,

She came quietly to the shore -

Stately, dark and shaggy.

And so the earth bubbled around

In twitter, in joyful weightlessness,

That the maiden leaned towards the water and suddenly

She was embarrassed by her own nakedness.

I took the bear skin off my shoulder,

I cut, suffered, tried on,

I dropped it here, picked it up there,

She put it on, looked and froze:

Well, it’s as if I immediately became different!

She fluffed her hair above her head.

I hung it around my neck like a toy,

Large rainbow shell

And she washed herself clean in the river water.

And here, hairy and powerful like a lion,

The guy stepped out of the green wilderness,

I saw my friend and, speechless,

He even closed his eyes, shocked.

She, looking at him timidly,

Didn't bark cheerfully in silence

And it didn’t even crack me on the back,

And, gently looking down, she blushed...

Something strange was happening...

He strained his stubborn brain,

I scratched the back of my head and didn’t know

That this femininity was in its infancy!

But in a dazzling illumination

He quickly climbed onto the mound,

I picked a tulip as golden as dawn

And laid it on her lap!

And, losing something habitually evil,

Didn’t rush to her without the warmth of hearts,

As his grandfather and father would have done,

And he gently stroked her with his hand.

Then, grumbling something affectionately,

For the first time not wild and not at all rude,

Touched her shoulder with his lips

And in amazement of open lips...

She was amazed and excited

She cried, laughed joyfully,

I clung to him and didn’t know, laughing,

What in the world is love born

Presenter: Much has been written about love, treatises have been written about it andpoems, prose writers write novels, artists write paintings, and poets write poetry.


Moonlight there's a knock on the window,

I felt kind of sad

I haven't been able to sleep for two hours now,

All just thoughts about you

I think about our meeting

I think about the two of us.

How I passed and didn’t notice

Tenderness in my eyes.

I wanted so much to be with you

Live you, breathe you

Fly into the darkness with the moon

And take you with me!

Fly under the blue sky

Holding your hand

And be light, like frost

Lying on the grass like snow...

Poem by R. Rozhdestvensky “Boy”.

1 student

He was the thunder of our area,

The boy from the neighboring yard

And at him with caution, but in love

The neighborhood kids were watching.

2 student

Accompanied by devoted sailors,

Tricky like a pirate admiral

He beat boys and pulled girls by their braids

And he took away the blank notebooks.

3 student

In a dense garden he laid an ambush,

Playing war there with the guys,

And one day he saw from the garden

One unknown girl.

4 student

The fence around the garden was quite shabby

Any boy went through the holes,

But he, like a cat, jumped straight from the branch,

And he blocked the girl’s way.

Now the scattered books will flash,

No wonder they fear him like fire,

And suddenly she said: “There are boys there,
please take me with you.

5 student

And he, speechless from amazement,

Having completely forgotten how scary he is,

He stepped forward and froze in front of her,

I was struck by her naive courage.

6 student

Sun spots fell on the ground,

The commander left with the girl next to him,

And it was not clear to the subordinates

And he was leaving his childhood.

1 Presenter: A person who loves and wants to earn reciprocal love lives a rich spiritual life. He becomes more demanding of himself, strives to free himself from his shortcomings, strives to be kind. Love sharpens a person's sense of responsibility for his actions and actions. loving person capable of the greatest self-sacrifice for the happiness of the one he loves .

2 Presenter: First love... It is the brightest, the greatest, the most unearthly... You wait with trepidation, anxiety and excitement for the arrival of your first love. What is love like?

She came unexpectedly, uninvited,

Destroying everything

And having built everything again,

Transforming drops into oceans

All-conquering first love.

Everything unclear has become certain,

The force nine storm became a breeze,

Any sea became knee-deep.

And any distance is nothing.


Of course, on the planet

No one has ever seen anything like this!

Freckles on the forehead are the best in the world!

Well, how did no one notice this?!

So cheerful, barely visible,

So perky, sunny, dear!

And even Raphael's Madonna -

It's clear! there are not enough of them.

Poem by E. Asadov “Satan”

She was 12, he was 13,

They should always be friends.

But people couldn't understand why

Such is their enmity.

He called her "bomb", in the spring

Bombarded with melted snow.

She responded with “Satan”,

"Skeleton" and "teeth".

When he broke the window with a ball,

She gave him away.

And he planted beetles on her braids,

When she squealed.

She was 15, he was 16,

But he didn't change at all

And everyone already knew for a long time why

He is not her neighbor, but her enemy

He still called her “bomb”.

Made me shiver with ridicule.

And he just didn’t throw snow,

And he didn’t make a wild face.

Sometimes she will come out of the entrance,

He habitually looks at the roof,

Where is the whistle, where the waves swirl the birds,

And he even frowns: “Uh, Satan,

How I hate you!

And if a holiday comes to the house,

She no-no and whispers at the table:

Oh, how nice it is that he

Not invited to visit us!!!

And mom, putting pies on the table,

He will tell his daughter:

Certainly! After all, we invite friends,

Why do we need your enemies?

She is 19.20 years old.

They are already students

Enemies have no need for peace

But the same cold on their floor.

Now he didn’t call her “bomb”,

I didn’t make faces like I did in childhood,

And he called him “Aunt Chemistry”

And “Aunt Kolboy” too.

She is full of her anger,

I didn’t change my habits.

1 Presenter. Love can be different: happy and unhappy, mutual or unrequited, love is joy or love is suffering. But whatever it is, love always elevates a person and makes him better. Often love makes people suffer, suffer, worry. And it is very important that a person in such a situation does not lose himself as a person and does not become a slave to feelings.

Love - it comes in different forms.

There is a reflection on the ice.

It can be a persistent pain,

There is an apple tree in bloom.

It happens like a whirlwind and a flight.

Sometimes there are chains and prison...

We give her peace and work,

And we sacrifice our own lives!

But there is still such love,

What will fit unnoticed

And, lifting, helping,

Will lead you through the years

And it will be until the last days

Your soul and conscience.


Some call her a weirdo

But they secretly envy her behind her back.

Others - “princess” and “proud”

And others are simply “blue stockings”

Birds also fly in pairs:

The soul strives for the living soul.

The guys are seeing off their friends from the cinema,

And this one runs home.

What kind of love is she waiting for? Which?

She wants to shout: - Love - falling stars,

Beautiful, beautiful! And big, big!

And if I don’t meet someone like this in my life,

Then I don’t need any at all.


I don't like laughing girls

What, too pleased with themselves,

On dance floors and stadiums

They hang around in a huge crowd.

Probably, having read too much,

I fell in love with my soul forever

Shy, thoughtful and strict,

Touchy and sad sometimes.

This one won't force mom to pet her

Bend your sore back over the iron,

So that in the evening in a special outfit

Show off with cheerful carelessness.

You can't lure someone like that with suitors,

She is always truthful and gentle

good and with gentle words

She is protected from vulgarity.

Such a windbag won't love

And when he finds his destiny,

All the knots, all the loops will be cut.

Through pain, and distance, and human judgment will pass

And unlike others, she’s not afraid,

That love can be hard too

And she understands why Tatyana

She did not leave her husband for Onegin.

1 Presenter. In love there is suffering and disappointment, misunderstanding and resentment.

2 Presenter. Love can be all-conquering, overcome all obstacles and trials. It was this kind of love that K. Simonov spoke about in the poem “Wait for Me,” which was one of the most popular during the Second World War; his poems were memorized, rewritten and sent to their wives and brides. The soldiers wanted to believe that they were loved and waited for.

1 Presenter. Every person must prepare himself for true, great love. Only such love can bring joy and happiness. You must be able to love, cherish love.

Student. S. Shchipachev“Know how to cherish love.”

Know how to cherish love,

Over the years, you will treasure it doubly:

Love is not sighs on a bench

And not dates under the moon.

Everything will be: slush and powder,

But we need to live life together.

Love is like a good song

And a song is not easy to put together.

There is no such thing as unhappy love.

AT 2 It may be bitter, difficult.

Unresponsive and reckless.

IN 1 Can be deadly.

AT 2 But love is never unhappy.

Even if she kills.

IN 1 Anyone who doesn't understand this

AND happy love not worth it.

(The song is performed by F. Kirkorov)

Teacher: Whatever love is, we must appreciate it as the greatest gift.

fate. Meetings await you, today's students, in the future, and

some and parting with loved ones, separation from them forever. AND

It is very important that in difficult life situations you always

remained good, decent people.

Part 2.

Presenter 1. We have so many people in love. Yes, perhaps everyone is in love: some with a classmate, some with a movie or pop star, some with their profession...

Presenter 2. So, Valentine’s Day has been celebrated by everyone for a long time - both adults and children. With family, with friends. Gifts are prepared for the holiday, for which there is only one requirement: they must be heart-shaped. Whether it's a sofa cushion or a craft box, etc.

Presenter 1. In addition, on this day it is customary to write postcards to each other (with images of hearts, of course). I'm already silent about the fun, dancing and birthday cake.

Presenter 2. Now we will play the game "My Soulmate".

Make hearts out of paper. Cut them into halves along arbitrary lines so that the cut lines are different for all hearts. Give away halves. On command, the players try to find “their” half. The one who does it the fastest wins.

Presenter 1. Now listen to Svetlana’s romance (music by T. Khrennikov) from the play “A Long Time Ago” and the romance “Shine, Shine, My Star.”

Music is playing.

Presenter 2. Now the game "Who stole my heart?"

One of the players sits on a chair with his back to the others. In his arms, pulled back, he holds a paper heart. Someone comes up quietly from behind and, taking the heart, returns to his place. The person sitting on the chair turns around and asks: “Who stole my heart? Is it you, Anya?..” He guesses three times. If he guesses correctly, he remains on the chair and continues the game. If he doesn't guess correctly, someone else takes his place.

Presenter 1. And now we invite everyone to a waltz.

It sounds like a waltz. Everyone is dancing.

Presenter 2. Now for all participants - a little warm-up. I say the last name, first name, and you have to say who they are. Valentin Kataev.

Children. Writer.

Presenter 2. Valentin Serov.

Children. Artist.

Presenter 2. Valentina Legkostupova.

Children. Pop singer.

Presenter 2. Valentina Tereshkova.

Children. Pilot-cosmonaut.

Presenter 2. Valentina Tolkunova.

Children. Singer...

The winner is awarded.

Presenter 2. Which of your relatives is named Valentina or Valentin?

Children's answers.

Presenter 1. Game "Arrow of Cupid".

Blindfolded players try to hit a heart painted on the wall with an arrow.

Presenter 2. Game "Broken Heart". "

Make pink and red hearts out of paper. Divide them into two parts. Questions are written on one half and answers on the other. Questions are given to the players. To restore a broken heart, participants in the game must answer the question correctly. For example: “What was the name of the queen about whom Ivanushka tells from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”?” (king-maiden), etc.

Presenter 2. In February, not only Valentina has an angel day, but also Anna, Maria, Victor, Evgeniy, Ivan, Alexander, Dmitry, Ksenia, Svetlana, Zoya... We invite those who have an angel day in February to the stage. You will have to either perform a dance or sing a song...

Children complete the task.

Presenter 1. On this day, it is customary to give cards - "Valentines" - with congratulations.

Presentation of postcards.

Presenter 2. And now we will proclaim Valentinov and Valentin.

Notes with the names of all females present are thrown into one hat, and male ones into the other. After this, they pull out notes in pairs from both hats and announce the names. And the named persons are proclaimed Valentine and Valentina for the whole year until the next holiday.

Presenter 1. To hold competitions we need two couples. The competitions are as follows.

Who can fold a large tablecloth faster?

Which pair will lift the most balloons?

Who will outsing who?

Who will pour water into the jar faster?

Winner's reward ceremony.

Presenter 2. Game "Happy "Valentine's" face."

Cut out a large paper heart, it will serve as the basis for creating a happy “Valentine” face, add small hearts to it for the eyes, ears, lips, nose. The winner is the one with the most beautiful face.

Presenter 1. And now we're all dancing.

The waltz of E. Doga from the film “My Affectionate and Gentle Beast” sounds.

Presenter 2. Dear friends! Thank you for your participation. Good luck, happiness, love!