First Workers' Day road transport appeared by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on January 15, 1976. It was celebrated annually every last Sunday of October until 1996, when the holiday of road transport workers was combined with the day of road workers. Thus, on the last Sunday of October, the “Day of Road Transport and Road Workers” was celebrated annually.

In 2000, the holiday was separated again, moving Road Workers Day to the third Sunday in October.

Since 2012, the holiday, celebrated on the last Sunday in October, has been divided between motorists and city employees. public transport. Since then, the Day of Automotive and Urban Passenger Transport Workers appeared, which is a professional holiday of all urban transport drivers, heads of passenger and motor transport enterprises, engineering and technical workers and employees, as well as teachers of transport educational institutions and scientists in the relevant industry.

Russian public transport

Road transport on the territory of Russia has a special role, since it connects the country along main roads and ensures transport accessibility to the most remote regions. Daily transport mobility of 2/3 of the Russian population is ensured with the help of such urban public transport as trolleybus, bus, metro, tram, light rail, electric trains, monorails and so on.

All public passenger transport is essential element a system that allows a huge number of people to function every day.

In the fall of 2011, according to a representative of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, Russian road transport reached 60% of passenger traffic in the country and 55% of freight traffic. More than 3 million people and 39 million vehicles from Russian state parks work in this sector - which is 33 million cars, 900 thousand buses and 3.5 million trucks. In cities, passengers travel using seven subways (6.3 thousand cars) and more than 20 thousand trams. This allows public transport to provide approximately 85% of household and work trips of the population in suburban and urban traffic.

Congratulations today
All those who are driving.
Let it be on the roads
And in life everything is fine.

We wish you a smooth road,
Super clean roadsides
And smart pedestrians.
Happy Motorist Day!

The one who drives the car himself,
Let the road not let you down,
Let's move on from problems to life
The green light will protect
Trouble isn't waiting around the corner
Or traffic cops with a notepad,
The weather whispers, everything is supposedly clean,
And happy motorist day!

Congratulations to all motorists and enthusiasts on their professional holiday! We wish you a smooth road, correct markings, always green lights and a full tank! Let your four-wheeled helpers always purr satisfactorily, start with half a turn and delight their owners with a dashing ride! No nail, no rod!

May the road be smooth
And the green light is on.
So that the gasoline is always full,
The tank in the car was full.

Let the car purr cheerfully,
The brakes don't fail.
Always easy inspection,
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

Let him keep, protect,
You are an angel every day.
And it helps in life,
Get to your goal without any problems.

Let the road fly into the distance
And the engine roars
May you always be on your way
Only happiness awaits.

Will never let you down
Let your car
And he won't be able to overtake
Let no one see you.

DPS doesn't slow down
The brain can't stand it,
And let him not be afraid
No frost.

Give way to the fool
Let it fly like an arrow
Know that they are waiting for you whole
Loved ones home.

Happy Motorist Day!
I only wish smooth roads in life.
So that luck finds you on the way,
And through life I was always close by.

And, of course - neither a nail nor a rod,
And the traffic cops are always kind.
Getting joy from travel,
Meet every path with luck.

You turn the steering wheel all day long,
You're driving around in a car,
Do you love your job?
If she is not there, you are sad.

May the road be easy
No bumps in the road
Well, a traffic cop will meet -
You outsmart him.

Your family is waiting for you at home
And they don’t get tired of loving,
Let you go home
They'll bring you there as soon as possible!

Whoever is driving, congratulations to everyone,
I wish you no holes, a smooth road.
So that you don't need the spare tire,
In any frost the car would start.
So that you never know about breakdowns,
It was not difficult for you to pass the technical inspection.
So that the inspector does not slow you down,
The car served faithfully.
So that the light always burns green,
And each one was protected by an angel.

You're driving like a king on a throne,
We've been on friendly terms with cars for a long time,
Let the traffic police not touch you,
And the bushes run to the side.

May the road be smooth
And all the ice melts along the way,
Gasoline is cheaper, coffee is sweet,
Forward, like a bird, fly!

May the road be smooth
And straight as an arrow,
And always to my home
Led on travels!

Happy holiday to you, driver,
It's hard for you to turn the steering wheel,
Let the car carry you through life
No obstacles on the way!

Green light of hope and success
May it illuminate the path of your life.
There will be no holes, accidents or interference,
You can’t turn off the smooth road in life!

Let the cars be in good condition
And they delight the owners from the heart.
Your trips will be a success
And they will certainly be good!

Motorist Day in 2017, what date is it celebrated in Russia and who should be congratulated? We probably need to start from afar. In our country, in recent years, there have been more and more motorists, because having your own car has long ceased to be a luxury, it is an elementary and convenient means of transportation. It will be relevant on any holiday.

If earlier not everyone could buy a car and being a driver was considered honorable and prestigious, today many people are their own drivers every day. Plus, the profession of a driver or chauffeur, of course, also remains relevant. It is because of this that confusion arises as to who must be congratulated on Motorist Day 2017, and in any other year.

How the date was set

IN official calendar This holiday is called the Day of Road Transport and Road Workers. That is, from this name it is clearly clear that only people whose profession is directly related to the car need to be congratulated. On the other hand, popularly the holiday is called Motorist Day and it is customary to congratulate all the people who sit behind the wheel for one reason or another.

If we delve deeper into official statistics, we should note that the holiday was established in 1996 by a special presidential decree. That is, in our country there are a number of holidays that were approved by general documents, these are many professional days. But Motorist Day was established by a special decree, which means that the people needed this holiday, but they didn’t think of establishing it in advance. Now, after a couple of years, the government had to correct its mistakes.

According to the mentioned decree, it was established from now on and forever, Motorist Day in 2017, what date in Russia - the holiday is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of October. If you look at this year, it falls specifically on October 29, when you need to congratulate all those who were planned in advance.

Important! In 2000, Road Transport Workers Day and Motorist Day were separated. It was the second day that preserved the date of the last October Sunday. So, on this day, with a pure soul, conscience and heart, you can congratulate all the people who drive a car, regardless of whether they need it for their profession or in their personal life.

History of the automotive industry in Russia

Why is this holiday so loved in our country? We invite you to take a short historical excursion, when in 1896 in Novgorod, where the first All-Russian Industrial and Art Exhibition was held, Yakovlev and Frese presented their first car.

It was a carriage equipped with a four-stroke internal combustion engine; the car's power, by today's standards, was ridiculous - two horsepower. But for that time it was a breakthrough and a lot. It is interesting that Nicholas II, who was then Emperor of the Russian Empire, special attention did not contribute to the invention. But this did not lead the inventors astray and they continued to actively advertise their work and be proud of it. In the end, perseverance paid off.

In 1909, the Russian-Baltic plant, which was located in Riga, produced the first mass-produced car in Russian Empire. The power of this car was already 24 horsepower and this car, of course, deserved the attention of both the leadership of the country and the whole world. The car turned out to be powerful, reliable and beautiful. The Emperor bought two cars for his garage, with this car the history of the automobile industry began in the Russian Empire, and therefore in modern Russia.

After the revolution, the automobile industry became the leading sector of the Soviet economy. ZIL was made in Moscow, GAZ was produced in Nizhny Novgorod. Moreover, they made both cars and trucks. Automotive industry regions at that time were actively being created in the Urals and the Volga region. Many factories did not assemble cars themselves, but they produced important components, trained workers and engineers, and repair workers.

Only in the middle of the last century did the first carriages that moved without horses begin to appear on the streets of large and rich cities. Like any new product, they only caused people to smile in bewilderment. If you had told someone then that in 100 years no one would ride horses, but would instead ride on this miracle of mechanical engineering, they would have laughed in your face.

Already by the beginning of the First World War, cars on city streets ceased to amaze people, then diesel fuel was invented, thanks to which cars and their use in everyday life quickly spread throughout the world. By that time, they had already developed high speeds, were equipped with an internal combustion engine, and the wheels of the car could turn independently of each other.

About the exact date of the holiday

So, Motorist Day in 2017, what date is celebrated in Russia, was established in 1996, and then confirmed in 2000. Please note that in our calendar there is a separate holiday, Military Motorist Day, which falls strictly on May 29 every year. But simply Motorist Day in Russia is celebrated on the last Sunday of October or October 29 specifically in 2017.

As for military drivers in the army, it is worth noting that they occupy a special position. Because the cargo being delivered has a strategic purpose, personnel are being transported, and the wounded are being evacuated. Without military motorists, not a single branch of the military would be able to carry out its activities normally.

Interesting! It is no coincidence that Military Motorist Day is celebrated on May 29th. The fact is that in 1910, on this day in St. Petersburg, a decree was signed on the creation of the first automobile company in the empire. This educational institution trained military personnel for various types of troops, but they carried out automotive service. In honor of the holiday, do it.

There are two different dates, Motorist Day in 2017, what date is it in Russia, and Military Motorist Day. The first holiday falls on the last Sunday of October, that is, this year the holiday will be on October 29. You can congratulate all motorists, without exception, people who, for one reason or another, spend part of their lives behind the wheel. Military Motorist Day in the calendar has a strict date of May 29 and, as is clear from the name of the holiday, it is military motorists who are congratulated.

The last Sunday in October is celebrated professional holiday motorists. Representatives of this profession, which has become one of the most popular professions today, include road workers and road transport workers. Every citizen who has received a driver’s license can consider themselves to be such.

Statistics show a trend of annual increase in cars on the roads of our country. Roads become a kind of symbol of movement, the most important arteries of a country striving for development, social well-being and economic growth. Therefore, the celebration of Motorist Day extends to a fairly wide category of our population.

Features of the celebration

This holiday was approved by decree of the USSR Presidium in 1980. On the last Sundays of October, it was decided to honor the large army of automotive employees. And after the collapse of the USSR, the tradition of celebration was preserved, but acquired a different scale. Private car owners, whose number now numbers in the millions, have also joined the employees of motor transport enterprises.

Not surprisingly, many businesses take the celebration seriously. And everyone involved in this holiday often expects congratulations, themed concerts, car exhibitions, competitions and races.

Internationalization of Motorist Day

This holiday is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus - friendly states of the post-Soviet space. Despite the fact that its official name is Road Transport Workers' Day, residents of the post-Soviet space can congratulate absolutely all drivers: both professionals and amateurs. Therefore, in these countries the holiday is not so much professional as folk.

Date history

The car is one of the most useful inventions of mankind, and therefore its most beloved. It has existed for a little over a hundred years, but during its century it has managed to go through the path of modernization from a self-propelled device to an ultra-modern car, programmed to perform the most complex functions.

In Russia, serial production of the first cars began in 1908. The Russian-Baltic Plant became a pioneer in this industry. Russo-Balt cars were distinguished by their reliability, which is why they won prizes on long runs and rallies more than once.

In 1946, the legendary Victory saw the light of day, becoming the pride of the domestic automobile industry. In the post-war years, several automobile factories were built on the territory of the USSR. Subsequently, road transport began to play a key role in the economy.

Today, the scope of use of motor transport is extensive: cars carry out the lion's share of transportation of people and goods throughout the country.

When officially congratulated on this holiday, it is fully called the Day of Motor Transport and Road Workers. Which sometimes causes confusion, because there is also a separate Road Workers Day, celebrated on the 3rd Sunday of October. But these are different dates, which should be remembered when preparing to celebrate Motorist Day.

The services of motorists to society are extremely great. Their work is not easy and often dangerous. However, it is thanks to their activities that factories operate, stores are full of goods, and we can freely move where we want. Therefore, Motorist Day, given the number of people celebrating it, can safely be called a national holiday.


Motorist Day acquired its official status in the Soviet Union after the corresponding decree of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces was issued. This memorable event took place in 1980. The last Sunday of October became the professional holiday of workers of many Soviet automobile enterprises. The date quickly became popular with everyone involved in the automotive industry, and there were more than 10 million such people in the Soviet Union.

In 1996, the status of this holiday was also officially confirmed by a decree of the President of Russia. Gradually, it began to be celebrated not only by employees of motor transport enterprises, but also by many private car owners. But today is half Russian families has his own cars. It is easy to understand that tens of millions of people celebrate this date.


It is interesting that Motorist Day is celebrated today not only in the Russian Federation, but in almost all former republics THE USSR. It is celebrated both at enterprises and in the family circle. Automotive companies host a variety of events - from traditional meetings with congratulations, presentation of valuable gifts and prizes to themed concerts, corporate feasts, car exhibitions and even races in which employees of organizations take part.

Well, car enthusiasts are happy to be congratulated on this day by their family and friends. Of course, the colleagues of the “birthday boys” do not stand aside either. Domestic media often remind about the holiday. Often films and programs on relevant topics are shown on TV.