On this professional holiday, I wish you to always float with the flow of prosperity and success. Let neither the winds of change nor the underwater shoals let you down. May your sails always be filled with the breeze of joy and happiness. I wish your life to be quiet and smooth and never frighten you with storms and storms. Happy holiday to all workers of the sea and river fleet.

Happy Maritime and River Fleet Workers' Day. With all my heart I want to wish you happy rivers in life and the depths of the sea, success, gallant achievements and undoubted well-being in hard work, favorable fate and understanding of your loved ones, the flow of luck and waves of luck.

Happy Maritime and River Fleet Workers' Day. I wish you faithful, brave, kind, worthy and excellent service on the water element, I wish the element good luck, happiness and love in your life. Good health and tempered character, success in your work and good luck in your course. I wish that your work will be fun and with song, that every day will give you the opportunity to smile and joke.

Congratulations on the Day of Workers of the Sea and River Fleet and I want to wish life-vest of stripes great luck and incredible luck. Let your work go well with a cheerful song, let your life seethe with a stream of happiness and love.

So, with the passage of fleeting days, the professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers washed ashore. Let everything in your life follow the current, let happiness overflow family life it doesn’t work out, a love storm is raging in the heart, but there is complete calm in the soul. We wish you career growth, good health and prosperity.

You are a true sailor and have seen many storms in your life. On this holiday, I want to wish you that no storm will ever capsize the ship of your dreams. Bogatyrsky health and have a fun life to you, our sailor!

May the sun always shine on you and help you stay on course. We wish from any difficult situations find a way out, stay firmly on your feet in any wave and so that your character is as strong as a ship!

WITH professional holiday all workers of the sea and river fleet. You are amazing people. Brave and decisive, if you are not afraid to go out onto the rivers and seas, protecting yourself from them with the fragile shell of your steamships and boats. Therefore, we congratulate and admire you!

Matchmaker, my dear, I congratulate you! Happy birthday, dear, I wish you good health. May your days be bright, May everyone be showered with gifts, We wish you a sea of ​​happiness, And you will never know grief again! My dear kind matchmaker, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. May you be the happiest, dearest, charming.

Victory on all fronts - may you be lucky in everything, may you have money and may life bring pleasure and joy! Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, may your health be such that you don’t even think about it! Let your beloved always be near.

Copy Today is the 23rd holiday, I congratulate you with all my heart, You are the best father-in-law in this world, Like dad, kind and dear. I wish you a lot of happiness, Love, health, kindness, May your life be bright and long, May all your dreams come true! +3 Copy I wish my dear father-in-law on men’s day, good health and joy.

Make a pleasant surprise! funny wedding day congratulations pictures When entering a new place of work or educational institution (gymnasium, college, university), every person experiences the same emotions - excitement about how he will be received by an unfamiliar team and what he can achieve in a new field . Usually.

The long-awaited school time is coming for all students, including those who are going to first grade for the first time. September 1 is a wonderful date when the first bell rings at the formal school assembly and a newly minted student is just about to step into a new world - the world of knowledge, discoveries and great achievements.

Happy birthday greetings for your beloved girl Watch jokes! Weekend in January 2017, how we relax The inexorable winter has long come into its own, and now with its snow and frost it reminds us more and more persistently of the approaching New Year's holidays. Original gift to the man you love Almost every woman faces a problem on the eve of various holidays.

At the same time, by royal command, the temple received the status of cathedral. In its size and number of thrones, it even surpassed the earlier cathedrals of St. Petersburg, of which there were three at that time - Peter and Paul, St. Isaac's and Trinity-Petrovsky. The Fourth St. Petersburg Cathedral, recalling with its dedication the Great Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, emphasized the metropolitan status of the “young city” as a successor.

2299 Task: Masha sent SMS messages with New Year's greetings to my 16 friends. The cost of one SMS message is 1 ruble 30 kopecks. Before sending the messages, Masha had 30 rubles left in her account. How many rubles will Masha have left after sending all the messages? Solution: 1) 16 1.3 = 20.8 rub. 2) 30 - 20.8 =.

The inexorable winter has long come into its own, and now, with its snow and frost, it increasingly reminds us of the approaching New Year holidays. Almost every woman on the eve of various holidays is faced with the problem of choosing a gift for her beloved man. You need to make a wish and shake the ball. The ball will solve all your problems. Let's enter a question.

Happy professional holiday to all workers of the sea and river fleet. You are amazing people. Brave and decisive, if you are not afraid to go out onto the rivers and seas, protecting yourself from them with the fragile shell of your steamships and boats. Therefore, we congratulate and admire you! So, with the passage of fleeting days, the professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers washed ashore. Let everything in your life follow the flow, let happiness never leave the shores of family life, let a love storm rage in your heart, and let there be complete calm in your soul. We wish you career growth, good health and prosperity. You are a true sailor and have seen many storms in your life. On this holiday, I want to wish you that no storm will ever capsize the ship of your dreams. Good health and a happy life to you, our sailor! Today the sea is especially blue, the waves have calmed down, and the sun emphasizes the beauty of its bottomless expanses. Today, we are proud to congratulate the workers of the sea and river fleet. We are not only proud, we admire your perseverance and tenacity. The whole country congratulates you today. By becoming a worker in this field, a person forever links his destiny with the sea. And this is a huge responsibility. After all, not every one of us will be able to spend more than one or two months at sea. Or even more than half a year. Not seeing the smiles of your family is not so easy! So on this day, we wish you inspiration and endless luck. After all, your profession means a lot to all of us. They say that the sea does not allow everyone into its sea spaces. They say that not everyone can conquer the sea and stay in it for a long time. But you, workers of the sea and river fleet, were able to conquer the deepest seas with dignity and at the same time not lose a drop of courage. There is probably no more difficult profession than yours. There are probably no more courageous people than you! And that’s why you can’t look at you without admiration. So may everything always work out well for you both at home and at sea! Today we are pleased to congratulate all workers of the sea and river fleet on your professional holiday! On this significant day for you, I want to be as sincere as possible with you! It’s not easy to go to sea for five or six months and not see your family all this time! I wish you that there will always be a smile on the face of your family and yours. So that your heart does not hurt from separation. And let your soul sing with happiness and inspiration. Let the sea take all your sadness and store it at the very bottom! Happy holiday to you! The whole country congratulates workers of the sea and river fleet today! After all, there is probably no more dangerous profession than yours. When you leave for your next flight, every time you say goodbye to your family, it’s like it’s your last. After all, none of us knows what the sea has in store for us this time. I want to admire not only you, but also your family, who wait and pray for you and your return as a lady every day! We wish you to always be in a good mood. Be able to find a way out of any situation and never lose heart. So that your heart never hurts. The eyes shone with joy and happiness. Today we are all gathered here for one holiday, which is probably considered very important for the country and all of us! Today we congratulate sea and river fleet workers on their professional day! Happy holiday to them. We congratulate all those who are at sea and who are on land now. You are our pride! Today I would like to wish you new life discoveries and the implementation of all your plans! And of course, the implementation of the most secret plans. Let nothing stand in your way. You are brave because this work requires courage and patience! Happy holiday to you! Today we are glad to congratulate all workers of the sea and river fleet on your professional holiday. I would like to wish you bright new beginnings. New adventures in life, always with a happy ending and fun. After all, you deserve to just sit down and relax. We admire you because you are worthy of respect. Not everyone can spend as much time at sea. After all, you don’t know what to expect from the sea. So may your lives be filled with beauty and happiness. Harmony and comfort reign in your homes. We are proud of you. Happy holiday to you, our dear sailors! Was it just my imagination, or is it your holiday? It's hard to understand at first glance because you always have festive mood. I wish you to remain as cheerful, joyful and friendly! Congratulations! Dear (name), happy holiday (name). You are a real Sea Wolf. You can always be relied upon. You can always find a way out of the most difficult situations. Your sense of humor makes you the life of any company. I wish you inexhaustible energy, good health, good spirits. And may good luck accompany you everywhere.

The sea and river fleet is one of the most important sectors of the economy, and this is the great merit of many generations who have forever linked their destiny, the destiny of their family with the rivers and seas.

Sea and River Fleet Workers Day is a professional holiday for those who have dedicated their lives to hard maritime work, who plow the vast expanses of the sea, transport passengers and cargo along sea and river routes.

In Russia and Ukraine it is celebrated annually on the first Sunday of July.

Congratulations on the Day of the Sea and River Fleet, poetry and prose for the professional holiday for river workers and sailors of merchant and passenger ships and icebreakers, ship repairers, workers of numerous Russian ports.
Congratulations on the Day of the Sea and River Fleet in verse, With beautiful wishes all the best in the family and success in the service, will be excellent parting words in rhyming poems for the professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers. Congratulations on Sea and River Fleet Day in prose, With sincere wishes all the best in your service, will be a wonderful speech said in your own words on the professional holiday of workers of the Russian sea and river fleet.

Happy Sea and River Fleet Day!
On this holiday I want to wish,
To try until I sweat
Curb the disturbing wave!
And let you just live,
And let the ninth shaft roar,
And let it quietly fight in your chest
Heart, wise old captain!
I still want to wish you,
So that you glide through the waves like a god,
So that the service on board boils,
People were greeted with joy!
© http://every-holiday.ru/b2339/Pozdravleniya_s_dnem_morskogo_i_rechnogo_flota_v_stihah

On the Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers, we proudly remember the hard work and constant courage of the people associated with this profession. As I.S. wrote Turgenev: “We all have one anchor, from which, unless you want to, you will never break free: a sense of duty.” I wish that you will never be able to break these anchor chains!

Workers of the sea and river fleet,
Today all the poems are for you!
So that you are lucky with the weather when sailing,
They'll be waiting for you on the shore!
May the sun always shine for you,
So that you don't go astray,
And so that from difficult situations
Could you find a way out!
So that your ship is strong,
How are your souls and hearts!
And no matter how far they sail,
May you always come back!
© http://pozdrawlandiya.ru/load/kalendarnye_prazdniki/ijul/pozdravlenija_s_dnem_rabotnikov_morskogo_i_rechnogo_flota/157-1-0-2386

They say that the sea does not allow everyone into its sea spaces. They say not just anyone can conquer the sea and be in it for a long time. But you, workers of the sea and river fleet, have managed to conquer the deepest sea areas without losing a drop of courage. There is probably no more difficult profession than yours. There are probably no braver people than you! And thanks to this, you won’t be able to look at you without admiration. So let everything always work out perfectly for you both at home and at sea!
© http://datki.net/s-dnem-morskogo-i-rechnogo-flota/v-proze/

I congratulate you on Fleet Day,
Wishing you success in your career!
This is an excellent service -
Cross the wave at the limit!
Be a steadfast, brave sailor,
Reliable friend, brother,
So that the heart does not wear out,
To brighten up the day with a brand new start!
I wish you great happiness
Comfort, tranquility, comfort.
And let them not be hindered by adversity,
And let the cabin shine brightly!
© https://privetpeople.ru/index/pozdravlenija_i_tosty_s_dnem_morskoj_pekhoty_v_stikhakh/0-1084

I am glad today to congratulate all workers of the sea and river fleet on their professional holiday. I would like to wish you the brightest, newest beginnings, adventures in life, certainly with a good ending, and fun. After all, you deserve to just sit down and take a break. I admire you because you deserve respect. Not everyone can live spending so much time at sea. After all, you don’t know what to expect from the sea. So may your lives be filled with beauty and happiness. Harmony and comfort reign in your homes. Happy holiday to you, dear river workers and sailors of merchant and passenger ships and icebreakers, ship repairers!

And now I have work -
We sincerely congratulate everyone:
Well done to the navy,
Officers and foremen.
The river fleet too
There are brave heroes.
I want to wish you from the bottom of my heart:
Sea of ​​money, Sea of ​​happiness,
Sea of ​​beer, Sea of ​​vodka,
Let the boats run on the waves,
I'll cut the herring now,
Don't get your cap dirty.
© http://mobile.816-club.ru/prikolnie_ppozdravlenija-66.html

Almost three-quarters of the surface of our planet is covered with moisture. This means that humanity was destined to found a fleet... Happy Day of the Sea and River Fleet Workers! You serve him with all your soul, and as if in protest from Fate, sailing with you on board is especially favorable!

SMS congratulations on Sea and River Fleet Day

Happy Sea and River Fleet Day
How not to congratulate brave sailors?
I wish, friend, that you find love!
New impressions, better aspirations!

Happy Sea and River Fleet Day!
Let the wave caress the sensitive ear,
Even though the work is not easy,
But she has a full spirit of romance!
The main thing is a sea of ​​health,
An ocean of patience for you!
Let your dream inspire you,
Falling straight to your feet!

Happy Sea and River Fleet Day! I wish you good luck and good luck with all my heart! May the ship be as strong as your friendship and love. No matter where you go, you will come back again and again!

Happy Fleet Day! Sea, river - that's not the point.
After all, we are all children of the water element.
Health, good luck, attract love,
And may you go through life with a smile!

My dear and beloved,
A man I adore with all my heart!
Happy Fleet Day, I congratulate you!
I wish you a fair wind!
Courage, vigor and strength,
To conquer all the seas and rivers!

You are a real sailor and have seen many storms in your own life. I want to wish you that no storm will ever capsize the ship of your dreams. Good health and a joyful life to you, our sailor! Happy Sea and River Fleet Day!

Take advantage of the proposed audio congratulations service to organize a small, but truly pleasant surprise for people dear and close to you.

Congratulations on the Day of Maritime and River Fleet Workers by phone you can listen and send to the recipient on a mobile or smartphone as a music or voice greeting. You can order and send congratulations on the Day of the Sea and River Fleet to your phone either immediately or by pre-specifying the date and time of delivery of the audio postcard.

Just imagine how unusual such a variant of congratulations will be and how vivid emotions it can evoke in a person. In addition, choose a unique and cool congratulations in fact, it is truly easy, so the surprise will not be burdensome for you.

Taking out an old vest from the closet,
Pulling it on my voluminous belly,
Today we drink wide open with our souls
For those at sea
For the Russian Navy!

Congratulations Happy Sea and River Fleet Day workers in this difficult profession. Let us wish all of them that their work will always be in demand, that the sun will shine on them on their journey, and that the waves will play and splash after their ships!

You are a true sailor and have seen many storms in your life. On this holiday, I want to wish you that no storm will ever capsize the ship of your dreams. Good health and a happy life to you, our sailor!

Seas and rivers are your element.
Happy Fleet Day, our dear sailor!
Let on sea voyages on dashing days
Your native lighthouse always calls you.

Romance and everyday work -
Find harmony among this.
Let the storm clouds disperse,
Fortunately, you go with a fair wind.

To everyone who serves and works at sea,
Our congratulations and bow,
We wish to always be in major,
Happiness and good luck for all times!

Let it storm, but only very little,
The wind helps you sail quickly,
You caught a goldfish
And she helped you live!

Be healthy and live in peace,
Sincere, great joy to you,
Friendship will be your guide
And love always leads home!

Captains and sailors
Ranks of all and all varieties,
Congratulations on the Fleet Day
I'm ready to give it to you.

I'm not going to divide you
On "sea" and "river"
I wish everyone today
The blessings of earthly and unearthly!

We hasten to congratulate those
Who cannot live without the sea,
We wish the sailors
There was no grief in my life!

Sea fleet and river fleet -
Our pride and support,
Let's wish them well
They will set off on their flight soon.

Since childhood, I have been drawn to travel across the waters.
You have not deviated one iota from your dream.
Workers of the sea and river fleet,
Today the steamships are humming their congratulations.

When the winds of doubt blow the mast,
Let the beacon of love cast its light!
Command, putting down coordinates:
Set a course for happiness! And don't care about the pitching!

May the night star shine brightly for you
Illuminating your path,
And may trouble never happen
And the hard work will be easier.

May the river and the sea always be happy
The ship you're on
And they will greet you sincerely, where you set your foot.
Happy Day of Sea and River Fleet Workers!

You can handle both the waves and the wind,
Your appearance is powerful, and your mind is bright.
The whole country is counting on you,
This kind of work is always needed!

May all bodies of water submit to you,
And let’s not only dream of meetings with relatives;
On land, let them surround you with care,
Worker of the sea and river fleet!

So, with the passage of fleeting days, the professional holiday of sea and river fleet workers washed ashore. Let everything in your life follow the flow, let happiness never leave the shores of family life, let a love storm rage in your heart, and let there be complete calm in your soul. We wish you career growth, good health and prosperity.

Happy professional holiday to all workers of the sea and river fleet. You are amazing people. Brave and decisive, if you are not afraid to go out onto the rivers and seas, protecting yourself from them with the fragile shell of your steamships and boats. Therefore, we congratulate and admire you!