Instructive, most interesting fairy tale stories for children with pictures play a huge role in the development of a child. It is necessary to start reading fairy tales to your child from the very beginning. early age. They should always interest the child, they should attract him, both with their content and appearance. Initially, the book should be beautifully and brightly designed, and then contain any information that can intrigue the young reader. Children's short stories, read online to a child at night, will help him develop his imagination and analyze all the good and bad that can be taken out of the book.

Russians folk tales for kids - these are interesting adventures in which you can feel like a hero of the events, fairy-tale character, make your fantasies and dreams come true. A fairy tale itself presupposes some kind of magical and very unrealistic situation, but it is in a fairy tale that a child can liberate himself and give free rein to his childhood emotions. Make sense and useful information further, parents will help.

Childhood is one of the most wonderful and magical periods in the life of every child, and of course in the life of his parents. There are a lot of components to this happiness and you can list them for hours and give each your own assessment, but we will now talk about moral education and the development of our children, about how certain tendencies and principles of life in a healthy society can be instilled in a child and his consciousness.

Reading fairy tales has a beneficial effect on the child’s psyche. It is Russian fairy tales that carry that positive note in teaching a child to read and listen. This is facilitated by the fact that only a genre such as a fairy tale can be reread many times, exaggerate or minimize certain events described in the book, add and invent something of your own during the retelling. This factor is very important for young listeners. Children learn to listen, fantasize, and retell what they hear.
In psychology, for example, such a field of activity as “fairy tale therapy” occupies a special place. Fairytale therapy at night can reveal the hidden talents of an individual; through stories you can solve any personal problems and help find solutions for them in real life.

New Year's fairy tales should also be present in the life of every family with children. By reading and instilling in your children a love of books, you develop in them a love of beauty, teach them to care for their neighbors, do good deeds, and be honest and decent. After all, it is in fairy tales that the main lessons of life are given, which in the future will help your children become a full-fledged personality!

Go to sleep. Adults can encourage babies to go to bed on their own. It’s good to lie down and listen to your mother tell interesting short bedtime stories. You can invent them yourself - there are so many objects around, and each of them can temporarily become a participant in a magical action. Ideas are just floating in the air. You can invent fantastic heroes or endow forest animals and pets with magical powers.


If you have an aquarium, let its inhabitants provide inspiration for new history. Short stories at night can be dedicated to fish.

Tell your child that when everyone falls asleep, the lights come on in the aquarium - these are the inhabitants of the underwater kingdom having a fun dance.

You can start the story with the fact that there lived in an aquarium a small catfish (or other fish that is available in a home aquarium). The catfish loved to sing, but the owners of the aquarium did not hear him. The fish diligently opened its mouth to extract beautiful sounds and was very upset that no one praised it for this.

The owners saw that their catfish was sad and thought it was because of loneliness. They bought him a girlfriend and dropped her off when the catfish was sleeping. After he woke up, he started singing as always and suddenly heard someone praising him. He was surprised and saw another fish. Catfish was glad that now they could hear him, he began to try even harder.

The second individual was female and over time, catfish created strong family, they had many children. And now, when people fall asleep, the fish begin to sing in their own language and dance merrily. From their joy, the aquarium is filled with light that flows in different directions.

Short bedtime stories can be dedicated not only to fish, but also to forest animals.

Hare with magic ears

When your baby goes to bed, surprise him. Ask if he knows that the magic hare's ears come off. The child will certainly be interested in the beginning of the story. Tell him if he wants to hear more, let him lie down in his crib. After this you can continue. Short stories told to children at bedtime will help them fall asleep faster and have good dreams.

So, there lived in the forest a bunny with magic ears. He woke up early, went for a walk and sang his funny song. That morning the animal, as always, fastened its ears and went for a walk. On the way, he met a hedgehog, they talked and the hare told him about his magic ears, which can hear what will happen the next day. The friends did not know that their conversation was heard by the evil wizard Mukhomor Mukhorovich. He was the lord of the three foxes and called them. The foxes have appeared. Mukhomor Mukhorovich revealed the secret to them, telling them about the wonderful ears of a hare. The wizard ordered the foxes to bring him ears.

They asked the forest dwellers where they could find the hare. But no one answered them, since everyone loved the kind animal, but not the predators. But the foxes managed to deceive the squirrel. They said it was the hare's birthday and they were bringing him a gift. The trusting little squirrel showed the foxes the way.

What happened next

They grabbed the hare and took him to the fly agaric. But he did not reward them, but turned the chanterelles into mushrooms. He grabbed the hare by the ears, but he broke free and ran away. And the ears remained with Mukhomor Mukhorovich.

Meanwhile, the little squirrel told the animals that it was the hare’s birthday. Everyone went to him with gifts, but found him crying bitterly. Kosoy told the animals what happened and how he lost his ears.

The animals found a wise old raven and asked him how to defeat Fly Agaric Mukhorovich. He replied that he needed to say 3 times: “Be healthy.” They said these words in unison, and the evil wizard immediately turned into a simple fly agaric mushroom. The animals brought the bunny his ears, and everyone began to sing and have fun.

Short bedtime stories like these will help your child fall asleep good mood, and the next evening, too, quickly go to bed to hear another interesting story.

How the sun and the moon argued

One day, towards evening, the moon and the sun met in the sky. The luminary of the day and says to the luminary of the night: “Still, people love me more. In winter they ask me to appear, then everyone’s mood improves. In spring they wait for me with impatience, they want me to melt the snow faster, bring warmth closer. In summer I give I give people a golden tan, I warm up the seas, rivers, and lakes in which people love to swim. I give warmth to plants, thanks to which vegetables, fruits, and berries ripen faster. In the fall, people love to bask in my farewell hot rays and ask me to appear more often. above the horizon."

The moon listened to the sun for a long time and replied that she had nothing to say to this, and it would be better for her to hide behind the clouds, since people did not need her. That's what the moon did. Meanwhile, the man was returning to his village. At first he walked joyfully along the road, but when the moon hid behind the clouds and it became dark, he lost his way.

Then he began to ask the moon to appear at least for a while. She looked out and the man found his way home. Then the moon realized that people also needed it, and therefore tried not to hide behind the clouds, but to illuminate the way for night travelers.

White bull and the like

If you want to tell your child very short bedtime stories, jokes will help you out. You can tell about your grandfather and woman who ate milk porridge. Then talk about how the old man got angry with his wife and slapped her on the stomach (lightly). And then the adults know what happened.

When telling about the white bull, you simply repeat the words after the child, first saying the phrase: “Do you want to listen to a fairy tale about the white bull”? You can diversify the story by calling it gray or even black.

Funny bedtime stories

Short funny stories will amuse both adults and children. If you need a fairy tale for an adult, tell us that there once lived a prince. One day he came to the princess and asked if she would marry him. She answered: “No.” That’s why the prince lived happily ever after - he did what he wanted, went wherever he wanted, no one forbade him to do anything, etc. Of course, after such a story all that’s left to do is laugh.

The kids themselves can compose something for the night. So, one boy came up with a story about a merchant who had everything. One day he bought a mirror box. When he opened it at home, everything was gone - both his house and his wealth. Amuse your child with similar short stories that teach not to want more than a person needs and to be happy with what he has.

Your eyes are closed, and sleep is already creeping across your face. I won't disturb you, my dear, sleep. You heard me enter, but didn’t open your eyes, only your lips moved in a slight smile... I love it when you smile... your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depths of which lives a pink tongue-arrow. Oh, this multi-functional arrow! She knows how to kill on the spot with well-aimed words, knows how to give imperious orders to subordinate men, knows how to gently coo under my chin, or can simply remain silent while doing her amazing work!
Go to sleep, my dear, I won’t disturb you. I will not lie down next to you, but will lower myself to the floor to be level with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. At these moments there are no physical contacts, only our souls speak. For me now you are a little girl whom I want to caress, stroke her curls and whisper something absurd to the sweet future sleep. You are an adult, beautiful, confident woman, but you, too, miss your childhood, tender words, I know this and I’m ready to tell you them. They have accumulated in me, crowding both in my chest and in my head, they want to be heard. Mom could tell you a lot magic words, but mom won't say what she can say loving man. Sleep, sleep soundly to my muttering, and it’s even better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you what my heart is full of.
It’s a pity that I’m not an oriental poet - Ferdowsi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi... they knew a lot beautiful words, with which they sang their beloved ones.

A living spring is your mouth and the sweetest of all joys,
my sobs are no match for the Nile and the Euphrates itself.

All sweets have lost their taste and are cheap in price:
The nectar of your sweetest lips is the most beautiful of all delights.

And even the sun has a hard time competing with you:
your mirrored brow is a hundred times brighter than his.

Sweet words gurgle like a fast mountain stream, flow like a smooth majestic river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround you with a viscous pink aroma... everything is for you, everything is for you...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you wearing under the covers now? Do you have a flannel nightie with lace collar at the neck, a funny cambric shirt, sometimes you wore flirty pajamas with ties at the throat and under the knees... I know all your night outfits, I know them with my eyes, teeth and touch, because I took them off you more than once... and now I don’t care I see not the blanket on you, not your clothes, but your skin underneath... Just recently you were humming something in the bath, basking in clouds of snow-white foam, just recently you were leaving the bathroom, and wet droplets of water glistened on your shoulders and chest over the towel, and here, right at the dimple on your throat... this dimple has always driven me crazy... and now my tongue habitually moves in my mouth... I love to kiss you on this dimple... no, no, today I am quiet and humble, I just I’m talking to you... in words, but silently... yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow, surrounded by hair golden from the light of the night lamp, still damp at the ends, although you tried to hide it under a cap, but it still got wet and became a dark bronze color... you smell sea ​​water, salty wind and something else painfully familiar, which makes you dizzy and takes your breath away... It smells like you... I inhale this smell, there is nothing more beautiful in the world... my roses, my beloved roses, forgive me, your aroma is magnificent, but there is no smell sweeter than the smell of a beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know what they look like in the twilight, the black dots of the pupils become huge, like a black universe, they attract me, and I drown in them...
I take your hand, bring it to my lips... I kiss every finger of yours, every nail, I run your palm over my cheek, do you feel how smooth it is? I shaved, you love it when my cheeks are smooth, you love to rub against them, touch them with your tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with their soft velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for the fact that you may suddenly wake up and want to press your cheek to mine... I am always ready! Do you remember how one day your cheeks were stubbled by my stubble and the next morning they were covered with many small red spots... To the puzzled looks of the employees, you casually answered that you had eaten too much strawberries... an allergy, they say, and no one asked where you can get strawberries in winter...
Therefore, I found pleasure in the once unpleasant activity for me - shaving... everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you baby, I want to caress and pamper you like a little girl, smooth your eyebrows with my finger, run it along the line of your nose, along the curve of your lips, along your chin, neck, down, down... stop...
You moved and smiled happily at the dream, sighing briefly...
Sleep, my beloved... sleep, it was I who entered your dream.

What does a baby need to sleep peacefully and soundly? Of course bedtime story! Short good fairy tales will calm the baby and give wonderful dreams.

Unusual story

Once upon a time there was a boy Kolya, an ordinary boy who went to kindergarten and loved buckwheat porridge. But one day something completely happened to this ordinary boy. extraordinary story. That day the weather was wonderful, and Kolya decided to go for a walk.
He took his favorite red car with him and went out into the yard. Then he saw Dimka, a neighbor's boy. Dimka was a naughty man and a bully, and Kolya did not want to communicate with him at all. He had already turned around to leave unnoticed, when he suddenly heard Dima’s call:

Hey Kolka, look what I have!

He ran up to the boy and began to twirl a large magnifying glass in front of his nose. Kolya had never seen such a huge magnifying glass, and he really wanted to look into it.

Dima, can I look at it?

Oh no! “Only if you let me play with your car all day,” he replied.

The boy felt sorry for his car, because he knew how carelessly his neighbor handled his toys. But, nevertheless, he agreed, he really wanted to get a magnifying glass. When the exchange took place, Kolya began to look at everything: the bark on the tree, his fingers, his skinned knee. Then he bent down to look at some bug or ant in the grass. Suddenly, the boy almost jumped out of surprise. Kolya saw a small gnome, the size of his little finger. Yes, a real gnome! He jumped up, waved his red cap and tried to attract Kolya’s attention. He was wearing a green suit and shoes with shiny buckles. Kolya came to his senses and leaned lower to better see and hear the gnome.

“Hello Kolya,” the dwarf squeaked.

“Hello, how do you know my name,” Kolya asked.

I know everything about children, and I’m here for a reason, I need your help.

How can I help you, little gnome?

“I live in the kingdom of Good Deeds,” he answered, “and when a child does a good deed, the weather in our kingdom is good and everyone is having fun, but when he does nothing or does evil, it becomes gloomy, it rains and all the dwarves cry.” For some reason, children have been doing good deeds less and less lately. I came to your world to find a child who will help us.

Of course,” said the boy, he felt sorry for the gnomes, “I will do what you ask.”

“You must do three good deeds,” said the dwarf.

Kolya took the gnome in his hand and helped him get into his pocket. First he ran home to his mother.

Mom, how can I help you?

Mom was very surprised and delighted at Kolya’s proposal. She asked her son to take out the trash. Kolya took the bucket and ran to fulfill the request. Near the trash can he saw a small hungry kitten. He meowed pitifully. Kolya brought out the milk and fed the baby. Then the boy remembered that he had recently torn a book, and his conscience had been tormenting him for a week. He took the book and glued it together.

Thank you, Kolya, you helped my people a lot,” said the dwarf, waved goodbye to Kolya and disappeared into the air, bursting like a soap bubble.

The next morning Kolya woke up, stretched and ran to his mother’s room.

Good morning“Mommy, how can I help you today?” he asked and kissed mom on the cheek.

Let short good bedtime stories will become a good tradition and will bring you and your baby closer.

Short stories- a total of 12 small short bedtime stories for children.

Once upon a time there were two girls in the world.
One girl's name was Masha, and the other was Zoyka. Masha loved to do everything herself. She eats the soup herself. She drinks milk from a cup herself. She puts the toys in the drawer herself.
Oika herself doesn’t want to do anything and just says:
- Oh, I don’t want to! Oh, I can't! Oh, I won't!
Everything is “oh” and “oh”! So they began to call her not Zoyka, but Oika.

Masha and Oika built a house from blocks. The Mouse came running and said:
- What a beautiful house! Can I live in it?
“Get out of here, Little Mouse!” said Oika in a rude voice. Masha was upset:
- Why did you drive the Mouse away? The mouse is good.
- And you too leave, Masha! - said Oika. Masha was offended and left. The sun looked through the window.
- Shame on you, Oika! - said the Sun. - Is it possible to say to a friend: “Go away!”? Oika ran to the window and shouted to the Sun:
- And you too leave!
The Sun said nothing and left the sky somewhere. It became dark. Very, very dark. Oika became scared.
- Mom, where are you? - Oika screamed.
Oika went to look for her mother. I went out onto the porch - it was dark on the porch. I went out into the yard - it was dark in the yard. Oika ran along the path. She ran and ran and ended up in a dark forest. Oika got lost in the dark forest.
“Where am I going?” Oika got scared. - Where is my house? This way I’ll go straight to the Gray Wolf! Oh, I will never say “go away” to anyone again.
The Sun heard her words and came out into the sky. It became light and warm.
And then Masha comes along. Oika was happy:
- Come to me, Masha. Let's build new house for the Mouse. Let him live there.

A TALE ABOUT A pacifier
Masha went to bed and asked:
- Mom, give me a pacifier! I won't sleep without a pacifier. Then the night bird Owl flew into the room.
- Wow! Wow! So big, but you suck the pacifier. There are little hares and squirrels in the forest smaller than you. They need a pacifier.
The Owl grabbed the Car's pacifier and carried it far, far away - across the field, across the road into the dense forest.
“I won’t sleep without a pacifier,” said Masha, got dressed and ran after Owl.
Masha ran to the Hare and asked:
- Didn’t the Owl fly here with my pacifier?
“It arrived,” answers the Hare. - We just don’t need your pacifier. Our bunnies sleep without nipples.

Masha ran to the Bear:
- Bear, did the Owl fly here?
“It arrived,” answers the Bear. - But my cubs don’t need pacifiers. This is how they sleep.

Masha walked through the forest for a long time and saw: all the animals in the forest were sleeping without nipples. And chicks in nests, and ants in an anthill. Masha approached the river. Fish sleep in the water, baby frogs sleep near the shore - everyone sleeps without nipples.

Then the night bird Owl flew up to Masha.
- Here's your pacifier. Masha, says Owl. - Nobody needs her.
- And I don’t need it! - said Masha. Masha threw the pacifier and ran home to sleep.

Masha and Oika made Easter cakes from sand. Masha makes Easter cakes herself. And Oika keeps asking:
- Oh, dad, help! Oh, dad, make me some cake!
Oike's dad helped. Oika began to tease Masha:
- And my Easter cakes are better! I have some big and good ones. And look how bad and small yours are.
The next day dad left for work. A Forest Bird flew in from the forest. She has a stalk in her beak. And there are two berries on the stem. The berries glow like red lanterns. “Whoever makes the cake better, I’ll give these berries to him!” said the Forest Bird.
Masha quickly made a cake out of sand. And no matter how hard Oika tried, nothing worked out for her.
The Forest Bird gave the berries to Masha.
Oika was upset and cried.
And Masha tells her:
- Don't cry, Oika! I'll share it with you. You see, there are two berries here. One is for you, and the other is for me.

Oika went into the forest, and Little Bear met her.
- Hello, Oika! - said the Bear. And Oika stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. Little Bear felt offended. He cried and went behind a large bush. I met Oika Zaychonka.
- Hello, Oika! - said the Bunny. And Oika again stuck out her tongue and began to tease him. The Bunny felt offended. He cried and went behind a large bush.
Here Little Bear and Little Bunny are sitting under a large bush and both are crying. They wipe away tears with leaves, like handkerchiefs.
A Bee in a shaggy fur coat arrived.
- What happened? Who offended you? - asked the Bee.
- We said “hello” to Oika, and she stuck her tongue out at us. We are very upset. So we cry.
- It can’t be! It can't be! - Bee buzzed. - Show me this girl!
- There she is sitting under the birch tree. The Bee flew to Oika and buzzed:
- How are you doing, Oika? And Oika showed her tongue too. The Bee got angry and stung Oika right on the tongue. It hurts Oika. The tongue is swollen. Oika wants to close his mouth but cannot.
So Oika walked around until the evening with her tongue hanging out. In the evening, dad and mom came home from work. They anointed Oika’s tongue with bitter medicine. The tongue became small again, and Oika closed her mouth.
Since then, Oika has never shown her tongue to anyone.

Oika went into the forest. And in the forest there are mosquitoes: whoosh! Whoosh!.. Oika pulled out a small oak tree from the ground, sits on a stump, brushes away mosquitoes. The mosquitoes flew away to their swamp.
“I don’t need you anymore,” Oika said and threw the oak tree on the ground.
The little squirrel came running. I saw the torn oak tree and cried:
- Why did you do this, Oika? If an oak tree grew, I would make myself a house in it...
Little Bear came running and also cried:
- And I would lie on my back under him and rest... The birds in the forest began to cry:
- We would build nests on its branches... Masha came and also cried:
- I planted this oak tree myself... Oika was surprised:
- Oh, why are you all crying? After all, this is a very small oak tree. There are only two leaves on it. Here the old oak tree creaked angrily:
- I was so small too. If an oak tree grew, it would become tall and powerful, like me.

Once upon a time there lived a Gray Wolf in the forest. He was very offended by hares.
The hares sat under the bush all day and cried. One day Father Hare said:
- Let's go to the girl Masha. Maybe she can help us.
The hares came to Masha and said:
- Masha! We are very offended by the Gray Wolf. What should we do?
Masha felt very sorry for the hares. She thought and thought and came up with an idea.
“I have a toy inflatable bunny,” said Masha. - Let's fool this toy hare. The Gray Wolf will see him and be afraid.
Father Hare was the first to blow. It blew and blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a lamb.
Then the mother hare began to blow. Dula-dula, and the rubber hare became as big as a cow.
Then Oika began to blow. She blew and blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a bus.
Then Masha began to blow. She blew and blew, and the rubber hare became as big as a house.
In the evening the Gray Wolf came to the clearing.
He looks and sees a hare sitting behind a bush. Big, very big, fat, very fat.
Oh, how scared the Gray Wolf was!
He tucked his gray tail and ran away from this forest forever.

Oika doesn’t like to walk on her own. Every now and then he asks:
- Oh, dad, carry me! Oh, my legs are tired! So Masha, Oika, Little Bear and Little Wolf went into the forest to pick berries. We picked berries. It's time to go home.
“I won’t go myself,” says Oika. - My legs are tired. Let the Little Bear carry me.
Oika sat down on Little Bear. Little Bear is walking, staggering. It’s hard for him to carry Oika. Little Bear is tired.
“I can’t do it anymore,” he says.
“Then let the Wolf Cub carry me,” says Oika.
Oika sat down on the Wolf Cub. The Wolf Cub is walking, staggering. It’s hard for him to carry Oika. The little wolf is tired.
“I can’t take it anymore,” he says. Then the Hedgehog ran out of the bushes:
- Sit on me. Oika, I’ll take you all the way home.
Oika sat down on Ezhonka and screamed:
- Oh! Oh! I'd better get there myself! Little Bear and Little Wolf laughed. And Masha says:
- How will you go? After all, your legs are tired.
“We’re not tired at all,” says Oika. - I just said that.

There lived one ill-mannered little mouse in the forest.
In the morning he didn’t say “good morning” to anyone. And in the evening I didn’t say “good night” to anyone.
All the animals in the forest were angry with him. They don't want to be friends with him. They don't want to play with him. They don't offer berries.
The Mouse felt sad.
Early in the morning the Mouse came running to Masha and said:
- Masha, Masha! How can I make peace with all the animals in the forest?
Masha said to the Mouse:
- In the morning you need to say “good morning” to everyone. And in the evening you need to say “good night” to everyone. And then everyone will be friends with you.
The Mouse ran to the hares. He said “good morning” to all the hares. And dad, and mom, and grandma, and grandpa, and little Bunny.
The hares smiled and gave the Mouse a carrot.
The Mouse ran to the squirrels. Said “good morning” to all the squirrels. And dad, and mom, and grandmother, and grandfather, and even little Squirrel.
The squirrels laughed and praised the Mouse.
The Mouse ran for a long time through the forest. He said “good morning” to all the animals, big and small.
The Mouse ran to the Forest Bird. The Forest Bird made a nest at the very top of a tall pine tree.
“Good morning!” shouted the Mouse. The Mouse has a thin voice. And the pine tree is tall. The Forest Bird does not hear him.
- Good morning! - the Mouse shouted with all his might. Still, the Forest Bird does not hear him. Nothing to do. The Mouse climbed up the pine tree. It's hard for the Mouse to climb. It clings to the bark and branches with its paws. A White Cloud floated past.
- Good morning! - the Mouse shouted to the White Cloud.
-Good morning! - White Cloud answered quietly. The Mouse crawls even higher. An airplane flew past.
- Good morning, Airplane! - shouted the Mouse.
-Good morning! - the Airplane boomed loudly. Finally the Mouse reached the top of the tree.
- Good morning, Forest Bird! - said the Mouse. - Oh, how long it took me to get to you! The Forest Bird laughed:
- Good night. Little mouse! Look, it's already dark. Night has already come. It's time to say "good night" to everyone.
The Mouse looked around - and it was true: the sky was completely dark, and there were stars in the sky.
- Well then, good night, Forest Bird! - said
Little mouse.
The Forest Bird stroked the Mouse with its wing:
- How good you have become. Polite little mouse! Get on my back and I'll take you to your mom.

Machine's dad made three boats.
One, small, for Squirrel, another, larger, for Little Bear, and a third, even larger, for Masha.
Masha went to the river. She got into the boat, took the oars, but she couldn’t row - she didn’t have enough strength. Masha is sitting in the boat very sad.
The fish took pity on Masha. They began to think about how to help her. Old Ruff said:
- Masha needs to drink fish fat. Then she will be strong.
Poured fish into a bottle of fish oil. Then they called the frogs.
- Help us. Take this fish oil to Masha.
“Okay,” the frogs croaked.
They took a bottle of fish oil, pulled it out of the water, and placed it on the sand. And they sat down next to each other and croaked.
- Why are you croaking, frogs? - asks Masha.
“It’s not in vain that we croaked,” the frogs answer. - Here's a bottle of fish oil for you. The fish sent it to you as a gift.
- I won’t drink fish oil, it doesn’t taste good! - Masha waved her hands.
Suddenly Masha sees two boats floating on the river. In one the Little Bear sits, in the other - the Little Squirrel. The boats are sailing quickly, the wet oars are glistening in the sun.
- Masha, let's swim together! - shout Little Squirrel and Little Bear.
“I can’t,” Masha answers, “the oars are very heavy.”
“These are not heavy oars, but you are weak,” said the Bear. - Because you don't drink fish oil.
- Do you drink? - asked Masha.
“Every day,” answered Little Bear and Little Squirrel.
- OK. I will also drink fish oil, Masha decided. Masha started drinking fish oil. She became strong and strong.
Masha came to the river. She got into the boat. I took the oars.
- Why are the oars so light? - Masha was surprised.
“The oars are not light,” said the Bear. - You just became strong.
Masha rode on a boat all day. I even rubbed my palms. And in the evening she ran to the river again. She brought a large bag of candies and poured all the candies directly into the water.
“This is for you, fish!” shouted Masha. - And you, frogs!
It became quiet in the river. Fishes are swimming, and each has candy in its mouth. And frogs jump along the shore and suck green candies.


One day the Little Bunny got capricious and said to his mother:

I do not love you!

The mother hare got offended and went into the forest.

And in this forest lived two Wolf cubs. And they didn’t have any mother. It was very bad for them without their mother.

One day, the wolf cubs were sitting under a bush and crying bitterly.

Where can we get mom? - says one Wolf Cub. - Well, at least mommy cow!

Or mommy cat! - says the second Wolf.

Or mother frog!

Or a mother bunny!

The hare heard these words and said:

Do you want me to be your mother?

The wolf cubs were happy. They led new mom to your home. And the wolf cubs' house is very dirty. Mother Hare cleaned up the house. Then she heated the water, put the wolf cubs in a trough and began to bathe them.

At first the wolf cubs did not want to wash themselves. They were afraid that the soap would get into their eyes. And then they really liked it.

Mommy! Mommy! - the wolf cubs scream. - Rub your back again! More to the head of the fields!

So the Hare began to live with the wolf cubs.

And the Little Bunny completely disappears without his mother. It's cold without mom. I'm hungry without my mom. Without my mother it is very, very sad.

The Little Bunny ran to Masha:

Masha! I offended my mother and she left me.

Stupid Little Bunny! - Masha shouted. -Is that possible? Where will we look for her? Let's go ask the Forest Bird.

Masha and the Little Hare came running to the Forest Bird.

Forest Bird, have you seen the Hare?

“I haven’t seen it,” answers the Forest Bird. - But I heard that she lives in the forest with wolf cubs.

And in the forest there were three wolf houses. Masha and the Little Hare came running to the first house. We looked out the window. They see:

The house is dirty, there is dust on the shelves, garbage in the corners.

No, my mother doesn’t live here,” says the Little Hare. They ran to the second house. We looked out the window. They see: the tablecloth on the table is dirty, the dishes are unwashed.

No, my mother doesn’t live here! - says the Little Bunny.

They ran to the third house. They see: everything is clean in the house. There are wolf cubs sitting at the table, fluffy and cheerful. There is a white tablecloth on the table. Plate with berries. Frying pan with mushrooms.

This is where my mother lives! - the Little Bunny guessed. Masha knocked on the window. The hare looked out the window. The little bunny pressed his ears and began to ask his mother:

Mom, come live with me again... I won’t do it anymore.

The wolf cubs cried:

Mommy, don't leave us!

The hare thought. She doesn't know what to do.

This is how you have to do it,” said Masha. “One day you will be a hare’s mother, and another day a wolf’s mother.”

That's what we decided. The Hare began to live with the Little Hare one day, and with the wolf cubs the next.

In the morning Masha cried. The Cockerel looked out the window and said:
- Don't cry, Masha! In the morning I sing “ku-ka-re-ku”, and you cry, you prevent me from singing.

Masha cried during the day. The Grasshopper crawled out of the grass and said:
- Don't cry, Masha! All day long I chirp in the grass, and you cry - and no one hears me.

Masha cried in the evening.
Frogs jumped out of the pond.
- Do not Cry. Masha! - say the frogs. - We love to croak in the evening, but you bother us.

Masha cried at night. The Nightingale flew in from the garden and sat on the window.
- Don't cry, Masha! At night I sing beautiful songs, but you disturb me.
- When should I cry? - asked Masha.
“Don’t ever cry,” said my mother. - After all, you are already a big girl.