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The image of a blonde is gentle, attractive and calm. Most often, girls with blond hair have light eyes (blue, gray or green). Effective makeup for blondes must take into account the shades of skin, hair and eye color - only in this case the image will be flawless.

General makeup rules for blondes

1. If your hair color is natural, then when choosing a palette of cosmetics you need to take into account your eye color. Dyed blondes should be guided by their skin tone.

2. Girls with blond hair should avoid using black eyeliner or eyeliner - such cosmetics weigh down the face and make the image rougher; the ideal color of pencil or eyeliner is brown or gray.

3. The lighter the hair, the calmer the shades of makeup should be. By the way, blondes come in both cold and warm types. And this is also expressed in the choice of a palette of cosmetics.

Makeup for natural blondes with light eyes: basic palette

Step 1. To even out the complexion, use pink-beige or light pink foundations. The powder can be white and pink. If your skin tone is slightly yellowish, then you can use a nude tone or a tone with a pinkish-yellow tint.

Step 2. When doing eye makeup, choose gray, blue and silver shadows (for cool types) or beige-brown shades (for warm types). The contour of the eyes can be emphasized with a blue, gray or light brown pencil. Gray or blue mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

Step 3. Cheekbones are slightly emphasized with blush in a soft pink or coral shade.

Step 4. As for the choice of lipstick, shades of coral or pink are suitable for “cold” blondes, beige and golden ones are suitable for “warm” blondes. For evening makeup you can use the same shades, but in a more saturated version.

Makeup for blondes with green eyes

Makeup for blondes with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with gray-green eyes

Makeup for blondes with blue-gray eyes

Makeup for blondes with light brown and dark brown hair and light eyes

Step 1. Apply to cleansed facial skin. Foundation flesh-colored with a pinkish tint. When choosing powder, makeup artists advise paying attention to light peach shades.

Step 2. To emphasize the depth of the look, you should pay attention to gray, silver, blue and dark gray shadows (“cold” type) or light brown tones (“warm” type). The contour pencil is chosen in blue or gray. Mascara can be blue, gray or brown.

Step 3. Apply peach blush. The shade should be chosen depending on personal preference.

Step 4. Lipstick can be pink (light or deep), gold, beige or coral. By the way, blondes can use lip glosses without lipstick.

Makeup for a blonde with gray eyes

Makeup for a blonde with green eyes

Makeup for a blonde with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with ash hair, light or dark eyes

Step 1. When applying foundation, girls with fair skin and light eyes should choose nude or pink foundations. If a girl has brown eyes, you can opt for ivory and yellowish-brown products.

Step 2. As for eye makeup for blondes, gray or blue shadows are suitable for light-eyed girls, brown-eyed girls can use bronze or brown shades. The same rules should be followed when choosing an eyeliner pencil, which can be gray, blue or brown. Mascara is used in gray or brown.

Step 3. Blush of brown or pink-beige colors is applied to the cheekbones.

Step 4. Girls with ash hair When choosing a lipstick color, you can pay attention to coral, carrot, pink or golden shades. In the same color scheme lip glosses are also chosen.

Makeup for blondes with brown eyes (photo)

Makeup of a blonde with blue eyes

Makeup for blondes with gray eyes

Makeup for a blonde with green eyes

Makeup for brown hair with dark skin

Step 1. Beige or yellowish creams, as well as powder with a bronze tint, are suitable as the main foundation.

Step 2. When choosing eye shadow, focus on the color of the iris. Beige, blue and bronze shadows are suitable for blue-eyed girls. Those with green eyes should choose gold or gray eyeshadow. For those with brown eyes, green, purple, beige and brown palettes are suitable. To contour the eyes of this type of girl, it is better to use eyeliner (pencil) of dark brown or dark gray color. Black mascara is acceptable.

Step 3. Choose blush with a brownish or bronze tint; raspberry and peach are also suitable.

Step 4. Those with blond hair and dark skin can be advised to use beige, golden, carrot and light red lipstick. For evening makeup, shades of plum, red grape and red-brown are suitable.

Makeup for a blonde with brown eyes

Makeup for a blonde with gray eyes

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes

Makeup for green-eyed blondes

Makeup for blondes with red lipstick

Makeup for blondes step by step

The key is to cleanse your skin before applying makeup. Blondes should have perfectly clean skin. If redness or peeling appears, you need to cleanse your face and necessary procedures on nutrition and hydration. If cosmetic defects cannot be eliminated, corrective agents can be used.

Step 1. Apply the base with a sponge dipped in water. The texture of the cosmetic product should be as airy as possible so that the face does not look “heavy”. Apply loose powder on top of the base, the shade of which is half a tone darker than the shade of the foundation.

Step 2. Eyebrow makeup for blonde. Blonde girls rarely have expressive eyebrows, so they definitely need to be further emphasized. For correction, you can take olive or light brown shadows and apply them along the hairline. The application brush should be pre-wetted with water to make the eyebrows look brighter. In order not to perform this procedure every day, we can recommend permanent eyebrow makeup for blondes - this will reduce the time of applying makeup, and the eyebrows will always look impressive.

Step 3. Eye makeup. On the upper eyelid you need to apply the lightest shadows from the color palette that suits a certain type of blonde. The same shade is applied to the inner corner of the eye and to the brow area. A dark shade of eyeshadow is applied to the outer corner of the eye and crease, and shaded. If you want to emphasize the eye line, you should not use eyeliner or pencil in too contrasting colors - this will make the look heavy.

Step 4. Lip makeup for blondes. When choosing the right shade, it is important to take into account that girls with thin lips are better off using a pearlescent lipstick texture. If your lips are full, choose a lipstick with a matte texture. The contour is first drawn, and the lipstick itself is applied with a special brush - this allows you to apply the cosmetic carefully and sparingly.

You can see evening makeup options for blondes. Makeup for blondes for a wedding raises a lot of questions, options for which can be viewed. Another option for girls with blond hair is makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe. Examples of natural daytime makeup and makeup in the “nude” style are given below.

Business makeup for blondes

Natural makeup for blondes

Delicate makeup for blondes

Nude makeup for blondes

Dark makeup for blondes

If you are planning a night out, then keep in mind that a certain color of a spectacular outfit implies a special type of makeup. Let's consider makeup options for black and red evening dresses.

Makeup for a blonde under a black dress

1. The shades of cosmetics should be quite bright and saturated. The ideal option for going out in a black dress would be smoky eye makeup for blondes, tutorials of which can be viewed on our website. It is important to use rich purple or gray shadows, graphite and dark brown shades. Choose the eyeliner color (if using) graphite or purple.

2. It is better to use dark gray mascara. You can try using false eyelashes. Just be careful that the image does not turn out vulgar.

3. Lipstick should be rich. Important rule: spectacular black dress and pearlescent lipstick are not compatible. Choose a cosmetic product with a matte texture.

Makeup for a red dress for a blonde

1. We achieve perfect tone faces. This is important because the red dress is very “capricious” and against its background any flaws will become instantly noticeable.

2. Light shadows are applied to the upper eyelid. Girls with blue, blue or gray eyes should choose a white and blue palette. For brown-eyed blondes, a sand color scheme is suitable. You can use gray or purple eyeliner. Eyelashes are painted with mascara.

3. Apply blush in a cool pink shade to the cheekbones.

4. It is better to choose a calm lipstick color. Beige or pink shades are ideal.

Makeup ideas for blondes (photo)

We continue our topic about makeup for green eyes and different hair colors. You have already become familiar with what he is like. Today we are talking about blondes!

To begin with, they are waiting for you stellar examples makeup for green eyes blondes, and having seen enough of beautiful photos stars, you can study the theoretical foundations 😉

Makeup for green eyes of blondes: examples of stars

Young actress Amanda Bynes is a classic blonde with green eyes. As we see in the photo, Amanda prefers for daytime makeup soft peach tones, refreshing the face. Evening makeup is more intense, used pink-brown lipstick and blush tones.

Let's look in more detail for the evening makeup of the actress. Amanda Bynes is still very young, but still, black eyeliner makes her look a little older. However, due to the fact that Amanda in this photo does not have a completely blonde hair color, but highlights, dark roots maintain the color of the eyeliner and it does not look vulgar. Well, skillfully applied shimmer helps to emphasize the freshness of the face.

Amanda Bynes: day and evening makeup

Erin Heatherton has one interesting feature: freckles. She is a pronounced representative of the Summer color type. In her makeup, green-eyed blonde Erin Heatherton strives primarily to emphasize her beautiful olive eyes. For evening makeup, she chose black mascara and bright lipstick, but in everyday life she loves brown tones of eye shadow and colorless lip balm. Why hide freckles? They add charm to the image!

Erin Heatherton: day and evening makeup

The famous tennis player Maria Sharapova prefers dull makeup even in the evening. Naturalness is the trump card of this green-eyed celebrity. However, many athletes prefer minimal makeup. Green eyes Maria Sharapova's looks attract attention because they are balanced with the rest of the image, and nothing distracts attention from them. Peach tones suit the tennis player very well!

Maria Sharapova: day and evening makeup

Marissa Miller's eyes green-brown color. It's because they're dark that Marissa can use darker eyeliner than is customary in makeup for green eyes of blondes.

In the model's daytime makeup, the emphasis is on perfect skin; barely noticeable blush completes the picture. Evening makeup - with bright lipstick. Notice how Marissa Miller's teeth look even whiter compared to her!

Marissa Miller: day and evening makeup

Heidi Klum

A fashion model known for her charming smile, star Heidi Klum has brown-green dark eyes. She clearly prefers lipstick in nude style and brightly lined eyes. Rosy cheeks play an important role in Heidi Klum's makeup. Please note: blush color - peach, not pink.

Heidi Klum: day and evening makeup

Sarah Michelle Gellar chooses dim smokey eye makeup for gray-green eyes- for both evening and everyday makeup. Evening makeup is characterized by brighter lipstick and the use of highlighter.

Sarah-Michelle Gellar: evening and day makeup

Charlize Theron

Blonde Charlize Theron has blue-green eyes(very beautiful shade!). The favorite eyeshadow color is brown, which perfectly emphasizes the unusualness of the eyes. Charlize Theron's image is delicate, so the makeup colors are especially delicate. The use of shimmer is indicative.

Please note: for evening makeup for green eyes, Charlize Theron used golden shadows!

Makeup of green-eyed Charlize Theron: evening and daytime

And the last in the selection of green-eyed blondes for the site is Scarlett Johansson. She has honey-colored hair and gray-green eyes. Scarlett Johansson prefers brighter makeup, making lips juicy and inviting, but the emphasis on the eyes is minimal. Here she is conservative and prefers all shades of brown.

Evening and day makeup of Scarlett Johansson

Makeup for green eyes of blondes: rules

A blonde with green eyes is very beautiful, but inept makeup can ruin everything. And first of all, this concerns the choice of colors for makeup.

General rule in Makeup for green eyes of blondes - use predominantly warm tones. Cold “summer” and “winter” shades most often do not suit green-eyed blondes.

Although - experiment will decide everything! If you really want to try it, try it and evaluate the reflection in the mirror. Do your eyes shine? Is your skin color healthy? Do your teeth appear whiter? Yes? Then it suits you!

Now let's look at the specifics in choosing makeup for green eyes of blondes. Particulars are individual cosmetic products: eye shadow, lipstick, lip gloss, blush, and so on.

1. Shadows for green-eyed blonde

Options for eyeshadow shades for green-eyed blonde:

  • Brown: from very light to dark chocolate
  • Peach
  • Taupe
  • Olive
  • Dark green
  • Ocher
  • Golden
  • Dark purple
  • Plum

And another piece of advice: blondes with green eyes are better off choosing shadows with glitter, pearl or shimmer– this will make your look more lively!

2. Eyeliner, pencil

If black eyeliner is a given, then for green eyes there are different rules. The fact is that the black color of the eyeliner is too bright for the makeup of green eyes of blondes and can even make you look old! It is best to completely abandon it and use only black mascara.

The most successful makeup option for a green-eyed blonde is brown or gray pencil or liquid eyeliner.

3. Lipstick and lip gloss

Choose lipstick for daytime makeup "nude" shade, pink-brown, peach and pale coral tones suit you best. And no dark lip pencil, you're not a Barbie doll!

For lip augmentation effect Apply a couple of drops of gloss to the middle of the upper and lower lips and slightly blend to the sides.

For daytime makeup, you can choose a very soft pink-brown or peach lip gloss.

4. Blush

to the color of your skin

5. Evening makeup

Evening makeup for green eyes of blondes simply must be brighter than daytime!

Achieve chic in the most popular ways among green-eyed blondes:

  • More gold in makeup. Yes, the image of a golden beauty is just for you! You can even take a golden shimmer and lightly dust your face with it. If you don't like gold, then choose copper!
  • Bright lips. Favorite image of green-eyed blonde Scarlett Johansson! (see photo above). It is important to choose your shade of bright red lipstick. Try bright red tones with a yellow note, coral, brick, even carrot!
  • Smokey eyes. No black, only those shades that the site listed above in paragraph "Shadows for green-eyed blonde"! I assure you - it will be perfect!

5. Color taboos in makeup for blondes with green eyes

  • Blue and all its shades. Even turquoise won’t suit you :) Alas, blue shades “kill” green color eyes: eyes appear watery, of unknown color. And you seem older!
  • Cool pink. Warm pink-peach tones are all right, but cold bright pink ones will instantly kill all the natural color of a green-eyed blonde. If these are shadows, then the eyes will look tear-stained; if you wear lipstick, your teeth will appear yellow. Both are ugly!
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Girls with blond hair, different shades of blond or fair-haired beauties always attract a lot of attention. And if they have green eyes, then this is doubly beautiful. The charm of green-eyed blondes is undeniable, but every such beauty wonders how best to highlight her eyes, so as not to overdo it with shades and not place unnecessary accents. You will learn about these and other questions below.

Makeup Features

Very often girls make many mistakes when creating seemingly simple makeup . Make-up for green-eyed blondes involves many nuances, but I would immediately like to note that such ladies can use a variety of shade palettes - warm, nude and natural, of course, there should be accents, but everything should be in moderation, a lot depends on the shade of the eyes and skin. Try not to use a lot of dark shades or place more than two accents on your face at the same time.

Cosmetic products should emphasize the natural beauty of girls, and not radically change and make dolls out of girls, so be careful and attentive.

Common Mistakes

One of the most common mistakes is using foundation several shades darker than your skin tone. Very often blondes are guilty of this. But if your skin is pale and your face is smeared with red cream, believe me, this will not add beauty to you. For a light tan, you can use bronzer (but again, in moderation) or powder with a light tanning effect, but then apply it to the neck and shoulders for a harmonious effect.

Makeup artists recommend that green-eyed blondes refrain from very dark “smoky eyes” and black shadows for daytime makeup. These shades can be worn for a party, but in moderation and in a very good combination.

The lip contour should not be darker than lipstick or gloss; it is better to decorate the lips in one color or not use a pencil at all. Green-eyed, fair-haired ladies can and should use green shadows, but they should not match the eyes; it is better to choose several shades lighter or darker.

Different shades of eyes

Eyes of a cold jade shade are very versatile; they allow you to experiment in every possible way with different makeup. For such makeup, dark shades will look very good. For makeup for a party or any other celebration, it is best to use deep marsh shades, dark green and chocolate. It will be very successful to mix them together and make smooth transitions using shading. A good solution for highlighting the eyes would be a black liner and French arrows. For daytime makeup, it is best to use nude and warm shades; it is advisable not to go overboard with green, but choose something pale pink and beige with brown. Also, shadows with gold or beige options, which can be supplemented with gold pigment, are perfect for jade eyes.

You can design your eyelashes at your discretion, make them as long or as lush as possible.

Gray-green and sea green eyes will be perfectly emphasized by silver and gray shadows. You can add subtle shades of blue, but only in very small quantities. It's best not to use a dark palette, but black eyeliner won't hurt.

For gray-green eyes, all chocolate options, as well as options with the addition of gold glitter, will be successful shades. For evening makeup, shades of purple or wine would be an excellent option.

Lipsticks and lipstick pencils should be used based on eye makeup. The darker the eyes are, the lighter the lipstick should be and vice versa. To visually enlarge your eyes, you can use a white waterproof pencil and line the inner eyelid with it.

Blondes with light green eyes are best to pay attention to rich shades of eyeshadow, which can be complemented with gold or black eyeliner. This way you will create a small but beneficial contrast to the eyes. An interesting option may become double arrows.

Brown-green eyes are perfectly emphasized by milky or chocolate shadows with the addition of a swamp shade.

If the girl has platinum blonde, then her eyebrows can be highlighted with grayish shadows or an eyebrow pencil. If your hair is warm or golden in color, you can highlight your eyebrows with a brown pencil. Shadows for such girls will suit gray, brown, rich green. For the greatest sophistication and sophistication, you can draw brown arrows.

Pink shadows do not always suit green eyes; they can highlight the dullness of the face and give it a sickly look. Try to avoid them.

For green-eyed blondes, it is best to give preference to peach and beige blush. You can choose a pink lipstick, be careful with red shades, but they will look good on tanned skin and golden curls.

Pay attention to the tone

Against the background of a light shade of hair, the skin stands out most of all, so blond beauties should definitely pay attention to their skin. The tone must be perfect. To mask imperfections, you can use a corrector; it can be applied pointwise or correcting certain areas. You should apply foundation on top; if you have dry skin, it is best to use moisturizing fluids, and for ladies with oily skin, mattifying and thick ones. Do not layer foundation under any circumstances, it will be immediately noticeable.

It is best for dark-skinned beauties to use dark blush, but for white-skinned beauties it is best to use soft pink and peach shades, which will easily refresh the face and relieve signs of fatigue.

How to apply makeup correctly step by step?

To ensure that your makeup turns out no worse than that of a real professional, we recommend that you pay attention to all the nuances that relate to the shade of your hair, skin and eyes, and only then start applying cosmetics.

  • Before applying makeup, the face must be pre-prepared(this applies to any makeup, daytime, evening and formal).
  • A cleansed face should be moisturized with your favorite cream..
  • If necessary, apply makeup base or immediately begin distributing the foundation. You can hide all imperfections, bags under the eyes and pimples with the help of a concealer.

  • Next, highlight your cheekbones with blush. or add a gentle blush to the apples of your cheeks.
  • Don't forget about highlighter, which will also refresh the face and give it a natural glow.
  • Eye makeup can be monochromatic or with mixing several shades. Transitions between shades should be shaded very smoothly.

  • If desired, the eyes can be varied French arrows.
  • Eyebrows must be perfectly shaped, hairs should not stick out.
  • Eyelashes can be colored as you wish or use invoices.
  • Lips should be painted based on brightness eye makeup.

For any formal makeup, you should choose durable and waterproof ones. cosmetical tools, and for daytime - lightweight and fluid textures that do not overload the face.

Green-eyed celebrities

Celebrity makeup artists always know how to highlight their clients and prepare them for the red carpet. To make excellent makeup and highlight green eyes and blonde hair, we recommend paying attention to the following stellar examples:

  • World famous green-eyed blonde Charlize Theron highlights her eyes favorably with brown shadows, her face boasts a perfectly even, aristocratic tone. For formal and evening make-up, the actress often uses eyeshadow with gold.
  • Scarlett Johansson quite often chooses red lipstick, thereby perfectly highlighting her golden locks and green eyes. With bright lips, she most often keeps her eye makeup minimal, preferring sandy shades of eyeshadow and nude options.
  • Shocking Lady Gaga also has green eyes, she highlights them with luxurious and unusual makeup, placing many accents and always a win-win. “Smoky eyes” with lush eyelashes look great on her.

General rules for daytime blonde makeup

    IN everyday makeup you can safely abandon the shadows. Or give preference to light beige tones.

    The main thing in daytime makeup is to make it as natural as possible. That is why it is best to use brown mascara instead of black. Eyebrows should be outlined not with a pencil, but with shadows using an eyebrow brush with hard bristles.

    Jet black eyeliner or pencil is not the best the best option for a blonde girl. This color will visually make your look heavier. Choose calmer and softer colors such as gray or brown. The lighter your hair, the lighter the shade should be.

    Choosing the right lipstick or gloss is the most important task in absolutely any makeup. For daytime makeup suitable for blondes nude lipstick. You can read about how to choose such lipstick.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with lip glosses. Peach or pink translucent shades are perfect.

How to do daytime makeup for a blonde?

For daytime makeup, blondes will choose light, delicate shades of shadows, for example, pearl, champagne, peach, beige, light brown, and gold.

To create a beautiful daytime makeup for a blonde, follow our step-by-step instructions.

Apply a light, shimmery eyeshadow to the entire lid (we used Giorgio Armani liquid eyeshadow in shade 8).

Blend matte light brown or light pink shadows along the orbital line with a fluffy brush.

Lightly coat your eyelashes with mascara.

Add dusty rose blush to your cheeks and highlight your lips with a light tint or balm.

This fresh natural makeup in nude style is an excellent solution for any occasion: repeat it if you are going to school, work, a business meeting or a walk with friends.

Examples of other successful daytime makeup options for blondes:

evening make-up

Any girl, going to a party or celebration, tries to create an evening look that will definitely not go unnoticed. Hair, makeup and evening dress must be harmoniously combined with each other.

General rules for evening makeup for blondes

    Don't be afraid to experiment with color when creating evening makeup. Bright colors in makeup look beautiful and harmonious if handled correctly.

    Maintain balance. Focus your evening makeup on either your lips or your eyes.

Evening makeup for blondes – which shades to choose?

In order to choose the right makeup shades, pay attention to your skin.

Bright skin

Blondes with fair skin will suit cosmetics in both warm and cool shades. And in eye makeup you should stick to cool tones: metallic, blue, blue, gray, pink, purple.

Lipstick in light lilac, light raspberry and red-brown shades will look great on blondes with fair skin. Also, fair-skinned blondes can afford to wear red lipstick of any tone. We have already discussed in the article how to choose the right red lipstick.

Dark skin

If you are a blonde with a golden skin tone, then in evening makeup it is best for you to use cool tones: blue, pale pink, lilac.

An excellent evening makeup option for dark blondes is a golden shade of eye shadow plus brown mascara.

Beige lipstick goes perfectly with golden or tanned skin. If you want to emphasize your lips with red lipstick, then “drive in” a thin layer of pigment with your fingertips. Also, blondes with dark skin can use red-brown shades of lipstick. Don't be afraid to experiment!

How to do evening makeup for a blonde?

It’s better to play up classic makeup with arrows and red lips a little in your own way. So, instead of black eyeliner, you can try using dark brown.

Find an example of beautiful evening makeup for a blonde in our video.

Evening makeup for a blonde: photo instructions

First, prepare the eyelid with shadows, creating a pattern that emphasizes the natural contour of the eye. Then makeup with arrows will not make your eyes narrower, but, on the contrary, will visually increase their size.

Flat natural brush Apply golden shadows to the entire eyelid, then highlight the outer corner of the eye and the orbital line with matte brown shadows.

Draw arrows, paint the space between the lashes with a black or dark brown eyeliner, and apply thick mascara to the eyelashes.

Highlight your lips with berry-colored lipstick. For a softer effect, blend the border of the lipstick. The easiest way to do this is with a regular cotton swab.

Add a lipstick-like blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend toward your cheekbones. Emphasize the sub-zygomatic space with a dry brown corrector.

Examples of other successful evening makeup options for blondes:

Smokey Ice

General rules for smoky eye makeup for blondes

    Perform all actions carefully. Unfortunately, this will require practice. Makeup newbies can read all about smokey eyes.

    Choose the right shades. Our recommendations below will help you with this.

Makeup for blondes - how to choose a shade for smoky eye?

Blue eyes

For smokey eye makeup, blue-eyed blondes can choose any shade of blue eyeshadow. Except those that perfectly match the eye color.

Also with blue eyes Warm, sunny shades will be combined - sand, golden, peach.

Green eyes

Blondes with green eyes can use green shadows as base shadows in smokey eye makeup. Remember that the shade of the shadows should be different from the shade of the iris. Only in this case will the shadows give the look a mysterious depth.

Green eyes can also be emphasized with brown or gold shades of eye shadow.

Brown eyes

For smokey eye makeup, dark shades of eyeshadow are ideal for brown-eyed blondes: olive, dark gray or brown. If you have brown eyes and fair skin, then you can use lilac or purple eyeshadow.