Website “Mom can do anything!” I collected the most touching and beautiful poems about dad for children. These verses will great congratulations Happy holiday dads.


How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!

Poems about dad

Oh, so many songs and poems
There is something about mom in the world,
But still about dad
We haven't heard, believe me.
But he is more important in the family,
Everyone will agree with that.
And we owe it doubly,
Treat with love.
And without him we would be the same
They were not born.
We should thank him
Because we were born.
Or maybe he too sometimes
I woke up at night,
Worried about you and me
And I was very worried.
And he, although his love
It won't show openly
We know he “loves” his
In fact, it will prove to us.
But often for some reason we
We still offend dad
That he wants good
We rarely understand.
When you've been apart from him for a long time,
We miss you so much.
And that joy cannot be explained,
When we meet him.
And we know, again, as always,
He will greet us with joy.
And that loving in my own way,
He will respond to love

Poems about dad

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

My dad is so funny!
When he comes to kindergarten,
To take me home
Once - and he’ll sit on the floor!
I'm getting dressed - he's sitting.
I know this!
He sleeps in the group all the time,
If from the grocery store.
I won't wake him up
Neither with a ball nor with a stick.
I'd rather sit next to you
Do I feel sorry for time?
And when he wakes up, oh!
I'll sit on the sled
And let's rush home with him
We're going to the angry mother!

Like Dad
Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

About dad

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me

And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,

It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

E. Dolgikh

Daddy is sleeping
He worked hard for us -
With us across the field,
While playing, he ran around.
The ball was slipping away
Dad suffered, poor thing,
Sometimes making a cry
Mom is on us
Looks surprised:
"It's day outside the window,
Does our dad snore?”

My dad

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Congratulations to dad

I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
But I still don’t know how:
You best dad on the ground,
An expert in any matter!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, plan, saw.
Can you sing songs?
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But for me the most important thing is -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

Poems about dad

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t open my mouth, I won’t bungle you.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
Irons all the diapers,
Dinner will settle the issue.
Wash all the dishes
He will feel sorry for Grandma Lyuda.
He doesn't moan or whine,
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won't ask for a reward.
He will put his daughters to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
Their apartment is beautiful!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

Congratulations to dad

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all better than dad No!

Poems for dad

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I'm proud and admire you,
No hands are more skillful, hearts are wider,
I am becoming more and more convinced of this!
All my life views
They look so much like yours
It's so great to have you around!
Be happy, my good dad!

A. Shmykov

Well, what a funny dad we have -
Always coming up with something!
So, he told me when he returned from work,
It's raining mushrooms outside.
I stared at the glass in amazement,
He asked me to give him a basket as soon as possible,
To catch at least a little mushrooms -
I'm also an avid mushroom picker!
Only the rain turned out to be simple -
It’s a pity that the mushroom hunt didn’t work out...
Dad will always come up with something
Well, what a funny dad we have!

Books from dad
A whole thousand!
Which one they won’t ask -
He'll find it right away.
Probably dad
He already knows everything
And he sits down alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream:
I'll grow up -
So many books
I'll read it.
And my son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: “I’m flying away!”
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Ah, cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!..

Poems about daddy

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.

I discovered the most terrible secret!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!

Tatyana Bokova

"My dad is a military man"
G. Lagzdyn

My dad is a military man.
He serves in the army.
He has complex technology
Army friendly!
He went more than once
On military campaigns.
No wonder they say:
"The commander is from the infantry."

About dad

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

Poems about dad

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning...
Dad doesn't have a son, but I wish he could
He needs to kick a ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Understanding men's problems...
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, what can you do?
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and stealthily catches
The neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, no and no need...
Please accept congratulations from us,
There couldn't be a happier dad in the world,
What about dads with two daughters!!!

Congratulations for dad
O. Konaeva

I know that my dad also once
He was a very good and brave soldier.
I love dad and I definitely love him
I want to congratulate the military on this holiday...

Now I'll climb higher on the chair,
I’ll sing him a war song loudly.
Let my dad know that I'm proud of him
And let him be proud of the child’s success.

Bad advice
G. Oster

If you're down the hall
Ride your bike
And towards you from the bathroom
Dad went out for a walk
Don't turn into the kitchen
There is a solid refrigerator in the kitchen,
You better brake for dad,
Dad is soft. He will forgive.

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It’s time for him, and it’s time for me to go to kindergarten.

Fishing with dad
Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long fishing line.

I didn’t forget about the bait:
I dug it into a big jar
Two dozen worms.
That's it, look, I'm ready!

I worked hard
Even dad was surprised!
He praised my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

To dad

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Poems about dad

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If it’s cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my dad!..

I am stronger
Oleg Bundur

The sun is shining high
Singing about May,
Dad walks wide
And I don't have time
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I run, I don’t lag behind,
And I don't get tired at all
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking,
I ran twice as far!-
And dad shook my hand:
- You are right,
your path is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
At the toy store
And there’s a crush in the store,
I'd rather leave
But dad from the counter
There's no way to leave.
He says, sighing:
- What a beauty!
Can't stop looking at it
Let's wait a little longer.
This is what I wish I had as a child,
I would have grown up differently...

Poems about dad

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will say to me cheerfully: “Well, miracles!”
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- Yes, I was always next to you!

Poems for dad

Dad, Daddy, are you awake?
The baby is talking to you.
I'm here next to you in the dark
In mommy's stomach.
We'll see you soon.
Are you waiting for me, dear?
When you sing, you read,
I hear, I understand everything.
I have your nose and eyes
I feel your caresses,
Do you stroke my back, or my legs,
You tickle my heels...
You, dad, are dearer to me than everyone else,
And our mother too.
You are all my family.
I'll be with you soon.
I want to be born in love
It's a joy for you to show up.
Can I ask, dad?
Mom felt a tear.
Is this pain from me?
Or did salt get into the wound?
You won't hurt your mother, will you?
It's so difficult for her, you see.
My laughter will flow soon,
Crying, or rather, but not from grief.
This is my song, there is joy in it,
That will forever be with you.
And while I'm growing up,
You protect your mother.
Dad should be a support
Be patient, dear, I will soon be next to you,
Let's chat among ourselves.
I love you all already.
Wait, I’ll come to you soon...!!!

Poems about beloved dad

Dad reads books to me
I value my friendship with him
Each fairy tale for dad
I’ll retell that hour out loud

Then I’ll take the book myself
I'll read it out loud to dad
Dad will retell the story
It will take my breath away

This is how we read to each other
Let's retell it out loud
And it's so much fun in the apartment
And it’s so fabulous all around.

Congratulations to dad

The cabinet is heavy, who will move it?
Who will fix our sockets?
Who will nail all the shelves,
Who sings in the bathroom in the morning?
Who's driving in the car?
Who will we go to football with?
Whose birthday is it?
At my dad's!

Happy birthday, daddy!
I'm flying towards you like a bullet
I'm in a terrible hurry
I'm afraid I'll be late for you!

Because on this day
Getting up early is not at all lazy.
Now you will open your eyes,
I will be the first to say:
- Happy Birthday, hurray!
It's time to celebrate the holiday!

For you from plasticine
I built a car yesterday.
Mom didn't forget either
And I bought you a bag,
She didn’t let me get into it,
But there’s definitely something there!

Look down quickly:
There's your surprise under the bed!
You accept gifts,
Kiss and hug us!

Dad's professions
Nastya Dobrota

The pavement trembles and the engine howls -
It's my dad's driver coming to us.

An airplane flies across the blue sky.
It's piloted by Dad the Pilot.

Walks together with the military in a row
Dad is a soldier in a gray overcoat.

Who is our record holder in all-around?
We answer: “Dad is an athlete!”

I’m not tired of chopping coal in the depths of the mountains
Dad, black with soot, is a miner.

Steel is melting, steam is pouring out of the boiler -
Dad is a worker, he is a steelmaker.

Heals thousands of broken arms
At the children's hospital, dad is a surgeon.

The faucet will be installed and the blockage will be cleared.
Dad is a plumber, or a fitter.

Who performs on stage for an encore?
This is a famous dad-artist.

There is no unnecessary profession in the world!
Our father-poet teaches us from childhood.

A fairy tale about daddy

They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.

Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
He and I are best friends
Where he goes, I go too.

He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten,
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting

He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We clean everything up.

It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it's hot there.

Wishes for dad

Ah, daddy! Today is a special day
Your birthday is a holiday for the whole family.
To me the most best words not enough to
Express all my feelings to you!

You have always been an example for me:
I walked through life along the road of labor,
Starting it with a simple engineer,
You became the head of the whole plant.

This is where education comes in very handy -
Smart people are useful to the country.
I followed in your footsteps without looking,
You will always help me with my studies!

Will you support with advice, kind words,
You will warm your daughter with care and warmth,
This has never happened before
So that you cannot help me with anything!

We feel good with you in the forest and at home,
You are a fisherman, a hunter anywhere,
The forest secrets are all familiar to you,
So let it always be like this in life.

Catch success like a goldfish
And good health, like a fox.
Walk straight! And joy and smile
I’ll bring you like a bird.

Good afternoon, dear guests of my blog! Today we will discuss poems about dad, I will give you many cool options, among which there will be both short and long, heartfelt, touching with tears, from a son and daughter. All of them are intended for childhood starting at about 3 years of age. For children aged 7 years and older there will be a selection of long poems.

Traditionally, we read a lot of poems to mothers, both at matinees in kindergartens and schools, and on holidays and birthdays. But dad is such a close and dear person. Give children the opportunity to show honor and respect to their fathers through reading poetry.

And no matter how strict fathers may be outwardly, their children’s declarations of love are also incredibly pleasant for them. Even if they don’t show it outwardly, their men’s hearts will be melted. Honestly! In the article you will find a suitable poem for any holiday, including February 23.

When choosing a suitable poem for a child, take into account his age, memory and speech capabilities. Start with short ones, periodically adding longer ones or more complex ones based on existing speech patterns. Be sure to convey to the children that their poems are very pleasant and express their love.

Dad, you are the best in the world,
The best father on the vast planet!
How I admire you, how proud I am of you,
I hold your friendship and hand tightly!

Do you know how friendly
Daddy and I live!
We play together, we eat together,
We laugh together, we walk together,
Let's read funny fairy tales together!

In the morning
Oleg Bundur

I got dressed and washed - Dad was shaving,
While I was sitting down at the table, Dad was shaving,
I had already drunk some tea - Dad was shaving, shaving, shaving,
And then he said: “Listen, these are the kind of scoundrels WE are.”

If all children could choose their dad themselves
I would have to stand in a long line behind you

Daddy, my dear,
I love you so much!
I'm the best to you
I'll give you the drawing.

(M. Morozova)

On Sunday for a walk
I go with my dad.
So that he doesn't get lost
I hold his hand.

I have a hedgehog
Prickly in the morning.
I kiss him -
My dad is the best!

My dad is a champion!
He is the strongest in the world:
He holds his mother in his arms
Carrying it around the apartment!
Or maybe me too
He will lift it with her!
I'll grow big
And I can do that too.

Among the poems we can highlight humorous ones, which children learn with special pleasure. After all, even kids already love and know how to laugh.

This is a hat.
Dad was in it
Yesterday evening.
And this morning I
I keep looking into the hat.
The light is on, you can see better with it.
Well, where did daddy go?
After all, yesterday he was in it!

Andrey Usachev
I can on dad
Ride day and night.
It's bad that it's on dad
There's nothing to grab onto.
Grab him from behind -
He shouts: - It’s not visible! -
And my hair hurts,
And it’s a shame for the ears!

I love him with all my heart, he is my brave protector,
Yes, my father: strength, wisdom, my most important person!

Let's go to kindergarten
Oleg Bundur

Set sail again
Steamboat and steamboat
And hurries after the ship
The steamboat is at full speed,
And he gets tired -
He takes it in tow.

Oleg Bundur
Dad got up himself in the morning,
I ate every last drop,
I didn’t drop, imagine, cups,
I've never torn a shirt
And I didn't run barefoot
And he didn’t click his tongue,
And he wasn’t friends with the mongrel -
Dad lived a very boring life!

Poems about dad for children 3, 4 years old

The selection below is suitable for 3 and 4 year olds. However, again, someone will be able to read these verses only at 5 years old, and someone at 2.5 years old. Focus on your baby, and don’t discourage him from these lines by giving them beyond his strength. And as you can see, many of the works from the selection above are suitable for children of this age.

My dad loves music
I can't keep up with him:
He plays the guitar,
And I sing songs.
Our dad is the best in the world
Good, kind and dear,
Everyone loves him: mother, children,
For us it is the most expensive!

I'm still just a child
Restless boy.
And my dad is an adult uncle.
He's so big, big.
The kindest, the bravest,
My beloved, my dear!

My daddy is funny
Can sing and read poetry.
Well, if necessary,
The bull's-eye can dance.

Dad, if he wants, can sing a song,
If it’s cold, warm it up with your warmth.
Dad can read a fairy tale
It’s hard for me to fall asleep without my dad!..

Dad has work! Dad is busy!
And he has no time to play with us.
And we love him! And we are waiting for him!
But if our dad takes a day off,
It's great to be with him, he's so lively

My dad brings me toys, candy,
But that’s not why I love dad.
He sings funny songs to me,
The two of us are never bored!

It’s great when, together with your child, you learn not only to recite poems beautifully, but also to come up with small dramatizations for them. By developing theatrical and emotional presentation, you also actively develop creativity and self-confidence.

When I play with dad,
I run and shoot.
And I start the trains
And I fly into the clouds.
All the books are upside down -
This is how boys grow up!
We played papovoz -
In the fastest papovoz,
To the best papovoz:
I was driving, and dad was driving!

Poems about dad from a daughter

They say that only with the birth of a daughter does a man turn into a gentle, touching “daddy.” In any case, it will be very touching for a father to hear poetry from his sweet little princess. Even if she is 30 years old. But today is a selection of works for children.

Everyone knows that I am a Princess
So my dad is the King.
You are my engine of progress
My idol and my hero!
The strongest, the most honest,
The smartest and dearest.
And if the daughter is lovely -
Only you are to blame for this!

My daddy's favorite.
You are very dear to me.
You are strong and beautiful.
Like a knight on a horse!
You can do it, I know for sure
Help and protect
Such a wonderful dad
Only you can be.
I wish with all my heart
Health, long years,
And I'm proud of you
After all, there is no better dad!

Tatyana Bokova

Let it rain all day long
Let the sky frown in the morning.
My dad will come to me
And will hide from the rain.
He will hug me tenderly
He will say tender words.
And, again, the sun will smile -
Will disperse the clouds!
I'll sit in his arms
And I whisper, looking into your eyes:
“Dad, you are my best!
Dad I love you!"

Dear dad, I'm proud of you,
Dear dad, I admire you,
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
On this day I bow before you.
They say I'm daddy's daughter
By character, views, manners,
And I'm glad that's the case
For me, you have become the best example!

Well, how can you not be touched by such tender and admiring words from your daughter? If you still doubt whether your dad should be “pampered” with them, then doubts aside. Any father who cares for his children and loves them definitely needs such verbal vitamins!

And while you're thinking about what to choose, I'll give you another armful of beautiful poems.

Dad has no son, dad has two daughters,
Two girls, me and my sister.
We play with dolls, wash handkerchiefs
And we whisper with her until the morning...
Dad doesn't have a son, but I wish he could
He needs to kick a ball with someone,
Build a rocket, go fishing,
Understanding men's problems...
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, what can you do?
Two girls came out in a row.
And dad sighs and stealthily catches
The neighbor's sympathetic look.
Dad doesn't have a son
Well, no and no need...
Please accept congratulations from us,
There couldn't be a happier dad in the world,
What about dads with two daughters!!!

Although my dad, let's be honest,
Not very tall at all,
Mom says all the time: “I’m behind a stone wall.”
He runs everything in the house, Everything burns in his hands,
He even reads fairy tales to us, and doesn’t stick around on the Internet!
Dad is smart, dad is brave, Dad is a treasure at work,
He is in charge of a very important department, they say.
A doctor, a scientist and a worker - we need different dads.
Dads are very important for the family and for the country!
But MY dad is the best!
I was lucky with him... and with my mother! T. Gusarova

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.
For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with my mother,
You bring me happiness.
For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
Trust in the soul.
Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

My dad is good
Kind and simple,
Respects mom
Sincere like that.
My beloved dad
Dear heart,
And also beautiful -
Affectionate, dear.

My reliable dad
Faithful family man
And in this world,
I have one.

I respect my dad
What else to say?
I have nowhere like this
Can't find any more.
It's not a pity for him
Nothing in life -
My golden folder
I love him!

There is a man in the world
More expensive than all coins
His smile is heart
It has kept me warm for many years.
His care is in his hands,
Responsibility to family
He will always help me
He'll tell me something.
When I get older
He will suddenly grow old
I'll pour him some tea,
Sheltered from white blizzards.
I will be the best
Caring for him
After all, more than this life,
I love daddy!

Poems about dad from a son

Boys are like little copies of their dads and dream of being like them. General men's affairs, their conversations, activities and entertainment are very important even for kids. Therefore, be sure to learn it with your son and dedicate a touching poem to your dad. Both father and child will be proud. And by the way, a long work can be shortened, turning it into a short one that is easy to remember.

How I love you!
I'm so glad when we're together
You and I are going for a walk!
Or making something,
Or we just talk.
And how sorry for you again
Let go to work!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is ME!

Tatyana Bokova

I want to be like my dad.
I want to become like my dad in everything.
How is he -
Wear a suit and a hat,
Walk, watch and even sleep.
Be strong, smart,
Don't be lazy
And do everything like he does - perfect!
And don’t forget to get married!
And... take our mother as a wife.

V. Bredikhin

Grandma opened it for me
Yesterday a big secret
What did dad have too?
Once upon a time eight years.
He, like all boys,
Sometimes he was mischievous
And he jumped like a monkey
And I got two marks.
I was lazy while charging,
Didn't wash my face
And the devils in the notebook
I often drew.
I'm daddy's secret
I'm terribly surprised
After all, this is exactly why
He scolds me.

Oleg Bundur

Dads are different:
He is silent, and he screams,
He sometimes hums,
The one sticking out by the TV
He sometimes hugs
The warmth of strong hands,
He sometimes forgets
That he is his son's best friend.
Dads are different...
And as the days pass,
Their sons grow up
Point to point, just like them.

I am stronger Oleg Bundur
The sun is shining high
Singing about May,
Dad walks wide
And I don't have time
And I have to run
To keep up with him,
And I run, I don’t lag behind,
And I don't get tired at all
And I said at the end of the road:
- Running is harder than walking,
I ran twice as far!-
And dad shook my hand:
- You are right,
your path is longer
And you, son, are stronger!
My dad is my best friend.
Let's draw and sing together.
And suddenly we get tired of playing,
We'll go for a ride in the park with him.

Steep hills are not scary
I will tame a tiger on safari,
In a rocket, boldly to the moon
In a moment I will make it.
All because it is very strong
I love my dad!

I'm walking down the street with my dad next to me,
And passers-by follow us with their gaze.
They look at dad and son with a smile.
- How similar the guys are! - They tell each other.
And I smile friendly too.

How happy it is for me to be like my dad!
Palm in hand - We walk slowly.
My dad is with me! He's happy, of course.
And the reason for this happiness is clear:
After all, dad looks like his beloved son!

M. Mishakova

When dad has a day off,
We are building a ship with sails,
We sail on it for miracles,
I am the captain, and he is the hero.

He's ready to fight for me
With a big fiery dragon,
And if you have to fight
With the sea monster himself.

I so appreciate his concern
It's like I'm in a vivid dream with my dad,
Sorry, I have to work on Monday
It's time for him, and it's time for me to go to kindergarten.

Oleg Bundur

Books from dad
A whole thousand!
Which one they won’t ask -
He'll find it right away.
Probably dad
He already knows everything
And he sits down alone again
And reads.
I'm books like dad
I love
And I dream:
I'll grow up -
So many books
I'll read it.
And my son to myself
I won't forget to call
I'll ask him: - Well,
What should you read?

Yu. V. Kasparova

What do I need for fishing?
I'll find a straight stick
And alone, without even a dad,
I'll attach a long fishing line.

I didn’t forget about the bait:
I dug it into a big jar
Two dozen worms.
That's it, look, I'm ready!

I worked hard
Even dad was surprised!
He praised my ingenuity
I took it fishing with me!

Touching poems about dad to tears

For many, it will be especially pleasant to hear poems that are touching to tears and sincere from your child. In them, declarations of love sound very sincere and childishly piercing, so that they reach the very depths of the heart. Probably, such poems do not leave anyone indifferent. Therefore, the following selection is for you.

By the way, children, by telling such poems, learn to express their feelings, express them in words, and speak openly to mom and dad and loved ones about their love, gratitude and respect.

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

You, dad, are the kindest in the world.
I'm proud and admire you,
No hands are more skillful, hearts are wider,
I am becoming more and more convinced of this!
All my life views
They look so much like yours
It's so great to have you around!
Be happy, my good dad!

When you were a child you played with me
Snot, wiped away tears,
I bought toys
Sang songs in my ear.
And now I've grown up
And I can boldly admit,
That you are the best in the whole world!
Daddy, you are my idol!

A. Shmykov

I've been wanting to tell you for a long time,
But I still don’t know how:
You are the best dad on earth
An expert in any matter!
You know how to paint and solder.
Cook, plan, saw.
Can you sing songs?
And just have fun!
You catch pike and perch.
You are great in everything...
But for me the most important thing is -
You are a loving father!
Your love is always with me.
I remember this
And a lot of happiness, my dad.
I wish for you!

Thank you, dear daddy,
Why did you get me!
I love a clear smile
She's like light in a window!
I want you to be happy,
Successful and healthy!
You are the most wonderful
And the best of fathers!

Dad! You are the strongest.
And smarter than everyone else in the world.
You are also the most beautiful
And everyone is more cheerful and kind.
Of course everyone dreams
To be like you
But you and I know for sure:
Your reflection is me!

Ulyanich Nadezhda

If we talk about dads, mine is wonderful, mine is a hero,
Loving, generous and always so dear.
If you believe a person, then there is no more reliable friend.
My dad is my support, and with him the darkness is pure light.

If I need an adviser, dad is very far-sighted,
He is practical, witty and, moreover, a prominent man.
If grief happened, troubles, adversity,
The father will rush to the rescue day and night, on days of bad weather.

We are secrets to each other
We trust our own
And everything about each other
We probably know.
How else,
How else -
We are friends, and this
Means a lot.

Dad and I have been for a long time
Men, not children
Can I for dad
Give everything in the world.

My dear daddy,
My loved one
Thank you for everything,
For this life, light.

For loving me
You give everything in life
For being with my mother,
You bring me happiness.

For your eyes there are splinters,
Your hands are warm,
I live for sincerity,
Trust in the soul.

Let the years fly by
I will save tenderness
And for dad in a stormy hour,
I'll extend my hand.

I'm always there
Oleg Bundur

I quietly get off the couch at night
And I quietly crawl into dad’s bed,
And I lie quietly, like a mouse,
And so I fall asleep under my dad’s arm.
And in the morning he will only open his eyes
And he will tell me cheerfully: - Well, miracles!
Where did you come from? I was surprised! –
- But I was always next to you!

Dad reads books to me
I value my friendship with him
Each fairy tale for dad
I’ll retell that hour out loud
Then I’ll take the book myself
I'll read it out loud to dad
Dad will retell the story
It will take my breath away
This is how we read to each other
Let's retell it out loud
And it's so much fun in the apartment
And it’s so fabulous all around.

They read all the poems about mothers,
Dad, it’s like they’ve forgotten
I'll tell you a fairy tale,
About your daddy.
Me for my dad
I don't regret anything.
He and I are best friends
Where he goes, I go too.
He goes to work
He'll take me to kindergarten,
And he comes home from work,
Tells about hunting
He and I will sit on the sofa,
Let's read the book.
Let's make mother soup-shulyum,
We'll clean everything up.
It takes me to the cinema,
Then up the hill in the park,
He just doesn’t take me to the bathhouse,
He says it's hot there.

Oleg Bundur

I know the fairy tale by heart
From word to word,
But let him tell
Let me listen again.
And I only want one thing:
Let the fairy tale last longer.
While I'm with dad,
Nothing bad will happen.
And I ask dad again
First, tell a fairy tale.

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!
You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.
To our questions
You know the answers
You smoke a cigarette,
You are reading a newspaper.
I love any damage
Easily eliminated
And a puzzle
You decide quickly.
I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you!!!

My dad left
To be honest, I don't have a dad.
not easy.
Dad, if he wants,
can sing a song
If it's cold
warm with your warmth.
Dad can
read a fairy tale
I'm without a dad
difficult to fall asleep.
I'll rise and be quiet
I'll stand at the door
Dear dad,
come back soon.

Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon
Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures
Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.
For me there is always a hero -
My best dad!

I hope you have already selected for yourself the options for poems that you liked best.

Long poems about dad

For those children who already memorize large volumes, I suggest taking long poems about dad for study. So, you will surprise your father and train your memory well. Don't forget to add emotion to make the poem "alive."

A. Popov
I discovered the most terrible secret!
I opened it because... well, basically, I forgot...
My dad, when he was a child, by accident
I broke the chandelier in the house with a soccer ball!
And poured greenery on my sister’s braids,
And he dropped a boiling kettle out the window!
But he told me something completely different:
That he never did anything
Didn’t burn plasticine, didn’t splash water,
Didn't lie and didn't fight, didn't whine, didn't whine,
I didn’t climb into the basement, I wasn’t afraid of injections,
I studied with straight A's and never littered anywhere.
I discovered the most terrible secret:
We are very similar,
Me too, at least later,
And yet, dad was just like me!
Grandfather told me everything in confidence,
But dad doesn’t believe it. I probably forgot!

My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.
I look forward to
Dad from work.
Always in my briefcase
He brings something.
My dad is resourceful
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.
He's also a naughty guy
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.
My dad is funny
But strict and honest.
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.
And it's boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.
My dad is a wizard
He's the nicest.
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.
I'll hug him
And I whisper quietly:
- My daddy, I want you
I love you so much!
You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

I'll tell you about dad -
I won’t show up, I won’t bungle.
This dad is great
A quick daredevil.
He cooks the porridge himself from semolina,
All day long the tractor plows,
He waves the iron nimbly.
Irons all the diapers,
Dinner will settle the issue.
Wash all the dishes
He will feel sorry for Grandma Lyuda.
He doesn't moan or whine,
Necessary? This will clean the floors!
All carpets are vacuumed,
And he won't ask for a reward.
He will put his daughters to bed.
And our dad can
Fix my wife's hairpin
Help thread the needle.
Knows how to hold a soldering iron
How to clean a washbasin
What to put in a dry felt-tip pen,
In general - a jack of all trades!
Their apartment is beautiful!!
Hey dad!!
The best in the world!!!

A. Shipitsyn

Dad's hands are like cosmodromes!
So tall dad is home
I'm being tossed around and spun around.
The spacesuit is about to be needed!
Well, yesterday it was made of cardboard
He built us a starship.
And he told me in a serious tone:
“You are flying into space. The navigator is a cat!”
He hugged his mother when he met her,
She barely set foot in the house.
Mom laughs: - I'm flying away!
Already in heaven, in seventh!
Here is dad treating a branch with us,
When he builds a house, the saw sings!
Dad has a hundred-colored rainbow
The usual things are in hand.
I don't sleep, dreaming about space.
And the cat, with twinkling eyes,
Not sleeping...
Ah, cosmodrome hands!
From them I set off into a huge world!..

I have given you the most interesting and touching poems about dad. I hope that among them you have chosen the one that suits you. Write in the comments which poems you prefer, long or short, moving to tears or with humor.

Until next time, Anastasia Smolinets

A collection of warm words of gratitude to dad from his daughter in prose (not in poetry), in his own words. These are examples of a thank you speech, touching to tears, sincere and warm words that can be said at any festive events(anniversary, wedding, professional holiday father or his birthday) in the presence of guests. Texts are also suitable for private conversation. With these words you can sign a postcard, a gift, or simply write a letter to dad including these words.

Dear daddy! I have grown up a long time ago, but you, as in childhood, remain for me the ideal man. Today I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart:

  • Because you are an excellent father: kind, caring, wise and strong - the real head of the family;
  • For the fact that you fulfilled your fatherly tasks perfectly and helped my mother raise me, and at the same time took care of her;
  • For the fact that you often did the impossible for us;
  • For the fact that you taught me to be an independent girl, and not an infantile bore;
  • For trying (and you succeeded) to create a solid foundation for your family;
  • For striving for family prosperity, well-being and reliability

In a word, dad, I am very grateful to you for the fact that you have never been a destroyer and at all times remain a creator... And for teaching me this by your example. Be happy dad and please us with your health and love of life for many years to come (and preferably forever).

Dad! I am glad today to say a few words of gratitude to you, because you, like no other man, deserve it. Thank you, daddy, for doing an excellent job as the family breadwinner. For the fact that we were all always well-fed, shod, dressed and calm about our tomorrow. Thank you for helping me get an education, for helping me cope with difficulties. For not turning away from me when I brought trouble from school.

Daddy, thank you for always being a real father and a true friend, assistant and support for me and my mother.

Dear daddy, gratitude to you has settled in my heart forever and will never leave me. I want to thank you for being you! And for the fact that you are a real dad. And for the fact that you regularly managed to work as a mother when she could not. For the fact that you are my guardian angel, intercessor, support, support and true friend. I adore you daddy, you - real example ideal man It won’t be easy for me and my husband to compete with you. However, I believe he will cope... After all, I chose him for myself in your image and likeness.

Be happy dad and live forever. I still need your strength, wisdom and love to this day, despite the fact that I have already grown up. And they will always be needed. I promise to take care of you the same way you take care of me.

Daddy! I have already thanked you so many times for everything that each time it becomes more and more difficult for me to choose the words and not repeat myself. Today I want to thank you for never being just the breadwinner in our family. Thank you for the fact that you also managed to actively participate in my upbringing and growing up. I know it wasn’t easy for you and you often didn’t have enough time. But you tried and you succeeded. I appreciate your contribution to me, dad, I remember all the good things and love you.

Thanks daddy. Be healthy, happy, still young and charming.

Dad, thank you for being the true head of the family. For your wisdom and patience, for your work that you put into my upbringing. For the efforts that you made during my time adult life, so that my world will always be rosy, joyful, calm and stable. Thank you, daddy, for your understanding, kindness and all the light that you bring into my life to this day. I always remember you, cherish you and will never leave you. And don't leave me.

Dad, I have already thanked you many times for your love, care and support... For everything bright that you generously shared with me... But today I want to thank you not for that. I say “thank you” to you, dad, for your rigor and willpower. Now I have my own child and I realized how difficult it was for you to put up with my stupidity and insolence, my reluctance to grow up and learn, with laziness and frivolity. Your punishments in childhood brought me almost more benefit than love, encouragement and gifts. Now I know that your severity was also caring for me. I want you to know, dad, there is no resentment in my heart against you. I understand you perfectly, I love you and be calm - I don’t blame you for anything.

Dad, gratitude to you always lives in my heart and I have already thanked you many times. But today I want to thank you for always being, as a real man should be, an excellent provider. The mammoths you mined were fat and of high quality. There were a lot of mammoths and we didn’t know the need. Thanks to yours masculine qualities My mother and I always had reliable support and a strong shoulder to lean on at any time. You are a wonderful pillar of our family and a strong foundation on which I grew up. Thank you and be happy. I really hope that your daughter doesn’t upset you too often.

Daddy, I am very grateful to you for your love and care. For my prosperous childhood and for my education. Because I always had someone to come to and ask for intercession, even if I was wrong. Thank you, dad, for always being on my side - such support gives me strength and inspiration. Thank you for your wise advice and help with your studies. thanks for beautiful dresses and smart books. They made my life rosy, and my childhood warm and cozy.

And most importantly, dad, I am grateful to you that you raised an independent girl. Thank you for my vitality. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: you are the most important man in my life. I am grateful to you that you have always been, are and remain with me and with my mother. We have a wonderful mother, but without you our family would not be as wonderful as it is. And my life could never become happy and as rosy as it is with you. Thank you, dad, for living and doing everything for me and for me. It warms my heart, inspires me and supports me.

Dear daddy! I will never tire of thanking you for warming me with your warmth. For generously giving me all the best that you manage to get in life. For sparing no time and effort to support me in difficult times. For being able to keep my secrets. For the fact that with your wisdom and life experience you help me become independent and viable.

I love you dad and wish you good health, eternal love of life and a long happy life.

Dad, I want to thank you so much for so much that I don’t know where to start. Thank you for everything. But the main thing is that I have you. And because I was never ashamed of you. I have always been and will be proud of a dad like you, because you are the best. Be happy.

Dad, I want you to know: I have always been and will be grateful to you for the fact that you were not only my dad, but also my mother. And I know how difficult it is for you to be two people in one person and perform completely different (male) functions. But you did a great job and for that I thank you so much! Be kind daddy, live forever, never leave me.

Daddy, I hasten to tell you that if you decide that your adult daughter doesn’t need you, then you are seriously mistaken, my dear. Childhood has passed, but the need for you remains the same. I would never want this world to be left without you. You are an integral part of my life and it will never be any different. So, accept it and continue to be my beloved daddy... And I promise, I will also try to make your life enjoyable and not upset you.

Dad, I don’t have words to express how valuable you are to me and how grateful I am to you for being in my life. Thanks to you and your work, the life of our family was stable, smooth, smooth and prosperous. Mom and I love you, appreciate you, always remember you and constantly think about how else we can decorate your world. I hope we succeed at least sometimes. And I also hope that you will always be happy with us. Be kind - live long.

I have already thanked you many times, dad, for your love and care. And I will always thank you. But today I want to say: thank you, dad, for your friendship. For real, strong, your male friendship. For always lending your shoulder to me in difficult times. For being my protector and support. For lending a helping hand in time. And most importantly, for not leaving me despite the fact that I have already grown up and continue to do all this to this day.

Thanks, dad. And I wish you fulfillment of all your desires, health, success and many years to come.

Daddy, can you imagine, lately I have been praised so often at work and admired for my professionalism, energy and decisions that I make, that I am surprised at myself... Every time I hear addressed to me, another recognition of my merits with the question “How do you succeed?”, I always say: “I got all this from my dad!”

Honestly, dad, I am grateful to you for giving me such willpower, such patience and perseverance. And I learned perseverance and the right attitude to work only from you, watching what and how you do, how you solve your problems. Thank you for teaching me courage in my profession and in life.

  • If you decide to include words of gratitude in a letter to your father, try to resist and not write several texts there at once. This is overkill. One or two (combined into one paragraph) will be enough. Of course, I would like to say all the words of gratitude to my dad at once (whichever ones I can find), but this will be “spam,” believe me.
  • If you say these words in public (at a wedding, anniversary, etc.) and the text seems too long for you to remember, you can use the shortest version or the one you like long text cut it in half, leaving only the main thing in the text that directly applies to your situation with your father.

Daddy, I have already grown up, become independent and responsible, but not with you. My dear, next to you I instantly turn into a little girl who looks at your eyes with adoration. beautiful eyes, literally catches your every word and so awaits your approval and praise. Today is your birthday and I would like to say thank you for the way you raised me. It was you who taught me to tell the truth, admit my mistakes, rise and move only forward. I always knew that you were nearby, and such support and faith only made me stronger. Thank you, my dear. On your birthday, let me wish you only one thing - very good health, and everything else will be given to you by your family. We love and appreciate you very much, happy birthday!

Dear dad, maybe you once dreamed of a son... And you had me - and you became your beloved dad. I want you to smile every day for many, many years. May nothing make you sad, may a tear never run down your cheek, may no gray hair touch your head for a long time... I love you very much and I know that you love me most of all. I am always by your side - even if there are hundreds of kilometers between us. Happy Birthday daddy!

Let me congratulate you on your birthday. Let him bring it to you Have a good mood, joy, warmth in the soul. I wish you all the best, brightest in your work, in your destiny. I wish you to always be on the rise, to be on the rise. Never get sick, never grow old in soul until you are ninety, and if you succeed, until you are a hundred. May all your wishes come true, may your plans and dreams come true. Be happy, dear!

Today is my dad's birthday. On this day I would like to give you all the warmest words, wishes and just the whole world. For me, you have always been a model worth emulating. Thanks to you, I learned to be independent and strong, to boldly step forward and know for sure that I can overcome any obstacles. And it simply couldn’t be any other way, because the best man in the world believes in me. Today I look at all your gray hairs and wrinkles and understand that I brought you many of them, forgive me, daddy, for the troubles and worries. I have matured, but next to you I want to do only one thing - take your hand, only you can give me strength and confidence. May you have health, happiness, love and respect not only from your family, but from everyone around you. Happy birthday dad.

My beloved daddy! Today I flutter like a little bird and want to chirp to you about how happy I am that I grew up as a princess, and my father was a real king, with whom peace and tranquility always reigned in our kingdom, that is, in our family! Happy birthday! I wish you happiness, but not simple, not golden, but woven from the rays of the sun, stars and our love, because we all love you very much and value you!

Today is a holiday for one good person, or rather, my dad. Happy birthday, our beloved. Today the whole family came together to raise a glass to you, wish you good health, lots and lots of strength to implement new plans and realize all your dreams. You are a wonderful son, the most wonderful and loving husband and, of course, my, only my coolest daddy. You know I'm so ashamed that I often made you worry or get angry. Every gray hair and every wrinkle on your courageous face is so dear to me. I want to give you the whole world, to say all the most important words, but there is a lump in my throat, and there are tears of happiness in my eyes, because I have such happiness as the best dad in the world.
Dear Dad!
Today is your holiday - your birthday. All your closest and dearest people have gathered around the table, and you accept congratulations from colleagues and friends. Let me also say a few words.
Even though I am no longer the little baby you carried in your arms and rolled on a swing, you are still very dear and important to me. I wish you to enjoy life day after day, despite the difficulties, move forward and always feel the support of those whose love and respect are dear to you and so necessary!
Happy Birthday daddy!

My dear dad!
This day is very important for all of us - because today you are celebrating your birthday. I am very proud that it is you that I can call this warm and so with a gentle word- daddy. I am immensely grateful to fate for giving me you!
On this Day, I want to wish you to always and in everything be true to yourself, not to be led by fleeting weaknesses, to move through life with your head held high.
Always remain as brave, courageous, strong man and, at the same time, so kind and sweet, my most beloved dad!
Happy Holidays to you!!!

Father. Such a strict word that I don’t associate with you at all, daddy. After all, that’s what I called you at any age. I have grown up, and gray hair has appeared at your temples. Today, on your birthday, I would like to ask forgiveness for all the experiences and troubles that you experienced with me. I would also like to say a big thank you for your support. Today I can tell everyone our little secret - you have always been and will always be a daddy for me, but also the most faithful friend, you are the one who knows all my secrets and experiences. You always supported me, never reproached me and gave only the right advice. Thank you, daddy, for these lessons of wisdom, it is so important to me. Let me raise this glass to you, the best dad in the world!

Preparing for father's birthday celebration includes a selection of wishes. It’s not always possible to say in your own words everything you want to wish your dad. Don't worry, we will help you. A selection of congratulations to dad from his daughter is suitable for all occasions and will be able to express all emotions and feelings.

My dear and beloved dad!
You are a person who proudly bears the most honorable title in the world - FATHER. You will always be the standard and ideal of a man for me. Your wisdom and understanding will always help me in difficult times. Your love and affection will calm and give confidence. On your birthday, I want to wish you patience. After all, children (especially daughters) are very picky and capricious “flowers of life.” I also want to wish you long life - after all, your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will also benefit from your experience and knowledge. And most importantly - health to you, so that you can delight us all with your smile and kind words! We love you very much! Happy birthday!

Dear daddy, I congratulate you on your holiday, happy birthday! In difficult times, I can always count on your help and support! You always rejoice at my successes, and I promise that I will not upset you!

Beloved daddy! There are so many things I want to wish you today and without banal words, because it is already clear that health, luck and wealth are the most cherished of all desires. Today I want to wish you a life that, like a river, will flow past the rocky shores, and Hope, Faith and Love will continue to live in your heart!

Beloved dad, I wish you a happy birthday. How I would like to say my own child text, in which I will be able to feel truly many pleasant, special words. My beloved and dear little man, I am proud of you, so please remain as you are now. How I want to know that everything will definitely work out for you at a decent level, that you will be able to demonstrate your wonderful character traits many more times. May fate protect you and allow you to gain additional faith that everything will definitely work out. My dear, I really love you very much. And, of course, I always want to see you active and energetic, strong and healthy, peaceful and cheerful. I wish you a lot of luck and chances to find happiness. Dad, I love you, but you are gradually becoming the ideal of a man, a human being!

Today, on my father’s birthday, I look at our life, look back at the past and once again am convinced that our father is the most valuable gift of Fate that you can imagine! He always loved us, took care of his family and did not know fatigue in this, he always had in reserve kind word and a funny joke... And today we celebrate his anniversary, and I want to wish him to always be the same - strong in body and spirit, cheerful and freedom-loving, boldly look into the distance and, of course, be very happy!

You often came home late from work, and I looked forward to your arrival. I really missed you all day. How could only you, dad, after a hard day at work, have the strength to play with me, talk, ask how things are at school, help with homework! And when we walked down the street, I thought: “Look, everyone, what a defender I have!” And remember, when I was very little, I said that when I grow up, you will marry me! What childish stupidity! But my husband, dad, is like you, because only men like you can be called real! Happy Birthday daddy!

Daddy, you are the best important person in my life. You know, your care, as well as my mother’s care, is actually very important and significant. Thank you very much for what you give me, for the wonderful values ​​that you invest in me. Dad, you help me understand what a real representative of the stronger sex should be, and this turns out to be truly important for a growing girl. I want to wish you a lot of happiness and the opportunity to believe that even your deepest wishes will definitely be manifested in reality. I wish you health and energy, because without them, progress in your chosen direction will not be successful. My dear, may fate protect you, and may adversity not even appear on the horizon. How I want to believe that everything will definitely work out 100% for you. I love you, dad, and happy birthday.

Today my beloved daddy has become another year older. But no one will even think that you are already so old. You never hide your age, but no one believes you because you look much younger than your age. I want to congratulate you, my dear daddy, and say that I have been saying since childhood that I have the coolest and most positive daddy, who is ready to support my crazy idea at any moment. I remember how we went to the store together at a late hour to buy ice cream because we wanted it so much. Then we kept it all a secret from my mother. In fact, these memories will forever remain in my memory. I wish you good health, my coolest daddy. May all your dreams and desires come true, and may your ideas and plans come true. Let this day be fun and interesting.

Today is dedicated to my wonderful and most cheerful dad, who taught me to drive a car so that later I myself taught people to park the car. I would like to wish you, my best daddy, only what you really need. Over the years, you have been able to achieve real recognition professionally. You are doing what you love, which gives you real pleasure. I look at you and understand how to live. Believe me, in many ways I take my example from you, my beloved daddy. You can be sure that your daughter is always ready to support, so you can count on me. You can call me in the middle of the night and tell me that you have no one to eat ice cream with. In two seconds I will be in the kitchen next to you. I'm never bored with you, daddy. Happy holiday!

Daddy, my dear, thank you so much for your understanding, attention and care. I appreciate everything you do for me! I love and respect you very much! I wish you happiness, health, good mood and great luck in everything!

I want to say thank you to my father for living a worthy life - my mother and I can only be proud of him, I also want to express my gratitude for the fact that he tried, participating in my physical and mental education. For you, my dear! Cheers!

Dad, since my childhood, you have always been by my side, provided decent support and showed true care for me. I want to thank you for loving me, your own daughter, very much. Although I have already grown up, I continue to understand how close and important we are to each other. Dad, I want to congratulate you on your birthday, because today’s holiday is a real joy for our entire family. Today we celebrate the year that fate has already given us. I want to wish you longevity, because I understand that we will definitely be together always as long as this opportunity exists. Daddy, please take care of yourself and take care of your health, and I, in turn, wish you health and energy, strength. Today we can celebrate your birthday in a quiet family circle. I hope that you will enjoy this format of the holiday, because the closest people will be nearby. Congratulations!

My dear daddy, on your birthday I want to wish you good health and inexhaustible optimism, which you taught me in life. May every day bring you only joy and pleasure. Happy birthday dad!

Daddy, I want to tell you that I love you very much. You can call me affectionately, but please don’t scold me for my childish pranks. You know, I didn’t do it on purpose, because my childhood speaks to me, and I’m not able to step over my natural nature. My beloved daddy, I want to wish you inner harmony and home comfort, so that you can understand in which direction you need to develop further. Let only the bright sun shine in all areas of your life, and let there never be storms and bad weather again. I wish you a lot of strength and lack of fatigue, because I really want to see you active and energetic, to understand that you will definitely achieve your goals. Dad, I’m really proud of you, because you are special to me, the best and beloved. Please accept my most sincere congratulations on your birthday, because such wonderful person how are you, I just want to say pleasant words. Happy birthday!

Hardworking, strong, brave, all this is daddy’s favorite. So dear, the most skillful, necessary for a large family. We wish daddy to have fun from the heart on his birthday. Health, happiness, good luck, money and love!

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