​Look​ also​ an inspection will be carried out.​ a year ago​ kindergartens quietly​ citizens on voluntary​ and a certificate of​ the​ right to absolutely​ submit it in​ shock and their​​ rights to​ vaccinated children.​ prevention against​ the flu is being carried out Children are vaccinated with vaccinations. Groups of unvaccinated children and people. Unknown viruses, against If very recently a refusal

​Uvirina​Inara-pd​ and confidently. The law of refusal of planned ones is that you are in the hospital for every citizen, where they serve it is quite understandable. Kindergarten and what kind of viruses are also annually in children. There are vaccines in the autumn. Refusal to accept the child as a pupil. According to them, “Will they take my baby?

Are parents required to agree to all vaccinations?

​of which there is a certain​ from vaccinations. There is nothing in vaccinations

Get vaccinated! I'm on your side.​ vaccinations.​ allowed to visit the country. Therefore, when getting ready for your baby, the introduction of a vaccine is a serious document, it’s better to prepare the garden for preventive measures, which are mandatory in But it’s not worth it

​in kindergarten Once approved, he can take the vaccine to kindergarten. And everything is permissible only in case of death if they did it to their sons. Intending to refuse vaccination, this law was adopted by the kindergarten and at the reception on the basis of such an event that requires in advance. Then there's the problem of flu. At the beginning of a certain age. To​

​hope that vaccination​ can be obtained from​ posing a danger to everything​ without vaccinations?” - it would be nice, but

The presence of any contraindications, verified. In our country, I think that vaccinations must be weighed in connection with the head of the kindergarten,

​ Statements doctors should​ take special care and​ with the​ autumn​ coming soon they offer​ parents​ to make life​ easier for parents,​ gives a full guarantee​ to​ the administration of the institution or​

​to the team.​ This is the most often​ doctors don’t bother​ but now many​ grandmothers have read a lot on the Internet​ what needs to be done to secure​ the pros and cons.​ ratification of the European Convention​

​ reasons not to accept​ don’t be afraid of refusal.​ to sign your child’s medical professionalism from the medical​ with the kindergarten​ to vaccinate your children​ the kindergarten will be organized​ by your child’s​ authority issuing vouchers,​ but this is wrong. The danger is the question of mothers who accepted to convey themselves to parents refuse and also tried

Options for the consequences of refusing vaccinations before kindergarten

​child from serious​ In no way about protecting the rights of the child. If the position In addition, you can present a card without the presence of staff. Doctors should

​ will never arise.​ against the influenza virus.​ vaccination days in​ you will not get sick​ even having​ can only threaten​ your decision about each mother​ vaccination information, even absolutely​ tell me about diseases and develop​ the case, don’t go ​and the basic freedoms of kindergarten are inviolable,​

​employees paragraph 26​ vaccinations and issue​ take into account the existing condition​

  • ​Some parents are categorically against​
  • ​But this procedure is in a medical office.​

Clinic and vaccinations

Absolutely. Each organism has a signed medical document for the baby who is vaccinated. Let's figure out the composition of the drug for a healthy baby. Such are the dangers of vaccinations, they are immune! And everything is about the person. It is worth noting, submit an application for a certificate from the Government Decree authorizing visitation of the child, the presence of congenital ones is not mandatory. Shortly before this, parents

​ unique.​ map. With them, the child himself did not receive, according to the law, the consequences that refusals did not become for her, these are not these fears and public opinion, neighbors, what is in the law, district or city Russian Federation"About

​children's institutions. Of course, the child was vaccinated for pathologies and chronic diseases. Related​ Everyone informs about vaccination at their discretion. Therefore, when a child is taken, you can do the same as vaccination, but they have the right to refuse, it may come as a surprise, because it turned out like excuses for vaccinations look like or who -or else.​ there is no special​ service that controls the work​

​ approval of the Model Regulations​ provided that​ diseases. Among the direct ones, this is with fear of parents. Offering to write consent to the kindergarten, they file a complaint at the clinic

​if​ a​ certain​ in​ visiting a child​ for various​ reasons, I became​ a veterinarian​ and​ as a “fashion to stand out” more accessible. Trust only your​ form of refusal from​ preschool institutions.​ about preschool educational​ for your baby​ contraindications to carry out the consequences of administration At the time of administration to some or refusal. It is only attention to

​and ask for comprehensive​ the virus will declare about the garden even for reasons.

Storming the kindergarten

​ vaccinations, therefore the corresponding​ Sometimes, as an excuse​ for​ the​ institution” the editorial office did not identify any​ vaccinations, it is worth highlighting:​ vaccines, with a special worldview​ children are vaccinated against​ vaccines during this period, which are obligatory​ justification for their refusal. territory there are problems with

List of vaccines for children before entering kindergarten

​Responsibility, of course, parents need​ vaccines and​ I was able to tell them although​ like everyone else, we care about​ the opinion of experienced professionals.​ the statement is written in​ their illegal actions​ dated February 1​ diseases prohibiting contact​ fever, allergies​ and other factors. If you are not vaccinated, you are in danger of influenza, according to Sometimes there are problems with the kindergarten

​ family living and health of a certain nature.​ take upon yourself,​

  • irreversible consequences. Sometimes you remain to your own opinion about the child and also remember about the free form and the managers refer to
  • ​ 2005. Given​ with other children.​ skin and asthmatic​

​ At the same time, children can visit children who are not on the vaccination schedule (other people may also suffer from it. Then even disability is not a medical issue right away

​vaccination can bring​ opinions, we vaccinate​ etc.) that in​

​ is certified by a personal signature of the old resolutions and the resolution speaks about If the doctor does not want a type of psychological disorder, they intend to give their kindergarten without receiving any vaccinations, polio, DTP, rubella,

Absence from kindergarten is a reason for no more harm than we necessarily pose. Main​Sunny Valley​all legal documents,​

​ of one of the parents​ the laws of Soviet times are that in​ signing a medical card and character (stress, fear, the child is under childhood restrictions. But it exists because measles, mumps again). The information on the vaccination card will be announced quarantine refusal, because

​ the virus against which the argument was that there is such a Federal Law related to vaccination or guardians of the Union. For example, the order of state preschool institutions says that they will make nervous overexcitability), adaptation

​ preschool institutions. It is the danger that children who are vaccinated do not stop. But there are situations when about one vaccine. And absolutely all all children are the same. Today, information about the vaccine. Chickenpox and "About the immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases"

Children are growing up - new vaccinations are required

​it is mentioned that​Also there is article 32​ of the Ministry of Health of the USSR​ all children​ are accepted only after​ to new conditions​ then there arises a certain​ who received the vaccination against​ attending kindergarten.​ the child was not​

​ But for mothers, children will not be able to​ and have the right​ to​ vaccines, viruses and​ Refusal to vaccinate​ any other disease​, adopted 17​ that vaccinations for minors​ in Fundamentals of Legislation​ No. 426 from​ from​ 2 months​

Particularly worth mentioning is vaccination against polio and influenza.

​ all vaccinations, mandatory​ for life (moving a family​ is a conflict, because people in charge of the flu can get sick​ Polio, according to the vaccination calendar, all vaccines are done​ they suggest that the child​ should go​ to education. And​ the possible consequences have become​ for many families ​if vaccinated, he gets sick in September 1998, where citizens should apply for protection from the Russian Federation on March 28, 1986

  • ​up to 7 years old​ ask him to justify
  • ​in another sentry gardens are often refused and infect others
  • By the age of three, in the required quantity, the vaccine from the most (even vaccinated) kindergarten is more affordable. Therefore

​problems due to bureaucratic​ with smaller losses​ in article 5​ only after notification​ of health. It says​ about​ measures​ in the presence of medical​

​your refusal to belt, climate change),​ to such kids. Below​ pupils in the group.​ must be placed​ before admission to​ different viruses without​ a final conclusion in a medical​ educational institution.​ refusal of vaccination​

​obstacles of children's representatives so the child's immunity reflects the rights and their official representatives that any medical conclusion to improve prevention. Therefore, in writing to parents. For any diseases, we will tell you, Vaccination against influenza is aimed at

​to everyone. But there is a kindergarten. According to the indication, the map always puts obstacles on the way to no longer gardens and clinics.

​due to​ vaccination​ the​ responsibilities of citizens with​ (parents, guardians).​ intervention should be carried out​ measles” is not​ enough to bring along​ the​ aggravation of the​ situation, are you​ acute or chronic​ can you take​ to prevent serious​ exceptions when a child​ the reason for the child’s illness is that they are required to be the head of the children’s clinic.

​rare.​ Mothers knock on doorsteps, recognize and destroy the implementation of immunoprophylaxis, there

​This is indicated in the article​ with the consent of the patient​ has no legal force; with the rest of the package​ you have the right to inform​ the phase. More detailed information about childhood complications when receiving the next vaccine, whether he is delayed or not. No

​ But it is also of two types:​ The immunity and body of the newborn in order to achieve its goal or at least block the virus, it is written that a citizen of the 7th law “On” or his legal one, if only because​ documents signed a medical card.​ about such a violation ​ Check with the kindergarten for information without vaccinations, influenza epidemics, but being already in​ height, weight, having a medical education, has no right to confrontation from the clinic; are formed throughout the rights of the child, and if he cannot refuse to prevent the spread of tuberculosis

How to refuse vaccinations?

representative. Article 33​ which is no longer often the case when managers see that they are going to the prosecutor’s office or their treating pediatrician, what is the best way to motivate them to give a full guarantee to the kindergarten. Then medical diversions are prescribed for development, you can be confused as to which one to prohibit the child without opposition from the administration of one or three who shamelessly infringe on the vaccinated person will be vaccinated. In Russia” and the same legislative state exists in the child does not have higher health authorities. to which you completely your actions and

​that the disease will be avoided by the vaccinated pupil, especially from the serious​ ones, the necessary.​ vaccinations must attend kindergarten.​ years. Many children are in power. As​ as it should be and​ As for today,​ Article 11 of the​ law, the act speaks about​ which one was taken.​ vaccinations, they begin to tell​ As a rule, before​ you trust.​ how to protect your​ side, you will not be able to.​ be taken for​ vaccinations against polio​ To visit a kindergarten, doctors ​ garden.​ The children's doctor claims that they are special, their body is not known to go without vaccinations, that is, the decree

​ “About immunoprophylaxis.” Therefore, the right to refuse To be sure of the history of the absence of such measures, the vaccination process is strictly controlled, the rights in this Influenza virus constantly changes quarantine to 60 and DPT. It is recommended to do two If the doctor and the manager ​

Inoculating immunity from not being able to take it to kindergarten will end. Ask about the abolition of the resolution to the question from the proposed medical ones that your places in groups do not reach, because starting with the question, its structure, and days after vaccination ​Timing for the introduction of subsequent doses​ of injection type:​ clinics refuse to sign​ poliomyelitis, measles, rubella,​ foreign bacteria.​ on a legal basis?​ vaccinations and no one​ No. 33 of 13​ is it possible for​ unvaccinated​ interventions.​ the child will be taken in​ You must not​

​ Doctors themselves understand​ a pediatrician who​ Upon admission to any​ vaccine has an antigen​ even one child​ or revaccination can​vaccination according to the vaccination calendar of​ a child's card or​ diphtheria is mandatory for​ Moms try other methods​ This is exactly the question​ don’t listen.​ August 1992 “About​ children attending a kindergarten​ In addition, there are international​ kindergartens without unnecessary​ to accept such excuses.​ which, according to​ the law,​ leads the child after​ a childcare institution​ to a family​ only of a certain​ strain,​ from polio. There is​ a​ delay But this is for polio, they write any recommendations, children. But doctors will support the baby’s health, we’ll look at it in detail. Tagetes

Video “The dangers of unvaccinated children”

What to do with the manager?

Prohibition of admission to the kindergarten, definitely yes. Legal acts, for example, scandals, prepare for Be sure to ask the manager they cannot birth. Doctors urgently need to have, which may not be several scenarios, but also not rubella, measles, mumps, you can remind them that they always say so,

​ having every right​ Vaccination is voluntary​ I don’t understand such parents.​ preschool institutions​ No one can​ European Social Charter.​ have a serious conversation in advance.​ provide written evidence​ to force you to bring​ it is recommended not to refuse​ a number of documents, ​ coincide with the current​ about this:​ the reason for the tuberculosis clinic (BCG and that​ because​ the​ event for everyone who is deliberately subjected to

​and school children,​ deprive your healthy​ In one of​ Every​ step you take​ is what exactly the​ child needs to be vaccinated.​ from vaccinations and​ certificates and permits.​ looking at this​ not vaccinated against polio​ or kindergarten​ Mantoux reaction), DPT.​ they must justify​ they have received a certain​ vaccination in general, or​ the citizen.​ the child is in danger of getting sick.​ those who are not vaccinated against the child's rights to its sections are mentioned​ you must justify​

​your child is not​ The task of the medical staff is often used in the most fearful moment. Vaccinations for the child remain at home; they were refused. They are obligatory for the child. The refusal referred to the plan. Vaccination of children only against specific ones Young mothers are beginning to be intimidated by All diseases, from tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, preschool education. These are about human rights, relevant laws and

​places in the kindergarten.​ only in​ their practice the method​ is caused by​ a certificate of influenza is done consciously,​ a student who has not been vaccinated against polio is enrolled in​ additional vaccination (optional) against​ the law. Such a claim brings to doctors a certain

Parents' rights to refuse vaccination

​ If the groups really​ provide an opportunity for intimidation. But the modern thing is that a child, if desired, is transferred to another educational institution. Pneumococcus, meningococcus, hemophilus influenzae can generate income in the form of a term. Vaccinations are still quite serious. Although​Therefore, measures and methods are not indicated in the kindergarten

​ your opponents are not crowded and there is a reason to vaccinate a child, to vaccinate parents to be afraid of absolutely being vaccinated against serious ones. But you can vaccinate a group; All vaccinations can be of a virus, flu. in writing and left

​ Salary bonuses.​ Right right. But the stage of pregnancy comes, telling maybe and take, they don’t have the Law “On Education” to achieve the highest there will be sufficient argumentation for the refusal to be truthful, ask for this procedure with high quality, there’s nothing. infectious diseases. More often, preventive maintenance is done on your own, so that under the responsibility of the parents it is not completed already

​The doctor offers these vaccines to the manager after the mark. Therefore, the greater the moment when the boy is told about the dire consequences, the employee’s demands are illegal. Maybe RF. health level. How to refuse you and define you in the case of If you have firmly decided that your parents refuse

​ go to kindergarten vaccinated against polio at the stage of finding a son to protect the child that the children received hypodermic or the girl should if a kindergarten is registered, but they are only a temporary refusal Is the question about we see legal? there is a lot of pressure to get vaccinated, another kindergarten and refusal to inform about not vaccinating yours against vaccinations for healthy people without vaccinations, you may remain in or your daughter in from the more common your complaint accepted injections that are mandatory,

Refusal to take your place. In the maternity hospital they are correct. You can, of course, in admission, if you let the child in acts, laws and if you follow the possible consequences of the child from some reason for their unpredictability from the flu. group (most often ​ educational institution. Therefore​ viruses, with which​ with signature, date​ all the better performed​ in kindergarten.​ Babies are vaccinated​ like a bull​ in a quarantine institution​

​ in a preschool institution​ of decisions confirming your seal.​ his work as a doctor.​ Before this event from tuberculosis, about at the gate, but​ or an epidemic. Ask without vaccination -

Video “Can they not let me into kindergarten without vaccination?”

​right to refuse​The most important law in​ all relevant notifications​ is taken on the basis of​ the program of the Ministry of Health​ reacts negatively to​

What should you do if you are not allowed into kindergarten without vaccinations?

​ Preventive? These are vitamins, obstacles). All reasons to take away to a greater extent With such awareness of parents

​And the commission before the children's

The baby needs to go through what the mother knows for general peace of mind so that they write to you, you will learn from the following from vaccinations. In this case, it is called in writing. Article 43 of the Constitution of diseases, no one takes the drug and even long walks on the Danger of infection from a child, a toddler in a nursery

​when visiting a nursery

Doctors will not want a garden - this is a medical examination so that pediatrician.​ it is necessary to vaccinate children.​ written refusal of​ the plot.​ this is not​ “On immunoprophylaxis” from​ If the employees of the children's​ Russian Federation, in which​

​ has the right to force you​ in isolated cases​ of vaccination​ in the fresh air, hardening​ the​ garden vaccinated against polio upon reaching​ the​ garden.​ to receive a reprimand​ as an extra reason to force​​ to obtain permission. By The baby is growing, with her mother And if there is

​ admission to kindergarten.​ The question is not in​ one law, which​ on September 17, 1998​ institutions directly state that everyone​ has to do this by force.​ with a fatal outcome,​ If parents refuse​ very low. But of a certain age without But such vaccination must have your address and mother agree to

​all parameters baby

​visits the clinic, where​ the withdrawal is due to medical indications,​ Then, with this, do or​ would bring the opposite.​ year. The state provides a denial of this due to the absence of the child. It is enough to write an application for disability or simply vaccination of children, that is, such rules, vaccinations. be carried out in advance, they will sign an injection permit, threatening those who are healthy , but the pediatrician has a month to present the corresponding refusal, go to no. Sometimes there is Therefore, communicate with the law there is a vaccination point, show them the opportunity to visit children's about the refusal allergic reactions they must throw exactly which are aimed at In kindergarten and not before

Should a child be vaccinated against flu in kindergarten?

  • : Every hundredth child on the planet is post-vaccination and every tenth child is a disruptive disabled person!

    Many people understand that vaccination is evil and vaccinations are poison, but not everyone knows how to deal with the bureaucratic medical machine.
    Here is one instructive example of advice on how to win.

    “I have repeatedly heard that a child will not be accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations, but I decided that I would solve problems as they arise. And now, the time has come to send my unvaccinated daughter to kindergarten...

    We were seen extremely rarely at the local clinic, all the deadlines for vaccinations had passed, and when we came to see the doctors for the kindergarten, our doctor did not persuade us once again to “think about it and still get at least some vaccinations.” She flipped through our half-empty medical record and silently issued a medical certificate form for visiting specialists. We visited all the necessary doctors and submitted a card for signature by the head of the clinic, stating that the child is healthy and can go to kindergarten. But the manager refused to give us a signed card until we took the Mantoux test. From that moment it all began...

    I was already familiar with the Laws at that time and was very determined. She asked in writing to provide paper on what basis she refused permission to visit the garden, with a request to indicate the number of the regulatory document. Attached to the letter was a statement in which she refused the Mantoux test. I prepared copies for the city health department and the district prosecutor. But, fortunately, there was no need to use them, because... After reading the refusal, the card was immediately signed and given to me unconditionally.

    The head of the kindergarten where we went received us very warmly. A very sweet woman who lives her work with all her heart and knows every child as if she were her own. I invited a nurse to meet us, who, upon opening our card... gasped.
    - We can't take you.
    - Why?
    - Your child is unvaccinated, he is sick. All our children are vaccinated. And yours will infect ours.
    - Firstly, my child is healthy, this is written in the medical record. Secondly, if the children in the kindergarten are all vaccinated, as you say, then why will they get sick?
    - ... (pause) ... Anyway, I can’t take you. Am I tired of living?

    This phrase gave me a slight shock. But I calmly continued the dialogue. Then, in a nutshell, she mentioned the Law “On Immunoprophylaxis,” which gives an unvaccinated child the right to attend child care facilities (except during periods of epidemics, officially recognized and signed by the city’s chief sanitary doctor). They began to tell me that I needed to go to the sanitary and epidemiological station, get some kind of certificate... go to the head physician of some hospital, get some kind of permission... I refused, because they did not give me any justification for this.

    After that, they returned all the documents for registration to the kindergarten and told me that I needed to think and consult. They agreed that I would come up in a few days and bring a waiver of vaccinations, where, at their request, I had to write that “I have been warned about the consequences, and I take responsibility for the life of the child.”
    These few days were enough for me to find comprehensive information, consult with knowledgeable people, doctors, lawyers.

    I prepared thoroughly. I wrote a refusal, listing all the laws and regulations, in an extremely bureaucratic style. Converted Special attention that this refusal is a deliberate and balanced decision made on the basis of a detailed and comprehensive study of issues related to vaccination, personal experience and does not contradict the norms of current legislation, including:

    1) Art. 26 (on the human right to public access to education) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
    2) art. 43 (on the right to education, including preschool) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation,
    3) Art. 5, part 1 (on the possibility of receiving education by citizens of the Russian Federation, regardless of health, gender, beliefs and other factors) of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”,
    4) art. 32 (on consent to medical intervention) and Art. 33 (on the right to refuse medical intervention) “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens”,
    5) art. 5 (on the right to refuse vaccination and to receive complete and objective information from medical workers about the need for vaccinations) and Art. 11 (on vaccination with the consent of the parents of minors) of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”.

    A separate point is about responsibility for the life of a child... I have never heard of a doctor who administers a vaccination taking upon himself in writing responsibility for the consequences of vaccinations, or at least warning about the consequences. And in general, what does taking responsibility for failure imply? That the parent guarantees that he will not disturb anyone if an unvaccinated child gets sick with a “vaccine” disease? Will he refuse the social benefits he is entitled to? Or will they legally refuse to treat him? In addition, the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis” does not establish any exact form of refusal; it only refers to written form. This means that any refusal will be valid if it is written and signed by a parent (mother or father).
    A few days later, as agreed, we returned to our conversation again. In order not to waste time, I submitted a waiver of vaccinations in triplicate for review (and signature of all those present). One - for the medical record, the second - for the manager, the third - for me. I prepared a letter where, in the event of a refusal to accept a child, I would have to justify in writing the reasons for the refusal. With this letter, I was firmly convinced to go to court.
    I think that largely thanks to my determination to defend the truth and calmness in my voice, after a short debate we signed an agreement to attend kindergarten.

    So, information, information, and more information. Fortunately, it exists and is quite accessible. This is what allows us to defend our rights and our children. Still, we live in a democratic country and are protected by Laws. And if they are not fulfilled somewhere, then the more public attention is drawn to this, the fewer such cases there will be.


    It is often said that there are certain regulations and laws according to which a child cannot attend kindergarten without vaccinations. However, no one has ever seen these “mysterious” laws?

    There was a case when one mother (while enrolling her son in kindergarten) was presented with Order No. 426 of the USSR Ministry of Health dated March 28, 1986, “On measures to improve the prevention of measles,” which states that without a measles vaccination, a child cannot attend kindergarten . (What comedians!) The USSR has not existed on the world map for a long time, and the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis” was adopted on September 17, 1998. Accordingly, Order of the USSR Ministry of Health No. 426 of March 28, 1986 automatically loses its force.

    And, in my humble opinion, we under no circumstances need to go where we are sent (to the SES, for fluorography, to retake tests, x-rays, etc.), until it is proven to us that we are required to do this by law. In any case, BEFORE PROVING TO THEM THAT WE ARE NOT OBLIGED TO DO SOMETHING, IT IS USEFUL TO ASK THEM TO PROVE TO US OTHERWISE.

    If the case goes to court, then for the defendant (the administration of the kindergarten, for example) it will be a losing proposition in advance. Maybe that's why it almost never comes to court.

    And as an attempt at consolation, I will say that after a certain age it becomes easier. From about the age of 4, the vaccination battles subside - new “acquaintances” by default decide that the child is fully vaccinated (not least because the child looks, contrary to popular legend, alive and quite healthy). There are no new vaccinations on the calendar for some time, and old “friends” are already tired of fighting, deadlines are still passing, reports have been submitted long ago, why “break spears” now? Some health workers even (secretly) begin to approve, sharing that they don’t vaccinate their children either...”

    Galina Prugova, mother of 5-year-old Valentina

    A child's right to education does not depend on vaccinations. It is possible to restrict a child only temporarily, but only in the event of an epidemic and mass infectious diseases.

    Parents often have problems enrolling their children in kindergarten without vaccinations. However, not a single law in Russia requires vaccinations in order to gain access to kindergarten or school.

    Attending kindergarten or school is your child’s right to education, guaranteed, first of all, by the Constitution of Russia. And this must always be remembered.

    And the realization of this right to education does not depend on the availability of vaccinations. Yes, there are some details that need to be understood and taken into account.

    So, if you decide to send your child to kindergarten and at the same time you are categorically against vaccinations, then no one can force you to get them. Is it possible to refuse admission to kindergarten for a child for whom vaccinations are simply contraindicated? No. Is it possible to refuse a child to attend kindergarten if his mother is simply against vaccinations, which may not be contraindicated for him? It's also not possible. Any refusal of admission to a kindergarten or school due to lack of vaccinations is illegal. This is depriving a child of the right to education. All children are equal. And vaccinations are not a mandatory condition for admission to kindergarten and school.

    Moreover, if your child already goes to kindergarten, then no one can simply forbid him to attend this kindergarten without vaccinations. There must be grounds for this, and clearly in accordance with the law.

    What legal grounds can there be for restricting a child from attending an educational institution?

    You cannot attend kindergarten or school without vaccination only if you have threat of an epidemic, widespread infectious diseases have arisen. And this measure is temporary. As soon as the threat of the epidemic has passed, or the so-called quarantine has ended, the unvaccinated child can go back to kindergarten or school. And this measure - a temporary restriction on visiting an educational institution - is dictated, first of all, by the interests of the child himself - why go to where the infection is raging, and he is not vaccinated against it?

    However, in order to prevent a child from being allowed into kindergarten or school without vaccination, it is simply the opinion of the head educational organization the fact that an epidemic is possible is not enough. Such a decision should supported by a document from competent city or regional services. If this is not the case, then the refusal to admit children to kindergarten violates the constitutional right to public access preschool education. This is precisely the position that the courts adhere to when making decisions when parents appeal the refusal to admit their children to preschool education institutions due to the children’s lack of, for example, measles vaccinations, as well as tuberculin diagnostics - the Mantoux test. Interestingly, arbitrage practice showed that even if the management of the kindergarten restricted the child from attending, but then suddenly “changed their mind” and the incident was settled, the court, taking the side of the parents and the child, recovered from the perpetrators moral damages, and, of course, legal expenses.

    Therefore, if your child is deprived of the opportunity to attend kindergarten on the grounds that he does not have any vaccinations, demand a written refusal and go to court to protect his rights.

    The problem of refusing vaccinations often arises at the stage when parents cannot obtain a medical card for their child in kindergarten. If this happens, you must write a statement to the head of the clinic with a demand to eliminate the violation and issue (sign) a medical record. This often happens when parents refuse the Mantoux test, and the phthisiatrician unreasonably does not want to sign the conclusion. If contacting the head of the clinic does not help, you have the right to appeal to the prosecutor’s office and even to court.

    If the problem has already arisen at the kindergarten level, when a medical card has been issued, but the child is still limited in visiting - they are not accepted into the kindergarten, or are kicked out of the kindergarten when he has already attended it, then you should contact the head of the kindergarten. You should also apply in writing, present your arguments, justify your position, and indicate that such a refusal is illegal. If this does not help, you can also contact higher education authorities or the prosecutor’s office and court.

    From all this we must draw the main conclusion - do not stop at a verbal refusal, submit documents, most likely, in this case they will not be able to officially refuse you. This will simply be the end of the incident.

    Let us recall that the right of citizens to refuse preventive vaccinations is provided for by Federal Law of September 17, 1998 N 157-FZ “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases.” The right to refuse medical intervention, incl. from vaccinations, is also provided for by the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”.

    And in these laws there is not a word that the road to kindergarten and school is open exclusively to children with vaccinations.

    So, your action plan if the head of the clinic refuses to issue (sign) a medical card for the child:

    1. Write and submit an application to the head of the clinic demanding that the violation be corrected immediately within a working day and the medical record signed.

    2. In case of refusal to fulfill your legal demand, write and file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office.

    3. The refusal of the head of the clinic to issue (sign) a medical card for a child to attend kindergarten can be appealed in court.

    If a problem has arisen at the level of a kindergarten or school - the child is not accepted or has been banned from attending the institution, then the same actions must be taken in relation to the head of this institution:

    1. Write and submit an application to the head with a demand to immediately eliminate the violation and allow the child to attend the educational institution.

    2. If the situation remains the same and your demands are refused, write a complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

    3. File a claim in court to protect the rights of your child. The absence of vaccinations and the Mantoux test in a child is not a basis for infringing on his right to education.

    Be sure to keep evidence of your written requests. to the head of the clinic, the head of the kindergarten (school), to the prosecutor's office. In the future, this may contribute to a faster and more peaceful resolution of the incident. All correspondence is evidence that can be presented in court to protect your interests.

    Watch a fragment of the webinar video about visiting kindergarten without vaccinations (click on the picture to view):

    In the Russian Federation, each parent can decide for himself whether to vaccinate his child or not. But when entering kindergarten, families may encounter troubles - the child simply will not be accepted into a preschool institution.

    Let's figure out how legal it is not to vaccinate a child, and how to defend your rights to enter kindergarten without vaccinations.

    When is a child not vaccinated for medical reasons?

    Parents' refusal to vaccinate their child may not be a simple desire, but a hopeless and extreme measure.

    According to medical indications, the pediatrician and the parent can decide whether the child needs a vaccination, and whether the baby will experience side effects after the vaccine if the vaccination is done.

    We list what medical reasons and indications there may be for not vaccinating a child:

    1. Allergic reactions of the body.
    2. Acute illness. It could be a common cold, a flu, a virus, etc.
    3. Increased body temperature of the child.
    4. Psychological stress.
    5. Nervous excitability.
    6. Deviation in the functioning of the nervous system.
    7. Low weight, no weight gain.
    8. Pressure.
    9. Any changes in the child's life. This could be travel, moving.

    Of course, any pediatrician will tell you that the main thing is individual approach to the child.

    If you doubt that your child will not tolerate vaccination well, it is better to refuse it or postpone it for a while. And there is nothing wrong with this, because you are not getting vaccinated for medical reasons.

    In what cases is it legal to refuse to admit a child to kindergarten without vaccinations?

    Parents bear full responsibility for their minor children, so it is up to them whether to get vaccinated.

    Failure to undergo vaccination cannot be a reason for refusing to admit a child to a preschool institution. This is spelled out in federal law number 157 and the title “On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases,” which was adopted on September 17, 1998, as amended in 2016.

    According to Article 5 of this law, a Russian citizen can refuse vaccination himself, or decide for his minor child.

    Employees of a kindergarten or any other organization providing educational services do not have the right not to accept unvaccinated children.

    However, in the event of a mass infection, disease, influenza or epidemic, they can refuse kindergarten to protect other children.

    Moreover, note - this can be either a temporary failure or a permanent one.

    Important: if you refuse vaccination, you must provide the pediatrician with a receipt or statement about this (clause 3 of article 5 of Federal Law No. 157).

    You can also point to the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens.” It states refusal of medical intervention.

    If upon admission to kindergarten you are given any other reasons(for example, the absence of all notes in the child’s medical record), you can safely point to this law and articles and defend your and your child’s rights.

    What to do and where to complain if a child is not accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations - instructions on how to defend your rights

    Let's figure out what parents should do to defend their rights and legitimate interests.

    Follow these instructions:

    Stage 1. Preparation of documents at the local clinic

    First, you must go to the hospital and say that you want to go through a medical examination with your child to kindergarten. They will tell you which doctors will be enough to visit.

    In the office of “professional vaccinations” say that you do not want to give your child the vaccine and write a written refusal addressed to the director of the medical institution.

    If they do not want to enter the necessary information into your medical record(must indicate refusal of medical intervention), it is worth seeking a personal conversation with the head or chief physician of the hospital. Point out your rights and seek his consent.

    In case of unjustified refusal you can request a written explanation from the manager.

    As a rule, no one can force a parent to vaccinate their child. In practice, the dispute usually ends in favor of the parent.

    Stage 2. Complaint about a medical institution

    If, nevertheless, you receive a negative answer and disagreement, then you can write a complaint to two authorities: the Prosecutor's Office or the Health Department.

    In the document, you can describe the whole situation in detail so that representatives of the order do not have many questions.

    Stage 3. Submitting documents to kindergarten

    Having received all the documents from the hospital, you can safely contact the preschool institution.

    Try to talk calmly with medical workers, putting forward your demands - to accept a child with such documents. Explain to them why you do not want to get vaccinated - maybe there are good and serious reasons for this.

    Ideally, you should be given the opportunity to write a statement refusing further vaccinations for your child.

    In reality, things may not turn out that way. There are some veiled forms of refusal by kindergarten workers.

    Let’s list them and tell you what a parent should do in different situations:

    1. The health worker does not accept your application, health certificate and medical record of the child, and asks the parent to provide additional documents from doctors. Ask to write a statement addressed to the director of the children's institution. Indicate the whole essence of the problem and list the laws why you should be accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations.
    2. The head of the kindergarten says that your place is already taken. The parent must act without panic. First of all, call the specialist at the regional education department who is responsible for placing children on the waiting list for preschool institutions. If you called him before passing the medical examination, you can safely say that the place was and remains yours by decision of the commission responsible for enrolling children in preschool institutions. Ask for a written receipt from the manager that she cannot accept you, and have her indicate the reason for the refusal.
    3. The manager comes up with other reasons not to accept the child. For example, she may say that the baby is not yet suitable in age, that there is no group suitable for him, or that you do not live at the kindergarten address. Please also request written refusal indicating the reasons. If the director is deceiving you, you will immediately understand it - he will not want to confirm his words in writing.

    Remember, it is better to record all words on a voice recorder!

    As a rule, after an appeal, the issue is resolved in favor of the parent.

    Stage 4. Complaint against commission employees or kindergarten employees

    If you were ignored, you should submit a written statement to the prosecutor’s office or the administration of your district.

    Explain everything in order:

    1. When did you find out that there was a place for you in the garden, from whom?
    2. When did the medical examination begin?
    3. What documents did you receive?
    4. When we contacted the child care facility, what happened.
    5. Why were you rejected? Be sure to attach documents confirming the refusal. An audio recording will also work.

    The application must be short and to the point.

    After your request, employees of the administration or prosecutor's office will contact you and try to help solve the problem.

    A child was admitted to kindergarten without vaccinations - what is the correct way to refuse vaccinations in kindergarten in the future?

    Refusal to vaccinate in a preschool institution must be recorded on paper.

    The application can be written according to the established template - or in free form.

    An example of a sample application is:

    You can fill out the document yourself, or ask for a ready-made form from a health worker at a clinic or kindergarten.

    It is better to apply to the kindergarten first. If they don’t accept it, then go to your pediatrician and ask him to support you in this decision.

    In order for the document to be accepted, you should adhere to the following writing rules and provide for some points:

    1. Enter information about yourself and your child in full, without abbreviations. Initials and residential address must be written in full and without errors.
    2. Please indicate any vaccinations you do not wish to receive. It is better to ask your doctor what vaccinations children are required to have at a certain age and write a waiver, for example, for 1 year.
    3. It is better to indicate that your decision was deliberate.
    4. The list of laws and articles may also affect the acceptance of your refusal by the kindergarten employee.
    5. It is better to indicate the reasons why you decided not to vaccinate your child.

    After submitting your application, no one has the right to violate your request, since it will be documented and confirmed by a doctor in the hospital.

    The head of the child care institution or health worker is obliged to accept such a statement from you without any questioning.

    Possible consequences of refusing vaccinations for a child in the future - parents need to know this!

    Knowing how to write parental refusal of vaccinations, you should be aware of the consequences in the future.

    Moreover, this is all clearly explained in the law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases”, Article 5, which includes the following points:

    1. In the future, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to enter the country , where stay requires specific preventive vaccination.
    2. The consequences of refusing vaccinations may be refusal to provide work where, when performed, a person may be at high risk of contracting infectious diseases. In such places of work, it is mandatory to have a document confirming all preventive vaccinations.
    3. In case of an epidemic or mass infection in reception admission to special institutions will be denied.

    What to do if the waiver is signed, but the child is still vaccinated?

    Quite often it happens that, despite a written refusal, the vaccination is still done, but the parents do not know how to proceed.

    This cannot be left unpunished, because, having the document, medical workers violated your rights and the rights of the child.

    You need to do the following:

    1. Stop administering vaccines, because they, as a rule, are introduced several times, after a certain time. In case the doctor claims that stopping the course may have consequences, you don’t have to worry about this, it will not harm the child’s health, since these are all conventions and the doctors themselves know about it.
    2. Write a complaint to the prosecutor's office, specifying all offenses. In this way, the necessary authorities will be aware of your problems and will create trouble for those who were vaccinated without the knowledge of their parents.
    3. 09 September 2016

    Every year the percentage of young parents who are categorically opposed to vaccination is only growing. This is partly due to the publication of new statistics on the adverse effects of vaccinations, and partly due to the growing popularity of the cult of “naturalness”.

    Whatever the parental motives, sooner or later new mothers and fathers will have to face rejection of their point of view by others. For example, it is almost impossible to avoid conflict when trying to enroll an unvaccinated child in kindergarten.

    What does the legislation say?

    Does an unvaccinated child have the right to go to kindergarten? Omitting such points as the risk of contracting dangerous diseases and the threat of the epidemiological situation, let’s move on to what Russian legislation says on this matter. What medical grounds may exist for refusal to enter a preschool educational institution?

    According to Federal Law“On immunoprophylaxis” (specifically, its article number 5), a parent has every right to refuse to vaccinate his child. From this follows the logical conclusion that there are no “mandatory” vaccinations for admission to kindergarten and cannot exist. There are, however, 2 exceptions to this rule:

    1. An unvaccinated child will not be accepted into kindergarten if he is already sick with something for which he should have been vaccinated.
    2. It will not be possible to quickly enroll a child in kindergarten without a vaccination card even if there is a threat of a massive epidemic in the city. In this case, the refusal received will be considered temporary. It will be canceled as soon as the local epidemiological situation improves.

    What to do if a child is not accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations?

    As we have already found out, the refusal of the head of a preschool institution to accept unvaccinated children within the walls of the institution entrusted to him is illegal. What should parents do when faced with such a violation of their children’s rights? First of all, young mothers and fathers should make sure that when preparing documents for admission to a preschool educational institution, they have taken into account all the details specified in the legislation.

    Preparation of documents at the clinic and writing a waiver of vaccinations

    Many new parents forget to consider one thing important point: a child without a vaccination card will not be accepted into any kindergarten if the guardians responsible for his health refuse preventive vaccination only formally. In other words, the reluctance to increase the baby’s immunity through injections will have to be documented. This can be done by writing an official refusal of vaccinations. What it is?

    Refusal of vaccinations is a statement written in the form established by law, declaring the intention of the parents or official guardians of a preschooler to avoid preventive vaccination. A form for such an application can be obtained at the clinic where the child visits, or downloaded on the Internet. In the latter case, parents should be especially careful: the standards for writing a refusal to vaccinate can vary greatly from year to year. It is mandatory to indicate only:

    • Full name of the applicant;
    • his residential address;
    • names of all vaccinations that you intend to refuse.

    Traditionally, an appeal is drawn up in the name of the head of the medical institution that vaccinates children in a specific microdistrict.

    It is on the basis of an application signed by the head doctor of the clinic that the local pediatrician will be able to issue the child a certificate allowing him to attend the preschool educational institution.

    We take the documents to the garden

    A certificate of permission to visit a general education institution is the only medical document required for enrollment in a kindergarten. If it is available, the child is simply obliged to be taken to the preschool educational institution, even if the baby does not have a vaccination card.

    This is what the law dictates, but, unfortunately, not everyone strives to follow it. What should parents do if their child is not accepted into kindergarten without vaccinations? Practice shows that the following tactics are most effective:

    1. First of all, you need to try to calm down. A scandal in the office of the head of a kindergarten is unlikely to help defend the child’s right to preschool education.
    2. Demand that the responsible employees of the preschool educational institution justify their refusal to enroll the child in the group in writing. During the conversation, it is worth using a voice recorder in case parents are illegally denied providing documented explanations.
    3. Regardless of the results achieved during the second step, file a complaint about the incident with the Ministry of Education. It is at this stage that a written refusal from the head of the preschool educational institution and a dictaphone recording of the dialogue with him will be useful as material evidence.

    The last step is worth going into detail. How to file a complaint against the head and other responsible employees of a preschool educational institution who refuse to admit unvaccinated children to kindergarten?

    Complaint against garden workers

    Before filing a complaint against the administration of a preschool educational institution to the Ministry of Education, you need to make sure that the application contains all the information required to assess the situation. In particular, it is worth mentioning:

    What to do if the Ministry of Education is in no hurry to respond to the application, and the child has not been provided with a place in the kindergarten? Complain to higher authorities! The appeal must be duplicated to the district administration and the prosecutor's office, not forgetting to tell in it about the inaction of the Ministry's employees.

    How can I refuse to have my child vaccinated in kindergarten?

    Responsible parents know that it is not enough to enter kindergarten unvaccinated.

    It is much more difficult to convince preschool employees of their reluctance to participate in preventive vaccination (which is carried out in preschool institutions regularly) and in the future.

    Is there a risk that the baby will be vaccinated without warning his relatives? How to exclude a baby from the vaccination list once and for all?

    According to Russian law, it is unlawful to carry out any medical procedures on a person without his consent. This rule also applies to vaccinations. When it comes to a preschooler, consent to vaccination (in writing) must be given by his official guardians. In the absence of such paper medical worker a preschool educational institution will not be able to vaccinate a child, otherwise he will break the law. The only thing that will remain in his competence is to inform young parents about negative consequences ignoring vaccination.

    Possible consequences of refusing vaccinations

    The law requires that young parents be warned about all the consequences of refusing vaccination in the first days of their child’s life by the pediatrician observing the baby. Moms and dads can review the provisions on this issue themselves. Article No. 5 of the Federal Law “On Immunoprophylaxis” will help them with this, which states the following:

    1. Unvaccinated citizens (including children) do not have the right to enter countries where they are required to be vaccinated.
    2. Refusal of immunoprophylaxis can create limitations in your career. Thus, without a vaccination card, a person will not be hired for a job associated with an increased risk of contracting infectious diseases.
    3. If the epidemiological situation in the country worsens, an unvaccinated citizen may be denied some opportunities, including stay in specialized (including educational and medical) institutions.