You are in the Graphic Dictation coloring page category. The coloring book you are considering is described by our visitors as follows: "" Here you will find many coloring pages online. You can download Graphic Dictation coloring pages and print them for free. As you know, creative activities play a huge role in the development of a child. They activate mental activity, form aesthetic taste and instill a love of art. The process of coloring pictures on the topic Graphic dictation develops fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, helps you learn more about the world around you, and introduces you to all the variety of colors and shades. We add new ones to our site every day free coloring pages for boys and girls, which you can color online or download and print. A convenient catalog compiled by category will make it easier to find the desired picture, and a large selection of coloring pages will allow you to find a new one every day interesting topic for coloring.

The formation of graphic skills is necessary for the development of writing, drawing, and number drawing skills. Kindergarten teachers and parents use different exercises and tasks. One of the most effective and interesting techniques is graphic dictations.

Parents and teachers in educational programs can dictate a simple drawing or instructions for the diagram, and children are indescribably delighted with the results obtained. Let's talk about this method of preparing for school in more detail.

From this article you will learn

What is graphic dictation

Preschoolers enjoy unusual didactic activities. They do not require deep knowledge or strong mental tension from the child. Such methods of work also include graphic dictations in cells.

This is a game in which the child draws lines and diagonals on a piece of paper and as a result gets a picture. It's easy to do. You just need to listen carefully to the teacher, draw lines with a pencil left, right, up or down. By developing motor skills, the baby learns to count, navigate in space, evaluate himself and enjoy the success of his classmates.

If a preschooler gapes and gets distracted, the picture won’t come together. The child realizes the importance of being attuned to the lesson, vigilance and seriousness in the process of future learning at school.

For graphic dictations, simple pictures are used. For example, a house, a dog, a car. The images should be familiar to children and not require a long execution time.

The benefits of mathematical dictations

Graphic dictation for preschoolers is a useful technique for diagnosing the level of development and preparing for school in kindergarten, Houses. IN Preschool teachers more often use the manuals of the authors: D.B. Elkonina, O.A. Kholodova. K.V. Shevelev developed a whole course of step-by-step lessons for children 4–5 years old, 5–6 years old, as well as first-graders. Special notebooks develop the following skills and abilities in preschool children from the preparatory group:

  • coordination of movements;
  • attention;
  • memory;
  • perseverance;
  • imagination;
  • lexicon;
  • fine motor skills;
  • spelling vigilance.

At the same time as physical skills, the child increases self-esteem. He is aware of the need to listen to instructions. Does the job clearly and quickly, without being distracted by a bird in the window or the laughter of a neighbor at his desk.

Another goal of graphical mathematics is to broaden one's horizons. You need to select pictures according to the age and level of development of the children, but this is only at first. Later, draw pictures that are unfamiliar to preschoolers. After drawing such an arithmetic problem on a piece of paper, tell a story about an unusual animal, introduce it to its habitat, and show a photograph.

Numerical dictation assignments are a good way to adapt kindergarteners to school. They teach six-year-olds independence and orientation in a new space. This will help in mastering the elementary school curriculum, when meeting a new team and teacher.

The ability to hold a pencil, follow oral instructions, decipher text, and write is an excellent foundation for preparing for first grade. You can ask your child to print out sheets, templates, and help interpret instructions. This helps to introduce the future preschooler to office equipment and instill respect for elders.

Execution Rules

Graphic dictations It is better to use in math lessons, for example. Execution is related to the coordinate system, counting, and geometric shapes. The methodology consists of several stages:

  1. Prepare a piece of squared paper for the student. Keep a ready-made version of the dictation with you.
  2. Place a dot on the student paper. This will be the start of the countdown. Or have your preschooler do it themselves, explaining how much space to give.
  3. For a child just beginning to learn, draw arrows on paper that indicate the directions of the sides. This makes it easier to get the correct result. In subsequent lessons, hints will no longer be needed.
  4. Explain that step 1 is a cage. If we take 2 steps, the line goes 2 cells.
  5. The teacher dictates the working conditions step by step.

On the finished sheet for the teacher there is a drawing, a coordinate plane consisting of arrows and numbers. For example, to draw a Christmas tree, draw a line horizontally in 1 cell, vertically - 3 cells, diagonally - 3 cells, and so on. More often it’s just arrows and numbers without words.

The teacher explains which lines, where, and at what distance the preschoolers draw. Instructions are given one after another, without rushing.

  1. After completing the written assignments and obtaining the results, draw conclusions about the lesson and the efforts of the preschoolers. Scold him for inattention if the child was distracted by trifles, or praise him for his achievements.

Important! There's no need to rush. If your preschooler doesn’t keep up, usually in the first lessons, wait for him. Skipping even one step or writing incorrectly will ruin the finished result. Set the time frame gradually, speeding up the process by a couple of seconds from lesson to lesson.

Download assignments

Examples can be downloaded for free on the Internet in Word format and printed on a color or black-and-white printer. So you will create a whole card index for yourself, suitable for any age of kindergarteners and schoolchildren.


01. Elephant.

02. Giraffe.

03. Snake.

04. Key.

05. Cat.

06. Heart.

07. Duck.

08. House with a chimney.

09. Man.

10. Christmas tree.

11. Ship.

12. Squirrel.

13. Camel.

14. Kangaroo.

15. Deer.

16. Little dog.

17. Dog.

18. Hare.

19. Robot.

20. Piglet.

21. Hedgehog.

22. Flower.

23. Bear.

Required Instructions

To conduct developmental classes with young children and older preschoolers you will need:

  1. a squared notebook for each child. For younger preschoolers it is better to choose a large cage, for older and first-graders - a small one;
  2. simple and multi-colored pencils;
  3. eraser;
  4. form with a sample picture;
  5. instructions for the teacher;
  6. ruler if the lines are long or diagonal;
  7. card file with drawings.

The first lesson will be a trial lesson. On it you need to explain to the kids the principle of operation, the goals and objectives of the exercise. Try to make the lesson fun and exciting so that the young student is interested.

Give verbal instructions clearly and clearly. Talk to your children about all the stages of work:

  • Let's create a magical picture from different dashes. These will be enchanted figures. You need to decipher them by making notes on a piece of paper.
  • If you follow my instructions and requests correctly, do not confuse right and left, and carefully count the cells, you will get an amazing result.
  • I will say: “Draw a line on the form to the left by 2 cells, to the right by 4 cells.” You draw a nice, even line without lifting your hand from the paper.
  • Let's practice together on the board. As an example, let’s draw a very simple drawing from dictation. And then you will make another option without prompting.

After doing a simple logical task offer preschoolers more complex schemes for independent work. When you receive the correct answer, be sure to praise the guys. Print out certificates of commendation, stars, make a personal growth board for each student.

If children have many difficulties with such exercises, the teacher should analyze the methodology and common mistakes. It is advisable to keep a lesson protocol and record the final result for each lesson. Thus, the dynamics of the development of skills and abilities of preschool children can be traced.

Perhaps the level of complexity of the pictures is not suitable for age, development of skills. Use simpler templates, increase the time to complete the task. There is no need to independently develop or compose descriptions for pictures for dictations.

Methods of execution

There are several methods for conducting dictations:

  1. Auditory.

The child draws a graph or a picture from dictation. The teacher gives verbal instructions about how many cells and in which direction the line should be drawn. After finishing the work, compare the result with the sample.

This technology develops attention, brain concentration when performing complex tasks, and child concentration.

  1. Drawing from a pattern.

Print the finished template. Place it on the table in front of your child. Let him copy it into his notebook. It is important to look carefully at the direction of the line and count the cells. Get your baby interested in figures and diagrams. The girl will be happy to copy a small pattern, flowers; boy - geometric figures, cars, animals. For 4-5 year old preschoolers, choose a simple pattern with approximately the same lines; for six year olds, choose a more complex one, where there are diagonal lines, long and short.

The technology involves the development of visual attention, its stability, and perseverance.

  1. Drawing symmetry.

The blank is an unfinished drawing made on one side. The kindergartener needs to complete half the picture on his own, maintaining symmetry.

The technique develops spatial orientation and thinking.

Time frame

The duration of the lesson depends on the age of the preschool children. Consider their readiness for serious activities and their level of perseverance. If you plan too long lessons with your children, they will get tired, you will lose time and energy, and if they are too short, you will not have time to complete the required work. It is better for teachers and parents to focus on the time frames established by psychologists:

  • For kindergarteners aged 5, do written work for no more than 15 minutes.
  • With six-year-olds – 15–20 minutes.
  • Keep first-graders at their desks for no more than half an hour, at least 20 minutes.

Graphic exercises seem to be simple tasks for preschoolers, simple and sometimes unnecessary. This is a misconception. Lessons like these help children grow up to be self-confident, with adequate self-esteem, developed attention and perseverance. And this will be useful for adapting to school.

In the process of mastering mathematical science and new concepts, the baby and mother encounter some difficulties. Advice from experienced teachers will help you overcome them.

  • Before starting classes, explain to your child clearly and understandably what do you want to get in the end, why are these lessons needed, what knowledge will the preschooler receive. This information is necessary for the future first-grader to motivate actions and interest in the learning process.
  • Don’t rush to blame for mistakes. Take them apart and fix them. Create a friendly atmosphere.
  • Do not overload your child with complex schemes from the first lessons. Some time must pass for the kindergartener to firmly grasp the concepts of left - right, up - down. Select pictures taking into account the individual characteristics of intellectual development and the speed of drawing. Give preference to symmetrical patterns for slow kids, repeat the instructions for them several times.
  • Sloping lines are difficult for young students. Explain in advance what a diagonal is, how it is laid, and allow you to use a ruler.
  • Watch your posture and hand position. The piece of paper should lie straight on the table, the back should not bend while writing.
  • Keep quiet, if kindergarteners have difficulty concentrating. For children with hyperactivity, absent-mindedness, or mental retardation, it is better to have individual lessons and print diagrams for additional exercises at home.
  • Enjoy the positive result. Even if the result of the work is average, be sure to praise the preschooler for his efforts.
  • Make a change. In between exercises, read funny poems to warm up your fingers, jump, play.

IMPORTANT! *when copying article materials, be sure to indicate an active link to the original

Greetings, friends! Today we’ll talk about graphic dictations - very interesting option developmental activities for children older than school age. Graphic dictations for children 5–6 years old can captivate boys and girls, allowing mothers and fathers to enjoy legitimate ten minutes of peace and quiet, which rarely happen in a house where little perpetual motion machines, jumpers and whys live.

In addition to the fact that almost all children really enjoy this pastime, you will learn from this material:

  • what are graphic dictations;
  • what are their benefits for the child;
  • how to conduct graphic dictations with five-year-olds and older children;
  • how to enhance the developmental effect of the lesson.

Graphic dictation: drawing by cells

Everyone understands what a dictation is: it is a type of written work that is used in the learning process to train writing skills, to consolidate and test acquired knowledge.

Graphic dictation involves creating drawings in cells under dictation.

How does this happen:
  • The child receives a sheet of paper in a square with the start marked (a bold, clearly visible dot).
  • The adult slowly commands how many cells should be drawn and in which direction.
  • Step by step, following the adult’s commands, the student creates a graphic image.

Let's consider simplest example, so that you can finally understand what’s what:

To get this picture, you need to sequentially draw from the starting point:

  1. 3 cells up;
  2. 2 cells down right;
  3. 2 cells to the right up;
  4. 2 cells down.

When compiling and performing graphic dictations, it is important to take into account simple rules:

  • The entire drawing turns out to be a solid broken line. Take the pen off the paper.
  • Do not draw on the same line twice.

Sometimes, to make the lesson more interesting, after creating a picture based on a graphic dictation, the child is asked to refine the image: to add elements that give the outline a more complete look:

  • curly hair for little men;
  • tails and eyes for animals;
  • windows for buildings and transport.
The benefits of graphic dictations: who, why

Graphic dictations - effective tool in the program for preparing preschoolers for first grade. Their benefits for children 5–6 years old are enormous:

  • train fine motor skills;
  • train spelling vigilance;
  • develop attentiveness and perseverance;
  • stimulate spatial imagination and thinking;
  • teach independence;
  • have a beneficial effect on hearing.

By performing graphic dictation, the child learns to accurately reproduce instructions given orally. Agree, this is one of the skills that determines the success of learning in the modern school system. It is very important to teach a child to listen and hear, to correctly understand and correctly reproduce the teacher’s words.

Graphic dictations for preschoolers can be turned into a whole game.

First, discussing the task, then directly drawing in the cells, then discussing the finished drawing, finalizing it and coloring it.

  • letters;
  • numbers;
  • geometric figures;
  • animals;
  • transport;
  • plants.

You can draw very different objects in this way, which means that the additional developmental element can be different. You can use graphic dictations to teach your child to read and count, to develop his speech and broaden his horizons.

First graphic dictation with a child: learn to teach

To make classes using this method one of your child’s favorite developmental elements, learn to present them correctly. It is worth noting that with the entry of a preschooler into the ranks of smart first-graders, graphic dictations will not only not lose their relevance, but, on the contrary, will definitely come in handy. IN primary school The kids will have to do a lot of them, but this is mandatory and will be assessed. So, moms and dads, go for it: learn to teach your heirs, and then teach them to learn =)

How to conduct a lesson with a child correctly preschool age:
  • Prepare everything you need: a squared sheet of paper, a pencil, an eraser (so that you can correct mistakes that are definitely unavoidable at first). You can come up with dictation tasks yourself, or you can buy special workbooks or download and print graphic dictations from the Internet.
  • First, look at the task yourself. When you are sure that everything is clear to you, invite your child to play a new game.
  • Make sure that the child sits correctly, with a straight back, and holds the pencil correctly. These points must be kept under control whenever you conduct educational activities for your preschooler at home.
  • Remind where the right side is and where the left is. By the way, this moment can be used to tell your child about the existence of left-handers and right-handers. That both options are normal. That all children, all people are different. In general, work on socializing the baby - it will never be superfluous.
  • Do a simple workout. Show what it means to draw two squares to the right. Let your child repeat after you. Make several of these outlines.
  • Draw several straight lines on a checkered sheet of paper. different lengths in different directions (indicate the direction with an arrow). Discuss each line: how many cells it occupied, in what direction it was drawn, where it began.
Start small

It is not at all necessary to start graphic dictations by creating complex drawings. Moreover, it is not necessary to conduct them in the form of a dictation - i.e. completing a task from dictation. First, master the technique of drawing by cells, creating pictures according to the model, tracing the dotted lines, completing the pictures. Finding tasks is not a problem. You can draw them yourself.

So, draw a simple pattern with a thin line in your child’s notebook:

Let him first circle the drawn fragment, and then continue it to the end of the sheet.

Discuss how the pattern was created:

  • 1 square down;
  • 1 cell to the right;
  • 1 square up;
  • 1 cell to the right...

Now ask them to draw a picture according to the same pattern, but take two cells everywhere.

Vary different variants creating a similar pattern. For example, you can start moving from the starting point not downwards, but up or to the side.

From the simplest we smoothly move on to more complex tasks. For example, use these patterns:

Gradually complicate the tasks by selecting graphic dictations of the appropriate level of difficulty.

When your child reaches impressive heights in this activity, invite him to switch roles: let him create patterns or pictures, and then, cell by cell, dictate to you how to repeat his masterpiece. We do not know of a single case when such “shifters” did not cause genuine delight among boys and girls.


And now we invite you to do a small homework from Eureka. What picture is hidden behind these commands?

Start at a distance of 1 cell to the left, 6 from the top. There must be at least 5 cells down. Let's draw:

  1. 1 square down
  2. 3 cells to the right
  3. 1 square down
  4. 1 square to the right
  5. 2 cells down
  6. 1 cell to the left
  7. 1 square down
  8. 2 cells to the right
  9. 1 square up
  10. 1 square to the right
  11. 1 square up
  12. 2 cells to the right
  13. 1 square down
  14. 1 cell to the left
  15. 1 square down
  16. 3 cells to the right
  17. 2 squares up
  18. 1 square to the right
  19. 4 squares up
  20. 1 square to the right
  21. 2 squares up
  22. 1 cell to the left
  23. 1 square down
  24. 1 cell to the left
  25. 1 square down
  26. 6 cells left
  27. 3 squares up
  28. 1 cell to the left
  29. 1 square down
  30. 2 cells to the left
  31. 3 cells down
  32. 1 cell to the left

What happened? We are waiting for your answers and feedback in the comments.

Effective development and happy parenting to you! See you again!

Graphic dictation is usually based on the fact that you need to draw one or another picture on a checkered piece of paper, and in a very schematic way. This exercise perfectly develops the imagination of a preschooler, allows you to develop fine motor skills of the child’s hands, allows you to orient yourself to the sides, remember where right is left, up and down, and also teaches the child how to schematically draw certain drawings.

Graphic dictations can be performed by two children different ways. The first is that the child is given a ready-made picture and asked to draw exactly the same one. The second method is that the teacher or mother dictates to the child what needs to be drawn and says how many cells and in which direction the pencil should be drawn.

When preparing preschoolers for school, it is imperative to pay great attention to how the fine motor skills of children’s hands develop. If the baby’s hands are developed, then he will already have the necessary brain maturity for speech, thinking and writing to develop in the right direction. Kids who are good with their hands are more understanding and smart. It is for the development of thinking skills, as well as for training fine motor skills hands and conduct graphic dictations for children of primary school age

Such exercises, where you need to draw in boxes, will help teachers and parents prepare their child for school, develop his spelling vigilance, perseverance and attentiveness. If you regularly draw in the cells, then preschoolers will develop spatial imagination, coordination of movements, thinking, attention and memory.

For schoolchildren

For children of primary school age, you can offer more complex graphic dictations. Such suggestions will be useful if children are already familiar with this exercise and can easily and quickly, and most importantly, without errors, cope with a smaller graphic dictation.

Children should already have a good knowledge of where left is right and up and down, as well as operate with such concepts as point, cell, angle and side. A complex graphic dictation is that the student must not only complete the exercise correctly so that the desired picture appears on the piece of paper, but also do it as carefully and carefully as possible. The teacher can make sure that the whole class listens to his dictation suggestions and draws everything correctly, avoiding inaccuracies and mistakes.


Drawing animals in boxes with children will be very fun and entertaining. To interest kids, talk to them about how animals differ from each other. Try to make suggestions to draw this or that animal, talk with the children about it distinctive features. Then the graphic dictation with animals in the cells will go very well.

We suggest you try to draw a cute little turtle. Let's put a point closer to the left edge of the sheet and draw 2 cells to the right, 4 down, 1 to the right, 2 up, 1 to the right, 1 up, 4 to the right, 1 down, 1 right, 3 down, 1 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 up, 4 left, 1 down, 1 left, 1 up, 1 left, 3 up, 1 left, 2 up.


Children will also find it interesting to draw robots; we offer you a medium difficulty option for drawing a robot by the cells. Remember that children should be in the mood for such work while drawing, and you, as an adult, must support it. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby may make a mistake; correct him and give him hints.


Most likely, children really like graphic pictures with animals and are incredibly amused by drawing in the boxes. We offer you a not too sophisticated drawing of a kangaroo and most likely the children will not refuse the offer to draw it.

Graphic dictation of a kangaroo


Any activities with children should be based on the principle from simple to complex. Take the simplest exercises first and gradually lead the children to more difficult and sophisticated ones. The airplane exercise is considered quite difficult.

I never thought that the popular student pastime of drawing pictures in squares means not only while away time at lectures!

This, of course, is not very good - not listening to lectures, but sometimes (in rare cases and if there is a good reason) it is acceptable.

Then we didn’t think at all that this was not a simple pastime, but an action that also had psychological significance, and it would be so popular in our time!

It turns out that drawing by cells in children develops fine motor skills, imagination, and logical thinking. However, all this can be attributed to adolescents and adult representatives of humanity, well, maybe with the exception of motor skills. Now this fun (drawing in cells) has even received a beautiful name - pixel art.

The benefits of drawing by cells in a notebook for children and adults

In addition to killing time and a cure for boredom, developing fine motor skills and imagination. Drawing by cells helps in affirming one’s self.

How does self-affirmation happen? It's simple. There are people who love to draw, but they are bad at it. Well, God didn’t give them talent! And this is where pixel art comes to their aid. You can draw! You can transfer your vision of the world onto a piece of paper and illustrate your thoughts!

And also this great way concentrate and calm down, which is very important in our fast-paced age of stress and passion.

Drawing by cells is very simple; you can do it in two ways:

  • on a piece of paper in a box (this can be a simple piece of paper from a math notebook)
  • apply cells of a certain size to the drawing you like and then systematically transfer it to another piece of paper

Of course, the second method is akin to plagiarism, but no one claims to be the author of this or that copied picture, but you get enormous moral satisfaction from your creativity.

The first method is great not only for children of all ages - from preschoolers to teenagers, but also for adults.

In addition to all the listed “benefits,” drawing in cells helps develop a sense of color. The drawing can be made in color using the entire palette of colors.

Pixel art does not require any expensive supplies - every person has a checkered piece of paper, a pencil or a pen. If you want to add color, take colored pencils, pens, crayons (although they are not very convenient for drawing small details).

If the paper or piece of paper you took is thin, or the markers are printed on the other side, place a thick sheet of paper or cardboard so as not to spoil the surface of the table at which you are working or another blank sheet of paper.

Graphic dictation

Let us explain to those who read this phrase for the first time - “graphic dictation”. This is drawing in cells according to a predetermined algorithm. For example, you dictate to your child which direction (right, left, up, down) and how many cells to draw the line.

You need to prepare for such a dictation in advance. You should have a piece of paper with a clear plan, a dictation algorithm and the final result (what kind of drawing the child should ultimately get).

Positive aspects of such a dictation:

  • development of mindfulness
  • development of logical thinking, orientation in space
  • preparing the hand for writing (development of fine motor skills)
  • development of perseverance (which is important for modern hyperactive children)

You need to start graphic dictations with simple drawings(for example, from a ladder) and gradually move on to more complex drawings.

At the very beginning of the dictation, clearly state from which point you start the drawing, for example, 9 cells on top, 9 cells on the left and put a dot. This is the starting point.

An example of a graphic dictation "Klyuchik".

Retreat 5 cells from above and to the left, put a point - it will be the starting point.

  • 1 cell right, 1 cell up, 1 cell right, 1 cell down, 1 cell right, 1 cell down
  • 8 cells to the right

one cell at a time:

  • up
  • right
  • up
  • right
  • right
  • right

12 cells to the left and one cell each:

  • left
  • left
  • up
  • left

3 squares up.

The drawing is ready!

If you have the skills to draw by cells or have a lot of imagination, you can draw the picture yourself and then create an algorithm. You can do it differently - buy a collection of graphic dictations. Such collections can be for children of a certain age, for girls or boys. Drawing by cells and graphic dictations are interesting game which helps develop necessary for the child skills.

Examples of drawings for a simple graphic dictation.

Watch a video example of a graphic dictation.

Drawings by cells in a notebook, easy and complex

You need to start drawing in cells with easy drawings, gradually moving on to more complex options. Easy drawings are easy to do and accessible to young children. Below are easy drawing options that small children can handle.

Having mastered the technique of drawing by cells, you can proceed to more complex options.

Well, and finally, having learned “cellular” drawing, begin to master color design drawing.

Drawings by cells in a notebook for children

When a little person is born, parents have more troubles and concerns. Raising a child is not just about feeding, clothing and putting on shoes. Education is also the development of his abilities.

Much has now been developed in various ways and methods for this, but all experts agree that child development is best dealt with in game form. Using a method with game elements, they teach basic knowledge in mathematics, native language and much more, what is necessary for the harmonious development of a child.

One of the ways to develop a child’s logical abilities is to draw by cells. You need to start with the simplest drawings, for example, such as a Christmas tree, a steamboat, a flag.

Box drawings will help you learn letters. Having drawn a letter in the cells, the baby not only perceives it by ear, not only sees its writing, but also, as it were, touches it. All types of memory are included - auditory, visual and mechanical (draws a letter).

In addition to the letter, you can write sticks, ladders and other shapes, thereby training the child’s hand and preparing it for writing. Such exercises will help your child at school.

What does a child learn by drawing in squares? Correctly hold a pencil, correct algorithm of actions, counting, creative approach to the point, attentiveness and perseverance.

Gradually it is worth complicating the graphics of the picture and introducing colors. The child can choose for himself color scheme, thereby developing a sense of color and color combinations. By the way, such drawing helps to reveal the creative abilities of children.

Drawings by cells, easy and complex for girls and boys

You already understand that drawings by cells or pixel art is a useful activity. When choosing drawings, they can be selected according to interests, separately for girls and separately for boys. Using this drawing technique, you can, even without drawing skills, realize whatever you want on a piece of paper.

Here are some examples of drawings for boys.

And any girl can draw such drawings on a piece of checkered paper.