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Mikhail entered the spacious, empty pub and looked around. Two faithful friends were waiting for him at the far table. Sergey and Ruslan. A pretty lady sat next to Ruslan and pressed herself against him. Mikhail immediately recognized Christina and sighed. He headed towards them, ordering a cold beer along the way, and sat down heavily in the empty seat. There was silence in the close company. Mikhail was either gloomy or cheerful. It was difficult to understand anything from him now. He was recently divorced and was looking for , however, his successes were small. - Old man, isn’t it funny? new girl married men Do they have regular lovers who are younger than themselves? Let me explain. By the age of forty, you are experienced and know everything that I described. Lying to you, a young girl, is like two fingers on the asphalt. “Darling, I love you. With my wife I have the same, obligations, but you... then some vanilla crap about feelings... but with you... then some nonsense about how he becomes with her... Yes, I’m ready for you, I’m not ready - unnecessary cross it out, it doesn’t matter here, you can tell the truth - get a divorce... if not, then the reason is definitely the children... but only with you... and then again it’s snot with sugar.” Yes, it's all a lie! – he suddenly screamed. – He stupidly wants to fuck a young girl, everything else is fairy tales. Because there is a well-equipped life at home, children, everything goes as it should. Only the wife grows hopelessly old and smoothly passes into the age of a sexually unattractive grandmother. And here is a girl - beautiful and approachable. She needs to pay a little, we all pay for women, to one degree or another, lie according to the template and have her in any position.“It turns out that there is no love,” Christina said. - No love? – Mikhail asked and looked at her with a grin. - Yes, there is love, there is. And there is love for a mistress, only different. With my wife - everyday life, comfort, children, habits, habits, passion". Yes, you are both wrong. He loves both. Just if he tells you directly how it really is, both of you will blow his mind, because... In the female and male understanding, love is different. “It’s true...” Ruslan said with some regret. - And the rest is a lie to yourself... Christina pushed him in the side.“Uh-huh,” Mikhail said gloomily. “It took me nine years to formulate this.” “Well, better late than no one,” Ruslan grinned.. This is mutual understanding, at least some respect, a share of friendship, more or less coinciding life guidelines... If all this is present, then harmony in relationships is possible. If there is harmony, then the questions “why do you love me?” or “why did you stop having sex with me every day?” or “who is that brunette friend of yours?” will not be. In general, the most disgusting thing is all these questions. As Gumilyov said: “Relationships perish when they begin to sort them out.” “With the list of things without which it is impossible to build a relationship, you are one hundred percent right,” Mikhail agreed, “but the topic is not about relationships and not about falling in love, but about love.” These are three different terms. , a husband who fulfills all their desires, romance, passion, bouquets of roses every day and so on, as if relationships were created in order to stupidly satisfy different needs. Such an attitude towards life that it should bring everything to you on a silver platter. Of course, this also applies to men, but in a slightly different way. And you won’t convince me with any arguments. Because love is a religious concept, and what you are talking about is human. That's the whole difference. – Listen, tell me: what do you want to achieve by discussing this topic? – asked Christina. – Do you think love comes on its own, and you just enjoy it? – asked Christina. – Love still needs to be nurtured and maintained later. Relationships without love are empty, unnecessary and meaningless. it doesn't matter how they love, right? – Mikhail clarified. – Can everyone love in their own way? Or is it important that nature be the same? “What I mean,” the girl explained, “is that it’s useless to explain all this to an ordinary woman who lives half in dreams, half in her desires, or to an ordinary man who needs nothing but food and sex to be happy.” They won't hear, they won't understand. Only one whose soul is alive can understand this. And the soul is alive for the one who loves - “We’ve arrived,” Mikhail sighed. - I love - and I have no soul. Just because I'm built differently. Am I now incapable of love? Counterarguments? the inner life of a person. If you think that you or people have no soul at all - please. Let it not be a soul, let's call it something else. In September, her current fiancé, who is not asking her to marry her, ends, and she will switch to someone else. Who will lie better, as I told you. Who won't tell her the whole truth to her face?

Christina thought for a moment.

“Well, the nature of men and women has never been and never will be the same,” she said. – Yes, men and women love differently. Each of them should understand this and not demand from their loved one that he be the way you want him to be. In general... there is also such a concept: selfish love. When you love for yourself. And not for anyone else. This is already a sign that nothing good will happen. Soul -


Lucy: People can`t live without love, can they?

Lulu: I think they can`t. Love makes our life rich and eventful. It also brings reason for being and beauty to our existence. Unfortunately, time can erase love.

Lucy: New discoveries in relationship can save love. People have to discover more about each other then they will not be worn out of their relationship. If they are able to enjoy each other, they deepen and enrich their present relationship.

Lulu: I think mutual trust, honesty, respect for the individual, readiness to understand and to help can work wonders. Without these temperamental attributes love will die some day.

Lulu: The way you present yourself is also important for love. You can comfort, excite, disappoint or frustrate your partner. You have always to think about what feeling your partner experiences in different situations. It is not enough to listen to your partner. It is necessary to accept him from top to bottom.

Lucy: You are right as rain! Love doesn`t belong to easy things.


Dialogue: About love

Lucy: People can't live without love, can they?

Lulu: I don't think they can. Love makes our life rich and eventful. It also brings meaning and beauty to our existence. Unfortunately, time can destroy love.

Lucy: New discoveries in relationships can save love. People should study each other more, then they will not get bored with their relationship. If they are able to enjoy each other, then they deepen and make their relationship richer.

Lulu: I believe that mutual trust, honesty, respect for individuals, a willingness to understand and help can work wonders. Without these character traits, love will one day die.

Lucy: You're right. These things are very important for love. Some people say that love is a fairy tale. What do you think about this?

Lulu: On the one hand, love is a fairy tale, but on the other hand it is ours real life. Some people enjoy living in a fantasy world, but today's real world often brings them back down to earth. And in our life and in love there are many different problems. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil. In life and in love, evil often wins. If people see love only as a fairy tale, they usually do nothing to maintain it. And love needs support. People who don't think (= don't care) about love in most cases lose it.

Lucy: You have a very interesting point of view. I will think about it.

Lulu: The way you present yourself is also important in love. You can be comfortable, but you can also irritate, disappoint or frustrate your partner. You should always think about how your partner is feeling different situations. It's not enough to just listen to your partner. It is necessary to accept it entirely.

Lucy: You're absolutely right! Love is not about simple things.

Phone call. 2am.

- Hello. I love you.

– Hello (smiles).

- How are you without me? Sorry it's so late...

- Never mind. Leshka, I miss you so much, when are you coming?

– The sun is just a little bit left, just a couple of hours and I’m home. Let's talk, otherwise I've been driving for 10 hours, I'm tired, I have no strength, but your voice invigorates me and gives me strength.

- Of course, let's talk. Come on, tell me how your business trip ended? He probably cheated on me (smiles)?

- Lyubanya, how can you joke like that, I love you so much that I don’t even look at anyone. And at work I managed to do a lot, a lot. I am sure that after all this, at least my salary will be raised. Here. And how do you feel? Is our baby pushing?

“He’s pushing... that’s not saying enough, I don’t understand what I did to him.” And, you know, usually when I hear your voice it’s all calmness, but now, on the contrary, something has gone wrong. Why did you decide to drive into the night? I should have rested and gone, otherwise... That’s how you left, tell me.

- Well, how, how: after the last negotiations, I got into the car, drove to the hotel to get my things and moved towards the house. Somewhere in the second half of the journey, about an hour and a half ago, don’t worry, I passed out, but just for a couple of seconds. Everything is fine, thank God, but feeling tired again, I decided to call you so as not to fall asleep again.

- So how can I not worry? Wait a second, the city guy is calling. At a time like this, who could it be? Wait a second.

- Sotnikova Lyubov?

- Yes. Who is this?

- Senior Sergeant Klimov. Sorry it's so late, we found a car that was involved in an accident. According to the documents, the person inside is Alexey Valerievich Sotnikov. Is this your husband?

- Yes. But this can’t be, I’m talking to him on my cell phone right now.

- Hello, Lesha. Lyosha, answer! Here they tell me that you crashed. Hello! The only response was a barely audible hiss from the speaker.

- Hello. Sorry, but I actually just talked to him.

- Sorry, but this is impossible. The medical expert stated that death occurred about an hour and a half ago. I'm really sorry. Sorry, we need you to come for identification. How much do you have to love and want to return home in order not to notice death...

Every April 15, she and her son come to see him at the cemetery. Alyoshka is an exact copy of his father. And he often says, “Hi, I love you,” which was his dad’s favorite expression. He knows that his parents loved each other very much, he knows that his parents were really looking forward to his appearance, he loves them very much. And also, every time he comes to the cemetery with his mother, he comes up to the stove, hugs her as much as he can and says: “Hello, dad” and begins to tell how he is doing, how he built a house out of cubes, how he drew a cat, how he scored his the first goal, how he loves and helps his mother. Lyuba constantly, looking at her son, smiles and tears run down her cheek... A young man smiles from a gray gravestone handsome guy, like before. He will always be 23 years old. Thanks to the master, who even conveyed the expression of his beloved eyes. Below she asked to make an inscription: “You are gone forever, but not from my heart...” His cell phone was never found at the scene of the accident and she expects that someday he will definitely call her again..