The first birthday is a serious holiday for the baby and his parents, as well as for all relatives and friends. Just deciding what to give a 1 year old boy is not an easy task. Children at this age cannot yet tell themselves what they dream about, so they have to look for other sources of information. The easiest way is to ask your parents, but they are not always ready to admit. In this case, our advice will help.

What can a birthday boy do and how does it influence the choice of a gift?

If you want to truly please your child, you should give something that he can use right now. To do this, you need to imagine what the birthday person already knows and what he is interested in. The main achievements of the yearlings:

  • Skills. At this age, children are already quite confident in moving on their feet, on all fours, or with the help of walkers. At the same time, they actively study all surrounding objects, not only examine and feel, but also taste and test for strength. Therefore, the gift must be absolutely safe.
  • Skills. Kids can already easily cope with simple actions, for example, folding cubes and pyramids, rearranging small objects, and untying bows. Therefore, they will probably like anything that gives them the opportunity to implement these skills.
  • Communication. They already understand adult speech and even try to communicate; these skills need to be developed and expanded.
  • Interests. A child at this age is interested in everything. He enjoys listening to music and new sounds, and also independently extracts them from any suitable instruments, loves bright toys, cartoons and even advertising, and finds new uses for any ordinary things.

Be careful when choosing a musical toy. Some of them make too loud sounds or are outright out of tune when playing melodies. Make sure that the noise from the product will not be too unpleasant even when the batteries start to run low.

Separately, it is worth noting unsuccessful gifts. These included:

  • Products made from toxic materials. At first glance, it is obvious that no one will give a child poison, especially since the baby will probably taste all the gifts. But unscrupulous manufacturers often keep silent about the composition of their products, so do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate and check your purchase with all due care.
  • Toys with small elements. Even if it seems to you that everything is securely screwed, do not be fooled - children are much stronger and more cunning than they seem, and often find ways to tear off the desired part. And then it can be swallowed or, even worse, enter the child’s respiratory tract.
  • Toys not selected for age. The one-year-old birthday boy has already outgrown simple rattles and mobiles, and he cannot cope with complex cars or puzzles.
  • Stuffed Toys. Children at this age rarely play with them, but often put them in their mouths. Because of this, rabbits and bear cubs get dirty and become a breeding ground for germs.
  • Toys that perform actions without the participation of the child. A funny barking puppy or a moving robot seems cool only at first glance. In fact, a child will not be interested in such a toy for long. Soon he will get bored just watching, and he will break or forget the expensive purchase.

An ideal toy should stimulate a child’s development, amuse him and entertain him. At the same time, it simply must be safe. This means that even with a strong desire and sufficient diligence, the baby will not be able to break it and get hurt with its help.

You should not give children sweets or any treats. At this age, babies’ diet is still very poor and many treats can be harmful. In order not to rob the birthday boy of the forbidden chocolate bar with battle and tears, it is better not to bring it.

TOP 10 gifts for a 1 year old boy

  1. Cubes and children's construction sets with large parts
  2. Tolokar or rolling machine
  3. Finger paint
  4. Kinetic sand
  5. Special children's dishes
  6. Musical instruments
  7. Swings or jumping ropes
  8. Car or bicycle seat
  9. Infant swimming pool membership
  10. Coloring book for water painting

What to give a 1 year old boy for outdoor games

Active entertainment is useful at any age. And for a one-year-old boy this is the only way to learn to walk and run, to become dexterous and skillful. The best toys for active games for a 1 year old boy:

  • Playhouse. If the child is no longer afraid to play peek-a-boo and happily hides from his parents under the blanket, etc., then own house for games will be an excellent gift for him. Just choose the simplest product without additional tunnels in which the baby can get lost and scared.
  • Sandbox, if the child’s parents have a private house or a summer house, or a set of tools for playing with sand. Kids love to play with sand, and even in this early age They can come up with some fun in the sandbox.
  • Tolokar or rolling machine. You can ride this type of transport yourself or carry toys. Some pushers are equipped with handles that allow parents to carry their child.
  • Runbike. If the child already walks confidently enough, he will soon be able to master this type of transport. It resembles a regular bicycle, but you ride it by pushing off with your feet. Do not forget that such a gift must include a helmet and protection for the knees and elbows.
  • Rolling toy. The baby, who is still afraid to walk on his own, will need it. Such toys are usually pushed in front of you. They stimulate walking, and some models help maintain balance.
  • Swings or jumping ropes, which are mounted in the doorway. If the area of ​​your home allows, be sure to give such a cheerful gift.
  • An analogue of a fitball is rubber animals. They are a lot of fun to jump on, developing coordination and strengthening muscles.

Fashionable modern electric cars for children are not gifts for active games. They do not develop anything and, moreover, they teach the child that riding can be done easily, without any effort, like on a bicycle or a push-tool.

What to give a 1 year old boy for development and entertainment

All parents dream of seeing their children not only physically healthy, but also intellectually developed. At one year old it’s too early to think about serious training, better development for kids - playing with correctly selected toys. Good developmental ideas for one-year-old boys:

  • Cubes and children's construction sets with large parts. Kids love to tinker and build something, and by playing in this way they develop fine motor skills and intelligence.
  • Books. This could be a soft, waterproof book for swimming or a large book with pictures of animals, birds, cars. Not a bad idea for a coloring book. Such young children do not yet know how to use paints or even pencils, but there are pictures that themselves change colors if you apply plain water to them.
  • Finger paint. They are made from food dyes that are absolutely safe for children. The main safety rule is to play with your child and limit creative impulses in time if, for example, the idea comes up to paint a wall or home textiles.
  • Sorters. They train fine motor skills, teach the child to compare shapes and sizes, and usually seriously captivate even the most notorious tomboys.
  • Musical instruments. Choose something simple that is accessible to the baby at the moment, for example, a tambourine, drum, metallophone, maracas.
  • Kinetic sand. If the mother does not yet allow the baby into the sandbox, fearing dirt and germs, your gift will be a real godsend. Kinetic sand does not stain your hands and is easily removed from the floor and other surfaces.

It is better not to give e-books that tell fairy tales, children's computers and other educational devices that pronounce words to children who cannot speak. The pronunciation of such toys is often lame, and it is not always easy to hear them. It’s better to learn to talk from your loved ones.

What to give a 1 year old boy to please his parents?

A one-year-old baby is not the biggest connoisseur of gifts. Therefore, often the best solution is to give something that will make it easier for parents to care for their child. Most mothers and fathers will not be at all upset when they receive an envelope with money or a large package of quality diapers. Also good ideas useful gifts:

  • Special children's dishes. Sippy cups, spoons with a temperature indicator, plates with suction cups - all this will make feeding a child more convenient for parents and enjoyable for the baby.
  • Car or bicycle seat. These are things that will be useful to everyone who cares about the safety of a child.
  • Infant swimming pool membership. Such a gift will be useful for the child and will appeal to the mother, who is probably bored on maternity leave.
  • Savings card or bank account in the name of the baby. You can add your gifts to this card annually until the child grows up and demands the entire amount at once.

You can add some memorable little thing to the gift, for example, a cute card self made with a photo of a child. Surely parents will keep such a gift, and after many years it will remind them of their first birthday.

1 year is the first and perhaps the most important anniversary in a child’s life. An integral part of this first real holiday for the baby is, of course, gifts. At the age of one year, the child is already developed enough to be able to enjoy the things he likes. It is during this period that children begin to actively study various subjects and their favorite toys appear. Therefore, if you are invited to such a celebration, the gift you presented will certainly not go unnoticed by the little birthday boy. This means that you will have to try hard to choose exactly what he likes.

In this article you will find many answers to the question “what to give a child for 1 year?” Among a large number of various ideas, you will certainly be able to choose the option you like.

Gifts for boys

The gender of the child is an important factor that should be taken into account when choosing a gift for the baby. If you are planning to congratulate a boy, you may like these possible types of gifts:


As a rule, children at this age (especially boys) are incredibly delighted with all the objects that can be moved around the floor. A large bright car with a string is a great option for one year old boys. If you can still put your favorite bear cub in it and ride it around the apartment with a string, such a car will certainly become one of the baby’s favorite toys.

Bicycle with handle

A boy at this age is unlikely to be able to drive a full-fledged tricycle, but a special bicycle equipped with a handle for his mother is easy. When parents ride a boy on such a bicycle, he will have the complete feeling that he is driving this vehicle himself. This will provide good training and practice, so in the future it will be easy for the child to ride on his own. But keep in mind that this gift will only be useful outside, and it can only be used in dry weather.


Looking for what to give your 1 year old baby? A boy of this age will certainly enjoy educational construction sets. It is important that it has large and bright details. Natural curiosity will make your baby play for hours with this interesting toy, connecting parts together, studying colors and shapes.

Any of the options listed above would be a great gift for a boy turning one year old.

What to give to girls

If the first birthday is for a girl, you can choose another, more “girly” gift that will please the baby and give her good mood. As such a gift you can choose:


This is a great choice if you don't know what to give your 1 year old baby. A girl of this age is very interested in learning about such toys. It is important that the doll has several options for clothes and shoes. The baby can be taught to dress and undress the doll. This will not only broaden her horizons, but will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills.

When purchasing a doll, pay attention to the size. It should not be too small, otherwise it will be difficult to play with. But a very large doll will not work either - a fragile little girl is unlikely to hold a toy that is too large in her hands.


You can find it in large toy stores. Such houses can be decorated like medieval castles or magic tents. They are intended for a child of any gender, but for some reason girls like these toys more. Some babies can play for hours in their fairy house, equipping it and creating comfort there.


For some reason, such toys are rarely given to children today, and completely in vain.

Matryoshka is a wonderful educational toy that helps develop logic, thinking, attention and fine motor skills.

This useful doll will surely interest girls, especially if it is very colorful, bright and cute.

You can choose any of these gifts for a little representative of the fair sex. Well, if you are still in doubt about what to give your child for 1 year, we advise you to pay attention to universal gifts, appropriate in any situation. Let's talk about them in more detail.

Universal gifts

If you don’t want to spend long hours thinking about what to buy as a gift for your baby, choose one of those win-win options that are always suitable for both boys and girls:

Silver spoon with engraving

In Europe, it is customary to give such gifts not only on the occasion of the appearance of the first tooth, but also in honor of the child’s first birthday. This is a wonderful gift that will be carefully kept and will become a very expensive and memorable thing.

Height meter

If a child turns one year old, it means he is growing and developing very actively. During this period, it is especially interesting to watch how the baby changes. A bright and colorful stadiometer will help parents observe the growth of their son or daughter, and for the child the process of measuring height will turn into a fun and exciting game.

Set for making impressions

Very nice and touching gift, which the baby’s parents will certainly appreciate. Using this kit, you can make clay casts of your baby's hands and feet and save them for a long time.


Today there is a large selection of different swings on sale that can be used at home. Such modern models are quite compact, easy to assemble, and do not take up much space. Moreover, they are completely safe. For a child aged one year, riding on a swing is an incomparable pleasure.

Finger paint

Of course, a one-year-old baby is unlikely to be able to create masterpieces on paper. But, according to experts, it is at this age that you should begin to introduce your child to colors. This will give him the opportunity to experience new sensations, learn to distinguish colors and textures.


If the little birthday boy has a birthday in winter, a sleigh will be a wonderful gift for him. They will certainly come in handy during long walks and, of course, when skiing downhill.

Photo session for a baby

This is a very unusual and pleasant gift. If your friends' family is celebrating their child's first birthday, give them a certificate for a family photo shoot. Parents and baby will be able to take pictures with a professional photographer, in interesting interiors and costumes. This is a memorable and touching gift, appropriate in any situation.

Clothes and shoes

Children at this age grow very quickly. Therefore, even if parents think that their baby has a lot of clothes, very quickly all these things become small. Therefore beautiful and fashion clothes and shoes are always a welcome gift in a house where there is a small child.


Many parents begin to introduce their child to books much later, although at the age of one year the baby is already able to perfectly perceive collections of children's fairy tales and poems (especially colorfully designed ones). A good book will be a wonderful gift for every child.

Educational table

Today, toy stores offer an extremely wide selection of such products. Each of them can have its own device, design features, shape, color, etc. However, the main essence of all these items is common: several useful educational games are collected in a concentrated form on one table. The child’s parents will certainly be grateful to you for such a gift - the child will be able to sit at the table for hours, learning new games. And the baby himself will develop in an unobtrusive and pleasant playful way.

Bath toys

Rubber ducklings and frogs, wind-up fish and turtles, floating boats - all these toys are very useful for a child. Plus, they're always a lot of fun (especially if the toys can make sounds).

The list of such gifts can be continued endlessly. There are many answers to the question “what can you give a 1-year-old child?” IN modern conditions everyone has the opportunity to find the best option in accordance with their preferences and financial capabilities. Also find out.


When planning to buy a gift for a one-year-old child, be very careful. Don't make common mistakes. Many people bring completely inappropriate and unnecessary gifts to such celebrations, which cannot bring joy to either the little birthday boy or his parents. Here are the most popular options on the list of such “anti-gifts”:

  • Constructor from small parts. Considering the age of the child, such a gift may not only be unwanted and unnecessary, but also very dangerous.
  • Stuffed Toys. Contrary to popular belief, Stuffed Toys do not bring one-year-old babies any benefit or special joy. It is impossible to perform with such toys a large number of actions, and this is precisely the most important thing for a child during this period of his development.
  • Rattles. They will be of interest, perhaps, only to babies under six months. Children as young as one year old, as a rule, pick up such toys without much pleasure.
  • Games and entertainment intended for children aged three years and older. The age category of any toy is usually indicated on its packaging. If you see that the gift you like is created for children aged three years and older, it is better to look for something else. Otherwise, the child will have to wait a very long time before he is allowed to open the box and look at it. new toy, and this, you see, is not very pleasant.
  • Toys made from materials hazardous to health. This is another item on the list of the most unwanted gifts. You should not buy a toy if you doubt its quality and environmental friendliness.
  • Cars, planes and other toys on the remote control. A one-year-old baby is unlikely to be able to deal with such types of transport, but sharp sound, which many of these models produce, can be very frightening to a child. If you absolutely want to buy a car, choose the simplest option without radio control, especially designed for children of this age.

By carefully reading this list of unwanted gifts, you can avoid mistakes in choosing a present for your baby. We hope that the ideas and tips in this article will help you choose the perfect gift that will delight the child’s parents and bring a lot of pleasure to the littlest birthday boy. Another year will fly by as quickly as the first year in a baby’s life, but read about what to give a child for 2 years.

We will tell you - options for children of different ages.

A child's birthday is always a sea of ​​joy, fun and positivity. After all, when there are a lot of children in the house, no one gets bored.

However, if young guests do not bother themselves with any worries on the eve of the holiday, then adults have to run around the shops in search of a suitable gift. And parents want to please the little one by giving him the most useful present. And in the case when the hero of the occasion is still very young, the task becomes much more complicated. After all, the baby doesn’t yet have any special interests or preferences, and he doesn’t play with toys so much as taste them. Therefore, the question of what to give a boy for one year is not so simple. Let's try to find the answer to it.

Age characteristics of the birthday boy


When thinking about the question of what you can give a baby for 1 year, you need to be guided by his skills and level of development. As a rule, at this age, children are already moving around the house on their own, exploring with interest everything they can reach. They carefully examine and touch objects, taste them. In addition, children at 1 year old understand speech addressed to them well and are able to fulfill basic requests from their parents. Toddlers even try to communicate with adults in their own language and express feelings through gestures and tactile techniques.


Although the baby has only recently learned to walk, he is quite capable of combining this process with other activities. For example, a baby can push objects forward or pull them behind him, bring something to his parents, etc. One-year-old children develop a good “relationship” with dishes. They can already drink from a cup on their own, hold a spoon with food and transfer it from one handle to another. With undisguised pleasure, children scribble pencils on a sheet of paper, open cabinet doors, untie bows on shoelaces, crumple and tear newspaper sheets, play in the bathroom while bathing and in the sandbox while walking.


New sounds are of particular interest to the baby. Various musical toys and advertisements on TV instantly attract his attention. The little one also learns to independently make sounds by knocking on a glass with a spoon, selflessly twirling a rattle in his hands and trying to sing “songs.” The baby makes the lion's share of discoveries during the game. He really enjoys pouring pasta and cereals, turning over boxes and jars, shaking out the contents. The baby gradually learns to interact with objects, sometimes finding the most unexpected uses for them. Taking into account the listed age characteristics of the child, it will be much easier to choose a gift to his liking.

All children's gifts can be divided into several categories. Firstly, these are educational toys that will become the baby’s best allies in mastering new skills. Secondly, gifts for creativity. Thirdly, items for organizing active leisure time for the little ones. And finally, universal gifts that are suitable for all children, regardless of age. Here are gift ideas for 1st birthday in each category.

Educational toys

Cubes and constructors

No boy can resist a construction set with bright, large details. When choosing it, it is important to ensure that the elements are easily connected to each other and are strong enough. After all, the baby will certainly want to try them on his teeth, throw the parts on the floor and even walk on them. Also, the baby should like the fabric cubes, which are pleasant to crush in their hands. Usually they contain images of animals, plants, fruits, vegetables, and people representing various professions. Thus, the child not only plays with blocks, but also learns about the world. Special attention It’s worth paying attention to cubes with fragments of pictures that need to be put together. For one-year-old babies, paintings of 4 parts will be quite enough. If you wish, you can purchase cubes “for growth” of 6-8 parts as a gift.


This educational toy is designed for sorting objects according to various criteria (shape, color, size). It can be made in the form of a cube or bucket, or in the form of various animals and houses. The toy comes with bright parts that must be placed in the holes located on its body. There are musical sorters that begin to make sounds if the baby has successfully completed the task.

Rugs and posters

Today there are many sounded products of this kind. They can imitate the sounds of animals, vehicles, musical instruments, and name letters and numbers. The advantage of a poster over a rug is that it can be hung on the wall, making the teaching aid as convenient as possible for the child.

Didactic shoes

A soft developmental boot or shoe with an abundance of additional details will become very a useful gift for a one year old baby. There are mirrors, Velcro, buttons, and fasteners on it on different sides. Parents will be able to hide various surprises for the little one inside the shoe, which can only be accessed by first unlacing the shoes. In addition, the baby will be able to walk around at home in these boots when he grows up a little.

Game centers

Despite the fact that such a gift will require serious expenses, it will certainly justify itself. After all, a large musical table, endowed with a number of functions, delights all children without exception. It has a “control panel” with an abundance of glowing, flashing and moving elements. Additional advantages are the cheerful music and sound accompaniment, along with the presence of funny, often hanging, toys that can be replaced if necessary.

Gifts for creativity

Easel or drawing board

Kids begin their acquaintance with crayons, felt-tip pens and pencils quite early. They are very enthusiastic about making fancy scribbles on paper. Over time, the scope of creativity only increases; a modest album sheet is no longer enough for a small artist. This is where wallpaper and furniture begin to suffer. An easel will allow you to keep your interior safe and sound. With it, the child will be able not to limit his creative impulses. And the board will become an indispensable assistant in learning letters and numbers. Such gifts will take their rightful place in the children's room for many years.

Table for creativity

Parents will certainly appreciate this gift. After all, from now on the child will draw not where he has to, but in a specially designated place. Often, parents hand the baby markers and sit him down at the feeding table. However, as the baby grows up, the need for this accessory gradually disappears. This is where the need for a creativity table arises. Models for the little ones have a fancy design and are equipped with an abundance of additional shelves and drawers.

Finger paint

A one-year-old baby is not yet able to hold a brush correctly, let alone put paint on it. At this stage, it is much easier for the baby to create using his fingers and palms. For this purpose there are special paints, which can be used to draw not only on paper, but also on various surfaces. They are hypoallergenic, non-toxic and can be easily washed off with water. Even if the baby paints himself from head to toe or puts his paint-stained hands into his mouth, nothing bad will happen. Thanks to their safe composition, they can be used from the moment the baby begins to sit confidently.

Musical instruments

While some children are more drawn to drawing, others prefer music. However, one does not interfere with the other. This means that the child’s arsenal must have a complete set of items for the development of creative abilities. For one-year-old toddlers, simple musical instruments such as tambourine, drum, piano and maracas are suitable.

Kinetic sand

As a rule, at the age of 1 year, children already begin to show interest in sand. They like to pour it over and break the figures erected by adults. However, playing in an outdoor sandbox is a very risky activity for toddlers. After all, a child can put dirty fingers into his mouth and pick up some kind of infection. It's much safer to have fun at home, digging in children's kinetic sand. Painted in bright colors, it does not stain the child's hands and is easy to collect from the floor.

Olga, mother of Arseny (1.5 years old): “For his birthday, my mother-in-law gave her son kinetic sand. At first I was perplexed how you could make Easter cakes and build castles with such a baby. After all, it is almost impossible to attract his attention for more than 5 minutes. In the end, we found another use for sand. I began to bury small objects and pictures of animals in it, and my son then dug out the “treasure” with his fingers. This activity fascinated him very much. Now they started decorating the Easter cakes I made with various natural materials: twigs, pebbles, shells, flowers. The result is real works of art, which the child then destroys with great pleasure.”

Items for organizing active leisure

House tent

Today there are many tents on sale in the most interesting shapes and colors. Some of them are made in the form of a palace, others look like a pirate ship, and others are a copy of a cozy village house. Many of them combine the functions of a dry pool and are filled with balls. Children love spending time inside these houses. They happily frolic among the balls and scatter them around the room.


This lightweight little machine with a convenient handle on the back will help your baby improve his walking skills. At first, he will move after her, leaning on the handrail and pushing the vehicle in front of him. A little later, the baby will learn to move around the house independently by car, pushing off the floor with both legs.

Floor or hanging swing

If there is enough space in the house, you can purchase a stationary swing for your baby. However, it is worth noting that most of them are designed for children under two years old. Much more affordable, but at the same time a “long-lasting” gift will be hanging swing. The convenience of such a product is difficult to overestimate. It does not take up much space, so it can be stored on a mezzanine or on a shelf in a closet. The swing is attached to a horizontal bar or doorway. Typically, they can be used until the child is five years old.

Rocking chair

Rocking horses have existed since Soviet times. However, they have not lost their popularity to this day. True, today, in addition to traditional horses, you can find rocking chairs in the form of a wide variety of animals. Of course, a one-year-old baby will not yet be able to swing without the help of his parents, but over time he will certainly master this skill. The rocking chair will serve the baby for two to three years. An alternative to such a gift could be rubber donkeys and deer, which are so much fun to jump on!

Ksenia, mother of two-year-old Misha: “When he was one year old, we gave our son a rocking chair in the shape of a snail with a soft, comfortable chair. At first he did not show much interest in her, and two months later the present moved under the table. But at about 1.5 years old, my son began to roll the snail himself into the middle of the room and swing on it, saying “kach-kach.” Now he sits his toys in the chair and arranges a funny “attraction” for them. And he often watches cartoons in the rocking chair. Overall, we didn’t regret the purchase.”

Sled or tricycle

If your baby's birthday falls on warm months, you can give him a bicycle. In modern models equipped with a long handle for parents, even a one-year-old toddler can move around. Such transport will be an excellent replacement for a bulky and heavy stroller. However, if the baby is still sleeping during a walk, you will have to wait a little while using the accessory. The parents of a birthday boy born in the cold months will be happy to receive a gift in the form of a stroller sled. Equipped with a comfortable handle, visor and foot cover, they will be the ideal “transport” during winter walks.

Universal gifts


It is obvious that one-year-old toddlers are not yet capable of learning long fairy tales and stories. They do not understand the meaning of many words and cannot sit in one place for a long time. The most successful gift for a child's first birthday will be books with short poems and playful nursery rhymes. Today, voiced versions of printed publications have been created especially for young children. All you have to do is press a button for speech to come out of the speaker. There are also books with sounds of animals, birds, songs and quotes from cartoons.

Clothes and shoes

If it is difficult for adults to please with wardrobe items, then in the case of a child everything is much simpler. Just go to any children's department and buy a couple of cute things of the right size. If necessary, you can always consult with the seller to determine the approximate parameters of a one-year-old baby. In any case, clothes should be purchased with a reserve. As for shoes, this is a rather specific gift that should only be given from close people. Many parents purchase orthopedic shoe models from certain companies for their children. Therefore, the risk of not being pleased with the gift is quite high. If you want to give shoes as a gift, you can choose cute slippers in the shape of an animal.

Bed dress

Children of any age need sleep supplies. Pillows, blankets, bedding sets - all of this can be classified as useful gifts that will last for many years. When choosing sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases, you should give preference to children's models with images of funny animals and cartoon characters. It is advisable that the underwear be made of breathable cotton. Although calico, satin, jacquard and chintz also have a right to exist. You can also present your baby with an anti-stress pillow in the shape of a cartoon character, which is so pleasant and fun to crumple in your hands.


At 1 year old, children are already trying to eat on their own. At this time, plastic plates with suction cups that cannot be knocked over or broken are most suitable for them. It is advisable to have a funny pattern on the bottom, which will be an additional incentive to empty the dishes. Many manufacturers produce entire sets for kids, consisting of one or more plates, a spoon and a fork. As for mugs, at this age it is more convenient for children to drink from sippy cups. If necessary, parents can always remove the lid and use the container as a regular glass with comfortable handles. A silver spoon with the name of the hero of the occasion will be excellent a memorable gift for life.


Banknotes in an envelope are often the simplest and most successful gift option. After all, parents are best informed about the needs of their child. However, if the invitees are counting on a small amount, it is better to choose a modest gift than to put a couple of small banknotes in an envelope.

List of alternative gifts

Of course, the ideas listed do not provide a complete answer to the question of what to give a 1-year-old boy. The list of successful gifts can be supplemented with a number of items. Great gifts for your baby would be:

  • stadiometer;
  • set for making impressions;
  • children's photo shoot;
  • electric car;
  • car seat;
  • a toy set of tools (screwdriver, hammer, screwdriver, etc.);
  • frame with inserts;
  • CD with educational cartoons;
  • maxi-puzzle;
  • gold/silver souvenir coin;
  • chain with a cross or medallion;
  • teeth cleaning supplies;
  • children's photo album;
  • matryoshka;
  • bath toys.

What gifts should you avoid?

Toys made from toxic materials

It is clear that a one-year-old baby should not be given objects and toys made from toxic materials. After all, they pose an obvious threat to the baby’s health.

Toys with small parts

You should also avoid products containing small parts. Since at this age the baby strives to taste everything, he may swallow or accidentally inhale a tiny object.

Toys not for age

Presents that the child has clearly outgrown are also not suitable. Their category includes the simplest rattles, tumblers, mobiles, sliders and booties. It is also not advisable to give gifts “for growth”. Such items will not arouse interest in the baby and will only take up space in the apartment, waiting in the wings. And again, games for older children may contain various small parts that are unacceptable in toys for one-year-old babies.

Stuffed Toys

Surprisingly, soft toys are also on the list of bad gifts. They collect dust and get dirty easily. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the baby will certainly put toys in his mouth. There will be no actual benefit from such gifts. After all, a one-year-old toddler still does not know how to use them for their intended purpose. He is unfamiliar with various role-playing games featuring stuffed animals. Therefore, the toys will have to lie on the shelf until the baby grows to them.

Playing on their own

Not best choice There will also be battery-powered self-moving toys, be they barking puppies or walking robots. At this age, children need to interact more with objects rather than observe them from the outside. It is much better to give your child an inexpensive, practical nesting doll, which he will disassemble and assemble on his own, rather than spend fabulous money on toys that do not require any active manifestations from the baby.

Psychologist, specialist at the Toy Center at Moscow State University of Psychology and Education Elena Smirnova: “The main problem today is toys that play on their own and do not require special participation from the child. Turned it on - and you're done. Due to modern appearance and the abundance of “skills”, adults like such toys. But at the same time they kill the gameplay. When the duckling walks, quacks and flaps its wings on its own, the child has no choice but to watch him from the side. You cannot play with such toys. We have to wait for them to shut up."

At the same time, there are many wonderful gift options for one year old baby. The main thing is to choose a gift based on age characteristics and the level of development of the baby. When going shopping, it would be a good idea to take note of a few universal ideas suitable for children of any age. As a last resort, you can always give your parents an envelope with money with which they will buy the most useful gift for your child.


A child is the most inexhaustible source of warmth and joy for the entire family, especially if it is a long-awaited heir. Therefore, on the eve of the first name day, many parents have a question: how to celebrate a boy’s 1st birthday? On the one hand, the child is not yet aware of the importance of the event, but on the other hand, everyone wants to organize a gorgeous holiday for the baby.

Where to spend it?

It falls on the parents' heads to organize the celebration itself and sort out the list of all invited persons. The child senses the emotional atmosphere quite keenly, so the choice of place and team should be approached very carefully. The best places to celebrate outside the home are cozy small cafes (restaurants), where all documents are in order and the place is popular with friends or relatives. You should not decide to celebrate your name day in popular fast food places, because the entertainment programs offered by these establishments are just a ploy for the inexperienced consumer.


The best option would be a dry pine forest without thickets and nearby bodies of water. The landscape of such areas is not always photogenic or fabulous, but the safety of children and adults should come first. A pleasant bonus of the forest is the ability to “equip” the place in advance. Helium balloons will take on some of the magic that is so necessary for children. Letters and lanterns made of colored papers will add a comic official feel to the place, and bright tablecloths, colorful dishes and flowers will help relax those around you who have come to congratulate the little one on her birthday. A 1-year-old boy in a relaxed forest atmosphere is the dream of any active father. After all, there you can fly helicopters, kites and play kwacha with the kids.

Celebrating at home

Celebrating a boy’s 1st birthday at home will also require a lot of nerves and strength from parents, because it is necessary not only to create a good menu for the birthday table, but also to decorate the room. This option is convenient because the hero of the occasion will feel relaxed and confident, within the first hour he will get to know all the guests and will truly enjoy the crowded company.

Each of the guests will try to present original gift for a 1 year old toddler. The birthday boy already pleases the family with his ability to focus attention on a certain subject, often already stomping around the entire apartment and trying to restore order to his home. Some children can already cope with cubes, pencils and simple construction sets. Due to restlessness and thirst for knowledge, children absorb a lot of information, and the best way An educational game will please both the little boy and his mother.


Modern shops and souvenir shops have a lot of options. So for 1 year? A great option would be a variation on the theme of miracle pots or caskets. Such toys are created like Lego, but are supplemented with sound. The child needs to arrange the existing props for the potty according to shape, volume, or color. This practice perfectly hones the coordination of movements, the perception of an object and the interaction of hands. Due to the colorful design and pleasant voice audio support, such fun will become a wonderful place for all the kids to stay.


Items made by human hands are excellent. For a 1-year-old toddler, you can present him with cubes decorated using the decoupage method. Color solutions can be completely tailored to the character of the birthday boy - the abundance of napkins and cards opens up unprecedented possibilities for craftswomen. The cubes can be made not only with letters or berries, but also on one side with a photo of the child, like a puzzle. Such a gift will be a great reminder for the boy’s whole family.


In addition, you can make a small casket or box for the cubes in the same style, in which you can store the figures themselves and at the same time use them as room decor. The adults themselves will be delighted with such a gift, because in the future it can be left as an inheritance for their grandchildren.

Armchairs and tables

What other gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy? For example, these could be armchairs or educational tables. Presents of this kind help teach a child to sit still, and this is one of the most cherished desires his mother. Tables often include a structure that instills in the child the ability to remember sounds, as well as a pyramid, which is responsible for the skills of perceiving shapes and dimensions. Models come in a wide variety: from plastic and lightweight ones to larger ones with a wooden base, which have proven themselves to be excellent in use, in children’s crazy hands.


Young artists will be wildly delighted with a convenient modern easel. Similar gift It will help your son develop his imagination, as well as teach him to feel boundaries. The drawing surface is made of a comfortable coating that is easy to clean and does not damage. You can also easily attach real sheets of paper to it and create like an adult. The entire structure easily folds and secures, which allows you to transport the easel to any convenient place. Manufacturers often include a fairly durable case in the kit, which will undoubtedly please mothers.


1 year old boy? Every child loves a swing. Vibrations and vibrations calm children, and a mobile swing can be an excellent gift. The body of the structure is made of durable metal, coated with a material that is pleasant to the touch. The seat is fully equipped with safety belts and convenient fasteners; the cables often have safety padding that protects the child’s arms from scratches. The swing can be easily assembled, moved to a convenient place for play and transported to any distance.


Gifts for a 1-year-old boy born during the cold season can also be colorful and useful. One of them is high-quality sleds. It is worth choosing a multifunctional model, the individual parts of which are best checked for strength in the store. The child will ride in difficult weather conditions, so the safety of the “unit” must be at the required level. The modern sled market also offers insulated options when the seat is made of several layers. The backrest in such models is also improved; it is no longer Soviet minimalism, but a durable metal frame and an insulated layer with a protective coating.

What else to choose for a gift? For example, it could be a tent or a wigwam - a colorful combination of fabric, leather and decor is perfectly complemented by a sturdy base and a set of mini pillows. The dimensions allow you to choose multi-person tents, which are very convenient for families with several children. In such a cozy hiding place, psychologists note, kids feel protected and free, because they can play and litter in them to their heart's content. Manufacturers advise caring mothers to first play with boys together so that the child’s sense of calm is strengthened. In subsequent times, the child will have fun in the tent on his own.

Rocking chairs

What other gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy? For example, figured rocking chairs - donkeys, hippos, horses and zebras not only attract children's eyes with their beauty and cuteness, but also develop coordination, as well as the grasping reflex. In most cases, the figures have a solid base that does not spoil the floor surface. Also, the structure is well covered with a soft coating, which does not cause allergies or damage to the children.


What other gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy? Many parents buy mobile holders. The toy consists of a polished wooden base and a container for small parts or candies. The child will not only enjoy the sweets, but also think about how to correctly roll the candy along the labyrinth of the wooden base. Many mothers often protest against such gifts, citing the ban on the harmfulness of sweets, but they can be replaced with wooden parts. The main advantage of such a gift is the development of thinking, hand motor skills, as well as the child’s spatial imagination. Also, a well-made base will easily fit into your home interior and create a playful atmosphere.


Now you know what gifts to choose for a 1 year old boy. The main rule in choosing a gift for a one-year-old child is unconventional thinking. Children are only as smart as their parents put their soul into them. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to toys or travel, but also to fairy tales.

Beef basics for lunch recipe is simply wonderful

You will need:

beef - 500 grams of lean tenderloin; pickles - 2 small vegetables; potatoes - 4-5 medium size, which turn our dish into a complete dinner; onion - 1 large head; vegetable oil - 6 tablespoons is enough; tomato sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons (it can be replaced with 2 tomatoes or a third glass of tomato juice); salt and pepper.


Finely chop the onion, pour a spoon into the pan vegetable oil and fry the onion until transparent. When the pieces are browned, add tomatoes or tomatoes to them. If you add fresh tomatoes, first peel them by dipping them in boiling water. Evaporate for 5 minutes.

Pour 2 tablespoons of oil into the multicooker bowl and heat. Add the meat cut into pieces and use the “Frying” mode to bring it to a beautiful golden crust. When the meat is fried, add steamed onions and tomatoes to it, pour in a glass of water.

Close the lid and cook in the “Stew” mode for half an hour. At this time, cut the cucumbers. Depending on the shape of the pieces of meat, this can be done in strips or cubes. In an empty frying pan, heat a spoonful of oil, add the cucumbers and lightly fry. As a result of heat treatment, excess liquid will evaporate from them.

When the meat, tomatoes and onions have been stewed for 30 minutes, add pickles to them. With the lid closed, simmer for another 20 minutes. Then check: if the meat is soft, it's time to add potatoes. If it's too tough, simmer longer. Peel the potatoes and soak in water to remove excess starch.

Dry, cut (into bars or cubes). Fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil, bring until golden brown and transfer to a multicooker bowl. Simmer all the ingredients of the dish together for 10 minutes. Azu is ready!

What to cook for lunch?

And I really like pike in the oven:
Pike fillet - 2 pcs.
Onions - 2 pcs.
Salt - to taste
Ground black pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.
Greens - optional

Step-by-step preparation
If you buy pike fillets, just rinse them thoroughly under cold running water. If you have a whole pike, then the fish must be washed, cleaned and filleted, carefully removing all the bones. Brush the pike fillet on both sides with salt and ground black pepper to taste. Peel two onions, remove the stems and rinse. Finely chop the onion into quarter rings. Cover the baking sheet on which you will bake the fish with foil. Grease the foil with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Place half of the chopped onion on a baking sheet. Place the pike fillet on top of the onion, skin side down. Then sprinkle the remaining half of the onion over the fish. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil over the fish and onions. The dish will be healthier if you use olive oil. Cover the baking sheet with another sheet of foil and wrap the pike in the foil. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the fish. Cooking time depends on the power of your oven and the size of the fillet you used. On average, cooking time is approximately 40 minutes. If desired, sprinkle the finished fish with your favorite herbs. To do this, rinse and dry a bunch of greens; chop it and sprinkle it on a dish. The pike is ready. Bon appetit! Did you know? Choose pike with bright red gills and clear eyes - these are two main indicators that will help you buy fresh fish. Also, the fish should have a fresh, mild smell of the sea. Video recipe After watching the video, you will receive a detailed step-by-step video recipe for cooking pike in foil. In addition, you will see one of possible options serving the finished dish.

How to cook hake

In homemade baking, cherries go perfectly with dark chocolate, and if you add a delicate curd layer, you get an unforgettable dessert. The process of making cherry brownies is not complicated, and the results are always excellent. It is better to take cottage cheese of normal consistency (9-12% fat), and frozen cherries are perfect for the filling. You will need a mold with high sides, approximately 21 cm in diameter. Enjoy your tea!

The easiest pie recipe!

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