And since 1980 - also April 12.

History of World Smile Day

Planet Earth owes the existence of this holiday to the talented artist from the United States of America Harvey Bell (). The artist was practically ignored by critics and his name was known to few people. Perhaps this would still be the case if in 1963 representatives of the American insurance company State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America had not approached him with a request to come up with some memorable logo - the company’s business card.

The artist almost immediately offered his design, for which he received $50 from the customers. What Harvey Bell offered to representatives of the State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America was what almost any Internet user today would unmistakably call a smiley face. The company produced badges with the logo and distributed them to its employees. The success was so great that after a few months, smiling faces appeared not only on the company’s business cards and badges, but literally everywhere, starting from matchboxes. The United States even issued a postage stamp with a smiley face on it.

Bell was happy, as happy as a creative person can be who realized that his works would outlive him for a long time. In one interview, the artist said:

“Never before in the history of mankind and art has there been a single work that, having spread so widely, brought so much happiness, joy and pleasure. There was nothing that was done so simply, but became clear to everyone.”

In the early 1960s, the process of merging large insurance companies began in America. The process was painful and began to affect the so-called corporate morale of employees. In other words, employees' uncertainty about the future made them more irritable, confused and sad.

Representatives from State Mutual Life Assurance Cos. of America decided to boost the “morale” of their employees, that is, “make” employees smile every time they meet with clients, answer the phone or work with documents. To achieve the goal, it was decided to carry out an unusual advertising campaign, which required a bright, memorable symbol, and in December 1963, insurers came to Harvey Bell.

As Bell later admitted, the entire development took him no more than 10 minutes. He was paid $45 for the job, and that was all the profit Ball ever made for the emoji: he didn't even want to trademark it, didn't copyright it, and, according to his son, Charles Ball, , never regretted it: “He didn’t know how to handle money. He used to say, 'Hey, I can only eat one steak at a time and I can't drive multiple cars at the same time.'

The first emoticon was attached to a pin, that is, made in the form of an icon and given to employees and clients of the company.

The emoticon icons were a success. State Mutual Life Assurance Cos. clients and agents loved them so much. of America, that the company soon ordered 10 thousand of these badges.

But the emoticon became known to the whole world only in the 1970s, when two brothers from Spain came up with the slogan “Have a Happy Day” for the emoticon.

A smile with such a motto immediately became a hit, and soon the smiley appeared on emblems, postcards, T-shirts and baseball caps - in a word, on everything that could be quickly sold.

In 1971, a French entrepreneur named Franklin Loufrani registered the smiling face as a trademark in more than 80 countries. Loufrani claimed that he invented the symbol in 1968 in Paris. Loufrani founded the Smiley Licensing corporation and in a few years made a decent fortune around the world, bypassing the United States. Bell did not sue Loufrani, but there were other “figures” who claimed that they invented the emoticon. Eventually, tired of it all, Bell registered his version of a smile, which included his initials. Bell loved to make bombastic statements about his invention: “Never before in the history of mankind and art has there been a single work that, having spread so widely, brought so much happiness, joy and pleasure. There was nothing that was done so simply, but became clear to everyone.”

Already an elderly man, Harvey Bell finally defined his mission on Earth - he saw himself as an International Ambassador of Happiness and even came up with a holiday - October 1 - International Smile Day. He believed that it should be a day “dedicated to good humor and good deeds,” and should be held under the slogan “Do good. Help one smile." Bell was obviously happy man. His children claim that he never felt anger or hatred towards those who illegally distribute the millions of images he created. He died on April 12, 2001 at the age of 79.

Founded by Harvey Bell, the World Smile Corporation is headed by his son Charles, who closely monitors who and how the brand is used: “Our mission is to create, sell and license products under the Harvey Ball Signature Smiley brand.”

Harvey Bell's signature guarantees the authenticity of the product. But what's really important is that all of the after-tax profits generated by World Smile Corporation go to charitable causes. “We help children all over the world. No other emoji corporation does this." Based on materials: MEMBRANA

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Excerpt describing World Smile Day

- What good are they? They just drive for show! - said another.
- Infantry, don't dust! - the hussar joked, under which the horse, playing, splashed mud at the infantryman.
“If I had driven you through two marches with your backpack, the laces would have been worn out,” the infantryman said, wiping the dirt from his face with his sleeve; - otherwise it’s not a person, but a bird sitting!
“If only I could put you on a horse, Zikin, if you were agile,” the corporal joked about the thin soldier, bent over from the weight of his backpack.
“Take the club between your legs, and you’ll have a horse,” responded the hussar.

The rest of the infantry hurried across the bridge, forming a funnel at the entrance. Finally, all the carts passed, the crush became less, and the last battalion entered the bridge. Only the hussars of Denisov's squadron remained on the other side of the bridge against the enemy. The enemy, visible in the distance from the opposite mountain, from below, from the bridge, was not yet visible, since from the hollow along which the river flowed, the horizon ended at the opposite elevation no more than half a mile away. Ahead there was a desert, along which here and there groups of our traveling Cossacks were moving. Suddenly, on the opposite hill of the road, troops in blue hoods and artillery appeared. They were French. The Cossack patrol trotted away downhill. All the officers and men of Denisov’s squadron, although they tried to talk about outsiders and look around, did not stop thinking only about what was there on the mountain, and constantly peered at the spots on the horizon, which they recognized as enemy troops. The weather cleared again in the afternoon, the sun set brightly over the Danube and the dark mountains surrounding it. It was quiet, and from that mountain the sounds of horns and screams of the enemy could occasionally be heard. There was no one between the squadron and the enemies, except for small patrols. An empty space, three hundred fathoms, separated them from him. The enemy stopped shooting, and the more clearly one felt that strict, menacing, impregnable and elusive line that separates the two enemy troops.
“One step beyond this line, reminiscent of the line separating the living from the dead, and - the unknown of suffering and death. And what's there? who's there? there, beyond this field, and the tree, and the roof illuminated by the sun? Nobody knows, and I want to know; and it’s scary to cross this line, and you want to cross it; and you know that sooner or later you will have to cross it and find out what is there on the other side of the line, just as it is inevitable to find out what is there on the other side of death. And he himself is strong, healthy, cheerful and irritated, and surrounded by such healthy and irritably animated people.” So, even if he doesn’t think, every person who is in sight of the enemy feels it, and this feeling gives a special shine and joyful sharpness of impressions to everything that happens in these minutes.
The smoke of a shot appeared on the enemy’s hill, and the cannonball, whistling, flew over the heads of the hussar squadron. The officers standing together went to their places. The hussars carefully began to straighten out their horses. Everything in the squadron fell silent. Everyone looked ahead at the enemy and at the squadron commander, waiting for a command. Another, third cannonball flew by. It is obvious that they were shooting at the hussars; but the cannonball, whistling evenly quickly, flew over the heads of the hussars and struck somewhere behind. The hussars did not look back, but at every sound of a flying cannonball, as if on command, the entire squadron with their monotonously varied faces, holding their breath while the cannonball flew, rose in their stirrups and fell again. The soldiers, without turning their heads, glanced sideways at each other, curiously looking for the impression of their comrade. On every face, from Denisov to the bugler, one common feature of struggle, irritation and excitement appeared near the lips and chin. The sergeant frowned, looking around at the soldiers, as if threatening punishment. Junker Mironov bent down with each pass of the cannonball. Rostov, standing on the left flank on his leg-touched but visible Grachik, had the happy look of a student summoned before a large audience for an exam in which he was confident that he would excel. He looked clearly and brightly at everyone, as if asking them to pay attention to how calmly he stood under the cannonballs. But in his face, too, the same feature of something new and stern, against his will, appeared near his mouth.
-Who is bowing there? Yunkeg "Mig"ons! Hexog, look at me! - Denisov shouted, unable to stand still and spinning on his horse in front of the squadron.
The snub-nosed and black-haired face of Vaska Denisov and his entire small, beaten figure with his sinewy (with short fingers covered with hair) hand, in which he held the hilt of a drawn saber, was exactly the same as always, especially in the evening, after drinking two bottles. He was only more red than usual and, raising his shaggy head up, like birds when they drink, mercilessly pressing spurs into the sides of the good Bedouin with his small feet, he, as if falling backwards, galloped to the other flank of the squadron and shouted in a hoarse voice to be examined pistols. He drove up to Kirsten. The headquarters captain, on a wide and sedate mare, rode at a pace towards Denisov. The staff captain, with his long mustache, was serious, as always, only his eyes sparkled more than usual.
- What? - he told Denisov, - it won’t come to a fight. You'll see, we'll go back.
“Who knows what they’re doing,” Denisov grumbled. “Ah! G” skeleton! - he shouted to the cadet, noticing his cheerful face. - Well, I waited.
And he smiled approvingly, apparently rejoicing at the cadet.
Rostov felt completely happy. At this time the chief appeared on the bridge. Denisov galloped towards him.
- Your Excellency! Let me attack! I will kill them.
“What kind of attacks are there,” said the chief in a bored voice, wincing as if from a bothersome fly. - And why are you standing here? You see, the flankers are retreating. Lead the squadron back.
The squadron crossed the bridge and escaped the gunfire without losing a single man. Following him, the second squadron, which was in the chain, crossed over, and the last Cossacks cleared that side.
Two squadrons of Pavlograd residents, having crossed the bridge, one after the other, went back to the mountain. Regimental commander Karl Bogdanovich Schubert drove up to Denisov's squadron and rode at a pace not far from Rostov, not paying any attention to him, despite the fact that after the previous clash over Telyanin, they now saw each other for the first time. Rostov, feeling himself at the front in the power of a man before whom he now considered himself guilty, did not take his eyes off the athletic back, blond nape and red neck of the regimental commander. It seemed to Rostov that Bogdanich was only pretending to be inattentive, and that his whole goal now was to test the cadet’s courage, and he straightened up and looked around cheerfully; then it seemed to him that Bogdanich was deliberately riding close to show Rostov his courage. Then he thought that his enemy would now deliberately send a squadron on a desperate attack to punish him, Rostov. It was thought that after the attack he would come up to him and generously extend the hand of reconciliation to him, the wounded man.

Date in 2019: October 4th, Friday.

A simple smile makes the world brighter, life more beautiful, and your soul more cheerful. But so rarely does a person remember simple recipe happiness. Smile with us. After all, on the first Friday in October we will celebrate an unusual holiday - the Day of Smiles.

Take a look around. Right now, wherever you are: at work, at home, in a public place. How many smiling faces have you seen? Tens, ones, none? And, indeed, most have forgotten how to smile for no reason, just like that. And an ordinary smile can work wonders, and there is even a special holiday, World Smile Day, designed to change the world.

Who celebrates the holiday of smiles?

Speaking in the dry language of physiology, a smile is a simple movement of the facial muscles.

Psychologists classify a smile as a person’s disposition to laugh, as a facial expression that conveys positive feelings in the form of pleasure, friendliness, joy, and happiness. However, any capacious definition is not capable of conveying the emotions that accompany or cause a smile.

Try to find a synonym for this word. What comes to mind is a grimace, facial expression, antics. None of these words emphasize the true meaning of a smile.

“Kiss of the soul”, “the sun that drives winter away from the face” - such beautiful epic names were given to people’s smiles. And for a reason.

Only humans are endowed with such a unique ability by nature. And the most interesting thing is that a little person is already born with a smile, and does not learn, as some claim, to smile at his parents, and later at other people.

It turns out that we knew how to smile even before birth, and this is proven ultrasound examinations fetus in the womb of a woman. The kids smile at the sun and their mother, the meowing cat and the breeze.

And it’s very interesting what dreams the baby has – the smile of a sleeping baby is especially sweet. But for some reason, as we grow up, we look for reasons to smile, and completely forget that it is inherent at the genetic level. And what is not a reason to smile is the fact that a person has been given life.

But even a smile can forcefully change your mood and even your well-being. Produced by the body through a regular smile, endorphins can relieve pain and improve emotional mood. This is easy to check. You just have to smile for one minute, even through force, and there will be no trace of bad and gloomy thoughts.

Even negatively expressed emotions such as anger or disappointment change their color under the influence of a smile. A way out of a seemingly hopeless situation is found, and the people around you, it turns out, are not so boring or unbearable.

Thanks to a smile, a person finds like-minded people, wins over his interlocutor, and even stops arguments. But the habit of smiling is not common among our compatriots. Common stereotypes will immediately place a person smiling at passers-by among the crazy or mentally retarded.

And people try, upon crossing the threshold of the house, to paste a concerned or business-like expression on their face. Such facial expressions become habitual, and a person does not even want to change it for a second, just to smile at the warm sun and green grass. A person unwittingly provokes constant tension, and even a stressful state.

That’s why we are surrounded by frowning, dissatisfied faces. But frowning is much more difficult for the facial muscles than smiling - 2.5 times less muscles are used to smile.

A smiling person not only looks happier and younger, he puts people at ease and involuntarily prolongs their life.

Due to the synthesis of certain hormones under the influence positive emotions the functioning of all systems and organs improves, and the body actually rejuvenates.

So why look for a reason to smile when you can make your life much happier just by smiling. And it is not surprising that such a kind and bright holiday, the Day of Smiles, appeared.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​the Smile Festival belongs to an American artist. Harvey Bell, presenting himself as an "ambassador of happiness" to the planet, proposed in 1999 to celebrate a holiday dedicated to good cheer. And he even came up with an original slogan, which translated sounds like: “Do good. Help with one personal smile.

Where does a simple, little-known creator have such confidence in the success of his idea? The answer is quite simple. The concept of the holiday is associated with the popularity of the emoticon, well known to Internet users. After all, a smile is a smile, and it was Bell who came up with a funny face that conquered the whole world.

The story that made a failed artist an international celebrity is a fairly commonplace one. The man received an order to develop a bright, unusual symbol from an insurance company. American businessmen, in the hope of increasing profits and an influx of clients, took an unprecedented step in the early sixties, merging two small organizations into a single corporation. But they got the opposite effect.

Employees concerned about their future did not help the business grow. The mood of the employees, influenced by thoughts of possible job loss, became gloomy and gloomy. Nervousness and absent-mindedness were involuntarily transmitted to potential clients. It was urgent to save the situation.

It was decided to develop a good-natured business card. Bell completed the task in just a few minutes. This is how a funny round face with a smile from ear to ear was born.

Surprisingly, such a simple-minded icon was able to correct the situation. Workers who wore badges with a picture of a laughing face simply could not remain gloomy. Smiles involuntarily appeared on their faces, and the response from customers was not long in coming.

The corporation's management immediately ordered several thousand badges depicting a smiling face, which became the company's calling card.

The fame of the unusual emoticon effect quickly spread throughout the world. Unfortunately, the author is like this original idea did not have time to patent his invention. But I didn’t regret it for a second.

Today, the bright yellow face invented by Bell can be seen anywhere in the world. It has become an integral part of friendly communication on the Internet, finding its way into prints on clothes, jewelry, toys and images on dishes. The symbol of a good mood is used by many organizations, and just individuals, for commercial purposes, without giving a penny to the author of such a good invention.

And even though the smiley face did not bring fabulous profits to the American artist, the memory of his work will live forever as long as people smile.

Of course, it was the smiley face that became the symbol of the new holiday invented by Harvey. And it was decided to celebrate international holiday on the first Fridays in October.

In Russia this is an unusual and fun party appeared quite recently, but quickly won its fans. Join the fun celebration, and don't forget that Smile Day 2016 falls on October 7th.

How to celebrate the most smiling day?

There are simply many ideas for celebrating Smile Day. Already in the first year of the holiday, an incredible number of toys, postcards, souvenirs with the image of a smiley face and other funny characters appeared that people with smiles on their faces could give to each other. Proceeds from such sales are necessarily directed to charitable purposes.

Prepare a script for a holiday in kindergarten, invite the kids to draw a funny animal or person with a smile on their face. Older kids can make funny masks and even costumes that will make you laugh.

For schoolchildren, offer a mini-conference where young speakers can talk about sociological and psychological research related to smiling.

Organize an extraordinary corporate event among your work colleagues in an informal setting. Useful for having fun interesting photos and fun competitions.

Don't forget to smile on this good day to your family, friends and even management at work. Start the day with a smile. Smiling at your reflection in the mirror, you will feel how the world will sparkle with bright colors and sound with new melodies.

Congratulations on Smile Day

Smile and let the whole world know that you are in a good mood. Give positivity, and let sincere laughter be heard in response. Forget about sorrows, troubles and evil. And on Smile Day, make your life and your friends a little kinder and more joyful.

It's not easy to live in the world

Without a smile, even children know.

A simple smile makes the world a kinder place,

Smile and your heart will become happier.

Maybe this is a typo, a joke, a bluff?

The Day of Smiles was invented by a man.

Not today best holiday, the best day of the year.

I don’t understand why you don’t laugh with us.

Larisa, August 25, 2016.

A smile is an emotional weapon. It charges both the owner and those around him with positivity, uplifting mood and increasing life expectancy. This emotion first appears in people aged 6-8 weeks. When smiling, 53 facial muscles are used. Every year on the first Friday in October, a holiday dedicated to it is celebrated all over the world.

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​creating this celebration arose recently, in 1999. Harvey Bally is at the origins of the holiday. The American artist of the mid-20th century painted paintings that were unremarkable and did not arouse heated criticism. In 1963, representatives of an insurance agency asked the artist to create a bright, memorable logo as the company’s business card.

This is how the smiley face known to any modern person appeared. Harvey Bally received less than $50 for his work. Initially, the symbol was displayed on buttons, but seven years later it became widespread. Murray and Bernard Spain of Philadelphia produced T-shirts, mugs, baseball caps and other consumer goods with the image of a laughing face.

The products gained popularity, bringing great economic benefits to the brothers. The smiley was patented in 1971 by French businessman Franklin Laufrani. The latter managed to quickly get rich, because the logo became widespread in 80 countries. Initially, Smile Day was celebrated on October 1, but a few years later the date was changed to the first Friday of the same month.

Autumn gives us not only clouds that cover the sky with an impenetrable veil and water the earth with cold, fine rain. For example, October 5th can be celebrated as World Smile Day. This is a great reason to give yourself and others joy, and also an opportunity to find out what good mood helps you get sick less.

Once upon a time there was an artist alone...

The history of World Smile Day dates back to 1963, when American artist Harvey Ball received an order from an insurance company to make a positive badge. This company recently became part of a larger organization, which was not greeted with optimism by employees. It was necessary to somehow strengthen their moral strength and lift their spirits.

As a result, the well-known emoticon was born - a symbol of good mood and good intentions. People loved him so much that in just 10 years he became super popular and won recognition on both sides of the Atlantic.

Today, a smiley is an indispensable attribute of communication on the Internet. It has its own day, which is celebrated in September. Like many other artists, Harvey Ball was careless about material matters and did not register his badge. However, he had reason to be proud as his name was associated with this symbol of positivity. The idea to establish a holiday of smiles belongs to Harvey Ball, who believed that people need to devote more time to good deeds and please others more often.

However, the talented artist’s dream was realized only in 1999, when this date was first celebrated. Since then, every first Friday of October is World Smile Day. This holiday is accompanied by fun events, during which people give funny faces - emoticons - on the streets and congratulate each other.

Prevention of diseases according to the Hippocratic method

Although this holiday was established not so long ago, people in all centuries have understood the meaning of a smile. It is no coincidence that a proverb was born in the East: “An arrow does not hit a smiling face.” In addition, it was a white-toothed smile that in past centuries represented health.

The great Hippocrates liked to repeat that laughter has healing powers. It soothes, relaxes muscles, improves digestive function. Modern ones confirm the views of ancient healers, believing that a good mood is an excellent disease prevention. It is no coincidence that in the 19th century the concept of psychosomatic diseases. These are disturbances in the functioning of organs that are caused by psychological reasons. Most often, this is the body's reaction to.

The simplest example of a psychosomatic disorder is pain in the stomach or heart after excitement. There is often no organic damage to the organs, but the patient complains of pain. In addition, the stress factor influences the development of pathologies such as ulcerative colitis, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease, and psoriasis.

Therefore, it is worth smiling more often not only to present yourself correctly in society. This is also the most accessible preventive measure that can relieve common ailments and delay the development of serious pathologies. A smile costs us nothing, but it makes us so great! World Smile Day is a reason to think about your condition and the health of others.

It is not always possible to cope with stress with a smile and laughter. Often, in order to maintain good spirits and keep emotions in check, more is needed. Natural preparations that include components such as, are optimally suited for this.

Remember: in order for your smile to always bring joy to others, you need to have healthy teeth. That is why it is so important to monitor their condition.

Smile more often, and illnesses will bypass you!



World Smile Day is an international unofficial holiday that is becoming increasingly popular in many countries around the world.

When is Smile Day celebrated in 2019?

When is the holiday celebrated? Celebration date International Day smiles falls on the first Friday of October. In 2019 it will be celebrated on October 4.

How is World Smile Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On World Smile Day, various events, photo exhibitions, asphalt drawing competitions, etc. are held. Friends and acquaintances congratulate each other and wish them a good mood.

History of the Smile Day holiday

Let's talk about the history and traditions of the holiday. We owe the appearance of International Smile Day to the image of a yellow smiling face - an emoticon created in 1963 by artist Harvey Bell (USA) for the insurance company State Mutual Life Assurance Company of America.

For his work, he received $50 from customers. The emoticons were released as the company's logo on badges that were issued to the company's employees and customers. The image became popular, and within a few months more than ten thousand of these badges were produced.

In the 1970s, when two Spaniards came up with the slogan “Have a Happy Day” for the emoji, the image with the slogan became a best-seller and soon appeared on various emblems, cards, T-shirts and baseball caps.

Later, the emoticon began to be used on the Internet. A lot of emoticons have appeared, carrying different semantic and emotional connotations.

They convey not only joy, but also embarrassment, sadness, disappointment, bewilderment, anger, surprise and other feelings. Now we almost cannot imagine virtual space without these cute faces.

In 1999, on the initiative of Harvey Bell, World Smile Day was celebrated for the first time. The artist believed that this holiday should be dedicated to a good mood.

The motto of Smile Day was the words: “Do a good deed. Help at least one smile appear!” The artist founded the World Smile Corporation, which owns the copyright to the emoticon, the profits of which are used for charitable purposes.

In addition to International Smile Day, different countries around the world are also celebrated: Spontaneous Kindness Day, Hug Day, Kiss Day and other holidays.