Hello, friends! This time I have fun theme, today I will provide you with a huge list of riddles for children 7 years old with answers, they will be very different - about vegetables, animals, fruits, numbers, birds, funny, logical, with a trick, about the seasons and the world.

No matter how old you and your child are, sometimes it is useful and fun to play riddles with him, especially if they are tricky or funny. Logical riddles develop thinking, and the child learns about nature Interesting Facts and comparisons.

It is best to start making riddles from the age of 4, choosing simple categories, short ones, preferably in 4 lines, so that it is easier for him to remember. At 5 and 6 years old, you need to begin to expand your mental logic a little and introduce riddles of a more complex nature. Today in my selection there will be riddles for every taste, I will start with the easiest ones, which are suitable for children 5-6 years old, you will find short ones, even in 2 lines, about food, numbers, animals and birds. All riddles for children with answers.

Easy riddles for children

I start my collection of riddles with the easiest ones. Perhaps your child can handle them too easily, then go down and you will find other categories there.

She walks in the rain

Loves to pluck grass

Quack screams, it's all a joke,

Well, of course it is (a duck).

There are a lot of windows in it.

We live in it. This is (house).

I'm friends with hair

I'll put them in order.

I'm grateful for my hairstyle

And the name is men (comb).

I look like needles

Of course my name is (hedgehog).

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit).

He stood in the forest, and no one took him,

In a fashionable red hat, good for nothing. (Amanita)

On a green cord

White bells. (Lily of the valley)

The bell just rang

The lesson began in the classroom.

The student and the parent know -

The teacher will conduct the lesson.

I'm lying in my school bag,

I’ll tell you how you study (diary).

Sings very thinly

Calling mother chicken.

Yellow child

Who is this? (chick).

Different colors in the box

With a brush, dancing

Very timidly on a piece of paper

Leave strokes (paints).

The monster's emerald eye began to glow.

This means you can cross the street now (traffic light).

Neither sea nor land.

And ships don't sail

And you can’t walk (swamp).

She doesn't sit still

On the tail carries the news (magpie).

Where is the water year after year?

Doesn't run or flow

Doesn't sing or gurgle,

And he always stands like a pillar (in the well).

She keeps buzzing, buzzing,

It circles and circles above the flower,

She sat down and took the juice from the flower,

(The bee) prepares honey for us.

In linen country

Along the river sheet

The ship is sailing,

Back and forth

And behind him there is such a smooth surface,

Not a wrinkle to be seen

As soon as it came out from behind the cloud, everything immediately lit up.

What is this? Who will answer? It sends rays into my face. (Sun)

Wonderful patterns float in the sky:

Dogs, horses, white and mischievous.

They are fun to look at in the sky during the day.

And at night they are almost invisible afterwards. (Clouds)

Like an artist, he draws in the windows,

It covers forests and fields with ice.

And the snow doesn’t melt because of him,

So we could go for a ride later. (Freezing)

This concludes my category of easy and simple problems for 7-year-old schoolchildren with answers. I suggest you go further and get acquainted with fun and funny riddles with answers for children 6-7 years old.

Funny riddles for seven year olds

Funny riddles It's not only fun, but also beneficial for the child's body. Friends, I have selected some fun and funny ones for you, although only a few of them.

I have a robot in my apartment.

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner

He willingly swallows dust,

Doesn't get sick, doesn't sneeze (vacuum cleaner).

What is it with Galochka?

A thread on a stick

Stick in hand

A thread in the river (fishing rod).

Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor (Aibolit).

Whoever doesn't get his hair wet in the pouring rain (bald).

What clock does it show? right time only twice a day (broken).

And in Voronezh and Tula,

Children sleep on (a bed, not a chair) at night.

Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who? (baby elephant).

On a stepladder

Bagels are hung up.

Click and click - five and five -

They hit a raspberry.

They wanted to peck her.

But they saw a freak -

And get out of the garden quickly!

And the freak is standing on a stick,

With a beard made from a washcloth (stuffed animal).

Grandmother Glasha has a granddaughter Sasha,

Snow the cat and Fluff the dog.

How many grandchildren does grandma Glasha have? (one Sasha)

A voice is heard through the field and forest.

He runs along the wires - You say it here, but you can hear it there (telephone).

Short riddles with answers

Short riddles, suitable for younger children, for example, for children 4 years old. They are very easy to remember, this prevents the child from getting confused.

The toothy animal gnaws at an oak tree (saw) with a squeal.

There are a lot of windows in it.

We live in it. This is (house).

There's a big fight in the river:

Two (cancers) quarreled.

Oranges and bananas, very loving (monkeys).

I lost my sock, the puppy stole it.

Who comes, who goes,

Everyone leads her by the handle (door).

To whom do all people take their hats off?

(In front of the hairdresser).

Who will color our album?

Well, of course (pencil).

Liquid, not water,

White, not snow (milk).

“I wish KAR-rona would suit me”

The crow croaks importantly.

Planted a seed -

We grew a sun (sunflower).

Without wings he flies across the sky,

The cloud bursts into tears and disappears.

Oranges and bananas are very popular (monkeys).

Blinks his eyes, squeaks the brakes (car).

Riddles for schoolchildren about numbers

At the age of 7, a child goes to first grade, which means he can write and count. That's why I made a category of riddles for 7-year-old children about numbers. Don't be scared, the riddles have answers, so you have no option to make mistakes.

Baby Lena on hand

Surprisingly, she

Every time it comes out (5).

The number looks like a hook

What's on the truck crane.

And she looks like a two

If upside down (5).

What a miracle! Come on, come on,

Take a better look -

It looks like a letter

But there is also a number (three).

And to my friend Tonya

I had a chance to sit on a pony,

And Tony and his ponies

There were immediately legs (six).

This figure is simply a miracle.

She has relatives everywhere.

It's even in the alphabet

She has a twin sister (3).

The braid curls in the wind,

And in the middle of the back there is a stripe (7).

There is a feeder outside the window.

Tanya grains

Sprinkles for the birds -

Sparrows, tits.

- Hey, fly out of the yard,

It's time for breakfast.

I put 70 grains,

She closed the window behind her.

Ten birds flew in -

Three crows, seven tits.

They arrived three times,

They pecked two grains each.

How many grains are in the feeder?

Does Tanya need more sleep?

(10 grains left).

The boa constrictor decided to take his day off

Spend time at home with family.

With joy, wife Klava

She hugged the boa constrictor tenderly.

Three sons clung to dad,

And with them is the boa constrictor’s daughter.

The family is woven into a big ball.

Like a leafless branch,

I am straight, dry, subtle.

You met me often

In the student's diary (unit).

Here's the number, look,

She also has a focus -

You turn it over

And you will get the number six (nine).

Riddles for 7 year old children about fruits

Well, how can you forget about fruits, children love them very much, which means they will also like delicious riddles. Meet friends, small selection riddles about fruits for children.

Round, rosy,

I'm growing on a branch.

Adults love me

And little children (apple).

Blue uniform, white lining,

In the middle – sweet (plum).

On a string - a stalk

Pile of sweet berries

On a large dish (grapes).

This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb (pear).

Orange's little brother

Because it’s small (tangerine).

This fruit is sweet

Both round and smooth.

It's fragrant inside

The outside is fluffy (peach).

Red beads hanging

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads very much

Children, birds and bears (raspberries).

Riddles about vegetables

The head is on a leg, there are peas (peas) in the head.

At least it grew in the garden,

Knows the notes G and F (beans).

Purple kaftan

Carrying a vegetable (eggplant).

There is a yellow ball in the garden,

But he doesn't run at a gallop,

He's like the full moon

The seeds (pumpkin) in it are delicious.

Round, not a month,

Yellow, not oil,

Sweet, not sugar

With a tail, not a mouse (turnip).

It comes from a field mouse,

He disappeared into the ground with his head,

From above there are only tight arrows,

They reach for the sun skillfully.

Cures seven ailments

Ripe onions are useful for everyone).

Casseroles, pancakes,

Pancakes and mashed potatoes,

Zrazy and dumplings,

Peeled livers,

And excellent okroshka

Can be made from (potatoes).

I'm long and green

I'm delicious salty

Delicious and raw.

Who am I (cucumber).

That’s it for my riddles about vegetables for 7 year olds with answers, I hope you liked them.

Riddles for children 7 years old about animals

At 7 years old, children can easily guess questions, especially about animals and birds; sometimes after the first line they are ready to give an answer. I tried to choose difficult puzzles so that the children could think carefully.

He roams the forest all the time,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He snaps his teeth from the bushes,

Who say this (wolf).

Here's a handsome man

So handsome!


Not a hare.

After all, he was born

Just right,

He's purebred

We have (rabbit).

Came from hot countries,

There she lived among the vines

And, hanging on them by the tail,

I was eating a banana (monkey).

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats (horse).

He lives calmly, is in no hurry,

Carry a shield just in case.

Under him, without knowing fear,

Walking (turtle).

Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Antlers spread wide (elk).

Jumps like a squirrel

Only on the ground.

She has a bag

For your children,

Strong paws.

Who is this guys? (Kangaroo)

Cunning, fluffy, loves to profit.

Both the bun and the bird believe this kind of cheat.

A red-haired beauty, a cheat shows off in the forest. (Fox)

This is a sea bird, flying over the expanse of waves.

In the evenings I can always meet her on the shore. (Gull)

Trick riddles for 7 - 8 years old

The funniest riddles for children, this one has a catch, because this playful deception misleads the child. The kids have fun, excitement and joy appear in their eyes. This is the best there is. This category is designed not only for 7 years old, but also for children 5-6 years old.

I catch mice in the house

entertaining the kids.

Tell me, children, out loud,

I'm called (a cat, not a rooster).

the bunny went out for a walk,

and the hare has exactly four paws (4, not 5).

Birthday is around the corner - we baked (a cake, not a sausage).

And in Voronezh and Tula,

Children sleep on (a bed, not a chair) at night.

The frost is crackling in the yard - You put a hat on (your head, not your nose).

Always wearing rompers

Sleeps in the garden with a pacifier (brother, not grandfather).

Dresses and pants for dolls

They always love to sew (girls, not boys).

Let's pick up an armful of flowers

And now we will weave (a wreath, not a hat).

He is a reliable guard

The door cannot be without (a lock, not a tap).

At Irinka and Oksanka's

There are three-wheelers (bicycles, not sleds).

Look at the bird

The bird has even legs (two, not three).

Digs holes underground

A small animal is blind,

Between the roots, where there is eternal darkness,

It lives in black (a mole, not a crayfish).

Who's about to fly off the flower?

Multi-colored (butterfly, not hippopotamus).

Friends, I was able to pick up these funny riddles for 7-year-old children. If this set is not enough for you, I suggest you follow the link I provided above, there you will find a huge selection for any age.

Riddles for 7 years old about winter

From the age of 3, a child should know the seasons. Of course, not everyone is able to remember this, but children’s logic and thinking need to be developed. I suggest doing this using riddles. These riddles about winter are for children 7 years old, but they can be made at 6 years old and 5 years old.

Like a white star

From silver ice

Spinning, flying

It melts on the palm of your hand. (Snowflake)

I wasn't raised.

They sculpted from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot. (Snowman).

Grandfather Frost pinches

All the kids for (nose).

The blanket is white,

Not made by hand

It was not woven or cut,

(Snow) fell from the sky to the ground.

How winter has come, all the puddles

Left it to the cold.

And everywhere, as one,

The puddles froze to the bottom.

A grove of birches in a field

The frost penetrated to the roots.

Who took pity on the birch trees -

Dressed in silver fur? (frost).

The hedgehog looks like her

You won’t find any leaves at all!

How slim the beauty is

And on New Year important (Christmas tree).

On New Year's Eve he came to the house

Such a ruddy fat man.

But every day he lost weight

And finally (the calendar) disappeared completely.

I took two oak blocks,

Two iron runners

I filled the bars with slats.

Give me snow! Ready (sleigh).

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter’s name (Snow Maiden).

These are such interesting and unusual riddles about the New Year, and now let’s move on to the autumn theme.

Riddles about autumn

Riddles about autumn include not only the autumn months, but also natural phenomena and objects that are used at this time of year.

I bring the harvest

I am sowing the fields again,

I send birds to the south,

I strip the trees

But I don't touch the pine trees

And Christmas trees. I (autumn).

They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,

And when they see it, they will run away (rain).

He reveals himself

He covers you (umbrella).

In September and October

There are so many of them in the yard!

The rain has passed and left them,

Medium, small, large (puddles).

The clouds are catching up,

Howls and blows.

Prowls the world

The wind sings and whistles.

The field, forest and meadow are wet,

City, house and everything around!

He is the leader of clouds and clouds,

You know it's (rain)

Riddles about birds for first graders

Birds are different, so my riddles are about migratory, wild and domestic birds. They are also for children 7-8 years old and with answers.

A worker lives in the forest -

Woodpecker (woodpecker).

He wanders importantly through the meadow,

Comes out of the water dry,

Wears red shoes

Gives soft featherbeds (goose).

I catch bugs all day

I eat worms

I don’t fly to a warm region,

I live here, under the roof.

Tick-tweet, don't be shy!

I am an experienced (sparrow).

This is an old friend of ours:

He lives on the roof of the house -

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He flies to hunt

For frogs to the swamp (stork).

The fisherman stood in the water all day,

I filled the bag with fish.

Having finished fishing, he took the catch,

He rose up and was like that (pelican).

Spreads its tail like a peacock,

He walks like an important gentleman,

Feet knock on the ground,

What's his name? (turkey).

Long neck and long legs.

He can, like a horse,

Run along the road (ostrich).
He builds a house on a rock.

Isn't it scary to live in it?

Although there is beauty all around,

But such a height!

No, the owner is not afraid

Roll down a steep cliff -

Two mighty wings

From the owner (eagle).

Dear mothers, this musical catchy gift is for you.

Friends, look at the list of riddles I have selected for your children; perhaps many of them are suitable not only for children 7 years old, but also for other age categories. I hope you have fun. Good luck and come visit often!

Yours Nina Kuzmenko.

Riddles are a universal means of developing children's intelligence, which appeared in human communities along with speech. They still remain a favorite pastime for children, as well as a way to understand the world and teach logic.

Written in verse or prose, riddles are useful for delighting guests on a child’s birthday (up to 10 people or more), and will help pass long hours while traveling by road, waiting in a medical or other institution. And during classes to prepare for school and during lessons in lower grades, teachers often use riddles on various topics for children so that they better understand the material.

The most common questions are about fruits and vegetables, household items, about school and the surrounding nature - it is in these areas that little people from 6 to 8 years old are best oriented. It would be reasonable to choose from 5 to 10 riddles for each topic.

Originality of the topic, non-standard and fascinating presentation - all this improves the learning process and gives positive emotions and makes it easier for the children to solve the proposed examples. Simple and complex, sometimes with a trick, the riddles in this case will not leave a single crumb indifferent.

First, children can be asked a few simple questions to warm up (here you will find tips with answers). Easy and understandable riddles, for which it is easy to find a solution, will give students or children invited to a birthday party self-confidence and allow them to move on to more complex verbal problems.

Everyone is familiar with riddles about family members and cozy home joys - about grandma and her fairy tales. Such questions always liberate children:

Who always knits mittens for the grandchildren for the winter,
The ancients will tell tales and legends,
Will she lovingly bake pancakes from apples? -
This is our favorite...

Before going to bed, the kids really look forward to it -
Everyone is running for picture books.
You can play and make friends with her yourself
only those who truly believe in miracles.

And here is a problem about a device that will count down the year that will pass before the next birthday comes (clock):

Sometimes they stand
Sometimes they go
Sometimes they lie
And sometimes they hang.
But sit down,
I'll whisper to you right away,
They never had a chance

What do some parents use to bring their children to kindergarten, school or to visit for a birthday? (Car)

The beast has four wheels
It is now standing under the windows in the yard.
Dust rushes from under the wheels -
Ours is flying along the highway...

What is always overhead at any time of the day and where does space begin? (Sky)

I'm talking about this “canvas”
Only one thing is known.
When it's day, it's magical -
Like silk, clear and blue.
But anyone can notice
When it’s night, it’s dark, with polka dots.

Riddles for children! check yourself

Tricky riddles

When children successfully solve all the easy questions, it’s time to give them more difficult riddles, for which they will need all their imagination and associative thinking. The provided examples with answers will help you with this. There should also be from 7 to 10 difficult puzzles.

Birthday animators can ask the children a problem about the legacy of corsairs (treasures):

What was hidden in the caves
and in the darkness of the earth?
we are in hiding places on maps
Not everything has been found yet!

Will surprise the kids the most different years(from 6 to 10) trick question about dreams:

What miracles!
For many centuries,
No one saw
Through glasses.

Primary schoolchildren will not be left indifferent by riddles about school and familiar educational accessories (chalk, bookcase, pointer):

Snow-white bunny-thumb
Jumps quickly along the school board,
Jumps after the child's palm,
Leaves a bright white mark.

Glass doors
Wooden walls,
Any books there are like home -
This is familiar to everyone.

Look, she's light
So long and thin.
She is in the hands of a student,
Ocean and river
Will notice on maps
And he will definitely indicate.

Riddles about the world around us and the gifts of nature

Natural phenomena are the first thing children become familiar with when they leave the house and go outside. Trick riddles about living and inanimate nature always delight and surprise children. A birthday, a trip on a train or bus, a lesson - in any situation, the weather and the landscape outside the window (trees along the road, vegetables in the garden, fruits in the garden) can become an excellent topic for conversation.

Start with a riddle about the sun:

Above us is very nice
And there is a good friend,
What shines and warms,
Shines all around.
At least a friend like that
useful for us to have
Dangerous in his eyes
Look straight ahead.

Children over 6 years old will be interested in this unusual puzzle with a trick about the wind:

Naughty - a light blue-eyed wanderer
I embraced the steppe, the fields and the whole village at once.
He is in no hurry to say goodbye to the trees -
Everything moves the poplar leaves.

Children love delicious riddles about the gifts of nature - vegetables and fruits. This is another reason to remind them how vegetables differ from fruits from trees (six-year-olds should know from 10 to 15 names from each group).

Offer them complex and interesting questions with answers about cabbage, cucumbers and turnips - vegetables familiar from everyday life and fairy tales:

Lyoshka sat down on one leg,
He wears one hundred and one clothes,
and each without a clasp.

Without windows, entrances, exits and doors
A room full of people.

The grandmother, the cat, the mouse, the granddaughter and grandfather were pulling,
And they pulled out...

Riddles about fruits and berries are great for children 6 years old. They can easily solve a puzzle about such healthy fruits as plums:

Outside is a dark blue coat,
With reverse side– bright yellow lining,
inside the miracle fruit is sweet, sweet.

Here are some great original riddles with a trick about red currants and gooseberries:

Under the leaves on the branches in a row
The red lanterns are on.

You can't pick these berries until you prick your fingers.
These emeralds are useful for girls and boys.

It is useful to combine solving riddles about fruits and vegetables with visiting gardens, orchards or fields outside the city, which will help combine wellness with learning.

Riddles about fauna representatives

Residents of forests, mountains and fields, as well as all the four-legged inhabitants of the village are long-time acquaintances of the children. Therefore, solving riddles about animals is an interesting pastime for children from 6 to 8 years old. It is worth choosing at least 10 of the most interesting puzzles.

Start with trick questions about the snail and the tiger:

With a mustache, but not a cat,
crawls along the path little by little,
lives under the grass and flowers,
carries his own castle.

All in stripes, like a cat,
but huge - a hundred times larger,
All honest people are afraid of him,
This beast is dangerous and powerful!

Children aged 6-7 years, gathered for a birthday or educational activity, will delight in puzzles with tricks about bat, platypus and crocodile:

This lady is like this -
Resting in the light of day,
Like an owl and an owl.
And besides,
note for yourself -
Always sleeps like an acrobat -
Upside down.

Like in the Australian river
This animal needs to frolic.
His unusual nose is like a duck’s beak,
But it doesn't quack, and it's not a bird.

A log floated down the Nile past the shore,
This is terrible, insidious and cunning!
To the one who accidentally fell into the Nile River,
Nose, paws or tail will be bitten off...

The proposed riddles with answers will help you make any holiday - the birthday of your son or daughter, a meeting of friends, as well as lessons for children who are 6-7 years old, in a pre-school group or in elementary school, unforgettable, creative and interesting.

Riddles for children, Guess? Riddles about Forest Animals

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Entertaining a child can and should be useful. One of the most famous methods, which does not lose its relevance, is ordinary riddles.

Riddles develop a child’s logic, memory, vocabulary, ingenuity, imagination, and intelligence.

Constantly use them in play with your child, and you will achieve good results:

  • Riddles will pacify the restless;
  • Improve your mood;
  • They will teach you to think outside the box;
  • Help you understand the world around you.

In our article you will find examples of riddles for children from 3 to 7 years old, riddles with a trick, about animals, etc.

  • Combine them with everyday activities (in nature - about flowers and animals, at home - about household items);
  • Select tasks according to age and level of knowledge, try not to give any hints to your child - let him find the answers himself;
  • If it is too easy for the child, choose more difficult riddles.

Riddle options:

  • The adult reads aloud, and the child guesses;

You can prepare pictures with answers in advance. Give them to your child and read several riddles in a row. He must guess which of them the answer picture belongs to.

  • If there are two or more children, host a quiz at home. Read the riddles one by one; whoever guesses the most gets a small prize (chocolate medal). The rest of the participants will receive a reward in the form of candy.

Riddles for the little ones - 3-4 years old

The little ones will enjoy short and simple puzzles. They should describe objects and phenomena that the child knows from fairy tales, seen in cartoons and books.


    He barks, bites, and doesn’t let him into the house.


    He was born with a beard, he never shaved.


    On a cold winter day
    Gray, angry and hungry.


    Hungry - she suffers, well-fed - she chews, she gives milk to the children.


    The tail is a hook, the nose is a snout.


    It hangs green on a tree, but falls red.


    I am cleaned, cut, ground, fried, boiled and baked.


    The red maiden sits in prison,
    And the braid is on the street.


    They grow in the spring,
    And in the fall they fall.


    They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,
    And when they see it, they will run away.


    Stuffed with down, lies under the ear.


    Above the forest, above the mountains, a carpet spreads out.
    It is spread over you and over me,
    Sometimes it’s gray, sometimes it’s blue, sometimes it’s bright blue.

For preschoolers 5-6 years old

These are more complex riddles. It’s good if they are in poetic form.

Rhyming tasks develop attentiveness and perseverance. Preschoolers aged 5-6 years already know much more, understand the world of animals, plants, natural phenomena, transport, household appliances and much more.


* * *
The tail is short,
Long ears
And in his closet -
Two different coats.
In summer he wears gray,
And in winter - warm white. (Hare)

* * *
Lives in the dark forest
A red fur coat goes to a fluffy tail,
She can't sit still,
And her name is... (Fox)

* * *
Here's a good idea -
Hang your bag on your tummy!
You can carry children in it,
And ride among the steppes. (Kangaroo)

* * *
Water masters
They build a house without an axe,
House of brushwood and mud
And a dam. (Beavers)

* * *
Near the oak tree with a strong snout
He was busily digging the ground. (Boar)

* * *
Lives in the rivers of Africa
Evil green ship! (Crocodile)

* * *
I jump through the puddles with importance.
I live there, where it is very humid.
Look what it's like -
All green, qua-qua! (Frog)

* * *
What a big cat!
I'd like to play with her a little.
But I had no time for games,
How did you know that it was... (Tiger)


* * *
Born under the warm rain,
He covered himself with a big umbrella,
I have only one leg -
But I don’t have a boot,
Although the head is missing,
I own the hat. ( Mushroom)

* * *
The sun grew in the grass,
Smiled, blossomed,
Then it became white and white,
And it flew away with the wind. ( Dandelion)

* * *
Among all the flowers of spring
They are the brightest
They emit a delicate scent
In the name - they protect their color. ( Violets)

* * *
The flower from under the snow woke up from sleep,
And he calls everyone - “Spring has come!” ( Snowdrop)

* * *
White bark, thin branches,
Guess what kind of tree this is, kids! ( Birch)


* * *
The cherries are ripening in the garden,
Strawberries - in the forest,
Bright sun, heat everywhere,
There are flowers all around, what time is it? ( Summer)

* * *
Wanders in the garden and forest,
Tears leaves from trees,
Sends birds to warmer lands,
Harvesting in the fields. ( Autumn)


* * *
It's been two hundred years,
Stands still
Counts the human age,
But - not a person. ( Watch)

* * *
It's always cold in there
And the house is full of food,
Day and night - growls,
It keeps the frost in my stomach. ( Fridge)

* * *
I've known him for a long time -
Glass, but not a window,
Will reflect what I show -
I'll smile at him and wink. ( Mirror)

For schoolchildren 7 years old

A 1st grade student already knows a lot about the world around him. Able to make associations. He will be interested in assignments about school supplies, technology, and professions.

Also ask more difficult riddles about nature - about birds or sea creatures.

Getting ready for school

* * *
Not a tree - but with leaves,
Not a shirt - but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller. ( Book)

* * *
Pen, ruler, pencil –
Everyone will fit in the hut” (pencil case);
“I put notebooks, pencil cases and books there,
When I go to school early in the morning. ( Briefcase)

* * *
The magic wand is like this -
It leaves its mark on paper. ( Pen)


* * *
The house is crawling along the street - everyone is being taken to work.
Not on chicken legs, but in rubber boots. ( Bus)

* * *
Humming like a bee
Flies like an arrow.
Has wings, but doesn't flap them,
But it still flies high in the sky. ( Airplane)

* * *
One eye and horns
I'll pedal the pedals below,
And I'll fly along the road. ( Bike)


* * *
He's just like us
Ordinary between people,
And in the theater he plays a role -
Either a peasant or a king.
Either a handsome man or an old man,
Then he put on a funny wig,
Easily plays a clown
Oscar worthy. ( Actor)

* * *
In the hospital, in the wards,
Walks in a white robe
He cures diseases, saves people,
Prescribes pills, medicines, injections. ( Doctor)

* * *
Prepares the first, second,
Bakes desserts, pies,
In a cafe or in a dining room -
The food of your dreams. ( Cook)


About sea creatures

* * *
There is a tail, but it doesn’t fly,
Has eyes - but doesn't blink,
There is a mouth - but it is silent,
Doesn't run on the ground.
With feathers, but not a bird,
He lives where there is water,
You can catch it with a fishing rod
And solve the riddle! ( Fish)

* * *
In order not to die in trouble, I keep the scissors in the water. ( Cancer)

* * *
Lives where there is water
Green, but not grass,
Not a fish or a cancer
Everyone sings “kwak” and “kwak”. ( Toad)

About birds

* * *
I serve faithfully, I knock on trees,
I take out insects from the bark,
I worry about the health of the forest. ( Woodpecker)

* * *
A bird sat down in the meadow,
And started her “peek-a-boo”. ( Cuckoo)

* * *
Black tailcoats, white shirts,
They sit in a row on the wires. ( Swallows)

Riddles with a trick

But you will have to strain your mental abilities to guess. Riddles with a trick perfectly develop logic, thinking and are fun.
  • What disease cannot be contracted on land? (Nautical)
  • What are all people doing on Earth at the same time? (Live)
  • The cat is three years old. What's next? (The fourth one will go)
  • What should you not eat for breakfast? (Dinner and supper)
  • What can a schoolchild cook but cannot eat? (Homework)
  • Which hand does one stir tea? (Not with your hand, but with a spoon)
  • Can a chicken call itself a bird? (No, chickens don't talk)
  • Which month has 28 days? (Everyone has)
  • What language is spoken silently? (In sign language)
  • Why do they often walk, but rarely drive? (On the stairs)
  • What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
  • Small, gray, looks like an elephant. Who? (Baby elephant)
  • Summer is getting closer to us every day, soon we will all be back... (Not on skis, but on rollerblades)

Trick riddles

They will surprise you with their answers, because trying to choose the right rhyme, the answer will be incorrect.

  • If you sleep in class, you’ll get it in your diary...( Two)
  • The frost is crackling outside the window, put a hat on...( head);
  • I was able to easily find a pair of gloves for...” ( Hand)
  • You can hear crying at hockey - ours missed... ( Puck)
  • Marinka and Oksanka have two-wheelers...( Bicycles)


* * *
Not flour, but white,
Not cotton wool, but soft,
Goes without roads
Where he walked, he lay down there. ( Snow)

* * *
In a shiny white fur coat,
From carrots - nose, from viburnum - lips. ( Snowman)

* * *
The miracle sleigh has arrived
Dressed the forest and field in white,
An important queen is riding in a sleigh,
White-haired, white-faced,
He waves his sleeve,
Covers everything with silver. ( Winter)

Six-year-old children have their own characteristics. At this age, they experience the first stage of growing up. It is not for nothing that children begin to actively prepare for school at the age of 6.

A six-year-old's horizons are already quite broad. It includes many objects and phenomena; the child has logical thinking skills and is able to solve quite complex problems. Therefore, riddles for 6-year-old children relate to various areas of human life and the objective world.

This collection offers riddles in verses related to food and some professions. Hidden inside the tests are related concepts that further expand the child’s horizons.

Grandma will get the jar
With buckwheat, rice or semolina.
Granny will boil it later
Cereals in a saucepan with milk.
Eat, eat in the morning, children,
The best food in the world!

* * *
He's in grandma's garden
Grew green in July.
It would be necessary for the New Year
We need to remove it from the marinade.

* * *
It comes in rye, Minsk,
Darnitsky and Borodinsky.
Look for it at the bakery.
It’s so delicious to eat borscht with it!
(Black bread)

* * *
We'll spread it on bread
And add it to various porridges.
We won’t spoil their porridge -
The saying is echoed by everyone.
If we add it to the cake,
Then we get a rich cream.

* * *
This delicious food
I can always find it in the forest.
Grandma and I will fry them,
And salt and boil.

* * *
On holiday I will come to everyone,
I'm big and sweet.
I have nuts, cream,
Cream, chocolates.

* * *
I took strength from the fruits,
Sweet berries, fruits.
I'm ready for the guys
The best of products.
Drink me more
Pour it, don't regret it!

* * *
The composition is ready, the buzzer sounds,
The train went east.
Sleepers and pillars flash,
Birches, spruces and oaks.
And my dad leads the train,
Not tired at all in a day.

* * *
He is in a snow-white robe
Treats all patients in the ward.
If suddenly something bad happens,
Then he will come rushing in an ambulance.
Dad knows medicine
All medicines and vaccines.
(Doctor, doctor)

* * *
We'll go up the ladder
And we’ll meet dad in the salon.
He's ready to enter the cockpit,
Raise the colossus into the sky.
It's already the tenth year
Dad drives a plane.
(Pilot, pilot)

* * *
The shavings curl over the machine,
Dad is familiar with technology.
It's made of wood and steel
Deftly carves out details
He'll even make toys
For me and for Vanyushka.

* * *
Their granny with sugar
I baked sweets.
The first one came out - like a lump,
And others are smooth.

* * *
Sweet berry granny
I cooked something.
And it will last us for a year
For tea and compotes.

* * *
Very fragrant,
Sweet and minty.
From above we are in glazed gloss,
As if in a joyful blush.

* * *
He lives in his foil
It quickly melts in your hand.
Very tasty, very sweet,
Smears the kids' faces.

* * *
We're rustling in the candy store
Bright candy wrappers.
And for the holiday we want
To come to you with gifts.
* * *
I'm in a glass, a cone,
Tasty and tender.
Made with milk
More often - snow-white.
I live in freezers
And in the sun I immediately melt.
(Ice cream)
* * *
We are in a package of one hundred zeros
We notice with poppy seeds.
Grandma, pour some tea,
We'll gnaw them down over tea.
(Dryers, bagels)

Riddles for children are an important part of educational games and activities; they are used in any method early development and develop intelligence, logical thinking and intelligence. In this section we have selected for you the best and interesting riddles for children with answers (total 2000! children's riddles). And to make it easier to navigate their diversity, we have grouped children's riddles into categories.

Riddles for children. What are their benefits?

Riddles for children are always:

  • training their memory;
  • the good science of concentration;
  • a great opportunity to pacify an active child and make him more diligent;
  • unobtrusive switching of attention;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • reason for fun;
  • active stimulation of imaginative thinking;
  • a fun way to get to know the world around you;
  • a great chance to chat with your child for an extra minute, give him your attention, and turn from an always busy parent into a true friend.

The most important thing is to choose the right riddle. If you overestimate a child’s capabilities and choose something that is too complex, it will quickly turn from an interesting pastime into a boring, uninteresting activity for him. As, however, too simple riddles that quickly deprive children of enthusiasm.

The secret of the amazing effect of riddles for children lies in several of its components.

  1. Firstly, in the form of a children's riddle, which so attracts children, turns learning into a fascinating game, an adventure that forces them to think logically, analyze, develop observation skills, and strive to understand the world. Curiosity is the engine of many discoveries.
  2. Secondly, in the content of the riddle, which most successfully reflects various aspects of a person’s life and activity, his life, environment, relationships, etc.
  3. Thirdly, the riddle is universal: children of all ages can make riddles, and this can be done anywhere (at home, in nature, on the road, at a party, at a party) and at any time. They are always appropriate, especially if selected in accordance with the chosen location and occupation.

When choosing children's riddles, first of all, give preference to those to which the child can not only guess the answer, but also pronounce it.

No more restrictions! Make a wish for any object, animal, fairy-tale character, profession, transport, holiday, number, letter...

It is naturally more interesting and easier for a child to find answers among what surrounds him and what he likes, so always try to ask children’s riddles that are relevant at that moment. In the forest, ask riddles about mushrooms, trees, at your grandmother’s in the village - about pets, on the road - about transport, at lunch - about vegetables, fruits, food. It is especially important that the answer be in the field of vision of the little ones, because their logical thinking is still being formed, and therefore needs hints - audio, visual.

Turn any of your child's learning (development) processes into an exciting puzzle game and see how interesting and fun it is to learn together.