The history of topaz is vague and full of speculation. There is a version that this stone was first found on the island of Topazios in the Red Sea. Pliny the Elder reports this. Already in modern times, excavations were carried out on the island, but topazes were not found, but they came across deposits of other minerals -. Modern classification he received it only in the 19th – 20th centuries.

Topaz belongs to the group of island aluminum silicates with vacancies in the crystal lattice. The latter circumstance affects the color, and not the impurities. In the crystal lattice of this mineral, deviations from the ideal occur. The places where the F and OH anions should be located turn out to be empty, and substitution occurs. The amount of F and OH in the mineral determines the color of the stone.

When exposed to solar radiation, topazes become colorless. But under the influence of radioactive radiation, a colorless stone can turn yellow or orange-brown. If such a stone is heated, the color will change to blue.

Faceted colored topazes are used in jewelry. They are valued for the variety of shades and beautiful play of light that appear during cutting. In the steel industry it is used to make ceramic glazes. Topaz is used to produce fireproof materials that replace kyanite. Topaz crumbs are used as an abrasive coating, since in terms of strength it is second only to.

Deposits and production

It was these minerals that ensured the glory of the Ilmen Mountains in the Urals. It was here that in the 18th – 20th centuries they found the most a large number of topaz. Many times we came across colorless or . Topazes were mined here in tons. Some specimens reached tens of kilograms.

Blue and yellow topazes are characteristic of the Murzinsko-Aduiskoye deposit in the Urals. Rare and expensive crimson and pink topazes are almost never found in Russia. An exception is the Kachkarovsky tectonic suture in the Southern Urals.

Topazes of almost all shades are found in Ukraine, in the Volodarsk-Volyn mines. This is where one of the record-breaking stones for weight comes from – yellow topaz weighing 115 kilograms.

Topaz has the quality of forming large crystals. For example, a stone weighing five tons was found in Brazil. But such minerals are valued only by geologists.

Topaz can be misleading with its properties. The density, hardness, purity and brilliance of topaz make it similar to other minerals. An example of this is the Braganza stone weighing 1680 carats. He for a long time adorned the crown of Polish kings and was considered a diamond. Only centuries later did experts discover the error.

Magic properties

Magical properties characteristic of all varieties of topaz.

  • calms passions;
  • creates peace and serenity in a person’s soul, which helps to enjoy life;
  • heals depression;
  • relieves fears, doubts, anger;
  • remedy against black magic and the evil eye;
  • awakens intuition;
  • gives women beauty;
  • bestows wisdom on men.

In the east they believed that an amulet with it helps to achieve harmony and enlightenment. This is a mineral for honest people. Liars will not be able to wear it. In their hands it will become cloudy and discolored. Topaz is a quarry stone. It helps to find a common language with people, awakens eloquence and due to this a person achieves success in the world. Psychologists, lawyers, lawyers, and scientists are advised to wear it.


Topazes are classified by color. They are yellow, striped, blue, rainbow, green. This enhances certain magical properties.

  1. Yellow crystal, also called honey or blue. There are stones ranging from lemon yellow to dark yellow with a brown tint. In ancient times, the yellow gem was the patron saint of people of mental work and inspired them to discoveries. This is a stone of honesty. By changing color it indicates a lie.
  2. Pink crystals. A stone of hope, it helps to overcome grief and cope with stress. In addition, topaz can bring reason to the owner, protect him from rash steps, and remind him to be careful. In any unforeseen situation, it will maintain self-control and sobriety of mind for its owner. This is a symbol of tenderness and fidelity; for this reason, lovers exchanged rings with such topazes. But, it can discolor in just a week. Such topazes were rare, especially valuable.
  3. Crystals Green colour. The price is equal to, since it is rare, and the extraction process is long and labor-intensive. Used in lithotherapy. In ancient times they were used to treat vision. To do this, patients looked through a topaz crystal and made lotions from its powder. Indicated for use by nervous individuals, as it brings balance to the soul, cools anger, and calms. In ancient times, it was believed that topaz changed color when touched by poison, so they threw it into drinks and encrusted goblets with it. Green topaz is a stone of good luck. The owner of such a stone finds non-standard solutions to any situation. The stone protects from envious people, evil eyes and false gossip.
  4. Crystals of blue color. They are classified according to color intensity. Dark shades of topaz are also called Swiss Blue. These are rare gems. The lightest and most inexpensive of all topaz is Sky Blue. These stones have the ability to relieve depression and bad mood, and therefore slow down aging.
  5. CrystalsWhite. This color is often found. Often it has no jewelry value and is used in industry. Lithotherapists use it as a prophylactic against infections.

Meaning in astrology

This is one of the few gemstones that suits almost all zodiac signs. It has the most powerful effect on November scorpions. This zodiac sign is emotionally complex. They often go to extremes: they cry, and then laugh a minute later, scream angrily, and then passionately hug. It is especially difficult for young representatives of this zodiac sign, who have not yet learned to control themselves and have not gained experience. For Scorpios, blue topaz will be a salvation. They will cool your emotions, relieve the tension of passions raging in your soul, and help you understand others.

All shades of yellow. People of this sign are naturally balanced, reasonable and energetic. Bright topaz stones will help you achieve your goal and attract good luck.

Leos tend to keep everything under control, dominate and manage. Bright blue shades suit them. Topaz will help improve relationships with subordinates. It will ensure good luck in business.

Extremely emotional. The talisman’s task is to absorb unnecessary emotions so that they do not interfere with making informed decisions and do not spoil relationships with others. Transparent stones are suitable for this. Their job is to cool the mind. They also help you choose the right words that will not offend others.

Sagittarians are harsh in their judgments, although generally friendly. Another task is to provide yourself with peace so as not to burn out. Yellow and green minerals are suitable for the Sagittarius zodiac sign.

Topaz will help Taurus find love, but this sign should not wear the stone all the time, as this can give rise to unnecessary negative emotions in the soul of Taurus that are uncontrollable.

Medicinal properties

They were used by ancient healers. The mineral is also recognized as medicinal by modern lithotherapists.

List of medicinal properties:

  • nervous disorders;
  • insomnia and nightmares;
  • relief of attacks of bronchial asthma;
  • hemostatic agent;
  • increasing immunity;
  • sharpening of vision;
  • can help you conceive quickly.

Products and prices

Products with it are quite accessible to everyone, especially in silver. Most often these are blue topazes. The cost of a carat does not exceed 6 dollars.

Crystals of lilac and red colors are most valued and cost more. The price per carat can exceed $750. A little cheaper, but also in price, is a yellow mineral with pink flecks. These are Brazilian stones from Minas Novas.

Almost all types are made from topaz stone jewelry: rings, pendants, brooches, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, tiaras.

How to spot a fake

There are fakes among topaz. Most often these are cheaper types of stone. You can spot a counterfeit like this:

  • topaz is highly electrified, so to check its authenticity you can wipe it with a woolen cloth;
  • Topaz conducts heat poorly. If you hold it in your hand, it will not immediately heat up;
  • natural minerals, if you look closely, have minor flaws;
  • In nature, topazes have soft, muted tones. A very bright, richly colored stone should arouse suspicion;
  • topaz is a dense mineral that can only be compared with, so authenticity can be verified by scratching the glass with a stone. Natural topaz will leave a mark without being damaged.

Many topazes are artificially colored. This fact cannot be revealed.

Rainbow topaz

On popular shelves jewelry networks most often represented are dim stones. They stand out strikingly against them. Unusual stones, shimmering with all colors, and the cut enhances this effect.

Polychrome in topaz is not a natural phenomenon, like, for example, . This is a man-made beauty that appeared thanks to modern technology. The crystal is based on ordinary transparent topaz. A thin layer of titanium or gold oxide is applied to its surface. The metal layer causes light to refract, since its layer is uneven, and this is the result - color shifts.

This variety looks unusual, mesmerizing, and it’s hard to take your eyes off it. The healing and mystical properties remain the same as those of other stones. But unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes use cheaper stones rather than topaz as a basis. Information about this must be indicated on the tag.

Stone care

During wear, the products lose color, shine, and become cloudy. This is a feature of the mineral. He is afraid of the sun, chlorinated water and sudden changes in temperature, so a product with topaz that is worn without taking it off will inevitably lose its former beauty. The best way protect this stone - wear it on special occasions, preferably for evening wear, and follow the storage rules:

  • do not keep in the sun;
  • store in a closed box;
  • store separately from other jewelry;
  • avoid high humidity and temperature changes;
  • Avoid contact with cosmetics, perfumes and chemicals;
  • Avoid contact with tap water, so it is advisable to wash and bathe without jewelry.

It is better to clean jewelry in special compounds that are sold in jewelry stores. Among the home remedies for cleaning, it is recommended to use toothpaste and a weak solution of vinegar (5-8 drops of wine vinegar per 250 ml of water). Both methods are not ideal, since the stone will have to come into contact with water. The paste does not wash well out of the fasteners with water, and the microparticles scratch the frame, causing the metal to lose its shine.

If a stone has lost its color, you cannot restore it with your own hands. In some cases, if the stone was artificially colored or the color was given to it by irradiation, a jeweler will help restore the color. If the stone was natural, then most often the color cannot be restored.

Nature never ceases to amaze people with its beauty, generosity and diversity. Blue, pink, yellow sparkling topazes are a vivid example of this. Topaz, although for the most part does not have a high price and, if used ineptly, loses its appearance, arouses interest not only among jewelry lovers, but also among mystics due to its magical properties. This is a great way to realize the meaning of life and enjoy it.

The most controversial of the minerals is blue topaz. The meaning of the stone will lift the veil of its secrets and help you decide whether you need such a powerful talisman.

What is the strength of the mineral?

What effect does blue topaz have on humans? The importance of the stone is difficult to overestimate once you know its properties.

Healing power

By constantly wearing the mineral, its owner’s immunity is strengthened, which allows him not only to avoid getting sick, but also to fight existing chronic diseases and exhaustion. Topaz can overcome diseases of the central nervous system, arthritis, paralysis, inflammation of bone tissue, and problems with the spine. And women who own this mineral will not know what hormonal disorders and uterine diseases are. They are also not at risk of infertility. Myopic people will also feel the beneficial effects of the stone.

Regenerating properties

Blue topaz relieves stress, reduces the time spent on tissue regeneration, and even prevents Graves' disease, because the life-giving effect of the mineral has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, strengthening it.

Calming properties

The owner of the blue mineral will not be tormented by depression, insomnia, nightmares, or mental disorders. Moreover, under the influence of its action in epileptics the frequency and severity of attacks decreases.

Magical qualities

The owner of blue topaz develops powerfully his mind, intuition and instinct. This is one of the strongest talismans of wealth, which helps businessmen, speakers, politicians, promoting their popularity and favorable attention from people of higher rank.

Properties that encourage creativity

Blue topaz reveals creative potential owner, but only among people with extensive life experience, wise ones.

Mystical qualities

The ability to pacify downpours and even storms is one of the most unusual properties of the blue topaz mineral. He is a talisman, a protector, an amulet of clairvoyants. People are involuntarily drawn to a person with such a talisman; they want to listen to him, to know his opinion.

A stone with character

Only blue topaz is a stone whose properties are not intended for everyone. He will be a faithful assistant and talisman only for a courageous, honest and purposeful person. If you are a woman oriented toward family and traditional values, if privacy and peace are important to you, then forget about blue topaz. The meaning of the stone, or more precisely, its purpose is to send tests. After all, this unusually beautiful mineral predetermines the fate of a person who must win the battle of life. Not everyone can overcome critical situations painlessly. Wearing blue topaz guarantees that any, even the most innocent, lie and untruth will be brought to its logical conclusion. So, a playful response to a bad joke loved one: “Well, that’s it, I don’t love you anymore...” will become reality. The woman will become increasingly entangled in personal problems and will not suspect that the unusually attractive blue topaz is to blame. The meaning of the stone is destruction, a catalyst for decay. It is unlikely that the beauty of a mineral is worth such sacrifices.

Blue topaz will conquer Scorpio

And here the question naturally arises: who can wear blue topaz without fear? The zodiac sign will give the answer. The heavenly colored mineral is indicated primarily for Scorpios - those who were born in the time period from October 24 to November 22.

Topaz is a wonderful and very beautiful mineral. It has a special shine, high specific gravity, hardness, and an incredible variety of shades. It is so good that it is sometimes confused with a diamond. The name of the stone came to us from Greece. In the Red Sea there is an island called “Topazos” (where Topaz was first discovered), which translated from Greek means “to seek”, or from Sanskrit “fire”.

Topaz is a transparent stone, but there are topazes that are colorless, blue, purple, pink, and even combining several shades at once.

  • Blue Topaz. The stone looks regal and is considered one of the most exquisite minerals.
  • Yellow topaz. The color of this stone can range from golden to brown.
  • Golden topaz. This stone belongs to the yellow topaz and has the same characteristics and properties as the yellow variety described above.
  • London blue topaz. This is the commercial name for blue topaz. The stone has a special cut and is highly valued in jewelry.
  • Pink Topaz. This type of mineral is considered one of the most expensive, along with red topaz.
  • Green Topaz. Green topaz is a fairly rare, collectible stone. Its color is natural, formed due to natural exposure to radiation.
  • Blue Topaz. Minerals of this color are obtained artificially using heat treatment. In the jewelry market, blue topazes are highly valued and have their own special trade names. As for properties, blue topaz has the same qualities as blue.
  • White Topaz. It is believed that this mineral is able to strengthen the human immune system and nervous system, and have a beneficial effect on the emotional state.

Magical properties of Topaz

It is believed that topaz helps to identify intrigues, recognize lies, and unravel complex cases. But at the same time, the stone itself does not tolerate deceivers and will not help such a person. The owner of topaz must have noble goals for the stone to agree to help a person. In ancient times, it was believed that the mineral was able to calm the raging elements, so topazes were often taken with them on sea voyages, thus hoping to avoid storms.

The meanings of topaz are peace, wisdom, goodness. It makes its owner an optimist, helps to enjoy life and feel inner peace. A person who wears jewelry with topaz is honest, decent and wise; he does not fall into unreasonable anger and rage, but, on the contrary, is sociable, interesting and generous. A topaz stone will be of particular benefit to a person who is tormented by obsessive states, depression, and vague fears; the stone is able to dispel them and calm them down.

Healing properties of Topaz

The effect of topaz on the human body is only positive. The owner of the jewelry can get rid of depression and fatigue, prolong his life and strengthen his mind, he is charged with positivity. The main healing property of topaz is that it cleanses the body. By cleansing the kidneys and liver, the mineral helps improve their functions and through these organs the entire body is cleansed and maintained properly. If you have problems with blood circulation, fix topaz in the place where you need to increase blood flow. You can reduce the pain of gout and find some relief by rubbing the affected area with a topaz gemstone. Corrects sexual dysfunction. It can also be used for baths and rubdowns for skin diseases, rashes, irritations, as well as for wound healing.

Talismans and amulets

As an amulet, topaz stone is known as a stone of success. This gemstone works according to the law of attractiveness; it accumulates and enhances all active actions aimed at achieving the goal. This is due to the fact that energy passes through the stone not pointwise, but in the direction of the crystal growth faces, forming a universal flow of energy, which we direct in the right direction. The ancient Greeks determined the properties of topaz depending on the gender of its owner. Thus, he gave generosity and sexual power to men, and prudence and beauty to women. The Greeks believed that topaz was a stone whose magical properties saved people from depression, obsessive states, and phobias.

Topaz in astrology

Topaz suits people born under the sign like no other. A gem of any tone suits Scorpio. The stone will protect Scorpio from any negative energy. Topaz is also suitable for. The stone will extinguish those passions that often overcome people of this sign. It will make you calmer and more balanced. This will help them both in their personal life and at work. Other zodiac signs can safely wear topaz. The gem will try to be useful to them.

Compatibility of topaz with zodiac signs

Topaz for

Topaz helps Aries in communicating with unfamiliar and completely unfamiliar people. For example, you have to establish some kind of relationship with partners, conclude some kind of deal, after first convincing them of your advantages - topaz comes in very handy here. The mineral makes Aries more talkative, sincere, and pleasant. According to the horoscope, Aries will be favored lilac topaz And golden hue. Jewelry with such topazes endows women with wisdom and prudence.

Topaz for

In Taurus, topaz awakens passionate feelings. Therefore, being a Taurus according to the horoscope and somehow accidentally purchasing any product with topaz, do not be surprised that too much attention is suddenly focused on you. And you yourself, dear Taurus, will be “amazed” by the thirst for love and adventure. With a topaz talisman, all feelings will be perceived brighter. Taurus women blue topaz colors help perfectly as a talisman, protecting its owner from the evil eye of bad people. For men, it will help them make up their minds in this life, understand the World and themselves.

Topaz for

Geminis, by their nature, can “carry” two completely opposite characters, two sides that have little in common with each other. Due to such constant changes in behavior, your mood may drop. Topaz will find a kind of compromise for its owner, born in the sign of Gemini. The talisman finds the “golden mean” in the character of Gemini and attracts more joy into life. Geminis are suitable colorless And yellow stones. Gemini women are especially recommended to wear a talisman with blue topaz; it will help make its owner softer and more pliable, and prevent outbursts of anger and negative emotions.

Topaz for

For Cancers, topaz can return love to life, interest and incentive to move on at any time. So, representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer, after purchasing topaz, do not have to worry one bit about the upcoming depression. The mineral enlightens the thoughts of its owner, gives the right to dream and make plans for the future, and think through brilliant plans. Good for Cancers blue— London Blue, blue And green topaz. Topaz will teach women who represent this zodiac sign to plan and think about their actions and their consequences.

Topaz for

For Leos, the topaz talisman will help them rise socially and financially in relation to their colleagues. general work. Leos will receive, along with the purchase of topaz, selected items. Leos are one of the best owners for topaz. In the powerful hands of Leo, this stone forms a powerful charge of energy. Leo with topaz has the power to make the greatest plans. Good for Leos red And pink topazes. For the female half, jewelry with this color palette will help reveal the sensual side of their character. gold ring with blue topaz will help the Leo woman find a language with loved ones and subordinates.

Topaz for

Topaz will help Virgos to share kindness and warmth. Topaz develops sincerity, understanding and the concept of love in Virgos. Virgos wearing delicately decorated topaz make soulful interlocutors. If Virgo falls in love, then, with the assistance of the forces of topaz, feelings are revealed in such a way that love seems unreal, as if the description is from a romantic book. Should be perfect for Virgos purple And yellow topaz. For Virgo women, this gem gives them the opportunity to make their own decisions and not depend on their emotional state.

Topaz for

Topaz helps Libra to correctly formulate their thoughts and translate them into life. Topaz will improve Libra’s position in the company of loved ones, in the family circle and in their professional work. Topaz scales are becoming very popular. Also, Libra’s talents bring, thanks to topaz, new spheres and horizons. For Libras born in October, blue topaz is an excellent talisman in true love and friendship. Girls of this zodiac constellation will be given additional energy and will make them more socially successful and independent.

Topaz for

Scorpio uses the cunning and foresight of such a stone, which has magical powers, like topaz, in the right direction. In general, topaz tries to involve any strong side of Scorpio in something useful, in something that is useful. In fact, it turns out that topaz does not change anything in its carrier, but only directs. People born under the zodiac sign Scorpio are especially recommended to wear topaz. Scorpio women often tend to go to extremes, and the stone restores balance and helps make the right decisions in difficult situations. In many cases, young Scorpios need prudence and wisdom received from outside. When the stubbornness, independence, self-confidence, and inconsistency of people under this sign are off the charts, it becomes difficult for them to communicate with people, they should restore connections and relationships, and establish contacts. During such a period, the magical properties of topaz help to reconcile the owner himself with people, helps to avoid stressful situations and control himself.

Topaz for

In Sagittarius, topaz “ignites” a passion for something. Perhaps Sagittarius, with the supply of topaz, will have new interests, or some kind of affair. Or maybe it will be a holiday romance. In any case, topaz “covers” Sagittarius headlong, preventing problems and troubles from disturbing the idyll and wasting time. For Sagittarius, a necklace with inclusions would be perfect as a talisman. blue topaz. He will not allow representatives of this zodiac to get distracted by trifles and will direct them towards a single goal. For Sagittarius women, such topaz will give the necessary strength of spirit to make independent decisions.

Topaz for

Topaz presents Capricorns with many life challenges. These “checks” will seem, at first glance, like someone’s really bad joke. But, as they say, fear has big eyes. After all, topaz will never allow Capricorn, who owns this talisman, to “fall face down in the mud” or give himself some slack. A talisman in the form of topaz in the hands of Capricorn is power in the power of the almighty. Suitable for Capricorn transparent And green minerals. Topaz serves as an amulet for people born on the eighth and sixteenth lunar days.

Topaz for

Jewelry with topaz, belonging to Aquarius, is a worthy talisman and amulet for any occasion. Aquarius, who proudly carries topaz with him (or rather, on himself), will be transformed, become strong, morally stable in the face of difficulties. Topaz, in addition, heals Aquarius from the inside, trying to get rid of all ailments. Aquarius can be advised pink topazes. A woman seeking to re-attract love into her family hearth and understand what kind of relationship she really needs should wear pink topaz in a pendant or pendant.

Topaz for

Topaz will not allow Pisces to get close to ill-wishers. Pisces also have no fear of feeling deception and hatred. Only people pleasant to Pisces are present nearby. The Pisces environment carries a positive charge, creating the effect of a family hearth. The House of Pisces is always ready to receive guests and give them the same feeling of comfort and convenience. Topaz will heal Pisces' headaches. In Pisces, topaz is able to relieve psycho-emotional stress and set one in a positive mood. Blue Topaz Pisces women will be able to give some serenity and calmness. And also help restore health and longevity, protect against dangers and machinations of enemies.

Topaz - magical properties of the stone

According to legend, topazes were first discovered on the uninhabited island of Topazios (now Zeberget) in the Red Sea. Other versions of the origin of the name of this stone refer us either to the Sanskrit “tapas”, meaning “warmth”, or to the Greek “topazos”, translated as “search”. Due to its high specific gravity, the stone received the nickname “heavyweight” among Ural miners, and European jewelers for a long time called its transparent and blue variety “Siberian diamond” for its density (3.49-3.60 g/cm³) and the glass that appears after cutting brilliance characteristic of diamonds.

Created by nature

This stone received the name “Siberian diamond” not only for its physical properties. Also in early XVIII world century jewelry market was shocked by the quality of the transparent and rarer light blue crystals mined in the granite pegmatite veins of the Ilmen Mountains and the Murzin-Adui semi-precious belt. In addition to the purity of the water and the beauty of the tone, it was difficult to ignore the scale of the Ural finds - some specimens reached 30 kg. Later, topazes of rare crimson, reddish-violet and pink colors became the pride of the Kochkar meganticlinorium, also located in the Southern Urals.

The Urals, however, did not remain a monopolist in the production of Russian topaz: deposits in the south of Transbaikalia are still famous for blue-hued stones.

Today, the Ural and Siberian reserves of blue topaz, so highly valued by jewelry lovers, have virtually dried up. The main mining of these stones is carried out in Germany, Zimbabwe, Madagascar, Australia and even the USA. The leader in production is Brazil, the main exporter of topaz to the world market. It was in this country that the world's largest cut blue topaz was found: the famous Marabella, weighing 1.65 kg.

However, the biggest “heavyweight” showed himself to the world not in exotic lands, but in the Volyn field (Ukraine). In 1965, a wine-yellow crystal was mined here, which reaches a height of 82 cm and has a mass of 117 kg.

A stone with character

is an aluminum fluorosilicate, which is a very hard mineral (8.0 on the Mohs scale) and is second only to diamonds and corundum in this indicator. It is difficult to process, but the result is worth it - after cutting, the stone acquires a bright shine. Topaz can be “killed” only with phosphorus salt - it does not decompose in acids. However, mechanical impact is harmful to it - having, like a diamond, ideal basal cleavage, topaz can split with a sharp blow.

Since ancient times, topaz has been attributed a lot of various properties: from mystical to medicinal. For centuries, blue topaz served as a talisman for sailors - it was believed that it was able to pacify the raging elements and lead the lost to a calm harbor. It is believed that topaz helps stop bad dreams or insomnia and suggests the correct solution to pressing problems.

In the East, golden topaz is considered a symbol of spiritual enlightenment, and in India, a pink crystal brings back lost hope.

The “Topaz wedding” is usually called the sixteenth wedding anniversary. On this day, spouses give each other a gift, symbolizing the strength of the relationship and its purity.

Such a colorful gem

Natural topazes amaze with their variety of colors and shades. From brown to wine yellow, from golden to red, from smoky to blue and pale green, this stone gets its color not from any impurities, but from its own structure.

Particularly valuable are polychrome crystals, in which the layers are colored various colors, as well as stones with a “cat’s eye effect”.

However, man was not satisfied with the rich choice provided by nature. Even in antiquity, craftsmen changed the natural color of topazes by firing them in quartz sand. Modern technology makes it possible to create different shades of stones through the cultivation process. Special processing allows you to reveal the natural shade natural stone and keep it for a long time.

Take blue topaz for example. Their most common variety, Sky Blue Topaz, is similar to aquamarine and has a relatively low cost. Darker Swiss blue topaz Swiss Blue Topaz is rarely found in nature. This beautiful shade of topaz allows you to make your home more accessible. The most intensely colored London Blue Topaz crystals are always processed - they are extremely rare in nature.

Despite all the technology and reliability of the refining process, it is recommended to store topazes away from light and heat sources - under their influence the stones may lose their color.

Fashion trends

Marine motifs, to which the clear, azure shades of stone refer us, have been inspiring jewelry designers for many years now. Jewelry brands Every season they delight topaz lovers with new items. In 2014, the trend is a combination of the deep shine of topaz framed in white gold. Do not lose their relevance and voluminous jewelry with a large stone in the “main roles”. Topaz of blue shades easily combines with other floors precious stones. This season, you can’t go past jewelry collections in which blue topaz is complemented by prasiolites with a soft, subtle green tint.

Jewelry with this blue semi-precious stone rightfully takes place in the jewelry boxes of many celebrities. Regularly please with their jewelry with topaz Charlize Theron, Kylie Minogue, Audrey Tautou, Madonna, Pink and Victoria Beckham.

Topaz in jewelry

Topaz's delightful colors allow it to rhyme with many other semi-precious and precious stones. Topaz allows it to “coexist” with other stones not only because of its variety of shades, but also because of its beautiful appearance in almost any cut. Circle, oval, pear, marquise, square, cabochon are the most different shapes polishing reveals the play of light.

Topaz is also valued for its universal compatibility with various metals. It looks organic both in a frame made of silver and white gold, and red gold. Jewelers often complement the blue shine of the stone with cubic zirconia or diamonds.

This unique mineral, characterized by its rich color scheme. The blue topaz stone is famous for its particular sophistication and nobility. After cutting, it acquires such brilliance that it is even called “Siberian diamond,” and the color of the rock discovered in Brazil became the reason to call it “Brazilian sapphire.”

Jewelers all over the world highly value the properties and value of the blue “beauty,” which ranks second after diamond in hardness. Cut semi-precious stone- a labor-intensive and lengthy process. However, the result is worth it, since the shimmer and shine outshine most of its more famous “brothers”.

Esotericists claim that the blue stone has special magical properties. Let's figure out who this jewelry is suitable for, taking into account the zodiac signs and whether it is possible to wear topaz every day without harming yourself and others.

The origin of the name has several versions. The most common one says that it was discovered by sailors on the shores of the island of Topazius, washed by the Red Sea. Hence the similar name of the mineral. However, scientists disagree with this opinion, claiming that deposits of peridot were found on the above-mentioned island.

Adherents of the next version believe that the stone received its name from the Sanskrit “tapaz”, which means fire.

Proof of the strength and irreplaceability of the valuable rock was discovered by archaeologists in the Urals. In the habitats of ancient people, the semi-precious species of the breed was found both in the form of jewelry and as tools.

Magical influence

The pebble has long been famous for its calming and protective magical properties.

It is no coincidence that sailors, traders and travelers, whose path lay across the seas and oceans, paid him Special attention, considered a talisman and protector from storms, storms and adversity.

A ring with such decoration still carries the above-mentioned functions, and also has the power to pacify the passions raging in the human soul.

The meaning of topaz stone is very multifaceted. It endows the “carrier” with:

  • Sensitive intuition, helping to avoid countless incidents and misfortunes.
  • Protection from the evil eye, envy, intrigue and gossip.
  • The ability to subjugate people and manipulate them for personal interests, which is especially valued by politicians and government officials.
  • Wisdom and faith in the best, becoming a reliable support in the most hopeless situations.
  • Financial well-being and career growth.
  • Cool and calm. Suitable for impulsive and emotional people, helping to make a balanced and thoughtful decision, as well as eliminating neuroses.
  • The ability to smooth conflict situations, reconcile spouses and bitter enemies. However, if there is a place for deception and betrayal in the family, such a weak union can finally be destroyed.

Stone treatment

The properties of blue topaz are so diverse that it is even used for medicinal purposes.

Lithotherapy specialists use the “heavenly” mineral as a cure for many ailments, both physical and psychological.

The blue healing stone is endowed with the ability to rid its owner of:

  • nervous system disorders - insomnia, fear, psychosis, epilepsy;
  • diseases internal organs- liver, kidneys, spleen, gall bladder;
  • weakened immunity, preventing viral and infectious diseases;
  • vision problems (especially myopia);
  • inflammation of the lungs, throat, bronchial asthma;
  • bleeding;
  • infertility and other diseases of the reproductive organs.

According to zodiac signs

Let's look at which zodiac sign topaz is suitable for, and for whom it is completely contraindicated according to the horoscope.

Perfect option

Astrologers consider the blue gem

an ideal “companion” for Scorpio.

Such a talisman will “cool down” a hot-tempered “animal”, protect against rash actions, and teach you to listen to reason, pushing momentary emotions aside.

Being under the protection of this stone, Scorpio gradually finds peace and feels harmony with the world around him. Therefore, the circle of friends and acquaintances begins to grow, and soon personal life improves. Women who have given preference to a “heavenly” companion radiate charm and attractiveness, easily acquiring a crowd of fans.

Can't be worn

Unlike Scorpio,

Taurus, Libra and Pisces are contraindicated to wear

jewelry with blue crystal.

  1. For Taurus, such a choice can result in mental disorders and destruction of the family home.
  2. Libras are already indecisive by nature, and a gem can aggravate this quality, making a person very withdrawn and fearful.
  3. For Pisces, who is in most cases a secretive person, protecting open and honest people will be a heavy burden.

Average impact

It will help Aries avoid energy and nervous exhaustion.

Topaz's characteristics suit Gemini very well, pacifying their anger and relieving them of suffering. Wearing an amulet will improve your financial situation and allow you to get into the close circle of influential and rich people.

For Virgo, it will be the key to a strong marriage, happiness, confidence and peace of mind in the future.

Sagittarius will relieve anxiety, “frivolity,” as well as colds and problems with the reproductive organs.

For Capricorn - protection from family feuds, misunderstandings and betrayals. It enhances intuition, develops diplomatic skills and helps make the right decision. For Capricorn, a woman will become both a sedative, preventing outbursts of anger and hatred, and also a guarantee of fidelity to the other half.

Blue topaz for Aquarius is a symbol of enlightenment, prudence, a source of kindness, encouraging good deeds and actions. It will help you find your path in life, stopping the attempts of others to influence your personal choice. Topaz for an Aquarius woman is a sedative for the soul, overcome by passions, doubts and groundless fears. The crystal purity of the rock will ensure a happy and serene personal life and strengthen marriage bonds.

The rest of the zodiac signs can purchase the stone as an additional amulet against troubles and outbursts of negativism. It is recommended to wear jewelry on index finger right hand(for left-handers, of course, on the left). In addition to a ring or ring, you can purchase beads, bracelets or a pendant. Each piece of jewelry affects specific organs, relieving existing diseases and preventing future health problems.

For example, “neck” jewelry overcomes diseases of the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs. Bracelets will relieve pain from arthritis and arthrosis.

Proper care

In order for the gem to delight you with its unsurpassed blueness, do not neglect the rules of care:

  • Wear stones on special occasions, because from daily “walking” they will no longer “reflect” negative energy, and having accumulated it, they can even harm you.
  • Protect from sun exposure, otherwise the talisman will crack and fade.
  • Store in a separate bag or box so that the energy of the “brothers” does not “suck out” the magical properties.
  • Never treat the crystal with chemicals or cosmetics.
  • The jewelry should be washed in a soapy solution. Place the jewelry in a container of water and detergent for 20 minutes. Then gently brush with a toothbrush and rinse alternately with warm and cold water. Wipe dry with a soft cloth. Only the fabric should be free of lint and rhinestones, otherwise scratches will remain on the product. You can also use wet wipes, dry shampoo, sprays and polishes for cleaning.

How to remove negativity from a stone

Crystals have the property of accumulating negative energy, so it is necessary to clean them regularly. Most often, spring or running water is used for this procedure, which copes with the task perfectly, quickly and effectively ridding gems of negativity.

In addition to water, you can resort to help sunlight, fire, sea salt, moonlight, herbs and flowers.

WITH sea ​​salt need to be more careful. It is not suitable for many stones, changing the natural color to a more faded one. “Contactless” cleaning is best, when the amulet is placed in a glass bowl and placed on salt.

When resorting to the magic of the Moon, remember that you need to “renew” the talisman strictly in the waning phase, when the sky is completely clear.

If you're into aromatherapy, take dry or fresh herbs and flowers and set them on fire in a fireproof container. Fumigation works well on crystal, especially when using lavender flowers.

Try not to transfer the “protector” into the wrong hands, be it relatives or people close to you. If you couldn’t avoid this, just do another cleansing session.

Do not neglect care, otherwise the amulet may darken or even crack due to information overload. In this case, you will have to look for a new faithful “companion”, and this is a long and responsible process.

Bottom line

In addition to the often found blue version, you can see a darker one, which has the romantic name London. They are not a bit inferior to blue, but are considered the mineral of truly strong-willed people.