Summary of a comprehensive lesson for children 3–4 years old

on the topic "Merry Men"

Conducted in the Snuzlin sensory room.


Educational:contribute to the development of children’s ideas about their own body and their gender;develop the ability to correlate an object with its verbal designation. form a vocabulary on the topic. Teach orientation in the diagram of your own body. teach to distinguish between the concepts of “girl and boy”, find out what gender the child himself belongs to

Correctional and developmental:develop children's research activities, form the grammatical structure of speech. develop verbal and auditory attention, continue to learn to perform actions according to verbal instructions,develop sensory experience.

Educational: cultivate goodwill,create a desire to help toy characters,; develop the emotional sphere, empathy, facial expressiveness,form an emotionally positive attitude towards the game.


Two dolls: a boy and a girl, pictures depicting children who are missing some parts of their body, pictures depicting a boy and a girl with different moods, a cut-out picture “Sun” for each child, moving music, for drawing: a sheet of paper, paints, brushes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

A psychologist and children enter the sensory room (at this moment a song about the sun sounds). The psychologist pays attention to the sunbeams.

Children, look, what is this? These are sunbeams! The sun woke up and smiled at the kids!

The psychologist speaks and shows actions, the children repeat after him.

Good morning, little eyes! You woke up?(Stroking the eyelids).
Good morning, ears! You woke up?
(Rubbing your earlobes with your fingers).
Good morning, pens! You woke up?
(Hand clapping).
Good morning, legs! You woke up?
(Stamp your feet).
Good morning, Sunshine! I woke up.
(Smile and stretch out your hands to the sun).

The psychologist praises the children. - Well done guys, Sunny really liked it and decided to play with you.

Music plays and children and a psychologist sing a song and perform actions.

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher.

(Children raise their arms up through their sides, rising onto their toes.)

By night the sun will set

Below, below, below.

(Children squat, lowering their arms down).

Okay, okay, the sun is laughing,

And under the Sun for us

Life is fun.

(Children walk in place, clapping their hands.)

2. Exercise “Show on the doll and on yourself”.

Psychologist. Meet the dolls Masha and Pasha. Here is the doll's head. Where is your head?(children show).The doll has hair (ears) on its head. What is this? Where is your hair?(children show).This face. Show me where your face is. Cover your face with your hands, open(children do).What does the doll have on its face? And you? Close (open) your eyes, wrinkle your nose, open your mouth wide, close your mouth. Now we will play as if we were washing ourselves. I will tell the poem, and you show what the poem says.

Water, water, wash my face,(children show)
To make your eyes sparkle,
To make your cheeks burn,
To make your mouth laugh,
So that the tooth bites.

Show where your cheeks are, puff them up, rub them. Smile so that your teeth are visible.

Psychologist (points to the doll’s arms, legs and belly). What is this doll? (Children answer). Where are your arms (legs, stomach) ? Raise your hands up, lower them. This right hand, this is the left hand.

3. Exercise “What is missing on the face?”

Psychologist (shows pictures).Look at these pictures. What's missing on your face?

The boy is missing eyes and ears.

The girl is missing a mouth and nose.

Let's help our pictures, glue the missing parts. (Children complete the task)

4. Phys. just a minute.

Psychologist (reads the text, shows movements according to the text, children repeat).

We nod our heads,
Let's shake our noses,
Then we close our eyes,
Now we open our eyes.
We puff out our cheeks greatly,
We open our mouths
And let's knock our teeth
And let's be silent for a while.

5. Exercise “Emotions”.

Psychologist. Doll Masha - happy or sad?(children's answers) Masha is drawn in these pictures(shows pictures with a girl)Which? Look, Masha is happy and smiling! Smile like Masha(children complete the task). Find sad Masha.(children do the task)What is her mood in this picture?(children answer). Make a sad face like Masha. Look, where is Masha surprised?(children answer). Be surprised how Masha is. Well done! Masha is very glad that you helped her.

6. Folding the picture “Sun” from three and four parts.

7. Drawing “Sun”.

Children draw a beautiful sun that smiles.

8. Summary of the lesson.

Game summary - activities for children 3 – 4 years old.

Compiled by the teacher I categories Elyukova A. E

"Meeting in the autumn forest"


- development of speech, imagination and the ability to imitate a given image;

- learning to distinguish colors, correlating objects by color;

- group cohesion, development of empathy;

- development of general and fine motor skills;

- development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, ability to quickly respond to instructions;

-development of coordination of speech with movement.

Progress of the lesson


The teacher shows the children a picture of an autumn forest. Children look at the picture, name the season, explain by what signs they determined that autumn is depicted. The teacher says:

- Let's imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest.

Children stand one after another and walk in a circle. The teacher tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.

On a smooth path,They move at a normal pace.

Our feet are walking

We walk along the path

And we hit our palmsClap your hands

Top - top legs, top Stomping feet

Clap clap. Handles clap They clap their hands

And now, over the pebbles,

pebble by pebble, They move with big steps.

Over the bumps, over the bumps,Perform forward jumps.

On small leaves,They move in small steps.

In the hole - bang! Squat down.

The teacher says:

- Well, here we are in the forest. And who is waiting for us here? Children call.

The teacher looks at the children toy hedgehog. The teacher says:

- The hedgehog is hungry. Let's feed him (on the table there are pictures depicting bones, honey, grass, carrots, fish, apples and mushrooms). Let's choose and put on his needles only what he loves the most (children put mushrooms and apples on the hedgehog's needles).

The teacher says:

- The hedgehog liked the treats, and he brought you gifts like these balls (hedgehog balls), let's play with them a little.

Exercises are carried out with hedgehog balls.

The teacher says:

- While you and I were playing, the hedgehog collected maple leaves in the forest. He asks you to correctly arrange the leaves in the baskets.

The teacher gives each child a set of maple leaves and sets out three baskets - red, yellow and green. Children place the leaves in baskets of the appropriate color.

The teacher says:

- Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten, and as a farewell we’ll sing the hedgehog a song.

A child is selected to portray the hedgehog. He sits down and wraps his arms around his knees (or lies down and curls up). The teacher and the rest of the children stand around him and sing a song.

We walked slowly through the forest,

Suddenly we saw a hedgehog.

- Hedgehog, hedgehog, we are friends,

Let us pet you.

Everyone bends down and affectionately touches the “hedgehog.” The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The results of the lesson are summed up. Children remember what games and exercises were played during the lesson and discuss what they liked most. Everyone says goodbye until the next meeting.

During arts and crafts classes, you can give children pieces of paper with a picture of a hedgehog and ask them to identify what the hedgehog is missing and complete the drawing or sculpt the hedgehog’s needles.

A child aged 3-4 years becomes very active. Many mothers are tormented by the question: “What to do with your child?” After all, the baby should spend time usefully. At this age, children need to be developed and instilled in them with communication skills.

Of course, children are all different in character and temperament. Someone aged 3-4 years can play alone all day, while others need variety in activities.

Note! When keeping a 3-4 year old child busy at home with something, be sure to be nearby. Children at this age should not be left unattended. Be nearby, organize your affairs so that there is a short distance between you and the child.

What features of this age group should be taken into account?

3-4 years is the period when the baby begins to become aware of himself. His system of coordination of movements becomes more perfect, he begins to move more smoothly.

Children show musical abilities and enjoy dancing and singing.

Kids can already play in a group, keep themselves busy with games, they show interest in construction, and their vocabulary is growing rapidly. The child begins to use words that he heard from adults, turns of speech become more complex, and he begins to express his opinion.

Children aged 3-4 years already play with peers

During this period, relationships with peers and adults are formed. He becomes a participant in joint games and begins to perceive the rules of behavior in games.

Children at this age have many questions, they gain life experience. The information that a child can absorb during this period is simply colossal in its volume.

And, of course, the task of parents and teachers is to select educational games that would help develop the child’s personality and skills, both in a child care institution and at home.

The age of 3-4 years is a great time to develop children's creative abilities. You can sculpt from plasticine or salt dough. Drawing classes are interesting for a child aged 3-4 years. Young artists draw with pencils and paint with equal pleasure; they like felt-tip pens and colored crayons.

Games to develop hand motor skills and imagination

Note! At this age, children cannot draw on their own, but they are able and enjoy coloring. There are special coloring books on sale; you can also print coloring books from the Internet.

Parents of artists need to be attentive, because at the age of 3-4 years, children love to draw not only on paper. They like walls and doors. An interesting option There may be drawing boards. This board is convenient to install at home - it takes up little space.

Great idea - mosaic - a game for creativity

At this age, children can be occupied with construction kits. For 3-4 years old, construction toys made from plastic parts are suitable. Children are especially interested in towers and houses, which they build with pleasure. At home, you can allow children to create houses from scrap materials - pillows, chairs, blankets.

When a child reaches 3-4 years of age, parents begin to think about additional developmental education.

Moms and dads choose a mug or section for their baby. Children are taken to swimming and gymnastics. If you start studying a foreign language, the result will be very good.

But you can also work with children outside the home. A 3-4 year old child benefits from being outdoors.

All children love sandbox games

Outdoor activities are varied. Children of this age are attracted to the sandbox, where they enjoy playing and building. Playground– this is a place where the child can play and relax in comfort.

Fine motor skills: 3-4 year old children enjoy laying out mosaic patterns and looking at pictures in books. They are interested in moving toys.

What types of activities can you do at home?

At home, the child can be occupied with the following:

Almost all of the proposed options are educational: kids are not only busy with exciting and useful activities.

If mom is preparing something from dough, then give the child a piece and let him contribute.

Is there some more interesting activity: Take large beans, pasta and some peas, move them around and have your child separate them into three containers. Play it as the help you need around the house. Be sure to praise.

In general, the kitchen attracts both girls and boys - use your imagination, and your little helper will be happy to complete tasks.

Children will be happy to help in the kitchen

What to do with your baby outside the home

Often, when away from home, 3-4 year old children suffer from not knowing what to do.

IN summer time Children 3-4 years old are attracted to the sandbox. Everything with sand is educational. By building different figures, breaking through grooves, the baby learns shapes and volumes through his hands. Exposure through the hands has a beneficial effect on speech activity. Playing on the sand is interesting and very comfortable:

  • You can “stick” many figures from wet sand using molds. For example, invite your child to create a sand park or prepare pies for a doll's lunch;
  • on a flat surface you can “draw” a picture from sand.

Place plastic pins or bottles in the clearing and let the child learn to “ddle” the ball between them.

Great idea for a summer house - homemade paths

On playgrounds there is a mini-ring; give the ball and ask them to throw it into the basket, and from different distances.

Give your child colored crayons and let him draw on the asphalt. Show how to draw cages - your child will have fun jumping on them.

What to do with your baby at the dacha

At the dacha in the summer it’s easy to keep your baby busy:

What to do with your baby in the park

In the autumn park, invite your child to put together a collection autumn leaves. Before your walk, prepare a bag or box where he will put his treasures.

Another option for an outdoor game is to offer the child a run, for example, to a green bench, to big stone, to rowan, etc.

How can you play with your baby in a winter park?

How to keep a 3-4 year old child occupied on the road

It happens that a family with a child of this age must go on a trip. It is difficult for restless children to sit still in transport. What can I do to distract him?

  • In the car you can play like this: who will be the first to see the car, for example, red or blue roof.
  • You can simply ask him to name the objects he sees.
  • Invite your child to observe the clouds - what they look like, how they change.
  • Prepare a box of small toys, let him take them apart and play. Ask them to tell you about each one.
  • Play a yes-no game. For example, does the kitten bark? The child answers: “no.”
  • Read poetry on the road, remember songs for children.

Games for travel can be purchased as a set

You can safely take felt-tip pens and albums on the train - let the child draw what he sees out the window or depict a train. Give your child a wet wipe and let him wipe the table and doors.

On the plane, you should let your child look around. It is better to choose seats for children near the aisle. This will give you room to stand if necessary. Show him the pillow, the straps, the porthole, the folding table.

You can keep your baby busy with magnetic puzzles - they are designed specifically for travel - they won't fall apart. Look at children's stores for travel games - these are cards and special tasks.

What parents of a 3-4 year old child should know

  • For a baby at this age, peace is the opportunity to move and be active.
  • Of course, classes and assignments need to be gradually made more difficult, but still we must also return to simple classes. For example, if a child is sick or not feeling well, then there is no need to come up with difficult tasks for him.
  • Please note that during this period of life a child imparts consciousness to inanimate objects.
  • The child’s understanding of the world is formed, so try to ensure that the fundamental concepts are formed correctly.
  • Don’t rush your baby - he will gradually understand and assimilate everything.

Games with cereals develop imagination

A child needs love, patience and attention from parents. Then he will complete any task with pleasure.

_________________________________________ “Kindergarten No. 58” ___________________________________________

Miass urban district

Getting to know the world around you

Lesson notes

for children 3-4 years old

"Parts of the Day"


Shapovalova T.V.



Lesson notes

for children of primary preschool age

"Parts of the Day"

^ Purpose: cultivate interest and desire to understand the world around us.


  1. Clarify the idea of ​​the parts of the day, connecting them with what children do in the morning, afternoon, evening, night;

  2. Develop visual perception and visual memory, thinking, speech;

  3. Learn to imitate actions;

  4. Enrich your vocabulary with words that characterize temporary concepts;

  5. Continue learning to distinguish colors.
Vocabulary work: purple, gray, alarm clock, breakfast, lunch, dinner, evening.

^ Preliminary work: reading nursery rhymes about the cockerel, about the sun, guessing riddles about the parts of the day, looking at an album and a poster on the topic: “Parts of the day.” Reading poems: L. Kvitko “Morning”, “Everyone is Sleeping” S. Kaputikan, “With Good morning"E. Blaginina, "It's Time to Sleep" P. Voronko, I. Tokmakova "Where the Fish Sleeps."

Carrying out didactic games: “When does this happen?”, “What for what?”, “What where?”.

^ Equipment and materials for the lesson: a real alarm clock, a toy cockerel, circles of 4 colors, one large flat template “alarm clock” and small ones according to the number of children.

^ Lesson progress:

The children sit on the carpet. Each child has a set of circles in 4 colors (black, grey, blue, purple)

Educator: Good morning, guys! Someone came to us today, do you hear? (knock)

^ The teacher hides behind the screen and shows the children the cockerel.

(Cockerel): Hello guys! Do you recognize me? I'm Petya Cockerel. Do you know where I came from? (children's answers).

(Cockerel): That's right, from the village. I love getting up with the sun and singing songs, waking everyone up.

The dawn rises over the river,
A rooster is crowing in the yard.
Kittens wash themselves

The guys are waking up.

(Cockerel): Do you guys know my song? (children imitate the crow of a rooster).

Educator:(Physical minute) Let's remember the nursery rhyme about the cockerel:

Cockerel, cockerel

Golden comb

Butter head

Silk beard!

Don't you let the kids sleep?
(Cockerel): In the old days there were proverbs that have survived to this day:

Working early in the morning brings joy to the soul.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

Whoever gets up early, God provides for him.

The day is praised in the evening.

(Cockerel): Who wakes you up in the morning?

(Children's answers)

(Cockerel): Do your parents wake up on their own or does someone help them too?

(Children's answers)

(Cockerel): My mechanical friend lives in the city, you know his name ? (children's answers).

^ The teacher shows the children an alarm clock and demonstrates its operation.

Educator: Why do you think the watch was given such a name? (Children's answers)

Educator: That's right guys - because they wake us up in the morning and show us the time.

Educator: Petya Cockerel, do you want to play with us and solve riddles? Guests can also help solve riddles:

  1. The sun is rising bright
The cockerel sings in the garden

Our children are waking up

IN kindergarten are going.

  1. Sun in the sky
Shines brightly

We're going for a walk

Let's sing songs happily!

  1. The sun is radiant
The village behind the houses

We came from a walk

It's time for dinner!


  1. Stars are shining in the sky
The trickles in the river say

The moon is looking through our window

He tells our children to sleep.

Educator: Great, they know all the parts of the day. And so we will continue.

(Cockerel): And I have one for you too fun game. I will name the parts of the day, and you will show what you are doing at this time, okay! And the guests will guess.

Morning it's coming, the sun is rising,

He wakes up all the kids and calls them to kindergarten. (Children show actions: “brushing teeth”, “washing”, “getting dressed”)

What do you do when you come to kindergarten? (children's answers)

What is the food in the morning called? (Breakfast)

Educator: What color do you think we can use to represent morning? (Children's answers)

It is still dark in the morning, so this part of the day can be designated gray.

^ Day It's already coming, we have a lot to do:

Take a walk, eat and it’s time for sleep.

Educator: It's already quite light outside. The sun has woken up and is shining brightly. The day is coming. Let's label it blue. Do you agree? After playing, you return from a walk, and the chefs have already prepared for us….

(Cockerel): What is the name of the food during the day? (Dinner)

Educator: After lunch - a quiet hour or, in other words, a daytime nap.

(Cockerel): And then instantly evening will do,

Mom will take us home from the garden.

Educator: You woke up, had an afternoon snack, played and your parents came to pick you up.

Educator: You go outside and go home or take a walk. And the sun sets behind the houses. Coming ... (evening). You could say it's getting dark. Sunsets come in a beautiful purple color, so let's call it that color. At home, your whole family sits down to eat.

(Cockerel): What do you call the food in the evening? (Dinner).

(Cockerel): Soon night when it comes, it's time for all of us to sleep,

And we will sleep soundly until the morning!

Educator: So the sun has gone to bed, and the stars are shining in the sky and the moon is shining. The day is over. Mom reads you a bedtime story and you go to bed.

Coming... (night). What color represents night? (Black)

What happens after the night (morning day)? (children raise a circle of the desired color)

(Cockerel): And no matter how you confuse the parts of the day, guys, I will give you an alarm clock, but not a simple one, but a magical one. The parts of the day are indicated by colors: black for night, gray for morning, blue for day and purple for evening. One large one for your group and small ones for your home.

Educator:(Physical minute) Now, for our magic alarm clock to work, let’s set it up. Leave the table and repeat after me.

Tick-tock, tick-tock

And then like this,

And then like this,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.
Educator: Place the alarm clock hand on the circle gray, now part of the day is morning. This concludes our work. You all did a great job: read a nursery rhyme about a cockerel, guessed riddles, named the parts of the day, labeled them with different colors, learned a lot of new words.

Educator: Guys, let's say “thank you” to the rooster and invite him to join us next time.

(Cockerel): Goodbye guys!

Children are then offered free play activities.

^ References

  1. Vakhrushev A.A., Kochemasova E.E., Akimova Yu.A., Belova I.K. Hello world! The world for preschoolers. Guidelines for educators, teachers and parents - M.: Balass, 2006. - 304 p.

  2. Kovaleva S.7000 golden proverbs and sayings - M.: AST: Astrel, 2006. - 479, (1) p.

  3. Kruglov Yu.G. Russian folk riddles, proverbs, sayings - M.: Education, 1990. - 335 p.

  4. Nekrylova A.F. All year round– Russian agricultural calendar – M.: Pravda, 1989. – 496 p.

  5. Skvortsova V.O. Intelligence + creativity: development of creative abilities of preschool children - Rostov n/D: Phoenix, 2009. - 219 p.

Game summary - activities for children 3 - 4 years old.

Compiled by category I teacher Elyukova A. E.

"Meeting in the autumn forest"


- development of speech, imagination and the ability to imitate a given image;

- learning to distinguish colors, correlating objects by color;

- group cohesion, development of empathy;

- development of general and fine motor skills;

- development of auditory attention, arbitrariness, ability to quickly respond to instructions;

-development of coordination of speech with movement.

Progress of the lesson


The teacher shows the children a picture of an autumn forest. Children look at the picture, name the season, explain by what signs they determined that autumn is depicted. The teacher says:

- Let's imagine that we are going for a walk in the autumn forest.

Children stand one after another and walk in a circle. The teacher tells a nursery rhyme and shows the movements. The children repeat after him.

On a smooth path,They move at a normal pace.

Our feet are walking

We walk along the path

And we hit our palmsClap your hands

Top - top legs, top Stomping feet

Clap clap. Handles clap They clap their hands

And now, over the pebbles,

pebble by pebble, They move with big steps.

Over the bumps, over the bumps,Perform forward jumps.

On small leaves,They move in small steps.

In the hole - bang! Squat down.

The teacher says:

- Well, here we are in the forest. And who is waiting for us here? Children call.

The teacher examines a toy hedgehog with the children. The teacher says:

— The hedgehog is hungry. Let's feed him (on the table there are pictures depicting bones, honey, grass, carrots, fish, apples and mushrooms). Let's choose and put on his needles only what he loves the most (children put mushrooms and apples on the hedgehog's needles).

The teacher says:

The hedgehog liked the treats, and he brought you gifts like these balls (hedgehog balls), let's play with them a little.

Exercises are carried out with hedgehog balls.

The teacher says:

While you and I were playing, the hedgehog collected maple leaves in the forest. He asks you to correctly arrange the leaves in the baskets.

The teacher gives each child a set of maple leaves and sets out three baskets - red, yellow and green. Children place the leaves in baskets of the appropriate color.

The teacher says:

Well, it’s time for us to return to kindergarten, and as a farewell we’ll sing a song to the hedgehog.

A child is selected to portray the hedgehog. He sits down and wraps his arms around his knees (or lies down and curls up). The teacher and the rest of the children stand around him and sing a song.

We walked slowly through the forest,

Suddenly we saw a hedgehog.

- Hedgehog, hedgehog, we are friends,

Let us pet you.

Everyone bends down and affectionately touches the “hedgehog.” The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The results of the lesson are summed up. Children remember what games and exercises were played during the lesson and discuss what they liked most. Everyone says goodbye until the next meeting.

During arts and crafts classes, you can give children pieces of paper with a picture of a hedgehog and ask them to identify what the hedgehog is missing and complete the drawing or sculpt the hedgehog’s needles.