The press learned about the collapse of Cage's third marriage on June 24. And in the evening of the same day, visitors to the Japanese restaurant Asanebo in Las Vegas were surprised to observe the 52-year-old actor on a date with an unidentified oriental young lady in a kimono. There could be no doubt that this was a date: Nicholas continually hugged and kissed his companion, a satisfied smile never leaving her lips. The next day, the couple attended a show by comedian Carrot Top in one of the entertainment centers in Vegas. Judging by the fact that Nicholas's friend was wearing the same kimono for the second day in a row, she did not spend the night at home. The actor was cheerful, cheerful and did not look like a man who was facing a divorce. If someone decided to reproach him for frivolity, Nicholas could answer that he was just following the example of his wife, who did not wait for a divorce to re-arrange her personal life.

Horns and legs

Immediately after the announcement of the breakup, information appeared in some publications that the marriage fell apart due to the betrayal of 32-year-old Alice Kim. Cage's wife has long stopped accompanying her husband to filming, preferring the family home in the town of Summerlee, located half an hour from Las Vegas, to exotic locations. A few years ago, Nicholas moved there with his family to shake off the dust of his “abnormal” Hollywood life, in his words, and feel like an ordinary person. But ordinary people don’t drag their entire family to work, and it seemed logical to Nicholas that Alice would stay at home to look after her 10-year-old son, Kal-El, who was tied to school.

In May, at the Cannes Film Festival, a certain acquaintance reported to the actor that, while passing through Summerlee, he met Mrs. Cage on the street with another man. “She doesn’t hide her boyfriend,” said the family’s neighbors. – The guy hangs around Alice all the time when her husband is on business trips. Someone even saw them kissing.”

To this, the actor’s press service stated that the couple have not lived together since January, so Alice has the right to spend time with anyone. Perhaps Nicholas simply did not want to admit that he was taught beautiful branchy antlers, although his friends tend to believe this to be true. In their opinion, in winter and spring Nicholas behaved even more strangely than usual, as if he was letting off steam from some personal experiences. For example, in April he got into a fight in Las Vegas with Motley Crue leader Vince Neil. Vince pulled the annoying autograph hunter away from Nicholas, and Nicholas suddenly rushed to defend her and almost strangled the well-deserved rocker.

A little later, there was a rumor that the actor refused to continue filming the film “Southern Fury” until the site was cleared of evil spirits. Since Cage began to play tricks before his eyes were opened to his wife’s behavior, we can assume that he was aware even without the Cannes gossips. However, even if Alice really destroyed the family, she also has arguments in her defense.

Free woman of the East
Nicholas met Korean Alice Kim in the spring of 2004 at the Los Angeles club Le Prive. She worked there as a waitress: Eastern woman new formation, Alice wanted to earn money, instead of hanging on the neck of wealthy parents while waiting for her husband.

Nicholas found it all delightful. After two marriages to show business representatives Patricia Arquette and Lisa Marie Presley, the actor desperately yearned for a simpler relationship. Alice was ideal: 20 years younger, pretty, not spoiled by an artistic temperament and, most importantly, brought up in a culture where the primacy of men was not questioned. They got married two months after they met. Nicholas had to leave for filming, he did not want to part with his beloved, and could only take her with him as his legal wife.

“I deliberately sought out a woman from outside my environment,” Cage said. “Alice showed me the East, which I fell in love with as much as I fell in love with her.” In my wife’s family, my Korean name is Sang In Lo (“son-in-law” in English). Alice’s family used to think of it as my name.”

Miss Kim pulled out a lucky ticket only for the first four and a half years of marriage. In 2009, Nicholas, a gigantic shopaholic who bought palaces and yachts in bulk, began having money problems. Over the next two years, the actor, in demand and very rich at the time of his wedding to Alice, sold almost all of his real estate and collections, destroyed his reputation by starring in second-rate films, fell into depression and started drinking.

Alice patiently carried her husband on her fragile shoulders from drinking establishments across America, until in April 2011, distraught from drinking, Nicholas attacked his wife on the street in New Orleans. For educational purposes, she allowed him to spend the night at the police station, but refused to press charges.

In addition to Nicholas's drinking, depression and outbursts of anger, the long-suffering Alice was worried that, despite all the debts on taxes and loans, he continued to spend money on various curiosities from increasingly dubious sources. Last December, the actor had to return a Tyrannosaurus rex skull worth $276,000 to Mongolia, which turned out to be stolen. Of course, no one compensated him for his expenses. It was not difficult to calculate that with such “reliable” investments, Cage would leave only debts as an inheritance to his sons, the eldest of whom, 25-year-old Weston, himself already the father of two children. Apparently, Alice decided that the only way to ensure the future of her and Nikolas’ son was to divorce his father and take away half of the remaining money before Nikolas let Kal-El’s portion of the inheritance go down the drain.


Nicolas Cage was married three times. But before he got married three times, he tried himself as a common-law husband with actress Christina Fulton. Despite the fact that they had a long-term relationship and even had a child. The couple did not get married like that.

In this photo, in fact, Nicolas Cage’s first wife is Christina Fulton.

In 1995, Nicolas Cage got married for the first time and Patricia Arquette became his wife. joint marriage lasted until 2001.

In this photo, Nicolas Cage and his wife Patricia Arquette

But after a divorce from his first official wife, the actor was not a bachelor for a long time. Nicolas Cage’s second wife was Lisa Marie Presley. But their marriage lasted only a hundred years. small days after which the couple filed for divorce.

In this photo, Nicolas Cage and his wife Lisa Marie Presley.

In 2004, the marriage between the spouses was officially dissolved two years after filing for divorce.

Nicolas Cage met his third wife at the Kabuki restaurant, where she was a waitress. This marriage continues to this day. The name of Nicolas Cage's third wife is Alice Kim.

In this photo, Nicolas Cage's wife is Alice Kim.

On the last weekend of June, sad news came from the American publication E! News, which was contacted by a representative for Nichols Cage about the actor's divorce from Alice Kim. The stars have been married for 11 years. As it turned out, Nicolas Cage had not lived with his young wife since January 2016, so by now they had finally separated. On the occasion, we publish joint photos of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim.

The 52-year-old is reportedly Nicolas Cage divorced with 32-year-old Alice Kim because of big difference aged. Moreover, the decision to break up was not prevented even by joint child couple, Kal-el Cappola's son Cage, who is already 10 years old.

An entire novel could be devoted to the development of the relationship between Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim. The Hollywood actor met Kim at the Kabuki restaurant in Los Angeles, where she served him as a waitress. 2 months of a whirlwind romance left Cage with no doubts – this was his new wife. They got married in July 2004 in a wedding ceremony at a ranch in Northern California.

As the actor himself later admitted, the reason for the rush to his third marriage was the upcoming filming of the film “Baron of Arms,” for which he needed to leave for South Africa for a long time. Nicholas could not imagine a day without his new lover, so he decided to go with her, now as legal spouses.

Recall that from 1995 to 2001, Nicolas Cage was married to actress Patricia Ackrett. He then married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of the legendary king of rock and roll, Elvis Presley, but lived with her for only 4 months in 2002. In addition to his son from his marriage to Alice Kim, the actor has illegitimate son Weston, who is already 25 years old (his mother is model Christina Fulton).

Photos of Nicolas Cage and Alice Kim together

Alice Kim - ex-wife Nicholas Cage

Alice Kim - Nicolas Cage's third wife

Nicolas Cage and third wife Alice

Now it's not just Hollywood that considers Nicolas Cage an eccentric. For the sake of the role, he is ready to eat insects. It’s time to make a film about his personal life in the spirit of Indian cinema filled with passions and unexpected twists. His obsession with comic books and expensive cars is an example for young city managers of how not to manage finances. But the actor does not lose heart: negative experience is the basis for positivity.

Childhood and youth

Nicholas Kim Coppola was born in 1964 into the family of a dancer and literature professor. The actor, director and producer took the surname of the comic book hero Cage to distance himself from his famous relatives - the author of “The Godfather” and his grandfather-composer Carmine Coppola.

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Nicolas Cage and Jackie Chan

The best in his filmography are considered to be “The Rock”, “Con Air”, “City of Angels”, “Gone in 60 Seconds”, the fee for which was $ 20 million. The action movie “Face Off” about the confrontation between a terrorist and an FBI special agent performed by Nicholas is included to the list of the 100 most striking action films.

In the new century, the attention of viewers was attracted by “The Twin Towers”, “Baron of Arms” and “The Frozen Ground”, one way or another based on real events. Cage played leading roles in all of them. He starred with Nicole Kidman in the thriller “What Lies Beneath”, with - in “The Dying Light”, with - in “Joe”.

Nicholas's subsequent projects aroused intense hostility among critics. They awarded the actor a Golden Raspberry nomination for both parts of Ghost Rider, Snowden, and The Leftovers. The painting “Mirror” was also considered too gloomy. The only exception was the horror film Mandy.

Personal life

Women have always paid attention to a tall man (183 cm) and with an unusual appearance (some people find in Nicholas a resemblance to the “king of shock”). The eldest of the children, Weston Coppola Cage, was born to the celebrity actress Christina Fulton.

The first official wife was Patricia Arquette. Cage proposed an hour after they met. The couple was unable to buy tickets to Cuba, where the wedding was planned. At the airport, the actor began to make trouble, and the bride, taking advantage of the moment, ran away.

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Nicolas Cage, Alice Kim and Jake Gyllenhaal

The second meeting took place in 1995. In fact, the marriage broke up after 9 months, and only in 2000 did Nicholas file for divorce, but then withdrew the application. Then Arquette filled out the paperwork.

For the second time, Cage married his daughter, after she left. This union lasted 109 days.

Nicholas's third wife was waitress Alice Kim, a Korean by nationality. In 2005, the woman gave the actor a son. The boy was named Kal-El, after the comic book superhero. The couple separated in January 2016.

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Nicolas Cage and singer Cher

In March 2019, the Hollywood star registered a relationship with Erika Koike. Cage’s eccentricity has not diminished: not only, according to lawyers, at the time of making the decision to get married, he was drunk “and was not aware of his actions,” but he also broke the anti-record for the speed of divorce.

The media found out that Nicholas’s chosen one is 32 years younger, received a suspended sentence for drunk driving, and broke up with her first husband, whom she often beat, with a scandal. After 4 days, having sobered up and learned these details, the actor asked to have the marriage annulled. It is understood Erica demanded compensation, saying the short marriage damaged her reputation.

The spouses were soon divorced, and it is unknown how the financial issue was settled. Cage has serious problems with money. The tax service accused the actor of non-payment of over $6 million, which is why he had to sell off yachts, cars, real estate, and his famous comic book collection. Banks filed claims for tens of millions more in loans. Fulton also filed a lawsuit against him - Nicholas tried to evict the mother of his eldest son from the house he bought for her, but registered in his own name and also wanted to sell to pay off his debts.

In his youth, Nicholas stole Johnny Depp's wife. Her name was Laurie Alison, she worked as a makeup artist. True, as compensation for moral damage, Nicholas “lend” his agent to a friend and thereby contributed to Johnny’s transformation into a megastar. He took him away, but he couldn’t keep him.

The next girl of his dreams was actress Patricia Arquette. They met in one of the many restaurants in Los Angeles. Cage could not take his eyes off the girl and finally decided to approach. “I immediately told her: “You will become my wife!” - Cage recalls.

Patricia did not intend to marry a man whom she had known for a few minutes, but, unable to resist his pressure, she nevertheless agreed to date. However, Cage soon ruined everything himself by causing a scandal at the airport when the couple was going to visit his uncle Francis in Cuba.

This scene shocked Patricia so much that she broke up with Nick without a second thought. The actress returned to her former boyfriend, musician Rossi, and soon gave birth to a son with him. Cage also found a girlfriend - fashion model Christina Fulton, who gave him a son. In a word, they were even. True, Patricia periodically called Nicholas and teased him: “Well, do you still want to marry me?”

At the beginning of 1995, when she once again asked the same question, he unexpectedly answered: “Yes.” The wedding ceremony did not take even ten minutes, then the newly-made husband and wife allowed them to take a few photographs as souvenirs, got into a blue Ferrari and drove off in an unknown direction.

However, Nick's violent temperament made itself felt again. The couple quarreled, separated, got back together, and finally separated forever. And in Cage’s life appeared new woman- Lisa Marie Presley.

Your own paradise

The only daughter of the king of rock and roll has always been the center of attention of the press, although, apart from her famous parents, she has nothing to boast of except an addiction to drugs and alcohol and several scandalous marriages...

Nicolas Cage in the movie "Next"

Nicholas met Lisa in February 2001 at a party thrown for her 33rd birthday. By the beginning of spring, rumors began to spread that Lisa and Nicholas were engaged and dreamed of retiring to Graceland, the legendary home of Elvis Presley. The information turned out to be reliable, and on August 10, in one of the romantic resort towns in Hawaii, they got married. However, less than four months after the wedding, the star couple began divorce proceedings, initiated by Nicolas Cage.

Best of the day

Cage did not hold the title of Hollywood bachelor for long. Love struck his heart when he saw 20-year-old waitress Ellis Kim at a sushi bar. Less than six months after they met, Ellis and Nicholas stood in front of the altar. They married in July 2004, and their son, Kal Coppola Cage, was born in October 2005.

A caring husband and father, Nicholas provided his wife and child with truly heavenly conditions. He sold a mansion in Malibu (which, as you know, is full of sensation hunters) and in return bought... an island in the Bahamas! Now he has a safe haven, literally and figuratively. And the weather forecast so far is as follows: not a cloud in the Cage family horizon!