Curled curls - comfortable and stylish hairstyle. A girl with curls looks feminine and elegant, attracting the attention of others. It turns out that you can achieve first-class results with a minimum of effort.

Benefits of a curled hairstyle

Hair styled in a “naturally curled” mane is one of the modern fashion trends.

This hairstyle is convenient:

  • fits almost all styles;
  • allows you to quickly create spectacular hairstyles;
  • gives the appearance a touch of tenderness and romance.

Understanding the beauty of curls, many girls create them with their own hands, using:

  • curling irons and tongs;
  • curlers;
  • hair dryer combined with a comb, etc.

Some, not wanting to put up with the short-term results, decide to take drastic measures: they do a chemical/biological perm or carving. Thanks to this, curliness lasts from several months to a year. However, the listed methods, along with beauty, often bring destruction.

Consequences of regular curling

Any perm is a change in the structure of the hair shaft. Long-term methods achieve this by penetrating inside and, “breaking” the base in several places, filling it with another substance. With short-term use, the rod is only slightly deformed, recovering within 24 hours.

However, every experience is quite negative. For example, regular manipulations with a curling iron or hairdryer gradually lead to:

  • dryness;
  • fading of color;
  • tip section;
  • thinning;
  • porosity;
  • peeling skin and other troubles.

Note! At regular creation Short-term perm is even more harmful than chemical and biological perms. If you are a big fan of curly strands, it is better to do a long-term curl.

Therefore, when curling your hair, always remember about proper care.

Its main principles are as follows:

  1. To cleanse, use products with a moisturizing complex. Do not avoid shampoos with silicone: this component retains moisture well inside the hairs, preventing them from drying out.
  2. Be sure to use heat protective products. Today they are presented in a wide range: the price of many does not exceed 200-300 rubles.
  3. Take breaks when using a curling iron/iron/hair dryer. It is advisable not to heat-treat your hair more than 3-4 times a month.
  4. Get good tools: Tongs with a bad/worn coating are very dangerous! It is better to choose a hairdryer with an ionization function and a “sliding” temperature setting.
  5. Use restorative masks two to three times a week.

If wearing curls several times a month is unbearably small for you, pay attention to alternative curling methods. For example, curling hair onto a T-shirt has attracted great interest among girls around the world.

Two methods of alternative cheating

It turns out that a T-shirt can not only be worn, washed and ironed, but also used for the benefit of your hair! Creative beauties have come up with two amazing ways to get curls and forget about the morning tousle.

Method number 1: Hollywood chic

This method is different:

  • simplicity;
  • absence of unnecessary manipulations;
  • elegant, “soft” result.
Tools Instructions
  • t-shirt;
  • rubber;
  • invisible;
  • comb.
  1. Wash your hair in the evening. Let your hair dry thoroughly naturally.
  2. Fold the T-shirt twice lengthwise and twist it into a tight rope. Cross the ends and tie with an elastic band.
  3. Comb your curls. Distribute them in rows along the perimeter of your head: leave some at the back, some on the sides, and move some forward.
  4. Place a T-shirt halo on your head - right on the top of your head. Take a section of hair from the front and gently twist it around the fabric strand. Secure the tip with a bobby pin.
  5. Do similar actions with the remaining strands. When all the hair is wrapped in a plait, go to bed.
  6. In the morning, remove all the pins and take out the T-shirt. Distribute the resulting elegant curls with your fingers. If desired, fix with varnish.

Note! It is better to use a stationery rubber band to secure the ends. Thanks to its rough texture and increased elasticity, it perfectly keeps the tourniquet from falling apart.

As you can see, you can get a Hollywood-style curl without a bunch of styling products and without standing for a long time with a curling iron in front of the mirror. A regular T-shirt, neatness and a night out is all that is required!

Method number 2: thoughtful negligence

Author's name this method remained behind the scenes. However, the result of her experiment is very pleasing, because Messy curls are a popular beauty trend. This perm will look especially good on summer days.

Tools Instructions
  • curling agent;
  • shine product;
  • t-shirt;
  • comb.
  1. Wash your hair, using conditioner at the end.
  2. Without waiting for it to dry, comb your strands, starting from the ends.
  3. Consistently apply curl and shine products along the entire length.
  4. Dry your hair a little with a towel.
  5. Lay the T-shirt on the bed/sofa with the bottom edge facing you.
  6. Bend over the garment, “placing” your curls in the middle. They should "crumple" casually.
  7. Bring the bottom edges of the T-shirt together at the base of your neck. Pull the top part there (as if you are wrapping your head). Holding the item of clothing by the sleeves, stand up straight.
  8. Pin the sleeves together at the forehead. Dry your hair a little with a warm hairdryer. Go to bed and rest.
  9. In the morning, take off your T-shirt and fluff up the curls with your hands.

Carelessly curling your hair with a T-shirt is a little more convenient: bobby pins and the created roller can make sleep somewhat difficult. Nothing will bother you here. Make your choice depending on the desired result.


Be sure to try a T-shirt perm: it will help preserve such important resources as healthy curls and morning time. At the same time, the naturally formed hairstyle will remain well preserved even without fixing agents.

The video in this article will help you better understand the algorithm of actions, and if anything happens, ask questions and leave comments in the comments.

How to create curls using a T-shirt (35 photos) and other original means

In the popular cartoon "80 Days Around the World" main character I liked to repeat: “Use what is at hand and don’t look for something else.” Women follow this advice very often, especially appearance and, of course, styling.

There is no need to use expensive hair curling products.

It is quite possible to create a hairstyle using:

  • t-shirts;
  • aluminum cans;
  • invisible hairpin;
  • paper towels.

We will now tell you how to create a chic hairstyle using available products.

T-shirt and its original use

First way

T-shirt is one of my favorite clothes lately. Depending on the material, model and style of the owner, it serves at the feast, in the world, and on the sports ground. Another original application: the ability to create curls on a T-shirt.

Everything is very simple:

  1. We wash our hair, bring the curls to a semi-dry state and comb them with a large comb.
  2. We apply a styling product: mousse, gel, or something homemade.
  3. We twist the T-shirt into a rope, make a wreath out of it and place it as in Figure 2.
  4. We wrap the strands, starting with the bangs, around the “wreath”, tucking them tightly under it.
  5. Leave the resulting crown for several hours or even overnight.
  6. We remove, style and conquer hearts.

Second way

Much simpler than the first, but to get the desired result you need to:

  • your hair is slightly curly by nature;
  • or the use of a product that promotes the formation of curls;
  • a combination of the two previous conditions.
  1. Treat a clean and slightly damp head with a curl styling product.
  2. We detangle the hair with our fingers and comb it with a large comb.
  3. Spread the T-shirt on any flat surface.
  4. Gently tilt your head, lowering your hair exactly in the center of the T-shirt.
  5. We wrap the wide part (hem) of the T-shirt around the head and secure it tightly at the back of the head.
  6. We cover and wrap the head with the upper part, tie the sleeves above the forehead.
  7. Leave the design until the hair is completely dry or overnight.
  8. When finished, you will have stunning and incredibly long-lasting curls.

Consider the size and material of the T-shirt.
The first should match the length of your hair, and the second is better something soft, such as cotton or calico.

Aluminum cans

True, this method is suitable for long hair, which can freely make several turns around a decent diameter of a beer or soft drink can.

The instructions in this case are simple:

  1. We obtain the required number of aluminum cans and wash them thoroughly.
  2. We treat a clean and dry head with a hair styling product, which you can make yourself.
  3. We wind the prepared strands onto the jars, as with ordinary large curlers, and secure them with elastic bands.
  4. We take the necessary time.
  5. Carefully, without disturbing the curls, we take out our improvised curlers.
  6. Shaping the hairstyle.

Paper towels

Everyone knows the expression that a real lady capable of making three things out of nothing: a salad, a hat and a scandal. In our opinion, a fourth should be added to this list – curls.

There are a lot of very original way their creation. For example, using paper towels. This hygiene product is easy to purchase and its price is low.

First way

  1. We cut paper towels into strips, five centimeters wide.
  2. We process the hair as usual (wash, dry, apply mousse).
  3. We wind the strands onto the strips, tying their ends so that they do not fall apart at night.
  4. You can put a scarf on top.
  5. In the morning we take out the paper and get curls.

The thinner the strands are wound, the larger and steeper the curl.

Second way

  1. More suitable for hair middle length and more.
  2. To create waviness, you need to weave several braids into which paper towels are woven instead of ribbons.
  3. At the same time, you can start weaving from the back of the head or lower, at your discretion.

The paper should be sufficiently flexible, but nevertheless durable.


  1. You can create curls without using any improvised materials.
  2. Sufficiently treated dry or slightly damp hair with styling product:
  • braid in one or more braids;
  • twist into flagella;
  • roll into rings;
  • make a kuksa on the back of the head.
  1. The ends of the structures are securely fastened with rubber bands, hair clips or pins.
  2. If you decide to go to bed, it is better to wear a scarf over the structure.
  3. In the morning we unravel, comb our hair (the last point can be omitted) and get what we wanted.

For thin curly hair the holding time, density and diameter of curling must be reduced, otherwise instead of stylish curls you can get an overly curly lamb.


In principle, you can use many more things to create large and small curls, magnificent waves or flowing curls:

  1. Invisible hairpins: the strands are twisted into small snails and secured to the head with invisible hairpins, with a scarf tied on top.
  2. Scarf: braid braids by weaving scarves into them.
  3. Socks or just pieces of cloth: use them as curlers.
  4. An elastic band for creating a Greek hairstyle: put it on your head and braid the strands around it.
  5. Towel: long hair twist from the ends to the roots and tie the ends of the towel over the forehead.
  6. Hairpins: place one or several snails on the head, fasten and wait for the required time.

Note that all the methods proposed above will be more reliable if done in the evening.
Moreover, in this case, in the morning it will take very little time to install.


All methods are brilliantly simple. You can study some of them in more detail in the video in this article. If there is something you don’t understand or if you have your own equally original styling method, write about it in the comments. We will be very pleased!

How to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons

Do you need to create beautiful curls, but don’t have a curling iron, curling iron, or flat iron at hand? Or do you just don’t want to spoil your beautiful and healthy strands? We know how to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons using grandma's methods, and we will be happy to share this knowledge with you.

Braids for bouncy curls

Traditional braids are the surest way to achieve curls without damaging your hair.

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo or moisten the strands with water.

Step 2. Divide the hair into thin strands (10-20).

Step 3. We braid each strand and tie the end with a thin elastic band.

Step 4. Spray the braids with hairspray.

Step 5. Go to bed.

Step 6. The next morning, undo the braids, form curls and fix with varnish.

Making buns for curly hair

Another great way that will literally take just a few minutes to complete.

  1. Moisturize your hair with clean water.
  2. We divide them into thin strands.
  3. We twist each of them into a tight bundle, and then wind it into a small bundle and secure it with a hairpin.
  4. We go to bed or wait 8-12 hours.
  5. We take out the hairpins from the bundles, unwind the flagella and form the styling.

A few more ways:

Curls with a hair crab

How to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons? Yes, very simple:

  1. Wet the strands generously with water.
  2. We divide them into several parts.
  3. We twist each part into a rope.
  4. We attach the tourniquet to the head using a hair crab.
  5. We repeat this procedure with all parts.
  6. In the morning we remove the crabs from the hair, untwist the flagella and do the styling.

Fabric spikelet for a sophisticated wave

Do you know how to braid a spikelet? That is great! But for wavy hair you will have to make a small addition in the form of a piece of cotton fabric.

  1. Moisten your hair with water from a spray bottle.
  2. We divide the entire hair into several zones.
  3. We first prepare pieces of fabric according to the number of future spikelets.
  4. We wrap the base of the strand with a cloth and begin to weave a spikelet together with it.
  5. We hide the tip in the middle and tie it with an elastic band.
  6. In the morning, unravel the spikelets and lightly ruffle the hair with your hands.
  7. Spray with varnish.

To keep your curls as long as possible, take note of a little trick. Add a little strong-hold hairspray to the water you will use to wet your hair. During the procedure, regularly dip your hand in this liquid and run it through the strands. Do not comb the finished curls with a comb, they will fluff and create unnecessary volume.

As you can see, creating curls without traditional tools is not that difficult. Use any of your grandmother's recipes and create beauty with your own hands.

How to curl your hair without curlers and curling irons?

Temperature exposure is very harmful to hair, even if it is not performed every day. It deprives the strands of necessary moisture, which causes loss of elasticity, firmness, and split ends. Therefore, knowledge of how to curl hair without curlers and curling irons will be useful for curling. In addition, such skills will be useful in situations where there are no styling tools at hand, because you can create neat curls with the help of banal household items.

Simplified ways to curl your hair without using curlers and curling irons

If you don’t want to weave something or use a hair dryer, it’s better to use light methods that allow the strands to dry naturally within 6-8 hours.

Three techniques help achieve the most effective results:

  1. T-shirt. After washing, place damp hair on a laid out T-shirt, approximately in the center. Tie the bottom edges at the back, at the base of the neck. Fold the top of the T-shirt back toward the knot, catching the strands so that they are inside. Wrap the top of the T-shirt around your head and tie the sleeves in front of your forehead to create a kind of turban.
  2. Bagel. Twist a large piece of fabric or the already mentioned T-shirt with a rope so that you get a ring approximately the diameter of your head. Wear the resulting device like a crown. Wrap the strands around it using the principle of winding on a headband.
  3. Bun. Depending on the desired volume, tie a high, medium or low ponytail. Form a bun from it, secure the ends with bobby pins, hairpins or clips.

The presented curl will hold well, but additionally the curls can be sprayed with hairspray.

How to curl medium and long hair without a curling iron, hair dryer or curlers?

The curl lasts a long time if done on damp strands. It is advisable that they dry naturally; for example, weaving before bed is a very convenient option. The curls are large, neat and bouncy, requiring neither styling nor subsequent blow-drying.

Here's how to curl long and medium hair overnight without using curlers:

  1. Divide the strands into 2 equal parts, tie two tight high ponytails on the sides. This will give the desired volume at the roots.
  2. At the base of the center of the tail, tie a neckerchief or bandana with a single knot. There should be 2 free ends of the fabric.
  3. Divide the tail hair into 2 equal halves.
  4. In a spiral, wrap the strands tightly around the free ends of the scarf or bandana.
  5. Secure your hair with an elastic band. Repeat the procedure for all remaining strands.
  6. Go to bed. In the morning, remove the elastic bands, untie the scarf and carefully remove the curls from it.
  7. Straighten the resulting curls with your fingers.

Instead of a bandana, you can use any available items - a scarf, pieces of fabric, ribbons.

It is also worth considering interesting alternatives to curlers:

  • socks;
  • short rags;
  • napkins.

The principle of curling is to wind thin wet strands onto one of the listed objects, like curlers. A fairly tight knot is tied at the base of the curls to secure it. After 6-8 hours, beautiful and healthy curls will be ready.

How to quickly and efficiently curl your hair without curlers and a styler or curling iron?

If you need to speed up the curling process, you will have to use a hairdryer.

Methods for carrying out the procedure followed by drying with hot air:

  1. Rings. Dividing the hair into strands, twist each into a ring and secure with a bobby pin at the roots.
  2. Tourniquets. Instead of rings, form tight strands of hair and secure them in the same way.
  3. Headband. Putting the headband on your head, wrap the strands around it, first twisting them a little.
  4. Spirals. Divide the hair into 2 halves and make a tight, dense bundle from each. Wrap them around your head and secure with a hairpin.
  5. Braids. Braid several loose braids, like a spikelet, to the very ends of the hair.

After heating with a hairdryer, you will get not only neat and bouncy, but also very durable curls that will last up to 10 hours. It is important to note that the options listed are also suitable for overnight curling.

How to curl your hair at home

Since ancient times, fashionistas have tried to come up with something to curl their hair into beautiful curls. They paid attention to the ability of hair to take the shape of the object on which the strand was wound, and came to the conclusion that the most durable and beautiful curls are obtained on cylindrical objects. The materials used to create these objects of beauty were wood, metal, plaster and many other natural materials.

Since those times, a lot has changed, new ways to curl hair have appeared, and the hair curling devices themselves have received a name. The word curlers comes from the name of the interesting headdresses of the inhabitants of the province of Biguden, which the first curlers looked like. Then, curling irons were created, perm, and enthusiastic housewives have come up with their own methods for curling hair at home. Today we will talk about all the ways to curl beautiful, bouncy curls.

How to make curls using curlers

It is recommended to use damp, but not wet, hair with curlers. Curls that are too wet may not have time to dry and the curl will not form. Hair that is too dry will also not curl unless you use hot rollers.

How to curl your hair with curlers? Strands are twisted according to hair growth. First of all, the hair on the parietal zone is from the forehead to the back of the head, then on the sides to the back of the head. To make the strands look natural, do not part them straight, let them be zigzag. The thickness of the strand will depend on the curlers you choose. For wide curlers, you need to select thicker strands than for small diameter curlers.

If you tighten the curlers tightly to the roots, you can create root volume, which gives the “curls” hairstyle a fullness.

Before you curl your hair, you need to choose the type of curler. There are several varieties of these devices, and you have to choose the ones that suit your hair type and the desired result.

If you are interested in how to curl medium hair quickly, we can recommend you tremo-curlers. Hot rollers are plastic cylinders with wax or paraffin inside. Using such devices is very simple, you just need to put them in hot water, and after five minutes curl dry hair on it. When the curlers have cooled, they need to be removed. This is a styling method in which you can do other preparations for going out while your hair is curled into beautiful curls.

How to curl your hair with curlers? Papillots are flexible foam sticks that can be used to create naughty curls. The curl turns out to be quite small, and to get large curls, you need to wind quite thick strands. Boomerang curlers are among the safest and most convenient way curl your hair. Before curling, you need to wet your hair, then dry it and apply styling foam. It is better to curl your hair at night; the soft surface of the curlers allows you to sleep without any discomfort.

How to curl your hair with Velcro curlers. It is unlikely that you will be able to sleep with such curlers. But, you can choose curlers of any diameter and make curls of the required size. Velcro curlers hold up well, but are too long and Thick hair They will not be able to firmly fix themselves and will begin to get confused. Before curling, the hair should be slightly damp and treated with mousse or styling foam. Remove the curlers only after the hair has dried. If you are very short on time, you can dry your hair with a hairdryer.

EyS How to use curlers? Hair styling without harm\root volume

Spiral curlers look like large screws with threads into which the hair is placed. Hair length must be at least 20 cm to achieve pretty haircut. And the hairstyle is not just beautiful, but very creative. There are spiral curlers various sizes. For an interesting result you can combine different sizes spirals between each other. The hair curling technology is simple: wash your hair, dry it, apply gel or styling mousse. Separate small strands (1 cm) and wind them into spirals. When your hair is dry, remove the curlers and style with your hands.

Curling irons, irons and curling irons for curling hair

Curling irons and curling irons are another way to curl your hair quickly and easily. If you have long hair and are wondering how to curl it so that the curls last long and look bouncy, these electrical devices are ideal for this purpose. Hair that is too long is difficult to curl with curlers, and it often doesn’t have time to dry. And with the help of special tools you can create curls of various textures and sizes. However, this method of curling strands is not ideal, since this type of curling can damage the structure of the hair, and there is a possibility of drying it out or even burning it.

The exposure time is 50-60 seconds for a device with a ceramic coating, and no more than 30 seconds for metal models.

Beautiful Curls / How to Curl Your Hair with a Curling Iron ♡

Before curling your hair with tongs or straightening, you need to thoroughly wash and dry your hair completely. It is very easy to burn wet strands, and it is also not recommended to apply styling products before curling. Foams and mousses tend to burn and melt when exposed to high temperature and the hair sticks to the heating element of the curling iron. The varnish can be applied to the finished installation.

But you can and should apply thermal protection to your hair. With a heat protection spray, curling with a flat iron or curling iron will become less harmful, and you will be able to use this method of curling your hair more often. Pay attention Special attention When applying the spray to the ends of the hair, they are the first to suffer from high temperature.

And now about how to curl your hair with a curling iron. Divide your hair into zones: two temporal, parietal and occipital. Curling strands using a hair curling iron starts from the back of the head, gradually moving to the upper zones.

To separate the strands, you will need a knitting comb. Separate small strands of two cm. You should not take more, a strand that is too thick will not be able to warm up evenly, and the hairstyle will be ruined. Place the curling iron at the roots of your hair, pull the strand by the tip and wrap it around the curling iron. Pinch the end and make sure it is firmly in place. After 20-30 seconds, release the strand. You will get an elastic and beautiful curl. Curl all your hair, and after all the strands are curled, try not to touch your hair for 10 minutes. The hair should “remember” its shape, and then the curls will last longer. Finally, style the strands and spray with hairspray.

How to curl your hair with an iron? If you have these flat curling irons, you can use them to curl your hair. The curl is done as follows: pull a small strand at a right angle. Press the base of the strand with an iron heated to the desired temperature. Then, take a strand of hair by the tip and wrap it around the iron. Next, place the device so that the strand is on the outside and stretch it with an iron from the roots to the ends of the hair.

How to get curls using a hair straightener

Traditional methods of curling hair

We told you how to curl your hair using curlers and other modern devices. But there are alternative ways to achieve beautiful curls. These simple techniques are suggested by the rich imagination of girls who want to find simple methods to create their favorite “curls” styling without complex equipment and special skills. Today we will share the most common ways to curl your hair at home.

Surely, every woman has a khairatnik (headband). You can curl your hair with it. Comb your damp hair well, apply a little styling foam and put on a headband. Now separate one strand from your hair and wrap it around the headband. The tighter you twist the strands, the smaller the curls will be.

Lush curls will come from the horns. Divide damp hair into sections and wrap them into cones. Secure the horns with pins. If your hair gets dry while curling, moisturize it with a spray bottle.

Curly hair is made from flagella. Comb your hair and apply foam. Twist the two strands into strands and twist them together. Tie the end with an elastic band. Do your hair before bed, and in the morning you will have romantic curls. Treat the installation with varnish.

How to cheat short hair? In the old days, our grandmothers used various ropes, pieces of paper and rags instead of curlers. If you don't have foam on hand, use light beer. Don't worry, you won't smell like a Bavarian waitress, as the smell will dissipate quickly.

Very strong Afro-style curls can be achieved by curling your hair using perms, which are used in permanent curling. Don't comb your hair, just shape it naturally with your hands. Depending on your hair type, you can rock this hairstyle for two to three days.

Tips from Anna Enikeeva on how to curl your hair with socks

Try curling your hair with clips or bobby pins. Apply styling product to damp hair. Then, separate one strand at a time, twist it around your finger and secure the curl with a bobby pin or clip.

If you want to get a natural wavy hairstyle with a wet effect, just apply styling product to your hands and press the damp strands to your head. This express styling will take a minimum of time and will look neat and natural.

The oldest way to curl hair is braiding. The love for braiding is in the blood of girls of Slavic appearance, so braiding braids and going to bed with them is a very common method of creating beautiful wavy curls. Braids should be braided tightly on damp hair. The next morning, undo your braids and separate your hair with your hands.

Make curls with an iron

Now you know how to curl your hair without special devices or equipment. To be beautiful always and everywhere is the motto of girls who know secrets beautiful curls under any circumstances.

Medium length curled hair photo

How to quickly curl your hair with a curling iron

Looking stunning is the desire of every girl, which arises not from time to time, but literally - every moment. It turns out you can achieve a chic appearance without...

Looking stunning is the desire of every girl, which arises not from time to time, but literally - every moment. It turns out that you can achieve a chic appearance without endlessly standing in front of the mirror. You just need to remember one trick.

The hair styling method presented below will save a lot of time. After all, we know well that in the morning we need to have time to apply decent makeup, and change clothes once or twice, and healthy breakfast Be sure to pamper yourself! And how everyone misses the eternal “5 more minutes” to get enough sleep!

“Blackberry” has found a styling method that you will definitely like. After all, because of the rush, who wants to be content with only a bun or a ponytail when loose hair looks like a haystack?

Girl Donata in the video will show you how to create graceful curls quickly, without much effort and expense. Your appearance will acquire some zest. This styling cannot be called trivial or boring. Take it old T-shirt, go to bed, and in the morning you will get a magical hairstyle!

Styling your hair with a T-shirt

This way you will win a clear victory even over unruly hair. After all, when the curls are wet, it is much easier to style them. Obviously, it is possible to create such a hairdressing masterpiece without the help of specialists. Styling will take no more than 5 minutes, which you will “finish” with great pleasure in the morning! And you will leave the house simply beautiful.

From now on, you can forget about sleeping on uncomfortable and bulky curlers. A few hours with a T-shirt on your head - and your elegant look is ready! Curls look very feminine and beautiful. You can add hairstyle beautiful hairpin, hoop or bandage. This styling will make every woman seductive and give confidence.

For winding you need:

  • t-shirt;
  • water;
  • styling products (mousse/foam/varnish);
  • paper, scissors (if you want bright curls).

Choose a T-shirt based on your hair length. For medium length, a regular T-shirt will do. On long curls I need a T-shirt and sleeves. To get soft curls, you need to twist the strands into one T-shirt. If you want bright and clear curls, then you need to wind them on separate strips of fabric and use paper (to fix the shape).

Step-by-step instruction

Light waves of curls: express method

  1. Twist the T-shirt and tie the ends.
  2. Rinse your hair. Let your hair dry. Or wet them along the entire length.
  3. Comb your hair forward. Twist a medium-sized strand around the T-shirt. Stab with a bobby pin.
  4. Repeat for all hair. Leave for 2 hours (or until the curls dry).
  5. Carefully remove the structure. The result was perfect curls.

Bright and clear curls

To get bouncy and bright curls, you need to cut the T-shirt.

  1. Cut the shirt into several long pieces of the same size.
  2. From sheets of paper (old newspapers, notebook sheets or landscape paper are suitable) cut out pieces of the same size.
  3. Wrap the middle of each flap with paper.
  4. Wet your hair, wash your hair, and dry it.
  5. Divide the hair into strands. The shape of the curls depends on the width of the strands (the larger the width, the larger the wave of curls).
  6. Wind sections from the middle of the flap with paper (if the strands are long, go to the middle or the curls will very quickly lose their shape), tie the ends of the fabric.
  7. Keep it on all night. In the morning, carefully cut all the scraps and paper.

Important: Do not comb wet hair, sort it out with your hands, otherwise the hair structure will be damaged.

How to avoid crushing your curls and fix them correctly?

Curls are best done before bed. Then they will be strong, elastic, and will not unwind during the evening. Lightly wet the strands before performing the “procedure”, then the styling will be even more elastic and the hair will not be damaged.

If you want your hairstyle to retain its shape throughout the day, you need to twist your strands before going to bed. When you need a beautiful hairstyle for a couple of hours, you can do curls during the day, but fix the result with styling products (foam, hairspray).

Choose a T-shirt or tank top based on your hair length. For medium-length strands, a regular T-shirt will do. For long curls you need a T-shirt with sleeves. The T-shirt should be made of natural material (preferably 100% cotton).

If you decide to curl your hair during the day, then the T-shirt should be left on your hair for 1-2 hours.

Curls retain their shape different time, on average the indicators are:

  • night strands, wound on paper and strengthened with varnish/foam/mousse, last 24-48 hours;
  • overnight curls, curled on paper, but without chemicals, will retain their shape for 12-16 hours;
  • daytime curls with styling products last 6-9 hours;
  • daytime curls without styling products remain for 2-3 hours.

If you wind the strands around a T-shirt, the curls will be the same shape, without creases. Visually, it may seem that the curls are curled with a curling iron with a large diameter. The fabric must be removed carefully so as not to damage the curls. It is better to do this in front of a mirror and very slowly.

If the strands are twisted onto paper, then each element must be removed either with scissors. It is important to clearly understand that the strands are not caught when cutting (for inexperienced people, it is better not to take risks and slowly untwist the strands so as not to damage the hairs).

Important: After taking off the T-shirt, you need to carefully comb your hair with a wooden comb with frequent teeth.

But don’t get carried away, otherwise the curls will fall apart and lose their shape very quickly.

Curls will decorate any beautiful lady. This hairstyle will allow you to go to any event or romantic dinner, feeling your beauty and charm. Thanks to the delicate curls, the girl will instantly be transformed, her face will shine with Have a good mood and the whole day will go as well as possible.

Every girl has wanted to curl her hair at least once in her life. Sometimes you need a reason for this, but more often women themselves want to diversify their image. It’s easy to create spectacular curls now: you can use a curling iron, curlers, or tongs. But electrical appliances can cause a lot of damage to your hair, and curlers are not always effective. But there is an old proven way - to style it with a T-shirt.

Spectacular curls using a T-shirt - simple and affordable way do an unusual hairstyle. At the same time, any girl can make herself such a hairstyle, and the curls will look very beautiful.

Several advantages:

  • curls using a T-shirt do not harm your hair. Unlike curling irons, fabric curlers can be used even on dry and damaged hair. So this is a great way to create curls even on damaged hair;
  • With this design you can even go to bed. A T-shirt will not interfere with a good night's sleep, since it will not disturb you at night;
  • The curls turn out unusual and spectacular. With this hairstyle you can go anywhere: to a disco, a formal event. No one will guess that the curls were obtained in such a simple way.

Curls and waves with a T-shirt are best done at night. Then they will turn out elastic and will not unwind overnight. The hair should be slightly damp before styling; you can first apply styling product to it.


So, how to style your hair using a T-shirt? There are several proven methods. For example, you can curl your hair like this:

Second way

The first method allows you to get lungs wavy curls. If you want to have tighter and more pronounced curls, you should do it differently: cut the T-shirt. Detailed instructions:

The advantage of the latter method is the ability to curl both long and short curls.

In this case, the width of the curls can be adjusted. Thus, elastic waves are also possible.

Another option

It’s not at all necessary to tear a T-shirt to twist it. You can get a stylish hairstyle that will not unwind from rain and wind by following the instructions.

Over the past couple of years, curls have become a huge hit among hairstyles. They are suitable for every day and for a special event. A hairdryer, curling iron, straightening iron and many other devices will help you create flawless curls, however, they do not spare your hair, so using them constantly is harmful. However, you can curl your hair overnight if you make some preparations. Wet hair, fixed in a suitable condition, will keep their shape well and will please the girl with the result.

How to curl wet hair at night

Curling wet hair is traditional methods, which have been tested by many girls and women. Most of them do not require specific devices. Everything you need can be found at home.

It is necessary to remember that the smaller the strand for curling is taken, the smaller the curls will be.

For every day, it is preferable to use large curls that will fall in waves. It requires less effort in preparation and looks more elegant.

When curling using any method, remember:

  • large curls quickly lose their shape, so they need to be secured with a styler;
  • try to break your hair into equal strands and it is better to pay a little more attention to the curls near your face;
  • do not forget before leaving the house to make sure that you have removed all curlers or rags, some of which may be located at the back under already loose hair;
  • Even with the most pleasant methods, sleeping will not be very uncomfortable.


There are many types of curlers, but not all can be used at night. The most suitable for this:

  • foam;
  • boomerangs.

You can also experiment with hedgehog curlers (velcro curlers), however, by morning your hair may simply become tangled. Then, instead of beautiful curls, you will be faced with a long and painful untangling of the strands.

Foam curlers and boomerangs are easy to distinguish from other varieties - they are soft. But they are used in different ways. In both cases, they begin to twist the curl from the end, winding the strand almost to the roots.


In order to get a spectacular hairstyle, it is enough to use 3 flagella. Not everyone is able to create a tight curl the first time, so it is very important to apply mousse or foam to your hair before the procedure to make it more manageable.

  1. The hair is divided into 3 equal sectors.
  2. After which, each strand must be twisted around its axis until a tight twist is formed along the entire length.
  3. Such a mechanism unravels quite easily if you let go of your fingers, so it must be secured in a bun with an elastic band.

The curls from 3 flagella will be subtle, but they increase the volume of the hair. You need to sleep with them carefully, as a poorly secured structure can come undone on its own by the morning.


A scarf must be made from natural fabrics, since synthetics will cause a lot of discomfort during the night, and the scalp will itch in the morning. The rule about natural fabrics applies not only to scarves for wrapping, but also to pillowcases.

  1. The scarf for curls must first be twisted diagonally.
  2. The hair is divided into 2 equal parts, after which a high ponytail is tied on each side. As many scarves are used as ponytails are formed.
  3. One end of the scarf is secured around an elastic band at the base of the ponytail.
  4. Next, the hair is divided into 2 parts and wrapped around a scarf. On each side there should be 2 spiral strands around the material.
  5. The ends at the bottom are braided with an elastic band, after which they are additionally wrapped around the base of the ponytails, forming a bun.

Note, In the morning, such curls do not even need to be combed, just sprinkled with hairspray.


It is not necessary to use a T-shirt, it can be a wide scarf or even a scarf, however, this method is popularly known from the T-shirt.

  1. The item of clothing is twisted with a rope, after which its ends are secured with a hairpin or another method; you can simply tie it.
  2. You will get a circle that fits like a wreath on your head. It is best to comb your hair with a side parting.
  3. The strands are taken quite large, 5–7 cm.
  4. One by one, each strand is twisted around the T-shirt wreath.
  5. The strand must be completely wrapped, and then the end must be secured with an invisible thread to this strand.
  6. Then take the next curl and also wrap the T-shirt on your head.
  7. When all the hair is wrapped around the item of clothing, you will get a fun hairstyle with hair raised high. From above it will resemble a nest.
  8. In the morning, you need to remove all the bobby pins and pull the T-shirt out of the embrace of your hair.


Today, rags can be successfully replaced in another way. Boomerang curlers are based on this particular curling method, but instead of buying a ready-made product, you can make it yourself. The rags should be approximately the same size, 10 cm each.

Width doesn't matter. Strands are wound onto rags like curlers, after which the ends of the rags are tied.

Pros and cons of overnight hair curling

Curling your hair at night is a very common method, which in different variations is familiar to every woman since childhood.

The main disadvantage can be called poor sleep, since it is difficult to fall asleep with devices on your head, and if you toss and turn a lot, you can ruin the effect. In addition, poorly treated curls may become overgrown with strands that have come out in the morning, especially for short hair.

An undoubted advantage is the safety of night curls for hair, as well as the preservation of the results for a fairly long time. With the right approach, the wave effect will not leave your hairstyle until the evening, allowing the girl to feel at her best.

Useful videos

Volume and curls overnight.

Curls without curling irons or curlers.