Greek hairstyle brings nobility and grandeur to the image. According to historical data, in ancient times only wealthy ladies with good manners and upbringing could afford such a luxury. Thin, loose strands and hanging curls add romanticism.

Who is suitable for Greek hairstyle?

The hairstyle looks very beautiful on naturally curly hair. Making a beautiful hairstyle on your head for the holiday will be as easy as shelling pears. Freely sagging strands will form simple coils themselves. On straight hair you will need to use curlers or a curling iron.

There are no restrictions on Greek hair color based on hair color. It will really look different between us fair and dark hair, but each option will have its own zest and extraordinaryness.

A large number of variations gives you the opportunity to choose suitable styling for women different ages. Therefore, we can safely say that in this context there can be no restrictions.

It will be a little more difficult to create a hairstyle on Thin hair. Sparse hair, as a rule, is weakened and subjecting it to heat treatment and backcombing is not recommended. Alternatively, use it in isolated cases.

What is needed to create it

To style a Greek hairstyle you will need:

  • invisible;
  • hairpins;
  • elastic bands;
  • combs of different types;
  • headbands, headbands and other accessories;
  • styling products;
  • varnish for fixing curls;
  • curling iron, iron, hair dryer, corrugation, curlers.

Each installation option requires different combinations of tools and materials used. The list contains a general list.

Hairstyle variations

Among in various ways you can find your own, the one most suitable for displaying femininity and romanticism.


The shape of the hairstyle resembles flames, hence its name. It will take a little effort and patience to create, but the result will be impressive. The lampadion is performed with an open forehead, so those with triangular foreheads should avoid this style.

Step by step guide:

  • comb strands;
  • divide the hair with a straight parting;
  • Separate a thin strand (about 3 cm) at the back of the head and secure it with an elastic band at the roots;
  • Separate the rest of the hair into strands one by one, curl them, fix them with varnish and throw them back;
  • secure the resulting curls with bobby pins at the base of the main strand;
  • the remaining tail is tucked into a bun and secured with hairpins (you can lightly backcomb it first to create volume).

The bun can be complemented with a thin ribbon of bright color.

Greek knot

It is one of the simplest styles, but this does not prevent it from being used equally for daytime and evening options.

Decorate your hair beautiful hairpin with a floral motif. You can get by with decorative hairpins with beads or flowers at the end.

Step by step guide:

  • comb strands;
  • separate into small curls one by one and wind in the chosen way;
  • fix the turns;
  • on the back of the head, gather a strand into a tight ponytail, make a bun out of it, wrapping it around the base and securing with hairpins;
  • leave 2 temporal strands sagging, secure the rest to the bun with bobby pins.

Hairstyle with headband (option 1)

It looks very feminine and exclusive. To perform this you will need a bandage or headband. It is better to use a bandage that matches the color of your clothes.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate the curl on the upper occipital part and secure it at the roots with rubber;
  • twist the rest of the hair one by one, dividing it into strands, fix with hairspray;
  • lightly comb the tail of the main curl and place it in a bun;
  • Wrap the remaining curls around the bun, giving it a beautiful shape, and secure the ends with bobby pins;
  • leave the temporal coils in free sagging;
  • wrap a bandage around the bun and tie it from the bottom, tucking the ends inside.

Hairstyle with headband (option 2)

Performed with a special Greek bandage. There is no need to wash your hair before styling. If the strands are friable, then you should first apply a little mousse and distribute it evenly over the entire length.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • make a straight parting;
  • carefully put on the bandage and secure it with invisible threads;
  • pull all the hair back to the back of the head to completely open the face;
  • tuck one strand under the bandage on each side, going from bottom to top;
  • alternately tuck the remaining curls under the bandage;
  • to create volume and slight negligence, you can first twist the strands into flagella and only then send them under the bandage;
  • secure the curled hair with hairpins or bobby pins.

Greek hairstyle with bangs

The principle of creation is practically no different from normal styling in this style.

The bangs are one of the main elements, so you should give them a shape:

  1. highlight the bevel if it is oblique;
  2. twist the edges on the elongated version;
  3. tuck under the bandage if length allows.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair and put on a bandage over your bangs;
  • separate the strands located around the perimeter of the bandage one by one and tuck them inside it;
  • Shape the remaining hair on the back of the head into coils and fix with hairspray.

Many people are familiar with the styling, although not everyone knows that it also belongs to the Greek style. It is done quickly and does not require any additional accessories other than an elastic band and bobby pins.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate the strand from one of the sides and divide it into three parts;
  • braid the braid, weaving in new strands every 2 passes, to the middle of the back of the head;
  • perform similar actions on the other side;
  • at the back of the head, gather the remaining hair higher into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band;
  • Wrap side braids around the base of the tail, securing the ends with bobby pins;
  • make twists on the tail and fix them with varnish.

How to weave

Greek weaving is carried out on the basis of the classic three-strand or spikelet using two curls. The thickness of the braid elements can be different, this determines appearance styling


Very easy to do. The hairstyle is suitable for holidays and as a daily hairstyle. It looks especially advantageous on young girls, emphasizing their tenderness and freshness.

For registration evening version You can use a small hairpin with rhinestones to secure it to the bun.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair;
  • separate a strand from one side, divide it into equal three parts and braid a pigtail up to the middle of the back of the head, secure with an elastic band;
  • Twist the meeting braids with one elastic band, comb the tail and wrap it around the base;
  • twist the remaining hair, dividing it into equal strands;
  • fix the coils with varnish.

Braided hairstyles are the most popular right now. There are many varieties, but Special attention deserves a Greek braid. Flexibility of lines, slight carelessness and beautiful shape add mystery, lightness and romanticism to the image.

The braid can be woven with a straight parting or an oblique parting.

Step by step guide:

  • comb your hair, highlight your parting;
  • Separate a strand from one of the sides, divide it into 3 parts and begin weaving in the usual way;
  • after two passes, make a pick-up from a part of the hair from the forehead area;
  • repeat the pick-up from a new strand after two more passes;
  • braid to the middle of the back of the head, adhering to the principles of weaving new strands, and secure with an elastic band;
  • perform a similar operation on the other side;
  • connect both braids with one elastic band and place the ponytail in a bun, wrapping the hair around the base.

Whatever option a woman chooses, Greek motifs will make her more feminine and tender.

Hairstyles in the Greek style have been popular for many seasons in a row. Stylists offer styling for every day, as well as for celebrations, weddings, and evenings. Greek hairstyles are simple but quite original and feminine. This allows you to do similar styling yourself and at home. However, if you don’t know how to weave complex braids or plaits, it doesn’t matter. Today, designers offer a large selection of accessories that will help you create a similar styling model. And the most popular of them is the elastic band for the Greek hairstyle.

Hair ties for Greek hairstyles come in several types. The most common were headbands with elastic bands and textile ribbons. Such accessories decorate hair stylishly because they have Beautiful design or decor. Fashion designers offer options with flowers, in the form of wreaths, complex knots or weaves.

Using an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle, you can make various options styling For example, remove hair completely, which is great for the summer and hot season. You can also wear the accessory on loose curls, where the headband will serve only a decorative function. This type of hair decoration is most often chosen by fashionistas. After all, ribbon or braid looks very simple. A stylish headband Suitable for any occasion, as well as for special occasions.

What is the name of the elastic band for the Greek hairstyle?

The accessory does not have a name as such. But most often it is called a headband with an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle, or simply a headband. After all, complex or massive jewelry is considered the most popular. However, if you come to a hair accessories boutique and ask the consultant for an elastic band for a Greek hairstyle, then they will definitely understand you and help you make a good choice.

Opting for a feminine hairstyle may mean that you might enjoy a Greek style hairstyle. Contrary to popular belief, hair styling options for Greek women were not limited to just a knot at the back of the head and hair twisted under a bandage. Ladies Ancient Greece were great fashionistas, they took into account not only the length of the hair, but also its condition and the shape of the face, neck and shoulders.

Rather, it’s worth asking the question of who it won’t suit: almost every girl can find an option for herself. So, it will be a convenient option if you:

  • high and medium-height forehead;
  • long and medium neck;
  • standard and large distances between the line of the upper eyelid and the eyebrows.

In any case, the main thing is your desire to look like gentle Aphrodite or warlike Athena. And variations on how to do a Greek hairstyle. Moreover, they are divided into everyday and festive: even in ancient times they tried to find a way of daily styling that you could do yourself. But holiday options required the participation of maids or assistants.

To create one type of hairstyle you will need:

  • large or small comb;
  • bandage, elastic bands;
  • bobby pins, ";
  • some styling products.

And choose the type of hairstyle in the Greek style yourself, especially take into account the length and thickness of the hair.

Styling with a bandage

The most common way to style your hair to look gentle, romantic and unusual. It’s very convenient that you can implement it yourself by simply taking a couple of mirrors.

  1. Prepare the bandage. This can be a store-bought ribbon and a thick, stylish elastic band. And if you want to look as authentic as possible, take several silk ribbons and weave them into one - like a spiral.
  2. Comb your hair with a mandatory straight parting and tie a headband. Such Greek hairstyles for long hair require wearing it along the hairline on the forehead. Firstly, it will make him appear taller, and secondly, only men wore bandages in the middle of the forehead in Ancient Greece.
  3. Gently twist each individual strand upward around the headband. Pin each strand with hairpins. Make sure that the mass of hair looks uniform. If you really want to, you can curl two strands on the sides, and then release them like curls. This will create an aura of some carelessness and romance.
  4. You can lightly fix the styling with varnish, but make sure that it is not noticeable!

Hetaera hairstyle

An original hairstyle that is not always suitable for everyday wear. To create a similar hairstyle in the Greek style, a photo from the back of the head and in profile will be very useful.

  1. Comb your hair and gather it at the back of your head.
  2. Take a purchased (but often custom-made) hat with a mesh called a stephana. It is often decorated with gold laces, and sometimes you can find options with sequins, rhinestones and stones.
  3. The cover around it should be curled. By the way, this Greek hairstyle with bangs assumes the presence of a small amount of hair on the forehead, it can be short. Therefore, owners of bangs can pay attention to it.

Greek knot or korimbos

A fairly simple version of a women's hairstyle in the Greek style, but somewhat different from the traditional knot.

  1. Comb your clean hair, curl it, but not to the point of curls: let it be tight waves. Separate them into a middle parting.
  2. Pull your hair back, but before that, first lower it along your cheekbones, and only then lay it at the back of your head. should be tight.
  3. Secure your hair with pins, or tie a ribbon or bandage around the bun. Remember that the forehead should not be completely open; in this version of the Greek-style hairstyle, the strands fall along the edges of the forehead.

Tail in Greek

A very convenient and elegant option for everyday life, when you need to have a neatly tidied head.

  1. Comb your clean hair and curl it into ringlets.
  2. Gather at the top of the head and secure with an elastic band. An option could be a ribbon or even a strand of your own hair. Spray the rest of your head to prevent any strands from falling out.
  3. Remember that many Greek style hairstyles feature flowing ribbons or beads. The Greek tail is no exception. Add a couple of beaded ribbons to your ponytail and you'll be hard to miss at school or the office.

Lampadion or flames

Remember the movie “Alexander” with the beautiful Angelina Jolie as the mother of the future conqueror? This is the hairstyle that the queen wore. It's rather complicated holiday option. These are required even for simple styling on the back of the head, not to mention a full-fledged styling.

  1. Wash and comb your hair, curl it. Take one thick strand from the back of your head and tie it with an elastic band or ribbon at the base. Then twist it and lower it into the curls of the main body of long hair.
  2. We do the same with the remaining ends of the hair. Divide them into strands, and then simply fold them back.
  3. Once you've worked through all the hair, secure it with bobby pins at the beginning of that first strand at the back of your head. Using styling products will be very helpful!

As you can see, there are many options for styling with ribbons, braids, and curls, which were used by ancient Greek women. If you want to choose something of your own, individual, find and watch several videos on how to do a Greek hairstyle.

When talking about Greece, many women immediately imagine the Greek goddesses (Aphrodite, Athena, Chloe, Artemis, Hera), who embodied perfection, beauty and femininity. No wonder they have been sung by numerous artists and famous poets for centuries.

In contact with

Hairstyles in the Greek style are very beautiful and are easily recognized:

  • curls that are naturally curly or gently curled using special means, stacked in different ways;
  • the hair is collected at the back completely or partially;
  • there is no large volume and combing on top of the head.

There are many options for such hairstyles, and each of them is charming in its own way. For example, Aphrodite loved to wear long flowing hair that fell over her shoulders. Goddess Chloe decorated her curled locks with flowers and satin ribbons, but Artemis, getting ready to hunt, did her hair in a bun or braided her hair. Athena loved to wear hoops on her hair.

The history of hairstyles in Greece

Different segments of the population lived in Greece, and only rich Greek women could afford a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. External beauty was very important to them, so they devoted a lot of time to it, especially to their hair.

To create their hairstyles, they used the labor of specially trained slaves, which resulted in beautiful hairstyles. In addition, women of that time loved to dye their hair in light shades and curl their strands.

Since that time, Greek-style hairstyles have not gone out of fashion and are gradually gaining more and more popularity. The methods of curling curls were constantly changing, and subsequently they began to be styled different options, this is how modern Greek hairstyles appeared.

Do your hair in this style not difficult: a little skill, practice, patience and the creation of entire works of art on your head is guaranteed.

  • For some types of hairstyles it is necessary to use styling products. Accessories include headbands, elastic bands with rhinestones, a tiara, and a string of pearls.

The look will be complete and chic if you match your Greek hairstyle with a dress made of light fabric in the same style.

  • Many show and film business stars today prefer just such options for various special occasions and wedding events. For everyday life, these hairstyles will be just perfect.
  • As a rule, hair of any length, except very short, is suitable for styling in the Greek style. With it you can make the image romantic and elegant, it will drive the male half of society crazy.

Greek hairstyles for long hair are considered especially chic. For such curls, there are simply a huge number of styling methods in the Greek style. Many Greek models can be done at home without much difficulty.

Who is the Greek hairstyle suitable for?

A Greek hairstyle will look great on your hair if the girl has:

  • forehead high or medium in height;
  • neck high or medium length;
  • There is a large distance between the upper eyelid and the eyebrow line.

"Greek" fashion in the world of hairstyles

Let's look at the most fashionable types of Greek hairstyles.

1. Classic Greek hairstyle

To create such a hairstyle, it is good to have a dressing table mirror with three parts. The hair must be clean; you will need hairpins, bobby pins, silicone elastic bands, a curling iron or iron, and hairspray.

2. Hairstyle with an elastic band

Making this hairstyle with your own hands is very simple:

  1. Curl the strands or leave them straight. Make a straight parting.
  2. Take a special elastic band and put it on top of your hair, you can lower it directly onto your forehead or slightly raise it above it. That part of the hair that is located from the forehead to the elastic band at the top is combed.
  3. Take a strand behind the ear and tuck it behind the elastic, do the same on the other side. At the back of the head, the curls can be left loose or twisted into plaits.
  4. A beautiful headband can replace an elastic band, or the curls can be secured at the back with hairpins. The hairstyle fits well on hair that has been washed a few days before styling, otherwise the strands will be unruly.

How to make a Greek hairstyle with an elastic band for yourself - video:

3. French braid around the head

Another model in the Greek style - french braid around the head on one side. This hairstyle resembles a wreath on the head and looks very romantic and gentle.

To complete it you will need:

4. Greek knot or “korymbos”

This is one of the super popular Greek style hairstyles today.

5. "Lampadion"

To do this hairstyle, you will need to try a little and be patient, but the result will be simply amazing.

6. Greek braid with a bun at the bottom

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The parting is made in an oblique direction (directly from the crown itself and to the temples) on both sides.
  2. The hair on the back of the head is gathered into a bun with an elastic band, creating a triangle on the head.
  3. Next, comb the hair for the braid, separate a small strand from the left side, divide it into three more parts and begin to braid, moving to the right.
  4. Take a new strand from the left side and weave it into the one that is located on the edge and will go into the braid, and continue to weave the braid further.
  5. After two weaves, add a new strand again and do this until the braid is completely braided, secure it with an elastic band, and you can decorate it with a beautiful hairpin.

Another variant:

7. Greek tail

Another hairstyle in the Greek style is done quite simply, many people know it. To do this you need:

8. Romantic hairstyles

Hairstyles in the Greek style can be romantic and delicate.

Here are some options:

  1. Curl your curls with a curling iron or straightener. Make a big beautiful knot on the side, make a small hole a little above it and throw the whole knot through it, tighten it a little.
  2. Take several strands from the temples on both sides and secure them on the back of the head with an elastic band, twist the remaining tail into a rope, wrap around the elastic band and pin it with a bobby pin or hairpin, sprinkle with varnish.
  3. Take strands from the temples on both sides and braid them, direct their ends in opposite directions, secure with bobby pins, or decorate with flowers or a hairpin.

9. Upswept curls

  1. Curl all the strands with a curling iron, do not comb, beat the hair a little with your hands so that it is divided into smaller curls.
  2. Smooth the curls located near the ears and temples a little and pin them with bobby pins.
  3. And twist the curls at the back, as if creating a weave.
  4. You can decorate with flowers, ribbon, a large hairpin, hairpins with stones. A metal wreath or tiara is perfect.

10. Hetaera's hairstyle

To do this hairstyle, you need to have a special hair net: it is called “stephana”, decorated with stones, rhinestones, flowers, and gold-colored threads.

  1. You need to make a bun of a slightly careless shape, while the hair should be curled.
  2. Place it at the bottom and secure it with a mesh.
  3. You can let out a couple of curls on the sides and spray your hair with hairspray.

11. Greek curls

  1. Create soft wavy strands.
  2. Release a few pieces on the sides slightly onto the forehead, bring the rest back and collect them in a large bun at the top.
  3. Pin it with a large hairpin with a flower, you can use a tiara.

When decorating your hair with different accessories, the main thing is not to overdo it with them, otherwise the effect will not be the same. If you want to wear a hoop, then a hairpin with rhinestones will no longer work; it will look too pretentious.

The images of Greek goddesses of ancient times remain standards of perfection and beauty to this day. A hairstyle in the Greek style can turn absolutely any woman into the goddess of Olympus even today. She will do female image even more charming and unique.

Greek hairstyle for prom - video:

There are many options for such hairstyles: with braids, braids, headbands. Greek style is the embodiment of tenderness, femininity, romance and elegance.

Easy to install universal character and sophistication - these are the main qualities that Greek hairstyle has.

When many girls hear the word “Greece,” they imagine the luxurious goddesses of the Greek pantheon. Their majestic, feminine, harmonious images inspired artists and poets. Nowadays, Greek hairstyles are very common, conveying the spirit of the ancient era and the enchanting gaze of others. Read on and you will learn how to make a hairstyle in the Greek style and what you will need for this.

There are a lot of options for hairstyles made in the Greek style! They are united by feigned simplicity, extraordinary femininity and natural negligence.

Features of Greek hairstyles include:

The parting is straight.
. Falling curls from the temples and flowing curls.
. Openwork, careless, loose braids.
. Weaving elements above the forehead line, various tiaras, headbands, headbands.
. Open temples and forehead, lush nape.

Below is detailed description each hairstyle done in the Hellenic style.

Greek hairstyles will look most impressive on long hair. If your hair is also naturally curly, it is definitely created to model Greek hairstyles! If your hair is perfectly smooth and even, curl it using curlers or curling irons. Then separate the strands with your fingers, but never comb them with a comb. Having achieved a slightly casual look, secure your bangs using bobby pins, bobby pins, crab clips and pins at the back of your head. Other curls should fall over the shoulders. You can let out a few strands of bangs and twist them. Try to make sure that the bangs are voluminous and the hair at the temples is combed smoothly.

To create this hairstyle you will need a ribbon, headband, beads, elastic band, lace or strip of fabric. Choose any decorative decoration to suit your taste. So, put a headband around your head, braid a braid on the side, and secure the ends with strong-hold hairspray. You need to create the appearance that the braid can come unraveled at any moment. This hairstyle will add romance, femininity, and defenselessness to your image.

A Greek style hairstyle is perfect for short hair. You need to curl your hair, model the curls, straighten it with your fingers, make a straight parting and place a beautiful tiara or headband on your head. On the one hand, it is very simple, on the other hand, it looks very playful and impressive!

Hairstyles in the Greek style do not always involve loose hair and flowing strands; there are also hairstyles in which the hair must be completely collected. One such option is a knot hairstyle. Along the contour of the forehead line, you need to braid a braid or a tourniquet, and at the back of the head, collect the tail and model it into a knot, using hairpins and bobby pins.

The following hairstyle is a basic one in the Greek style. After all, it is present in almost any styling and hairstyle. To create it you will need an elastic band, a comb and hairpins. For such a hairstyle you will also need various foams, gels, varnishes and other products that will make your task easier. Or you simply can’t wash your hair before creating this hairstyle, as you simply won’t be able to handle your hair.

First, comb your hair and put an elastic band on your head. Twist the front curls into a tight braid and tuck them under the elastic. Wrap each strand around the headband one at a time. Make sure that the hairs do not get stuck or tangled. Twist the hair that falls onto your shoulders into a braid and wrap it around the elastic headband as many times as possible. Once you have fully mastered the technique of performing this hairstyle, you can try to get creative and start experimenting!

For example, it is absolutely not necessary to tuck all your hair into a headband. You can try leaving a romantic ponytail, a careless fish braid, and letting the front strands out. Or fix the elastic headband a little higher, wrap it with thin curls and leave the loose curled curls falling on your shoulders. Give free rein to your imagination and try to make it come true!

For last we left one of the most simple hairstyles! The catch is that only you will know about this; to others, this design will seem incredibly complex and intricate. This hairstyle looks incredibly elegant, sophisticated and feminine. Comb your hair and divide it into three equal parts. Braid each of them and secure at the bottom with thin, inconspicuous elastic bands. Twist the braids one by one into a knot, securing them with bobby pins and hairpins. Fix your hair with hairspray to ensure durability. Looks incredible, doesn't it? If desired, decorate your hair with hairpins with rhinestones, pearls, beads or decorative flowers. This hairstyle will take no more than five minutes to create!

Well-groomed, beautiful, naturally curly hair will look great in a Greek hairstyle without any additional decorations or accessories. To make your hairstyle look more textured and interesting, try to complicate your hairstyle with a variety of weaving elements and braids. You can weave a variety of thin ribbons in neutral shades into your braids. They will add harmony and tenderness to your image. You will look like a nymph.

Of course, the main accessories and assistants when creating a hairstyle in the Hellenic style are various elastic bands, laces, headbands and ribbons. Depending on your look, choose these accessories in the appropriate color.

As you can see, hairstyles in the Greek style are great for everyday life, as well as for special holidays, going on a date... Making such a hairstyle is not the slightest difficulty. Hellenic styling will emphasize your femininity, sophistication and elegance! Master new techniques and hurry to delight others with your new magnificent look!